Interview 1548 – James Corbett Dissects the New Normal

by | May 29, 2020 | Interviews | 101 comments

In this conversation, streamed on May 26th, James Corbett joins RichieFromBoston to discuss the latest developments in the unfolding corona world order and to examine his new documentary, Who Is Bill Gates?



  1. Discussions like this are highly Therapeutic for all of us.

    After all, this Plandemic Event is a ‘trauma world event’ which dynamically affects everyone on a personal, economic and cultural level.

    Around the 30 minute mark when Major General Smedley Butler is mentioned, James Corbett follows with the fact that…
    We, the people, are the enemy. We are the ones being attacked. We are being traumatized by fear, censorship, authoritarian mandates and economic suppression.
    Corbett’s 3/22/2020 article “THIS Is What World War III Looks Like”.

    EXCERPT from that article
    …This is the true nature of World War III. It is being waged right now. And, in the eyes of the authoritarians, we are the enemy….

    If China is the bogeyman, then we won’t wake up to the fact that we are the true target.

    Oh yes…
    Discussions which involve rehashing and venting and highlighting an extremely traumatic ongoing event are highly therapeutic.
    It makes us healthier. A mental vaccine.

    The final two points in the video which Corbett mentions are strong take-homes.
    Spread the information & find your line in the sand.

  2. The food supply is in real trouble. If I knew how I would check the shorts on wheat, corn, soybeans. The spraying today was heavy and very high in the sky. More moisture means no planting. Last month the winter wheat got harvested and shipped all below the Kansas border. Shipped where? Above the border Kansas was theatened by no migrant Harvester drivers and water, monsoon water.
    A sationary Low pressure spinning like a hurricane above Arkansas dumping a 6 month amount of water on Oklahoma to the panhandle all the way north to Des Moines Iowa. The low has moved to above Nashville, NC. This is an attack.

  3. Most people simply don’t care about truth. Truth is almost always uncomfortable. They prefer the comfort of a lie. Which makes them all three of those options. It’s also the reason I disagree with James that the most important thing we can do is to wake people up. It’s wasting your time to risk your life (and that is exactly what you’re doing as you will be targeted later on) doing the impossible. Does this make me a defeatist? Hell no!
    I say prepare. If nothing else garden. Chickens if you can as well. For eggs. Extra roosters you can eat. 4 months of life for those. Learn how to fish and hunt. They always claim game gets hunted out during those times, but modern people suck at woodsmanship. Study channels like prepsteaders on youboob. She teaches canning, pemmican,hardtack, etc. Sweet lady. I eat both every day out here. Excellent survival food. In fact, my pemmican, by using a vegetable powder for the berry portion, is a super food. Hardtack sucks, but it’s still healthy. I use almond flour and sorghum flour with psyllium husks (for fiber) in mine. There will be a great starving period. The garden you grow today, might very well be the only food you have to eat next year. At this time, saving yourself is paramount. You can’t help anyone if you die.

    • Sounds great, but the Suwannee is usually too shallow. I’m using a cheap inflatable raft. Which also is a questionable choice due to all the trees with sharp points all over them. I watched the sailboats go down in Daytona when I was there. They are beautiful, but are definitely not for everyone. Have you thought of taking her island hopping to take her to different markets. Just a thought off the top of my ignorant in this case head.

      • The best adventures always have everything go wrong with them. That’s what makes them adventures! Which is exactly why I’m using a very cheap inflatable raft. It’s my version of dialing up an adventure. I’ve discovered that inappropriate gear helps in that regard. I’ve seen those acrobats up here on the river, but not many as they apparently aren’t suited to rapids. The only class 2 rapids in the state. They look nice too. But I’ve even seen people float it on those cheap sorta tubes. We used tractor tubes, which are a lot tougher. Those airboats are fun to ride though. I’d like one, but I probably would do something crazy with one, like go slaloming the downed trees. Sounds like a fun trip. Hope she likes the boat.a shame to see it scrapped.

        • Yep, and that is just the start! But I worry mostly about mosquitoes and yellow flies! Though I did spend the night in a tent once, while listening to giant limbs fall all around me in a tropical storm. Note how I didn’t use the word sleep. Tent was trashed.

    • Hi again Jed,
      I really don’t mean to be a wet blanket but I gotta tell you. I hear people talk about their dreams of being able to avoid the madness of civilization by using their floating escape pods. Hell, I used to preach it myself. I used to believe it was possible to find freedom and live semi independently while seeking out adventure and beauty in nature.
      These days I don’t.
      There is no place left to escape afloat. It may in fact be one of the worst choices to make if you want to be left alone. As you mentioned, the coastal PTSB are constantly eroding the few freedoms we have left on the water. I fear soon that even the old adage “Any port in a storm” will be forgotten.
      We live in a world where they can read the date on a newspaper from orbit. We use a system for navigation that is completely controlled and can be disabled anytime they wish.
      I truly believe that if one wants to escape or to disappear then they would be better off choosing deep forests or jungles. And I doubt that would work for long.
      Truly these are not the days for escaping or hiding from the bastards. This is the time, perhaps the last chance, to fight. While there is still something left to fight for.

      • Rivers are great! Especially with that lush tropical growth on its banks. By the way, palmetto fields are hot enough to hide a person from thermal. And I am at it now. However, the yellow and horse flies have been hungry today. Never got bit, thanks to watching all those Bruce Lee movies, but horse flies are scary! First time I got bit by one, my thought was “I’ve been shot!”

        • Repelling flies
          The next time you bike into town, you may want to try picking up some MCT oil. Health Food stores carry it, but Kroger or Walmart might also. It’s pricey though.

          MCT oil – (Medium Chain Triglycerides) is derived from coconut oil. Most oils are long carbon chains which the body has to work at in order to break into smaller units. MCT is smaller units, and some folks take a little for energy. MCT oil contains these fatty acids: Lauric Acid, Capric Acid and Caprylic Acid. (If my memory from my veteran Vitamin days serves me.)

