Interview 1117 – Jim Steele on How Bad Global Warming Science Hurts the Environmental Movement

by | Dec 8, 2015 | Interviews | 119 comments

Jim Steele was the Director of the Sierra Nevada Field Campus of San Francisco State University from 1985 to 2009. Having taught courses on plants, natural sciences, bird banding and bird identification, his research into the causes of the declines in local bird populations led him to the understanding that natural climate cycles and landscape changes were causing disruptions of wildlife populations. He went on to author a book, Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism, and a website, where he explores how faulty, over-hyped C02-driven climate change fears are misdirecting environmental researchers and activists away from the true cause of environmental disruption.

Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4

Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism

Fabricating Climate Doom: Hijacking Conservation Success in the UK to Build Consensus

Reasons to Petition Congress to Investigate USGS Polar Bear Models

No Consensus On Antarctic Climate Change


  1. I believed in global warming up until about 18 months ago. After I heard James hint at it in one of his podcasts I just about chucked my phone out the window. It was like the day I found out Santa Claus wasn’t real.(If you are a parent please hide Santas wrapping paper!) At first I bartered,then I justified then was pissed. My reality was shattered. Hey I thought only Big Corporations and Conservatives denied global warming. I don’t qualify as either of those, hmm…
    Anyway as I started to do some reasearch I pealed back the layers and discovered the hiden evil adjenda behind the grand idea of global warming. There are presidents, scientists and prominate authority making this whole thing look very real. But I am still left puzzled are all of these Scientist’s on take? Mr. Steele is taking an honest look at population change and doing his job by fighting to preserve nature by practicing science and not politics.

    • Steve, It’s hard to make a blanket statement about scientists who perpetuate false hypotheses. I think that often, they aren’t very good at science, so they don’t question the orthodoxy. They have accepted the dogma and therefore look to support it, rather than refute it. If the data don’t support the dogma, then the data must be wrong, rather than the other way around.

      Some are just ignorant–meaning they don’t know. Many moons ago, when the baloney about evil cholesterol was just starting, I knew the idea that cholesterol caused heart disease was wrong. I knew about the data from the Framingham study that showed the top correlations with heart disease were 1. lifestyle–diet and exercise, and 2. genetics. A VERY distant third was cholesterol. As you know, correlation does not mean causation. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of biochemistry knows how vital cholesterol is to the proper functioning of the body, and would never think it the cause. At one point, I was talking to two researchers from a major pharmaceutical company about this, and neither had even heard of the Framingham study, nor knew much about cholesterol’s biochemistry. But they were sure high cholesterol causes heart disease, and that I was crazy.

      What was the incentive for this obviously false hypothesis? You can’t make a little white pill for lifestyle, you can’t make a little white pill for genetics. But you can make a little white pill to poison the cholesterol pathway. Great. Now we have a whole generation of people being given drugs to poison their cholesterol pathway, and damaging their hormone production, CoQ10 production and destroying the myelin sheath of their nervous system. Big pharma and stupid mds are creating millions of iatrogenic Alzheimer patients, just in time for medicare to blow up. It’s sort of reminiscent of ancient Rome’s lead water pipes.

      There is so much brainwashing done in gov’t schools and so much peer pressure that independent, critical thought is extremely difficult. Add to that, if you have an idea that challenges the orthodoxy, it makes funding nearly impossible. Peter Duesburg comes to mind. In the US in the 60s and 70s, all basic research and much applied research became funded by the federal gov’t. That means that politics rules and everyone stampedes into fads. First is was the “war on cancer,” then aids, now global warming. Science can be corrupted by politics and money just like any other endeavor.

      You also have the zealots who truly believe that man is a virus on the earth–the East Anglia types who will lie to save Gaia.

      • You state above:

        “I think that often, they aren’t very good at science, so they don’t question the orthodoxy. They have accepted the dogma and therefore look to support it, rather than refute it. If the data don’t support the dogma, then the data must be wrong, rather than the other way around.

        I agree, they aren’t very good at science but fit into the cult of scientism. We’ve seen that manifested in spades since 2020.

  2. While I still believe that the use of carbon energies can have deleterious effects on the environment this recent series has changed my perspective greatly. Before I was a cautious fence sitter leaning towards to anthropogenic CO2 causation crowd, but this series and some other sources recent articles, which we can all thank James for putting together, has my thoughts now firmly within the skeptics camp.

  3. Great podcast! What’s discussed here represents a topic which I really wanted to dive into, as part of a larger general idea about moving beyond some of the baggage which has been holding progress up (imo). I’ll have to come back to this in a bit, but this is great stuff and a great jumping off point for part of what I want discuss here. I know, I know… very vague and probably pointless comment on my part, but just had to say something for the time being.

    Nice one, James! =]

  4. I agree to “fight against the enslaving and brutal realities of industrial corporatism”

    The fight goes out of people when they
    1. lose their problem solving skills
    2. are trapped in group think
    3. and can’t look at truth because of the implications

    The level of allowed radiation in the US is 10 million, compare to 3 (2012 recommended from Bioinitiative report) That’s 10 million microwatts per meter squared, in the space I am sitting in right now. It’s no wonder many can’t solve problems or think critically.

    There is pink elephant in the room in Paris, where many fingers and pitchforks are being pointed at “the worst emitters”, but not at the entity not only burning more fuel than anybody but many other things with immunity, impunity and unaccountability. They hate emitters but give the DOD a pass?

    CO2 is a patsy.


  5. Here we go again, more prevarications about climate change conspiracy. I’m not going to bother finding the link to the video showing a large stretch of ocean side cliff being destroyed by a relentless pounding of surf nearby to San Francisco. In the next couple of days the apartment buildings, many already condemned, will tumble into the ocean. These very powerful waves are being generated by the very powerful El Niño fully underway as I write this. What we are observing is run away climate change/planetary warming. This is just a guess but, the architecture of these apartment buildings suggest they are at least 20 years old. That means the people who built these units had determined the site was suitable for construction. They clearly were not thinking that an increasingly warming Pacific Ocean would cause their buildings to crash into the ocean 50 or more feet below. Oops. So I want to hear how the climate change denier crowd is going to explain this phenomenon. Or how the Jersey shore endured flooding more serious the than that caused by Sandy over the weekend just ended. You people lend a new meaning to uninformed. ( I wonder if JC considers the last sentence ad hominem and will snip it.) Seeing is believing, much like WTC7.. You’re watching climate change in real time. Get over it.

    • bd6951, your comments about the eroding cliffs in my home town are so profoundly ignorant of natural erosion processes that I gave your comments special mention over at WUWT where I just posted an essay on the science of Pacifica’s coastal erosion. It has nothing to do with CO2 global warming, but the end of the Las t Ice Age. That you could see a building threatened by the ocean and then make a quantum leap to conclude it is due to rising CO2 suggests you choose to avoid good scientific critical thinking, and would suggest you have no scientific background whatsoever.

      I suggest you read the essay and educate yourself. It would alleviate some of your unrealistic climate paranoia

      Read Pacifica, California’s Natural Coastal Erosion and the Lust for Climate Catastrophes

    • bd6951,

      You are obviously unaware of the dynamics in Pacifica.. I live in the region. People have built on obvious flood plains and too close to eroding cliffs for years, ignoring natural evidence such that developers should be brought to trial for ignoring these inevitable natural calamities. The region south of San Francisco has suffered major documented episodes of coastal erosion for the past 100 years, since the Ocean Shore Railroad attempted to bring development to this region. Highway One has been frequently been moved due to landslides and the most recent solution to Devil’s Slide is the new tunnel. Furthermore Pacifica is just north of the Mavericks, where huge waves have always pummeled the steep cliffs abutting the ocean.

      That you bd6951 try to wed natural erosion to global warming, clearly reveals either your total ignorance of the natural factors affecting our region or illustrates your bankrupt political agendas that suggests all “bad” change is due to CO2 or both.

      Last year alarmist internet snipers like yourself pushed California’s LA Nina caused drought and lack of winter storms and snow in the Sierra Nevada as “evidence” of CO2 warming. Now due to El Nino, abundant storms hammer the coast, snow is abundant in the Sierra and the reservoirs are filling. So the alarmists are desperate for some catastrophic news to blame on CO2.

      bd6951 you should be ashamed. You defile good science with your fear mongering.

  6. Here’s a corollary for you climate change deniers. And while I’m at it I imagine there is a fair number of Peak Oil deniers among your numbers. The ultimate trio: climate change deniers; Peak all deniers; flat earth proponents. What a country. NYTimes: Rapper B.o.B Insists Earth Is Flat. Take That, Neil deGrasse Tyson.

  7. i think all agree the climate is always changing , and of course people and our consumption are part of the equation – just as all life forms and circumstances on this planet are intertwined in it as well .

    it is not possible to exist on this planet and not be involved in its course , as every single action has cause/effect.

    it seems the hanging point for some is they do not want to be brainwashed by the same system in place into accepting a standard that only results in the system profiting , and as always the planet will continue on and balance itself as it has for billions or whatnot years , and only difference being the masses will get duped and put on some more chains and restrictions to live with .

    it seems some relate those that don’t agree with climate change theory as though not caring about the planet or such , when i believe its more they understand that we are not greater then the planet , and need to live in harmony with it and not think we can somehow guide its course – especially with the same system leading the way . mankind’s fallacy seems to be believing they are greater then all and throw in those in control’s personal interest for power and control and the state we are in becomes very apparent .

  8. @candideschmyles That is the most libelous and unfounded attack by an internist sniper I have yet to encounter. If you have evidence of your asserted “demonstrable lies” by all means present them. Otherwise yo are just engaging in slander. Furthermore the arguments in my book are supported by over 900 citations of peer reviewed science, and has been reviewed by several top experts in the field and given top reviews. Your attempt at character assassination is reminiscent of Peter Meisler, whose blog you linked to, is dedicated to bashing any skeptic and has demonstrated his total lack of knowledge and integrity . Here is a link to my total refutation of just a few of Meisier’s lies and fabrications

    Your vile and fallacious attempts at character assassination actually raise suspicions that you are just one of Peter Meisler’s pseudonyms and that your comments are not designed to promote honest scientific debate.

    • Jeez, I guess you haven’t seen the video showing chunks of the San Fransican coast crumbling into the raging Pacific. This is cognitive dissonance in the extreme. An analogy is the Planned Parenthood debacle. Even though the evidence demonstrates that PP did nothing of which they were accused the know nothing republicans vow to pursue that which is not there. Much the same for climate change denial. Deny all you want in spite of the overwhelming evidence right in front of your noses. 2015 was the hottest year since record keeping began and the December just finished the warmest month. These conclusions are the product of looking at a thermometer. I guess the researchers’ thermometers must have been gamed.

      Some comments here would be hilarious if they weren’t so frighteningly ignorant. One guy – I assume it’s a guy – says that Gravity has only existed for 400 years. That statement deserves an ad hominem for sure. Things have been falling FOREVER. Maybe he meant that gravity hadn’t been quantified until Newton put numbers to the observation. I really worry that people this dim frequent this website.

      • I have walked by those buildings and sea cliffs many times. Crumbling cliffs have nothing to do with climate change or Planned Parenthood. Your pathetic attempt trying to defend your bad unsubstantiated climate science by alluding to Planned Parenthood is transparently ridiculous. Your method of denigrating skeptics reminds me of Slandering Sou’s (Miriam OBrien from Hotwhoppers) tactics.

        Have you ever been to Pacifica or are you stuck in Australia? Do you want to discuss PAcifica’s history of trying to control natural erosion and amplifying it by disrupting the along shore sediment transportation? Are you aware of the erosion in the area created by placement of dredging material?

        Are you disappointed that the California drought is naturally over and now you need another dramatic issue to blame on CO2?

        If we look at satellite data that has NOT been subjected to homogenization adjustments or not overwhelmed by urban heat effects, then we do not see the “warmest year evuh”. NOAA’s US Climate Reference Network (CRN)designed to measure climate change has reported a slight cooling over the past decade. Most tree ring data that measures natural habitat suggest the 1930s to 50s were the warmest.

        So are you suggesting cooler satellite data, CRN data, tree ring data have been gamed??? It seems the “warmest year evuh” is simply a matter of subjectively choosing one’s politically preferred data set.

      • bd6951 , just so you are not mislead , it was not said gravity has only EXISTED for 400 years , but that the current belief has been agreed upon by “scientists” for roughly that long. And even then can be argued which version , Gallileo’s , Newton’s , or even more recently Einstein’s . ( And the persians will have a say as well as they had their own discovery’s quite some time before)

        point being , scientists change , scientific theories change , hence they are called theories. You can read things how you wish and interpret them as you wish , but don’t twist it to make a point , you only do harm to your own words then,

        Don’t think anyone is arguing as to the fact an apple falls towards earth from a tree. yet scientists have yet to agree as to why exactly , and they never will for they look for the answers where they cannot get it .

        kind of like they are trying to discover climate change by looking into co2 , they can look but will not find .

        • nothing against inventors or entrepreneurs . scientists work for whoever pays their wage . easy to then see the bias that occurs . not only in climate , but in all facets of the world where scientists are. ( agriculture , medicine , climate , etc etc )

          in days of old philosophers were the first scientists , and they searched with truth as their guide. Since truth did not fit in with the system’s agenda it quickly became an extinct field , replaced by “scientists” , where theory and guessing became “accepted fact till proven otherwise” . And those paying the fees could and did and do direct the pressure of the study .

  9. nosoapradio,

    I totally agree with the conclusion that “ultimate desertification of land was NOT the RESULT of so-called man-made carbon-based climate change but the CAUSE of weather events such as floods and localized warming.”

    I titled my book Landscapes and Cycles to emphasize that very point that at the local/regional level human destruction of vegetation and hydrology can create conditions that raise local temperatures several degrees.

    I posted to WUWT an essay titled The Global Average Chimera

    Pointing out several mechanism that raise the global average temperature but have nothing to do with CO2. In agreement with your post, one mechanism I emphasized is the loss of vegetation and wetlands that ALWAY leads to higher local temperatures.

