Interview 1591 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Nov 5, 2020 | Interviews | 63 comments

Welcome back to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4

Story #1: Biden’s Plan to Assert Control

Trump Campaign to ‘Immediately’ Request Recount In Wisconsin, Citing ‘Irregularities’

Democrat-led ‘Transition Integrity Project’ Plan for Post-Election Chaos

Story #2: Angelina Jolie’s MI6 Interview Shows Just How Connected Hollywood Is To the Deep State

Angelina Jolie Asks the Outgoing Head of MI6 About Protecting Democracy, Fighting Misinformation and His Life as a Spy

Story #3: Forged Letter Warning About Wolves on the Loose Part of Canadian Military Propaganda Campaign That Went Awry


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  1. What worries me is that now the Trump supporters find themselves in the EXACT same predicament the left convinced themselves had occurred in the 2016 election results. The whole “Russiagate” BS narrative is going to be used as a tool against anyone who thinks there was election rigging and this might stir up potential conflict with Russia, especially as the conflicts in the middle east continue to flare up again like in Armenia.

    • Jermaine
      That may be the plan- to dismantle the old system and reuse the component people.
      I think one of the reasons that they allowed the alternative media to exist, rather then crushing it in the egg, is that the TRUTH about how much corruption there is De-legitimizes the governments, political parties and institutions… the thing is that society hangs together thru a shared belief in such things.
      I think maybe it was Jay Dyer who i heard say that you cant build something new until you take down the old structures. Now that the point is reached that no one trusts the election the whole idea of the USA goes away.
      But when that goes away most people will NOT become self sufficient and build something better, they will grab hold of the fake safety offered by Technocracy.

      • LIbertydan
        “.. So, why do people continue to accept it for real world goods and services? Perhaps, they want to be deceived,..”
        Because they have invested their life into it… imagine having a 401K as social security as what you plan to live on and your only investment being the house you live in…. or you are neck deep in debt from college and need a job to pay it down….or you are a poor person who has zero skills or some sickness and need welfare to live…
        The truth is actually Pretty Horrible for most people, maybe thru their own fault but they will fight tooth and nail not to see where its all gonna end up.

        • “anyone who claims they have the definitive answer to how it all works is highly suspect” T Mckenna

          “There are two reasons you cant find what it is that you really want; the first is because you’ve already got it; the second is because you cant know” Allan watts

          It seems there is a tight rope walk in this reality, the thread we call “natural law”; in order to stay balanced, to be of it, we engage by learning and understanding, employ good manners, yet we must be honest and admit the more we know the less we know, or the less we claim to know the more possibility can arise,,, and so a certain default to humility is part of the sanity equation. Those that have lost balance, range from trickiest oligarch to dumbest masked death cultists, are heaped below the taught line, crying in agony, they are keen to see others also fall.

  2. I agree with most of the points raised here, particularly investing mental energy into it. Not doing that is much more healthy. I don’t think Trump is an actor, but I do think the fix was in and it would be very hard to overcome in a close election. This is a hunch.

    But the voting machines, who monitors them?

    So where do we go from here, given “the same facts different conclusions”

    We are up against a massive psychopathic propaganda war machine. How do we connect with others? How do we come up with strategies? I have checked out the freedom cell network but anything else outside of that?

    • cu.h.j says:
      “But the voting machines, who monitors them? “

      The elections of the 2008 era were pretty wild…all kinds of voting fraud was exposed, while the public yawned.
      I remember video clips of women climbing into dumpsters and retrieving evidence of fraud.
      Diebold became a well known joke in the alternative media.


      Diebold was notorious!
      Here is a Feb 25, 2008 clip from “The Onion” taken from Corbett’s October 2008 Episode 061 – Your Vote Doesn’t Count
      Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 08 Election
      (3 minutes)

      BUMP this Diebold video
      …the old days when “The Onion” actually brought something to the table.

  3. Also, how do we “awaken” people in positions of power, i.e., the military and law enforcement? They will be the people enforcing the new lockdowns here?

    I think force and fear of violence is a strategy to fight for our freedom. Look at countries that disarm themselves abroad and are crushed. An unarmed and peaceful group of people is easy to control. Look at Australia now. What if that happens here? We are better armed here but the military is better armed.

    I am not asking for violent methods or solutions, but rather how to reach people who can protect us and be on our side.

