Interview 1288 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jul 20, 2017 | Interviews | 20 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode:

Story #1: US Imperils Nuclear Deal With New Iran Sanctions

John Bolton’s Op-Ed: Trump Must Withdraw From Iran Nuclear Deal — Now

Iran’s Nuclear Deal a Battleground Between Trump and His Cabinet

Bannon & Kushner Want to Outsource Afghanistan to Mercenaries

Trump Kills More Civilians In Six Months Than Obama Did In Eight Years

Story #2: 9/11 Survivors Urge PM May to Release Suppressed Saudi Terror Report

Saudi Ties to 9/11 Mean U.S. Ties to 9/11

Story #3: Garbage Men Being Trained To Spy On Customers

Trash Truck Drivers Get Trained To Become Extra Set Of Eyes To Help Keep Neighborhoods Safe

Flashback: Police/DHS Using 200,000 Garbage Trucks To Spy On US (Oct. 24, 2015)

You’re No Longer Protected From Unreasonable Search And Seizures

NWNW Flashback: Imaginary BBC Detector Vans Now Scanning WiFi? (Aug. 11, 2016)” target=”_blank”>

The FBI Deputizes Business (Infragard)

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  1. TRASH – There is tremendous money in the trash industry. “Waste Management, Inc.” has a long history of major corruption. In fact, the trash industry in general has a history of ties to organized crime, mafia style.
    Landfills in the U.S. are a “monopoly” type industry which are extremely lucrative. I had a semester college course on Landfills and toured one. The Manager of a dump can make more than $250,000 per year.
    Also, there are all kinds of myths about trash and recycling. Examples – Most recycling is subsidized. Household trash is only a minor portion of a landfill. Plastic retail tote bags really are not an issue at a landfill, but they are an issue because they get blown by the wind and litter up the environment.

    (Think about it…everyone has trash weekly, every week, which translates to a lot of money… and we no longer use middens. I mined a few old middens before…interesting stuff.)

    • Like the cement industry, waste management, or trash collecting has been dominated by organized crime. Wayne Huizenga, the owner or former owner of Waste Management is no exception.

      In a final report by the San Diego District Attorney, issued in 1992, the list of fines imposed state by state and Mexico, for criminal environmental behavior is outlined.

      But what caught my attention is Waste Management Inc.’s association with organized crime.

      Yep, and Waste Management is the biggest waste company in the world.

  2. On the 9/11 Saudi ties topic and also relating to Corbett’s recent video about Psychopaths, it should also be noted that a variety of corporations actively lobby to prevent this information or judgements to get out.

    For example: Chiquita Banana has lobbied to prevent any lawsuit by the 9/11 Families. The founder of Chiquita helped to finance Central American terrorists in order to control the market. Chiquita is afraid that they could be sued by these countries.
    The son of the founder of Chiquita, Leon Black, is also a psychopath who made his billions primarily from leveraged buyouts. I watched one of his scams a few years back when his company bought Sprouts and took it public. No real worth or value appreciation occurred, but his company made insanely incredible money on the stock.

      • I remember the civil law suit that Chiquita had against them in 2008. Eric Holder was their lawyer. This was during the election. All of a sudden they changed their strategy and plead guilty to the use of FARC in the murder of some 5,000 Colombians. Part of the agreement was that it needed to be run by the AG of the US. All parties agreed and the families thought they were going to get justice. That very week (or maybe the next) Obama announced he was appointing Eric Holder for AG. I’m sure it was just a coincidence. I mentioned this (in a passing comment about him) in the Huffington Post and was instantly banned from comments. And to think I used to be a paratrooper. I’m so ashamed.

    • In 1970, Eli Black became CEO of the banana and fruit company (United Brands). His son is Leon Black, founder of Apollo. Leon has a PERSONAL art collection approaching a billion dollars.