  10. candideschmyles

    Again you engage in ugly character assassination with nothing more than your opinion while never ever dealing with the facts. The best you could do is point out I make typos. You claim to engage in lepidopteran research? I know many of the top experts. Where is your study and who is its principal investigator?

    You are upset that I have revealed the Parmesan’s bad science and defend her work without ever addressing the issues or the evidence I have discussed. But actual evidence is not an ally of dishonest internet snipers.

    Do you really believe when a population of butterflies in a logged area “winked out”, while 10 meters away the same species was thriving better than ever in its natural habitat, that the extinct population was due to CO2 clime change as Parmesan asserts and climate scientists embraced.. If so, your lack of scientific skill is appalling. Perhaps you can educate us about how Parmesan’s bogus paper was valid in any way, shape or form.

    You blather on that I should be able to “obtain her papers and you are at perfect liberty to use the data therein to go and replicate her studies should you truly wish to.” But her data was never made public. There was no methods sections. So obviously you never read the papers or you are again just engaging in loathsome dishonesty. Slandering Sou tried to denigrate me and justify Parmesan’s withholding of data. But her husband was invited to Sou’s site and instead actually confirmed my contention as discussed in the essay here:

    Until you sincerely discuss the evidence instead of parading vile personal attacks that are only your ugly opinion, how can anyone take you seriously? HOw can we see see you as anything more than an internist sniper obsessed with attacking honest skeptical science.

    I encourage everyone to read my essays on Parmesan and check the peer reviewed science that supports my arguments. I have no doubt that they will come to the understanding that candideschmyles is engaging in despicable dishonest sniping and pure slander.

  11. candideschmyles,

    Did you know that Peter Meisler whose website you linked to in an attempt to defame me grew up in a Nazi family? Is that what you aspire to? Read all about your “climate hero” at the Popular Technology blog site. The author was tired of Meisler’ constant sniping and researched his background.

    You know what they say, birds of a feather….

  12. candideschmyle it was you who introduced Meisler’s bogus ranting into the conversation in your first attempt to denigrate me. I thought turn around was fair play. Glad you enjoyed the comparisons. All anyone needs to do is read your first post to see who initiated these vile unsubstantiated dishonest attacks, Your feigned outrage about me using your same smear tactics on you is quite amusing.

    When you persist in claiming “I followed your links and reviewed your accusations. These include ample evidence that there is more than enough data for you to replicate the studies done by Parmesan for yourself if you were genuinely interested” reveals your obsessive dishonesty and also hides the fact that you were totally ignorant that Parmesan’s iconic paper you defend did not have a methods section. The only evidence in my links is that her husband and colleague Dr. Singer agreed that I requested her data and she refused, and that her data was needed for replication. That you would defend the her efforts to prevent independent replication again reveals your lack of integrity and disregard for the scientific process.

    And if you truly worked on Scottish butterflies you should be familiar with Downes 1948 The History of the Speckled Wood Butterfly (Pararge aegeria) in Scotland, with a Discussion of the Recent Changes of Range of Other British Butterflies. Downes compiled lists of specific butterflies in Scotland during the late 1800s and early 1900s whose populations often fluctuated. He provided a map and documented their locations (see link the numbers on map on the left)

    Parmesan then published her bogus research saying the Specklewood was limited to southern England (black dots) and didnt reach Scotland until the 1970s driven by global warming. (see Parmesan map on the right. Her map was blatantly deceptive and misleading. LIke Enron she keeps half the data off the books to push her myths. You just can’t trust peer/pal review catch such blatant misrepresentations.

    But you candideschmyle, you support those dishonest tactics. And to defend your catastrophic climate heroes, you attack me simply because I exposed her dishonesty.

    But you know what they say, birds of a feather…

  13. in the beginning, there was co2, a whole planet, blanketed with beautiful carbon gas. there was no oxygen, no life, just co2 everywhere, nice and warm, but no way to be appreciated for that.

    then green plants were created – somehow. they loved co2, and of course, they could not have existed without it. they immediately started polluting their environment by exhaling oxygen, though. perhaps even the temperature started to lower by plant made oxygen, a derivative in fact of plant made carbon residue extracted from the earth’s atmosphere. the plantogenic climate change of the plantocene era had begun. in a way, the plants existed because they could. the animals did not exist, because they could not. there was however an inherent weakness in the plants’ habitat. what after all co2 would have been consumed? all plants would die and leave the planet with a poisoned oxygen atmosphere, never to see plant life again.. very few plants or perhaps even none of them were aware of this doomsday scenario. plants may have a soul, but you would need at least the tiniest brain-like structure to think yourself into depression. they were just happily advancing towards the inevitable abyss.

    but then, with sufficient oxygen accumulated, and totally unexpected by the plants, the animals came into existence – somehow. and boy, how they evolved on the oxygen produced by the ever growing plants. the plants and the animals lived in peaceful coexistence now, together they even stabilized the co2 level and perhaps even the co2 driven climate to a certain extent. the plants routed the energy of the sun to the animals, supplying oxygen and carbon based foods. and without even knowing – they were just animals, remember -, the animals regenerated the co2 that the plants had destroyed for their living, only keeping the energy that came straight from the sun. both had found eternal life on earth, or at least some 10 billion years, together with the sun of course. a true case of symbiosis.

    so far this is a heartwarming story of balance and harmony. this is true nature, pure and simple, but it is all past happiness now. for nowadays, the animals started thinking, an art they are not yet very proficient at, and it so happens they now think co2 is a poison! and the production of this benificient gas should be banned altogether. is there a war breeding between plants and animals?

    Of course, writing all these stupid words, i realise i am also just an animal with a very limited abacus inside and my analysis may be largely superficial and thus broken. because analysises should go deep enough to answer all questions on a subject to the satisfaction of the greatest living animal thinker, however little he may seem in the history of the cosmos.

    nevertheless, even in my rather foggy animal existence, some questions cry for answers. they relate particularly to quantification of all qualities involved and their relations. take the following, for example.

    – can we define upper and lower limits for the plant/animal living mass quotient between which sustainability is possible, or eternal life, if you like, because it sounds much more exiting.

    – apart from measuring only co2 levels with a microscope, how is the development of the oxygen level? i read somewhere it is about 20 percent now, and was about 30 percent 300 million years ago. what caused this drop, should we panic here too? what will be the future of the oxygen supply? can it be sustainable for eternity?

    everything in nature is balance. as soon as monopolies come to life, the resulting exponential growth will kill them sooner or later, unless some counterweight imposes itself. we seem destined to be able to define our own virtual balance, thanks to this funny process started in our heads. unfortunately, it seems our thinking and more important our thinking together has a long way to go and meanwhile time is running out, because some sub-species of ours seems to have very bad intentions. i call it sub-species, and even a degenerative one, because it apparently lacks the faculty of love, which i believe is essential among human animals.

    so let us be kind and listen to what others are saying, and just try to advance our understanding no matter who is talking. as to myself, i cannot fathom what happens to me everytime all sorts of exiting ideas just pop-up in my head. i have a theory that many ideas are collected through invisible channels between me and people around me. i believe telepathy is the original animal communication system. so now yall know how crazy i am.


  14. [SNIP – These snipes are now devolving into mere ad hominems and attempts at character assassination. If you two want to debate the science, great. Anything not related to the science under debate will be snipped from this thread. – JC]

    • I apologize! Outraged by his baseless lies, I was simply looking for a way to counter those lies and unsupported fabrications about my reputation, my book, and my interview, that candideschmyles was constantly repeating. Trying to unveil candideschmyles’ past character flaws does not negate whether or not his arguments are valid or simply complete BS. I am embarrassed that I sank to the same low level of character assassination. So I support your moderation snip and hope it will promote a more civil discussion. As demonstrated below, I will constrain myself to simply debunking his claims based purely on the evidence.

  15. @Jim Steele,

    I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your important work on the subject matter. Seeing some of the gross attempts at character assassination here is a perfect demonstration of the fact that it takes a significant amount of courage and integrity to stand behind your work and present it for the sake of providing the public with further information to make intelligent assessments on these important issues when there’s such a concerted effort on the parts of so many in the professional community and outside (as is the case here) to malign not just your work but your reputation.

    I’ll be the first to admit that my skepticism on the C02 issue has been a slow evolution and my distrust of many of the more vocal skeptics has often led to questions about the integrity and sincerity of of their position, particularly when I perceive conflicts of interest, which may or may not be a factor. I don’t see any such conflicts of interest in your work. On the contrary, the point I see you making which resonates with me, is the fact that the C02 issue and much of the rhetoric which has evolved around defending the hypothesis, is a divisive tactic which has quite successfully distracted people from looking critically at the issues on a case per case basis and, in doing so, as suggested in the title of the podcast, taken energy away from addressing legitimate concerns about the environment on a proactive level.

    For me, one of the elements which makes your perspective so valuable and compelling is the fact that you’re not merely saying that the C02 hypothesis is wrong, but you’re doing some of the legwork to address legitimate concerns about what I think might be more accurately (and usefully) described as environmental degradation and disruption. One of the biggest obstacles in my skepticism over the C02 hypothesis has been the sense that much of the rhetoric seems to dismiss environmentalists as mindless dupes who look to undermine the concept of free market principles through undue burden and regulation. Just saying “climate change is a hoax” when people see very real elements of change, much of it alarming, is far from satisfying.

    The point I alluded in a comment I made earlier here (albeit somewhat uselessly and vaguely;) which I wanted to come back to is the idea that, those of us who are concerned with the environment, need to move beyond arguing about C02 and focus on specific issues. Everybody can see that these “climate summits” have achieved little more than bogus proposals which, even by the IPCC’s own brand of dodgy research and recommendations, barely scratches the surface of these theoretical catastrophic scenarios of small island nations disappearing beneath waves littered with polar bear corpses. So why even grant such summits an ounce of credibility to begin with?

    As is the case in politics in general (imo), the readymade “solutions” being championed by the self appointed elites are not intended to address the problems we face. If we want to affect positive change we need to make more intelligent assessments about the root causes of these problems and work towards specific solutions. As you mention in this podcast, issues like drought are obviously legitimate concerns, but one has to ask the question: which is more likely to yield results; examining poor water resource management in effected areas (including corporate plunder by the likes of Nestle) and trying to address these issues directly, or traveling to the next “climate summit” to kneel at the feet of the carbon gods and pray for reductions in C02 emissions? The answer seems pretty clear to me, but one of the missing links in the debate on climate change has been a lack of emphasis (or in some cases even admission) on the part of figures in the skeptic community on acknowledging that there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about environmental degradation and ecological disruption, it’s just a matter of recognizing that so long as we remain divided about the AGM theory, we remain susceptible to strategically manufactured distractions which obfuscate the findings of important real world scientific research such as yours which can serve as the basis for taking proactive steps to address these issues on a case per case basis instead of throwing our hands up hopelessly accepting the endlessly expanding blanket explanation that each disturbing environmental change or disruption is yet more proof substantiating the AGM theory and that our only (or best) remedy is to beg our “leaders” for “solutions” that are in reality just smoke screens for greater consolidation of power in the hands of the few under various nefarious pretexts.

    Thanks again for the great work. I appreciate your willingness to take a stand and not be deterred by some of the gross slanderous attacks which have unfortunately become such a common factor in this debate.


    • Thanks Benny,

      It has been an amazing lesson, experiencing how internet snipers will attack and lie and distort my reputation simply because I point to natural factors more powerful than CO2 that ate affecting our environment. I welcome honest debate and sincere challenges to my interpretations. However slanderous lies are the fingerprints of dishonest internet snipers with no integrity. It is easy to spot slanderous snipers because they do never quote what is actually said nor do they provide relevant evidence that supports their attacks. It appears that these snipers adhere to the propagandist’s tactic if you tell a lie often enough people will eventually believe it.

      That said Candideschmyles has finally attempted to address his initial failure quote my supposed “lies” but fails to provide evidence that supports his vile accusations.

      1. candideschmyles says Jin Steele “repeatedly claimed that penguin populations were thriving. They are not. Both King and Emperor penguins are well-studied tertiary species that are in decline. As these papers clearly show”


      In my book I talked about the fact that nearly every penguin outside of Antarctica is threatened due to human disturbance and introductions of rats and cats and other predators to the penguins breeding islands that were once predator free.

      In contrast the two ice associated penguins of Antarctic are the Emperor and Adelies. And they are by all accounts thriving overall. Adelie population has nearly doubled despite a some lost colonies along the west coast of the peninsula.


      Satellite data has also revealed there are twice as many Emperor Penguins than previously thought. That doesn’t mean the population nescessarily doubled, only that more have been detected. The one large decline of Emperors was at D’umont Durville between 1960 and 1980, and that decline was most likely due to researcher disruption as discussed in my essay here:

      I received a few emails from top Antarctic penguin researchers supporting my claims made in that essay. Sworn to confidentiality due to fear of reprisals they also shared tales of how journal editors have tried to force a climate change interpretation on their publications.

      Candideschmyles’ “meat and potatoes” analysis nonsensically believes he has rebutted my claims by linking to an irrelevant King Penguin study. King Penguins are not found in Antarctica. And a paper showing that increased snowfall has “slowed sea-level rise by 0.12 ± 0.02 millimeters per year.”

      Go Figure.

      2. Candideschmyles states the Jim Steele “claims that there is no net ice loss in Antarctica except a few stray icebergs naturally calving into the ocean. Utter nonsense”

      Having never said such a thing, I would love to see my quote regards a “few stray icebergs”. If one reads the essay

      that James linked to and was the basis for this interview, one would understand that I wrote there is no consensus on net ice loss as discussed by the NOAA paper. HOwever all sides of the debate agree there has been a steady loss due to basal melting but in a relatively small areas of Antarctic mostly due to a unique bathymetry and close proximity to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. As Antarctic expert Dr Eric Steig wrote, “I think the evidence that the current retreat of Antarctic glaciers is owing to anthropogenic global warming is weak. The literature is mixed on this, about 50% of experts agree with me on this.”