  4. Regarding
    Story #3: Forged Letter Warning About Wolves on the Loose Part of Canadian Military Propaganda Campaign That Went Awry

    I want to give a salute to Corbett Report Member kachatel .
    On the comment board of October 15th’s “Interview 1586 New World Next Week”

    kachatel says:
    10/16/2020 at 5:25 am

    Canadian military caught conducting a propaganda exercise in Nova Scotia, aimed at the local population.

    According to the article, another plan in July “that was never put into action” was “aimed at heading off civil disobedience by Canadians during the coronavirus pandemic.”

    Comment Ref:
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
    James Pilato may want to occasionally browse the Corbett Report comment section for news items. Sometimes, the comment section contains some excellent descriptive links. A lot of smart cookies migrate to the Corbett Report and often will post an enlightening, well described and sourced piece of news.

  5. Also about the question JC poses “I don’t understand how masses of people can support one man?”

    Leadership is a skill and people following leaders are natural, in my opinion. I don’t necessarily think this is abnormal. For example, I am part of a collective bargaining agreement and we have a leader. They are very good at negotiating and presenting an opposing voice.

    Better examples of leadership than Trump are JFK and MLK, particularly the latter. I believe we cannot get away from the tendency “to support one-man/follow the leader/delegating leadership activities” for the group.

    So Trump supporters and Biden supporters and others who support one individual is not a pathology but a natural or cultural tendency. When we were kids we listen to our parents, they are our leaders. Perhaps it’s an extension of that.

    • cu.h.j
      JFK was kinda a crook,an amoral womanizer and possibly had ‘help’ winning his election…on the other hand he appears have actually cared about NOT blowing up the world his Kids were gonna live in….
      MLK was also kinda a crook,plagiarist and sexually immoral and has some questionable theology from what I’ve read…

      An optimist might say they are the best leaders we could hope for… pessimists might agree

        • Octium
          I recall reading in one of the Dune books that there was a place that the ruler had to walk, once a year, thru a crowded market in the dark… 🙂 Popularity test

          I heard that about JFK using a computer to model voters! Sadly, as the Unabomber said in his manifesto people will ALWAYS use new tech if it lets them do what they need or want to do… building the cage one insignificant brick at a time. Still, JFK was probably better then those after him- one crook is better then a gag with a plan.

    • Psalm 118:8 “It is better to trust and take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”
      2nd Timothy 3:1 “But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble – hard to deal with and hard to bear.”
      The Greek word for perilous (chalepos) means “ragingly insane.” There is only one true source of Truth, Light, Love, and Life… His name is Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Savior of mankind. Not relegated to history past, but a very present reality for those who put their faith and trust in Him. Son of God. Son of Man. God the Son. Lord and loving Master. He is worthy of your trust. Blessings to all who tenaciously cling to Him!

    • Indeed, Libertydan. I do see JC as a guide and a teacher. He is also a leader as well, leading by example.

      Though I may disagree at times, I have a lot of respect for JC and many individuals here. JC’s work is brilliant and there are many brilliant minds, such as yourself who post information here. I credit JC to my “awakening” to the lies I had been told by the powers that shouldn’t be.

      I am probably one of the most “normie” people on these boards, except that I am capable of evaluating evidence that contradicts previously held beliefs. I think I was always “hard-wired” to question authority
      though. I read the book 1984 as a teenager and it stuck with me throughout the years.

    • James is probably aware that mutiny can be just around the corner, for example with the social media series or when the forum developed “like”buttons ?

      But you have to wonder how the minds of about half the population work when they would normally go about lynching pedophiles, except when they are voting for them as their president!

    • BUMP
      “Good News Next Week”

      That scene is so beautiful! It resonates.

      Today, being the 5th of November for me, I am reminded by this video of the masked people gathering at the end of the ‘V for Vendetta’ film, while law enforcement stands down.

  6. The actual puppet does not matter… if she’s the President or her job is working the foot pump keeping Biden inflated in public the policy will be the same since neither of them is much more then a piece, not players.

  7. Declare your Independence with James Corbett

    Thanks Brother!
    I tried going there Wednesday night, but it wasn’t yet uploaded.

