Interview 1531 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Apr 2, 2020 | Interviews | 62 comments

Welcome to the 403rd episode of New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch this video on BitChute / LBRY / / YouTube or Download the mp4

Story #1: Pakistan, China and Russia Decide to Conduct Trade in Local Currencies Skip Dollars

Russia, China Plot Against US Dollar And Pound

Story #2: Trump Warns “Heavy Price’ If Iran Attacks U.S. In Iraq

Trump Threatens Heavy Price If Iran Conducts ‘Sneak Attack’ on US Troops

Story #3: COP26 Postponed

Bilderberg 2020 CANCELLED Due To Coronavirus?


The YouTube Corona Virus Task Force Roundtable Discussion

#MorningMonarchy: April 1, 2020

Doctors Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Meds (Chloroquine), Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families

Tabletop Drill of Virus Response Aided South Korea When The Real Thing Hit

‘Immunity Passports’ For ‘Key Workers’ Could Speed Up UK’s Return to Work

2001 “Dark Winter” Bioterror Simulation Videos

Media Monarchy’s Discord Chat/Stream

You can help support our independent and non-commercial work by visiting & Thank You.


  1. Regarding:
    Story #1: Pakistan, China and Russia Decide to Conduct Trade in Local Currencies Skip Dollars

    In my opinion, this is a big deal, because it foretells a future trend…
    April 1, 2020
    Zero Hedge
    Fed Panics As Foreigners Dump A Record $109 Billion In US Treasuries

    …Another indicator of central banks’ positioning in Treasuries is primary dealer holdings, which tend to rise when official accounts are selling, according to Bloomberg. And, indeed, according to lagged Fed data, Dealer holdings of Treasuries had surged to $272 billion as of March 18, from $193 billion at the start of February, as foreigners sold their positions to Dealers.

    “The fall in custody holdings is a clear signal that foreign central banks – which have a lot of Treasury holdings – have been selling them to source dollars,” Subadra Rajappa, head of rates at Societe Generale told Bloomberg. “They need access to dollars as a lot of their payments are in dollars and that has driven them to sell Treasuries.”

    The ongoing liquidation in foreign Treasury holdings – largely the result of the continued collapse in the price of oil as oil-exporters are forced to liquidate assets to obtain much needed dollars – led to the Fed’s panicked scramble to announce a foreign central bank repo facility, which it did on Tuesday morning, when it stopped short of saying it wanted to prevent a cascading domino effect from the Treasury liquidation, but made it very clear that the program will provide “an alternative temporary source of U.S. dollars other than sales of securities in the open market.”

    Translation: stop selling Treasurys as the world’s (formerly?) most liquid market is now suddenly extremely illiquid, and ongoing sales will only further destabilize it….

    • April 2, Thursday
      Bloomberg at MSN
      Fed’s New Repo Measures Followed a $100 Billion Treasury Exodus

      Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve is trying to call time on a fire sale of Treasuries by foreign governments and central banks.

      Foreign official holders of Treasuries dumped more than $100 billion in the three weeks to March 25, on course for the biggest monthly drop on record, according to weekly Fed custody data that captures much of the pandemic-fueled turmoil.

      Countries reliant on oil exports and smaller Asian economies have been selling U.S. debt, and central banks have been primarily offloading older, less-liquid Treasuries, according to traders and market makers familiar with the transactions.

      The Fed on Tuesday rolled out its latest effort to restore functioning in markets, on top of moves to ramp up debt purchases and backstop several sectors. It introduced a temporary repurchase agreement facility that let other central banks swap Treasuries for dollars.

      “The fall in custody holdings is a clear signal that foreign central banks — which have a lot of Treasury holdings — have been selling them to source dollars,” said Subadra Rajappa, head of U.S. rates strategy at Societe Generale. “They need access to dollars as a lot of their payments are in dollars and that has driven them to sell Treasuries.”

      The Fed stopped short of saying it wanted to prevent a snowball effect from the selling, but said the new program will provide “an alternative temporary source of U.S. dollars other than sales of securities in the open market.”….

  2. Regarding
    Story #2: Trump Warns “Heavy Price’ If Iran Attacks U.S. In Iraq

    This Iran story might go deeper.
    That is to say, it may be a pretext, a ‘soft’ ploy, to further military might into the region.
    But not because of Iran.
    Rather because of China. …and perhaps Russia.
    Oil prices could play a role in all of this, but that is not the totality.