      One must wonder why Candideschmyles thinks he/she rebutted my essay when his link to a Scientific American article actually supports most of what I wrote and said about the dynamics of lost Antarctic ice. The articles quotes the researchers, “the glaciers’ quick disappearance is not caused by a reduction in annual snowfall or by warmer air temperatures.” ….”shifting winds are pushing warmer water toward the ice shelves, melting them from below”

      Air temperature is so cold in Antarctica the surface water temperatures are much colder than the deeper waters. The deeper circumpolar waters are relatively insulated from changing air temperatures and adjust only on century and millennial time scales. Glaciers that are ground in deeper waters are more susceptible to melting, while glaciers grounded in shallower depths have not lost ice. The instability of these deeply grounded glaciers have been discussed long before CO2 was considered a possible factor. If one actually reads what I wrote, they would quickly realize everything I said is fully supported by peer reviewed research and we can only wonder from what part of his anatomy Candideschmyles accusations of “dishonesty “ are being pulled.

    • Candideschmyles writes “ All in the data on Antarctica is quite unequivocal. Antarctica is in flux and to argue otherwise is dishonest.”

      Yet no one has ever argued that Antarctica is NOT in flux. The question is what caused the instability. One argument has been that since the end of Last Ice Age Maximum, the 120 meter rise in sea level as the Northern Hemisphere glaciers melted, allowed warmer deep waters to access and melt the glaciers with the deepest grounding points. Antarctica has yet to reach an equilibrium the high sea levels that have existed since the Holocene’s warm periods and those glaciers continue to experience basal melting and more frequent calving.

      Because Antarctica has been in flu for thousands of years I again quote Antarctic expert Dr Eric Steig, “I think the evidence that the current retreat of Antarctic glaciers is owing to anthropogenic global warming is weak. The literature is mixed on this, about 50% of experts agree with me on this.” Due to his lack of historical perspective and a reasonable understanding of the climate dynamics involved, Candideschmyles does not realize his own ignorance, and thus calls more well informed scientists like myself “dishonest”

      Similarly candideschmyles argues that snowfall accumulation is something to be feared writing “this is also bad news and indicates that there is a substantial change in Antarctic weather bring heavy snowfall where it was once rare.” Clearly he did not read the Zwally paper showing for the last 18,000 years of the Holocene, that snowfall accumulating has increased and the least amount of ice accumulation counter-intuitively occurred during the lasts ICe Age Maximum. By such awkward reasoning, only a return to the Ice Age and less accumulation would be “good news” ??!!??!!!??!

      • candideschmyles, Again you accuse me of misleading with the actual science, when it is your ignorance of all the facts.

        You blindly embraced a single woeful hypothesis that melting ice is causing more sea ice, when all research shows that sea ice is gaining where there is the least amount or NO glacier melt and that where sea ice growing ocean temperatures are colder.

        It is you who total misrepresents the science when you falsely accuse, “you ignore the excellent temperature measurement data that shows the surface ocean temperature around Antarctica is not just increasing over 3/4 of the region but is showed a doubling in the rate of warming since 1980.”

        There is no such data suggesting any such thing. That is simply a boatload of crap. Most of the suggested warming for the souther oceans has been attributed to the poleward displacement of the Circumpolar Current. A wind direction shift compressed insulating sea ice along the western peninsula and allowed more heat to ventilate. There is no evidence that CO2 radiative warming has added any heat. In fact just the opposite. Research stations all along eastern Antarctica show no warming. NONE

      • candideschmyles again makes up data and my intentions trying to denigrate what I wrote and spoke saying “It is notable that you ignore the excellent temperature measurement data that shows the surface ocean temperature around Antarctica is not just increasing over 3/4 of the region but is showed a doubling in the rate of warming since 1980.

        In contrast Antarctic experts wrote In the 2014 paper, “Recent Antarctic sea ice trends in the context of Southern Ocean surface climate variations since 1950”

        While candideschmyles oddly adheres to the idea that warming causes more sea ice, researchers that actually look at the data found sea ice increases where it is colder. Who woulda thunk physics would act that way??? LOL

        Key finding: “Apart from the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent regions, sea surface temperatures and surface air temperatures DECREASED during 1979–2011, consistent with the expansion of Antarctic sea ice.” [my emphasis]

        One has to wonder how the brilliant scientific mind of candideschmyles translates their “excellent temperature measurements” into “surface ocean temperature around Antarctica is not just increasing over 3/4 of the region but is showed a doubling in the rate of warming since 1980.” ????

        Here’s the abstract

        This study compares the distribution of surface climate trends over the Southern Ocean in austral summer between 1979–2011 and 1950–1978, using a wide variety of data sets including uninterpolated gridded marine archives, land station data, reanalysis, and satellite products. Apart from the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent regions, sea surface temperatures and surface air temperatures decreased during 1979–2011, consistent with the expansion of Antarctic sea ice. In contrast, the Southern Ocean and coastal Antarctica warmed during 1950–1978. Sea level pressure (SLP) and zonal wind trends provide additional evidence for a sign reversal between the two periods, with cooling (warming) accompanied by stronger (weaker) westerlies and lower (higher) SLP at polar latitudes in the early (late) period. Such physically consistent trends across a range of independently measured parameters provide robust evidence for multidecadal climate variability over the Southern Ocean and place the recent Antarctic sea ice trends into a broader context.

        • No candideschmyles the two papers are not analyzing the same data. You are wrong again.

          Your link to the Zhang paper is a paper simply about modeled results hypothesizing that more melt water will cause more ice. Critical thinkers might wonder if that were truly the case then why isn’t Arctic sea ice increasing rapidly. LOL You then try to dismiss a paper that actually examined the sea surface temperatures and the relationship between SST and sea ice. You seem to have a disregard for reality. To use your analogy, perhaps you are forgetting to remove lens caps from your personal telescope.

          I don’t think you ever read or understand the peer reviewed literature you link to or to the links I provide. You appear to just do a google search and throw up something, no matter how irrelevant, hoping something might stick, like this Zhang paper or King Penguins. Your flow of errors have been exposed with nearly every post you make.

          And you might want to fix the other link it just brings up an index page with the lead story about Great Britain nectar resources. I know the literature on polynyas and their effects on Emperor penguins very well. So I look forward to your link to whatever paper you are tossing around and why you think it is evidence for CO2 warming.

    • Take the time to read this. But be very careful because the article contains descriptions of observable changes that are ongoing as you and your ilk spew nonsense about gaming climate data. You guys just don’t get it. Positive feedback loops are now fully in play and the results are already wreaking havoc on the Arctic ecosystem. What about this do you not understand? Corbett continues to spread nonsense and you guys just lap it up. Stupi can’t be fixed.

      • Referencing NY times does little . an article by two people who are high in the education system , went to climate conference , and are completely “victims” of the rockefeller’s teaching’s , totally kills this point.

        should watch the OLIGARCHY video by James , would shed some light on the wonderful education/university – teaching in general system .

        to go with this point you would be then stating that the rockefeller’s themselves are in favour of getting society off of oil .

      • One of the principle problems I find in the logic of most global warming alarmists (e.g. bd6951) is that they fail to accept or realize that with or without humans the planet’s temperature and ecosystem has and always will be in flux… We’ve had ice ages on this planet and we’ve had times where arctic areas were near tropical. And it’s foolish to assume that the way it has been for the last few millenia is the way it will be, and build major cities on edge of an ocean… We’re way too ego/anthro centered in all of this. And we so often fail to see the forest for the trees in this typical, near nauseating debate.

        I agree, humanity (but particularly corporations and their elite executives) are wrecking havoc on major areas of the world’s ecosystem. I didn’t hear anything about the island of microscopic plastic (the size of Texas) in the middle Pacific at the recent circle jerk in Paris tho! As far as I’m concerned the CO2 craze and anthropogenic climate change (global cooling in the 70’s, now it’s global warming) is not really concerned about the environment… We all know that Al Gore doesn’t really give a f*** about the environment… Just the profits of his environment corporation investments. Let’s dig deeper in our discussion and ask more questions before buying the rhetoric that CNN, CBS, CIA, MIT, WHO and all the other three letter agencies and institutions put in place so that we blindly parrot whatever the Orwellian, Kubrickian black boxes tell us is the “Truth”.

  16. candid, this co2 rise , could a contributing factor be human population ? and hence less forest / wilderness areas ? as in , and this is the extent of my scientific knowledge , but we exhale co2 and they exhale oxygen , so as the supposed population has gone from , and I’m only guessing , say a billion some 2000 years ago to 7 billion now , and somewhat similar ratio on the side of wilderness decreasing , would that not in itself be a major factor in this ?
    again , i am in no way defending these oil and fossil fuel corporations , and the ill effect they have on the planet . i just don’t accept what i perceive as their interest/motive for this climate movement .

    • i recall watching those BBC dinosaur documentaries , and the “scientists/archeologists” were saying how in those days with few mammals or reptiles around that oxygen level’s were high and hence the forests were booming all over , and then millions of years pass , yadi yada , and due to the high oxygen the mammals that were started becoming massive , ( as in later dinosaur ages ) .

      is our current situation yet another “age” in the worlds cycles ? as in a result of the lifeforms that are currently living here now and their chemistry ?

      • so are we talking carbon then , or carbon dioxide ( as in the stuff we exhale ) ? or am i missing something completely ? or is carbon creating carbon dioxide ?

  17. candideschmyles

    what is your obsession with repeating irrelevant factoids over and over again. No matter how many times I or any skeptic tells you the issue is “climate sensitivity” you bring up CO2 is a greenhouse gas” and it is “rising”. I have always agreed with that. But to repeat more slowly the issue is “c-l-i-m-a-t-e s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-i-t-y!” There is no consensus on sensitivity and the models all over the place and the models all overestimate the observed temperatures for the past 20 years. Instead of dealing with that, you make up stuff suggesting we deny rising CO2 and then you attribute nefarious motives to us for your straw man agreement. As noted above you are too quick to accuse people of being dishonest when it is simply you ignorance of the issue.

    There are many reasons for warming i addition to the natural warming that took us out of the LIttle Ice Age.

    Read The Global Average Chimera

  18. “I believe with current tech we can sustain a 12bn population at the standard of living of the average European without any further degradation to the natural environment. It is the political systems and the greed of elites that prevents this.”

    Overpopulation should really be the point of discussion instead of climate change. The latter will self regulate itself. The planet and its cycles have proven this, if not a cataclysm, which happen on regular basis will sort this out.
    We can discuss climate change and its causes and effects until we are blue in the face, but unless we dont come to a consensus about how we manage to regulate the number of our species wie will be pretty much fucked (pardon my french).
    Its the not the political system or elite who create this. Its all of us. Its human nature which is causing this problem.

    • Jason in many ways we are self regulating our populations. In high tech societies where more education is required, marriage is delayed. LIke all K selected species there is a lower value for having many children and higher survival rate.Those countries’ reproductive rates have fallen below the replacement rates. In poorer countries subsistence farming benefits from cheap child labor and lower survival encourages bigger reproductive rate. When people are not starving they are not forced to choose between survival and protecting the ecosystem.

      Due to hIgh tech farming marginal farmlands have returned to the wild. Vermont was 80% deforested in the 1900s but has now returned to 80% forested. If we improve our use of wetland and restore the hydrology as we did in the Sierra Nevada, the vegetation and wildlife can rebound immediately.

      • Thank you Jim Steele for offering (what I would argue is) a more balanced, nuanced, thought out view from an expert in the field that is intimately involved with the effects of humans on our earth’s ecosystem. The fact is, you do care about the present/future ecological and sociological state of our world. And too often we forget that the real culprits of a lot of our environmental woes are the culture creators, the technological stipulators, and the mass conciousness manipulators at the top of the socio, economic, political food chain/pyramid they’ve created… Most people would gladly choose hemp polymer products over plastics, public transit systems over gridlock, biofuels over fuel, etc, etc… But the elite not only manipulate and shut down technological and ecological progress, they make us take and accept the blame for the fucked up, ecologically/technologically/socially backward stepping systems that they’ve created and are managing…

        And let’s not be so sure that the CO2 craze/anthropogenic climate change “movement” isn’t yet again another globalist agenda for us to accept eugenics, depopulation, further monetary/political enslavement and be the scapegoat, the “blood sacrifice” for what the elite and their monopolization of almost all facets of existence are doing to our world!

        • A alarmists snake oil salesman would argues todays rise in temperatures are catastrophic, as if the 0.8 C rise since the Little ICe Age was a bad thing. During the LIttle Ice Age, tree line retreated and trees stopped growing in many places. Thicker Arctic ice reduced ocean productivity by reducing sunlit areas where photosynthesis could occur. Growing seasons were shortened reducing food supplies for humans and wildlife, and expanding glaciers covered wild and human habitat.

          in a pitiful display of self righteousness, candideschmyles desperately plays the “race card” and a woefully exaggerated rate of warming, trying to show that he is driven only by really caring. He blathers “if you want to dream up an effective method of wiping out the bulk of the non white peoples on Earth its hard to think of a more effective weapon to achieve that than a 4c-5c average temperature rise.”

          But the truth is recent warming has been associated with a longer growing season and tremendous increases in agricultural production, increasingly removing the threat of starvation from world’s population, benefitting people of all color.

          This summer I blogged “Apocalyptic Fear-mongering: Sometimes Rush Limbaugh is Right!”

          that thoroughly examines how humans are reversing the extinction threats imposted by a starving and ignorant population during the LIttle Ice Age. It is apocalyptic climate fear mongering that is now resulting more damage to the environment and threatens people of all color.

          • Once again candideschmyles misinterprets. The last part of title was “Sometimes Rush Limbaugh is Right!”, and the purpose for stating it that way was to hopefully signal people on both left and right there is a common ground. Many conservatives see all environmentalists as “watermelons”, greenies on the outside and commies on the inside. Unless you are a political fanatic, you realize there are elements of truth in every political belief. I figured those who can not get past the title were likely fanatics who can’t see beyond their own blinkers. I want all parties to embrace wise environmental stewardship and avoid fear mongering.

