How to Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID

by | Nov 18, 2024 | Newsletter | 43 comments

Breaking news, guys! I found this manual for how the globalists plan to implement their digital ID control grid in . . . in a . . . uhm . . . an abandoned photocopier? And now I’m going to reveal it to you!

Just don’t ask to see the original document. My dog ate it. Honest! Anyway, it’s as I always say: don’t verify, just trust me, bro!

So, without further ado, here is the elitists’ super-secret handbook on How To Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID: A Guide for Left- or Right-wing Authoritarians.


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    • The US Department of The State already has a social credit score system for would be legal immigrant, at least those seeking US citizenship coming from Zimbabwe. People are scored based upon their social media presence (or lack thereof) and content as well as their career positions, wealth and their submission to their current government.
      Once they’ve been chosen for application in the lottery, then they have to show their social status and worth.

      • The great news for those that invest in the most ancient living currency and decentralized economic model on the planet is that the living Earth’s “credit score” is based purely on the degree of which you give back to her living soil, how much you develop reciprocal relationships with the more than human world and the pattern recognition you develop to perceive her wisdom, or not.

        No secrets or in clubs that get better deals in that economy. What you put in you get out (and then some). If you care, you are cared for in return. You get what you give. 😉

    • I leave my phone behind when I want to escape and I’m doing that often. Digital ID would mean no escape option as you likely won’t be able to access systems without it. There’s still a big gap in the tyranny that comes with carrying a phone and Digital ID. Additional options are available for phones that can also reduce their access. I don’t care much for phones related tracking but I can still manage that.

  1. I agree.
    No, I am not being sarcastic. You were star castic!
    The 2008 clip (photocopier . . . again!) was fun.

    Good luck on finding an honest narrative that can catch on. My money is on evolution of consciousness. But that will take many generations, I reckon.

      • I don’t know just what you mean. Likely exists in iterations? Please translate.

        I think what James is doing is great and necessary, but that is based on my religious (superstitious?) idea that society will eventually heal itself, and this exposure and articulation of truth is a necessary, actually vital, part of that process.
        I am just not attached to the date of the relief from this mendacious era we are in. It seems like the time scales may be hundreds of years, but things are accelerating.
        Thank you for your great and talented work, James.

        • Iterations of civilization over time.

          More simply stated, there is always a small group that believes in the potential of collective consciousness to evolve and “enlighten” itself. They tend to be a small percentage compared to the rest, and realize humans have an ability to choose for themselves, always.

          To me, this is why movements like “voluntarism” rarely catch on, yet, they still represent an acknowledgement to the choice to abide by a different code.

          • Thanks for the reply. I am still having a quite unclear picture of what you are doing. Do you have a physically proximate group of friends to commiserate with? Do you have an echo chamber on the internet? Is anyone close to you on a personal level?

            I, personally, have resigned myself to a somewhat lonely existence, when it comes to these big societal issues. I am currently not writing songs or making memes and art anymore, due to my limited physical energy. I have a wife and kids, but my former contacts, dating back to 9/11 and anti-fluoride activism, have gone gaga for Trump. So we just irritate each other. I also know a lot of fellow musicians. So many of them are vehement democrat shills now. But the ones who aren’t, are Trumptards or Hopium addicts, at best.
            I am getting old, and don’t expect to see the land of milk and honey in this lifetime, But I hope for a world with more honesty and light for future generations, including my progeny.
            Meanwhile, I do engage with everyone, especially ‘normies’ and conspiracy haters, trying to spread the word. What else can we do?

            • and thank you for your own replies… I am not doing much at this point. I can relate to what you have said about people in your circles serving as irritants in the current times based on various belief camps they may be in.

              I had a group of people whom I could express my various perspectives around, but then covid came, and I didn’t relent in my perspective of what I felt was happening, while others all tapped out to varying degrees.

              Now, they have all returned to “normalcy” and I cannot forget how it all played out. It feels like some kind of weird joke was played on anyone who maintained genuine integrity through the whole process.

              Thankfully, I have had enough personal challenges in life to know that there is a much bigger picture to all of this; and yes, I feel the next level of the “psyop” is going to involve religion.

              thank you for the back and forth.

              • As a group, it turned out that we were not that special after all, when it came to really prioritizing truth over selfish or cowardly rationalizations. Most showed the sheeple streak, when given the chance. So this corroborates my long held suspicion that, when it comes to very basic traits, like integrity,courage,intelligence, etc., the spectral lines are very similar for many populations. The truther group was no exception.

