Interview 1011 – Thomas Freedman on Creating a Community Organization

by | Mar 10, 2015 | Interviews | 5 comments

As part of our ongoing focus on solutions and answers, today we look at the example of the Ozarks Neighborly Exchange, a small grassroots organization that is fostering community interaction in Ozark County, Missouri. We discuss the group, its origin, and how others around the world can learn from the example of groups like this one with community member Thomas Freedman.


O.N.E. facebook page


  1. The solution-based direction is great. This is something I have started thinking about more; bringing the community closer together again.

    *The problem is the solution*

    I would like to believe that technology is one of the aspects in our society that has promoted individuality – the destruction of our families & communities. Though, with everyone now embracing technology, we need to create the tools in which we can allow our neighbors to collaborate with one-another again. This bridge between the natural and digital, I believe, will help reconstruct ties with those geographically near and far.

    I’m going to share this podcast with a friend of mine, who in which I would like to work together with to help rebuild communities. The New Baby Boomer Generation, along with the help from Generation X; those which were born into the emerging digital era, will be the ones who help guide our societies into this new century of understanding. And even to begin to fathom what the children of these generations will bring in the future.

    The most incredible aspect of all of this, is that the technology has become incredibly affordable and accessible, that connecting communities together – Online – is easier than ever. Those with the knowledge and know-how to create Intranets and websites, can establish local markets, social clubs, local press, social media, digital media, etc. ; as we move closer to the emerging technologies, possibilities with 3D printing, augmented reality, and other wireless advancements will set new limits to what is possible ahead.

    • But then there’s the other side of the argument about the possibilities of these technologies slowly killing us; electromagnet radiation. That’s something to look into. We have to find ways of merging these technologies into our lives without the possible impact to human health.

      There’s a lot to debate when it comes to the safe practices of these new technologies, and what roles we should let them take in our lives.

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