          Again, going by memory from reading a study years back. Lauric acid was very, very effective at repelling flies. Thus MCT oil may work. It’s pretty ‘oily’ oily though. Hard to wash off. I have some. Occasionally drink a little. Even used it to oil the garage door.

          About 8 days ago when I was riding around my son’s pasture and noticed the mob of flies on one of the cows, I told him about the study. I had brought a bottle of MCT oil and asked him to experiment when he got the chance and report back to me.
          I also dropped off a waterbased (not oil based) chigger / mosquito deterrent.

          Rambo Bug Repellent – cinnamon and cornstarch
          If you don’t mind looking like Rambo, pick up a large container of powdered cinnamon and some cornstarch.
          Go 50/50 with the two mixed together.
          Place the mix in an old sock. Swing the sock and pound the areas of your clothes and body which you want protected. The cornstarch helps carry the cinnamon and its soothing. The sock thing works well.

          Once I was digging out some bamboo in a dark, deep creek bed for transplant, I covered myself, including my hair, via the sock thing. Hot July, sweating and huffing out CO2 hard with the shovel and mattock. I look down near my chest, and I swear there were over hundred mosquitoes swarming around me. They love the ‘sound’ of CO2. Not one bite. I looked like a painted Rambo, but with wire frame glasses.

          • I buy MCT oil in 2.5 gallon jugs out of nicotine river. I put it in my hot chocolate.

            For mosquitoes I ferment some fruit with sugar. No yeast. Then mix it with boric acid. Just put it into a bottle with a dime sized hole in the top. They love to get drunk and the boric acid kills them. Will clear out all skeeters completely within 2 days.

        • Tidbit on Mosquitoes

          Many of us know that mosquitoes are attracted to CO2, among other things like body heat, etc.

          When I was at my son’s place, he said they finally got rid of the mosquitoes hanging around the back porch.
          He took me further out to a barbed wire fence and showed me a hanging tube he had bought which kept mosquitoes from the porch. He says reluctantly, “It may have some harmful chemicals in it.”

          I read it. Effective ingredient: “sodium chloride” and inert ingredients were “sucrose” and “yeast”.
          I told him that all it had was sugar and yeast and salt.
          I explained that when yeast and sugar are mixed with water, the yeast poop out CO2 (carbon dioxide). This attracts the mosquitoes. I guess the salt dries em out or the larvae.

          I knew about mosquito deterrent devices that put off the CO2. There are some interesting things on the market, plus many home-made things a person can do.

          However, I learned something from my son.
          He said the key was to have these CO2 devices well away from and surrounding the perimeter of where folks congregated. That is the key to success.

          • I always hang mine up as if they were making a square. But, even if it’s right beside you, it’ll work as they’re dead rather quickly. Skeeters love 3 things; co2, pheromones, and alcohol. Sex, alcohol, and the co2 for the blood it gives them. Obviously, they are nature’s perfect redneck! All they like to do is get drunk, have sex, and boy will their women draw some blood!

    • Yeehaa, funny. Out here in the schticks I’m finally able to talk about Gates’ background, although his master plan doesn’t go down well. I tried discussing quantum dots etc.. today with my sister and crew, I’m still cringing because I made a poor uneducated attempt at describing it.

      • Quantum dots? Is that anything like the electric grid people see while taking heroic doses of mushrooms? ?? just noticed that the only mushroom emoji my phone has is fly agaric! Not the kind I was referring to, but still funny to me. I’ve noticed it embedded in many mediums. Mostly cartoons. I know the Santa story, the psychoactive effects, and it’s supposed to be a culinary delight. But I don’t know why it’s featured so prominently. Now I have to break out my book of symbols. That’s what I get for using emojis. Another rabbit hole!

        • Well thanks for lightening my mood, you only went and brought up my favourite topic ?vegetables. I wish all my quantum dot talks went that well.
          The mushroom looks fun, surely that’s all. As for me I have bigger puffballs to fry

  4. In my mind, one of the most impactful articles which James Corbett has ever penned is…
    …the 4/11/2020 A Letter to the Future

    (This does not capture the compassion and message of the article…but I will place it here…)

    “…Never did the sheeple suspect that someday the shepherds would lead them to the slaughter.

    It is a term of derision, of course. “Sheeple.”
    But I like to think that it doesn’t just speak to our stupidity.
    It speaks to a naivety, an innocence.
    We are trusting and gentle creatures by nature.
    That is nothing to be scorned.
    If it weren’t for the predators in our midst, our failings would be counted as virtues….”

  5. “Patriots hiding behind toilet paper” – nice image! It’s the same here in Scotland – the “Bravehearts” are either cowering behind their front doors and face masks, or moralising about “covidiots” who dared to go to the beach.

    But I have seen a few signs of life. It was a lovely sunny day, and me and a friend went for a small hillwalk. We could have been fined for sharing a car! Crazy (and depressing) times. The hill was full of young people, and most of them were not social distancing.

    All the nearby car parks had been blocked off with ridiculous warning signs all over the place, but there was a good grass verge to park on about a mile away.

    There was a similar scene on a hill we visited a week ago. When we got back down there were about 15 people having a barbecue by the roadside, and not social distancing. The nearby car park was blocked off with tape and signposts, but someone had taken down the tape and it was full of cars.

    We also did some “dangerous” outdoor bouldering (dangerous not because you could fall off, but because apparently viruses can live on the rock for 3 days!) My friend posted the pics on Fakebook. I’m no longer on Fakebook, but I’m sure people were duly shocked. An old person might pass by and accidentally brush against the rock, and then die.

