Interview 1643 – James Corbett Speaks to an ex-MSM Journalist

by | May 29, 2021 | Interviews | 43 comments

This week on “James Corbett Redpills the Normies,” James talks to Alison Morrow, a self-described refugee from mainstream journalism who quit her 12-year career as an award-winning reporter after her attempts to report real news were consistently thwarted. (Learn more about Alison’s incredible story in this interview.) Today, Alison interviews James about the centralization of control, communication, and consciousness in the hands of an oligarchical elite and how we can combat their agenda.


Alison Morrow: PayPal / Locals / Patreon / Rokfin / Odysee / Website

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      • I dont see that the link means much… not saying he is not bad but here are tons of mall ninja’s offering the same kinda thing all over the world and tons of regular people have done those kinda courses-unless things are really tightly regulated over there?

      • Australia is not alone in advancing weapons training. All settler countries like the US, Israel, Colombia, New Zealand etc. are seeing a surge in weapons sales and training. Have been for years.

        When surplus populations cannot eat and live in the informal economy, fear eats at the social fabric and creates fear and chaos.

        Those in the so-called middle class saddle up for the posse.

        All of this comes with ridiculous social inequality at every level and with no movement to fight, atomized and State violence will continue.

        • Counter point:
          Consider that the class of people who ere free and had some kind of political power traditionally had some kind of weapons training and martial ability… the ruling class of the Aztec empire, japan, persia, india and everywhere else had such traditional training, the vikings had them democratized out to far more people…. the fact is that the people WHO DO NOT have such traditions are the powerless poor and serf class.

          No one wants the poor people to learn such things- I read in a italian renaissance fight-book that the peasants were never to be taught the contents since they were just beasts of burden.

          In Japan they disarmed the serf class, if a group of people are kept away from training how to fight the odds are they are a subject class and will remain so…. “power speaks out of the barrel of a gun” is not ‘totally’ without merit 😉

        • THough… adding to what I wrote it occurs to me that the NEW ‘best weapons’ are mind control via mass media and information flow control , since people are most free when the gap between THEIR weapons their rulers weapons is not too big the future looks bad..

          Normies CAN get such media and info leverage in a thru technology but today people like to just have everything ready made and easy, reducing tech to magic and themselves to helpless Cargo Cultists enmeshed in tech they dont understand and cant control.

      • At either rate, I’m not promoting Avi Yemini in any way. Just showing another blatant example of police conduct. Or are you intimating that there could be subterfuge afoot and that he’s in cahoots with the piggies? I’m sure there’s some of that going on as well.

  1. The first step to taking control of your own computing is to ply with a “live” USB or CD of linux which when you take out the media and reboot sets your computer back to normal…. doing things like adding RAM to a junky old PC and running 32 bit puppy on it is a gate way… until people start to play with their machines they will just be consumers

    I saw a video where a gun guy was saying the ‘real’ reason the US gov hates kit guns and 80% lowers is that when people do a simple job and succeed it makes them bolder at trying and learning skills.

    Steve jobs most evil act was to make computers into appliances rather then tools… no one thinks their TV or stove makes them more powerful the way a scroll saw or drill press can

  2. At the 14:40 minute mark, Alison Morrow mentions interviewing a Doctor in Michigan being targeted by the FTC.
    The Doctor interviewed was Dr. David Brownstein, who I have mentioned repeatedly in the comment sections.
    ~~ NEBULIZED salt water with a weak mix of Hydrogen Peroxide was an extremely successful protocol which he helped to pioneer with his many patients, as told by their video testimonies.

    I posted that Alison Morrow interview with Dr. Brownstein in the Corbett Report comments on a HUGE SUB-THREAD of ALTERNATIVE HEALTH APPROACHES TO COVID.

