How to Meet Like-Minded People – #SolutionsWatch

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Solutions Watch | 104 comments

Forming community with like-minded people has never been more important . . . and it has never been more difficult. As the gatekeepers of our increasingly disconnected world try to close the door on our various options for finding community, today James explores some ways to meet sane people in your area, from the technological to the old-fashioned.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4


Freedom Cells and The Greater Reset – #SolutionsWatch


Anti-Vax App Squares Off With Google, Apple Over Misinformation

Apple removes anti-vaxx dating app Unjected from the App Store for ‘inappropriately’ referring to the pandemic. The app’s owners say it’s censorship.

Salting Your Data – #SolutionsWatch

Disney put more than $400 million into Vice Media. Now it says that investment is worthless.

Anti-Vaxxers Are Building Their Own Craigslist to Get Away From the Vaccinated

“Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim

Man is stabbed in massive brawl between Antifa rioters and anti-vaccine protesters outside Los Angeles city hall


  1. I have just been asking questions of the vaccine passport supports. Why are you so afraid of unvaccinated people. Everyone can still get and spread.

    My thoughts are that they don’t trust the vaccine that they received to protect them. Rightly so, according to page 17 of the Epidemiological summary – link below. In Canada as of July 14 – 3417 fully vaccinated people got Covid and 92 people died with it. Rate of death is .0269…. much higher than the unvaccinated. 97.31% survival rate for the fully vaccinated as of July 14, 2021.

    My age group of reported cases 210,833 and 344 died with it. .00163…”death rate” or 98.837 survival rate.

    Total reported in Canada 1,441,497 of which 26,632 died with it – As of August 13, 2021, .0016316 death rate or survival rate of 99.836.

    I try to always say died with it as I don’t believe it is always the cause of the death. I believe the percentages of survival are much higher as asymptotic people never got tested.

    Here are my show notes: 🙂

      • Agreed. So,for example this post was about meeting people but that is not what the comments portray.

        The system has engineered its own collapse.

        I would recommend reading Tainer’s ‘How Civilizations Collapse’.

        Over complexity is his answer to why systems collapse.

        And as to meeting friends, founding communities — fragmentation and alienation are the order of the day. Anomie.

        The system is designed to drive you crazy; ‘menticide’ they call it.

        We are now within the manufacture of mass psychosis.

        Not too user friendly.

        Friends are found in the foundry of struggle. Withdraw from society is a death knell.

        As Orwell stated so well:

        “Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one.… others imagine that one can somehow “overcome” the German army by lying on one’s back, let them go on imagining it, but let them also wonder occasionally whether this is not an illusion due to security, too much money and a simple ignorance of the way in which things actually happen.… Despotic governments can stand “moral force” till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.”

        —George Orwell, author and journalist

        See you at the barricades

        • As much as I love Orwell, I have to disagree with the quote above; I feel it is an oxymoron to say that pacifism is pro-fascist. One being that you choose not to participate in violence and the other is forceful violence. I do see the necessity of fighting for one’s rights especially when it infringes on your personal freedoms but physical force would be vigilante like which I doubt would produce a good outcome.Maybe I need it put into a different perspective.

          See you at the barricades anyway or the Fema camps whichever comes first.

          • Deni
            “… but physical force would be vigilante like which I doubt would produce a good outcome….”

            If you are not prepared to use physical force you are prepared to be a victim. A victim only lives at the sufferance of their master.

            You are alive because someone in your ancestry chose to bash the head open of some person that wanted to do the same to them. Those people that don’t understand that only live because they can out source their violence to the police and military, who are happy to take on the role of Sheep Dogs…. until they turn into wolves

    • Hi VieuxOrdinaire, you seem to be an expert on this so let me ask you a few questions about it.

      Forget all the ‘other’ symptoms of SARS-CoV2, by ‘other’ I mean the typical cold/flu symptoms.

      Let’s just focus on the severe breathing difficulty symptom that leads many to seek hospital treatment.

      Could you give us a reasonable/plausible explanation for why/how people across the globe are coming down with this symptom and more in particular, in clusters and ‘hot spots’?

      Your explanation for the existence of internal ‘virus’ particles is detoxification. What would cause clusters of people to detox at the same time and come down with this particular symptom?

      • Thanks VieuxOrdinaire for your response.

        “The buildup of toxins (such as EMF radiation in Wuhan and Italy)”

        This explanation could work for Wuhan and Italy but not the rest of the world. Therefore it’s not a reasonable one.