    😉 Canadians invade U.S. if Trump wins. Canard

      • On September 15th, Corbett Report Member MAS told us about this website…

        Appreciate all you do to promote the Agora. Unfortunately, I could find nothing functional on the non-dark web to enable counter-economy buyers and sellers to find each other online.
        So, I started
        https://Agorist.Market to fill this void for our community.
        Listings are free for Agorists accepting payment outside the banking system.
        All business inquiries and transactions are peer to peer, separate from the website.
        The opportunity to share more about this project would be welcome.
        Also, if there is something serving this purpose which I overlooked, it would be good to know about and it will be listed on the site as another resource for our community.

        Comment ref:

        and another comment reference on 10/03/2020:

      • You will see the Agorist.Market mentioned here…

        MidFest – Mid-Continent Liberty Festival for a Stateless Society
        (Northeastern Oklahoma)

        “An unorganized non-event for fellowship with kindred spirits seeking a stateless society.”

        For LINKS…
        See this April 2020 comment, when Derrick Broze was on the Corbett Report talking about the counter-economy and underground railroad.

        • Correction on above comment.

          The Agorist.Market link in this above particular comment’s reference goes to another website.

          However, the PPM Silver Cosmetics LLC of has a mailing address for the same general region of northeastern Oklahoma as “MidFest”.

        • BUMP
          Corbett’s “Solutions” keyword “Search By Tag” in upper right of website

          Finding Groups and like-minded people

          I want to emphasize that there are many resources and methods to find like-minded people in your area, or online.

          Corbett always gives many valuable links in his show notes.
          However, Corbett Report Members often have comments with some great resources.

          Go to the April 2020 comment which mentions Midfest.
          Oklahoma, Michigan, Arizona, New Hampshire, Texas, Virginia, South Dakota, Mexico are areas mentioned and which often have physical get-togethers. Of course, there are freedom cells.

          Ernest Hancock mentions MEETUP in the podcast with Corbett.
          In the April 2020 comment you will find…

          Voluntaryists of Dallas Ft Worth which has over 200 members. They meet on Thursday nights, one week in Ft Worth, the next week in Dallas.

          I am a member of that group, “Voluntaryists of Dallas Ft Worth” .

          However, I prefer ACTIVISM rather than just conversation.
          So also, I am a member of
          North Texans for Truth also known as “North Texans for 9/11 Truth”. Anyone, anywhere can join. It has 340 members.

          My point with this comment is that if a person REALLY wants to find
          LIKE MINDED PEOPLE there are many ways to go about it.
          Research and ‘pulling the thread’ are keynote.
          …just by disseminating in your local area, you will run across like minded people. Or even ‘make’ like minded people.

  8. For years now, I’ve suggested that life-long Democrat Donald J. Trump’s purpose in being installed into the White House was to destroy “conservatism” and the “opposition” forever. Would there be a better means to accomplish that task other than what Trump has done in four years? Acts outrageously, speaks outrageously, fails to deliver on most promises.

    This “election” fiasco could have been avoided had Trump cracked down on the professional criminals who orchestrate and implement it.

    Is this “election” confusion and uncertainty just another front in the psychological warfare against the American population, as is the COVID-19(84) plandemic, and the various other sort-of real or outright fantasy “threats” we’ve been told to cower in fear over?

    • beaconterra1
      I dont think so, maybe he was part of a plan to skunk the primaries since he was something of a pal with the Clintons but mainly he is the guy mentioned is “revolt of the Elites” who panders to normal people fed up with the ‘knowledge workers’ class who hate, fear and are disgusted by normal people.

      His persona played well with normal people, because he played the part of a populist

      • Unfortunately, he is merely playing a role. If you compare his current antics with those of his past, especially with the WWE (with whom he still has a webpage), they’re identical. Plenty of evidence that he is continuing his life of confidence art – unkept promises, radically shifting positions and opinions, and/or no follow-through on critical issues.

        Trump was, is, and will remain part of the (mostly self-appointed) Elite. He has NO clue how we “lesser” folks live. Is he as evil as Hillary Clinton? Probably not. But he looked the other way, at best, at all the Clintons and Epstein did, among plenty of others.

        The “election,” as with nearly everything worldly in this fallen world, is just an illusion dispensed to us by the corporate media. We are in a Psychodrome where nothing within the Overton Window is fully authentic. And anyone outside of that Overton Window (the spectrum of permissible “thought” and opinion) is a “conspiracy theorist” (“dangerous”) and/or “Russian agent” (“stealing our precious bodily fluids”) and/or even a “terrorist” (really “dangerous”).

