Interview 1581 – James Corbett Breaks Down the Great Reset

by | Oct 5, 2020 | Interviews | 36 comments

Pete Quinones of Freeman Beyond the Wall talks to James Corbett about the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the coming biosecurity state.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4


Freeman Beyond The Wall

World Economic Forum website

Info on Rothkopf Superclass

Prince Charles says we need a global Marshall Plan to save the environment

Global Transformation Map

The Great Reset | World Economic Forum

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YouTube, Zoom and Facebook censor Leila Khaled for Israel

Episode 359 – The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know

8 predictions for the world in 2030


The Fourth Industrial Revolution | Full Version (Subtitled)

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond

Episode 359 – The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know

How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World

How Big Oil Steers the Environmental Movement

What Is Sustainable Development?

“Megacities on the Move – Planned-opolis” – Creepy AGENDA 21 Utopia Promotion

Has an ‘Anti-Science’ Sentiment Overtaken the United States?

How Did This Get Made: The Jane Club with Shawnta Valdes and Neelamjit Dhaliwal

Edward Bernays on Letterman


    James: Perhaps I’m just not getting it or I am old and truly out of touch with the world we currently live in, but, is the referenced episode of ” How Did This Get made” ( real or is it an incredibly sophisticated satire? The fact that intro information lists as “joined by” the “Chief Community Engagement Officer Shawnta Valdes and Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer Neelamjit Dhaliwal” should give me a clue, but, it doesn’t. I was able to endure only to the 17:45 mark and the answer may have been contained in the balance of the show, however, I doubt it. Please help me out. I would like to stop drooling into my bowl of mush. Puder

  2. I bet when you hit the comma key after the word “infest”, you might have hit an arrow which kicked in the html.
    Regardless, the message works for me.

  3. Last night, from Broc West’s TWITTER , I spotted Pete Quinones’s post about the Corbett interview.

    I tried listening to the podcast, but “no video” didn’t cut it for me. I had to stop.
    Thank goodness Corbett has a professional, top-grade video/image department which is well staffed. From what I hear, just one fella does all the work in that department while everyone else plays video games.

    I do wanna say that this…
    “James Corbett Breaks Down the Great Reset” is a very important video which can help newer people to grasp what is happening.
    Pete did a great job as an interviewer.

    I’m glad that Corbett mentioned “How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World” and “What Is Sustainable Development?”

    When the time grabs me, I have been re-watching “How Big Oil Conquered the World” and am at the 57 minute mark. It is a whole new lens, especially with the Covid era and parallels to history. I was surprised at how much I had forgotten.
    There is a wealth of insight in those documentaries.

  4. As for that creepy planned-opolis agenda 21 promo… its hard to believe that it is serious to the subject… it’s just so dystopian, but! It appears to be the real deal. If the end credits are to be taken seriously that is.

    As for, looking at their partners will afford no surprises, not to mention a Rockefeller Philanthropy trustee.

    EMBARQ is a Shell Foundation supported program from the good folks at World Resources Institute, good folks including but very much not limited to: World Bank, UN, Guggenheim Foundation, WWF, MacArthur Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    And FIA is of course UN’s program to provide ‘safe, sustainable and accessible mobility for all road users across the world’, overseen by former Ferrari CEO, Jean Todt.

    Unbelievably, this video appears to be an actual marketing appeal to a future of ‘sustainability’. They are just so rife with misfires, it’s kind of incredible.

  5. It has always bugged me how T.H.E.Y. use the word “reset”

    I could not find anything on their website that would indicate the normal usage of the word reset.

    For example, in relation to a system, Reset would normally mean to return everything back to it’s initial start up state – so does that mean they intend to write off everyones debts? Oh, no, of course not!!

    So, I figure they mean something else, perhaps, sticking with the religious theme, they really mean “Re-Seth”? as in the God Seth (Or Set?)

    The god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence etc…

    That would fit better.

    • indeed, a much better fit.

      in a similar vein, when i first heard of “the great reset” what immediately came to mind ~ “the great beast”

      and the fourth industrial revolution revulsion … the fourth reich

  6. Whilst watching this I had an epiphany, a moment of understanding.

    When governments changed the old “you’ll get a government pension” to “we have created a legal system in which your employer shall tax-exempt place a fraction of your earnings into a retirement fund” people were a bit peeved. But, such a “pension” system was created for the entire “western world”.

    What did this do?

