Interview 1283 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jul 6, 2017 | Interviews | 13 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode:

Story #1: Mainstream Media Now Advocating ‘All Citizens’ Spend Time in Prison as ‘Service’ to Country

The #CNNBlackmail Meme Wars

CNN Goes COMPLETELY INSANE, Threatens to Dox Reddit User Over Meme

Story #2: Bayer Accidentally Funds Study Showing Its Pesticide is Killing Bees, Promptly Denies Conclusions

“Country-Specific Effects of Neonicotinoid Pesticides on Honey Bees and Wild Bees”

NWNW Flashback: China Pushes Public to Accept GMO as Syngenta Takeover Nears (May 25, 2017)

Gene-Editing Companies Attack Research Revealing Unintended CRISPR Effects

As UK’s National Health Service’s Tainted Blood Was Killing Thousands, They Were Planning to Use Victims as Guinea Pigs for R&D

Story #3: US to Create ‘Space Corps’ in Radical Air Force Overhaul

Video: U.S. Planning to Create ‘Space Corps’ as Sixth Branch of Armed Forces

Audio: Congressman Proposes Military ‘Space Corps’

Audio: House Panel Votes to Split Air Force, Create New U.S. ‘Space Corp’

NWNW Flashback: Pentagon Moving to Weaponize Space (Jun. 26, 2015)

NWNW Flashback: US Draws Up Rules For Commercial Moon Travel (Jun. 16, 2016)

NWNW Flashback: The Government of Mars Is Already Being Planned (Jun. 23, 2016)

Flashback: Rumsfeld Commission Warns Against “Space Pearl Harbor” (Jan. 11, 2001)

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  1. On my very small yard, I grow plants and food for fun; and also as a demonstration to folks who pass by. Yesterday, I discovered that one of my young front yard watermelons near the sidewalk had been “disconnected”. I know what probably happened…a neighbor kid got curious and picked it up to look, then tried to put it back. No upset on my end. I love the neighbor kids being curious.

    And yesterday I had two young neighbor kids watch with fascination, asking questions, as I mixed 50% cornstarch with 50% cinnamon powder. I told them how I put it in an old sock and “dust” myself or plants to keep bugs away.

    Many times I save the seeds from grocery store produce to plant. With celery, I chop off the butt bottom and just stick it in the ground…it grows new celery.
    Next year, I am gonna “guerilla plant” by killing the weeds in unused land parcels around the area with cardboard/newspaper; then plant sunflowers, pumpkins, watermelon, cantaloupe, peppers, etc. which will crowd out future weed seeds. I’ll stake it off so it isn’t mowed. Some of my pumpkin leaves are now a foot square.

    • Homey, Questions for Corbett. How many ways can this go wrong and how many ways can go right for you and me?

      (#W×#P)-(#P×#R) dif × £ (#W+#R)
      _______________ X ______________ = 1£ × dif

      (#WP×£)×(#PR÷£) dif ÷ £#P

      This is the cost in £s and you figure if its worth the trouble.
      #W(ERE %) F/ uc = ED Is the answer. Thanks for the link Homey.

  2. Jailing politicians won’t work. We had a politician asshole jailed here recently, I think he did 8 months.

    He drove like an idiot and killed some people in Hungary. They tried him there but after who knows how much accommodation, Huns agreed to have him serve time in the local prison. After quite a lot of public backlash, they did finally stick him into a low security prison. Which in the end did him good, I’m sure he raised his golf handicap at least half a dozen holes. Well, to be honest, he golfed only during the weekdays, during the weekends he was released to go on and about. I mean, one needs to unwind.