        • Beacon
          I’m not saying he is anything but an opportunist narcissist… he is still far better to have as president then the well organized gang of crooks that usually occupy the office… he is the modern Caesar who rises to populist power as the Elites scramble for power, he will like as not end like Caesar too- taken out by the Elites he failed to destroy (As it says in ‘The Prince’ you need to pander or destroy…injury without killing begets revenge.)
          After him I suspect (like the fall of the Roman Republic) there wil be a brief (fake democratic) tyranny followed by chaos then a new system

          • I told a friend before the “election,” that Trump seems to hate me LESS than someone like Harris.

            I just don’t know for certain if he is a real, live “Emmanuel Goldstein” or not.

            I guess time will tell. I can say that if Trump simply “gives up” amidst this obviously rigged “election,” it will give quite the truckload of evidence in favor of my assertions. We know how “Lock her up!” became “They’re good people, I don’t want to hurt them” mere days after the 2016 “election.”

        • My impression of Trump is that he’s somewhat of a narcissist and likes the attention, but that he does feel a sense of loyalty to those who support him. He makes a lot of concessions, especially with Clinton and Epstein, but he probably knew that if he went after them, he would die. The Clinton body count is quite high.

          I think he may know a little about what is really going on but perhaps looks the other way. I strongly believe he is better than Biden and Harris. I believe they are completely psychopathic and the build back better is straight out of the WEF agenda.

          But who knows, these are just my impressions of it, not based on any science.

          If Biden is installed, I hope that serves to anger people and perhaps we can use that to wake people up. Maybe someone can be at one of the demonstrations and give Trump supporters and Antifa flyers or talk to people and let them know what is going on face to face.

          I think the Trump supporters would be more open to the information provided here. Antifa supporters seem to be totally brainwashed in critical race theory and socialism.

          • When the Kenosha guy shot those Antifa guys either he just had a statistical anomaly or the group is made up of serious sex offenders, petty criminals, and people of jewish extraction (or some combination thereof)
            That could be just like getting three aces in a row but there is some serious over representational going on in the folks who make it into the news.
            Not a surprise when you recall that the Russian Revolution was generated mostly by big money in the USA funneled into the hands of professional trouble makers, as Dr Spence says in Wqallstreet and the Russian Revolution.
            Vid of him talking on the book

            • Thanks for the Suggestion, I read his “war on Gold” and have heard his talks on YT but not read that book or the other one on building up the Soviet union.

      • Zeitgeist = Venus project, technocracy, resource based economy, new age religion and general spookiness.

        The Venus (Lucifer) project is a clue 🙂

        Never looked into it much beyond the movies

    • Lumen
      Very zeitgeisty, I couldn’t stand the annoying sound track but hopping about on the 2nd movie see they are talking about the idea that primitive humans were “egalitarian” (around 48 min) and lacked hireachy, which is utter bunk since actually hunter gatherer tribes do have dominance, and a minority of men get to pass their genes down. I dont see what studies they mention- sounds like the kind of rubbish MArgret Murry used to fake about noble savages.
      If they make such a basic mistake I dont know what they have to say

  9. More Great Documentaries from


    The Fall Of The Cabal: The End Of The World As We Know It

    2 [2020]

    The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal – Part 1 Who is the Cabal?


    The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal – Part 2 The Wrath of the Jesuit Council


    The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal – Part 3 The Russian Revolution

    Some aspects may need to be further researched.

    Scary but Timely

  10. She was born in Oakland California according to Wikipedia… Do you think ‘birther’ type conspiracies matter (even if you happen to be 100% correct) at the stage where they openly fake the election?
    I never paid much attention to the Obama birther thing, but it was spooky that his birth certificate had layers when scanned.

  11. ‘.. Trump is different than most all prior politicians…”
    He is just the guy who worked out how to grab hold of the populist Tiger and ride it to power. He is either totally unable to see what is happening OR Totally unable to do anything about it OR Just running out the clock while pacifiying nationalists as the US is dismantled.
    He is better then the others because he is less competent at looting but dont expect him to actually do anything but slow down the destruction EVEN IF HE WANTS TO.