        “The sudden focus on these issues alone leads ppl to believe there is a scary virus going around. Imagine we all lay a magnifying glass on all…say…pancreatic cancer cases the coming year. Including number gauges on the bottom right of the TV channels, media coverage all day long, etc. People would be scared sh*tless.”

        To an extent this could be an explanation for overall cases, but it doesn’t work for clusters in an area.

        “Watch a few clips of nurses and how they were told to operate the oxygen devices lately.”

        Again this wouldn’t be a reasonable explanation for cluster cases all around the world.

        “The toxification (environment, water/food, 5G & other EMF, masks, bacterial pneumonia, jabs, not fasting) will likely trigger a seasonal detox reaction.”

        Sure I could understand this, but again it will not explain cluster cases and that’s the reason I asked you about them.

        ” – watch; virusesarenotcontagious
        – Read The Contagion Myth by T. Cowan
        – Read; dr-stefan-lanka”

        I have a lot of respect for Dr. Cowan, Dr. Kaufman and Stefan Lanka and have watched numerous videos with them discussing Covid, germ and terrain theory. I haven’t seen any of them present a reasonable explanation for Covid clusters.

        “The body is on a cycle, everything is. Due to cyclical changes in climate, food, seasons etc the body clears out once every so often (depending on the level of built up cell toxicity).”

        Sure I believe this, but again it will not explain the existence of Covid clusters in an area. The statistical chances that a group of people in close proximity will undergo their detox cycle at the same time and all of them will exhibit the same symptoms and several of them will die shortly after doesn’t sound like the body’s normal detox cycle to me.

        Please use your exosome-detox theory to explain a recent cluster case that occurred in an Okinawa hospital that resulted in 64 deaths.

        Don’t get me wrong. I like the exosome/terrain theory and would be very happy to jump on board with it. But unless/until someone can come up with a convincing reasonable explanation for cluster cases, I will continue to sit on the exosome/terrain theory fence. 🙂

        • “ Don’t get me wrong. I like the exosome/terrain theory and would be very happy to jump on board with it. But unless/until someone can come up with a convincing reasonable explanation for cluster cases, I will continue to sit on the exosome/terrain theory fence. ”

          “ Am I convinced of exosomes? It seems they exist. Do viruses? I have no idea. My jury is still out.”

          Exactly my position also.

        • A plausible explanation to clusters of cases: consider a direct toxin release. This could be any number of substances or biological agents that cause respiratory problems. Could parasites be released some places? I was wondering about this after finding out the dewormer medication is being used by some. Then someone mentioned taking their dog to vet because of probable heart worms (because of a lot of coughing). Read an article today – Releases happen.

  2. Has anyone attended “Sunday Stand in the Park” in their area?

    They have a website that lists the parks that participate so far

    On Sundays from 10 – 11 people gather at a designated spot in the Park.

    I am going to try and visit one here in Massachusetts this Sunday.

    • I am trying to start one such group at my local park. (Scottish highlands) I contacted the website team and they welcomed me on board and sent me details on how to go about advertising and promoting it locally. Very nice people.

  3. Thanks for this episode of solutions watch! Online meeting or introductions are helpful for people who are shy or introverts, like myself.

    Here’s a few links I found about the jab and the possible harms from it that were pretty concise. With these links below, I would also investigate the studies that suggest these injections might be deadly in multiple ways. It sounds like the three ways of harm are the spike protein itself, antibody dependent enhancement, and autoimmunity. I’m sure there are some people who will avoid these effects even if they have had the injection because the body is so complex some people may not react in predictable ways because of their individual genetic and biochemical make up. Nevertheless, it’s certainly not a risk I would take with my own health.

    1.Eight ways the jab may kill you:

    2. Also, another one I found that has a lot of useful information in one spot about the possible dangers of the jab:

    • I recall a normal WBC count which is found in both flu and other viral pneumonias. But I don’t know the trends of the WBC counts because we don’t keep patients in the ER, so I will usually only see one set of labs.

      • Having said that I wasn’t examining the differential of the types of WBCs. I was only looking at whole WBC counts, not at neutrophil counts or band neutrophil counts. These may have been abnormal as well, but I recall in many cases total WBC count was within normal limits.

      • I remember similar presentations before mask mandates and after masks. It seems like masks had little effect, except that they are probably harmful because they limit natural immunity. One of the doctors said masks are harmful to nasal immunity sine you aren’t as exposed to others. He may be wrong though.