    Alison’s video is entitled:
    Successful Covid Doctor SILENCED by Federal Trade Commission
    Dr. David Brownstein has successfully treated more than a hundred patients with Covid 19, without a single fatality. When he published interviews with patients and results of their treatment on his own website, however, he received a letter from the Federal Trade Commission telling him he was violating the law.
    The FTC wrote:
    “It is unlawful under the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C Sec. 41 et seq. to advertise that a product or service can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time they are made. For COVID-19, no such study is currently known to exist for the products or services identified above. Thus, any Coronavirus-related prevention or treatment claims regarding such products or services are not supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence. You must immediately cease making all such claims.”
    Dr. Brownstein is a Board-Certified family physician with decades of experience working with patients who have heard “there’s nothing we can do for you.” He is the Medical Director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, MI. According to his website, “Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and others about his success in using natural hormones and nutritional therapies in his practice. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University School of Medicine. Dr. Brownstein is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American College for the Advancement in Medicine.”

    • I’m not sure vitamins and zinc should be treated as cures, it’s like saying washing hands, breathing fresh air and taking in sunlight.

      And of course this bares repeating as people don’t seem to undetstand/refuse to accept the most basic facts of life. Easier to just get a pill.

    • Dr. Peter McCullough published a digest of Covid treatment protocols during 2020.
      (At the 8:34 mark is a list and dosage of drugs)(Oct 12, 2020)
      Ambulatory Treatment of COVID-19. Peter McCullough, MD

      YouTube Channel of “Association of American Physicians and Surgeons” (AAPS) is one of the few medical organizations which did not suppress the communication about treatment options for Covid. This is probably due to the fact that AAPS is composed of independent Doctors and not hospital nor institutionally tied Doctors.

      Dr. Peter McCullough has credentials of high altitude which played a role in getting the paper published. With a focus on at-home, pre-hospital treatment protocols, McCullough gathered information from physicians around the world, names of which many Corbett members would recognize.
      It was the first time there was an actual organized conglomeration of different Covid treatment options in the published literature.

      • Dr. Peter McCullough Interview 5/19/2021 by John Leake
        (One hour 46 minutes)

        Whitney Webb is mentioned 4 or 5 times by Dr. Peter McCullough in this interview.
        The interview helps to shine a light on the Covid timeline, and the responses by institutions, and also the acts of courageous medical professionals around the world. It is insightful.
        A highlight of the timeline is the deliberate death sentence by Authorities to those Covid patients who were denied treatment options at home.
        There still remains no Authoritarian version of an effective treatment protocol prior to hospitalization.
        Personally, I call it deliberate genocide.

          • Great quick concise video. It’s mind boggling that they want to have a yearly “vaccine” program. Who is going to allow themselves to be injected with this crap year after year? I know a lot of people will but definitely not me and a lot of others who got sick from the first one won’t get another one.

            It seems like they are trying kill us off en mass. People need to push back.

            • I’m curious to find out what will happen this flu season if a Covid variant comes back and how all the vaxed people will respond to wild type virus. The Thai doctor in Germany, Dr. Bhakti was talking about the ADE phenomenon on the perspectives on the pandemic series. I watched it on YouTube and I think it’s linked on Dr. Woodargs website.

              They will probably say it’s a deadly new strain we need more lockdowns when actually it will be people sick from the mRNA shot. People in the US need to start making some noise about this.

              I talk to people who took the shot who didn’t know they plan on rolling these out year after year. Most of the people said they wouldn’t take another one.

          • May 18, 2021 Dr. Peter A McCullough Gives the Multi-Drug Treatment Protocol for Covid Patients at home in order to prevent hospitalizations and death.
            (18 minutes – with visual graphic)

            From “SciTech Central Conferences” – Talk Title: Multifaceted Highly Targeted Sequential Multidrug Treatment of Early Ambulatory High-Risk SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)
            Video Title: Peter A McCullough | Texas A & M University | USA | SciTech Central COVID-19

            • Physician List & Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment
              (I’m pretty sure that tele-medicine is offered.)
              The website has a lot of articles, resources and information.

              The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons – AAPS – is a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all types of practices and specialties across the country.

              AAPS Fights to Preserve Medical Freedom!
              AAPS speaks for Physicians NOT Corporate or Government Interests!

    • AnimalsArentFood,
      NAC – N-acetylcysteine (a supplement) and Aspirin should go on that list.

      Evidently the “spike” can cause blood clotting, and so, some Doctors who prescribe Ivermectin also suggest taking Aspirin in order to thin the blood. (I’m wondering if Tumeric / Curcumin might fulfill the same objective, because it can act as an anticoagulant.)

