Interview 1337 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jan 11, 2018 | Interviews | 19 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: Vermont Poised to Enact Legal Pot Through Legislature

Paraguay Legalizes Marijuana for Medicinal, Scientific Use

Story #2: Kraft/Heinz Net Income Fell 24 Percent

Story #3: DIY Powerwalls Using Recycled Laptop Batteries Powering Homes

The Brain Chip Cometh

#GoodNewsNextWeek: Growing New Ways To Win

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  1. This was a stellar episode of New World Next Week!

    I am all grins.

  2. Let’s Talk Bitcoin Network
    Andrew Trask: OpenMinded – A Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Platform

    “OpenMined will allow AI companies of the future to develop models, have them trained on user data without compromising user privacy, and incentivise users to train their model. We walk through the OpenMined vision and its potential impact on AI business models and AI safety”

  3. James and James should be in comedy. That was a hilarious setup and delivery . laugh out loud kind of funny.
    However, I could go along with the dope thing for pure anarchists delight if we did not have this matrix of the powers that should not be. The reality of controlling the masses by the ruling elite 101 includes from the time of the Pharaohs, alcohols, tobaccos, and drugs. Why believe they were worn down by social movements that the politician has to get in front off. If you want culture to want it ; than denie it to them. Either way they still control the game. Whether you believe you have won something over on them is part of the sad way we are manipulated at many levels. We are not able to think clearly and when it gets so bad you just want something to get you through, you need to wake up. They don’t drink and they don’t smoke dope. That’s one way they are able to win. Think about it. Lets party when we get a real victory so in the meantime call a spade a spade.

      • Generalbottlewasher, thanks for the link. Brilliant.
        This one goes to the same folder as James’ ‘How to herd your tax cattle’

        James E Pilato’s uncritical enthusiasm regarding weed legalization bothers me too. I’m not so concerned as Efimov is. I think both, Apollo and Dionysus should have a place in our life (I like them both very much). “Ratio” between two of them depends on individual preferences, but preferences have to be Discovered (not an easy task) by individual.

        And btw, what a perversion of language: Recreational use of marijuana
        (Yeee, recreation with drugs, recreation with e-sport……because being drugged is so sinful, apage Satana)

  4. Thank you VoltaicDude.

    And for James Corbett:

    “When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom” (Confucius)

    • When I’ve watched this episode I got quite upset.

      I was thinking how to find right approach, right words for my thoughts that at the end people might understand me. And also I didn’t want to turn out as a dick.

      You solved my problems with beautiful hopping from one perspective to another perspective, painting picture in its wholeness. I think, changing perspectives is proper approach to overcome dichotomies.

      Regarding corporatism, enemy of the day.
      There is a saying here on Balkans.

      Why a dog licks his balls?
      Because he can.

  5. VoltaicDude says: I seem to vacillate between veganism and baconism.

  6. I do not intend to promote or so, but I did want to mention that because my wife is a Heinz ketchup junkie, I compromised with her in buying the “organic” Heinz ketchup. They offer it here in Germany and it costs a bit more. Sure, it’s another coin down the dragons den, but what would I not do for my sweetheart. I have tried tricking her with other brands, she noticed every time.

    • Boy, do I know what you’re talking about! No matter how good a product is ‘someone’, not naming names (my husband), wants what’s familiar over the better product. Oh well. As they say, there’s no accounting for taste! I refuse to buy bad food. I told him if he wants bad food he has to shop for it himself. That puts the breaks on most of his purchases.

  7. Help get the word out
    With MLK Day around the corner, I have been commenting at different publications. I encourage other Corbett Report followers to do the same.
    The following is a rendition of the patter which I have been using…

    In December 1999 at a Federal Memphis Civil Court a jury of 12 found that the government had conspired to assassinate Martin Luther King, Jr.
    The transcripts of the trial are on the King Family website.

    Dr. William F. Pepper, a personal friend of Martin, was the attorney for the King Family in this trial.
    The updated story can be found in this April 2017 interview by James Corbett with Dr. William Pepper.