      Apollo has had money invested in all types of companies (such as Twinkies, AMC Entertainment, Telemundo, GNC, Coldwell Banker, Century 21, McGraw-Hill Education publishers, Chuck E. Cheeze’s, cloud servers and web hosting, mega real estate holdings and mortgages, etc.)
      Apollo has a variety of masked sister investment arms, some affiliated with Arabian oil money, some affiliated in partnership with the infamous Carlyle Group (see 9/11 research and Soros research) along with its holdings of Carnegie Learning, the University of Phoenix, etc.

      Sprouts Farmers Market is like a small Whole Foods offering vitamins, healthy and organic foods. In the Spring of 2011, Apollo bought a controlling interest ownership of privately owned Sprout Farmers Market for 214 million. IPO stands for an “Initial Public Offering” which means that the company’s stock will be traded on Wall Street. Often investors rush to buy shares on the day an IPO occurs.
      On August 1st, 2013 Apollo took “Sprouts Farmers Market” public to the stock market with an IPO. Some reporters estimate that Apollo PROFITED overnight to the tune of way more than billion dollars with the Sprouts IPO.

      Sprouts will collect donations for Autism at the cash register, but “Autism Speaks” is the organization which receives the funds. “Autism Speaks” is a fraud. “Autism Speaks” adamantly refuses to mention vaccines as a possible link to Autism.
      “Autism Speaks” was founded by Bob Wright. Bob Wright was the CEO and top executive of NBC for many years and also top honcho for General Electric (which owned NBC, The Weather Channel, Universal Studios, etc.)

      A Plano, TX Sprouts store once had hundreds and hundreds of rats. The Regional Manager (boss of the area’s Store Managers) had moved his office out of the store because the rat urine was so rank, but the Regional Manager would refuse to take effective action. I finally called the City which threatened to close the store. When a guy in a hazmat suit tore out the Regional Mgr’s office wall, there were more than 50 baby rats in the Regional Manager’s office wall. So many rats, sometimes one would fall on an employee.

      • That’s the first time I’ve heard of a bad rat problem in Plano. Really, North Texas had the fewest rats of any area I’ve ever lived in. But maybe Bob should read the vaccine labels. Or do they not print them on them anymore? I wouldn’t know as I refuse to go to the drug dealers.

  3. Great NWNW! Iran, Syria, and Western movment toward more bigger (mobigga) war, is something I’m cautiously watching. Studying the U.S. and world economies would also suggest that the Fed might see expanding into mobigga war as an attempt to divert a very big and debilitating crash of the economy that is also looming. I doubt at this point that a bigger war involvement would prevent or lessen a crash of the economy, however. And I am still hopeful that this dance toward more war somehow does not result in more war but instead can be understood as a scare tactic and a test on the American (Western) public’s response to the propaganda about it.

  4. Completely unrelated to this NWNW but want to share because this cracked me up, and it also gave a bit of the middle finger to the Fed and TPTSB.

    A guy now known as ‘Bitcoin Sign Guy’ held up a sign that read, ‘Buy Bitcoin’ during a testimony to Congress by Fed chair Janet Yellen, broadcast on live television. The troll level of this guy is deserving of an award.

    • I have made similar point myself on several occasions and since you don’t live in my head (as far as I know) and I definitively don’t live in yours (that I do know) the same has occurred to two different people now. At least.

      The problem I have with bitcoin is that a) it plays the paradigm change toward digital currency tune perfectly and b) it isn’t uncontrollable as it seems. There are still gatekeepers between our world and bitcoin world. Also, as it is right now, with the volatility going in, it can hardly be used as a currency.

      I do appreciate the decentralized nature of it and the fact it does potentially lead astray of bankers influence, but going around their poisonous effect is not going it cut it. One does not go around count Dracula, you wait him to fall asleep and then drive a stake through his heart. I’m not implying bankers should be staked, far from it. They should hang, it would be a lot simpler to clean up afterwards and it’s the more environmentally friendly solution since it requires less wood.

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