    Create massive amounts of savings for use by these financial institutions. Thus, the control of such institutions is raw power in itself. Into what do they invest or divest? Massive power.

    My mind is wandering to where this leads. But, this’ll become a rant if I dont stop now.

    But, I see this process which happened in the ’80’s (I think) as an architectural shift of power. The power moves from the national to the corporate.

  7. Another thought. (Trying to link ideas).

    We like the idea of distributed systems because they dilute concentrations of power. But, with the distribution efficiency is lost. In a financial sense, this means, in the “pension” scenario described above, we would lose money.

    But, there is also a counter than can be baked in. If preventing the accumulation of power is your goal you can ‘cap’ each ‘pension fund’. And, to bring in a coding analogy which I’ll pursue, once you hit the cap, your gotta “fork”.

    I haven’t quite got the link, but I am reminded of what I teach in my programming course. You pay the overhead of writing documents describing what you are trying to achieve *before* you write code. This is an obvious win, because you are directing your effort, and thus you get ‘efficiency’. But, additionally you use version control. You will rarely need this for a personal project, but when you do need it, it saves your arse. I think that this is the connection: a power distributed system will cost you more in the long run, but when you hit a crisis it has the ability to minimise that crisis significantly. Or perhaps the other way; with the distribution of power the ability to *create* crises is significantly reduced.

    A bunch of neurons connect to a bunch of others to create a new understanding and then I have to use words to imperfectly describe it. But, I lovingly embrace that limitation. There is beauty in imperfection.

    • you write: “If preventing the accumulation of power is your goal you can ‘cap’ each ‘pension fund’. A power distributed system will cost you more in the long run, but when you hit a crisis it has the ability to minimise that crisis significantly. Or perhaps the other way; with the distribution of power the ability to *create* crises is significantly reduced. There is beauty in imperfection.”

      Even if we were lucky enough to vote in an honest and helpful government (history shows this is a hopeless fantasy), come the following election we would run the risk of undoing all the good achieved in those 4 years as the reins were handed back to the oligarchs. This reality means that it’s the system that is designed to be weak and easy to be corrupted by dedicated cabals with unlimited resources. It is designed to accumulate power in a small elite. Without widely-distributed power, the system is bound to fail us.

      The most important power that needs to be widely-distributed is the ownership and management of the majority of the economy to be in the hands of each and every person who contributes to the productivity of the economy (consumers and producers) in an equitable way. Yes, preventing the excessive accumulation of wealth and power can be our goal.

  8. A very thought provoking discussion.

    You got to science/anti-science. I work for a scientific organisation (public university department, which is free for all students who a citizens of the EU) and have an interest.

    Your key point is that there is no singular science. This is true of scientific opinion on emerging topics, and much more importantly on the history of science. We have philosophers of science. I like Kuhn. “Falsificationism” and his epochal view of science and its evolution. Science and its paradigm in the 1800’s is very different from the 1900’s.

    But, and this is an important but, science is a consolidating process. On the one hand you have Newton’s mechanics as a subset (at sub-luminal speeds) of Einsteinian mechanics. This is the “unification” approach. On the other hand you have people publishing unreproducible gunk that gets left in the detritus of “scientific” publications. Unfortunately, in the recent few decades the latter may outnumber the former. And the focus on “the now” highlights the rubbish for the populace; but I blame the media for that too.

    I will take science over faith, any day. Its about the way in which science is controlled or not. Stick this in your brain; science is as anti-capitalist as you can get: public funding for effort to produce understanding (remember knowledge is power) which is then published for the entire world to (pay for and) see. Yes, its gets corporately infiltrated and perverted, but at its core, it is a “free flow of ideas based on reproducible experiment” via public funding for universal knowledge.

    Or you can go to church/mosque/synagoge.

  9. #GoodScienceNotGodScience
    It’s frustrating that not many people read now-a-days (but understandable, as there’s plenty of content to occupy the minds and time of those who don’t AND the choice of content could be quite overwhelming for those who still do).
    I’ve resorted to trying to meme & hashtag … just to get someone, anyone interested in seeking content outside the approved paradigm.
    “Good science not god science” is one I’ve found myself using more & more often.
    (Along with #GetMadOrGoMad, #WHOdiedAndCORONAtedBillGatesKing, #GetWiseNotSmart, etc. and various memes to post via’s social media posts.

  10. Boris Johnson,our Prime Minister,made his speech today at the Virtual Conservative Party Conference. Over his shoulder on the wall behind him,in bright blue and red letters were the words Build Back Better.