  8. One of the best episodes, EVER.

    I’m was so impressed with the wall battery makers. Wow. They are doing amazing things. Also, loved the Big Food report. It’s good to see that the public has been waking to the facts and voting against Big Food. What a sad, sick and embarrassing campaign they signed on for, too. OMG. In a sick way the ads reminds me of the “Reach Out and Touch Someone” telephone campaign of old.

    AND, Corbett! What a declaration about the nature of capitalism–what it is and is NOT. Loved that comment. Agreed! Each person votes everyday. So know that you vote with every choice you make and every dollar you spend on that choice. Corporations know one thing: no money–no business. I make this comment too much these days. No one is holding a gun to your head to eat bad food, buy bad products, watch bad internet sites and the list goes on. STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!

  9. “What a declaration about the nature of capitalism”

    Nature??? Describing the nature of something so complex in few sentences?

    Economic activity of people is driven by supply/demand. This is dynamic process, not just in one instance of supply/demand, or just in one class of supply/demand, but also when observing chains of supply/demand.

    Snapshot is not a film.

    • John.o,

      obviously you haven’t read all commentaries here. Also, it is quite probable that I haven’t expressed myself good enough because of language barrier. Certainly I had no intention to have debates of this type. Particularly debates conducted in a way you started, because it is pointless.

      Read this story
      Video proposed by Generalbottlewasher is also excellent.

      So let me dissect you commentary.
      First, you are absolutely confident you know the truth. Well, I’m pretty sure that when there is dichotomy that polarizes people so much, the truth is probably elsewhere.

      You are not using the same criteria when analyzing cases.
      In your analysis once history matters, once we should ignore history.
      Once we should consider a perfect instance of Idea, while in the other case we should consider an application of Idea.

      Is your analysis a kind of woolly thinking?

      And finally, I also have learned a lot from James Corbett and have great respect.

      • You disappointed me. You are treating me like a person that is not worth talking with. I feel like I’m talking to “normie”.

        Are my feelings substantiated?

        I showed you drawbacks in your reasoning. No response.

        I posted a link to ‘Hundred anarchist’ article that might show you a perspective that is related to the issue. You dismissed it with dubious arguments.

        Most of the people here are also concerned with currents state of affairs. James said many, many times, it’s not about concrete people nor about events. It’s about Ideas.

        I’m sincerely telling you, I’m not interested in winning debate.
        If we won’t try to understand each other we won’t get anywhere.

        • 1.” I am certainly not dismissing anybody, even “normies.”


          “… stupid plebe consumers just don’t smarten up…”

          2. This is your reply to the drawbacks in your thinking I’ve pointed out:
          “But that is not me. That is exactly my point about James.”

          You are not even able to stand behind your words.

          You mentioned James three times in your latest commentary. Are you trying to get James involved in this discussion? I doubt you will succeed.
          Your writings are increasingly more trollish. Be careful.

          3. Stay away from me.

        • hahahahaha

          I just noticed, hahaha

          In your first reply to me you are selling me Orwell’s: past-future, present-past

          what a daring joker


  10. Ah, the batteries. And misconceptions, going hand in hand.

    Going solar is great, isn’t it. It’s also very green. Were it not for the fact solar panel production is very wasteful and dirty. I’m not advocating against solar panels, but users should be aware.

    It’s also very interesting how far these LiIon cells have come, in terms of price/Wh ratios. Comparing to standard lead acid batteries, LiIon cells are about 75% more expensive, plus extra part and tool costs and work. Comparing to higher quality AGM lead acid cells, they are about 30% more expensive and should last (quite a bit) longer; neither will require any maintenance. These prices are valid for off the shelf products, as cheap as I could get them in my neck of the woods. I’ve seen deals on ebay for LiIon cells for less than a dollar a piece for large lots which would blow these price comparisons out of the water.

    One thing that supports lead acid batteries from the green perspective is the fact the material can be reused about 98%. The case is reused, lead is extracted from the sludge, even the acid can be recovered. Lithium is not reused that much, sadly.

    Obtaining large quantities of used cells is something I’d deem problematic to say the least. Price efficiency becomes dubious as cell prices are lowered and going with used ones is rather work intensive. If you can get them for next to nothing, I guess it’s a done deal but otherwise not so much.

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