      • Jim,

        This is a great example of what I liked in this interview. Looking at specific issues that can be addressed instead of throwing our hands up in the air and feeling helpless. That’s not to say these are simple tasks per se, but as suggested in the description for the podcast, not simply chalking problems up to being the effect of AGW and that we’re basically screwed if we don’t address it through some sort of comprehensive global climate summit agreement (which never pans out anyway).

        One of the frustrations I’ve had with many, if not most, of the skeptics I’ve encountered is that it feels like everything seems to hinge on the idea that climate change is a hoax and therefore somehow concerns or calls for modifying our behavior in relationship to the ecosystem should be either ignored or looked on with suspicion, or even resisted.

        This isn’t the same thing as advocating for the status quo of continued environmental exploitation, degradation, and extraction of fossil fuels, but it often feels that there’s an implicit suggestion that “nothing’s wrong, nothing to see here, you can move about your business”, that would naturally play to the interests of the fossil fuel industry among others such as big agribusiness; particularly massive cattle farming operations, which (rather suspiciously) tend to avoid scrutiny.

        I suppose I can understand candideschmyles’ suspicion about your theoretical “motives” for being a so-called “denier”, but quite frankly I don’t see any of these allegations holding up and I’d say your rebuttals of these assaults on your work and integrity have gone above and beyond establishing your credibility from what I was initially able to deduce (I honestly stopped following the technical back and forth after a while, based on this) and, although I don’t see these attacks as an act of “trolling”, in part based on intelligent discussions candideschmyles and I have participated in elsewhere, I do view them a slanderous and, beyond that, a symptom of the polarizing (pun intended) nature of the discourse.

        In all fairness, I recognize I’m not immune to the effect of this polarization. I know some of my initial resistance to climate skepticism had a lot to do with the sociopolitical ecosystem (if you will) this skepticism tended to revolve around (or gravitate to). At this point I think I’ve begun to be able to see nature in which this politicization eschews the debate into a set of disingenuous arguments that serve the purpose of keeping us divided, distracted, and at a disadvantage when it comes to tackling what would most likely be common concerns.

        What I find refreshing about your skepticism is that, to me, it seems like it’s coming from a place of sincere interest in addressing legitimate environmental issues related to various forms of manmade degradation and disruption. I think there are very good reasons to be concerned about the negative impact various practices have on the environment, but it’s important that we understand what the correlation between our actions and these negative impacts are, if we want to come up with appropriate solutions. I find it particularly valuable that your work looks at specific issues which we actually can address, like restoration of wetlands for example.

        At this point, I’ve sort of evolved to position where I’d prefer to move away from arguing about climate change/AGW and stick to specific issues of immediate concern. Institutions like the IPCC, even if they call for actions I support, like moving away from fossil fuels, don’t deserve and shouldn’t be taken seriously. There are far more valuable and critical forms of action like preventing fracking, drilling, and mountaintop removal projects which these sort of large international (let alone national) bodies aren’t capable of tackling, even if many of those within them sincerely would want to or believe that this is what they’re trying to do. Certainly the true nature of these programs were never designed by those who created them for the purpose of what they’ve been marketed as.

        Again, thanks Jim. I appreciate the work that you’re doing. It’s incredibly valuable to have someone who’s not just stating that climate change (as it’s being marketed) is a scheme which needs to be discredited, but that it’s really serving as a distraction from forms of environmentalism which we have the capacity to address in ways which alarmism often seems to effectively obfuscate.


  19. Antarctica has thousands of icebergs as glaciers are always calving into the sea.

    candideschmyles you are obsessed with your own fabrication of “random little icebergs”.

    Adelie penguins do not breed on the ice and abandon breeding colonies where there is too much fast ice to walk across. As the article says there is evidence that such things have happened before and indeed there is a lot of evidence. LIke all species, Adelie Penguins experience random crashes in any given population. But the fact remains Adelies penguins have doubled their Antarctic population over the past few decades.

    As Adelie Penguins breed in land there is no direct impact to their breeding site and the bergs irregularities would allow plenty of open water for them to enter the ocean. The problem is its so cold, the open water is freezing all around the berg. You really need to read more about penguins because you keep getting things backwards. More ice (not warming) means less penguins.

    • candideschmyles finally admits his wrongdoing ” I apologise if I have misquoted you on “a few stray icebergs”, though I have definitely heard that said on one of the podcasts here.”

      The difference between me and candideschmyles is that despite my protests, candideschmyles never checked to see if he was blinded by his own beliefs but instead chose to continue to posting his fabrication and made it the basis for a few more snide remarks.

      I know how easily we can fool ourselves, so I checked to be sure. If you truly want to engage in a truth seeking discussion I suggest candideschmyles that you “check yourself before you wreck yourself.”

      And further along on the delusional front, no matter how many times candideschmyles is told it is about climate sensitivity, when out of scientific ammunition he plays a meaningless denier card, asking “Do you deny the ice core and ocean sediment data that irrefutably show Co2 steadilly rising since the industrial revolution? Do you deny radiative forcing as an effect of increased Co2?”

      The answer has always been “NO” . NO! N- O ! How much slower must I repeat it ad nauseum. Its a very simple answer that should not be so hard to remember.

      So why do obsessively repeat your question? Do you really think you can make the simpleton jump from a single fact that there is rising CO2 to a conclusion we are all going to climate hell? Do you deny that the ocean’s are opaque to CO2 infrared? Do you deny that heat is not trapped by CO2 but merely slows its journey back to outerspace?

      Do you not understand the tremendous complexities of natural climate change and how easily it dominates climate change? Are you just trying to falsely smear me as a denier of facts with that question? Do you not understand the issue is climate sensitivity?

      Do you refuse to accept the issue of sensitivity because of cognitive dissonance? Do you not understand that we must understand natural climate change before we can point to any CO2 effect? Do you deny that ice core and sediment evidence typically shows CO@ as a result to a cause of climate change? Do you understand that the argument that increasing CO2 causes significant climate change is a hypothesis, not a LAW of science? LIke all hypotheses, CO@ caused climate change must be tested and thoroughly examined. Do you deny the scientific process?????

  20. candideschmyles, Again if you want to criticize my views then quote me exactly and then provide the evidence. When all you do is obsessively try to smear me as “What Mr Steele has said or done is precisely that obfuscation you decry Benny.” the only evidence you are providing is that you are an internet sniper not interested in honest debate. You are the only one dishonestly obfuscating the issues here! WHy do you refuse to quote me exactly?

    You also show your ignorance of what ecologists must understand when you blather “His professional job was land use study not climate and the kind of things he claims as breakthroughs have been standard practice in nature conservation for decades. Why he chooses to enter the debate on climate at all is queer.” We ecologists understand any change is complex and trying to push one variable like CO2 as the driver is what really “queeer”. We must understand how landscape changes and biological interactions affect a population. We must understand how microclimates, regional climates and hemispheric climate interplay and affect a population. What is really “queer” is that candideschmyles thinks that the plight of a single population of Adelie Penguins has anything to do with CO2. Why you “choose to enter the debate” when your scientific knowledge is so deplorable can only explained within the framework of trolling!

    What’s really “queer” is you have yet to provide a single quote but you maintain your sniping that I am “cherry picking and miscontextualising to suit a predetermined narrative. His back peddling to a position of “climate sensitivity” after a whole podcast of spurious claims and outright oil shill rhetoric is almost comic. ” Seriously? No you play the oil shill card. How pathetic. But if you lack the scientific ammunition to rebut what I have actually argued, then such dishonest tactics area all you have to offer.

    There has been no “back pedaling”. The argument has always been about climate sensitivity, but you fail to understand or refuse to understand the climate sensitivity issue, perhaps because there is no consensus.

    Since the 1940s maximum temperatures have cooled in many places like California and much of the USA like Texas. As seen below on the right map of California (from Rapacciouolo 2014) most of the state has not experienced a rise in maximum temperatures since 1940. Thus there is NO accumulation of heat in those regions, NO heat tress for organisms, NO contribution to droughts and NO s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-i-t-y to rising CO2. There has been a rise in minimum temperatures but higher minimum temperatures are largely the result of urbanization where pavements hold the heat and waste heat warms the boundary layer.. Minimum temperature obfuscate the amount of heat being trapped when it is combined with the maximum. Us ecologists who work outdoors measure, feel and understand these things. Climate modelers living in a computerized virtual reality often miss all the contributing factors.

    Clearly candideschmyle you have no real science background but that doesn’t stop you from making unsubstantiated assertions things and accusations about things you don’t know or understand

  21. A good propagandist follows the maxim that if you repeat a lie often enough people will soon believe it. I confess I have been vulnerable to such a tactic. As a lie was obsessively repeated here, and began to doubt my ability to recall what I had actually said in the above interview.

    candideschmyles wrote “Remaining in the Antarctic he [Steele] claims that there is no net ice loss in Antarctica except a few stray icebergs naturally calving into the ocean. Utter nonsense. Ice loss in West Antarctica and the Antarctic peninsula in particular is spectacular and worrisome. Far from a few stray icebergs huge shelves of ice are breaking off, some as big as half the size of Wales.”

    I knew I had never said such a thing because it is a ludicrous assertion. Indeed Antarctica is filled with many many large icebergs, so I asked for a direct quote. candideschmyles insisted it was in the interview and then followed with comments referencing some statement about a “few stray ice bergs” I realize that sometimes in an interview I can jumble my thoughts, so I thought perhaps I mis-spoke. The only way to know for sure was to revisit the interview.After doing so to my great relief I never said such a thing. My memory was intact. It was a total fabrication either due to a bad memory or an attempt to obfuscate by candideschmyles.

    So to clear the matter, the best I can figure, candideschmyles misunderstood when I had said there were relatively “small regions” undergoing rapid basal melting and causing a net loss of ice in that region. Calving of ice bergs is always happening. But a net loss of ice only happens when calving rates are greater than ice accumulation. A giant ice berg as big as Rhode Island calved in the Ross Sea about 20 years ago, but the ice shelf grew and exceeded it past limits, so there was a net gain of ice despite a massive calving event.

    Below is a map of Antarctic with the red dots showing where basal melting exceeds accumulation. As I talked about in the interview, those reddish regions where glaciers grounded at depth are most susceptible to upwelling of relatively warm deep waters. As you can see those regions are relatively small with respect to the entire Antarctic coastline.

    • Please strut you scientific skills and defend your empty assertion, “Again you are careful to state “maximum” and “minimum” temperatures when the only relevant figure is the average”

      Please explain how the minimum temperature helps us measure the amount of heat accumulating in the global system? The average simply combines the maximum and minimum and divides by 2. To state the average is the “only relevant figure” then you must defend why the minimum is relevant because it skews the average.

      I argue that only the maximum temperature is useful and that is easily defended.

      • Well first I must give you kudos for admitting that you never read my book and thus admit your opening attack that I wrote “a book crammed full of demonstrable lies” was simply your vile lie and a fabrication used to distort the debate!

        As evidenced by your false fabrications, do you really wonder why many of us see you as an untrustworthy troll?!? That you now try to denigrate my name from Steele to Steal is a common troll tactic.

        As for your subsequent commentary my response was ROTFLMAO!

        Regards your link about California temperatures you write, “So the lower average is rising and the higher average is rising. Hmmmm what could that mean? ” But your understanding again appears limited to what your blinkers allow you to see. The authors wrote,” Accompanying the observed statewide warming from 1970 to 2006 [warming driven by the minimum temperature], regional cooling trends in Tmax are observed during winter and summer.” Thus their statement supports my argument that there has been no increase in maximum temperatures since the 1930s , and your reply only avoided my question that you only pretend to answer. So I repeat, “Please explain how the minimum temperature helps us measure the amount of heat accumulating in the global system?”

        It appears your forum swan song is befitting of all your past fabrications as you now try to accuse me of a having a vendetta for Parmesan. But that you can not understand how bad her science was only speaks to your lack of scientific background. Again your attacks are remarkably similar to internet snipers Slandering Sou and Pete Meisler’s attack. You have no evidence to support your smear that my “allegations against her [Parmesan] are your own misrepresentation of her work.” My evidence is undeniable, and the editor’s refusal to retract her fabrications and distorted science is just more proof that some editors protect bad climate science. Everyone can read the facts at

        That you would defend Parmesan’s distortions, defend her refusal to allow independent replication, defend her failure to publish that populations she claimed had gone extinct due to global warming are now thriving, or her undeniable attempt to keep half the evidence off the books a la Enron, is only testimony to your crass acceptance of dishonest science whenever it supports your climate delusions.

        It is also hilarious that you would launch another parting shot, “You have a bee in your bonnet about climate s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-i-t-y, which is ironic since it is the most ambiguous and difficult to define ”

        Clearly you have no understanding of climate sensitivity nor its critical and primary importance for determining if the observed rising concentrations of a greenhouse gas (CO2) have any significant climate impact or not. Indeed it is the most difficult parameter to define. And that is precisely why any claims that rising CO2 is, and will cause catastrophic change, are totally unreliable.

        But as you have clearly demonstrated multiple times, you will simply make up whatever lies you want to support your delusional beliefs.

  22. “We all need to train ourselves to not be dismissive of new ideas, whilst not turning ourselves into easily dupable foils, with no stable grounding”

    yes indeed!

    As Nobel laureate Feynman wrote, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool.”

    We are all binded by our beliefs. Beliefs are something that possess our mind. The only cure is critical thinking, self awareness and honest sincere discussions.

  23. Perhaps I don’t have the same reaction to Jim Steele’s work because I’m not under the impression that he’s trying to demonstrate that climate change isn’t happening in the sense that it’s part of a sort of package deal, so to speak. What I see him doing is contesting specific assertions based on his expertise and perhaps expressing these views, particularly in this debate with you, in a somewhat exasperated tone, because the intended scope is meant to be two dimensional, yet you’re forcing a three dimensional debate by placing the argument within a larger issue as to whether climate change is something we should be concerned about.

    “His professional job was land use study not climate and the kind of things he claims as breakthroughs have been standard practice in nature conservation for decades.”