  11. “…..but humans have this religious spiritual side to them whether you think there’s anything supernatural or not.”

    To agree or disagree, one who need a definition of the concept ‘spiritual’.

    As to the public-private partnership this is really an oxyomoron.

    The private sector, which is the ‘private’in the partnership has one fiduciary duty: to make profits for shareholders and owners.

    This is a legal, fiduciary duty.

    The public sector, the ‘public’ in this so-called partnership does not make a profit and notably doesn’t have to.

    So when the private and public are used this way, as in partnership it could never be for public services owe their fiduciary duty to the user of the public service. if they are truly public, they exist not for profit but to provide service.

    This kind of chicanery, language manipulation, leads people to assume what is an exchange value and what is a use value are synonymous. It is the language of neoliberalism

    More hoax language.

    As to who rules the world, families that is, William Domnhoff wrote about this back in the 1960’s.

    It is not the people, as rancid as they are, that are the problem it is the system they use to profit and plunder: capitalism.

    They own the means of production and yes, James this is when the state meets corporations. Fascism.

    This time a cyber-Christian fascism, not an industrial strongman fascism.

    Transnational corporations call all the shots now and they are so intertwined it is hard to see how they get untwined if they ever do.

    • Yes, I agree with you. I do not hate “capitalism” if that is referring to the idea of a free market. That is desirable. I detest Marxism in any form, however. It kills freedom and individuality. In the US what we have is not true capitalism or a free market.

      • You certainly don’t know Marx, so detesting something you don’t know is….you name it.
        I know his work from secondary sources, he is damn hard to study. Surprise, he also said thing you would agree with.

  12. Like all tools of the past, the new technologies can be used to free the public or to control us and to monopolise the world’s resources. Those in power want us to believe that only control is possible, to protect all of us from chaos (individual freedom = chaos and danger in their minds). And that they themselves are the only ones wise enough to organise and manage the world to benefit all.

    They hide their power-addiction motives behind concepts like protecting us against climate change, creating sustainability, and fixing the growing income and wealth gap. None of this is about saving the environment or social justice. Those are excuses they use to convince the public that they are altruistic and benevolent.

    “Trust us to lead and protect you in this rapidly changing world – we know what we are doing.”

  13. The reason that most people wont have the freedom of a 3d printer on their desk is that they have been trained to be, or naturally are, not really interested in the work of learning the skills to design and create their own products. If that were not the case most people would use linux type OS’s and kit computers rather then cookie cutter windows or mac machines. war on GP computing, an old but interesting one.
    Even cave men tended to outsource the tec work of flint knapping spear heads to others when they could. As long as the enemies of freedom can keep most people busy with things like netflix, pornhub and facebook that is not going to change.

  14. Around the 12 min mark, Mr. Quinones makes such an astute observation about those who defend the “free market” with their dying breaths as they’re being carried away on boxcars owned by Walmart. I’m not terribly bright when it comes to economics (academia-wise) but I’ve had my own, similar disagreements with people near and dear to me on this very issue. The most recent was over a the sale of large ranch to a national quarry company in our rural area. The surrounding community protested the quarry but in the name of “capitalism”, my husband and his mother supported the corporation. I was on the side of the people. I’m ununable to reconcile turning the countryside into enviro-friendly (agenda 21) “green” suburban sprawl skirted by big box stores and their vast parking lots. There’ve been numerous such clashes over the years (ie Bush’s “too big to fail”) always ending with the increasing and unsettling realization that I’ve got nothing in common with “capitalists” or socialists. So what does that make me?

    Last month I watched a series of lectures from a religious historian/ philosopher who I’ve quoted here many times before. In this particular lecture, he challenged those in the room to give a moral case in favor of capitalism. A few suggestions were tossed but most fell short or were incomplete. He proceeded with his lecture and ended with a tight defense of same which satisfied my frustrated, nebulous grasp while also confirming that it is not the “capitalism” which runs the world. The odd thing is, while he made what appears to me to be a very sound argument, I suspect (given things said over the years) that he’d also be that guy Quinones mentions on the box car.

  15. Related to the video:
    Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep: ‘Under The Guise Of A Pandemic, We Will Create A Prison
    by *Do you see what I see productions*

    The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded. The first half of this scenario already has unfolded. Will it continue as predicted? The information on Lock Step begins at about the two-thirds point of the article. The Rockefeller report in its entirety can be downloaded here. [The importance of this document cannot be overstated.]

