Interview 1573 – Richard Gage Delivers Updates on 9/11 Truth

by | Sep 2, 2020 | Interviews | 57 comments

Richard Gage of joins us to discuss the various actions, inquests, studies, documentaries and conferences that are happening around the 19th anniversary of 9/11.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4

AE911Truth Homepage

AE911Truth Who We Are

A Tailor-Made Opportunity to Get the 9/11 Evidence into Court: Help This Family Obtain a New Inquest into the Death of Their Son

The Campaign for a Fresh Inquest into the Death of Geoffrey Thomas Campbell on September 11, 2001: A Summary

Donate to the Campbell family inquest fund

When is the News Not the News? – #PropagandaWatch

University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7’s Collapse on 9/11

Statement: 9/11 Families and Experts to Appeal Egregious NIST Building 7 Decision

AE911Truth Request for Correction (RFC) on NIST WTC7 Report

NIST’s Response to AE911Truth’s RFC

Short Version of New Documentary SEVEN Begins Airing Today on PBS

Justice Rising conference – information and schedule


  1. I still can’t figure out the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania hole in the ground.

    To me it looks like absolutely nothing resembling a plane crash has taken place at either site. No plane, no bodies, no refuse.

    So what would be the point of inventing that story? Why not just say a bomb was planted at the Pentagon.

    That part of the story is very very confusing to me.

    At least it is obvious that the 3 World Trade buildings were detonated.

    I don’t want to hijack the comment section but I would be very interested to know what you mean, robert.t, by fake whistle blowers insinuating (my word) that 9/11 is a distraction?

    Looking forward to seeing James et al on the 11-13nth.

    • james.w, when you wrote “hole in Penn.” I wasn’t sure for a second whether you meant Pennsylvania (more than likely) or Pentagon (less likely, of course, though there are two “n’s” in that word, too).

      Then I realized that both Penn and Pent are reminiscent of the pentagram shape, which we know is used in occult symbolism. No wonder the Pentagon was built with five sides (duh!). OK, call me slow!

      Like everyone else here, I’m looking forward to watching the three-day Justice Rising presentations.

  2. Fantastic!

    I eagerly await JusticeRising:

    Jones, Griffin, Harrit, Ganzer, Corbett, Zimbatti, and more.

    Hats off to AE911Truth for their engagement in the UK case, and for organising JusticeRising. They are dogged. We owe them thanks (and/or funding).

    PS: Personally, I have a real soft spot for Jones; so carefully and quietly spoken, but also with a lively sense of humour. He’s a scientific teddy bear.

    • hugo.c says:
      Personally, I have a real soft spot for Jones; so carefully and quietly spoken, but also with a lively sense of humour. He’s a scientific teddy bear.

      Ditto here.

      “Ode to the Neocons” song – presented by Dr Steven Jones at the 9/11 Evidence Conference in L.A. 2006

      (By the way, the Loose Change guys were at this event. Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas.)

        • Thank you, HRS, for reminding us of this ode to 9/11/01, which (as many recent commenters below the video observe) is just as applicable in 2020, if not more so.

      • Hey HRS,

        Sorry for the personal input on Jones, but hey, we’re a community so one can do this stuff. Right?

        I have read so many of your inputs to the all so many discussions and always find them interesting. (Note: do not always agree, but am interested/challenged by them — nothing better!).

        Above I highlight THE video/evidence for me on 911, which was Chandler’s WTC video. It MUST me controlled demolition. And from there the rest unravels; red/grey chips, multi-tonne girders flying around, almost innumerate reports of explosions etc..

        What was your ‘data flip point’?

        • The short story…
          Before most videos were out back in 2005, I started researching 9/11 to prove to a friend of my wife’s that 9/11 was NOT an inside job. She has said that it was an inside job. The more I researched, the more I discovered the cover-up. I ate crow and cried…couldn’t sleep for months.

          Jimmy Walter’s free “Confronting the Evidence” 2005 DVD was one of the first I watched.
          When “9/11 Mysteries” came out, I told my wife that she needed to watch it and finally confessed to her that I thought 9/11 was a government cover-up. The video sold her.