    He never made any “claims” about these standard conservation practices being “breakthroughs”. Once again you are making misleading and slanderous statements by taking Jim’s comments and mixing them with assertions he’s never made, then accusing him for backpedaling when you’ve caused enough confusion that it’s difficult to distinguish what he’s really said, versus assertions you’ve falsely attributed to him.

    I stated previously that I wasn’t under the impression that you’re a “troll” based on other conversations I’ve participated in with you, but it’s reached a point where I’m honestly not sure anymore. At this point it doesn’t matter. Well intentioned or not, you’ve passed the threshold of what I’m willing to put up with on a personal level in the spirit of debate. By all means carry on, but I see no value in pursuing this matter with you, so I intend to try to exercise some restraint moving forward on this topic with you, regardless of whatever cheap shots I imagine you’ll choose to respond in an effort to denigrate my statement and contrast yourself as playing the moral high ground.

    • Indeed candideschmyles should “regret coming into this thread with all guns blazing” I would wager that you never read my book, (we can test that here with a few specific questions and I’ll give you the page numbers ) yet you libeled me saying it “a book crammed full of demonstrable lies”

      I can only imagine what part of your anatomy you pull your ideas from when you said I was “boasting” and stating something “novel”. The implication was never Parmesan was unaware of those efforts. There is little doubt she knew full well about those conservation efforts. The issue was Parmesan was less than honest. But your ears refuse to hear anything other than CO2-climate change is the cause of everything. Wallowing in your extreme cognitive dissonance, all you can do is play a vile game of shoot the messenger. When people are not intellectually strong enough to consider all things, they push for an intellectual tyranny that fits their beliefs, and to do so eagerly persecute others for simply disagreeing. candideschmyles is giving a textbook demonstration.

      James’ question was about Parmesan’s highjacking conservation success and her suggestion global warming was the driver of the butterfly moving northward. I described how conservation success had allowed some butterflies to move northward and reclaim lost northern habitat. Indeed Parmesan knew about those efforts. But in her IPCC paper, in which she claimed her “model” could separate habitat changes from climate changes, she used the threatened silver-spotted skipper as here best example of her model’s skill. She wrote, “Consider the case of the silver-spotted skipper butterfly (Hesperia comma) that has expanded its distribution close to its northern boundary in England over the past 20 years. Possible ecological explanations for this expansion are regional warming and changes in land use. Comparing the magnitudes and directions of these two factors suggests that climate change is more likely than land-use change to be the cause of expansion.”

      You can get all the details at the link below.

  24. Actually all the CO2 driven models were wrong about both the Arctic and Antarctic ice.

    The CO2 driven models underestimated how much ice would be lost in the Arctic and overestimated how much ice would be lost in the Antarctic. Climate scientists who based their models on CO2 back radiation simply got it wrong. Read Rigor 2002 Response of Sea Ice to the Arctic Oscillation. UNlike the Antarctic the Arctic’s confining geography leads to cycles of ice being trapped in the Arctic where it thickens and thus resisting melt in the summer. As subfreezing winds shifted, that thick ice was blown out into the Atlantic. The consensus has been in agreement with Rigor’s work showing that the ice wasn’t melted by global warming but blown out. Once the insulating cover of ice was removed only then did Arctic temperatures rise as heat ventilated from the ocean. There is enough heat stored below the surface of the Arctic OCean to melt the ice several times over.

    candideschmyles you entered this discussion wielding nothing lies and insults. You have been the only one here that has made up stuff. Now you grouse about me “winning”. I take no pleasure in winning or losing. I take pleasure in meaningful debates that get us closer to the truth. I did not win. You simply lost because your lies and fabrications were revealed. No meaningful debate can happen with such a liar whose goal was simply to denigrate a skeptic. Still you were given the opportunity to quote my mistakes and discuss them sincerely. Instead you lied creating straw men arguments you could attack, and boast that because you have stepped outdoors, then you must be right. ROTFLMAO

    • seems though you are the main antagonist in this distraction , both sides the system wins .

      Arguing either or , carbon , co2, penguins ,bears ,oil, arctic or antarctic ice etc , does not matter , because either way one seeks the system for the answer. only way to win is each person doing their most to consume less , period . The system wants all to debate which way to go , they benefit both ways .

      • got to be careful though that it aint your own shit your smelling though . that can be the hard thing most times . again , i don’t go with either the article’s reason or yours , but i appreciate the article that it explains and offers another view to the one being fed everyone by the system .
        this is what i see as the value of alternative media – not as another “truth” , but in bringing down the walls people have in their own minds by making them think its not as it seems .
        one day , and hopefully soon – enough number of people will finally understand that everything is manipulated for someone’s gain , that truth is not at this party at all , and then maybe things may start to change in this world . but i see no benefit following the dogma in any case – neither you or the writer or the article . then we just continually switch chains from one to another . and my chains were heavy enough , and refuse to accept any more going forward .

      • Dang candideschmyles, your trolling and internet sniping knows no bounds.

        To prove you are not a troll you have been asked to quote me exactly and provide the evidence that rebuts what I said. But you never do.

        Istead all you ever do is engage in unsubstantiated name-calling. You entered this thread spewing hateful lies about my book that you later admitted having never read. And now you continue in the same vein spewing more lies and denigrations.

        Of course, when we see the increase in CO2 emissions its logical to ask If the climate is sensitive to rising CO2. But that doesn’t mean there is. ANd certainly doesn’t mean it has been catastrophic. That theory must stand up to scrutiny and it hasn’t. YOu dismiss all the contradictions as cherry picking, despite a boatload of cherries. THat is the real denial.

        I have presented many well substantiated lines of evidence. In contrast you display your critical thinking skills by denigrating a poster for using capital letters to emphasize it just a theory that we need to test. Only sincere debate gets us to the truth of the matter. WHile LIARS and TROLLS always obfuscate.

      • ROTFLMAO yes candid, it was my fault that you started with gorse lies and continued with lies and continue to avoid honest discussion. It is not my lack of integrity that has been demonstrated.

        Your lack of any science skill is further revealed when you call the issue of climate sensitivity “retarded”. Not only did you not read my book you lied about, but you obviously do not read the scientific literature.

        And now instead of discussing evidence you now try to paint me as a misogynist because I criticized the flawed science of Camille Parmesan just like Slandering SOu has tried. LOL

        The facts remain, 1) Parmesan refused to share data to allow independent replication of her catastrophic claims. 2) Populatins she claimed went extinct to global warming are now thriving. 3) Like Enron she claimed CO2 caused extreme weather had killed butterlifes in a logged area and failed to mention in natural habitat just 10 meters away the same species was thriving. 4) She hijacked conservation efforts to suggest increased range was due to global warming.

        But you and Slandering SOu some how feel threatened that false claims of climate catastrophes are not real and due to bad science. So you launch these ad hom attacks. Read my official request for a retraction

        or any other post on Parmesan’s bogus climate science.

        There is never a hint of misogyny and your allegations all show that candideschmyles will lie and fabricate to promote climate alarmism. But such are the tactics climate alarmist trolls.

      • Candi says “he data which is extant and good enough if you should truly care to replicate. I am not a climate alarmist, I am an observer.”

        You are also a horrendous liar because that is not what has been determined.

        Second, Parmesan’s deceptions has nothing to do with climate sensitivity. Why do you embarrass yourself.

  25. candid , absolutely agree co2 does affect the planet , this is not my angle . but so does every other thing that we do on this planet . nothing is without effect , and all effects have a cause – never ending circle .

    going with the system’s environmental outlook and solutions is what i am against. all it will do is switch – if one believes co2 or carbon is the problem – from one problem to another . and it will take maybe another few decades until that is “discovered” and then tackled . in the meantime the population will be the only ones to suffer , be it financially ( for sure ) or any other way .

    i never , and i will repeat never , believe that oil or gas or pollution etc are not a issue. they are. i don’t trust in the system’s answers to it . over and over again the people put their good faith and hearth & soul into a cause and change their lives even , only to continuously be duped . from now on it needs to be “false/lies until proven otherwise” with anything the system puts out . they have lost all trust and credibility over the thousands of years ( that we know of ) of running the show .

    again ; less consumption of all things – food/products/energy – by all people is the only way not on the system’s chess board. but then again that is the hardest thing , both from 1st world nations – they are used to a certain standard and hard to go backwards (as it will seem) – and less wealthy nations – most from very young dream of “western” society standards , so when they get a chance hard to say “no, its alright , ill pass” .

    the few that can must lead the way , i do believe leading by example is top priority , and also that eventually more and more will agree with the next big “lifestyle” change .

    • Are you backpedaling or did you completely miss the point of the interview? The point is the focus on CO2 has misdirected our efforts to be better environmental stewards. My career has pushed for exactly that, to restore habitat and watersheds.

      • trusting the system with the biggest threat – co2- , even if it is a lesser threat , is the problem with most . they have no interest in what is better for the masses . but they will manipulate everything in their favour , as has always been the case .

        jim seems to be stating co2 is not the only issue with climate , which you seem to agree with , but it looks like you take it that in turn its automatically assumed he’s for oilgarchy . i truly think after all this dialogue , if both of you were to forget all that was put out before and start fresh right now , you would both be on the same page really .

        i cannot believe candid that you would be on this sort of website , into alternative media , if you were honestly believing that leaving this issue in the hands of the system would benefit in any way shape or form the people or planet .

        hence , we should forget the previous “taking things personally” posts , and work together to not let the system have its way in any way we can . we argue within , and they win .

  26. Jim,

    You can’t get bent out of shape over this. I’m not sure how many goes you’ve had here at the Corbett Rodeo but this is candide’s hill to die on and by God he’s gonna do it if he has to flip off every last one of the rest of us, including Corbett. This is a phenomenon I’ve noticed more than once among certain UK alt commenters – ‘better to die with my brains running liquid from my ears than consider for a second that an idea associated with the boorish American right could possibly have any truth in it.’ We can only pause to say a few words for those unlucky enough to come up in the birthplace and laboratory of the modern Fabian mind control state, once the signalman of liberty, alas fair Albion.

    Add this thread to the list of bullet points that make me ever hungrier for what could be the grand-daddy of open-source community investigations – the roots of the 21st century Culture Wars in the Anglophone world, in this corner the social justice warriors, in that one the so-called “Alternative Right,” stuffed on the mantle the corpse of liberal skepticism – and did the seeds of this mess spring unavoidably from her, or not?

    Certainly no doubts in my mind that this plebe-on-plebe culture hostility is heavily engineered – just a cursory look at the chain of custody – the ‘radical leftists’ turned Yale professors and Soros-fund babies, the white nationalist think-tanks emerging from Rockefellers’ own U of Chicago, the fine folks that brought us a few fraudulent ‘social sciences’ and Leo Strauss’s neocon cabal on the other – cries out for the interpretation of yet another grand strategy of divide and conquer, but for the folks here at TCR to put our heads together and really get into the nuts and bolts of it, that could really be one of the finest fruits of the open-source paradigm to date.

    • Thanks anacardo01, I was well aware that when I started writing my book I would be attacked with lies and fabrications by rabid alarmists with no integrity. candideschmyles revealed his total lack of integrity with his first post so I don;t take his lies personally but neither do I want to let his lies sit.

      Indeed when the folks here at TCR to put their heads together and really get into the nuts and bolts of it, that could really be one of the finest fruits of the open-source paradigm to date.

  27. Hi, I thought it might be helpful to pass on some links to sites which discuss the theory of global cooling. Not only could the man-made global warming hoax divert money and resources to the elite via carbon trading and other financial schemes but it may play into the hands of the eugenicists. They are preventing humanity, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere from preparing for the upcoming solar minimum and the mini ice-age this will cause, leading to mass starvation, disease and hypothermia.

  28. As this report mentions butterfly populations declining due to climate change/global warming, my antennae naturally tuned in. Being a casual butterfly gardener, I pay attention to my winged visitors and dote on the babies they leave behind. It’s interesting to note the behavior of a butterfly when it settles upon a flower: it will turn its body directly to the sun, its wings acting like solar panels, to soak in the heating rays. Just hours ago, I went out and spotted a monarch caterpillar likewise drinking in the sun as it lay on top of a leaf (when they feed, their habit is to hide underneath the leaf). Going by my own years of watching various butterfly species up close, they are not adversely affected by heat, but rather enjoy it.

    There is, however, a vicious threat affecting butterfly breeders, particularly monarch breeders, and that’s the tachinid fly, which is considered a beneficial insect. In a remarkably fast motion, this fly darts at a caterpillar and injects a tiny egg into its soft body; the parasitic maggot then feasts inside the body as it goes through its various instars and eventually exits the shriveled caterpillar or the chrysalis (I’ve experienced both more than I have actual monarch butterflies emerging). These flies may be purchased and released, just like lady bugs or praying mantis to go after garden/crop pests, but clearly they see no difference between “good” and “bad” worms. 🙁

    • Mea culpa: I mistakenly said that the tachinid fly may be purchased, but I learned that while they are currently used for biological control here in America, they are not sold commercially, as are parasitic wasps, mantises, beneficial nematodes, earthworms, etc. Even so, they are thriving well beyond the borders of the crops where they’ve been released.

    • Wait, with me you gotta speak very slowly. Are you trying to say that global warming/climate change DID NOT impact pockets of butterfly populations? 😉 ‘Cause I was on the verge of following Dr. Camille Parmesan’s suggestion, make amends for my useless existence, and volunteer for the great northwest drive to herd all these clueless critters to higher ground somewhere in the high peaks of Colorado, which should be almost as easy as herding cats.

      • No apologies necessary; I was playing with ya.

        I’ve merely dabbled in the whole climate change topic, but from what little I’ve applied myself over the years, I have been persuaded for many years that the earth goes through cycles, has since the dawn of time, as do the planets in the solar system. In other words, we’re on the same page.

        I found Steele’s information right up my alley, and something that can be observed and applied.

        Truly, you are an impressive creature yourself, mbp, in that you have plumbed the depths of so many topics, and possess encyclopedic knowledge that you communicate so well. Pollinator indeed!