  12. MagicBullet
    I saw that and wondered

    1)How come this guy is giving the game away before its over? (because he’s a fantasist)

    2)What is a “QFS block chain encryption code” ?
    (Its a made up BS word- (‘Quantum Finanaacial System’ in an article writian by some mental person on

    His website where he tells us its “Gods Financial System for the Human Golden Age” to “replace central banks” (I suggest the genius behind this uses Temple OS on his PC…)

    As for the speaker himself
    he has a youtube Channel (since 2013) and honestly comes across as very smart and educated, but I’m pretty sure he’s a nut. He’s like Zelig in that he shows up everywhere and did everything. I have known a couple of smart schizophrenics one of whom who could also spin a pretty good line of BS.

    This comes across as Q level BS, This guy did not show up in any normal news outlet and only had what looked like a self generated web presence in my (admittedly rather fast….) searching.

    • Magic Bullet
      Is this the Third or Fourth BS story you have posted here?

      1)”…His Wiki page says..” I personally made a wikipedia page on a minor item I had bought.. I can make one that says I am Secretary of Crypto so when i call you and ask for your bank details so I can send your UBI payment you really should believe me 😉

      2) Who is Andrew Powell that I should care about what he says on Twitter?
      I can link you to my BItchute channel if you like…just give me time to make a video about how the Smurfs are going to stage a counter-coup according to my inside info

      3) Thanks for the Alumni page… I missed that… first as I said he sounded educated and smart so he must have some training. However how can he be an Alumni at an ONLINE SCHOOL at his age??? I dont know why a student from its non online days would be there..and even if he were I am pretty sure getting in the stories page is as simple as filling out a form with your story…its not exactly journalism.

      4)QFS is fully explained..its just insane or fake or both and has NOTHING TO DO with watermarking ballots….its a gold based crypto currency

      5)Considering thatthe FBI illegally wipes its phone’s and shreds its data so Trump cant show how they worked against him (read the Epoch Times…) the chance of them arresting TRUMP is higher then them rounding up Democrats

      6)READ THE TWEET…..CA marking state ballots is not Trump doing so. Unless you think California officials are gonna help Trump catch California officials committing crimes?
      THEN send it to Cali officials who are presumably the ones STEALING the votes?? ??

      Trump is an outsider, he made a grab for power and now the Elite are putting him back in the box. He has almost zero ability to run his own policy, let alone round up anyone.

      Either you are trying to waste peoples time or you are wasting your own.

      • Magic Bullet
        “..Now, the purpose of this site is to exchange ideas..”
        True..however, you are not exchanging an idea, you are serially posting OBVIOUSLY unbelievable stories that you can easily check.

        I’m pointing out that its obviously junk… you have no obligation to believe me or reply to me either.

        If you no longer want to talk that is fine, I just happened to have time to spare to look stuff up today.

  13. I agree with your analysis MagicBullet. I don’t think JC has researched Trump as much as other past presidents. I do think his conclusions that he’s just another puppet has not been presented with convincing evidence. The argument is weak. Though expending mental energy on the outcome is pointless and I completely agree in that regard.

  14. leaked….. JC to drop massive affirmation of democracy this weekend! all your questions answered!
    who- to vote for
    what- to eat during the be-headings
    when- the best time to remove your shoes at home
    where- to grow yer parnips
    why- evil humans need to be eradicated

    links galore! always wanted to join the club of rome? linked!! got a hankerin fer some campin? bohemian grove? that’s right linked! tired of alex jones showing up and wreaking the party with that fucking bullhorn? well there’s a link for that! the Alex Jones Contact Tracer!!!!

  15. First off – Clearly we’re all being distracted with this whole election fiasco. Given the whole COVID fraud and the damage being done by using this as an excuse, which puppet wins the election and who is the more accomplished cheater is of no significance. We need to focus on the important issues, and the election is not one of them and has not been one of them for a long long time.

    Secondly – The positive I take from the Trump era has nothing to do with whether or not Trump is part of the cabal or the white knight. It is merely the fact that in 2016, along with Brexit also by the way, it indicated that a large enough proportion of the population was not completely brainwashed by the establishment propaganda to actually vote against it. It was a glimmer of hope that humanity is able to be awakened. Even this election has demonstrated that the sentiment is still alive in a large percentage of the masses. That’s all we need to know. The rest is just theatre.