    I am seeing more and more antagonism between the U.S. and China.
    A lot of words and accusations thrown back and forth.

    Example: Accusations by media and Congressmen that China is responsible for the coronavirus.
    (Tucker Carlson – lab derived?)
    (Washington Times – “…Chinese government researchers isolated more than 2,000 new viruses, including deadly bat coronaviruses….”)

    Not long ago, the U.S. Navy deliberately sailed a ship between Taiwan and China which caused a big stir.

    Calls Mount For Investigation Into WHO For Participating In China’s Coronavirus Coverup

    Occasionally, recently, one will see articles which pose that “World War 3” concept.
    While I think we are already in the middle of WW3, we are only at the beginning of it.

  3. Good “track down” manbearpig.

    Some of these online “African” News Outlets can be questionable…

    January 20th 2020, Corbett had Announcing the 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards!.

    I posted a “nominee”, but the thread contains ADULT ONLY CONTENT.
    Especially when one follows the Thread underneath to the other stories.
    – First Story –
    Man whose deadly farts ‘can kill mosquitoes hired to create Mosquito Repellent made from his intestinal gas’”

    • The above mentioned “News Website” currently has “Coronavirus Stories”.
      n p a s
      nuusparodie waarvan jy hou

      (say it out loud)

      Some headlines read…

      COVID-19: Man throws girlfriend out of a moving car for coughing…


      No charge for man who shot stranger for invading his social distance

      and a story about
      A new labor law in Japan will have employers allocate leave days for heartbroken employees….
      I guess that last story could be a “Questions For Corbett”.

      Oh gosh!…I got grin cramps.

      An aside:
      I often use the phrase “out the ying yang” out the ying yang.

  4. A funny thing happen on the way to the first tee…

    1. 25+chemtrails saturate the sky , horizon to horizon. The sun is blotted out in 3 hrs. At one time the crossings and broken chemtrailing lines formed a broken cross.

    2. The Doc comes up to my cart and sprays what he says is a strong hydrogen peroxide solution all over the steering wheel and seat. His finger tips were no longer flesh colored. I ask him how is he going to work if his fingertips fall off. I’d rather risk corona than put cracked oozing open sores in my mouth.

    3. I ask him if he sees the energetic wave forms uniformly appearing in the chemical reaction. The tiger strips , they all present themselves in the same directional configuration then disappear periodically. His answer ” Yeah, No”
    Com’mon Doc see how the lines spread out then the wave disappears? ” Yeah ah No”

    Doc I says ” spray some of that crap in your ears. Maybe it will wash you mind”

    Thanks to Melissa DYkes for the new mantra.

    Now off to find more card board for my disabled friends gardens.
    Great tip Santa!
    I predict somewhere N.E. a here the weather hammer will fall.

  5. Can anyone provide suggestions for how I might get in touch with local groups that could provide resources and community, etc. for “engaged” people. I am stuck at my parents home in the midwest (was passing through when the lockdown emerged and I am still here trying to get them more prepared). I know no one here and they don’t know anyone who is “engaged”.
    Thank you

    • Well idablank; not at this time. Do not go to the gun range and say you are looking for engaged people. Here in Oklahoma which may or may not be in the midwest, there is an executive order to shelter in place until April 30th. No assembly, no freedom of movement , restricted. The Meet-ups groups don’t cater here to any truthers far as I have seen. 10 people will attract the revenuers in tactical gear faster than you can open a beer can. A bar here had a private party and was raided, owner fined for threatening public safety under the Order of the Health Dept…

      Oh I should say you have found it , its here. Congratulations to you and your future bride on your ” engagement “. Also hats off to you for helping your parents.

      • Thanks for your reply.
        I do a lot more reading than posting here but I deeply value this community–and a few others I’ve discovered online over the years. They’ve been my lifeline. But I need some local connections and support, especially if I’m stuck here for an extended period. And I understand your points and how difficult it will be to find something right now.

        I am one ‘block’ north of you. We have a “Stay at Home” order but it does not restrict outdoor activity or essential business and no groups larger than 50. And we’re encouraged to tattle on others including businesses for not falling in line.

