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So I found a bunch of Yanny/Laurel-type audio illusions in the online dictionary. Who knew? Can you find any others? Leave your suggestions in the comments below!
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Your bitterness towards the new Karma system makes me smile with glee. I love that you are getting what you deserve.
You keep bringing it up unprovoked, so your prior comments indicate you are pretty concerned about it. I can understand why someone with your agenda would be concerned. It means you won’t be noticed as much with your trolling. I don’t feel bad for you, bud. I am pretty entertained by your frustration though.
IF you don’t feed it, you can watch it shrivel up and die. I like to watch trolls starve while I eat an empanada. JimBob who learned a thing or two about socialism.
I like your thinking Santa. That is what I plan to do actually from here on out. I feel satisfied now having called him on his shinanigans. My work here is done.
That was great James. One of my favorites!
This comment is out of context.
Cut the witchhunting.
Say guy…
Sometimes you can really be hyper-critical. It is strained criticalness. Very strained.
When you point a finger, you might look at the three pointing back at you.
There is a lot to be said about “balance”…
…and there is a lot to be said about “If you don’t like how something is or what someone does, then start your own ‘something'” (i.e. take responsibility for bettering conditions).
I am not going to get into a flame war with you.
I like “The Last American Vagabond” and many others. I don’t like seeing them unjustly ridiculed.
“Pension Fund” comes out “Pigeon Farm”…with a Jesse Jackson accent.
I found “health” is pronounced “sterilization”. It also sounded like “carcinogen” but that’s just what I might of heard. Good for a laugh James!
Corbett, what do you think of this?
Communism was about putting the guns (aka coercive power) and factories/farms (aka capital power) directly in the hands of the citizens?
I read how the chinese communists used the police and other government folks when they took power. They then began to register and remove guns AND DOGS (which barked when the guys came to talk others away) since they wanted to be able to create the world exactly as they wanted it.
As far as I can see communism was against the individual being treated as a being with person desires and choices and all about the corperate body of the working class and their needs AS DIRECTED by THE MIDDLE CLASS folks who were the movers of the partyy in all the cases that I’ve read about)
In Nietzschen terms communism is IN PRACTICE about the weaker members of the ruling class using the slave class as their ‘army of the undead’ (lol, sorry someone told me they did that in the walking dead) to over throw the stronger ruling class
Also, Corbett, what do you think of this?
These 3 articles are striking and interesting. I would just like to know your opinion.
And why do you now have a Karma system? Are you socially engineering us?
Having a conversation with yourself Gaslight? On your other account called “Wall”? That’s a bit odd. Trolling game weak.
Um, I have nothing to do with that dude.
I don’t know for sure, but it seems very likely that “Wall” and “Gaslight” are the same person with the intent of trolling, or causing division and disruption here.
1. They both started commenting on the Corbett Report around the same time
2. They both came out swinging, with outrageous comments that are aimed to provoke (“wall” with “cover parkland!!” for no apparent reason, and now “Gaslight” with provocation after provocation) which from my observation is very unusual in this comment section.
3. A couple comments ago “Wall” lobs a softball comment up for “Gaslight” to answer with more nasty and unconstructive things.
4. The Corbett Report website has a very good track record, at least since I’ve been here, of thoughtful people with something positive to offer. Wall and Gaslight’s activity are very unusual and out-of-character to say the least.
Keep it up buddy. No one is buying your act.
I think he’s running a joke and is going to do a video on how the Karma system effects zero in the real world but how it effects posting behavior….as far as I can see it doesnt even hide your posts if your zero’d out.
People will do weird stuff to be liked… or to be not liked. People are weird.
dude, while I may not be the best person to say so… maybe you should just chill out a bit? Its his website… if he wants to do it why should I care? Why would you?
Its a news site…not fakebook 🙂 I really doubt you or I or anyone else here will be sipping beers with anyone we might meet here any time soon.
Hi James, I’m very confused. When I type in “PEACE” it comes out “PEPSI”. Is this a new sponsor. If YES then I will have to remove my measly monthly contribution of 2.67CAD. I can’t compete with PEACE…er I mean PEPSI. I don’t think I can trust your work any longer. The amount of SUGAR in so called “Soft Drinks” is killing more people world wide than any of the current political tyrants.