          Here is that video circa 2005. Jimmy gave out more than 300,000 DVDs. I still have the original with its small cardboard cover.
          CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE – (Riaprire le indagini sull’11 settembre)

          I used to follow 9/11 news, daily, for years and years.

          • Oh my gosh, HRS, I think I watched this in around 2014?

            I am watching it now. This should be put back on youtube!

            I wonder what has happened to these people – Ed Begley,Jr.,and the rest of the speakers. And Jimmy, himself. I am going to look into it after I finish the video.


        • @hugo.c, unfortunately, Alex Jones never lost his mind…he was always part of the misdirection and just an earlier version than the now current Q(Anon).

  3. Yes. David Chandler provides the most simple explanations from a Newtonian Physics analysis. There’s another one on WTC 7:

    This was THE video which told me it was controlled demolition. I have studied physics to second year bachelors. I understand Newtonian physics. And steel framed high risers are essentially just big steel rectilinear structures with stuff handing off them (floors, windows, whatever). Very Simple Stuff (apart from wind shear, earthquakes etc.).

    I am assuming that David Chandler is not misrepresenting. What motive?

    Thus, if his presentation is accurate, you have about a third of the building falling at freefall. The building twists, but does not ‘fall over’. It MUST pass through itself. Thus, you have to uniformly destroy almost *all* of its supports for some height below the falling portion. The controlled demolition experts know how to do this; diagonal partial cuts plus explosives or other methods. But, you need HUNDREDS of them carefully placed and PRECISELY timed. Weeks of work.

    There is no other way to do this but controlled demolition. None.


    Hats off to Halsey and his team. They get to the exact details about how this can be done for this specific building. But it is just so obvious from this singular work by Chandler based on very simple physics.

    • That’s a touching tribute, Fact Checker. Gage will probably get “damn-well misty” himself when he reads it. Maybe Corbett will, too.

      I was thinking tonight about the millions of people each of them, in their respective positions, has awakened from dreamland.

  4. I’m surprised Kevin Ryan is not speaking. He was one of the earliest whistle-blowers. And Graham MacQueen on anthrax. He did extensive research right after the anthrax scare and wrote a book about it.

    I suppose they cannot ask everyone but these two fellows were very involved for years.

    • lovetodust, maybe next year, the 20th, AE will invite all of the 9/11 researchers to its commemorative event, including the two worthies you cite.

      An even more magnificent “maybe” would be if someone who worked on NIST’s Twin Towers report or its WTC 7 report were to listen to his conscience, come clean, and confess his — the entire agency’s — sins.

      • Well, CQ, I suppose if that brave person from NIST has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness and has a month to live that person might “spill it”, short of that I do not think anyone is going to say anything.

        I tend to think that we really don’t have a clue, well, I should only speak for myself, but in general, I don’t think we take seriously enough the threat people who may directly or indirectly be a part of these crimes face should they stray off the reservation.

        I think that is why after all these years, after all the people who lost loved ones, after all the people who have suffered horrible illnesses, no one but the people we know of already, has spoken out.

        Where are all the people that survived? Do none of them think that it was an inside job? Has anyone spoken out? I do not say this accusingly at all, it’s just always been puzzling me. Is it because they all signed waivers in order to be financially compensated? (deservedly)

        So many questions.

        • All questions I have asked myself, too, lovetodust.

          I should explain that what I was envisioning, with hope, was a Saul-to-Paul kind of conversion. The kind that no one can predict. Not even “Saul” himself, whoever he (or she) may be.

          Yes, the dangers are real and looming.

          But the truth can become even more real and persuasive to some “lost-then-found” soul.

          I don’t mean a religious conversion necessarily, but certainly a moral or ethical one.

          I believe we all have a conscience, no matter how hidden by layers of compromise and cop-outs and corruption it may be.

          Thus, to me, even so-called psychopaths, whose true selves — apparently long lost — are made by the one good Creator, deep down want to feel innocent and unselfish. Most of them won’t confront their conscience in this earthly life, but all it takes is one who does respond to that inner urge to come clean.

          I can only imagine the torment some of the perpetrators of 9/11 and other false flags must be dealing with (though seemingly successfully suppressing) day after day after day.