        To be honest, I haven’t researched the studies on masks. I don’t think they do much though unless a person that is coughing and sneezing has a mask on, which may limit droplets expelled into the air.

    • Thank you for posting the nojabforme link. It is just what I’ve been looking for — clearly articulated/organized and thoroughly documented information about covid issues to send to people who don’t have enough English to follow most videos and articles, and without excessive cultural baggage such as irony, innuendo, figurative language, allusions to North American political and social issues unfamiliar to much of the world. Most of the information we read and watch daily is only partially intelligible to most speakers of European languages, and not at all to speakers of Asian languages, unless they have very high proficiency in English and considerable cultural knowledge.

      And I discovered Lingvanex. I am sending a Japanese translation of the article, along with a link to the English original, to a couple of Japanese friends.

      Most videos on YouTube have an autotranslate option, but there is almost no information there. Aside from nojabforme, the only useful site I know of that provides a translation option is Global Research. James at least provides a transcript of some of his documentaries, so a Japanese translation can be sent with the video.

      My frustrating (hundreds of hours’) searches have made me realize that the alternative media is directed almost exclusively to the English speaking world and to some Europeans. We are urged to share what we watch and read — with the self congratulatory members of cozy, online salons frequented by people like ourselves. We need communities of like minded people, but do we want only to shelter in place?

      I am looking into how to add subtitles in various languages to videos on various subjects and post them to a web site (other than YouTube, since they would immediately be taken down). But the alternative platforms I know of don’t seem designed for my purpose. On another site I would post translations of key articles. I’m not sure yet how this will be done.

      Thank you for the link!

  4. Would anyone be able to tell me what Mexican community James was referring to in the above video? I am in Mexico with my camper van and will be back on the road in November…looking for the proverbial like minded people.

    • hello, shaz, my name is gabriel, i am in mexico too and i too would like to join that community, did you ever found out the name of that community? i find myself in dire need of like-minded local people whom to get together with, thank you very much in advance

  5. I’m set up amongst a bunch of small rural communities and farms. Right now it seems like most of the people around me are still buying the narrative, so I’m just keeping quiet, but I have the feeling a lot of them will stop buying it as this progresses. I don’t trust any of those internet sites, though I support what they’re doing. I just feel like that’s going to be used to round people up eventually. I’m surrounded by productive, nice, hardworking people….. I’m just going to wait it out and hope the universe brings “us” together when the pressure mounts from “them”.

    • i also don’t trust most anything online as being secure. in some ways regard sites like telegram where discussion is very unrestricted as honeypots to easily concentrate unbelievers. otoh that doesn’t mean i don’t use any, just be cautious and add salt. fan of irl meeting folks where can see so much from bidy language and of course get much more context via history and association.

  6. One day following ”Event 201” and the ”7th Military World Games in Wuhan China” of October 18th, 2019, James Corbett released ”Episode 365 – Lies, Damned Lies, and Government Nutrition Advice” on October 19th, 2019 which he describes:
    ”Nutrition science is almost always a hot, steaming pile of contradictory nonsense. How much worse, then, that our eating habits and dietary guidelines are shaped by the government (and its corporate string-pullers)? Join James for this extra tasty, sugar-free, all organic, non-GMO edition of The Corbett Report.”
    [For YouTube footage of the two October 18th Globalist Events and also James Evan Pilato’s remark during that week of 2019, see this: ]

    The Vision of The Anointed
    •The Anointed identify a problem in society
    •The Anointed propose a Grand Plan to fix the problem
    •Because they are so supremely confident in their ideas, The Anointed don’t bother with proof or evidence that the Grand Plan will actually work
    •If possible, The Anointed will impose the Grand Plan on other people (for their own good, of course)
    •The Anointed assume anyone who opposes the Grand Plan is either evil or stupid
    •If the Grand Plan fails, The Anointed will never, ever, ever admit the Grand Plan was wrong

    The above “Anointed” comes from a fantastic 5 STAR VIDEO recommended by a Corbett Member.
    Presentation via a “Weston A. Price Foundation”
    “Diet, Health and the Wisdom of Crowds” by Tom Naughton of FatHeadMovie. I kid you not, the video will have you smiling!

    Weston A. Price Foundation – Many Corbett Report Members have mentioned this organization.
    A Corbett Member explains what it is:

    The Weston A. Price Foundation helps to sponsor other endeavors.
    For example: The Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF)
    An EXCERPT from HDDF:
    Below you will find resources such as
    Frequently Asked Questions about mandates for masks,
    COVID-19 tests,
    and COVID-19 vaccines
    as well letters to provide an employer, school, or other entity regarding federal law.
    If the document you are looking for is not yet posted below, please check back as we will be posting more asap.