    Geoengineering. I have a conspiracy theory. The winter hillwalking season in Scotland was almost destroyed due to a succession of storms bringing high wind and precipitation, battering us from across the Atlantic, from December to March. Storms are common in Scotland in winter, but they’re not usually all Westerlies – the wind comes from all directions. It seemed weird.

    And then almost as soon as the lockdown was announced, the storms vanished, to be replaced by probably the sunniest, driest spell I’ve ever encountered in the west of Scotland. A nightmare for mountain fanatics like me. I’d been desperately waiting for the weather to ease up so I could get back on the hills, and then when it did, we were all locked up.

    Weather is never stable in the west of Scotland. It usually changes wildly on a daily or weekly basis. There’s a saying here that “if you can’t see the hills, it’s raining. If you can see the hills, it’s about to rain.”

    This long sunny spell seems too well-timed (badly timed for me). Relentlessly wet and windy weather in winter, with hardly any of the nice cold sunny winter days that I love, and then a long dry, sunny spell from the moment that lockdown was announced. The only other time I’ve seen the weather behave so perfectly is when there’s a Royal Wedding.

    • It is so wrong. I’m so glad that there were so many young people out though – gives me hope that some of the young generation are just refusing to give in to the fear.

  6. This isn’t quite related, but Obama has made a lengthy tweet about the George Floyd murder, saying that “this shouldn’t be normal in 2020”. Etc.

    My jaw slightly dropped when I saw it (more than slightly really) because as I remember it, there were quite a few appalling police killings of African American men and women during Obama’s eight years in office, and I don’t remember him ever saying anything much on the subject. I was astonished that he never seemed to speak out or do anything much about it.

    Am I wrong here? Being Scottish, I don’t get all of the US news. I remember Black Lives Matter being founded during Obama’s second term and I thought “So much for having a Black president then”.

    • I always felt that Obama was all talk – wonderful speeches, but no action. I thought he must either be a psychopath who was happy to kill kids with drones, or a compromised puppet, and like you I suspect it’s the latter. Same as with most Presidents.

      I wonder if his puppet masters have wheeled him out to be the “voice of the progressives” in this situation, because they are building it up into a big conflict – black vs white, left vs right. It’s all divide and rule again, and they’ll ramp up the violence, and then clamp down with more controls and restrictions on people.

    • I usually call him “Obomber”. I haven’t watched TV for 8 years, but it seeps into social media. Whatever the real truth is, it will be used to impose more restrictions and controls.

    • O a lot of the so-called predictive programming, which I don’t deny exists, I think that people come up with things on their own and the powers that cower just hijack them. They aren’t big on imagination, instead preferring group think and other other ineffectual methods. If the masses didn’t insist on being led to the slaughterhouses, none of their plans would ever work. But if is a mighty big word.

      • You make perfect sense. Living in the wild like I do, I am constantly surrounded by these so-called lesser beasts. Who are far less beastly than most people. They not only listen to their instincts, but many are quite intelligent. Far more than most people imagine. Of course, most people are terrified of both the woods and its residents. The animals make a lot more sense as their lives depend upon their decisions, while the humans insist their lives should depend on other peoples decisions. The decision to delegate our thinking to others has stifled our progress in every way. So, while animals adapt and prosper by moving to cities; humans devolve. Take care.

  7. I agree with I Shot Santa many people are unwilling to listen. I think it’s due to learned helplessness and Stockholm syndrome which are hard to overcome. Some people have a natural inclination to question “authority “ and be capable of accepting reality. Others do not and it’s a waste of time to try to convince them. But it’s hard to know who those are.

    I was new to this information in 2016 and it was a shock to learn. It was by accident that I came across one of JC videos on you tube. I knew 911 was very fishy so I was open to learn more about what was really going on with the government.

    The question is how to get to the people who are capable of waking up and doing something about this shit show that is going down.

  8. Whenever I see those propaganda messages on the billboards I feel like I’m in a totalitarian state that I learned about in history class. It’s just sickening.

  9. Watched most of that video, but my browser crashed after the woman talking about the micron dust. I think the key takeaway from the interview was that people have to educate themselves. For our entire existence, those people have represented a tiny minority. People generally will only learn the minimum they can get away with. And they need so little today. They hate thinking, because it makes them uncomfortable to question their own beliefs. They have always embraced as much ignorance as they could. This doesn’t require mind control. They have no mind to control, because they’ve always refused to develop one. The devil merely offers you temptation, it’s up to you to reject it. I have no respect for people who are tempted by ignorance. I wish them no harm, but I keep my distance. And since I’m on a biblical roll; Jesus said “heaven isn’t for fools.” Great video. I think the micron dust interview bothered me more, though thanks for the link as the interview you referred was excellent. That old KGB guy was quite the character. And already way too late.

  10. Share far and wide, but do we need “New Normal” in the title?

    I’d prefer to use the term the “New Abnormal” or the “New Nazi”

    Nazi – maybe not a direct grammatical substitution but it starts with N and can be dumped easily into a Zoom or Skype meeting.

  11. “Imagine if I, in NC (with the total state population being 10.5 million people), had a relative in NYC who died of ANYTHING at this point. Due to travel restrictions, there’s no way I could possibly make my own arrangements for burial for that relative within two weeks of their death, not with the legislation in place right now. So my relative would end up being burred there. The response by Hart to the Governor’s Edict [regarding making ‘in-case’ arrangements] is reasonable. The media coverage with NO context, of Hart Island is horrifically skewed. (*8)”

    (Thank You for pointing me toward veritably true information)


    I may have messed up on this link as it looks a bit long, but my battery low, so I’ll chance it. Really good vaccine lockdown interviews. Not a truthers, but right on edge and very sharp. He’d make a great guest. Gives very rational intelligent reasons for all he says. 2% power so sorry bout grammar.

