Interview 1645 – James Corbett on The Delingpod

by | Jun 3, 2021 | Interviews | 41 comments

In today’s edition of The Redpill Series, James talks to James Delingpole, an ex-MSM journalist who has taken the red pill in the past year and a half and is now engaged in a series of conversations he never expected to be having on his Delingpod podcast. This is one of them.


The Delingpod

MacArthur’s Children

The Lone Gunmen Pilot

Dean Haglund on 9/11 / Chris Carter / CIA

How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World

My First False Flag Theory (Canadian political ad)

The First Global Revolution (Club of Rome)

Who Is Bill Gates?

Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda


  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

    I fact the Utopia show that is mentioned is quite eye opening on the level of propaganda and predictive programming that is coming out in these shows.

    Netflix is rumored to have a contract with intelligence agencies but I have no proof to back that up.

    If anyone does, that would be an interesting “deep dive”.

  2. Just want to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and I’m glad that more “normies” that are thoughtful and becoming more awake and aware are reaching out to your lucid commentaries James.

    I had a feeling that Delingpole would talk to you soon after I saw his interview with Patrick Wood some weeks back.

  3. I used to follow James Delingpole’s column in the Spectator until I cancelled my subscription to that and all other mainstream magazines and newspapers.

    Glad to see that Delingpole, a former pupil at my father’s old school, has become critically aware. From the interview he did with Patrick Wood on Technocracy, it was plain that he still had a lot of background to catch up on, but he would be the first to admit in his charming way that he, like us all, is on the road to perpetual discovery. It is certainly an exciting journey, like reading a good thriller, for which I have to thank James Corbett whose output I have followed now for a decade.


  4. James did a podcast years back, exposing that there is very deliberate planting of disinformation and predictive programming added to most TV shows. This has been my observation for decades. I like to watch some shows but I no longer have broadcast TV and have never bothered with the online services. I am able to filter out the BS and still enjoy the show, much of the time. Does piss me off on occasion when a favorite show is used to lie to folks. I have copies of all the Invincible episodes.


    Then click on Primewire or WatchEpisodes or WatchEpisodeSeries

    If you have added security to your browser, it takes some clicking again and again before the show runs. With a download extension added to your browser, you can grab a copy to watch offline. FYI

  5. Bill Gates is the most Top-of-the-line, State of the Art, World Class, example of a “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing that I have ever seen in my lifetime.

  6. The British version of Utopia is on Amazon Prime and is very much worth watching. Like the Simpsons virus episode it’s nor a prediction of the future but a conspiratorial view of the 2010 Swine flu outbreak.

  7. I have to agree with James; this “no isolation” business is a red herring.

    Just a bit of logic: If no one on Earth has isolated any virus, using the methods designed for much larger living things, which can be cultured in a dish, this tells me that this kind of isolation can not be done with virus particles. Someone would have done this kind of isolation if possible.

    Viruses may be very different than what official science claims.
    Personally I feel that both Germ and Terrain theories apply to colds and flu, regardless of what virus particles are. “The terrain is everything”, IMO, means that it is the most important, not the only aspect.

    I know that when I have caught a cold or flu, it has been after being around someone sick. Rarely have I ever developed a cold or flu when not around someone sick, but it has happened. I think there are two things occurring here. On my own, getting worn down and tired, my system was weakened enough for a pathogen to take hold of me. A pathogen that may have been present all along.
    I also think that when another person is very sick, they can give you enough of a dose, that one can develop a cold or flu, even when they are not so run down.

    • And this isn’t a vaccine program. These aren’t even vaccines in the traditional sense. They are injecting people with mRNA and modified adenoviruses.

      Also these drugs were developed in six months or so according to them. This has never been done. Those are good reasons as well to stop this “vaccine” program. And people have a right to decide NOT to take any vaccine and to live life normally in the pursuit of freedom and happiness. These are natural rights and those are good reasons to challenge this whole nightmare.

      For example, flu shots are offered on a yearly basis, but people aren’t forced to take them. And even as pointless as they are, they aren’t gene therapy or mRNA injections and aren’t as dangerous.

