Interview 1463 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jul 18, 2019 | Interviews | 27 comments

Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: House Orders Pentagon to Say If It Weaponized Ticks and Released Them

‘Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons’

‘Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Germ Laboratory’

Search: “Plum Island”

Episode 356 – Top 5 “Conspiracy Theories” That Turned Out To Be True

Episode 111 – A Brief History of Biowarfare

Requiem for the Suicided: Dr. David Kelly

Story #2: Scientists Find “Man-Made Climate Change Doesn’t Exist In Practice”

Winter Monsoons Became Stronger During Geomagnetic Reversal; Revealing the Impact of Cosmic Rays on the Earth’s Climate


Interview 255 – Dr. Richard Lindzen

UN Warning: Just 3 YEARS Left to Save the Earth!

Just 96 Months to Save World, Says Prince Charles (2009)

Prince Charles Exclusive: We Have 35 Months to Tackle Climate Change (2015)

“Next 18 Months Will Decide” Climate Change Success – Prince Charles (2019)

“Why Does the Sun Shine?”

Story #3: FBI To Ramp Up Social Media Surveillance

PDF: “Social Media Alerting”

Episode 332 – The Weaponization of Social Media

300 Californian Cities Secretly Have Access to Palantir

Armies of Fake Accounts “Ruined” Twitter in the Middle East

Leaked Images Show US-Backed MKO Terrorist Social Media Operations Against Iran

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  1. News such as Lyme Disease, Epstein, etc. coming out in the Main Stream.

    I strongly believe that stories such as these are coming out primarily because of the alternative media, activists and those who are aware…and it may even be an indirect result of activism dating back to 2005, 2006.
    Stories such as these are more readily accepted than they once were a decade ago.

    I know we have an effect.
    After many, many events of local activism, I have seen how awareness has spread in my neck of the woods over the years.

    Let’s keep getting the word out.

    • Preface: In my comment here, I am not pimping gold, silver or bitcoin, but rather, I want to highlight the power of the alternative media and the trend towards alternative currencies.

      On Monday 7/15 (and prior), folks in the Alternative Media were citing some discovered facts about silver prices.

      By Thursday, 7/18, silver prices followed by gold prices rose to dynamic new levels. Even bitcoin turned around from hitting a lower trough.
      Folks who bought in on trades like junior miners (e.g. JNUG) on Monday/Tuesday likely made more than 30% on their money by late Thursday if they sold it.

      The MainStreamMedia was not hyping silver or gold on Monday and Tuesday. I have seen them hype those metals in the past (often followed by a downswing in prices within the week).

      So, my point is that we are having an effect.

    • That’s a good point. It often does takes a long time to see the results of activism and many don’t have the patience to wait and often get disillusioned and give up too soon.

      I’d think we would make more progress if we could figure out a way to reactivate the deactivated activists.

      Not to say that it’s not worth getting the word out to new people.

  2. Re: weaponized ticks

    I just go on the assumption that anything you can imagine, or dream up while under the influence of 10 grams of mushrooms, they already have.

  3. My goodness, I was so creeped out by all the tick footage, the only thing I heard was something about the Pentagon experimenting with plums and limes?

    I mentioned some time ago my family’s brush with a terminal, insect-borne illness, namely chagas disease (we lost two puppies to it). Researching that is what opened my eyes to weaponized insects (not saying the kissing bug that carries chagas is being weaponized, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out they were). Regarding Lyme, the only reason I can think of that Congress gives a sh** is that Martha’s Vineyard is quite infested with the debilitating blood suckers (other than themselves).

    At long last, JP trimmed his beard! He’s handsome again! Yay!!