    • Duck
      This PimEyes face-search is unbelievable!!! The privacy violations are obscene.
      Check out this article

      “An investigation by shows the potential for abuse of PimEyes, a free search engine for 900 million faces. Whoever’s photos have been published on the Internet could already be part of their database.”

      “A search engine like PimEyes becomes powerful when it can analyse photos from social media. And indeed: content from Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter and vKontakte also appear on PimEyes. We made screenshots of these search results, including direct links. When we asked the company about it, the answer was: “We don’t scrape any social media sites“.

      “PimEyes was still publicly trying to win law enforcement agencies as new clients at the beginning of June. The FAQ on the PimEyes website stated that investigators could use the search engine to find matching faces on the so-called darknet. But two days after One Zero reported this, the text disappeared.”

      A long, but interesting report. I will NOT be adding my face to its database…
      Maybe a good reason to wear a mask? Hahaha…

      • Torus
        True its pretty horrible… I recall when all those adds were asking us to send photo’s in to see what you’d look like “as A werewolf” or a fairy or whatever back in the early 2000’s. I recall thinking it was sketchy back then.
        Still… if you live in a horrible world you might as well use the tools that help you.

        “..A long, but interesting report. I will NOT be adding my face to its database…..”
        I saw Richard Stallman being spergy and asking people not to upload photo’s of him to the internet… its pretty likely that you and I have out pics on SOME website. I’, also sure the NSA have better tech scraping every social media site

        “..Maybe a good reason to wear a mask? Hahaha…”
        Think they are ahead of us on that , watch the video, lol, but THIS
        MIGHT work, a little. I saw one with lots of face parts to confuse the machines… meh

  7. Maria,
    Let me give you a hug.
    I won’t come on to ya. Let me give you a reassuring, caring hug online.
    We’ll get through all this.

    And a peck on the cheek for all the translations and posts that you do.

  8. Haven’t tried it yet, but Del Bigtree at the Highwire has a new website that supposedly facilitates an online community.

    Also, I subscribe to Catherine Austin Fitts’ Solari website. They are creating something called “Solari Circles” – where you can connect with local folk.

    • I think you are right. There are more than the government is telling us, which is why there’s the new delta variant. They want everyone to take the injection, which makes it even more unappealing.

      I hope people who have second thoughts take the extra step to look more closely at the studies about the “gene based” injections and what possible damage they can cause in addition to supporting an “Apartheid” like system and legitimizing it. Even fraudulent documents legitimizes this paradigm. People must oppose the idea of a biosecurity state if they value freedom.

      People must make this “new normal” appear uncool and fascist like it actually is, not how the media is portraying it.

      But, yeah you are completely right that the numbers of people who are un vaxxed are much higher than they are telling people.

  9. I’d have thought you would know the occult reasoning for the Trans Gender thing.,, you should listen to Chris Knowles from the Secret Sun blog if your interested in that stuff…His siren stuff is creepy AF

    • “How I regretted that, in our desire to discard all useless weight, we had left behind our metal telepathy-proof head coverings.” – bottom left column of page 459 – “Amazing Stories” August 1927 which also contains “The War of the Worlds” by H. G. Wells.

      Ya gotta love those old pulp magazines. Classic.

  10. “… I would want to hack Unjected…”

    Zero need to do that. They ALREADY KNOW what you look at online, if you have a Kindle connected to the web they know what book you are reading and page you lingered over, if you have a phone they know where you go.

    If your not doing illegal things you’ll be fine… if they just round you, a regular person, up for being of an Opinion your already fKked anyway

    • I agree; I have nothing to hide that would incriminate me; I assume that we are always hacked and infiltrated in every on line gathering and venue and I say the same things there that I would to someone’s face in person. If I wanted to organize or plan something there would be no trace of me anywhere and I would not use technology at all, live off the grid and so on but that is not for most people. I want to live a free life and when that gets taken away from me by force then it will be time for that sadly but to run and hide and pretend is something that would not be practical for me. For those who can do that more power to you and I admire it.

  11. “…It’s proved that going outside to protest does not work..”

