How to Talk to Someone Who’s Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation

by | Jun 22, 2020 | Videos | 10 comments

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In April, the CBC released a guide on “How to respond when someone tells you coronavirus was lab made.” This is The Corbett Report’s response. Find out more about “Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers” in the latest edition of The Corbett Report podcast.


  1. You guys just blew the lid off !!!
    This is the little butter tart that fits perfectly into all of my neighbour’s ++ inboxes. And before they know it they can’t rewind their brains to eradicate the so politically incorrect treason.

    This must have been a screaming laugh to put together.
    I have been trying to put my finger on the prevailing crowd psychology for some time now, and although there are some elements of fear and just plain helplessness when it comes to proper information research, it mostly is one big movement of … something else, (at least in my corner of the globe) and this article seems to hit the nail on the head:
    Pointing the finger to here and here
    “It’s difficult to know exactly why vindictive protectiveness has burst forth so powerfully in the past few years.”
    I don’t so much agree on a political edge and is obviously not contained to one continent, but this is a hip trend that for certain reasons appeals to the scores of social media frenzied reactionaries.

  2. This 2 1/2 minute video
    “How to Talk to Someone Who’s Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation”
    is clipped from the 38:31 minute mark of…

    “Episode 381 – Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?”

    We’ve all come across online fact checkers that purport to warn us away from independent media sites under the guise of protecting us from fake news. But who is behind these fact check sites? How do they operate? And if these ham-fisted attempts at soft censorship aren’t the solution to online misinformation, what is? Join James for this week’s important edition of The Corbett Report podcast, where we explore the murky world of information gatekeeping and ask “Who will fact check the fact checkers?”

    • Ooh! SuzieQ!
      I’m so glad to hear from you!
      I like the way you talk…

      I’ve been wondering how things were going for ya down in Mexico way.
      In fact, just prior to seeing your comment, I thought about you as I was noticing the weather pattern bringing Saharan sand across the Atlantic. Mexico and up here in Texas will get some of that.

      You are right. Zach Bush brings such a fresh perspective to life.
      I watched the entire video you linked at normal speed.
      I love how he emphasizes the spiritual nature of man.
      Reconnecting, freedom of communication and interaction, biodiversity, evolving as a species.

      These 9 minutes of Zach Bush speaking about birth and death and living is one of the most beautifully expressed renditions I have heard…
      ( 9 minutes – QUEUED)

      It’s such a pleasure to see you here.

      • Gosh Suzie! You got a great Doctor.
        That’s cool about the B shot.
        I remember you telling me other little anecdotes about him.
        Tell him that there are a lot of folks who just love hearing about Doctors like him.

        If the world’s medical arena were full of Doctors like yours, there would not be this “crisis”.

        I guess that on your side of Mexico, they had a bit of ground shaking occur recently.

        Anyway, I always enjoy reading your comments.
        Thanks Suzt.

  3. Mr. Corbett,
    Temporary glitch…

    From the Home Page, the “CLICK HERE FOR SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO FOR THIS VIDEO” of this
    How to Talk to Someone Who’s Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation
    leads to
    “Episode 381 – Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?”.

  4. “How to Talk to Someone Who’s Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation”

    So here are the notes I made…

    1. Stand in your kitchen
    2. Sound serious when you talk
    3. Keep referring to your smartphone
    4. Reassure them by saying “We are all in this together!”
    5. Send them information from reliable legitimate sources

  5. First an ongoing thank you to James “and your entire team” …
    anyone who is able, this might be a good time to renew our donations. I seriously don’t know how you can focus on this, educate us and remain sane.

    Totally agree, well said.
    I’m doing my best to stay positive and take every opportunity to share links to Corbett Report and other alternative media. While challenging peoples opinions and (at best) calmly providing them with real evidence regarding this plandemic but I don’t see how we can wake up enough people to prevent the elites plans going forth.

  6. OMG THANK YOU for linking to this in your recent article; I have no idea how I missed it (perhaps I only discovered The Corbett Report shortly after this time) but this video is just bloomin’ hilarious. I wish I had come across it much sooner so I could have shared it with more people. Please keep sharing those flashbacks and linking to previous work; it’s always appreciated.

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