You were such an inspiration to me. I will try to carry on without you.
Thank you for your excellent work of the past.
I typed in Lion King looking for a Disney Image of a cartoon cat and it auto corrected to Lying King and had an image of Bibi
I typed in Terrorist and it auto corrected to Zionist
I typed in Terrorist and it auto corrected as Zionist
Why does your shirt say “War” on it?
Lol, that was hilarious.
You know, manbearpig, as soon as I “lol-ed”, I realized this entire post was lost on me since I have no idea what this Yanny thing is all about, and so missed completely its “excellent satire”.
To top it off, I now have the giggles (thanks to you) and may qualify as the village idiot. 🙂 I’ll take that xanax, thank you!
Scary! I love a good anecdote. Good thing you and your ex were on a friendly enough basis that you had that refuge. Very cool and rare.
I’m actually a bit sensitive to drugs anyway. Anything heavier than aspirin/Advil/Tylenol, and I get this weird sensation in my legs during sleep, like they can’t stay still.
You too with the peanut shells?! I hate it when that happens!
Thanks for the clarification. As I went to “Dictionary,com” and tried the experiment myself. All the words were as they should be.
Satire similar to “thejuicemedia”. For a second there I thought Maybe this is a Hack/Meme only in the Northern Hemisphere? Phfhew. (deep chuckle)
On the positive side:
anarchy = freedom
GMO labelling = freedom to choose
Cigars = vitamins
Well done. I think I’ll pass this one along to a number of children of the matrix I know and see what their reaction is.
my auditory illusions…government = plutocracy
politics = illusion
global warming = illusion
United Nations = illusion
Um, and the reason I keep bringing up Parkland is because it’s so obviously a false flag and it’s so obvious that Hogg is a fraud. Why hasn’t James picked it apart?
This article shows at least 2 instances where David Hogg committed fraud. In one instance he admitted was at home and had to ride down to the school on his bicycle to get video of the event.
In the second it’s shown that he recorded the video at 9:32am when the shooting happened at about 2pm. I don’t know how legit this site is, but the article points out some interesting and provable fraud that Hogg has committed.
In these two you can see that there were more shots fired even after Cruz started blending in with other students to leave the building. This would have been the point at which, had he been the shooter, he would have already ditched the gun, so he couldn’t have fired anymore shots at this point. This basically proves that he was not the shooter since we all know there was only 1 shooter. No one can challenge that there was only 1 shooter since that’s the official narrative.
“Is Nikolas Cruz innocent?”
“Senior From Parkland, Florida High School Claims She Was With Nikolas Cruz During Tragic Shooting”
In this video Cruz is called the nicest person.
“‘He was probably one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life’”
I tried Laurel Canyon and got
CIA Hippie Mind Control.
Dear James,
manbearpig, far and away one of your very brightest and intuitive subscribers, who happens to fiercely admire you as you may know, being quite witty and succinct, wrote the following in her post, above:
“Whistleblower” gets “Nurse Nayirah”!
Hopefully you won’t mind, but I’d like to share something which I communicated to you roughly two months ago – firstly with manbearpig, naturally, and then of course, with all others if they so wish:
“Out of curiosity, I was interested to see the age difference between Sibel and Nayirah, the now infamous daughter of Saud Nasir al-Sabah, the former Kuwaiti ambassador. It’s a five year difference. Other than to satisfy my curiosity, it is of no significance. Although, Nayirah, a young Middle Eastern woman of high pedigree, coached to lie before an investigative committee on behalf of the Bush Sr. administration, was used as cover for a military invasion…. Now, it may be a stretch, I will grant you, have no doubt about that, but, however, do you see any parallels here?…. I do. In fact, I see Sibel as a five year older version, a much more well groomed, educated and sophisticated version, of the teary eyed, emotional Nayirah. I suppose we may laugh as we might, but the world is, indeed, rather odd, one cannot deny. And this might sound odd, too, but when I see Sibel, I cannot help but see Nayirah.”