              • ‘Dark Maga Assemble‘ is a video Elon Musk tweeted Nov 5.

                Replete with occult symbols and messages. Full of jump cuts and hidden scenes. Trump is named the Green Man. The Green Man is another name associated with the god Tammuz. Sylvester Stallone strangely said of Trump at Mar A Lago “We are in the presence of a mythical character. This individual does not exist on this planet.”
                The NAR, “ The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a theological belief and controversial movement that combines elements of Pentecostalism, evangelicalism and the Seven Mountain Mandate to advocate for spiritual warfare to bring about Christian dominion over all aspects of society, and end or weaken the separation of church and state” was a big part of getting Trump into office. They preach a false (unscriptural) gospel. They were duped. Trump is in no way a humble follower of Christ, few are…there is not any worldly glory or power in it. The church has historically viewed the Vatican as the first beast in the Book of Revelation. It is looking like the American Church is turning into the second beast.
                Yes, there will be war against the saints again. We are certainly in the last church age of Laodociea. Jesus asked the question once; “When I return will I find faith on the earth?” I thought as a child, of course! There are churches everywhere! Now I know all that glitters is not gold.
                * Sylvester quote:

  2. Great wit. Tickled me quite some. I once commented on a Telegraph article quite some years back. I called the Lib/Lab/Con democratic illusion the ‘same old shite, different wrapping paper.’ It quickly got many upvotes before being taken down within the hour.

  3. The problem I think is the tendency people have to segregate themselves. Maybe it’s a natural inclination among people especially when they feel threatened. There’s some subconscious urge or button that they know how to push and use effective marketing. You know like what Edward Bernays and the like discovered.

    So how do freedom loving people put out their own propaganda en mass? People aren’t going to love each other or work with their ideological opponents I’m afraid. Maybe a few can put their differences aside but people are so angry and psychologically traumatized breaking through to the part of the brain that sees things logically will be difficult.

    I mentioned this before, but people are addicted to this technology and to their hate. There is something about hate that is compelling maybe. There are some very entrenched mechanisms being triggered by authoritarians that are taking over the logical mind.

    How does one combat that? I don’t know. I’m not a PhD in behavioral psychology with access and understanding of decades of research.

    We need a think tank that is well funded and maybe private. The best minds who see working together. This is why they are putting fluoride and other toxins in our water and food supply. They want people stupid lowering people’s IQs so they don’t see the patterns.

    Anyway, thanks for the reminder and for your hard work James Corbett. You are a great human being.

    On a bright note, I do think there are probably hacks for this tech.

  4. One thing I know about addictions is that it is a hijack of the conscious mind by subconscious urges and I think there is a physical rewiring of the brain. I also know that people must want to quit in order to have the motivation to do it.

    When people feel hopeless, they will just fall further into addiction. Sometimes a replacement for the addiction helps. In fact, this has been very effective for many people. Healthy diet, exercise and supplements can help the brain recover. Then having a meaningful activity that provides a richer experience that is better than the addiction helps.

    As far as hating people goes and if that’s an addiction, I don’t have any suggestions for that yet. I think anger is natural and can be extremely motivating. It’s actually healthy if it motivates positive activity. Like the fluoride activism for example.

  5. Somehow I just don’t “get” the point of your “humor” James?? Since you are not American, nor even living on this continent where is your dog in the fight?

    You trying to say that “Orange man bad” is a stooge of the controllers? You weren’t around for the 60’s but I was. The optimism and joy of a huge breakup of the controllers in DC today is very reminiscent of those days. Your negativism offers no SOLUTIONS but rather more downer talk.

    Those 80 million of us or so who have worked within the system made the best choice offered. While I am not happy with all the pro Israeli/Zionists and Kennedy’s belief in Global Warming, etc. I was an Army Medic and I understand that field dressings and care can save lives, meaning mostly good work intended will help far more then any political choices.

    Getting a generation to grow up on a longer leash is far better then the alternative these days. Watch youtube some time and get some insight into how many truly gifted young people are out there needing some direction for their energy and ideas. Eventually the “leash” of the controllers will not hold them back.

    The analogy of trying to turn an ocean liner is apt here. Millions of good hearted folks are doing their best to change the direction of the stranglehold the controllers have had on us for decades. Really don’t need any negativity from within now do we?


    • This is fake! Everyone knows that they don’t use photocopy machines to share their plans and to address each other in the deep state! They bring their sacrifices to Antarctica and summon the aliens to accept the offering so they can use the multi-universal communication frequencies to telepathically reveal the plan. C’mon James!



