Interview 1323 – Chuck Ochelli Sorts Through the JFK Dump

by | Nov 15, 2017 | Interviews | 13 comments

The squirt of JFK documents from the government archives that I reported on earlier became a veritable dump last week when 13,000 more documents were released. Joining us to sort through this mess is host of The Ochelli Effect, Chuck Ochelli, aka The Blind JFK Researcher.


Corbett Report Radio 017 – In Search of Lee Harvey Oswald with Charles Ochelli

Corbett Report Radio 128 – Still in Search of Oswald with Charles Ochelli

Latest Group of JFK Assassination Records Available to the Public

The 5 Most Amazing Documents From The JFK Files

“Hitler in 1954” document

CIA A Study Of Assassination (1953)

Memo about Surgeon General and second shooter

Richard Helms asked about Oswald/CIA (document cut off)

G. Edward Griffin Debunks the JFK/Fed Myth

Moorman photo

JFKLancer 2017 conference


  1. Hey there,
    Yesterday I stumbled upon some very interesting new realizations (at least for me).

    I was doing some research online on Project/Operation Paperclip or Operation Overcast…. it gets a bit confusing. Going through the names I could find online of the Nazis brought to the US under these operations, a name popped up that you may also find interesting. Richard Lindenberg. He was not a very high ranked officer during WWII, yet he was of great interest to the US as an expert Neuropathologist and such.

    He made a life in the States with his family and worked on many papers over the years. Yet, the most amazing work I found on him was, that he was one of the experts at the Rockefeller Commission of 1975. He was tasked to evaluate the JFK assassination!

    Another strange thing that came to my attention is that Zapruder was a Freemason and an Inspector-General 33rd degree (Scottish Rite).

    Have you heard of Ralph Schoenmann? He seems to have solved the JFK mystery already in the 90’s. This guy blew my mind with his trilogy on YT. Why does he never get mentioned?

    That’s bout it,

  2. Classic lines!

    Chuck Ochelli
    “…the blender full of marbles that seems to be the news cycle anymore…” (around 12:25)
    “…I am an independent thinker and I do independent media for sure. And it is certainly not mainstream. BUT PLEASE DON’T CALL ME “ALTERNATIVE”, because I am watching the circus move to that part of town….” (around 16:00)

  3. James, I heard only one vital fact and that was that JFK was leaving Vietnam which should be common knowledge. NSM 263 has been reported by James Douglas and Ryan Dawson is unaware of this for some reason. Ochelli is mired in minutae and I became suspicious of Lancer from the day I heard of it. Paul O’Connor told me to stay away from them. My wife went to HS with Judyth Vary and in order to get a better understanding of her story you have to interview Ed Haslam the author of Dr Mary’s Monkey and read his book and Me&Lee by Judyth.
    There two keys to understanding why JFK was murdered: the plan for World Government that is revealed in Tragedy&Hope and Halford Mackinder’s Heartland Thesis. I am glad he mentioned Lincoln because that is key to understanding the reason for the assassination.
    Lincoln and Alexander II had a close relationship and Russia came to his aid in 1863 when the Baltic Fleet came to the east coast and the Vladivostok fleet came to San Francisco. Webster Tarpley has a lecture on it and this visit was a very big deal. There is a statue of them shaking hands and this link shows a political cartoon of them:
    McKinley was a Civil War vet and he was assassinated for the same reason. Prescott Bush did the “Business Plot” to FDR because he recognized the Soviet Union and had a good relationship with Stalin. Henry Wallace was booted off the ticket by Wall St & Southern Democrats because he would have continued the alliance with the soviet Union. JFK was assassinated because he and Khrushchev along with Castro were going to end the Cold War. Eisenhower’s meeting with Khrushchev on the Test Ban Treaty was sabotaged by the U-2 Incident. Nixon was brought down in a Palace Coup because he was going to end the Cold War with Brezhnev. Ford continued this plan and Sweeky Frome tried to assassinate him. Reagan had an assassination attempt because he was going to do the same thing with Gorbachev and now we have Trump being brought down for the same reason. Every war we have been in from Korea to now is in the Inner Rimland that Mackinder’s Thesis on how to control Eurasia and THE WORLD. Zabig’s book says Eurasia must be controlled. Eastern Europe is a “moat” per Mackinder and Ukraine is the Vestibule to the Heartland. this is why NATO has a massive force on Russia’s border and why Russia and China are surrounded by Military bases and it is why we are in Afghanistan and won’t leave. It is why we never made a Peace Treaty with DPRK and that is why they keep demanding a Peace Treaty. Everything revolves around Eurasia and World Empire. Putin threw a monkey wrench into this plan in Syria and is why Russia and China have a symbiotic relationship that cannot be broken by anyone. The Deep State appears to be hell bent on Nuclear war with Russia. Huxley and Orwell were whistle blowers. Read the Goldstein Essay in “1984” and compare where he says the endless war is to Mackinder’s Thesis.