  16. Hi James!

    This was such a great interview and very shareable – thank you so much!!

    I wanted to share what I am confident is the goal of the ultra-creepy, dystopian Plannedopolis cartoon. Like you, I struggled to understand why “they” would either show their cards so blatantly or be inexplicably warning of what global totalitarianism might look like. Super puzzling until one of my KIDS solved the mystery. It’s unmistakably a straight-up threat:

    Dear foolish peons, either mend your ways and quit overpopulating, driving your filthy cars, eating meat, and draining the earth’s resources, or else we, your all-knowing overlords, will have to impose draconian measures to save you from yourselves. Rein yourselves in voluntarily, or we will rein you in by force…and here’s what THAT will look like.

    Once my daughter said that, there was no other way to interpret it. Would you agree this makes complete sense of it?

    • those “all-knowing overlords” are the ones who designed the economy to prevent us from driving clean-fuel cars (who killed the electric car?)and clean-fuel public transport methods. and forced most of us to rely on factory farming (with all the poisons, GMO grains, antibiotics, hormones) because organic farming is penalised and industrialised farming is subsidised. draining the earth’s resources is a capitalist imperative because they think there is no limits to growth. we are extolled through constant advertising to consume more than we need and the corporations design products with built-in obsolescence to force us to keep upgrading. isn’t blaming the victim a form of gaslighting?

    • You know, when the family told me about that fly during the debate, it did actually cross my mind that it could’ve been a drone (especially since the blue team literally capitalized off of it before the debate was even over!), but I kept it to myself…again.

      Great link!

      “I reach over to flip on the light switch but just as I do there comes a sharp jab on my hand like a pin, or needle! […] With light filling the garage now I am horrified to see what stuck me, Darpa’s new indoctrination scorpion-bot, capable of injecting up to 30 people with 50cc’s of pure patriotism & pride.”

      Haha! Horrors indeed!

  17. Fact Checker, thanks for posting. I have been saying for a while that we are seeing Stockholm Syndrome on a mass scale. I think this guy has really hit on something here with the Munchausen comparison. Great insights.

  18. James, I 100% understand you if your decision is to avoid discussion about socialism capitalism. It’s toxic.
    But find better excuse, if you need one, than ‘anybody has his own definition and discussion is impossible’. No doubt, anybody has his own opinion, sometimes is bs. Definitions are good and bad, no place for subjectivity, period.

    Also, probably you could rethink the idea of State capitalism. This way you gives subjectivity to the state. But state is mostly an object, a tool to the so called elites. Public-private partnership (Bernays would be delighted) shows it’s just like that. It’s not enough they were already getting huge piece of taxes, now they can afford even more plundering of public goods.

    Monopoly capitalism would better describe what we have today. We are witnessing huge concentration of wealth, increased concentration inside the industries with mergers and acquisitions. Power is used to the max extent.

  19. A couple of things I’d like to say:

    In regards to Cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin. One of the concerns I have is that the price of Bitcoin varies so wildly. Now you may say that that happens with fiat currency also, but the difference is we don’t need to convert fiat in order to purchase goods so can generally operate independently of the exchange rate fluctuations. Also the prices of the goods we purchase are generally pretty stable. So the big question is whether or not goods priced in Bitcoin currency are stable or unstable because they are tied to fiat currency exchange rates?

    In regards to Capitalism/Corporatism/Fascism/Communism. I remember watching Zeitgeist and Jacques Franco from The Venus Project many years ago and was inspired by how amazing life COULD be if it functioned in the way it described. I also remember how much of a loathing there was within the awakened community over these ideas mainly tying it to Communism. In essence the idea is sound, however the reality of the world we live in and the controllers at the helm, the movement would be co-opted to one of control and dependence. The same can be said for Capitalism. The idea itself is virtuous, but it has been corrupted to curtail our freedom rather than liberate us.

    In regards to Agorism. If this current artificial crisis has one positive, it is the focus it draws to the need for independence from the control grid. It can no longer be ignored that the most important thing to learn from all of this is self-autonomy that ONLY comes from being able to live independently. That primarily means to strive for separation from the reliance of anything that you have zero individual influence over. Now that doesn’t mean you can’t rely on others, nor does it mean you need to have complete control of others. It merely means that you can voluntarily opt into or out of every endeavour that presents itself to you.

  20. This is a very important and informative interview. There is so much evidence to show the pandemic was planned decades ago. The great reset is just one of many examples of this evidence. Thanks once again James, your work is very admirable.