        I am happy to help my parents. It’s not been fun, though. In fact, I’m really struggling. And I keep having this nightmare that the internet isn’t shut down but all URLs get rerouted to CNN…

  6. I noticed the MSM reporters sitting at home reporting the news. It immediately occurred to me that it was this setup that the normies used to discredit alt-news sources. Now it’s exactly what they’re doing? I guess by their own admission they are no longer credible because they’re just some guy sitting in his living room.

    • But hang on, Bill ‘Gollum’ Gates; Surely if you WANT to reduce population, the super-easy and effective way to bring it about would be to NOT vaccinate anyone? Is it just me that sees this? Ohhhhh hold on… what’s that, the vaccine programme will make you even MORE sickeningly rich than you are already? I gettit now. Jeez, I can be so slow at times. I’m sorry Uncle Bill. I love you and promise NEVER to question your shrewdness ever again. Sleep well tonight, won’t you?

      PS I think you’re so hot in this video

      Hotfoot April 2020 x x x x x

  7. Well done gents. There is little need for the pyramid cap for having get togethers that simply inform the participants on what has already be decided as the way forward in achieving specific goals.

    The World Economic Forum has laid out its master plan for the public’s perusal for the present time. The plan actually takes on the form of a spiked virus but runs many many multiple levels deep in its goals across a spectrum so broad as to encompass every part of the human life experience on this planet. Everything that Covert 19 effects has a plan associated with it outlined in a synopsis with all media and data in aid of linked. The scope of the planning is absolutely mind boggling!! This is the beginning of the swapping out of the old capitalistic eco-socio system for a Technocratic one.

    One person who has attempted to make some sense of these massive WEF plannings is a former FEMA administrator, Celeste Solum which I will link here. She is religious so if this bothers you skip ahead to the 5 minute mark. Otherwise view the entire broadcast as her introduction speaks to her bona fides. And a big thank you to my internet friend who dropped this in my lap!

    the WEF covid action platform:

  8. Published on Mar 20, 2020
    Live webinar with
    300 Integrative doctors on Covid-19 – Coronavirus – and how to be prepared and prevent this virus.
    (One hour)

    The webinar discusses STATISTICS of the COVID-19.
    It also discusses the Vitamin C Intravenous Therapy which has lightly been explored in the MainStreamMedia, and that the MainStreamMedia has been denigrating taking Vitamin C and other Vitamins.

    Here are the three therapies for ANY VIRUS, among many other ailments.
    Each on their own can address ALL VIRUSES. In combination, they can be a true winner.
    ~ Vitamin C Intravenous Therapy (IV)
    ~ Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy (Biophotonic Blood Therapy) (UBI)
    ~ Ozone Blood Therapy

    There are thousands of “Integrative Medicine” “Functional Medicine” “Holistic” Doctors around the world which practice these three Therapies.

    • Dr. Robert Rowen and Dr. Harold Robbins practice all three Therapies.
      Rowen and Robbins are extremely well known for their work with “Ozone Blood Therapy and Ultraviolet Blood Therapy (UBI) (BioPhotonic Therapy)”, even having handled (‘cured’) Ebola cases with Ozone.
      They have performed well over 300,000 Ozone Treatments.

      Regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus, Dr. Robert Rowen and Dr. Harold Robbins point out how this therapy can incapacitate the “viral fingers” (cysteine amino acid) and essentially make the coronavirus completely ineffective.
      At the ClinMed International Library you can see their published paper
      “A Plausible “Penny” Costing Effective Treatment for Corona Virus – Ozone Therapy”

      Find out more about “Ozone Blood Therapy and Ultraviolet Blood Therapy (UBI) (BioPhotonic Therapy)” by going to this LINK, then following the SUB-THREADS and their links.

      • The LINK above leads to many other links about Ozone and Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy. Typically, those Doctors also offer Vitamin C IV Therapy.

        A great YouTube Channel and also website is the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles based AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare .
        Not only do they offer
        ~ Vitamin C Intravenous Therapy (IV)
        ~ Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy (Biophotonic Blood Therapy) (UBI)
        ~ Ozone Blood Therapy

        but they also offer so very much more.