    Well… its pretty much the only thing you have unless you just want to wait for them to come kill you. Its also the only thing the leadership actually worries about you doing …ehich is why they want you to “..NOT TRUST ANYBODY..” and spend so much time screwing with normal social structures like churches and social clubs where you can know people and see whos a scumbag and whos trustworthy

    They want us in out “cell” phone , lol

    • Protesting can definitely help, but I also think economic boycotts work too. Refuse to support companies who are trying to enforce vaccine passes. Some of these smaller companies depend on us to survive.

      Also picketing businesses who are using vaccine passes is also good. Shame them to see what they are supporting. It doesn’t matter what the reason in, having to show papers in a free country is wrong. Having to wear a “health bracelet” is also wrong. Who the hell wants to live in a world like that? It’s sickening to me. People should be ashamed of themselves and they need to be told what they are doing and why it’s wrong.

  12. off topic. what happened with jeffery tucker at AIER? haven’t read an article in a long time. he isn’t listed as even being on staff. was there a falling out? I’ve found his website so he’s still writing.


    • hello, shaz, my name is gabriel, i am in mexico too, i’m from guanajuato, where do you live? i’m interested in knowing more like-minded local people whom to get together with and sometimes it’s pretty hard to find people here

  13. It kinda pains me to say it, but perhaps just attending a city council or board of supervisors meeting might be a good way to meet like minded folks.

    “San Diego Residents and Community Business Owners Withdraw their Consent and Confront Board of Supervisors Over Vaccine Passport Proposal”

    Some pretty pissed off folks speaking their minds. A good sign.

    • Steve Smith says:
      “perhaps just attending a city council or board of supervisors meeting might be a good way to meet like minded folks.”

      What a great turnout of speakers there in San Diego! Some excellent presentations.
      Like Steve said, “A good sign.”

  14. I wanted to make sure to clarify something that it is an easy mistake to make if you are like myself. After watching the meet like minded people , I went to instead of freedomcells,org. They happen to be two very different websites even if at first glance it will sound like what you were looking for. The latter is more about agorist lifestyle as a libertarian mindset and the .com website is a conservative and purely republican politically motivated website which will also sound very much like something you’d want to be a part of however not the one meant by the corbett show. So they are both very good websites but very different in philosophy. A perfectly easy mistake to make and wanted to bring it to everyone’s attention. Hope you have a laugh at the honest mistake I made. Cheers to a better world where we can be likeminded more often.

  15. What’s changed ? I thought they were pretend anarchists promoting medical tyranny.Didn’t they come into conflict with freedom against medical tyranny people recently ? Regardless of what they stand for , I could not be supportive of any group that has destroyed the cities in the last year and caused so much chaos.

  16. westerncivic

    Antifa are the same kind of paid agents as the Bolsheviks were… they are tools of the Elite and if they are coming out against medical tyranny then you can bet that either its gonna be a false flag or the Elite are ready to move their “revolution” into a new stage…. a big resource grab by the rich, just like the 2nd Russian revolution which over threw the Duma..

  17. We have a thriving freedom network in the US North East. If you live in this area and are looking to connect in real life with like minded people, send an email to and give us your location, email and/or phone number. We will do our best to connect you with someone in your area.

    Be prepared to be vetted in person before being invited to join a freedom group.

    Alternatively, you could come and meet us in person at our Festival in Field – this Saturday, August 21 from noon to 7 in Hudson, NY. Live music, speakers, awesome vendors and organic food!

    More info on our website:

  18. it is a culture of box tickers

    Tuesday am, I stopped for coffee at the usual spot, just like the last 7yrs straight. But this time a security guard blocked my approach and asked for a mask. I claimed while I was on the sidewalk that wasn’t his business by NSW “rules”, he didn’t give a rats ass what I said and very quickly scaled up his stance to, loud angry, threatening & one whisker shy of physical contact; he ordered the people in the shop (who are all my mates) not to serve me,, I told him I had an “exemption” (a NSW box tick form), but he was too worked up, and with no way to express it, just a dull gaze and clenching fists. My coffee came with apologies and for free, while the guard growled in disgust.

    The next day he was ready for me. He stood in full block-mode. I had no mask on. “show me your papers”, I handed him the “statutory declaration” statement, properly witnessed, claiming reduced 02/recirculating bacteria/traumatizing children/and trauma from near death due to a faulty mask (true/while spray painting epoxy paint in a steel hull on ahot day,,), a second page listed links to mask studies that prove harm. He didnt read any of it but his whole demeanor relaxed, he was almost giddy,, tick

    The prison guard heritage here is real. when the goons are present, peop are generally very careful because the hornets sting hard.