      NAC – N-acetylcysteine hit the mainstream medical literature as part of auxiliary Covid treatment; orally, intravenously and inhaled as a mist.
      NAC is a crucial component of glutathione, the body’s best antioxident. (Glutathione is made up of three amino acids — cysteine, glutamine, and glycine.)
      NAC has been a vitamin supplement for decades.

      It must play a strong role with Covid and health, because now the FDA is trying to ban NAC.
      Story about the ban, and my anecdote about how NAC saved my life.

    • Enzyme Therapy and “the Spike”
      I have a hypothesis that Enzyme Therapy might help people in certain situations. In recent weeks, I have been revisiting the topic and experimenting again with this type of therapy.

      In the U.S., we now have over 100 million human manufacturing entities producing billions of antagonistic-protein-spikes (which might also contain harmful prions.)
      In other words, more than 100 million Covid vaccinated people.
      We have heard the anecdotes about “shedding”.
      “Shedding” SUB_THREAD which ties to other Sub-Threads…

      Anyone can research “Enzyme Therapy” or “Systemic Enzyme Therapy” or “Serrapeptase” or “Wobenzym” and follow the line of thought.
      There are many varied applications with this approach, including inflamation or “cleaning” the arteries.
      Quercetin is often taken with Bromelain in order to promote better absorption. Rutin and other Bioflavinoids also are often used in conjunction with enzymes.

      Meat tenderizers are often primarily a couple of enzymes, such as Papain and Bromelain. They break down proteins.
      When I get a mosquito bite or stung with formic acid from an ant, I will rub some papaya enzyme on the bite. It breaks down the proteins affiliated with the swelling, and thus lessens the itch.
      However, chigger bites don’t work this way with papain, because the chigger mite actually secretes an enzyme which dissolves your skin tissue, then they suck up the liquid skin.

      Anyway, my line of thought is that this type of therapy might be useful when there are billions of wild hare protein spikes out there.
      Enzymes help to break down proteins.

    • “Until I’ve seen some evidence that there is actually a new virus of significance, I’m going to be sitting here wondering if, thanks to this scamdemic, people like Brownstein inadvertently found powerful treatments & cures for whatever causes the ‘common flu’ (and maybe some other common illnesses). ”

      YES, ANIMALS AREN’T FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      It drives me nutz that these mds aren’t getting it. They prescribe anti-parasite meds and da covid goes away. Does it never occur to these people that their patients had parasites?

      It is so idiotic that tptb choose a pseudo-virus that supposedly causes the common cold, pretend this pseudo-virus is suddenly killing millions of people (how?) and the mds fall for it, claiming they have cured da covid. Cured the common cold? Really? I can do that. I’d just wait 3-4 days.


  3. Around the 1:04 minute mark, Alison Morrow asks the question: “What is the point of all the mass immigration we have seen over the past few years?”

    Tidbit: Lee Hamilton of 9/11 fame
    In 2009, I went to see Lee Hamilton speak at the University of North Texas (Denton).
    The topic of immigration was not really on the news radar at that time. I was surprised by Lee Hamilton strongly advocating for it.
    More here…

  4. Still many people are over-estimating AI, as I described at:

    How can we recognize AI narratives (and decisions) ?
    1) They are all stupid.
    2) They are not based on evidence.
    3) Many people in the groups follow them blindly.
    4) The narrative can change in an instant with no clear reason.

    The problem is that we are shown futuristic science fiction, instead
    of basic information science that works.
    The technocrats believe in this science fiction, which is great, because
    that means the Technocracy will waste trillions in something that
    does not work.

    Similarly we are wasting trillions in nuclear fusion and astronomy projects
    that do not work. Because to keep getting funds, the scientists in
    the projects need to pretend that the theories are working.
    The same with the modern medicine industry.

    About 50 years ago, neural networks were called “adaptive control systems”,
    and they still use the same basic logic.
    They are like the part of the nerve system that keeps our body
    in balance. So they are great to build robots or recognize simple drawings.
    The basic control systems are in all kinds of “smart” weapons.
    So they can be very dangerous.