        Take a look at their WEBSITE with Videos in this April 1st, 2020 article entitled:
        Best Defense Against Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Ozone Therapy

        • SOLUTIONS
          Texans are opening a can of whoop-ass against MainStreamMedia and Big Pharma.

          April 2, 2020
          PR Newswire
          via 69 WFMZ-TV (business district in Pennsylvania)
          Texas Right to Know Calls on US to Consider COVID-19 Ozone Therapy After It Shows Promise in Italy

          BRADY, Texas, April 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — With a coalition of state, national and international physicians and researchers, Sheila Hemphill, CEO of Texas Right to Know, is calling to action US state and federal agencies to consider the use of medical ozone as a safe adjuvant therapy option for the treatment of COVID-19.

          “While physicians in other countries are using medical ozone for treatment of COVID-19, few physicians in the United States are using this safe, inexpensive, adjuvant therapy,” states Hemphill. On April 1, Hemphill conducted an on-line meeting featuring Italian physician, Marianno Franzini, President of the Scientific Society of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (SIOOT) International, Robert Rowen, MD, RowenSu Clinic, Santa Rosa, California, several US physicians and researchers, and a university participant from Greece.

          Professor Marianno Franzini stated, “On 24 March 2020, I received a letter from the ISS – Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Higher Institute of Health), stating, ‘since the proposal seems to be shared and supported by clinical centers experienced in the treatment of viral pneumonia, it was considered appropriate that the treatment could be carried out under the responsibility of the physician after obtaining the patient’s consent.'” He continued, “Medical ozone helps improve oxygenation and proved effective for SARS in 2002. Currently there are 17 hospitals using SIOOT oxygen ozone therapy to treat people affected by COVID-19. From preliminary reports from autopsies of those who died from COVID-19, it appears that the virus immediately attacks the microcirculation system causing widespread thrombosis. Several hospitals are using Major AutoHemo Therapy (MAHT), a protocol that extracts the patient’s blood, bubbles oxygen ozone through the blood in a saline or heparin bag, and is infused back into the patient. Patients showed clinical improvement in 1-2 days of receiving one infusion, one time a day. The earlier you treat the person the better the results you have.”

          On the April 1, 2020, the SIOOT reports, “After practicing Oxygen Ozone Therapy, the doctors found the following evidence: a general improvement in clinical conditions, normalization of body temperature, a reduction in C Reactive Protein (PRC), normalization of heart rate, an improvement in saturation and reduction in oxygen support, normalization of renal function (creatinine).”…

          (…continuing below…)

          • (…continuing…)

            …Professor Luigi Valdenassi, toxicologist, University of Pavia, explains, “I want to specify almost all these patients experience improvement in hypoxemia in a short period that stabilizes their breathing and the creatinine becomes normalized, which is important for function of the kidneys. Oxygen Ozone therapy could contribute to the prevention of intubation and acute renal failure, both complications of COVID-19, resulting in the need for ventilator support via a breathing tube and dialysis requiring Intensive care unit support.”

            According to Tommy Swate, SM.hg, MD. JD, a graduate from Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, “Based on the Italian reports, it is reasonable to believe that medical ozone may be an effective adjuvant to use in treating COVID-19. Medical ozone’s known and potential benefits when used as an adjuvant to standard COVID-19 treatment out weights the very small, if any potential risk of its use.”

            “Ozone has been used to treat other viral infections with minimal complications and is being reported to be effective for COVID-19 treatment,” said Dr. Robert Rowen. On March 6, Dr. Rowen’s article, “A Plausible ‘Penny’ Costing Effective Treatment for Corona Virus – Ozone Therapy”, was published in the Journal of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology.

            Peter Jovanovic, Executive Director, Ozone Without Borders Society for the Advancement of Bio-Oxidative Therapy British Columbia Member Society reports, “We now know of one Sierra Leone physician, COVID positive whose symptoms abated about 4 hours after ozone treatment and one American COVID positive patient who was essentially normal one day after a single direct intravenous gas treatment. A Spanish physician with high exposure risk and all the symptoms of COVID cleared his symptoms within a day or two of treatment.”

            Dr. Lamberto Re, MD Chairman of the Scientific Committee Board of World Federation of Oxygen-Oxygen Therapy since 2015 emailed to Hemphill, “Following the approval of some Italian hospitals ( ), use of medical ozone certainly should be considered as an adjuvant therapy for the treatment of COVID-19.”