  5. Maximize the video and check out the two flashes at 14:40
    Coming from a structure above the leftmost building.

    Certainly seems to have a relationship with the Building 7 collapse.

    Maybe camera flashes indicating possible foreknowledge?
    Though I don’t know if camera flashes would be that bright from that far away.

    Maybe someone setting off explosives in/on some other structure, using the Building 7 collapse as sound cover (and visual distraction)?

  6. All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

    It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
    Another possible starting point of analysis might be the Spanish American
    war. This war was staged as a coordinated Media-Military action adventure exercise, with great success.
    Play-action events like 9-11 and Covid-19 are only possible because we live in a Babylonian Whorehouse of psycho-sexual absurdity. Fun,fun,fun.

    • urthp, what you wrote reminds me that on The HighWire’s five-hour coverage of the Europe protests last weekend, a rapper at the London event belted out a song that repeatedly referenced the vile “fun, fun, fun” of which you speak. The crowd, incensed at the depravity of their “leaders,” yelled back in derision each time the rapper’s words went down that dark hole.

  7. I wonder why PBS is agreeing to air this documentary. Maybe all the years that have passed, and 9/11 isn’t as sensitive a topic? But still, the Establishment must know that widely exposing the lies of 9/11 would further damage government credibility and ultimately, their perceived authority.

    I’m looking forward to watching this film. With the combination of Dylan Avery and Ed Asner it should be great. The below linked video on the collapse of WTC 7 narrated by Ed Asner is what woke me up to the lies of 9/11. I remember being absolutely rocked to my core when the realization instantly sunk in.

    Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7 – w/ Ed Asner

      • HRS, scpat expresses surprise that PBS is airing a short version of othe documentary SEVEN. Do you happen to remember the name of the PBS host or anchor in Denver who more than once gave AE and its videos good coverage, including during the station’s fundraising appeals? I think her first name is Sherri, or something like that.

        • Here is one reference circa 2012 in August

          Colorado Public Television
          …Appearing live in the CPT12 studios: San Francisco Bay Area architect Richard Gage, AIA, and founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, will join Shari Bernson and Tom Colbert in the CPT12 studios for questions. Gage has recently completed a national tour with this new, landmark film (9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out)…

          Due to visionary Development Director Shari Bernson’s leadership, CPT12 is the first US broadcaster and PBS station to air content addressing alternative theories and suppressed news about the events of 9/11.
          Their US premiere broadcast of 9/11 Press for Truth in June 2009 was a successful fundraiser, but not without controversy. The station received many viewer responses, pro and con, nationally and internationally….

          (more information)

          • Yes, that’s precisely what (CPT12)/who (Shari Bernson) I was thinking of, HRS. Thanks so much for finding it/her for me/us!

            (Interesting that the broadcast was titled 9/11 Press for Truth. As you know, the last three words are the name of the internet news show founded by Dan Dicks, whose YouTube channel was banned a month or so ago.)

            • 9/11: Press for Truth (also known as “Press for Truth”) is a 2006 documentary film about the September 11 attacks on the United States. Directed by the American filmmaker Ray Nowosielski, it was partially based on The Terror Timeline, by Paul Thompson. The film premiered theatrically in September 2006 in New York City and the San Francisco Bay area.
              The film follows three of the Jersey Girls (widows of individuals killed in the attacks) as well as other family members in their search for answers about what really happened on 9/11.
              9/11: Press For Truth FILM
              (53 minutes)

              • Oh, yes, HRS, thanks for reminding me. I watched that documentary a long time ago; its name escaped me momentarily.

                You’re such a fount of info, archived and otherwise! 🙂

    • But, “where did the towers go?” JW, there is stacks of unanswered evidence presented by Dr Judy Wood. I dont know which is the most succinct video, but here she is describing points that controlled demolition nor fire can explain.

      personally, I think 9/11 was pulled off with many of the same modalities being employed today: numerous angles of attack, makes many story lines none of which complete the picture, a hall of mirrors that creates clouds within clouds of obfuscation, or confused survivors (all of us) will we never know the whole truth? I suppose that exotic means (by general public standards) were also employed.. the kind of weapons that nobody knows about, yet. I think I got it from “The art of war”: “An aggressors strongest asset is the element of surprise.”