    • Good link but JH doesn’t buy the Bill Gates theories and didn’t elaborate very much on what theories and why. He may not buy it but he may still have to pay

      • I thought he stated his case well. He thinks he’s a true believer. He is, just not the way he thinks. I felt he was at the edge of jumping down the rabbit hole however. He’s at that stage where nothing makes sense to him in his worldview. Just a little push and his worldview will collapse and then he’d make a powerful ally. That thermodynamic law the new age hijacked works for a lot. System fine. Stressed and overloaded until it collapses and then step back and see what comes out of it. He’s close to collapse. Would make a great guest on vaccine knowledge. Even if they never touched the eugenics aspects.

        • I see what you mean about JH. People on the cusp like that are a bridging the gap between the two sides of this coin. It’s an incremental journey.
          Bill’s passion is warped and it’s hardly surprising that it’s hard for some to imagine. Someone who has so much money and who’s family and friends exist in their own crazy bubble should not have their notions acted upon. We should view them as people with mental health problems.

          It’s been a real eye opener being home in England and talking to my family about it. They are totally slating the ‘conspiracy theorists’ but then go on to mention many of the items we discuss on here, the dots are there but they haven’t joined them yet.
          Poor mankind.

    May 29, 2020

    Announcing #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action on June 13, 2020

    A non-partisan coalition of alternative media organizations and activist groups are calling for a Global Day of Action to #ExposeBillGates and his control agenda.

    In the first few months of 2020, billionaire Bill Gates has been promoted as the savior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although he is lauded as a hero Gates has been a force of disruption and shaky science. The truth is Bill Gates hides a darker agenda.

    Gates has made numerous media appearances calling for extended lock downs, contact tracing surveillance, digital certificates to travel and work, and announced his intention to vaccinate 7 billion people. Gates’ family also has ties to discredited eugenics science and believes billionaires like him should help reduce the world’s population. (For those who might be new to this information we recommend watching The Bill Gates documentary series from The Corbett Report and/or reading The Bill Gates investigation from The Last American Vagabond.)

    It’s time to #ExposeBillGates and expose his agenda. Together we can shine the light on Gates’ true intentions and change the course of humanity.

    WHEN: Join us on Saturday June 13, 2020 as we spread the word about Bill Gates’ agenda. We encourage everyone interested to organize and host documentary screenings, share articles, pass out flyers, drop banners, and share on social media using the hashtag #ExposeBillGates. We encourage everyone to share accurate and credible information about Gates’ goals. This is a non-partisan event and activists from all sides of the political spectrum are welcome.

    To help spread the word about #ExposeBillGates Day please use this make this image your profile pic on all social media accounts.

    #ExposeBillGates Day is being organized by The Conscious Resistance Network, The Corbett Report, The Last American Vagabond, Activist Post, The Free Thought Project, The Anti Media, and We Are Change. If you represent an alternative/independent media channel or website and would like to be involved please get in touch.

    CONTACT: Derrick Broze / EMAIL ADDRESS at article

  14. The “federal medical condition” cards are terrifying. I think the way round this kind of thing is for like-minded people to set up alternative providers that do not require this kind of certification, but they could have alternative kinds of assurances, such as personal recommendations and public feedback systems to build up trust.

    I can see this kind of thing happening in every walk of life, and we need to fight back against it, while at the same time building up our own systems which do not require vaccination or medical certification. Given the number of doctors who have been speaking out against the Covid narrative, I think there would be a lot of support for this.

  15. Hi David:

    I understand how you feel because working as a nurse I have had to have certain vaccines. I never had substantial side effects that I noticed except for when I got flu shots and persistent swelling in my glands that lasted for several months. I had it twice and stopped getting them. Those we could decline but had to wear a mask for flu season at work, so that’s what I do. I knew flu shots were very ineffective and it appeared to be a scam by pharma to make money. I didn’t know about the deeper implications until coming to this site in 2016.

    This vaccine they are planning sounds awful on so many levels, but particularly it’s rapid development, the experimental mechanism (mRNA activation-not sure of the particulars yet), and it being used by our overlords to ID people is very creepy.

    I’m going to work on getting an exemption and also speak to an attorney about this vaccine they are planning. I’m not getting it but I would like to keep my job since it provides enough money for me to care for my loved ones. I haven’t found a way to live “off the grid” yet and I have not found a job that pays as well that I could get.

    I’m still looking though. At any rate, I think this vaccine is dangerous and I don’t think anyone should take it.

    • Nurses and “self-employment”
      I definitely do not want to impinge upon the life pathways of others.
      I’ve been self-employed during a number of decades. It has pluses and minuses.

      For what it is worth, here is an example of what some nurses have done in Dallas.

      An aside:
      On Showtime’s “Billions” Season 2, Lara Axelrod sets up a business where she and nurses provide mobile IV drips to people working on Wall Street in the office buildings.

  16. Hi Alchemist,

    I really like this idea. I just wonder how this could work for people whose skills don’t provide for an income unless they work in a mainstream capacity. Myself for example, how would a regular ER nurse be able to contribute anything to a voluntary community that wasn’t using traditional fiat for exchange of goods and services.

    How would people get things that they relied on before like pharma drugs that help any medical issues they have? It seems like people who couldn’t completely live off the grid without any ties to “regular society” like medicines, for example, would be in a bind, ie they would still need currency they could use to get their medications.

    Bitcoin and even Monero are still tied to the dollar and most pharmacies wouldn’t accept crypto. I know there are black markets but I don’t know if they have regular medications.

    I think you are correct about the abusive relationship issue and leaping into the unknown. Some folks are afraid to take a risk. The problem for me is that I have tried living without medications and have had negative consequences, but maybe it’s time to try again.