      • April 4, 2020
        Health Impact News
        (VIDEO in article)
        Dr. Rowen:
        Ozone REVERSES Critically Ill COVID Patients in China, and VERY RAPIDLY

        (Rowen gives statistics of “recovered” in the article)

        …If I were given a chance, I strongly believe we could end this nightmare in a few weeks and restore the economy…

        1. Ozone inactivates virus and bacteria.
        2. Improve the body hypoxia
        3. Stimulation and regulation of the immune system

        All patients with Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment:

        1 critical patient, received 10 pass Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment. He felt very good, the index improved and recovered.

        1 critical patient, received 2 pass Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment, and improved to normal patient. Fully recovered.

        1 normal patient, received 1 pass Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment. Fully recovered.

        1 normal patient, received 1 pass Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment. Fully recovered.

        The above information was provided by Dr. Shi Kemei from the second hospital of Tianjin medical university, Tianjin, China…

        …Dr. Rowen note:
        In my opinion it is beyond malevolent that our system, the disease maintenance system, and the mass media, has totally blacked out the most incredible therapy in the world. Our Rulers are bought out…
        …To me we are dealing with a pack of ruthless thugs who have hijacked American medicine generating blood money at YOUR risk and expense or your lives and wallets, and now, livelihoods.

        Please stuff this information to your local media, the mass media, talk show hosts, and more. Please try…

        …There is a cure out there for COVID. Fast, simple, Essentially 100% safe.
        And depending on method used, can be quite cheap. So far, every patient I have heard about who has received ozone therapy for this disease has recovered, including the two critically ill patients here….

    • VITAMIN C Intravenous ( IV ) THERAPY

      ICU nurses discuss vitamin C therapy for Sepsis
      (2 minutes)

      Sepsis definition a serious condition resulting from the presence of harmful microorganisms in the blood or other tissues and the body’s response to their presence, potentially leading to the malfunctioning of various organs, shock, and death.

      Dr. Paul Marik’s argument to the skeptical medical community: “It is so safe, you’ve got nothing to lose”.

      NOTE: Dr. Merick adds Thiamine (Vitamin B1) to the Vitamin C IV drip.
      Vitamin B1 can easily be burned up by the body, especially with coffee, sugar or alcohol.
      Sometimes, Vitamin B1 can remedy a child’s nightmares or bad dreams. And like other B Vitamins, such as Niacin and/ or Niacinamide, Vitamin B1 at times can remedy emotional distress or depression. (Niacin can cause a “flush” until a person acclimates to the dosage.)
      Generally speaking; Vitamin C and Magnesium and Vitamin B1 / B Complex ‘are best to be in balance’ when taking supplements. For example: Too much B1 without Vit. C and Magnesium might trigger a nose bleed (Vit C) or leg cramps (Magnesium).

      • March 25, 2020
        Dr. Richard Cheng is working in China with the high dose Vitamin C IV hospital program.
        In this update of the Chinese program, he tells the anecdote of a family and Vitamin C.
        Don’t miss hearing this…
        Daughter‘s story: family saved from Covid-19 by taking Vitamin C supplements
        (14 minutes)

        Most of the family members were taking fairly large amounts of Vitamin C supplements throughout the day.
        The Grandmother was not. She was hospitalized with the coronavirus and is pulling through with Vitamin C IV Therapy.
        Her family members would visit her in the hospital and were often exposed to the coronavirus. No one got it.

      • New Zealand – “60 Minutes” – Alan Smith’s dramatic recovery from a coma with mega-dose vitamin C
        And how the family had to fight the hospitals in order to accomplish it.

        (18 minutes)

        Be sure to read the footnotes under the video.
        Note that Alan Smith was receiving 50 grams per day in the Vitamin C IV.
        50 grams = 50,000 milligrams. Most Vitamin C capsules are 500 milligrams. The large pills are one gram.

        Also, the footnotes mention:
        “The mechanics of liposomal encapsulated vitamin C”
        Liposomal = very tiny, fat-like particles… (like Lecithin)

      • Is the mainstream Medical Industrial Complex deliberately trying to sabotage Vitamin C IV Therapy?