  4. Concerning the climate change segment: May I interject a little sanity?

    Suppose you are diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Would you treat it? What if you discovered that the cancer was due to natural causes, not by inhaling coal dust for forty years working in a mine (ie: it was NOT due to anthropogenic causes). Would you say, “Doc, this cancer was not ‘man-made’. Take this IV out of my arm!”? Of course not! It doesn’t matter in the least what the origin of the cancer was; it needs to be treated if you want to try and maintain your health. (that is to say, if you want to maintain your ‘internal environment’ in a state that is conducive to health)

    The same goes for climate change. We evolved in a range of environmental conditions, and we are slipping out of that range. That is, the climate is changing in ways that we must either deal with, go extinct, or experience a severe population crash. As you said, James, no one is looking at the data in a rational way, and that includes you. It makes no difference what is causing climate change, only whether we can adapt to it or not. And there is a MASSIVE amount of empirical evidence that we need to confront the situation head on with much urgency. Just look at this evidence, and try to stop being political about the topic. I think that is what needs to happen, regardless of where anyone’s perceived interests lie. CO2 levels have never risen even remotely this fast, and it is the rate of change that is most of the problem. Species go extinct b/c they cannot adapt fast enough to environmental changes – and we’re only talking about natural changes until humankind came down the pike. Who cares why the changes took place? Either way, we need to take action, now. Ignoring the situation b/c it is not man made, which seems to be the implication of this whole argument to begin with, and always has been, is short-sighted and foolhardy to say the least.

    • mikensd says: “… CO2 levels have never risen even remotely this fast, and it is the rate of change that is most of the problem….”

      For me, it is extremely obvious that the most pressing environmental issue is the growing cesspool of manmade toxic chemicals which we are now drinking, eating, breathing and destroying the planet with.
      From fracking chemicals to the Teflon-like perfluorinated carbons to phthalates and bisphenols to pesticides to Beyond Meat synthetics, we are in a heap of trouble.

      As far as the CO2 issue, it is a propaganda design.
      CO2 is a deflection.
      CO2 is absolutely nothing to worry about unless you hold your breath too long.
      It is part of the rigged game to take eyes off the corporate chemical pollutants.

      CO2 is the boogeyman (manbearpig) that ushers in the eugenic-minded Technocrats.
      And the Technocrats are already here.
      I don’t think many people even understand this new carbon-trading scheme, even the designers. It is a racket. A scam.

      On July 14th, I read this Bloomberg article.
      Geez! The ol’ carbon con game. Al Gore and his ManBearPig (See Southpark episode)
      “– Climate Changed — Exxon’s Loss In a Court Case in Europe May Be a Gain for Carbon Market”
      Exxon Mobil Corp.’s loss in a court case in Europe may translate into a gain for carbon prices in the continent’s emissions trading system.

      The European Union’s Court of Justice ruled that part of Exxon’s natural gas processing plant in Germany should be classified as an electricity generator, a decision that could result in a cut to its allocation of free pollution rights. Since 2013, utilities have to buy permits to pump out carbon dioxide while other industries get some or all of theirs for free…

      The ruling may drive up the cost of carbon, already trading at an 11-year high, depending on how nations react

      …Carbon has jumped more than five-fold since May 2017, buoyed by EU regulations to reduce a surplus that had depressed prices for years. Reduced allocations of free allowances may mean more companies have to buy permits in the market….

    • There is nothing sane or rational about panicking over the effects of C02 if C02 not the dominant cause for warming. Dominant is the key word.

      If cosmic rays effect the climate so much, the rational thing to do would be to try and predict the trend of cosmic rays and then make a decision. It may turn out that the trend predicts a new ice age – in which case the last thing you want to do is cut back on greenhouse gases!

      • “…the most pressing environmental issue is the growing cesspool of manmade toxic chemicals which we are now drinking, eating, breathing and destroying the planet with.”


        At the same time it is the issue rarely discussed.

        Nice example are various devices used to protect against mosquitoes. Majority of people thinks they repel them with smell they produce. No, active ingredient is poison, more precise, nerve poison.

        • Mik,
          You are right. That DEET is a toxic hydrocarbon which can lead to damage of the nervous system, among other health issues.

          SIMPLE HOMEMADE BUG REPELLANT for deep woods.
          When I am crawling around in the dark shadow of the brush and woods, especially near a creek bottom, I often will do this…

          Get an old sock.
          Mix 50% cinnamon powder with 50% corn starch.
          Place the mix in the sock.

          Prior to going out into the brush, slap that filled sock against the body, arms, ankles, shoes, clothing, wherever.
          A puffy cloud of soothing corn starch and cinnamon will cover the body areas.

          This repels all kinds of bugs. (Mosquitoes, chiggers, ants, wasps, etc.)