    Finally – As many mention all the time, we need to stop waiting for someone to rescue us. Stand up now and do what you know is right regardless of what others try to tell you and what consequences may result from such actions. What is there really to fear? Death? We all die in the end anyway. At least live free while you’re alive.

    • I agree with much of what you say, but when you say “both sides” that does not describe the situation we are in. We are also in a cultural war, the destruction of Western Civilization itself, the paradigm that is the context in which we have the language and mental faculties to think.

      What “the left” the academic arm of the technocrats are doing is undermining critical thinking in universities. If you have not followed the racial and gender division in the US, you’re missing this part of it. There are many people who identify as “liberal” who are willing to ensure the technocracy is put in place because they are convincingly brainwashed.

      The academic left is as Newspeak was in the book 1984. If Trump, as bad as he is, does not secure the presidency, the future of the US constitutional republic in the absence of a civil war, I believe is toast.

      The member MagicBullet above mentioned that this is not a “pepsi/coke” election, and I think it would be wise for people here to consider his comment more carefully and do some research about this aspect of what’s happening.

  16. James,

    at 14:50 you say “I’m afraid you are already lost”.

    I understand, this is unscripted podcast. Emotional glitches happens, I doubt you believe this.
    The reason I’m writing this is because similar happened before, but you might not be aware.

    In this terrible times it’s important that we continue to convey truth to normies, to stay strong and most importantly not lose hope.

    In the spring you made excellent peripatetic by the river expose on what is the gist of scamdemic, grandma killer syndrome. People got infested with it, their minds became deadlocked.

    I had conversation with few normies, epidemic believers, but they say they won’t take a jab. After I asked them, are they prepared to lose their job all of them were completely taken aback, but no one said that I’m making up things.
    I have a feeling these people are our next line of defense.

    • I agree “I’m afraid you are already lost” is not a statement of fact, but an opinion based on JC’s analysis. And JC does live in a different culture than American’s do. Many people in the US are upset because their cultural framework is crumbling, as imperfect as it was, allowed for ideas such as libertarianism and agorism.

      Check this out

      The newly installed regime is coming for “Trump supporters” people will be put on lists and possibly “re-educated” or “monitored.”

      This is what many American’s are upset about. This is not “coke” and “Pepsi”

      The statement “I’m afraid you are already lost” demonstrates a lack of understanding of cultural implications. Many “Trump supporters” are also people in the truth community/”conspiracy realist” camp. I anticipate a crackdown on people who question the Covid scam being put on lists here in the US. This is why people are upset.

      Do you think “freedom cells” can even survive in the new coming Biden/Haris administration here in the US? Let’s see what the new lockdown rules look like this January. Even in “red states” who resisted. Will they be able to stand up to the Federal government, especially if the national guard is called out to enforce the new rules?

      • Please, please, please spare me of political nonsense and the orange one in particular. You have enough people here and elsewhere willing to discuss these matters. Let this be your guide when you talk to me in the future. Ok? I ask you as a human being to respect this.

        I believe James’ statement in question is not opinion, it’s just emotional glitch as I said. He is well aware he is not just researcher as he claims, somehow he is opinion maker and as such he has to be careful with words, his mighty sword.

        “And JC does live in a different culture than American’s do.”

        James shows he understands american culture quite well. Even I living in Europe, raised during socialist times, have some understanding. Many times I had debates and saying “let them have their guns”, most people here can’t get this at all. From my side this is not just a matter of tolerance.

        Be aware that under the cloak of culture many things might hide in a way: things are how they are…you know, culture. Among others terrible misconceptions and it’s very hard for someone inside the social framework (culture?) to notice them, let alone to be fully aware and further, to have an idea of possible solutions. That goes for any culture, social framework.

    • MagicBullet,
      I have no dog in the fight. I don’t want to go there about Pieczenik.

      I’m with ya on what you say about Alex Jones. He does muster a crowd, and he has gotten a great turnout in Dallas in the past. I was there at a late November “End The Fed” years back. I’ve been up close to Alex. I don’t like the guy as a person.

      Mustering a crowd – Leadership

      Unfortunately, in some respects, people often crave a leader in a movement, and also crave to join a crowd…the larger, the better.
      Whether it be Alex or Del Bigtree, or RFK, Jr., a rock star, or anyone else, I hold a cocked eye as far as a pedestal goes.

      The message.
      The message is what is important to me.
      And its delivery.
      In essence…The Story is what I want to support and promote.

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