        • “Damn! I already bought a sheep dog, a butterfly net and a copy of ‘The Art of Zen Insect Herding’, cancelled all my classes and bought a one-way ticket to San Diego!”

          It could be fun: you herd from the west side, I’ll come up from the southeast, wave our arms all dramatic-like,…the possibilities are endless! You should be back in time for spring break, easy.

    • No jarring revelations. With butterflies, it’s all fascinating and magical. Are they pollinators? I’ve read they are, though I don’t know if they’re as efficient as bees.

  29. Fortunately, the truth is going to play out in roughly another dozen years, or so – being that Mr. Steele dared advance his prediction at 20:11 of the interview that we’ll be seeing Arctic ice making a recovery in 15 years (2030). In nearly the same breath (one or two breaths later), by the way, he expands his prediction that due to said Arctic ice restoration there will be migratory effects of species heading back down south from whence they came, as such migratory effects have been undulating in recent decades past, that is, north to south, south to north, etc., etc., following the cycles (hardly a local phenomenon, eh?). Steele further states that in his opinion, this Arctic ice restoration will be the “true test” of these natural cycles….

    Well, all I can say is, I hope so. I hope he’s right.

    Meanwhile, “they”, the powers that are, and for the good of all mankind, shouldn’t be, are trying either their damnedest to slow down global warming, or trying their best to poison the crap out of us with their in-your-face-cognizant-dissonant spraying of aerolsolized aluminum and heavy metals!

    Here is an incredibly laughable little clip from a CBC broadcast on the topic of geo-engineering where, but for a moment, I actually believed the report was about to truly spill-the-beans!….My, was I disappointed at such a stupid tease (and sulfer, my ass):

    Anyway, whether or not increased levels of CO2 from anthropogenic activity is/will lead to global warming, and/or has an effect on climate and weather; the effects to health and breathing and the poisoning of the earth from the burning of oil, coal and gas, and its extraction from mother earth to do so, is not a good thing. Endeavoring to develop alternative energy is by far a much nobler idea, the foregoing having absolutely nothing to do with globalist aspirations and bogus, exploitative carbon tax schemes.

    However, apologizing in advance to the seeming majority here on TCR….

    On another note: To HRS – thanks for sharing the video interview of Cindy Sheehan discussing the upcoming Women’s March for Peace in Washington DC. She is so, so down to earth. She makes me want to give her a big hug! She may have balls of steel, as you said, but, she is such an honest, straight forward human being. She is an absolute gem!

    • 1

      Well now, I did after all, mbp, qualify that cute 6-minute video by apologizing in advance, did I not? And what’s better than to play devil’s advocate using cute, smug and charming?

      At any rate, I do like very much the alliteration of your “…mendacious machinations of the Climate mecca…”. Mendacious machinations seem ubiquitous these days – how far or long can you go without tripping over one?

      But, when it comes to the issue at hand, climate change/climate warming, its causes, its non causes, its truth, its non truth – the arguments and counter-arguments of this quandary have indeed become voluminous.

      It would be nice to sort out some of the various elements framing this volatile conversation of the veracity of climate’s ever vertiginously variable changes:

      1. So, besides the typical seasonal changes in weather in any given region
      which we have all come to love and expect, is the climate, and hence
      the weather, changing? If so, is it due strictly to natural inputs,
      human inputs, or both? Are we witnessing more frequent, severe and/or
      unusual weather events more so than in the pre-industrial past, or
      recent past?

      2. Is the surface temperature of the earth warming in an upward tic,
      including atmospheric and ocean temperatures, and if so, is this a
      resultant via strictly natural inputs, human inputs, or both? Or, to
      the contrary, on average, is the earth not warming at all?

      3. Are there certain political aspects of this issue that need not be
      questioned? For instance, for the sake of humor, is it necessary to
      ask if we can count upon the integral honestly of say, an Al Gore? Are
      there hidden motives behind taxing carbon emissions? For instance, see
      the link below:

      I have no doubt that the giants of industry would be the first to
      draw any number of sweet rewards from any and all laws and by-laws
      enacted for the sake of carbon tax credits and incentives. As
      technology ultimately shifts away in the long run from carbon based
      energy, as I’m sure it will, are such tax schemes simply a self-serving
      opportunistic windfall, and as the above link suggests, a legal shield,
      much like certain provisions of the failed (postponed?)TPP agreement?

      In the name of saving humanity from itself, to presume industry
      innocent of structuring a lavish windfall for itself seems a
      stretch too far…. No question there.

    • 2.

      To continue with the political angle in all of this, though, it would be appropriate to ask just how nefarious is it?

      As James very correctly and emphatically points out, the IPCC is indeed apolitical body. And, with what we know of politics in general and politicians in particular, are there any among them who would never think for a moment to let truth stand in the way of a good story? Especially if said story is deftly woven, and to which, with unassailable strings and invisible cords, our unabashed, jargon driven politicos are accorded the sprightly choreographed jig of the marionette. And, as it were, the polemics of the IPCC, and related political climate forums are notably heating up and becoming as energized and agitated as any strand of CO2 molecules could ever be, with their dark, stark warnings of global catastrophe standing now at the ten years plus two mark.

      James’ astute exposition of a myriad of purportedly scientific reports whose various observations and conclusions seem to vary and change figuratively and perhaps quite literally with the wind and of which the IPCC religiously depends on for its narrative, gives credence to deeply question to what extent might field and laboratory research be skewed by these political forums to correlate human activity and climate so as to favor industrial and oligarchal (puppet masters) wants, needs and desires.

      But, I think it should be noted, that a key phrase above – “to what extent” – is important. Meaning, I think we should ask ourselves is data derived from multitudinous and presumably science based sources all make-believe, proffered in large part by a tight-knit group of bent climatologists, as F. William Engdahl inferred in a recent article titled “The Dark Story Behind Global Warming aka Climate Change” which was originally posted by subscriber herrqlys:

      Or, is there at least some semblance of honesty, somewhere, someplace, from scientists whose data and work, though still subject as it is to interpretation, is not necessarily in itself politically motivated, but is nonetheless as mentioned, subject to political manipulation, exploitation and/or exaggeration for whatever the political agenda is at hand?

    • 3.

      To tell you the truth, after reading links from the Engdahl article and other links herrqlys provided, going down that rabbit hole has actually been quite an eye-opener!
      Perhaps, we need to quite simply ask: The groups of scientists who seem to be wearing very heavy proverbial blinders, the same who are providing “evidence” concluding a causal link between inferred man-made global warming and elevations of CO2 in the atmosphere, do they in fact constitute a cabal? A sort of climatological rat pack munching out on Al-Gorian middens. Is this an inconvenient truth of “settled science”? A demonstrative orchestration betwixt members of the scientific community bent, beholden and betrothed to political policy directives from on high? My, oh my. Hasn’t it the feel of a 9/11 revisited?

      What I’d really like to know is how can so many peer reviewed scientists – and there seem to be quite a few – who happen not to be stooges for the IPCC, be so incredibly sidelined? The many scientists voicing counter arguments stand as merely a footnote in the MSM news machine and are characterized as the contrarian whacko 2%. I must say, even by the MSM’s own standards of turpitudinous machinations, they’ve done an exemplary job this time around sidelining any and all “un-official” disparate opinion on the subject of climate change/global warming.

      Now, just so you know, I am a layperson when it comes to science and politics, but I think it’s pretty easy to see (I’m answering my own question ) that the power behind the IPCC/Gore/Inconvenient Truth narrative is not only the media bias, but its power is also fueled by the climate and weather itself. Even a number the scientists calling out the fraudulence in conflating rising concentrations of CO2 with global warming, especially “man-made” global warming, still agree the earth is warming, which it does seem to be. Receding glaciers and snow caps the world over, and rivers of Greenland melt add weight to ICPP’s argument, even with their heavily suspect“settled science” narrative. As a layperson, without examining empirical sets of data points, graphs and reports, it is difficult not to “feel” we are seeing a rapid escalation of frequently occurring, relatively severe (at times record setting) and/or unusual catastrophic climate events these days, worldwide, more so than we have in past years. It is a perception, no doubt, but whether or not such perception is accurate, still adds to the power of the ICPP argument…..And yet to blame all of Earth’s ills on elevated levels of CO2 ( a trace element as James point out) is an absurdly false narrative, in my humble opinion. Though one that creates a convenient target in which to formulate tax carbon schemes.

      • Thank you for the links, mbp.

        They certainly explain quite a lot in answering my question on how it gets done.

        So, dissenting scientists who dare voice their opinions get canned. Simple as that. End of story. And the MSM not only refuses to lend any sort of platform for those dissenters, they maintain total silence about what befalls those who speak out.

        And yet we are an open and free society, with a free press.

        The press, obviously, is so free, it’s also free to be selective. 🙁

    • 4

      Here’s an interesting article in the NY Times chronicling farmers’ attitudes towards climate change/global warming in light of the destruction of their crops by recent Hurricane Michael which blew by their farms a couple of weeks ago. The article could have been titled “A House Divided” , which is a quote from a farmers’ wife, Renee Moss. In the article, the causes of what occurred is debated, but what occurred is not. It appears that Hurricane Michael was the worst destructive force ever to come through those parts than any of the locals had ever seen:

      Sometimes I think of James, himself, this summer, looking exhausted , sweltering in a severe summer heat wave. Along with monsoon-like rains hitting (ever sunny) western Japan, with its houses sliding around in the resultant mud, it, too, paints an ominous portrait of a changing climate under a warming sun and moisture laden clouds.

      There’s one thing that truly bothers me about this whole climate change/global warming debate. Something I just don’t get….

      Why is it, on both sides of the argument (or is it multisided?), there seems to be a thorough negation of any meaningful discussion of anything other than CO2, besides solar activity, per se?
      If trace element concentrations of CO2 to explain a warming planet is bogus, then where are all the modeling experiments for other products of burning carbon based fuels? Particulates and gases such as sulfur and carbon monoxide? Soot? Where are their pertinent charts showing their pre-industrial ppm to the present? Wouldn’t concentrations of particulate matter in the atmosphere play not only a role, but a huge role in potentially turning the planet into a giant greenhouse? Does not water vapor cling to particulate matter, especially if it’s nano-sized, as can readily be seen by the formation of clouds from solar geo-engineering, or to use that dirty word – chemtrails?

      Take David Keith, for example, a Canadian born Harvard professor of applied physics, engineering and public policy. He was featured in a CBC program (linked below) concerning geo-engineering, where he was described as researching the development of “fine particles like sulfur” to disperse into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight. In the interview, he acts as if such strategies were merely in the theoretical planning stages (what utter nonsense). His idea is to disperse one million tons (per year?) into the stratosphere which he claims isn’t too hard to do. Currently, he claims that sulfur spewing into the lower atmosphere by human activity measures in the 50 million ton range. So, great, his plan is to spew another million tons into the upper atmosphere, and who knows what other nano-particles, as well?…. Yeah, well, actually we do know – among others are strontium, barium and aluminum nano-particles , which do have the tendency to fall down to earth and get sucked up into the uptake of plants’ root systems directly effecting natural ecologies. Thank you so very much, David Keith.

      But, here is David Keith again, only now he sits on the board of directors of a company designing ways to suck CO2 out of the air in great enough quantities as to have an effect on global warming (I laughed at the absurdity as I typed). So, if anyone’s interested, he’s looking for investors. He may have some backing from Bill Gates and others….

      The link to his CO2 scrubbing company is below:

      Anyway, it’s all very weird. I wish I could end this post with a good song to put it all in perspective, but, I can’t think of any at the moment.


      • I hope you weren’t typing and driving at the same time!

        -… – .– –..– / — -… .–. –..– / ..-. -.– .. –..– / .. – / .. … / .–. — … … .. -… .-.. . / – …. .- – / .- – / – .. — . … / .. / — .- -.– / -.-. …. .. -.. . / -.– — ..- –..– / .- -. -.. / — -. .-.. -.– / -.-. …. .. -.. . / -.– — ..- –..– / .- -. -.. / .. / …. — .–. . / .. / — .- -.– / -… . / ..-. — .-. –. .. …- . -. / ..-. — .-. / – …. .- – –..– / -… ..- – / -.- -. — .– / .. / .– — ..- .-.. -.. / -. . …- . .-. / – …. .. -. -.- / – — / -.. . .-. .. -.. . / -.– — ..- .-.-.- / …. — -. . … – .-.-.-

        Without further qualifying your remark by adding “man-made”, your point was crystal clear. And very well taken.

        Actually, in reference to that drought stricken area that sounds so yummy (what is better than French wine and cheese? Gather some beautifully ripe Provencal fruits to go with it from their local markets, a person might think they’d died and gone to heaven!) I believe part of the prediction of climate change due to global warming is the eventual desertification of southern France. In fact, chilly Brittany and Normandy is starting to look better all the time. :-). I hear reports it’s getting milder than it used to be. You may want to keep that in mind if you’re thinking of relocating in France.

        But, looky, climate fluctuates over time, to be sure. And severe climate and weather events have occurred throughout history. I immediately think of Woody Guthrie’s dust bowl blues songs about the 1920’s and 30’s when thinking about severe climate conditions, or the tsunami event of 2011 in Japan where there are very old or ancient sign posts found on higher ground warning not to locate any closer by the coast, in just some of those same places devastated by the 2011 tsunami.

        So, historically, weather and climate does change or repeat itself on a human time frame. And, certainly, I see no reason not to think that the planet’s temperature isn’t subject to fluctuation, as well – do to all manner of influences upon it, known or unknown.

        Along that vein, I would not discount pollution as having zero effect upon the planet, nor the ever shrinking rain forests, at el, as having zero effect on the planet.

        But, it is becoming increasingly obvious what a scam pushing carbon tax credits really is, and who benefits from it, and who loses. The corporatocasy and everybody else, respectively.

        • OOPS,

          Should be:

          “I believe part of the prediction of climate change due to global warming, as the theory goes is the eventual desertification of southern France.”