        NOTE: 1500 milligrams of Vitamin C is the equivalent of ONLY 2 or 3 small capsules of a Vitamin C supplement.
        Notice the dosage mentioned in the Alan Smith story or in the WEBINAR of 300 Integrative Doctors (around the 10 minute mark) where the Doctors are discussing 25 to 50 grams.

        March 24, 2020 Tuesday
        New York Post
        New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

        Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China, The Post has learned.

        Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell Health facilities on Long Island, said his intensive-care patients with the coronavirus immediately receive 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C.

        Identical amounts of the powerful antioxidant are then re-administered three or four times a day, he said.

        Each dose is more than 16 times the National Institutes of Health’s daily recommended dietary allowance of vitamin C, which is just 90 milligrams for adult men and 75 milligrams for adult women.

        The regimen is based on experimental treatments administered to people with the coronavirus in Shanghai, China, Weber said.

        “The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C,” he said.

        “It helps a tremendous amount, but it is not highlighted because it’s not a sexy drug.”

        A spokesman for Northwell — which operates 23 hospitals, including Lenox Hill Hospital on Manhattan’s Upper East Side — said vitamin C was being “widely used” as a coronavirus treatment throughout the system, but noted that medication protocols varied from patient to patient.

        “As the clinician decides,” spokesman Jason Molinet said….

      • April 4, 2020
        Vitamin C IV Therapy Success in U.S. Hospitals which use it correctly

        …When COVID-19 came to Virginia, Dr. Marik used his protocol. He reported saving four COVID-19 patients including an 86-year-old man admitted to the hospital with 100% oxygen. Elderly people on oxygen usually do not survive COVID-19…
        ~~~ See the 2 minute video further up this Thread, entitled:
        ICU nurses discuss Vitamin C therapy for Sepsis

        4/4/2020 Article at
        Health Impact News
        authored by Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.
        Coronavirus XIV:
        The Good News is Still There But Not Reported By MSM

        …The 100,000-200,000 number is awful.

        But, it needs to be put in proper perspective. Let’s say that 200,000 Americans die of COVID-19. That means that COVID-19 will kill o.o6% of our population (200,000/329,500,000). In other words, 99.94% of us will survive. If it kills 100,000, 0.03% of us will die and 99.97% of us will live…

        …Another important point about these numbers is that COVID-19 primarily kills the elderly and those with co-morbid conditions. Those who do not fall into those categories have a lower risk of death from it.

        This should be wakeup call for all Americans to get healthy…
        …For comparison, 630,000 Americans die from heart disease each year…

        …“If you can administer Vitamin C intravenously starting in the Emergency Room and every 6 hours thereafter, while in the hospital, the mortality rate of this disease and the need for mechanical ventilators will likely be greatly reduced,” says Dr. Pierre Kory, the Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center and Chief of the Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin in Madison…

        …Dr. J. Varon at United General Hospital in Houston reported saving 16 lives with this protocol. He reports that his patients are getting off the ventilator at 48 hours instead of 10-21 days!….

      • Why Does Vitamin C Work? HYDROGEN PEROXIDE
        The reason vitamin C kills viruses so effectively is that it produces hydrogen peroxide in the body.
        To get a little more scientific, vitamin C kills viruses by activating something called “Fenton’s reaction.”
        This is a complex chemical reaction that scientists use in various applications to destroy organic compounds. Think of hydrogen peroxide’s bubble action when you pour it on a cut. With vitamin C, the Fenton’s reaction creates the most reactive oxidizing agents science has ever identified. As a result, they’re able to radically upregulate oxidative stress, which destroys the virus.

        White blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide. It is also produced by the skin, lung, gut, and thyroid gland.

        March 13, 2020
        Real Health Medical
        Article includes information about Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy
        “3 More Ways to Beat Coronavirus”

    • This is ironically interesting…

      Scientists at Colorado State University are working to develop a safe topical disinfectant against the coronavirus for surfaces which utilizes the technology of Vitamin B2 Riboflavin and Ultraviolet Light (acknowledging that ultraviolet light kills the coronavirus in blood). This disinfectant would be much less caustic and safer than other chemicals like bleach.
      NOTE: The bright yellow color of your urine is almost certainly attributable to excess vitamin B2.