    • Hello Alchemist.
      I suppose it’s very important that people understand that the only thing that can change what is going on is that people take responsibility for their healthcare, I see lots of people everyday who are terribly lazy to just think about the treatments and what they are doing to them, if people agree that they have a responsability for their health everything takes a major shift. There’s a lot of Stockholm syndrome going on and I think that people can do best for themselves, and I suppose a lot of people is going for the vaccine without blinking because they don’t want to be blamed for the economic crisis.

    • Herbalism. As an ER you already have a greater than average ability to understand how the body works. When (not if) the grid goes, so does big pharma. There are plenty of books on the subject available. And I can testify to their effectiveness. Arthritis gone. Bones healed. Cancer gone. And so on. Side effects generally include better overall health.

  17. I am totally surprised by the reaction also. I’ve been trying to put some perspective to people around me about this and I don’t see the reaction of: Oh you mean for all these years we’ve been publicising antiflu meds while people also we’re going to work and transmitting virus that were also killing elderly and immunocompromised (not to talk of the shitty meds they are given and it’s probably what makes them sick and unable to have a flu process) and now we are on this virus scare and the world stops. I think this is working pretty well on dividing people because political parties are not so important and doing it in a greater level so the dicotomy of conspiracy theorist and sheep who believes everything the media tells us even if it changes everyday is working pretty well on the divide aspect (even though there are several shades of conspiracy theorist and sheep but I think there is a dicotomy). And that is also important, very important. Because it’s basicly impossible to communicate to someone right now even though what you say makes sense, specially if what you say makes sense, because their beliefs are so at stake that they protect their ego. People got used to scroll down when they are not interested and they are doing it also with people, it’s like we dont know how to communicate and reason anymore.
    The other thing I notice is that there is such a degree of superstition imbebed in everything. The mask shit, alcohol gel. People believing in the mathematical models like prophecies. It’s nuts, I always thought the deep state takes advantage of people’s superstition and abstraction (the same that was used by religion) and they are doing it exceptionally well these days and it almost seems that nothing is left unthought. Even though maybe something can start spontaneously, which I think the clapping didn’t, they take advantage of that, people cannot go to ball games or churches where they feel part of a mob, so to amplify this attitude of clapping not only gives power to the collectivism but also fills a gap of social cohesion I think people feel. I supposed this is being gamed right now also. I know people who suspect what is happening but are to afraid of social exclusion to speak it out.

  18. On a somewhat positive note, a tremendous number of folks do not trust the media.

    The Editor-in-Chief at Yahoo Finance had a recent Op-Ed article.
    The comment section was telling.

    The top ranking comment by a high margin:
    ~~If I were to look for answers, the last place for factual correct and unbiased info would be Yahoo.

    Within the top ten rankings:
    ~~The common thread is the panic and controversy propagating mainstream media.

    Bill quotes the article:
    ~~“It is an obstruction of truth by those with a personal or political agenda. ”
    Well, Yahoo, that is your stock and trade.

    ~~The media provokes more inflammatory situations than anyone else. They have forgotten the true meaning of journalism – WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN WHY and HOW. To journalist everything seems to be about creating an agenda – with very little about the truth. The media only promotes selective stories.

  19. I haven’t had time to listen to this episode yet but I just finished listening to JC’s interview with Dan Dicks. They were discussing how they were perhaps being set up in light of what seems to be an arbitrary loosening of some of the rules on youtube.
    They mentioned that when the second wave of the plandemic hits, then the alternative media would lose credibility.
    I can see the logic in that up to a point but I just don’t think that another “wave” like we just went through would impress anyone with its deadliness or dangerousness.
    What I am envisioning is a second wave that must somehow be much worse than the first.
    I am not sure how they could accomplish that but I doubt that it would be too hard to get the public to believe that a new deadly virus is just good ol’ covid in a mutated form. I doubt that it would be very hard for the people that are running this operation to have people, or even machines in a multitude of places around the world release a new virus simultaneously. Boom! There’s your second wave. All of a sudden this almost benign virus that was only killing old and weak people is wiping millions in every demographic.
    That would go a long way toward causing anyone not fully convinced of the inherent evil of what we call government of to lose confidence in people like James Corbett. Anyone who knows what government is and what its capable of could not be fooled by even the most elaborately conducted false flags. Much less by another, (forgive my callousness, I do understand that every life is precious), nonevent.

    They must have something very devious up their sleeves. I just fear that it will be much worse than anything that they have done up till now.

    • You make some good points. I agree that the alternative media is being set up.

      Pandemic 2 or the next big power push.
      Who knows when this might occur? or how?

      The “Pandemic 1 Event” caught me off guard. I think it caught everyone off guard, and I will challenge anyone who says they predicted the world lockdowns back in 2019.

      I well remember the last quarter of 2019 with stocks making new highs almost daily. There were no fundamentals to it. Corporate profits were stale. Even now, the insanity in the stock market is nutty.

      In late January, early/mid February 2020 (when I stocked up on toilet paper & canned food), I watched the videos and reports coming out of China almost daily while at work.
      (also links to previous dates & comments)

      For the life of me, even in mid-February, I never thought the world would mimic China.

      I’ve lost my confidence in the predictability of free men.
      I’ve regained assurances in the psychotic nature of Authorities.

      • Glad I am not alone in these thoughts.

        And, as has been pointed out previously by many, China’s response set a precedent, a blueprint for the World Health Organization to advocate social distancing mandates.
        And W.H.O. praised China.
        The time track and unusual occurrences / reactions during this “New Nazi Cooties Era of Tyrants and Snitches” is beyond me.
        I have a hard time wrapping my head around the broad public response, especially when many had demonized China’s authoritarianism.

    • Steve Smith

      I am hopeful that exposure to SARS COV 2 would confer immunity to a mutated form that’s more deadly. A brand new virus would be suspicious I would think. Dr. Witkowski (a highly experienced epidemiologist) did an interview with Journeyman Pictures called perspectives on the pandemic and he said lockdowns guarantee a second wave. However if the virus is allowed to spread herd immunity develops preventing it and the epidemic goes away. This happened with other SARS viruses. I am hoping enough herd immunity develops to prevent a second wave and this scam is revealed and without a second wave there will be absolutely no support for a vaccine.