It’s unfortunate in my opinion, James – especially for yourself, as she was someone with whom you at times worked closely with – I no longer find it any stretch of the imagination that Sibel Edmonds, in reality, works in intelligence; that her entire story centered around her days in the FBI, e.g., co-workers being so-called spies (such claims were, by the way, never proven in all her hearings), together with the contents of the tapes she supposedly interpreted, is a complete fabrication crafted by those who drew the plans and executed 9/11. If she has any bragging rights, it is solely for that of being an excellent actress. And nothing else.
Her PSYOP, and why she was so thoroughly rolled out before the general public via the MSM, soon after 9/11, was to cement in the public’s mind the idea that 9/11 was orchestrated by Muslim extremists, whose plans were overlooked by an inept Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Hers was a script that was indeed complicated, involved and prolonged, and yet, it was a script that was flawless, and achieved its desired results.
Anyway, I’d like to thank manbearpig for her insight, because like many other things, she happens to be right on this one, too.
James, I wish you a very, very pleasant Happy Father’s Day, albeit, belatedly. Residing as you are in your neck of the woods, I believe I’m either a day late, or more than likely, you’re a day early. 🙂
Some result I got:
Freedom ——-> Human Rights
Equality ——> Opportunity
Technocracy —> Sustainability
Mutualism —–> Socialism
Weird results were coming out. I had to verify.
How to verify?…. Yes…
Socialism —–> Tyranny
That is beyond weird.
Well, it’s just post-truth world.
“…“Youth programs” and I got “Pizzagate”
I tried this one:
Pedophile —–> Priest
I tried “Greenhouse effect” and it gave me “Global Warming”
Then tried “Global Warming” and it gave me “Climate Change”
Then I tried “Climate Change” and it gave me “Pay up you peasant slave!”
I’m all grins. Very clever. And the shirt was a nice topper.
James, your home page link to this article is incorrect, it’s missing the “and” part.
Thanks for the tip. The link has been corrected.
Doctor got me serial killer…
Stock Market got me Three Card Monte…
If you had never heard of this “Yanny/Laural thing”…then give yourself a Karma point for being so detached from the mainstream 🙂
You won’t believe what you SEE:
This video on “How much Free Will do we have?”:
“Selective Attention Test”
This latter explains why many people can not see the demolition of the twin towers and building 7. Their attention is directed towards the plane impacts. Even traumatized by the media’s reporting of it.
We never get to see the full collapse of the towers in the media, unless you go study it. I never saw it before.
This means that most people can not see that 911 is a clear false flag.
And then we still have the fear and terror that keeps us from thinking clear on the subject. This combines with strong cognitive dissonance where our subconsciousness tries to tell us that we should not consider the truth, as it scares us.
This trick is straight from the book of war propaganda.
I am pretty sure that most people know the attacks were AT THE LEAST fore-known.
Its not that people dont ‘know’ or see the evidence its that their minds are pushing the knowledge out because if its true the pain would be too much
They would need to
A)utterly rework their model of ow the world works
B) Loose the fragile sense of safety constructed by their image of the world
People KNOW that the government and monied interests often do all kind of bad things. You can show them clear evidence and they will erase it as quick as they can unless it fits in a world view they like.
I recently got the book by Melissa Gallico which talks about Fluoride (and acne and a host of other topics).
She repeatedly mentions that “Selective Attention Test”.
And of course we mustn’t forget the age old aural disparities between
parents and children. Parent: “No!” = Child: “Yes!” 🙂
Very funny! Good laugh.
This is hilarious! There oughta be a prize, or at least voted up to god-like karma (I’m not worthy!).
Actually, you’re the first! But it means all the more to me, thank you!
Just for fun, here’s a side note about my pseudonym: I chose it because of the image I fell in love with when I first saw it about 10 years ago (and later got permission to use as my gravatar which I used for several years, off and on). It’s a photograph of a white spring lamb leaping in the air whose name I decided had to be “Pearl”. For my online presence (which I try not to take very seriously), it was the perfect fit because the bouncing bundle was playful, curious, and yes, immature:
“…but I was lucky that day…”
Truly, it was a good hair day…no peanut shells!
James, when will the peace occur in this year of the dog?
War Criminal = Loser