    • A few blocks from “The 22nd JFK Lancer Conference” is the The 5th annual JFK Assassination Conference being held on the same dates of Nov 17, 18, 19

      I have been to both conferences.
      One of our group members often shoots video for the “JFK Assassination Conference” which is MC’d by John B. Wells (who has helped with some of our events). By the way, Wells did a voice reporter audio for the Oliver Stone JFK movie. And back in his youth, John B. Wells helped Sam Houston in “Gone to Texas” as seen here… (one minute)

      In my opinion, both conferences are good to have. But an individual needs to form their opinion of the speaker and validity of the information.
      For example: After talking to Russ Baker at Lancer several years in a row about 9/11, he avoids the topic like vampires to crosses. On the other conference, I personally don’t think much of James Fetzer.

      Joe, the founder of our 9/11 Group typically would line up our table rental for the JFK Lancer Conferences so we could distribute free DVDs and Ae911truth brochures to the attendees.
      Surprisingly, during the first few years of our table set-up at “JFK Lancer”, many attendees did not want to know about 9/11 and snubbed “9/11 Truth” as ridiculous. Really. I am not kidding.
      In later years, the attitude changed.

      For many years until he died, John Judge would hold a Dallas “JFK Conference” during the same dates as “JFK Lancer”. John Judge, in no uncertain terms, refused to let our 9/11 Group rent a table at his JFK Conference. We were surprised by his attitude about it.

      • JUDYTH VARY BAKER – Chuck Ochelli – “JFK Assassination Myths 12 Staring Judy Baker”
        via Corbett Report’s “Recommended Listening” from the article “When Robots Rule the Markets…”.

        From shownotes:
        … Her medical fabrications , alleged attempts on her life , silly behavior , unrealistic descriptions , and many other easily dismissed fiction in the ever-evolving Me, Lee and everybody else JVB can think of to include , universe of simply misleading disinformation that is Judy Baker. Hard to believe she had anything to do with the C.I.A. in 1963 but if the agency wanted to create a Disinformation agent from scratch , their best efforts might not come close to the skill set Judy has. Food For Thought….

  4. HomeRemedySupply:
    Here are some PHOTOS and articles from the huge JFK 50th Anniversary…(I am behind JFK with glasses/blondewhitegray hair.)

    Not too many people living today can say they rubbed shoulders with JFK! 🙂

  5. I was just a little kid when JFK was shot yet it shocked me to the core. I knew instinctively that Oswald was just a patsy.

    I never thought that I would say what I am about to say. It is not meant to dissuade anyone in their JFK research.

    I as much as anyone else would like the truth to come out for all the public to see and hear.

    However, given what I know about how people live their lives today, the general masses and politicians alike…

    It is my belief that if in 2, 3, 5.. years all of the important details of the assassination came to light (the truth, who done it, how it was done etc.)
    the public would yawn and not give it much thought.
    Politicians would pay lip service but no disciplinary action would be taken nor changes made to the departments that were complicit in the crime.

    • I agree. It can be expected, predicted, forecast, that “the public would yawn and not give it much thought.”

      …unless it becomes a “media message” to be outraged.
      Unless, the public’s perception is that “the public” is actively outraged and throwing eggs at government offices.

  6. Yes very useful considerations indeed john.
    I like your approach. If I had the time, it would be the one I would adopt to study the mess we see ourselves in today.

    There are probably far too many JFK researchers who get stuck in the minutia and fail to see the forest from the trees.

    Although the CIA and other intelligence/military departments pass from generation to generation and leader to leader, somehow, somewhere there is an established code that is followed by the elite. I think it this code that you are interested in finding out more about.

  7. The powers that be have created the meme “alternative media”, so they could push people to trust the “alt media”, which of course are often owned and run by the same people who own the MSM. Trump is a Zionist owned asset, yet he is painted as “Mr America first”, even as everything he does follows the elites playbook.

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