      March 30, 2020
      Vitamin B2, UV Light Could Stop COVID-19
      (3 minutes)

      • It should be pointed out, that when doing Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy at the Doctor, he only takes out a small amount of blood to expose to the UV Light. Then, he puts it back into you.

    • Dr. Steve Kroening gives a succinct roadmap on how to address the Coronavirus
      Steve Kroening, ND is a consulting physician at ‘Real Health Medical Clinic’ in Roswell, Georgia and is the Editor of .

      Scared of the Coronavirus? Don’t Be. Here’s Why….
      Kroening gives an overview followed by protocols for prevention and for treatment.

      …If you’re taking these treatments and your symptoms worsen, you should begin to take the following IV therapies:

      • IV Vitamin C
      • IV Dilute peroxide
      • IV Silver
      • IV Ultraviolet light therapy
      • IV Ozone

      It’s likely the IV vitamin C and the ozone will be plenty to take out any viral infection you may encounter. But the others can be added as needed.

      Because the Coronavirus is similar to other upper respiratory infections, such as the H1N1 virus, the biggest problem comes when the infection turns into pneumonia…
      …They become dangerous when your immune system is compromised. So make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your immunity up.

      In the next few months, the number of cases around the world is going to climb. It’s impossible to completely contain the virus, especially given the pace and complexity of international travel.
      But with this protocol in hand, there’s no reason to panic. More than likely the worst you ever experience is the mild symptoms of cold.
      Yes, this is a serious and novel pathogen. But it isn’t impossible to beat.
      In fact, given the right treatments, you really have nothing to worry about.
      Let the news display their hysteria — you’re protected.

      • Bump


        Doc, er, I mean HRS, I think you made your point. lol (actually)

        However denigrating the MSM, I walked into a vitamin shop yesterday and asked for lipid based vitamin C – I had forgotten the term “liposomal”. Anyway, the guy smiled and said they’ve been out of it for a while. And, in fact, he said there’s people who keep an eye out for their deliveries. In other words, as he inferred, gesturing with his arm and hand in a circling motion, there are people who are hovering about waiting to swoop down the minute they get some in.

        There was an earlier discussion on the board about how excessively worrying about getting Covid-19 can get you sick. There is , of course, I certain truth to that viewpoint, absolutely.

        We’ve known for quite some time the correlation of stress (worry) and the activation of certain hormones, which are dubbed “stress hormones”. The activation of these hormones can trigger unwarranted autoimmune responses, which in turn exacerbates the problem.

        How many times have we’ve all heard or said this:

        “You’re going to worry yourself to death.”

        “I felt frightened to death.”

        Etc, etc….

        Just google “Catch a death of worry”

        Another anecdote from yesterday’s excursion:

        Had to FedEx a package: Girl with mask on holding her package outside by the entrance to FedEx. Sign on the door says “No more than ten people allowed inside at a time.”. Inside everyone! was wearing a mask, and standing at least 6 feet apart. An Asian couple leaving the FedEx store were sooo bundled up, looking like they turned their pedestrian clothes into hazmat suites. Each quickly rubbed their hands with some gratis hand sanitizer on their way out. Everyone looked fearful. Worry was on everyone’s faces. Someone was wearing a jacket with the words – The Anti-Social Social Club . The obnoxious message was lovely gratuitous reinforcement of an already bizarre, dystopian scene, down at the ‘ole FedEx office.

        And! Driving home from there, I felt like I was experiencing what definitely felt like psychosomatic respiratory symptoms characteristic of Covid-19! And, I was thinking to myself, Jesus Christ, man, this over-the-top fearfulness really is incredible, as I knew I was just having a reaction to the fear-filled scene at the FedEx office minutes earlier!

        Yes: Fear’s a killer!

        • Thank you so much Candlelight!

          That ANECDOTE about the
          lipid based Vitamin C… a vitamin shop yesterday… he said there’s people who keep an eye out for their deliveries.
          is interesting and, somewhat reassuring, because not too many folks are aware of liposomal Vitamin C.
          There are some YouTube videos which show how to make it with Lecithin, which contains high amounts of phospholipids.

