Interview 1344 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Feb 15, 2018 | Interviews | 11 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: Israel Police Recommend Charging Netanyahu With Bribery

Most Israelis Consider Benjamin Netanyahu Corrupt, But He Is Still Climbing In The Polls

What Would Netanyahu’s Case 1000 Trial Look Like?

The Movie Producer and the Israeli Nuclear Smuggling Ring

The Lorde Saga: The Consequences of Boycotting Israel

Al Qaeda Leader Praises Israeli Strike On Syria

Story #2: UK’s Oxfam Faces More Pressure After New Report of Sex Abuse By Aid Workers

Oxfam Could Lose Funding Over Allegations It Exploited Disaster Victims for Sex

Story #3: Your ‘Smart’ TV Remains A Privacy & Security Dumpster Fire

Consumer Reports: Samsung and Roku Smart TVs Vulnerable to Hacking

The House That Spied on Me

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  1. I just adore that baby carriage. Giving you one more stupid reason to act even more stupidly and pay even less attention to your offspring while you chat idly over the phone about whatever stupid crap is in the headlines. It’s bound to help eugenics.

  2. Historically, many times grassroots charities form. Local churches are one example. Neighborhoods or rural communities often unite towards a charitable end.
    I like local.
    When one is closer to one’s sphere of influence, there is more control and better visibility.

    Japan Today (I got this after seeing a post on Corbett’s twitter.)
    Japanese gov’t considers limiting casino visits to 10 per month't-mulls-limiting-casino-visits-to-10-per-month

    I was aghast, but laughing at the silliness of these “authorities” trying to dictate people’s lives. The article uses the word “dictate”.
    Of course, tourists would be exempt.

  3. You mean funded by Israel, America did not always fund the terrorists, but if you have been in the State Department in the last 30 years, you will note a distinctly Israeli feel to it.

    American media, financial sectors and government are wholly operations of Zionists. Behind every attack in America, you will find Zionist money.

  4. Recent 9/11 News
    Two weeks ago, the BBC published a vapid iteration of its unrivaled brand of anti-journalism on all things 9/11, which it unironically titled: “The people who think 9/11 may have been an ‘inside job.’”

    Unlike the hate-mongering Gizmodo article of two weeks before that, the BBC piece adopted a softer tone, trotting out the familiar trope of suggesting that people believe in “conspiracy theories” because of….

    Read more and video here…

    • Very interesting, HRS. I’m impressed by Mr. Angle’s foresight to record his interview with BBC’s Chris Bell and uploading same to youtube and facebook. It provides a sound, well-reasoned counter to Bell’s extraction of a mere two sentences from 28 minutes and 33 seconds for his subtle, derogatory slant. I guess Mr. Angle’s time wasn’t completely wasted.

      I watched the interview and think it alone would be a good primer for any intellectually honest person willing to begin to consider that there may be flaws in the claims which have allowed the official conspiracy theorists to throw not only the professions of architecture and engineering under the bus, but the laws of physics as well.

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