  21. BUMP
    October 12, 2020 – Monday – Mainstream NEWS
    Australian Media Finally Calls Out Davos ‘Great Reset’ Agenda

    (NEWS VIDEO in article)

    This week, Sky News Australia contributor and former Australian Senator Cory Bernardi, tore open the debate on COVID after calling out a globalist agenda which few in mainstream media have dared to mention so far.

    Since lockdowns began in March of 2020, few have challenged the government rationale for voluntarily imploding their economies and destroying communities and societies – based on a guess that coronavirus might kill tens of millions of citizens.

    However, Bernardi believes that the COVID-19 pandemic hysteria is being used as the Trojan horse for a globalist agenda hatched out of the World Economic Forum in Davos. It’s called The Great Reset, and its designed by elite billionaires supposedly to bring about ‘social and economic change.’

    “There is something unusual about the continuing pandemic panic,” said Bernardi.

    “Medical experts now acknowledge that lockdowns don’t work….Now none of that makes any sense until you open your mind to consider if there is another agenda at work.”

    According to technocrat, Klaus Schwab, founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum, “COVID 19 cases have shown us that our old systems are not fit anymore for the 21st century, it has laid bare a fundamental lack of social cohesion, fairness, inclusion and equality.”

    “Now is the historical moment of time not only to fight the … virus but to shape the system … for the post-corona era,” claims Schwab.

    “(Mr Schwab) admits that COVID is the new excuse to usher in the Green New Deal that climate alarmists, profiteers and big government have been pushing for years,” said Bernardi….

  22. « At the time of writing (June 2020), the pandemic continues to worsen globally. Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never. Nothing will ever return to the “broken” sense of normalcy that prevailed prior to the crisis because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental inflection point in our global trajectory. Some analysts call it a major bifurcation, others refer to a deep crisis of “biblical” proportions, but the essence remains the same: the world as we knew it in the early months of 2020 is no more, dissolved in the context of the pandemic. Radical changes of such consequence are coming that some pundits have referred to a “before coronavirus” (BC) and “after coronavirus” (AC) era. We will continue to be surprised by both the rapidity and unexpected nature of these changes – as they conflate with each other, they will provoke second-, third-, fourth- and more-order consequences, cascading effects and unforeseen outcomes. In so doing, they will shape a “new normal” radically different from the one we will be progressively leaving behind. Many of our beliefs and assumptions about what the world could or should look like will be shattered in the process. »
    Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret

  23. « Epidemics are by nature divisive and traumatizing. What we are fighting against is invisible; our family, friends and neighbours may all become sources of infection; those everyday rituals that we cherish, like meeting a friend in a public place, may become a vehicle for transmission; and the authorities that try to keep us safe by enforcing confinement measures are often perceived as agents of oppression. Throughout history, the important and recurring pattern has been to search for scapegoats and place the blame firmly on the outsider. In medieval Europe, the Jews were almost always among the victims of the most notorious pogroms provoked by the plague. One tragic example illustrates this point: in 1349, two years after the Black Death had started to rove across the continent, in Strasbourg on Valentine’s day, Jews, who’d been accused of spreading the plague by polluting the wells of the city, were asked to convert. About 1,000 refused and were burned alive. During that same year, Jewish communities in other European cities were wiped out, forcing them to massively migrate to the eastern part of Europe (in Poland and Russia), permanently altering the demography of the continent in the process. What is true for European anti-Semitism also applies to the rise of the absolutist state, the gradual retreat of the church and many other historical events that can be attributed in no small measure to pandemics. The changes were so diverse and widespread that it led to “the end of an age of submission”, bringing feudalism and serfdom to an end and ushering in the era of Enlightenment. Put simply: “The Black Death may have been the unrecognized beginning of modern man.” [2] If such profound social, political and economic changes could be provoked by the plague in the medieval world, could the COVID-19 pandemic mark the onset of a similar turning point with long-lasting and dramatic consequences for our world today? Unlike certain past epidemics, COVID-19 doesn’t pose a new existential threat. It will not result in unforeseen mass famines or major military defeats and regime changes. Whole populations will neither be exterminated nor displaced as a result of the pandemic. However, this does not equate to a reassuring analysis. In reality, the pandemic is dramatically exacerbating pre-existing dangers that we’ve failed to confront adequately for too long. It will also accelerate disturbing trends that have been building up over a prolonged period of time. »

    COVID-19: The Great Reset
    Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret

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