Interview 1517 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Feb 27, 2020 | Interviews | 15 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: Posting Anti-Vaccine Propaganda on Social Media Could Become Criminal Offence

Zero Hedge Suspended On Twitter

Outrage as YouTube Reportedly Blocks History Teachers Uploading Hitler Archive Clips

UK Police Deny Responsibility for Poster Urging Parents to Report Kids for Using Linux

Story #2: UNESCO Claims Climate Denial To Be Criminalized And Prosecuted

Jerome Ravetz on The Corbett Report

Story #3: Foreign Interference In Elections Is Unacceptable. Congress Must Make It Illegal.

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    • Whitney Webb did a good job with that story.
      The bond market…on pandemics…who would have thought?
      The power assigned to just one word (“Pandemic”). Geez!
      I wonder which Pension Funds were conned into buying derivatives of those bonds.
      Webb’s article demonstrates how corrupt the WHO and CDC are.
      Funny how just one word is assigned such tremendous monetary value.

      Thanks Dave.

      • HomeRemedySupply It gets even better:

        According to Ms Webb’s article:
        “In June 2017, the World Bank announced the creation of “specialized bonds” that would be
        used to fund the previously created Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) in the
        event of an officially-recognized (i.e. WHO-recognized) pandemic.”

        Guess who is current Director-General for the World Health Organization? That would be Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who was appointed on 1 July 2017. [an interesting date – no]

        You may remember that he was the Ethiopian Minister of Health, who managed NOT to notice a major outbreak of Cholera, that killed thousands of his fellow countrymen during his tenure as Minister of Health.

        But that couldn’t be the reason he was appointed, could it?

  1. What a great idea!! Seriously!

    There’d have to be a solitaire version though. 😉

    pyramid dice, eminent bankster institution squares with special debt-for-nature-swap cards and a big all-seeing eye inside a pentagram at the center of the board…

    Too funny!

    • Corvids are crows, ravens and magpies… ill omen birds associated with death due to their munching the corpses after a battle.
      On the other hand “…. the raven’s intelligence is possibly its most winning feature. Indeed, these birds can be trained to speak. This speaking ability leads into the legend of ravens being the ultimate oracle….” Which I guess is why I like the ‘Corbett’ report.

  2. I like Ron Paul’s take on things here..

    Wednesday February 26, 2020 –
    (After the U.S. stock closed)

    Ron Paul appears on RT’s “Boom Bust”
    hosted by Christie Ai and Ben Swann.
    Ron Paul discusses the stock market, the Coronavirus, politics, The Fed, The Repo Market (NOT QE), Gold and (BIS) the Bank of International Settlements.

    Regarding the coronavirus, Ron says: “I just can’t get as concerned as the world is right now….”

    • Thursday Feb 27, 2020

      (Japan is mentioned in this video.)

      “Boom Bust”
      Market Bloodbath Rages On

      Probably, the winners today were those who held cash or physical gold, unless one was shorting markets or betting the VIX.

      I was surprised about gold today.
      Within the last 10 days, gold has gotten into a higher range.
      Despite this, a lot of gold/silver mining stocks, ETF’s, and even the very profitable gold Royalty and Streaming Companies…their share prices declined.
      But the physical gold price hovered in its stable, higher range.
      It is ironic that share prices declined…because mining gold is much more profitable now with higher gold prices and lower energy costs (natural gas and oil).
      I guess folks are really panicked across the boards.

      • For the record…
        Friday February 28 – Market Meltdown Continues
        For the week, the Dow lost 12%, the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 11%.

        Gold plunged on Friday. Gold prices dropped as much as 4.2% to $1,574.8 an ounce. Early this week the precious metal has reached a seven-year high of $1,688.6 an ounce.

        European Stocks Drop Over 12% on the Week.

        “Boom Bust” – Christie Ai and Ben Swann Report
        Jefferey Tucker talks about the market panic.

        On an upbeat note, the last segment was about alternative health regimens.

  3. I think these giant governing body’s are increasing the subjects that will be used in the mandatory EU-upload-filter-software.

    There are already are multiple laws concerning ‘terrorist’acts – not including the invasion by America & Israel in Syria off course – and these criminalisations you both talk about will also have to be implemented in the upload-filter.

    I was watching your documentaries on Propoganda-Watch and WW1 yesterday (still have to finish the 3rd) but as you both were speaking, I just couldn’t get the images of Millner’s gang of Elite-Inner-Circle-Thugs and the Billionairs who make these “orange-blue colored”-movies out of my head.

    I’ve decided yesterday that I cannot watch a movie (contagions) which main-character has got such a croocked tooth – I would get nauseated if I would have to watch a whole movie wherin this actor has an impossible ugly tooth – nobody has a tooth like that, not even you Mr. Corbett ! (b.t.w. I like the almost freshly shaven look of Mr. Pilato !-)

    Mr. Corbett and Mr. Pilato have you seen/read the simple, yet elegant presentation of the Guru Maitri ?

    This young man hasn’t eaten food or dronk liquid for many years now and has a very compact, modest website I think you both should explore – if not to be presented as news-item but for your own spiritual development 🙂

    I tell you this because the closing down of the internet and the increasing control of the elite-thugs have the appearance of being quite absolute and rigourous but the message and 11 principles of this Maitri Guru created a lot of hope in me – perhaps hope that’s non-tangible but hey :”the revolution will not be televised !-)” (only 14 minutes) (a 3 to 4 minute read)

    Thank you for reading.

    greetings from the Netherlands
    Alain Bos (humanist, animist)

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