      People have experienced contagion and viruses or infections that aren’t bacterial that they catch from other people. It happens all the time in families with their children. People believe this natural phenomenon and aren’t going to believe there aren’t viruses unless someone proves the mechanism of illness with scientific experiments that are reproducible.

      I have definitely caught things from my patients working in hospitals, both bacterial and non bacterial infections. And my cute little niece has given me colds!

      • I agree that they have done that. For example we stopped counting flu this season and most providers only ordered Covid testing.

        I did observe a unique syndrome in some patients, the usual respiratory pneumonia but was a little worse because the oxygen saturation was worse on presentation to our emergency room. Some of them also had clotting disorders as well.

        I have not observed this in past seasons, but maybe this has been present in severe flu and I just wasn’t looking for it.

        I do think that people with actual Covid or the disease called Covid was significantly exaggerated and it appeared that only a small number of people actually had this syndrome which I consider to be the severe pneumonia coupled with clotting disorder. The other cases were regular colds and flu that probably got thrown into the mix with the PCR fraud.

      • “They are still viruses of course…” You’ll have to show proof on that, too, Magic. Good luck.

        The take-over of science by large corps and govt is an important part of the destruction of our civilization. Knowing where to look to find the corruption and lies is necessary. Clearly, a crucial fount of corruption and lies has been and still is the black magic of virology. The virology psyop went into overdrive through the fauci/gallo con man team and their hiv/aids baloney and plagues us (pun intended) to this very day.

        Show me a purified human virus. I’ll be satisfied with just one…

  8. James is great on most of the issues. I understand why James recommending approaching any conversations with regular people with filters on. I personally have more than one filter level when I talk to different people. However, to dismiss the inquiry into the origins of the alleged virus and the related implications is not the right course. It is a very important issue that SHOULD NOT be swept under the rug.

  9. What about invincible did you notice I’ve seen it twice now. Also remember it’s from a Image comic book series.

    Marvel and DC have both gone bankrupt and been saved several times over the last 60 years.

    • Gawd!…Trudeau is a real PR piece, Evil disguised.

      Some of the comments on the Thread were great.

      I had to look up the definition for Vapidity.
      noun. 1. A lack of excitement, liveliness, or interest: asepticism, blandness, colorlessness, drabness, dreariness, dryness, dullness, flatness, flavorlessness, insipidity, insipidness, jejuneness, lifelessness, sterileness, sterility, stodginess, vapidness, weariness.
      Antonym: Ernie Hancock 😉

  10. While I understand the importance of the underlying issues, I think it would be easier, in a pinch, to explain to people the fraud that is everything that’s adjacent to the genome.

  11. James, watching this video reminded me to ask if you are familiar with a guy called Leo Zagami ?

    I listened to an interview with him recently and found his information very Red Pill. His bio (link above) shows his deep connection to the so-called underworld of organizations that seem to have a lot of power over the psychopaths in charge right now.

    It would be VERY interesting to see the two of you talking to each other in one of your shows. Just a thought…

  12. Indeed this is the fundamental issue, in my opinion is the lockdown. The virus no virus issue doesn’t matter because there should never be lockdowns. There have never been lockdowns even during the plague that killed millions.

    If a government lockdowns the population you realize you aren’t free and are a slave. It’s been a big wake up call for me to realize how bad government really is. That the purpose isn’t to maintain order or to serve people but to enslave them and exploit their labor. It’s really sick and people don’t want to look at that fundamental issue.

    • Some people have said that if you prove there is no virus then you never need a vaccine, and this may be true. But even if there is a virus you should never be forced to take a vaccine.

      And this is why we have an immune system. Humans and other living things aren’t meant to isolate. It’s unnatural and not beneficial to our survival.

  13. I consider myself a “normie” kind of and I’m not offended. For many years, I didn’t want to look at any of this kind of stuff, event though I knew that what I was being told by MSM and the government was a lie.

    I still think I am kinda “normie” because I do like material comforts and things like sci fi movies and going out to bars. That’s pretty normie to me.

    I’m not stupid though and can think for myself. I’m definitely not as smart as some people here, but I can educate myself when I am interested in a particular topic.