      • I certainly hope that your scenario plays out rather than some unlikely and hard to sell one that many people see through and try to warn others about only to be ignored.
        Kinda like the one we just witnessed.

        I don’t argue with what you say I just have no confidence in anyone in “authority” to tell the truth and every confidence in most people to believe their lies.

    • All they really need for a second wave is some statistical sleight of hand. The masses bought it before, and given their mostly unquestioning swallowing of it, why not?

  20. Hello Cas. Unfortunately not only natural meds are not being permitted the proper research as also the good quality studies are being retracted on the middle of this situation. To give you an example, Plos One had published one of the best designed studies of individualized homeopathy vs placebo and fluoxetine to the treatment of depression on postmenopausal women.
    Five years after the article being published it got retracted on a pretty unprecedent way, that was denounced by the HRI, this is their website.
    You can find the Macías-Cortéz retraction statement. Futhermore HRI is waiting for the verdict of the ombudsman on which NHMRC is being investigated for repeating a meta-analysis style report that changed the inclusion criteria of the articles to arrive to the results that were expected and devastated homeopathy’s public image on different countries. This is what I know about homeopathy being a homeopath and a pharmacist I get a good perspective. But specifically about other therapies, I sent some months ago an open letter to a diary in Portugal because they basically published an article of opinion saying that “the time for magic is over”… Saying that people should not go to natural healers, that they are doing nothing and they didn’t stop this crisis, the same that were being persecuted before, keep that in mind.. and actually it is not true people have been offering consultations to people diagnosed of covid irrespective of what they had. I say offering because when they were getting paid the consumers collective started to complain from those quacks being paid from their work. Well the usual shit but multiplied by 10 in sensationalism. Also saying that people should vaccinate and stop with the problem of first world of worrying that “vaccines cause a bit of autism”. Other important statements on this opinion article, that I suppose is being spread by mainstream media on different languages by different puppets who themselves think they are freethinkers is that they were saying that ironically Chinese medicine couldn’t do nothing when one can just go to the medical searchers and see the article that are being published about this disciplines and covid or whatever there is… of course Artemisia annua os getting a lot of attention these days but I concern that it’s being approached from the wrong perspective. People also are feeding the covid hype publicising cures, even if alternative, for covid 19. I suppose it does the work for the deep state anyways because it ultimately feeds the idea that it is a virus that we should worrie about, and if one wants to get really to the roots of holistic medicine, we never treat a virus, we allow the body to be in it’s optimal state so it can cope with the circumstances but they are infinite and not only to be blamed on a virus. And this is what is not being spread, this is the real power of holistic treatment and philosophy and that is what scared the shit out of big pharma and that’s why healers are portrayed as quacks because they don’t want to treat diseases they want to treat people.

    [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

    • Hello Cas. Unfortunately not only natural meds are not being permitted the proper research as also the good quality studies are being retracted on the middle of this situation. To give you an example, Plos One had published one of the best designed studies of individualized homeopathy vs placebo and fluoxetine to the treatment of depression on postmenopausal women.
      Five years after the article being published it got retracted on a pretty unprecedent way, that was denounced by the HRI, this is their website.
      You can find the Macías-Cortéz retraction statement. Futhermore HRI is still waiting for the verdict of the ombudsman on which NHMRC is being investigated for repeating a meta-analysis style report that changed the inclusion criteria of the articles to arrive to the results that were expected and devastated homeopathy’s public image on different countries. But specifically about other therapies, I sent some months ago an open letter to a diary in Portugal because they basically published an article of opinion saying that “the time for magic is over”… Saying that people should not go to natural healers, that they are doing nothing and they didn’t stop this crisis, the same that were being persecuted before, keep that in mind.. and actually it is not true people have been offering consultations to people diagnosed of covid irrespective of what they had. I say offering because when they were getting paid the consumers collective started to complain from those quacks being paid from their work. Well the usual shit but multiplied by 10 in sensationalism. Also saying that people should vaccinate and stop with the problem of first world of worrying that “vaccines cause a bit of autism”. Other important statements on this opinion article, that I suppose is being spread by mainstream media on different languages by different puppets who themselves think they are freethinkers is that they were saying that ironically Chinese medicine couldn’t do nothing when one can just go to the medical searchers and see the article that are being published about this disciplines and covid or whatever there is… of course Artemisia annua os getting a lot of attention these days but I am concerned that it’s being approached from the wrong perspective. People also are feeding the covid hype publicising cures, even if alternative, for covid 19. I suppose it does the work for the deep state anyways because it ultimately feeds the idea that it is a virus that we should worry about, and if one wants to get really to the roots of holistic medicine, we never treat a virus, we allow the body to be in it’s optimal state so it can cope with the circumstances but they are infinite and not only to be blamed on a virus. And this is what is not being spread, this is the real power of holistic treatment and philosophy and that is what scared the shit out of big pharma because it represents a paradigm shift that takes I to account also other factors and toxicity and that’s why healers are portrayed as quacks because they don’t want to treat diseases they want to treat people.

      [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

    • True. In fact, one of the flaws in my own herbal self-care is that I had to work very hard to rid myself of the reactionary approach of treating a condition rather than strengthening my system. They both have their place, but it’s the emphasis that matters. Always good to remind ourselves. Thanks.

  21. I want to mention what occurred yesterday when I logged into TCR. The Warning; There is a Problem With the Security Certificate of this Site. Go Back!
    James you are a real threat to My security? You Rascal You!
    After all these years Who Would a Thunk It!

    Well its Saturn Night and it may be time for a little
    Un-security in the way of Music.

    Im so lucky to have such a threat.