  3. James and James , your last article “space wars” is by far the most illuminating. By and far the most dangerous information to the free thinking awaken masses. Please consider these points in some future dialog.
    1. Space the final frontier. Bio-system control from remote locations. Load everyone the deep-state wish to usurp with some sort of metal. Nano-aluminum comes to mind. Barium, fluoride, mercury also. Almost done.
    2. Weaponize radio frequency for psycological and physical control. Water is very reactive to microwave radiation and the human body is of enormous H2O content. What happens with aluminum / water in a microwave oven? Physical control without sending/risking cost to personal.(Here in JOklahoma law enforcement just kill any treat already,but they must go to, use guns, contend with unpredictable escalation, waste precious treasury on law suits and settlemendone.Already done.
    3.Moral implications easily controlled by radio frequency. Tesla, Bernaise(sp.?) Skinner,many other scientists in the alphabit soup of US taxpayers funded departments. Thoughts and Behavior can be controlled and populations can all be targeted from above through Radio Frequency manipulations.Not to overlook the overcapacity of the land based cell towers which could be linked to the smart meters of every home. Centralized command and control from above. Already almost perfected. Need a few more tests to complete.
    4. Legalize and fund the command and control of our enslavement. The transhumanism plan is very old concept. Darwin and family have been at it for a long time. Lots of physical time and human capitol have been used in the past to minimal success. Just imagine if you can, yes its sickening to normal people, the ability to just flip a switch and 10,000 protestors, deserters, rioters and the like boil in their skins and pop like corn in the microwave. Maybe you use psy-opps for a while before the final solution is enacted. Saving a few who changed their minds at the last second and stayed home , instead watching it on TV. These people will be given the task of picking up the pieces and putting them into the desposible boxis(ready and waiting) handed out by homeland security or perhaps fema. These people left won’t be a problem in the future, they will obey. This I believe is what James and James may be Vaguely trying to say. Is just connecting the dots. Ghastly and unimaginable by any normal person but as we all know just business from the kakistocracy who dreamed up this new bureaucracy and supported by the cowards in our civil security services. Coming your way soon around 2019. Thanks James and James for the heads up.

  4. My son served 6 months in an East Texas “private prison-type” facility. The Judge who sentenced him owned part of the facility.

    He never should had gone. Ever. It is a long story of how the system is broken.
    In essence, after drinking two beers at the lake one day with his two kids, he was driving home with them and got pulled over. The cops asked if he had been drinking. He told them the truth. It went downhill from there…
    He could have “gotten off” if he had more than 15k for legal fees. So after lots of court appearances and a week of jail, he gets probation and a record with lots of criteria.
    A single Father of two, he is trying to support himself and the kids. His job takes him out of state at times, managing & coordinating crews of construction contractors. There were times he could not make it back on a Friday afternoon to meet the probation officer because of his job. This put him back in court.
    …and so, the cold-blooded lady Judge who had a reputation as being heartless & corrupt sent him to her & her associates’ facility for 6 months. Here he is, bunking with guys who were hardcore…a whole different breed. But he did take advantage of workouts…doing 300 situps per day and bench pressing 300#.

    This was a podunk rural Texas county. But some of these judges make more than $150,000 per year, plus benefits and a sweet pension. Example of a nearby county Texas judge making 165k after a 70k raise –

  5. Peacefroggs, thank you for the link to

    Everyone should see the murder of Joshua Barre 29. Tulsa Ok. June 9th 2017.
    The store video shows fat, slobberingly tubby cowardly cops shoot this young man in the back , through the closed door of a store full of people. Not to mention them stalking this poor young man for over a mile on foot barking like dogs the whole way. Also the murder of Nayway Willy 18, June 2,2017 after a stop and frisk Willy throws down his gun and runs away, again cowardly, the cops shoot him in the back while running away. No real justification, cowardly, pre- cognitively justifying murder ,taking lives ,on the mear premise
    that a crime may occur in the future. KAARRAYZEE BEHAVIOR!!! And to mention it is a Deathwish of a conspiracy nutjob. More of the same for them, they guarantee it. Pre-cog justice is alive and well here in Tulseetown.Woe is me woe is my community.

    • Corbett America I know many a yellow dog democrat and righteous right wing republican here in the heart of little Dixie. That is why I’m sending a donation to

      I would encourage support for the depth of information collected at this site. What dedication to the concept of real justice. Know the facts, wisdom must be had so justice can be fairly applied. I know how the above mentioned act but for the life of me I can’t explain in any rational manner how they must think to condone such actions. They all can’t be psychopaths, can they?

  6. I think maybe everyone jumped the gun a bit on the jail story. The way I read it (besides superficially skimming it) was as a call for people to start realizing just how screwed up our prison system is. More like a story on how if everyone did a bit of jail, they would be screaming for reform. It isn’t punishment, at least not just punishment. It is a life sentence. Even a minor stint in prison sticks with you for life. I spent a night in jail (possession of evil weed which could have turned me into a bat!) and wanted to kill every single prison guard and judge and cop in the country as a result. That’s how screwed up it is. Personally, I did like the idea of locking up all the politicians, but why stop there? Judges, lawyers, cops, and the worst child abusers (teachers) should all be put in there. Only temporarily though. Just until they’re executed. I don’t often disagree with this site, and I find it very odd to be siding with the LA Times (I only threw up three times writing their defense!), but I think that in this case, they made a good point in a less than stellar manner.

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