    But everyone I know is experiencing heightened levels of anger, “I had a wave of rage wash over me”. I keep wondering if that kind of mood swing, which used to get blamed on hormones or even traumatic memory demons,, could be provoked by a frequency, piggy backed (lilly wave) on the continuous microwave smog that were now trying to float in?

    and on another topic:
    I’m looking for any good references for internment camps that exist or are being built in the USA.

    • That’s a great suggestion, to build strength and resilience by physical activity and also positive mental activities (meditation for example) to be able to fight this productively.

      I also think that there may be greater than 30% of people who know what’s going on.

    • vadoum says:
      “I’m looking for any good references for internment camps that exist or are being built in the USA.”

      Here is an article from August 13, 2021
      Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment’ And ‘Resettlement’ Specialist, Military Documents Lay Out Procedure For ‘Civilian Internees’ by Patrick Howley
      What Is A ‘Civilian Internee’?

      The Army National Guard is actively recruiting for a job position called “Internment/Resettlement Specialist.” People as young as seventeen years old are eligible for the gig, which includes “Search/Restraint” as “Some of the Skills You’ll Learn,” according to an Army National Guard job posting with a job location listed as Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, military documents show that the military can detain civilians here in America, including U.S. citizens. A leaked U.S. Headquarters of the Army document entitled “INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS” describes an official category of detained person called “civilian internee.” A Department of Defense Directive published below discussed “civilian internees” and made it clear that military detainees can be U.S. citizens.

      “In the Army National Guard, you will learn these valuable job skills while earning a regular paycheck and qualifying for tuition assistance. Job training for an Internment Resettlement Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training, where you’ll learn basic Soldiering skills, and seven weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instruction. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and part of the time in the field,”
      states this Army National Guard job posting. Note the location for the job: Washington, D.C.
      [PS – I am sure people will meet Like-Minded folks in one of these camps.]

    • Dogstar
      “..I work out daily and have started adding some martial arts into the mix..”

      Thats something everyone should do, for those that don’t have a club near by I’m posting a few links below your comment on simple training designed to be effective for anyone with minimal training.

      Fairbairn… with GERMAN dub, (hahahaha!) subtitles are on video.

      Home Guard training… with free movie so grandpa did not fall asleep


    • Anger is good, the trouble is that people don’t understand where is it coming from.

      The guard, as mentally deprived as he is, thinks those who don’t abide by the rules are to blane for his anger. Masks are exactly what this sort needs, so that they can see the enemy.

      For others, anger may indicate the just about had enough. But again they don’t understand the source nor why they feel the anger, what’s the reason behind it.

  19. To meet like-minded people, the ever-stylish French have found a fashionable solution; a bracelet!

    “Health pass: Gironde will test a bracelet for bars and restaurants

    If you want to go to a restaurant or a bar in Gironde in the coming days, a bracelet could make your life easier. Provided that you can prove that you have a complete vaccination scheme against Covid-19. Starting Thursday, the department of Gironde is experimenting with “a bracelet” acting as a health pass to facilitate the entry into bars and restaurants. A total of 20,000 bracelets will be made available to establishments at the most popular tourist locations in the Gironde region, including Bordeaux, the Arcachon Basin and Saint-Emilion, according to the departmental UMIH (Union of Hotel Trades and Industry), which has received the approval of the authorities.

    The idea of this test operation was “worked out with the Prefecture to make it conform to rules and regulations”, said AFP Martin Guespereau on Wednesday, delegate prefect for defense and security. “The principle is the following: the customer, probably a regular of the establishment, volunteers to present to the operator the proof of his complete vaccination scheme and his identity. From then on, he will receive an irremovable bracelet as a sesame, allowing him to access the establishment without having to be checked again thereafter,” details the UMIH.

    “The police will continue to control the pass”
    This is to “facilitate access to customers,” stressed to AFP the president of the UMIH-33, Laurent Tournier, arguing that “the health pass has significantly, even very significantly lowered the activity” of restaurateurs. The bracelets, marked “health pass UIMH 33” in gray letters on a white background, will also have to bear the first three letters of the name of the establishment and the city where they will have been allocated. But “the police will continue to control the pass and not the bracelet. We’ll judge: if it works, great, if it doesn’t, we’ll stop everything. We have the control,” says Martin Guespereau…”

    • You think it’s just a psychological experiment to see how many people will request to wear an irremovable bracelet to prove that “they belong”??