    • Sundays child is full of ? Cannot remember. But I do remember a visit to the ER a while back. Someone very close did a heroic amount of ergot. If you over do ergot your fingers and toes and some parts of your organs can have a necrotic reaction. In less than 24hrs.
      Ergot is a perriferal vascular constrictor. Extremities die. You should keep 20 leeches in reserve so you don’t loose a toe or finger or two.
      This is For a friend in Houston where flying to the moon was the best high you could ever have.

  22. Terraset,

    “I don’t think such people really count as “people” and the world won’t miss a few hundred million of them.”

    this is a very mean statement, i must say. you would rather expect such blabber from the dummest of eugenics propaganda. i’ve seen other signs of eugenics that seemed to come from naive sources. but how you casually mention a few hundred million dead, you seem to know what you’re talking about. and if this is sarcasm, you win, your the sickest.

    you think you know anything about what’s going on in other peoples mind? great for you, but i don’t think i know. i have been frustrated the way you perhaps have, but in the end, i am the one who tries to communicate something to people who apparently do not see what i see or the way i see it. anyway, if they already did, why would i even have to talk about things?!

    so if i really think my thoughts are important then i have to find better ways to communicate them, and i do think my thoughts are important, because they may stop a lot of the structural killing that has been going on for almost a century. my main subject in this timeframe of a perceived pandemic is the cover-up of the gulo mutation for the general public as well as medical science.

    gulo mutation? you may ask. ok, i admit i get tired sometimes saying the same thing over and over again, trying different angles and hoping somehow someone catches the full meaning of this. so just for speed and because you are probably not worth it, try or

    your attitude that translates into ‘they are just stupid animals, let them die’ is so totally counterproductive to my own motives. on the other hand, it strangely connects with james in the above clip, saying at 16:34 james: “if you do not see this is everything that i have been warning about for the past 12 years, its all coming together in this one package that’s being delivered right now, if you don’t see that, then either you’re too stupid to know what’s going on or you are wilfully lying”

    this binary thinking is not the james i know, this is his last defense against acute fatigue. you can easily see the man is exhausted. i hope he takes at least his vitamin-c to bowel tolerance. otherwise he may get c-depletion from extreme work-stress and even end up with covid19. or just like me, lose part of his mental abilities, in particular his short time memory. i just hope he knows what he is doing to himself.

    this complex of ideas about stupidity of other people, of other people being like animals, of “servitude is what they live for”, sounds very familiar from a certain supremacist culture’s point of view. if so, this website too, may have been infiltrated with controlled opposition. in that case you are blowing your cover on just a few rare words of despair from james. not real smart for a chosen one.


    • People choose to be stupid. And they would gladly turn you into their masters if it increased their social credit score. We choose to remain ignorant because thinking for yourself is hard work and people are lazy. The same people you think would listen to you if you hammer away, actually never even listen to you. They tune you out from the beginning. Many are called, but few answer. We’re about to have troops deployed in our cities, which they’ll support, and ya think they’ll employ reason before it’s too late. They won’t. Their chains are loose, but they’ll kill you to keep them.

      • Yes. Most people have too much internal “noise” to truly listen. Little conversations they have internally as a result of never training their minds. Meditation is great for curing this, but few make it through even five minutes before they give up forever. Congratulations for developing yours.

  23. What a great world that would be and it’s what many people want. I hope we can help Alchemist with her videos she intends to make on living the good life.

  24. Here in North Fluorida, we have everyone believing the news is real. Why would they lie? Would be a typical response if you said it was b.s.. When I go into a store, people get nervous if someone gets near them. They would all insist on taking the vaccine, and any other measure the tv told them to take. I’ve found less than a dozen people who are not buying it. Granted, I spend about 5 days a month there, but that’s my limit. I’m allergic to dumbasery, so I have to limit my contact.

    • Perhaps sanity increases as you go south. Here in the Tampa Bay Area I would estimate it is about fifty fifty.
      Yesterday during a visit to Sams club I figured only about half of the customers were wearing their co2 traps and I have yet to have anyone say anything to me or give me the evil eye for being bare faced.
      My immediate neighbors bear out the percentages.
      Sane to the left of me, bat shit crazy on the right.

    • I live in Columbia County. Lake City is the town I’m referring to. About 12k heavily fluoridated tv zombies who practice partisan news bingeing. You know, FOX is bad, CNN is good. Or vice versa.

    • Yea. I ignored that one, but when they try to bring in the retard websites to make their point, I don’t bother much with restraint. Was born 5 years before the civil rights act was passed (not that I’m a fan of it, though there was a problem. Just the solutions always worried me more), and grew up in South Georgia, so I get a bit ticked at racists.

  25. Food Topic
    Personally, I have not seen a shortage of food in the grocery stores, except at the beginning of the “social distancing” shutdowns when supply chains were impeded.

    That said, I have seen a number of articles about it, or shortage problems with a variety of foods.

    My son, who has some cattle, says that a lot of folks in his area do not want to send their beef to market because the prices are too low.

    On a positive note: Local Organic Grass Fed Food
    In the Dallas / Ft Worth area, there are a number of natural food producers.
    A trend I have noticed is a rise in demand for local and organic.
    Rehoboth Ranch sent this email blast…
    …Many of you are aware that a silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic has been an increased awareness of the importance of regenerative agriculture and sustainable, local, and regional food systems.

    The primary impact on Rehoboth Ranch has been a dramatic increase in demand for our products, and we have been working overtime since the beginning of March to keep up. Its been a little crazy, but are very happy with opportunity to help more people obtain wonderful meat products!…

    …It means our focus will be on expanding our drop-points, direct-to-home delivery, and on-Ranch sales. Currently, we will continue with our current drop points to Frisco, McKinney, Rockwall/Heath, and the Ranch in Greenville and expanding to other drops and home delivery as well. Look for delivery to Ft. Worth and Denton areas very soon!….