    People got obsessed about the idea of building a “self thinking machine”.
    Because they believe that a machine can process and improve information
    by itself.
    This is what you see in science fiction and futurism.
    This sells very good and is used in modern fighter-jets to waste
    a lot of money on.
    In practical science we are happy when a Tesla does not run over
    a police man.

    Intelligence versus information
    The main problem is that intelligence comes from ordering and analyzing
    information, not from information itself.
    Like the difference between James Corbett and CNN.

    Just think about AI as a person that believes everything
    that CNN has said.
    A person with no sense of critical thinking nor of itself.
    Then you get the idea.

    • I think your right that AI is overestimated, but AI ALREADY works well enough to oppress people…. kinda like you can do surgery with a hacksaw rather then a scalpel if your not bothered what the patient looks like after your done.

      AI can assemble a good facsimile of your face from a fragment,
      Feed in all those kids writing their school work and total data feed and AI is plenty good enough to let the bosses propagandize and control the NPC class- even if you are smart enough to beat it how will you stop it controlling your kids if it knows what tempts them better then you do?

      I think that The ONLY way to survive as free thinking beings is to refuse to feed it your data face auto touch ups

      • The deep learning and neural networks work great,
        but are very over-hyped. Because there is a lot
        of money in it.

        Neural networks are very similar to statistics.

        And you know that thing about lies, greater lies, …?

        You can make something work, but it can not deal
        with new situations. It will try to match the new
        situation with what it already knows.

        Like any computer system it needs someone to program it,
        or to feed it the correct data.
        And if someone needs to program it, someone can hack it
        (or hack the data).

        • zyxzevn

          “…You can make something work, but it can not deal
          with new situations….”

          It does not need to be general purpose intelligence.. it just has to do things like flag trouble makers or predict what propaganda can influence you… it can be pretty dumb as long as it can find the statistical markers in your behavior that pass your file up the line to a smarter AI or a human

          “..It will try to match the new situation with what it already knows.”
          Thats fine for the job planned… shoving pegs into holes. If you dont fit the hole they can just eject you from society and simply the equation… if you are unjustly flagged and suffer from it the AI and the people running the AI Dont care.

          “..Like any computer system it needs someone to program it,
          or to feed it the correct data….”
          It can learn the markers in your behavior when it sees everything you do… the kids growng up now are feeding their school writings into google and that data will be compared to their behavior and life choices. It does not need to be perfect, the soviet unions Checkists were incompetent and inefficient but still oppressed people quite well

          “..And if someone needs to program it, someone can hack it
          (or hack the data)…”

          How will people hack a machine they never see, have zero access to and dont understand? That machine will be able to set what services and opportunities they see, what jobs they can get…the power imbalance is huge

    • Are all these “narratives” stupid?

      Yes. They are a huge waste of money.
      It is like a religion based on scientism and futurism.

      The Mind

      You are correct that you need something that controls and
      select the information. Even analyze it or “feel” it.
      A programmer does the same for a neural network.
      And only the “mind” can perform that function.
      Which is the spirit or soul or consciousness.
      (Personally I think there are different levels
      and structures in consciousness).

      The technocrats do not believe in the spirit or soul.
      And based on that, they are certain that they can
      build a machine that can do exactly the same as a
      And in that same logic, the larger the machine,
      the more intelligent it will be.

      So they will be ready to spend trillions on it.

      I think there will be some things that can be
      dangerous, like self-driving Teslas.

      But their focus will be the governing of people.
      And I think that some stupid ideas already came
      from some of those AI choices.

      AI for group control

      If connected to the information of one group, like
      Qanon, the AI will choose what information needs to
      be pushed to get the group in a certain direction.
      This works well on short time manipulations,
      but on long term, bit by bit people will change their “minds”.

      And I do not think that the AI can deal with that.

      Now the Covid narrative falling apart, makes it very hard
      for the AI to predict what is going to happen next.
      So it tries to bind the group by like giving out hamburgers
      and ice-cream. While it attracts some people.
      It makes the narrative even falling apart faster, because
      it removes the health based argument.