  20. Interesting if slightly off topic question…I would assume over the years the percentage of people awake to whatever extent is somewhere in the 10 percent or below bracket worldwide. If 50 percent of the USA don’t want the vaccine, what does this say about that? Is it possible for the vast majority of these people to see this as an isolated conspiracy and still be stuck in the 2 party paradigm, still seeing nothing bigger going on, or is this saying something a bit more prophetic about the state of people awake in the world?

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      Zuerst mit TOR und VPN, dann nur mit VPN. Nogo. So ganz ohne VPN bewege ich mich auf dem Internet eigentlich nicht mehr.

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      • Ok, interessant zu wissen. Ehrlich gesagt habe ich keinerlei Kontrolle über diesen Vorgang. Das Forum ist irgendwo in den USA gehostet und ich kann im Wesentlichen nur Boards usw erzeugen. Ich habe keinen Einblick in die Technik und keine Möglichkeit, da was zu drehen. Denke ich jedenfalls. Ich schau trotzdem mal rein.

        Sorry. Falls Du fit in dem Kram bist und die Zeit aufbringen willst, mach doch ein eigenes Forum. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, darin zu posten.

      • Wenn ich mir die error- message durchlese, dann scheint das Forum auf eine Datenbank mit Spammer-IPs oder anderen Daten zuzugreifen und deshalb die Registrierung zu verweigern. Das hiesse dann, dass dein VPN- Anbieter wohl auf dieser Liste steht.

        Hast Du in der letzten Zeit mal versucht, woanders einen Foren- Account anzulegen? Falls das Problem in anderen Foren auftaucht, könnte man vllt auf mal nachfragen oder den VPN- Anbieter dazu anregen.

        • Leider ist dieses Vorgehen gegen VPN/TOR bei gewissen Dienstleistern verbreitet. Es sind Steine, die Privacy-Befürwortern von Kontrollfreaks wie Big Data &Co gezielt in den Weg gelegt werden, um den Usern den Umgang mit Anonymisiertechnik zu erschweren.

          Mein VPN Anbieter ist kein unbekannter (Protonmail/VPN) und das Blockieren dessen sicher kein Versehen (und hat mit Spam nichts zu tun). Protonmail setzt sich stark für Online Privacy ein und wird darum von den üblichen Verdächtigen angefeindet.

          Ich kann dir darum nur von der Verwendung des Dienstes von abraten. Leider…

            • Interessiert sich offensichtlich sowieso keiner dafür. Schade. Vllt ist das Forum- Format auch aus der Zeit gefallen. Ich hab versucht, mich mit Telegram anzufreunden, aber das ist Unterhaltung wie youtube. Es zieht so an einem vorbei wie ein Film. Empfinde es als nutzlos.

              Kennst Du vllt einen Ort im Internet ausserhalb der üblichen Verdächtigen, der mehr Tiefgang und bessere Diskussionsmöglichkeiten bietet? Ich finde viel zuviele Prediger und wenig Austausch.

              • Leider kann ich deine Erfahrung nur bestätigen. Es ist mit Internetforen wie mit so vielem auf der Welt: Je grösser der Erfolg und das Steigen der Benutzerzahlen, desto sicherer ist ein baldiger Angriff der Trollhorden d.h. diejeningen die sich auch auf Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp etc. tummeln und dann folgt unweigerlich der Absturz in die seichte Mittelmässigkeit der Massen.

                Ich habe im Moment auch keine ‘Forenheimat’. Vielleicht ist es besser so und ich bin eigentlich auch nicht auf der Suche.
                Wenn, dann wäre es etwas kleines, feines, unbekanntes. Eben nicht Telegram.

  21. Actually, there seems to be an antidote for the bioweapon injections. In an interview Judy Mikovitz has recommended suramin, an extract from pine needles. It inhibits coagulation and the enzymes that alter RNA/DNA.

    Suramin is available only as an injection, but pine needle tea is being recommended as very likely effective. Here is an article (also see comments):

  22. I agree that many people may get very sick and die, but I don’t think everyone will die who took the injection. This is because human biology and biology in general is highly complex. Also some people probably got duds if the “vaccine” wasn’t at the right temperature.

    However, I do think large numbers of people will become ill and it would be wise to focus on solutions. There are many people who took the injection because they were completely ignorant and aren’t bad people. They might give a person the shirt off their back. Some people just don’t know and may have actually believed that if they take this the “pandemic” will end or that they won’t infect their fragile grandparents or parents. For those people who were just ignorant and aren’t bad people a treatment would be nice to have.