      some stuff I’m stuck on:
      Free fall speed?
      lotsa matter instantly turning to dust?
      negligible debris pile?
      “toasted” cars? not different to the odd melted? or atomically interfered with? cars in calif fire zones (search for “interferometry”)
      nose of the plane hitting the N tower emerging from the adjacent wall?
      open and empty gold vault?
      survivors in stairwell at 4th floor level (I think it was S tower?), while the entire rest of the building, 110 stories had just fallen? disappeared?
      no damage below street level?
      nil seismic imprint that would indicate that mass hitting?
      pentagon and PA., no planes? but wouldn’t people have seen a missile vs a jet liner flying over a metropolitan highway in mid morning low enough to knock over lamp posts? is there a tricky holographic way to make a missile look like a jet?
      fire fighters walking away from building 7 saying “its gonna fall”, how did they know?

      controlled demolition is a good answer for some but not all the evidence.

      • There are answers to the many things you raise here and this long and sometimes rambling documentary will help you find them.
        I knew when this first happened it was a put up job.
        Watching it on the TV something just was not right about the images although the motivation for starting a war was obvious and at the time I thought it was just for oil but since then I have learned a lot.
        I have sent this to James as I think he should watch it too and being such a qualified researcher I would have thought he would have seen it already?

        The moment I saw it I had one of those “aha!” moments.
        Watch it, stick with it and it will lead you to answers to the questions you ask above…

        I might have to repost this as a general comment as people need to have facts to make their minds up, life is after all about learning…

  8. After his brother’s death on 9/11, Campbell worked with Tony Rourke on the excellent documentary “Incontrovertible “

    That looks at many of the lies our govt have told us from JFK to MLK to the war machine and concentrating on the 9/11 lie. Highly recommend watching it.

  9. is it possible that folks got freaked out at how close the van bombs came to collapsing the two towers that they wired them for destruction in case of future problems? from what i understand and have learned, the owners would believe it to be a unfortunate but necessary noble lie. it’s another deep state event so entangled in the world of spooks that you can’t be sure of anything. i wonder how the clean up of the two damaged towers would have happened. i can’t see repair even possible. i’ve wired towers my entire career. i cannot, for the life of me, envision the repair. thus you’d have to cut the remainder of the towers down. the cost beyond imagination. (though i guess beyond imagination has to be tweaked apres this plandemic). shutting down Manhattan used to be unimaginable. the logistics of cleaning up the mess made necessary the quick collapse. and the ‘quick’ tidy up. all good. except….. some assclown shot down the 3’rd fucking plane! now what? well building 7 HAD to go down. oops. wait til everyone’s had a breath. a drink. gathering the clan together. quietly drop the structure at supper. that’ll work!

    • Ya’ll bring up an extremely important aspect about 9/11 which correlates very well with the Covid 2020 scenario.

      A lot of folks in power are milking the benefits from this current tragedy.
      Even the two-bit players are grabbing what they can.

  10. I am an engineer as well. Planes don’t fly on a few hundred feet altitude good 100mph above their top cruising speed on 10.000 feet. The atmosphere does not allow that.

    • thanks mkey. that statement is backed up by more than a few pilot interviews.

      Ron, you are an engineer? what type? your observation of factual evidence demands reproof. you aren’t acknowledging anything in my list of questions above.

      as for who got the money? the bush short that was worth trillions. Silberstein’s double insurance claim, do you need more than lotsa?

      there are elements of psyop, true; such as “the muslims did it lets go wipe em out..” but if you really think all the effort to explain other causes of tower collapse than planes crashing is meaningless, then you are feeding the obstacle. why would you?

      The abuses on humanity that came as and from that act, the enormous scale of murder, the pathetic thievery & degusting lies, your claim that the movement for truth hasnt gotten anywhere is a giveaway that you are ignoring the factual bread and butter statics of elementary structural engineering.

      One antidote to ignorance is to see with a wide open horizon/mind.

  11. I still never gt an explanation of why the Judy Wood theory is attacked and rejected by Richard Gage. Why does their information need to be framed as contradiction? The video evidence shows steel, fading to dust. Just because we can’t explain this doesn’t mean that we have to exclude and ignore this, explosions and all.

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