    • Oh well James…some of these comments….
      “ Use two factor verification”

      “You trying to say that “Orange man bad” is a stooge of the controllers?”

      “ You weren’t around for the 60’s but I was”.
      Oh yes, that age of “freedom for all, unlimited sex, music, drugs” and so. A staged CIA event? They certainly managed the drugs and it’s development. You must know that. Same for Vietnam. Supply the soldiers with heroin and they’ll “cope” with it.
      The creation of the Beatles, Stones etc was created by the media. Like “protesters” are paid today, crazy crowds were created then. Same old scripts over and over again.
      Leading to feminism. Women wanting to work for their “independence”? Look were we are now:
      Fulltime working parents hardly getting by, empty house in the day, wtf our we living for?
      There’s a very clear pattern in this all, which continues in, of course, the entertainment industry, CIA stooge Andy Warhol, Studio 94, the “Factory” and his “followers” (Pallenberg, Blondie, Jerry Hall, to name a few). Quite a bit of interesting leads there. And, not to forget

      Anyways, people believe what they want to believe.
      That’s a fact.

      I’m just so happy with your sharp analyzing, for me you are a torch of brightness and sanity whenever I get so fed up with the stupidity of still too many people..
      Yes, your message is a pain in the ass but it’s exactly as it is..

      I pretty much gave up on creating awareness and so..
      I’ve done my part until last week.
      I’m done.
      (my last action was about the coming invasion of 94.000 refugees in the Netherland – “it’s the law and we have to follow it”).

      My former actions have been partly been driven by the question:
      “If you have knowledge, but you don’t practice it/share it, what is it good for?”

      But I’m just fed up.
      People believe what they want to believe.
      Or need to believe what they do believe (job wise, reputation wise, whatever).

      So my answer to that question is: Freedom.
      I don’t HAVE to do anything. I don’t HAVE to share anything with people who aren’t even open for it. Why should I? Waste of time and energy.

      Their choice is their responsibility, not mine.
      So let the flood come.
      So be it.
      As long as I can stand it, I won’t go with their flow.
      Bending without breaking?

      We’ll see where all this coming madness will lead us all.

      • “some of these comments….
        Use two factor verification”

        Speaking about two-factor verification…

        It keeps rearing its ugly head in my neighbourhood.

        This evening yet another Big Bank refused to let me gain access to my online bank accounts unless I toed-the-line and agreed to
        set up ‘2-Step Authentication’. I refused to do so and called the bank to engage in futile conversations with two agents there (one a supervisor) to let them know what I thought about their new <cough> “security measure”.
        They are implementing the ‘2-Step Authentication’ to keep us safe and secure. Yeah right. I tried to explain to them where this is all going… Digital ID etc. etc. and of course they didn’t have a clue about it.

        “The creation of the Beatles, Stones etc was created by the media.”

        I wouldn’t say “created” but certainly nurtured and heavily promoted.
        Just as was the official 9/11 narrative and the Covid narrative etc.

          • Yes regular user/password, same as the past 20+ years.

            Now over the decades they have made the password more and more ‘secure’ (longer, numbers + letters + #$ etc.).
            I don’t have a problem with lengthening it even more.

            But doing the ‘2-step authentication’ dance?
            Nope that’s not for me. Because I know where they want to take it next.
            It also ties me down to my home if I want to access my accounts because I don’t use a cell phone.

            • 2FA (using some sort of token) is a standard for accessing online banking here. I was not aware they had options. I guess we normalize different, sometimes unexpected things. Come to think of it, to access online banking via my desktop I have to use the token, while the alternative mobile application uses only a password/pin. There is no username. The “logic” is likely such that the mobile phone will be protected by a pin so that’s the added level of security.

              But I was in a similar predicament a few years ago when the company I work for started “requiring” 2FA via a, no less than MS, authentication application. I wasn’t even required, it was something like “we are now doing this and you need to do this and that”. They also wanted to use my personal email address and phone number. When I gave them shit about it, people were honestly surprised. I doubt anyone else had an issue with any of this in the entire company. The concept of privacy seems to be completely nebulous to most people.

              We settled on them pissing off from my mobile phone number, we used a temporary/disposable email address and I used an old mobile phone I have laying around for their precious 2FA. Should have just quit right there and there and spared myself the aggravation.

              • Yeah they are using different variations of the same theme all around the world.

                You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on and where this is all heading.
                Unless …. you happen to be Joe Normie who doesn’t think twice about all the extra layers of red tape they are piling on us in the name of safety and security. It’s all for our own good.