    Regarding shedding, this is concerning. I have close contact with patients and colleagues who have been vaxxed, but do wear a N95 mask, though this may be completely worthless. I wear gloves with procedures that involve the possibility of blood contact or another obvious condition I might want to avoid.

    But I wonder how much spike comes out of the lungs? Was it even found in respiratory droplets? What do the actual studies show? I try not to worry about it too much because I am not the kind of person who is fearful about things I can’t control. I can’t isolate myself from the vaxxed and don’t want to shun people or treat them like lepers. I think that is unkind. When I say “vaxxed” I mean the people who took it and aren’t acting like assholes. I avoid the militant “vaxxers” who want to force others to take this toxic crap.

  23. I hear they will be going against the Proud Boys in Portland, which in my opinion only one of them groups is violent and the other is not but the skinny little bitches that belong to antifa would not have a chance against the Proud boys if we were to measure up, however sadly, in Portland Antifa seems to be backed and protected by possible government groups because they never seem to get in trouble and even get paid for destruction; meanwhile they will put in jail any associate of the proud Boys for some made up reason. These confrontations are useless and destroy businesses. The way to protest is silently disobey the government’s directives in regards to the covid rules until they go away.

  24. It’s not accurate to see it as black&white as James did at the start of this video.
    There is not just those for and those against. Of course there is a continuum of assent and dissent in all people and I think it is important to see this difference.

    • You’re correct. However, the vaccine passport issue and vaccine mandates are rolling out pretty quickly in the US. I think we will have to start being more vocal or organize a boycott and form communities where we can exchange goods and services. People have to decide if they are for or against. The mandate and passport is a black and white decision, or needs to be. Either you believe in forced injection and showing papers to move freely and survive, or you don’t want to live that way and you do something about it. There are people on the fence or perseverating and now is the time.

      I’m preparing to move and withdraw support for the city I was living in and build something where I’m moving too. It has a very low vaccine uptake rate. If you look at where this is going which is trans-humanism that is the end of our species, people need to commit.

      The “vaccines” are experimental, no long term studies showing they are safe, fertility effects unknown and they are being used en masse with not informed consent. This is a violation of the nuremberg code regarding medical experimentation. And governments are now talking about booster shots. What’s next? It is a black and white issue to be honest. If someone is half in half out, then they might as well just get out because they aren’t helping.

      • When I first started watching JC, I enjoyed learning about this kind of stuff, but didn’t really believe it was going to happen here in the US and affect me directly. Now it is and my old life is over and will never be the same. I just wanted to travel and do fun things and continue working my job and building wealth, but now I am being told to take a jab and show papers to go into a gym in my city. I’m not doing that. Why should I pay taxes here anymore to support a system that does this?

        Even if a person takes the jab, it’s not over. There’s another jab, and another. Then what? What other bodily violations are required for this nightmare to end?

  25. Was meant as reply to cu.h.j:
    I do not want to live that way either but “start being more vocal and organize” does not contradict the need to assess the situation realistically i.e. not B&W. On the contrary: it is a necessary precondition for every kind of action. Im absolutely with you that action is what is called for.

    The fact that for you and me the picture is pitch black does not alter the fact that for many others it is still light or dark grey. But THIS CAN CHANGE and we should not miss the opportunity! We can bring them only to the rather uncomfortable black view if we do not push too hard – and above all, never be violent. Be vocal, not violent.

    While I do have great difficulties to accept blue pillers’ sleepy view ‘colored’ in different shades of grey… should we ever forget that it is them WEF-banksters who resort to and instill chaos and violence, the cause is lost. It is a difficult topic but I have a strong gut feeling that dissent should always stay non-violent except maybe in those very rare self-defense life and death situations. It has always been difficult to win the hearts & minds of the majority of ppl violently.

    • I think financial resistance will probably be the most effective. Also, developing something that will be self sustaining, like a garden. Being an example of someone who lives independently and doesn’t comply.

  26. hello, silvy, my name is gabriel, i am in mexico too, i’m from guanajuato, where do you live? i’m interested in knowing more like-minded local people whom to get together with and sometimes it’s pretty hard to find people here

  27. hello, meef , my name is gabriel, i am in mexico too, i’m from guanajuato, where do you live? i’m interested in knowing more like-minded local people whom to get together with and sometimes it’s pretty hard to find people here

  28. hello,atma , my name is gabriel, i am in mexico too, i’m from guanajuato, where do you live? i’m interested in knowing more like-minded local people whom to get together with and sometimes it’s pretty hard to find people here. did you managed to find out the contact information on that group?

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