          And: et al not “at el”

        • Thank you for your vote of confidence. I wonder, had I added an “ly”, would that have helped? And what if an individual were to preface their statement or commentary with such an expression? Would you mistrust them just as much, or a little less so?

          Or, is it really a matter to be taken on a case by case basis, in context? You never know, maybe a person’s just being facetious or jocular – obnoxious at worst, but not dishonest.

          As for remorselessness, that’s a bit harsh. Recalcitrant? Anyhow: see the above.


          For the more serious stuff: To what effect, then, does pollution and shrinking rain forests have on the planet?

          As far as what is going on, let’s take a quote from Dr. Miskolczi, a learned former astrophysicist for whose research you expressed excitement:

          “No one is denying that global warming has taken place, but it has nothing to do with the greenhouse effect or the burning of fossil fuels.”

          Seemingly not one for being pigeon-holed, it’s interesting that he frames his answer with “has taken” rather than “is taking” place; but, perhaps that’s just semantics. Assuming it is just semantics, here’s a respected scientist who appears to agree that the earth is warming.

          Would you agree?

          Honestly, it would be nice to agree on somethi… Er…let me rephrase that. It would be nice to agree on something, hones…. Er, nope. Let me try again. It..would…be….nice………agree…….on……..something! Period!

          Have a good one.


        • mbp,

          If you can get through listening to Dr. Michael Mann’s presentation, without barfing….

          The link below is a very interesting debate between two Co2 promos, and two skeptics – with one of the skeptics being the very well known Dr. Judith Curry. Her arguments discounting the veracity of the carbon theory are insightful, as are Dr. Patrick Moore’s arguments. Taken together, I found Curry’s and Moore’s arguments dispatching the Co2 warming theory thoroughly compelling and well worth listening to. Moore, along with shredding the infamous hockey stick (the same hockey schtick Dr. Mann upheld as part of his pro Co2 argument), Moore also made a very good point and admonition, conceptually, regarding the notion to avoid confounding correlation with causation, and vise versa. Should you decide to watch the debate (if you haven’t already) look for his chart depicting ice-cream cones and shark bites! It’s a deceptively simple concept, but one that has apparently slipped through many a scientific mind in this global debate.

          I do, of course, have my own theories with regard to particulates, which I feel may be the 800 lbs gorilla lurking in the corner, or waltzing through the debate unnoticed, or unseen.

        • 1
          Unlike HRS, who may very well have been busy counting, (though similarly, like a cop having power of discretion (they all do), rest assured HRS will never call you out on exceeding the recommended wordage limitation – in fact, come to think of it, on your behalf, he probably hadn’t counted at all!), I, for one, have taken your word on it. 476, did you say? And for the record, it’s not for nothing that I trust your integrity in this matter, it’s for the fact that your ending exclamation thoroughly sways me! Or did sway me. 🙂 96±

          And there is good reason HRS doesn’t count your words, as they are like poetry in motion, and your above commentary differs not. Therefore, any impulse he may have, ordinarily, to chastise the subscriber of a more ordinary, plain, blasé and possibly/probably long winded tripe – much like my own wordage on The Corbett Report – is verily nullified. 58±

          I apologize to HRS, but, he has in the past, indeed, pounced on me at least twice that I can remember for my less than discrete transgression of the code of limitations concerning just how many words should appear on any given post. I have been admonished to break up my posts! Will do, sir! Further, I decided to waste a good deal of my 500 words allotted to this post particularly to discuss this topic simply because I feel emboldened, so to speak, to huddle under the “umbrella” of your quip, and get-it-off-my-chest, since, after all, it is you who brought the topic up of HRS’s penchant, as he has self-admitted, for being – and don’t quote me – a mother hen. 126±

          As for your observations – “off-the-cuff” “layman’s” observations – they’re pretty damned good, and if depicting ice-cream cones and shark bites are a soothing salve, yours are akin to bathing in essential oils. 34±

          Spontaneity is refreshing! 3±

          Mann: Straight out of the starting block attempted a quick, slick maneuver by surreptitiously intoning the ubiquitous mantra of “settled” science. Looking forward to a “robust conversation” on climate change and “what’s driving it“, he adds in a millisecond or less – “and indeed, it is human activity”. Thus he declares with the striking immediacy of an absolute Truth, as though his axiom were truth, consecrated and delivered vis-à-vis your deus ex machina. (I had to look that one up!). And, indeed, in his mind, there is no debate. The matter is settled. Bless his soul, though, he does grant to the audience a little wiggle room in which to debate what to do about it. 115±


        • 2
          Where I found humor was in Mann’s response to the question posed to him as to what would constitute an ideal concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, that is, if he had his druthers (which is funny in its own right). From the point of view of a “contrarian”, though, such a question might seem almost entirely, if not completely, like either a silly question or a trick question, considering as Dr. Moore implies at one point in the debate, that levels of atmospheric CO2 concentrations tend to be driven by factors such as varying oceanic temperatures determining the release and absorption of CO2 into the atmosphere and oceans. 109±

          Which is to say that in actually considering this question, Mann would have to believe that Mother Earth’s temperature can be lowered, or at least kept from rising, i.e., controlled, by simply lessening one particular trace amount of heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere and holding it steady at 35 thousandths of one percent of the atmosphere rather than its current concentration of 41.1 thousandths of one percent of the atmosphere, and in so doing, prevent the average surface temperature of the planet from rising. 86±

          But, besides riding on the assumption that it is within humanity’s domain or ability to control levels of atmospheric CO2 in the first place, Dr. Mann’s hypothesis, or rather, his belief, must therefore negate, it would seem to me, all other physical factors that may in actuality play a significant role in effecting earth’s equilibrium on a planetary scale. I noticed that Mann was forced in a sense, to add at the end of his answer the idea that (following the logic of his premise) CO2 would necessarily need to be removed from the atmosphere to accomplish this feat of lowering (steadying) earth‘s temperature. He then very quickly added under his breath, that such removal would be accomplished over time – meaning(obviously) the technology to do so isn’t here yet. This might sound odd, or even ludicrous, but it makes absolutely perfect logical sense if one believes as Mann does, that the numero uno and, indeed, the only cause of global warming is atmospheric CO2 of 400ppm or greater. Therefore, it logically follows that CO2 must get scrubbed out, or sucked out of the atmosphere to save humanity. That’s why we hear talk of the need for “negative” production of CO2 in certain quarters. Try checking out the webpage – negativeco2emissions2018 dot com. 133±

          As an aside, however one might or might not believe Mann’s hypothesis and his accompanying solutions, some say it’s already too little, too late and that a tipping point has already occurred whereby the earth will continue to warm regardless of a reduction of CO2 concentrations – that a negative feedback loop is already occurring, whereby the melting ice lessens radiation reflection back into space, thus inducing greater heat absorption which warms the vast tracts of frozen artic tundra which in turn releases heretofore trapped methane gas with its 17x as much heat-trapping utility than CO2, where in turn this whole chain reaction processional simply accelerates by way of time. 110±

          It may very well be time to sing a few processionals – a hymn and a prayer, or two. 19±

          Or…. 1±


        • 3
          Or, but before I get into the “or”, I’d just like to point out that it’s interesting to note that given the above progression scenario, AGW climatologists at least are acknowledging that there are other factors at work, on the planet and in the solar system itself, that play a role in determining earth temperatures. 55±

          Anyway…. 1±

          Or. 1±

          Or, we can take a much more pragmatic approach to a warming planet as we see with both Drs. Curry and Moore. 22±

          If we need to build dikes to combat raising seas, consult the Dutch, as Dr. Moore advises – or head for the hills. 22±

          You needn’t have gotten chills, mbp. Dr. Moore didn’t intone the idea of some sort of non-synthetic life form. Scary for sure. The term I heard him use was “non-photosynthetic” forms of life (as opposed to plant life, etc., etc.) 40±

          One thing, though, that I kind of disagreed with, was his rather loving embrace of fossil fuels, “they are a product of life, fossil fuels, not some evil demons sent here from hell.” 33±

          I do harbor a more negative view of fossil fuels, as I see them more as products of death, not life. In any event, I hate like hell taking in a good lung filling dose of these products as they’re consumed. Yuck! 42±

          I prefer the idea of converting direct sunlight, rolling with the waves and chasing windmills! 15±

          HAPPY WTCHING HOUR! 3±

          Cheers! 1±

          PS: I forgot to mention the good Dr. Titley. Yes, I had to play his lines over again when he mentioned Syria. Syria? Sea rise. Security. Seriously? A debate on climate devolves to sea level rise, navel ports, Syria and security. Right. If that’s Titley’s problem, remind him that ships float, and we could simply get the hell out of Syria and let them fight over their own troubles….. 68±


          Be good, and Happy Halloween! (this doesn’t count! lol)

        • mbp,

          I have no idea if you’re going to comment or not, but please wait for page 2. Somehow it wound up in the queue of moderation.

          I did do the best I could! – keeping the wordage under 500. In fact it was only 460, plus or minus. Page 2 refers to a link, but you can’t click on it.

          It’s not that page 2 is earth shattering, but, I thought I’d mention it, anyway.

          Have a great day, today, on that hamster wheel of yours.

          I don’t know exactly what that is, but I can take a gander.


  30. You want anecdote? I’ll give you anecdote.

    So I’m driving home less than 20 minutes ago and I tune into
    the CBC radio show called ‘Cross Country Checkup’.
    The topic? Climate Change, what else?

    The host and two guests are all gung-ho about the dreaded climate change that is ruining our planet… yada yada…

    A young woman calls in and is also very concerned about how it will affect the planet and her life.
    When the host asks her specifically how it may affect her life she responds saying she may not have children because she is worried that the conditions could become so dire and unsafe it would not be wise to bring a newborn into this world! I kid you not.

  31. I’ve been a ‘greenie’ for more than 30 years, worked with Greenpeace for 5 years, I can’t believe how effectively the wool was pulled over my eyes on climate issues. Thank you James for these very informative interviews and supplying access to resources to re educate myself.

  32. I mainly followed the measurement results of NASA at that time. You can see that the energy balance of the earth is not balanced – it takes a little more energy from the sun than it radiates back into space. This could make a difference in 100 years or more, if the models are not completely wrong.

    That’s one thing. What Mr. Steel has explained is the other. I think that Mr. Steel is also correct.

    But as far as I know, Mr. Global doesn’t care at all what will be 100 years from now. Mr. Global is neither interested in the truth, nor in science, nor in facts, because he simply dictates the truth and the facts and ignores the science.

    My conclusion:
    Before we see in more detail what climate change is all about, we need to: EXIT, DEFUND, ARREST the WHO & Mr. Global.

    (According to: Dr. Trozzi (an emergency physician from Canada) in Session 104: The Blue Flower (Corona Committee)
    from 3:54:00 for example)

    Science link:

  33. Same here. I loved reading this!

    It is inspiring.
    It also points to the fact that anyone can do something to better conditions on their own little property spot or on some other ‘public’ piece of property.


    Saturday/Sunday May 14-15, 2022, the Home Page of The CorbettReport featured…

    FLASHBACK: Jim Steele on How Bad Global Warming Science Hurts the Environmental Movement (2015)

  35. Boy did this video get a lot of comments!

    I live in Florida and visit the beaches and rivers often. There is no rise in the water level here for the past 30 years. However, I do remember being very frightened in the 5th grade when the textbooks told us that Florida would be underwater by the year 2000.

    Granted, humans aren’t doing the best job taking care of our resources, but I’m going to blame the military complex, the mega rich, the governments, and the ruling class for that.

    I don’t intend on taking 3 minute cold showers so some arsehole celebrity can keep his private jet. I don’t intend to eat bugs so that some arsehole politician can eat steak at the country club.

    I just love (/sarcasm) how the ruling class tries to blame everything on the working class and get us fighting against one another when we should be coming together to find ways to develop civilizations independent of narcissistic power-hungry control freaks.

  36. I’ll start with man is not god but thinks he is when it comes to his environment ! The Hydrogen Fusion of the sun, the core of the earth, and oceans are beyond the conception or our control ! Protecting the thin layer of vapor that supports life on this planet is a noble cause that has largely been disregarded by the governments of the world , between the atmospheric weapons testing of nuclear and biological weapons and the government subsidized elimination of forest in the name of management and agriculture the atmosphere has changed in many ways !
    Fortunately God balances these changes with natural remedies !
    I lack degrees but have managed the flora and fauna of many properties for 60 years and my family farmed KS for 150 years prior to me , the family farm is as dead now as the insects and consumers of what you call food !
    Case in point the BT corn that now constitutes 90 % of crops is a GMO seed that has Bacterium Thumgide fungus gene incorporated that causes bugs that eat pollen to have pupa that have incomplete digestive tract , farmers are supposed to plant outside rows with non BT corn so butterflies have safe food but this apparently hasn’t worked Monarch migrations are non existent compared to pre BT ! GMO Corn Soy , Rice and Wheat are the true eugenics weapon !

    • Wow, that’s a helluva post, BbobKS.

      Not knowing a thing about farming, I never heard about BT corn. If that’s what’s going on, then Monsanto and their ilk are in the process of doing us all in. Are they that myopic, narrowly focused and purely profit driven that they can’t fathom that they’ve become the destroyers of nature’s good?

      Interesting your description of the atmosphere, calling it “…the thin layer of vapor that supports life on this planet…” I thank you for that valuable perception. I have to say it’s also rather poetic.

      I don’t think people realize just how thin the substantive layers of the atmosphere is relative to the size of the earth. It’s really just a few miles thick. So, when you envision the diameter of the earth at roughly 9,000 miles, that layer of vapor in which we depend is literally paper thin, if you can think of the earth the size of a basketball tightly covered with a layer of paper.

      That’s why a single large volcanic eruption has a notable, worldwide effect on the atmosphere.

      Now, imagine a volcano sized garbage heap piled-up with all the hundred of millions of cars and trucks in the world (est. 1.37 billion), and throw on to that pile every chimney on the planet; then light a fire in the center of it that burns at the rate of 10 million barrels (550 million gallons) of oil a day every day. I would think that plume would be seen for quite a distance, and would be easily seen on satellite imagery, and readily hit the 24 hr news cycle – until it became old news.