                We must protect the children from kiddie porn.
                We must prevent under-age kids from accessing dangerous social media.
                We must prevent illegal immigrants from taking over America.
                We must prevent nefarious computer hackers from cracking your passwords and accessing
                your bank accounts.

                And then … finally they will tell us, “We’ve got some great news for you! Remember all those extra security features we forced you to use? Well you can kiss them all good-bye. We are officially rolling out a universal system that doesn’t require any of them. Yes you heard that right. And the best part is that it’s totally safe, secure and free! It’s called ‘digital ID’. This is how it will work …”

              • Of course, when people realize the endgame is to authorize payments with an anal probe, it’s going to be a wee to late.

  6. If “for the children” isn’t enough motivation, a widespread cyberattack on people’s bank accounts would work. One frequently cited reason for digi ID is to protect your identity and assets. And it’s hard to argue with that when the scammers are getting better and better. Of course the more digital commerce we use , and we all use debit cards , the more likely it is that we will be defrauded. Stay alert . Use two factor verification and avoid cheap gas stations.

    • “If “for the children” isn’t enough motivation, a widespread cyberattack on people’s bank accounts would work.”

      Absolutely, that would certainly do the trick.
      And they are priming and prepping us for this with their ‘2-Step Authentication’ nonsense (see above).

      Oh gee, our ‘2-Step Authentication’ wasn’t enough. We were still attacked.
      Well I guess now we are left with no choice but to bring on the digital ID’s.

  7. Moo, coming to Florida soon. Central Fl politics is spicey. The now jailed tax commish hired the guy that heads up this bc endeavor. Good buds w M gaetz and stole 8 mil from our county. Started a bitcoin biz on our dime also. The stories I could tell are unbelievable.

    While Ive been hacked on my EMR and thats personal, my credit card, my email but my DL has never been hacked and this digital smart but not smart enough to work digital ID that lost 2 mil dollars to develop is only is good for TSA

  8. I drink coke-a-cola for the nostalgia – my parents and grandparents drank it – it’s just what you do.

    Well, I drink diet coke-a-cola because I want to be healthy.

    Coke-a-cola is healthier than diet – diet has too many artificial sweeteners and bad chemicals.

    Diet is healthier because regular coke has all that sugar that causes obesity and diabetes.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa… you’re both being misguided. Both regular coke and diet are horrible for you. Here, what you need is coke zero. Cheers, to tradition and good health.

    What does it even mean to be healthy? Are we deciding for ourselves? Are the marketers deciding for us?

    What does it mean to you to live free? What are you told freedom is? Do we have rights? Are rights given?

    A good friend of mine once said, “I don’t demand my rights, I live them.” Her name is Mary. Be like Mary.

  9. Hey James,

    I don’t know if you have checked out the swiss propaganda research (now swiss policy research: website recently?

    They added a looot of material, specially interesting stuff that was added last year and this year on simulated terrorism and “media and propaganda”. Their analyses are usually well researched and high quality, if you haven’t yet, you should check them out again.

  10. Two minute Video linked by James Corbett’s newsletter
    “How to Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID”

    Donald Trump: “We will finally complete the biometric entry/exit visa tracking system”
    2 minutes

    Sep 1, 2016. Donald Trump: “We will finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system, which we need desperately. For years Congress has required biometric entry-exit visa tracking systems but it has never been completed. The politicians are all talk, no action. Never happens, never happens… In my administration we will ensure that this system is in place.”

    • Thank you for sharing that. That’s very scary. A good compelling counter narrative is necessary and soon.

      People aren’t getting this logically. I’m not sure people can understand this logically because it is bypassing the conscious mind. And those impulses can get people to do things their conscious mind opposes. And people won’t even see it. If they do, the impulse is so strong that people will follow it.

      A solution is to create an alternative and build it so that people will chose that instead. That is extremely difficult because people are so divided they aren’t collaborating. And pointing out the obvious isn’t breaking the wall.

      • “A solution is to create an alternative and build it so that people will chose that instead.”

        I am in touch with a community of like minded people who are going full-steam ahead with just such an alternative.
        It’s a loophole that’s been in place for a very long time.
        It’s called PMAs (Private Member Associations).
        You basically say bye-bye to government control/taxes etc.

        You associate with members in these groups, socializing, doing business transactions etc. etc. outside of the de facto system that tries to control your life.

        • Get guns. Remember the Bundy affair. Guns and horses. Lots of guns and horses.

          When they asked a guy who owned 50 guns what the hell he needs 50 guns for, he said to hand out 49 when SHTF.

          • Oh you’re absolutely right.