          One hot, humid Texas summer, I was at the bottom of a shadowed, brushy creek bed digging up bamboo for transplanting. Sweating like a dog. Exhaling lots of CO2, which of course attracts mosquitoes. After lots of digging, I stopped to catch my breath.

          No exaggeration here…
          I look down near my body, and dang! There were about 100 or more mosquitoes all swarming around me.
          Not one bite that day.
          I had previously covered my body and hair with the mix.

          Of course the mix is a light brown. Add in sweat, and a person looks like Rambo.

          • You mention CO2, I didn’t know that was a factor around mosquitos. It’s been decades now mosquitos have avoided taking a stab at me. Granted, I don’t live in a mosquito profuse area, but on many, an occasion people around me would get nicely chomped on, while I would get a free pass.

            I’m also pretty sure I don’t sweat corn starch and cinnamon.

            The last time one bit me was some days ago when I came back from a swim in the sea. She didn’t get much of my blood, though. I can’t remember what was the last time before that, I’m pretty certain it’s been a few years.

            From my observations and deduction, I estimated body temperature plays a role. Since I’m a bit cooler than the average, maybe their receptors are simply not picking up on my presence.

    • mikensd,

      “… MASSIVE amount of empirical evidence that we need to confront the situation …”

      Looks like you missed James’ massive opus regarding climate-whatever where he dissects evidence. I’m strongly recommending you to fill the gap in your knowledge.

      • 50 year old Thomas “T.R.” Reardon is an American computational neuroscientist and the CEO and co-founder of CTRL-labs. Formerly, he was a computer programmer and developer at Microsoft. He is credited with creating Microsoft’s discontinued web browser, Internet Explorer, the world’s most used browser during its peak.

  5. Peripatetikos-

    Never waiver. A simple question demands a simple answer.

    That’s going in my Rolodex. I admire the logic and clarity of your comments.

    As to Chomsky- I had read a few of his books and watched some lectures, and have to admit that I was falling into the Chomsky Cult to a certain extent. When I saw his comments about 9-11, I came to a screeching stop.
    “Who cares?” Really Chomsky? That was clearly a tactical response. When a “leading intellectual” considers such a huge event off-limits, one cannot look at that person the same way again.

    • Peripatetikos-

      Thanks for your reply. Two things:

      Agreed. Anymore, if someone goes on and on to make their point, my mind wanders and I’m not listening any further. Impatience I guess, or maybe I suspect they are full of shit or have an agenda, or just don’t know how to say something concisely.

      As to Chomsky, with his reticence with respect to 9-11 and JFK, I wonder if that is cog-dis or just a man who is protecting his reputation, legacy, and lifestyle. I wouldn’t know, I don’t know the man personally. Just wondering.


    • This only teaches us, repeatedly, ad nauseam, that we are responsible for our own truth-finding and we need to choose where and when to call it quits and start believing something we can’t experience, understand, see or otherwise sense.

      Even if these people could come to terms with being lied to and having believed those lies for the entirety of their lives; and accepting their gullibility and corroboration; and understanding they have been holding the key to their own cell during all of that time; what they couldn’t cope with, I’d posit, is that they wouldn’t be able to believe a word anyone has to say from that point onward.

      Something almost completely unrelated:

      I’ve kept my eye during the day on this laptop I’ve been setting up for a fried. Windows 10 is the name of the game, it’s been updating like crazy, installing all sorts of features and updates and who knows what. It’s preparing for installation, it’s downloading, it’s installing, it’s failing at installing… and I can’t trust it with anything it does; I don’t want to type anything on such a machine; I don’t want to browse any sites on such a machine; and so I don’t. But my friend is used to using it, somewhat, so he looks the other way. Being used while using it is not an issue he wants to deal with. He’s just watching some movies and visiting some sites on it, so does it really matter? That’s 99.[add as many nines as you find appropriate]% population right there.

  6. Finding evidence for weaponized ticks is not difficult. Or maybe one should say weaponized spirochetes and so on in the ticks. I saw a victim of lymes disease on YouTube who could show old patents of altering viruses and bacterias so that they got more «effective» at causing serious Deadly cronic disease. The chief architect behind several, like borrelias, was a an imported nazi called Erich Tauber. It is also said that these weaponizing programs were stopped, and then they dumped all the Stuff into the Ocean.

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