      At any rate, call it what you will, nobody can tell me humankind doesn’t have a substantial anthropogenic effect on that thin layer of vapor that supports life on this planet.

      I thank you once again for your vision, BbobKS.

      • Nota Bene:

        You’ll forgive me, but I forgot to add onto that figurative, burning volcano daily coal and natural gas consumption. The coal, of course, would give our imaginary plume a little more body. ;-(

        • It is the toxic chemicals which are emitted from the fossil fuels that concern me. (e.g. mercury in coal)
          Not the CO2.
          I have no worries on CO2.

          There is a natural Carbon Cycle. In a way, Rome was built on it. There are images on the internet which portray the Carbon Cycle.

          There is also a natural Sulfur Cycle.
          The Sulfur Cycle is very interesting…(DMSO and MSM used as health remedies and other applications.)

          • HRS,

            Most definitely it’s not the CO2 that’s problematic, it’s a trace element; and even though they say it’s “greenhouse” gas, my own belief is that since it is a trace element, it’s percentage increase – whatever that figure is – is totally insignificant in terms of being capable of warming the planet. Totally bogus. No, we need CO2 for organic life to thrive on the planet. The more the merrier. But, as you say, it’s the toxic chemicals spewed into the air from burning fossil fuels that are worrisome (not to mention the metals they’re “covertly” spraying into the atmosphere. I remember a number of years ago driving through central Connecticut on Thanksgiving Day to spend time with relatives. For miles I could hardly keep my eyes on the highway looking up to see the tremendous number of chemtrails streaked across the sky. I was like “Holy shit!” On THANKSGIVING DAY no less!)

            I do believe, though, that the aggregate of particulates from all sources winding up in the atmosphere has an effect on climate to one degree or another (no pun intended). To what extent, I have no idea. But, it’s a factor, and I won’t be convinced otherwise. I neither agree or understand subscriber “seasons” viewpoint, which I don’t think makes any sense with regard to insufficient energy emitted from pollutants to change or warm the earth. Once the particulate is in the atmosphere, kept aloft on the wind currents, it doesn’t need any additional energy to trap/reflect/absorb sunlight. It does it’s thing passively as an inert or static object. Basically, to have an effect on the energy from the sun, it doesn’t need any energy itself, if you get what I’m saying.

            Duck: I understand what you’re saying. But, I think you’re being too conclusive with your argument. I can’t see how anyone can say without doubt that greenhouse gases – and from my perspective, more importantly, particulates – are unimportant and not worth noting… For one thing, I’d like to ask a simple question of you: How do you know?? The answer is, you don’t. Your point about great natural changes in climate is well taken – grapes in Greenland, but I do not think you are at all factoring in the timeline.

            What I mean is, changes seem to be happening very fast, basically on a human scale, not over centuries, but decades, which seems to point more towards changes in atmospheric composition than anything else.

            But, look, that’s just my opinion.

            And, in the end, it’s probably not even worth a fart. 🙂

            Be good!

            • Candlelight

              “….What I mean is, changes seem to be happening very fast, basically on a human scale, not over centuries, but decades, which seems to point…”

              WHAT changes are happening over decades?

              Despite hearing for multiple decades how we were a decade away from serious changes NOTHING has happened.

              Bangladesh still is there despite being a place where they RUN SHIPS up onto the beach to cut them up is still there.
              zero droughts that don’t fit in with measured cycles.

              Nothing has happened to the climate that is in anyway unusual or out of t he changes you see with tree ring record

              🙂 it’s good news.

            • “…the aggregate of particulates from all sources winding up in the atmosphere has an effect on climate to one degree or another….”

              That is a very good point. Very good.

      • Even when factoring in those massive numbers and changes to the Earth’s atmosphere, there is simply not enough energy produced from our greenhouse gases to create a global change in climate. The required energy for anthropogenic climate change has to come from some other chemical reaction occurring from oil and gas or another source entirely.

      • Candlelight
        “…any rate, call it what you will, nobody can tell me humankind doesn’t have a substantial anthropogenic effect on that thin layer of vapor that supports..”

        While pumping large amounts of lead from gasoline and mercury from other sources is a pretty bad thing health wise humans have not changed the CLIMATE in any way worth noting…. we used to have viking colonies on Greenland as I recall Roman’s grew grapes in Britain.

        The natural forces are so massive in comparison to what humans do that humans release of greenhouse gasses are unimportant.

        The biggest joke is that there is a push to kill off the cattle industry because they fart so much… even if Butt Methane was an issue north America and Africa were COVERED with farting ruminants before people got there…. climate change is (and always has been) something humans navigate not something they create

    • BbobKS,
      Thanks for this post Bob!

      In the 1950’s, I was amazed one night while at a local park in Winfield, Kansas.
      The fireflies!
      It was surreal…the whole park was a gorgeous spectacle of glowing and fading small orbs of cool light filling the night air.

      In this new age, it is a rare occasion that I might see a few fireflies.

  37. What’s distressing about the campaign to promote the idea that Man has accelerated climate change

    (and all the supposedly remedial austerity, control of resources and centralization of power that this dogma entails),

    is all the data manipulation, bullying, lies, career destruction, character assassination, guilt-tripping in a myriad of ways including instrumentalizing vulnerable (autistic) youth icons and moreover, the exploitation of all of the above to make the already insanely rich even richer via cap and trade schemes, among others, at the expense of everyone else.

    All of this has been amply demonstrated by Mr. Corbett and available at a mere mouse click.

    If Man has accelerated climate change

    then why are truncated graphs, manipulated data, censorship, media intimidation, sophistry and smearing of honest scientists required to prove it?

    • Hey there, no soap,

      Why you pickin’ on poor Greta all the time, huh? Ya big bully, you! 🙂

      Well, look it, you’re one hundred thousand percent correct – to a tee! – about the whole CO2 thing, the cap ‘n trade scheming, the manipulation, together with the coercive muting and cancellation of diverse opinion and any data that’s counter to officialdom narrative. The necessity for such a playbook is very telling, indeed.

      It’s sort of fascinating that the power structure has chosen to focus on a clean, life affirming, trace element, CO2, to form their narrative around whether the earth cools down or warms up – whereby, should that relatively minute .03% portion of the atmosphere, raise or lower by one or two hundredths of one percent up or down in volume equates to whether we’ll enjoy a sustained habitable earth, or experience utter destruction….in the short term, as well.

      Yes, indeedy, apparently you can make this stuff up…. Someone did!

      Love him or hate him, Al Go…wait. I don’t know anyone who actually loves him, but I do know some folks who are actually hateful of and repulsed by…. Al Gore certainly has gone to town with this narrative. I know that. Someone, or some persons in his club figured out that to focus on CO2 to the exclusion of all else – to turn a blind eye to the real detritus of industrialization (that, in fact, is the deception) – would be the easiest way to control, monetize and safely frame a narrative by literally framing as culprit a ubiquitous element common to all of life. It is a sinister, deceitful parlour game played for power and wealth….

      But, setting aside this obvious foil exploited for power, control and wealth, we should not be blinded by it. We should not let its irrationality and falsehood allow us to lose our own rationality, that we not affix blinders, that we’re not compelled to adopt an ideology of outright dismissal and rejection for its own sake.

      The cause célèbre of CO2 alarmist propaganda, a lie designed for specific reasons stated above, does not render anthropogenic influence on climate a flat-out falsehood by default. It really shouldn’t, because if it does, that would represent an irrationality in its own right playing right into the hands of the power structure, itself. There’s no reason to give them that amount of power.

      I’d like to thank my Texan friend for his post above whose support in the present case I highly appreciate.

      HRS quotes the following passage and replies….

      “…the aggregate of particulates from all sources winding up in the atmosphere has an effect on climate to one degree or another….”

      That is a very good point. Very good.

      Thank you, kindly, hombre.
      You made my day. 🙂

      • the aggregate of particulates from all sources winding up in the atmosphere has an effect on climate to one degree or another

        But would this effect be significant enough as to be measurable? And if there is one, is it necessarily bad? And if it does prove to be measurable how does its effect compare with those of the colossal powers of the sun, the oceans and galactic cosmic rays?

        The cause célèbre of CO2 alarmist propaganda, a lie designed for specific reasons stated above, does not render anthropogenic influence on climate a flat-out falsehood by default.

        The hypothetical anthropogenic effect is not a falsehood. The falsehood is declaring it’s been proven and its devastating and teaching all this in schools and companies.

        Nobody I know of denies that human activity has an impact on the environment and even on local weather patterns (as described by Steele in this interview above).

        Catalytic converters, for example, were invented and implemented precisely for that reason well before the engineered AGW via CO2 hysteria would make its authors rich.
        The catalytic converter was not used to usher in global austerity as far as I know.

        As a thought experiment, I’d add that we hear a lot about the depth of the atmosphere (with a wide range of varying answers depending on how we define the word “atmosphere” with its constituent layers). But I wonder, what is the surface area of the atmosphere surrounding the planet? How does it compare to that of the surface of the Earth which is primarily covered with water?

        And how is the aggregate of all those particulates spread out in/on/across that atmospheric mass? Are they in small patches localized around the industrialized areas of the planet (that seem so small from the international space station)? Or are they in streams or threads?
        What percentage of them are natural particulates such as volcanic ash, sea salt, desert dust, spores, pollens etc and what percentage is man-made?

        How long do they stay in the air before being absorbed by the earth and the oceans?

        According to NASA: “…The concentration of human-made sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere has grown rapidly since the start of the industrial revolution…sulfate aerosols are believed to survive in the atmosphere for about 3-5 days…”

        And what is the relative impact of these particulates on the climate compared to other more colossal drivers such as the sun, the oceans and galactic cosmic rays (as described by Henrik Svensmark in his lovely documentary “The Cloud Mystery)?

        And how does denouncing the fact of instrumentalizing a vulnerable autistic youth constitute picking on her?

        • RE: “…the aggregate of particulates from all sources winding up in the atmosphere has an effect on climate to one degree or another….”

          Forgetting about the man-made/natural arguments, here is the way I see that italics statement…

          If there were zero particulates in the atmosphere, there would be no clouds nor rain. Other phenomena would also be present. The planet would be completely different than it is now.
          On a scale of 0% particulates in the atmosphere to 100% particulates, the earth is currently somewhere in between.

          I would probably pinch a brain nerve if I strain to think beyond this with speculations.

          • HRS. lucky you. I think I pinched a nerve brain after reading your post!

            Interesting thoughts, though. Leads me to believe that much of all this is very speculative.


            Thank you for your response. You propose some very challenging questions, too.

            Your statement about the catalytic converter did make me chuckle:

            The catalytic converter was not used to usher in global austerity as far as I know.

            Because I was wondering if you’ve priced one out lately? I don’t know about global austerity, but it can be costly to replace, maybe enough to cuss the EPA out just a bit.

            But, seriously, your questions are very good, and quite frankly, I don’t know the answers to any of them.

            Subsequent to writing my post, I noticed the first few posts on this thread were yours, in which you wrote the following:

            Should rectify the following:

            “Apparently industry does affect the climate but NOT through CO2!”

            to be

            “Apparently industry does affect localized climate but NOT through CO2!”

            So, obviously we’re on the same page in terms of our shared belief in the insignificance of CO2 as a factor in climate change.

            Where we do differ is in how wide or narrow we perceive the effects of industry on climate to be; either impacting on a large, world-wide scale, or a more localized scale, with having little and or no measurable effect globally, as a good number of your questions seem to hint. My perception, of course, is the former; but, I admit that it is a perception, and none other than a perception. What is less of a perception, though, unfortunately, and is more clearly documented, is the overall degradation of ecology in general seen on a global scale. And, I would say that as localized sites of pollution increase, the gaps decrease.

            I didn’t quite understand your question about the surface area of the atmosphere surrounding the planet as compared to that of the surface area of the earth mostly covered with water? Firstly, how does one measure the surface area? of the atmosphere? Where do you start? And what would be the significance of these measurements were they to be known? You’re looking for a ratio, I suppose, but what would it reveal or signify?

            • As for Greta, I was really only kidding around about you picking on her. And only for the reason that in the past, you’ve also mentioned her in terms of her being autistic. I actually hadn’t known that about her. I thought she seemed to have a slight case of Down’s Syndrome. But, looking her up now, they say she’s been diagnosed with having “Asperger’s, on the autism spectrum” – according to an article in The Guardian. Are you equating this malady with her being vulnerable? On the another hand, my understanding is that many with Asperger’s are highly intelligent. So, maybe she’s both – vulnerable and intelligent. Is that possible? I suppose so.

      • Sideways:
        Kicking up some Dust and Blood

        Thursday May 19th – “I News” UK
        What is ‘blood rain’?
        Why Saharan dust cloud could bring dirty rain to the UK and latest weather forecast

        The week ahead is expected to start off warm before descending into rain in most parts of the country on Friday – just in time for the dust clouds to arrive and fall over the UK

        • [I saw this Blood Moon a few nights ago as I gazed out my back patio door. It had a dynamic color, a brilliant, deep orange-red hue, as part of the moon faded to black.]

          Monday May 16th –
          Houstonians share dazzling photos of rare total lunar eclipse during super flower blood moon
          [Lots of IMAGES, but what I saw had a much more brilliant deep orange-red.]

          • yea, got up four times in the predawn morn of May 16th: at 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 and 6. It was interesting to watch the evolution from my terrace but I didn’t see much orange. I didn’t stay for a long time. Just looked for a couple minutes each time and went back to bed. The various shadows including the one that covered the moon completely were interesting to see.
            And I’m very well acquainted with the “blood rains” of the calima! I’ve mopped orange off my terrace several times since March, each time thinking it was the last.

  38. “If people see the rebound in sea ice the next 15 years they will change their minds.” said Mr. Steele.

    We don’t have 15 years to stop the madness. The Puppet Masters who control the UN-thinking will kill a majority of the population off to avoid a problem that doesn’t exist.

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