Interview 1448 – Carey Wedler on Tulsi Gabbard’s Hope and Change

by | Jun 11, 2019 | Interviews | 9 comments

Yay! Another politician seems to hold a correct opinion on an important policy issue. Time to give up on those silly anarchist ideals and vote for the CFR member who’s right about one thing (and wrong about a lot of things), right guys? Well, maybe not. Joining me today to discuss the important issue of Hope And Change 2.0 is Carey Wedler of The Anti-Media.

Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube or Download the mp4

Interview 1249 – Carey Wedler on How Government $ach$ Won The (s)Election

Why do Democrats & the mainstream media hate this veteran & presidential candidate?

Tulsi on The War on Syria

Tulsi voted to fund the DoD war machine

Vote Tulsi for Sensible Gun Control!

Tulsi will protect Medicare and Social Security!

Wedler: Why I’m burning my last bridge with Obama

The Anti-Media

Carey Wedler on Steemit


  1. Thank you Mr. Corbett.
    I go direct here for videos and will be transitioning to other media platforms. One thing I am trying to do is to place comments on youtube informing of the various platforms. (steemit, bitchute etc….) I watched Gabbard on Rogan and as soon as she started talking about universal healthcare and minimum wage I turned it off. You are a great asset to those seeking truth and awareness.

    I am trying to implement more action in regards to donations and web involvement through postings.

    With much gratitude – Frank

  2. I remember when Obama was elected, his speeches started exhibiting a pattern: he would say all the hopey peude stuff, *but* it would be followed by a “but.” And once he even said, “And it’s a big butt!”

    I didn’t vote for him, though, shamefully I did vote…shit, I always vote, a futile habit. I voted for McKinney. I admit to getting a bit of a tear in my eye when a “black guy” got elected. Somehow I had thought that would be impossible! Haha!

  3. James. Might I suggest that the embedded video on this page NOT be Youtube?
    In addition, it might be fun to put links to the Youtube Alternatives IN the Youtube Description… Right below the “SHOW NOTES AND MP3” link.

    Just a thought.


  4. None of these cardboard cut outs running for Ego in Chief even address a modicum of reality raging around the planet at present. A modicum would be a peek at the extinction level destruction going on in the oceans and on land and actually address it. @ present most people aren’t even aware of the nano-particulates that we are breathing in on a daily basis. Everything else is a mere distraction. For reference I suggest checking out Dane Wigington on By attempting to mitigate the problem of creating by products that are choking the life out of the biosphere, and rampant mining of the commons, the powers that would be are only making it worse. Geoengineering has been amped up in the last decade with the use of ionosphere heaters and employing solar radiation management techniques by way of microwave technology and spraying nano-particulates in the atmosphere. I challenge my brethren here on the Corbett Report to check out any of the video presentations on the website listed above. I can guarantee that once you’ve ventured down the rabbit hole, you’ll want to investigate how deep and how far the 70 year cover up goes. I’m only the messenger…

  5. If people feel they are not doing enough on election Day they could always wear a silly hat.

    It sure achieves a lot more than voting.

    If anyone asks why you are wearing a silly hat, pull a Corbett report DVD from it and hand it to them!

  6. The president is way way way less important then local politics for most peoples lives but they pay more attention to the big league because thats where the spotlight is even as agenda 21esque stuff is happening closer to home
    Your local council, mayor, board of supervisors, school board all do more to mess with your day to day life then Trump or Obama and unlike them you actually CAN have an effect in elections where the votes are numbered pathetically low…. many local elections are reminiscent of the British rotten or pocket boroughs where just a few people had the vote

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