      Some of these are just stupid politicians.
      But these kind of decisions are also what you would
      expect from an AI simulation that was fed with
      certain group characteristics.

  5. Black nano worms in face masks? what? This seemingly too far too stupid,,, as in how can it not be propatainment story, is making further strides to remain above the radar.

    Ive seen a few journalistic sites pick this up. Heres a look at the story from:

    Jon Rappaport

    [SNIP – url posted is a link to your gmail inbox, not a link to the article. -JC]

  6. He doesn’t have to. It’s been done and it’s obvious to anyone with biology background, especially some bench work. A virus has NOT been isolated/purified. Cowan and Kaufman have gone over this many times.

    • I don’t care from whom you hear it. I was not commenting on you not being reasonable. Geez.

      Just saying that Cowan and Kaufman, who are correct and have credentials have already done the work. James, who I think said he doesn’t have the knowledge to evaluate this point (although I could be wrong and would like to be corrected if so), doesn’t have to cover that aspect of the scam unless he wants to because it’s already been covered.

  7. at the very beginning of this interview Alison says “were just waiting for him to get into the green room,,” what?

    James, I thought we were watching you in the little apartment (that youve shown from the outside)?

    An image arises of someone who calls himself “james” doing a selfy video while walking in the park,,, but actually walking on a tread mill, a fan blows occasional gusts into the mike while in the otherwise empty room a camera is before him while a green curtain hangs on the wall just behind, could it be in a bunker in Antarctica?

    or maybe she was using a show biz term casually?

    note: personally, It doesn’t bother and wouldn’t surprise that this technique may be employed, but its always nice to meet that slippery thing we call truth in this age of the sprung lie.

  8. from zero hedge: if this tech exists at this level,, whats to stop it? one would have to completely change ID. The guts of this is in the short horror docu-drama at the end of the article. I reluctantly imagine: target-execute anti-genetherapy endangering the continuity of our conspiracy-conspiracy.

    with killer hornets hovering, I wonder if a mirror would repel them?

    Topic: “Slaughterbots’

    • Day by day, I find ever denser presentation of these points. this fits that trend, which makes it sharable,, thanks

      I see Transhumanism in the sense that its presented as suicidal.

      Sure physically disabled people deserve the best that tech mavens can conjure; but allowing access to a googleplex of data would likely just perpetuate the manic mind: that which rattles on when trying to be calm, that which projects & fantasizes, often at terrific cost to others. meaning has been stolen.

      lifes longing for itself and the transcendant experience of loving connection, states of grace, becoming beauty,,, none of that can be orbited or reproduced or programmed nor ever repeat

  9. James absolutely knocks this interview out of the park. One of the best performances of Corbett I have ever seen.
    The level of intelectual honesty and profesional journalism displayed during this talk would never be possible in any MSM channel. So refreshing to see how James maintained total logical coherence and almost perfect dialog.

  10. James’ response to the cost/benefit of delving into his work, barely scratches the surface…

    As a follower of this work for a mere 8 months, I have begun a profound transformation, a true paradigm shift has taken place! It is impossible to go back to my previous view of the world after exposure to this reality. That being said, the cost/benefit is quite substantial.

    Cost: A loss of respect and support for previously trusted institutions, individuals, organizations, systems, and businesses.

    Benefit: An increased motivation to live a deliberate, conscious, thriving existence founded on mutual respect, self-awareness, and freedom of choice.

    The first few months of exploring the various avenues of the truth-reality was frightening and devastating at times, as though going through a grieving process at the loss of my rose-colored glasses. I have since emerged from those dark, fearful moments, resolute, corageous and ready for action.
    I am hopeful for humanity, despite the stacked odds against us. Each one of us have the creative abilities to shape our individual lives. We are still “free enough” at the moment to change our course and give our energy to defending our fundamental rights and directing our talents in a peer-to-peer economy.

    Thank you James, for opening the doors to reality. Though I’ve existed outside of the brainwashed-normie world (being TV free for a decade), your work and the paths around it, have significantly altered my world view. I am forever thankful for both the information and the inspiration you provide.

    The benefits of taking the red-pill far outweigh the costs.


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