          I often take Lecithin. It can help with many things, including mental function.
          In fact, when I helped to “cure” my dying dog from meningitis / encephalitis, I used large quantities of Lecithin.
          ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
          Your comment…
          How many times have we’ve all heard or said this:
          “You’re going to worry yourself to death.”
          “I felt frightened to death.”
          Etc, etc….
          Just google “Catch a death of worry”

          …brought to mind something which ManBearPig recently brought up about the famous author, Michael Crichton where he also talks about “Catching a death of worry”

          A must watch!
          Lack of valid information and “Authoritatively telling people….”

          “Pointing the bone”
          Michael Crichton | States of Fear: Science or Politics?
          QUEUED VIDEO
          (2 1/2 minutes)

  9. thomas.j – if you get a chance, please repost the link (with a title), I found the video interesting and wanted to show a friend, but can’t find it otherwise – don’t remember the name of the youtube channel. The video shows video footage of empty lines and waiting rooms at the hospitals of which were used in msm news talking about long lines and packed waiting rooms, only expecting them to get worse.

    Many thanks!

  10. From what I have seen of Judith Curry’s work, I wouldn’t have said she was controlled opposition. She is critical of the whole idea of anthropogenic global warming, in my view. What is it she says that makes you say otherwise, Robert.t?

    • Robert.t ; that’s a great visualization. Stopped the beam on me, transported me to a another level. Clever.

      KKK cone hat-masks, puts on a demonstration to properly fit your gas-mask to your white cone hat-mask. A two for one Phythonesq energy field to Jam proles go to sleep beam.

  11. The beast seems to come in all shapes and sizes, but it’s still only a beast that will starve itself eventually.

    The Kraken’s Attack’en

    The Kraken
    Is back, and
    Needs to fill
    It’s huge
    So it creeps
    And leaps
    Over us peeps
    Straight to
    The Glo-

    This foodie
    Is moody
    With such
    An evil
    It learned from
    The Bush’s
    So it pushes
    And squooshes
    In line

    It orders
    About one
    And is
    For a hyped virus
    To break
    All past

    It demands
    Some panic
    Hot and
    And not to
    Slice it to thin
    Because the
    Loves attack’en
    And panic
    Such a din

    Yes sir
    Say the workers
    Who go
    ‘Cept one
    Who thinks
    Something’s smelly
    And says this
    Kraken’s fake
    It’s just one more snake
    But is ignored
    And kicked out
    Of the deli

    Now the Kraken
    Is loose
    The noose
    Around the sheeples’
    And will never stop
    Until they all drop
    From starving
    Stay safe

  12. MagicBullet, you present a valid argument for the hidden catalysts that prime the pumps of TPTSB deceptions.
    We live in a vacuum. If you introduce something new to the vacuum it will be a catalyst that will ripple through the entire system in that vacuum. The predictably of the reaction on the system is known to the entity that introduced it but not known to the afflicted. The catalyst disappears and the remnants of change are left to anyone willing to risk deciphering those remains. The clever investigator will suffer if they ever figure it out. The Requiem of the Suicided.
    James has explored this. Patterns developed over time. This is the way its done. Collecting evidence for a consensus on how the crime was committed. Where is Hercule Perot when you need one? In theory of the body electric and technocracy, Elana Freeland’s new book explores Transhumanism. Its unfortunate the book release didn’t come out before this present situation and will probably be delayed further. She lays out how it is being done. It will be a small contribution as that of hacking a vehicle to cause a mortal crash. Its rocket science but not beyond our grasp. What seems beyond our grasp is the will for prosecution . Eliott Ness, Tom White comes to mind. Certainly not those piece a turds Hoover or Fouci.

    We see Georgia Techs 1000page indictment of the wireless industry as a crime against humanity.

    • Not to forget. A private Entity has placed in orbit some worrying technology with no Oversight. This kind of Freedom creates a mighty threat to my kind a freedom. You know, ol’Muskrat has a board of directors. They just do their duty, too Much MUSK is bad for honest community. Civilians will have to Order them to be removed.
      Am I delusional?

  13. “…the climate change push… will be of less importance…”
    I doubt it. Extinction Rebellion brought the idea of a new-way-of-living to public attention via its willing MSM accomplice, thanks to both being funded by the same entity.
    This message, seeded in the minds of the public, has now become an, albeit temporary, reality.
    The push will now be on to establish this new-way-of-living as a permanent social construct.
    The carrot (a clean green earth) and the stick (or you die).
    Dang; it’s all making a sort of painful sense now.

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