            The PMA’s work just fine so long as they don’t start to catch on big-time.
            If they ever did, that’s when the guns and horses would start to come out.

            Heck they’re even starting to come out as we speak in the U.S. before catching on big-time.

            Remember Amos Miller the Amish farmer who
            is running a PMA for his Amish customers?

            Look what they did to him.

    • What would be a solution to immigration that could be implemented in today’s world? People aren’t on the same “wavelength” I’m afraid. And I mean a lot of people.

      Say a person doesn’t want mass immigration because they are essentially sitting ducks to armed cartels and others who will violate their natural rights. What’s the solution that doesn’t involve biometric ID that will fly with people’s state of mind in the here and now?

      There are old folks and others who need help protecting themselves from people flooding across the border.

      It’s sort of like the “defund the police” idea. I mean in an ideal world, we wouldn’t need police but we aren’t there and people do need protection and “rule of law.”

      Some people can’t protect themselves.

      There is strength in collective action. It applies pressure to the “powers that should not be” and they back off.

  11. THEY and the ‘Problem’ Narrative.

    When you look at the series of election cycles, one party creates a “problem”, a narrative which the other party opposes.
    Problem, Reaction, and then the Solution is to always vote harder.

    THEY must be laughing at the con, ‘cuz it keeps working every four years.
    For jollies, THEY throw in outrageous problems, incredible narratives like transgender sports.
    THEY get people to really go along with the most outlandish, looney ideas for furthering ‘democracy.’

  12. “We have left-wing voters. We have right-wing voters. That’s everyone, correct?”

    If it’s well known to us plebs that majority of the population don’t vote, or are disillusioned enough to vote with their nose held, ie. “lesser of 2 evils”, then it is only logical that it is even better known to the deep state, that it needs one or more non-partisan candidate for the real silent majority.

    And I dare say, they might have planned for such outlier candidate/s, who might be apolitical, perhaps inclining more towards religious leadership, all the way back in the Agenda 21 era, to build the necessary credentials throughout the decades. Of course during the time of Trump, such candidates would simply just latch on to the Independent Media just as Robert Malone once did.

    I’m seeing possible ones for the Eastern population through Fa Lun Gong, and another for the Western population. They obviously would be saying the right things in the political arenas, as they seem to be angling towards religious leadership, after the West fails dramatically in the coming years. The catch, I think, is how weird their religious or spiritual teachings are. But of course, religious/spiritual teachings are above criticisms, so oh well.

  13. Great material as always James, using levity to illuminate the truth stacks functions psychologically. It opens the heart with laughter (making the brain more receptive) and then (for the uninitiated) it might deliver empowering truth into their brain like a trojan horse.

    For others it helps us cope with the reality of life on Earth in a time when it is dominated by psychopaths, their degenerative statist regimes and increasingly denuded of life, it also helps us feel comradery, lightness of the spirit and gives us arrows in our proverbial quiver of memetic arrows which we can use as warriors of truth. Thanks for that.

  14. I am aware that certain people can overcome two factor authentication, however it stops your basic scammer. James , you might want to look into PhonePe , a digital payment processor being used in India. It uses a protocol called UPI that will replace SWIFT and ACH.

  15. The biometric data collection is already in full force at your local DMV, facial scans “for security”, facial recognition scans at every TSA ID checkpoint, where you’re either being notified OR NOT that you may opt out of it.
    On my recent trip I was not only barraged with such intrusions, once I landed in France I was directed to a neon green lighted booth in which the scan would be conducted, I was treated like a maniac for politely refusing the scan, after repeating myself several times I was begrudgingly led to the manual passport inspection booth where I was stamped without issue.
    Upon returning home I was subjected to the same farce, and treated the same way. Even worse actually when the line monitor sarcastically proclaimed with acid in his tone, “YES, you have RIGHTS” as he led me to the manual stamping booth.
    Enjoy it while you can, because it’s going to get worse.
    I’ll add that my luggage was taken to secondary inspections where things got ugly as I found myself unable to cope with the profound invasion of my privacy as all of my luggage was systematically unpacked and “forbidden liquids” were removed and confiscated. My bad, I should have had my liquids bag out and ready for inspection. I almost ended up in French jail due to my Karen like outburst as I missed my second flight on Air France because of the delay that day.
    Air France by the way is behaving like a company that has nothing left to lose, the money grab is unethical, illegal (confirmed by a friend who works for Lufthansa), and inhuman, and it is allowed to transpire inside the CDG airport. I looked at their stock and it’s been in a nosedive for 5 years, they’re almost finished.

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