Interview 1287 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jul 13, 2017 | Interviews | 13 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode:

Story #1: Tweeters Blocked By Trump Sue, Claiming @RealDonaldTrump Is Public Forum

PDF: 25 Page Lawsuit By The Knight First Amendment Institute

Blocking Someone On Twitter Is Not A First Amendment Violation

Meet The People Who Battle To Be The Top Reply To A Trump Tweet

Replying To Trump Tweet A Strange Internet Experience You Should Try

First Reply To Trump Tweet Is Prime Media Space

Story #2: US Government on Verge of Reading Minds

PDF: “Predicting the Brain Activation Pattern Associated With the Propositional Content of a Sentence: Modeling Neural Representations of Events and States”

Top Silicon Valley Exec Developing Telepathic Mind Control Technology

Former Google[X] Exec Building High-Tech Hat To Make Telepathy Possible In 8 Years

DARPA Gives $65M to Brain Implant Program for Super Soldier Project

The Brain Chip Cometh

Story #3: Norway’s “Voluntary” Tax Plan Brings In Just $1,325

#GoodNewsNextWeek: Cheers! There’s New Probiotic Beer

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  1. On a positive note regarding the Brain Technology

    Dr. Colin A. Ross (known for helping expose CIA mind control activities) has a patent…
    Patent Approved for Eyebeam Detection Device
    (7 minutes) –

    I am of the opinion that while “The Powers That Shouldn’t Be” work towards methods of manipulation, the “Folks Who Are Awake” work towards better conditions and more awareness.
    There are many examples regarding the “Folks Who Are Awake”: organic food, no Fluoride nor vaccines nor GMO’s, natural remedies, alternative lifestyles, better health, monetary solutions, etc.

    One aspect of the “Folks Who Are Awake” is that they seek more awareness along with cognitive/spiritual growth. They explore new frontiers. The “Folks Who Are Awake” tend to be extremely able even in ways which may not be physically visible.
    We actually do hold a lot of power, despite what “The Powers That Shouldn’t Be” try to make us believe.

    Have you ever had an intuition which proved out?

    I believe that most of us have had experiences which are beyond mainstream.

    One of my anecdotes…
    In 1973, I was driving home for a visit from college in my Volkswagon Hippie Van playing the “Steppenwolf” 8-track with “Born To Be Wild” after alternating from “Led Zepplin”. I had a sudden “intuition” just prior to climbing a hill on the highway. I thought “There could be a Highway Patrol over that hill.” I pulled over, put up my joint and cleaned things up donning my sunglasses to hide the bloodshot eyes. Then I went over the hill and sure enough got pulled over by the Texas Highway Patrol. I even told the officer that I had had the intuition. He said: “Well, you should had slowed down.” (I was too stoned to think that clearly.)
    (Taken from my MARIJUANA posts… )

  2. The Norway tax story really resonated with me. I also found it incredible almost nobody is willing to pay 50+% tax. Those who payed the extra 1300 probably did so mistakenly.

    One thing I’d really like to see in action is crowdfunding taxes, a system in which you’d get to choose where “your” taxes are going. You want some roads maintained? Check. You want to help finance that kid’s expensive surgery? Check. You want to put a computer manufactured at least after year 2000 in the local schools? Check.

    It would probably get pretty hilarious really quickly. I wonder how many people would vote for bigwig paycheck rises and fat bonuses.

      • I’d imagine that’s how they did most public works back in the day. Town people would say “we need some shit”, mayor would say “your shit costs such and such” then they’d discuss it and make stuff happen, with everyone footing the bill.

        Time to get back to the basics.

  3. I’m glad so many people connected with AI are coming out now. I was reading a similar sentiment in a recent Activist Post article. Though I’m wondering how many people we see walking around today would pass that test as well. We all seem so disconnected now. Thanks for your 10 cents worth (inflation is pretty tough!) Jim

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