    For this family, it has been no easy journey. Drought, tornadoes and storms, tough times, government, etc.
    I have friends and activists who live in this neck of the woods.
    I lived nearby around 2006-2008.

    • That’s a pretty big route! Must be one of them thar Texas sized ranches. The only grass fed meat I can get is hamburger. Not that I can afford it. I could go hunting, but I’m going to wait until it’s obvious we’ve collapsed. It’s an unnecessary risk to go poaching right now. Though a crossbow is perfect for this neck of the woods.

  26. We are in for a rude awakening, that’s for sure. And soon. This is my third build up for a major offensive, albeit the first time on this side. It’s moving light years faster as well. And apparently on a global scale. Haven’t really kept up outside the US. But the U.S. will be the centerpiece. 60% of the world’s economy. Biggest military. And leader in its false claims of liberty. So once again I’ll get a front row seat. I’m thinking that I’ll include the regular troops on the ground as a cue for me to disappear. Once they are deployed, they won’t be recalled. May not even be time for me to get a good working knowledge of the whole river. But, we only need whatever we’ve got. Hope your family wakes up in time. We’re all going to know sorrow quite soon though. Hope your panties are well stocked with healthy foods. Starving us into submission is an age old tactic.

    • I don’t know if you remember, but a couple of years ago, some controversial site had the US population down to some scary low level. They projected the military being used to encircle cities here. I wish I could remember the site, but it’s been a few years. Also, remember the DHS drills talking about the 90% reduction in population if the grid went down? They are definitely going for all the marbles.

      Glad you enjoyed the book. The one on big foot Wallace is pretty riveting as well. We may have to be as tough as them. I think I’ll pass on the cannibalism though. And riding a horse for 50-60 miles at a stretch. My rear is hurting just thinking about that!

      Oh yeah, old TJ was a master at saying the right thing, while doing the opposite. Though I have always felt it was one of his cousins who impregnated his slave, Sally? But Adams did note how scared of him she seemed. I think he wasn’t into sex, but power instead. A very cold fish.

    • Jason Burack of “Wall Street for Main Street” has some great financial videos designed for the everyday person.
      He explains things in everyday English.
      He cites sources and has footnotes.
      He has had investment experience and knows a lot of folks in finance.
      Mining and Oil is where his main experience lies.
      Occasionally, some terms might go over the heads of the layman, but often these terms are explained in previous videos.

      May 28, 2020
      Lots of Rules Changes Needed:
      Gold Prices Capped Around $1700… For Now

      (20 minutes)

  27. Is Trump really fighting to save the nation? It was his executive order. And he’s wanted federal troops since the protests/riots began. False opposition is more like it. At best, just fighting for his faction to be the hammer which they use to bang those nails on freedom’s coffin. Freedom never comes from top-down leadership, but from our own individual actions. And yes, it must be done by force. That’s the only language government speaks, for that is all it is. When the new age movement came along, they invented wishful thinking without action in order to neuter us and it worked. Me? I never once wished a thing into being. All I do is focus and do.

    • Not sure what your argument is. Are you defending inaction? That’s the new age method. Doesn’t sound like it. I never even implied the bulk of your argument. Have I ever said it was a simple affair? No. And when I speak of fighting, I would hope a reader would understand I speak from actual experience and not from watching some childish Hollywood movie. Nor have I said the whole world is psychopathic. But you seem intent on twisting my words into such nonsense. Go ahead. Just don’t expect me to not say anything. Not a new ager.

  28. Hard to break it down when they’ve had so much time to get all the pieces into place. Our whole system is one giant rabbit warren. But you are right. However, the worst case aspect is useful in that it is power’s goal. They won’t win, but the price will be very, very dear.

    • The self-fullfilling prophecy can be avoided with fearlessness. It is our fear that fulfills them. And while it seems Gates has overplayed his hand, is that really true? Always a danger believing your own observations are noted by the masses. They aren’t as a rule. And the whole WHO thing doesn’t really mean anything if we implement their policies. Which we are probably going to skip since it will be unnecessary. I don’t believe in hope. It’s usually just wishful thinking. I am confident freedom will win, but I don’t need hope. But we are still pretty much in agreement. Despite my not really understanding your last comment.

  29. Hey I didn’t see that email in the channel description. In fact, what saw was a channel with 5 subs and literally no content. That is. if that was the channel you were talking about. I was expecting you to have some content I could share on Minds, Gab and Flote. I mean, that’s kinda what it sounded like you were saying.

    • The email address is there.

      Some Browsers will not show it.
      Internet Explorer shows it.
      Firefox does not.

      I’ve also noticed this even with different older articles on the internet.
      A 2003 Reuters article seemed to be void in Firefox and Microsoft Edge. The full article displayed with Internet Explorer.
      I am not Tech savvy. So, I don’t know why.

      Here is a link to Alchemist‘s WEBSITE

      If you do not have Internet Explorer, I will give you some clues.
      It is not electronmail nor neutronmail, but in the neighborhood.
      Alchemist likes numbers and letters.

  30. Right on, fibre internet here, I had ethernet cables drilled into many rooms of my house back in 2002 for my DSL and the cable internet afterwards (which is still a good option with the small ISP’s, they can do gigabit cable easily for much cheaper than the big corps) and everything is plugged through ethernet cable. My only remote data storage is the dedicated server I rent and those, one has complete control of them, and it’s just 30 bucks a month. All my torrenting is done there automatically, I don’t even need to bring anything home, I do, but I could just use the server to stream directly to a tv with my media centre, which is an old PC good enough to do most stuff (Phenom II 4 core @ 4ghz).

    Also, unplug those ethernet cables when not using the internet, makes for a lot safer experience, even if you have the best router out there, flashed with openWRT or what-have-you.

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