    I personally think JC has a very positive view of humanity, much better than my own. I tend to think many people are morons and get what is coming their way because they would rather chose what is easier than what is right. And I work with the general public and they are mostly assholes to be completely honest.

  14. “What I am seeing is more evidence indicating that a population will eventually believe essentially anything if you repeat it frequently enough over a long enough period of time.”

    Yes Event 201’s “flood the zone” strategy has worked like a charm indeed. Easy enough when the MSM has been bought and paid for and Big Tech has a monopoly in suppressing/censoring free speech.

  15. During “Interview 1645 – James Corbett on The Delingpod”, Bill Gates is mentioned.


    “Let’s leave Bill Gates alone”
    Yahoo Finance – Wednesday June 2, 2021

    Don’t read the article.
    READ some of the 224 COMMENTS (which were NOT censored.)

    Archive did not save the comments. Believe me, Yahoo Finance permanently censors a lot of folks. The Finance section is now again one area of Yahoo where comments are allowed…they reinstated comments about a month or so ago.

    About a week after the Yahoo Finance interview with Bill Gates on July 30, 2020, the comment section was removed. In that July interview, Bill Gates called for heavier, “improved” censorship.

    • Around the 25 minute mark of that July 2020 interview, the viral video of “America’s Frontline Doctors” comes up between Andy Serwer and Bill Gates.

      Bill Gates says:
      “…In terms of this outrageous, ya know, Hydroxychloroquine anti-mask thing. It spread so fast, that even though eventually the social media people stopped it, it was so famous that now people are still seeking it out.
      And so their ability to stop things before they become widespread – uh, I think that they probably should improve that.
      I don’t think it is easy, because it spread so quickly. I mean, that thing was fairly new and now we have 14 million views and you can’t find it directly on those services, but everybody is sending the link around because it is still out there on the internet.
      And that one – this Hydroxychloroquine thing, this is nutty stuff. I mean, we are supposed to be a developed country that uses science. Oh my god! It’s, uh ah, really hard to believe that that what’s being retweeted….”

      Then the conversation turns to Tony Fauci.

  16. If we all got together we certainly could accomplish a lot of changes. First of the power of the consumers that is being ignored. If everyone boycotted Amazon, Walmart and all the big corporations and so on it would not take long to get these out of business. The other thing people will have to realize is they have to ditch their phone. For those who can grow a garden it is another way to get off the rat race. People who are stuck in the cities have very little choices. The only thing is to organize group of like minded people and pool your resources. Eliminate everything in your life that is not absolutely necessary. Save some money and move to the country. The other thing that I am wondering is what will happen if all the people who have been vaccinated start to die off in the next two or three years. A lot of very smart and very skilled people could die leaving our society with a lack of expertise. It could have a lot of consequences. For me the only hope I have is that video I saw Dr Reimer Fullmich interview on the lawsuit they are preparing world wide. The audio and the video are not in synch for a well worth while video to watch.

    X-Files – “Faked’ Alien Invasion & Pandemic Sickness

    Just following Corbett’s very important description about the value of THE STORY, at the 12 minute mark he starts to discuss Predictive Programming and also discusses “The Lone Gunman”.

    I want to mention that something is up with these recent Mainsteam Media stories about Alien spaceships and “Aliens pose a threat”.
    Why? What’s the real agenda?

    The following is just my speculation, just one possible future scenario.

    Within a few years, we will be hearing a different tune from the many millions of virtuous folks who received the Covid vaccine.
    For me, it is a no brainer that many of these folks will suffer from a vast array of body problems.
    However, I just don’t see the Media reporting that this ‘new pandemic of illnesses’ was caused by the Covid vaccines.

    But what if something else, some enemy caused this worldwide scourge of illnesses across the globe?
    Perhaps, the BIG MAINSTREAM STORY will be that Aliens from outerspace brought us a worldwide pandemic of autoimmune type diseases.

    X-Files – Season of 2016
    It should be noted that a World Pandemic / Eugenics scenario, false flag events, conspiracy theorists, globalists takeover of the planet and Alien Technology were the highlights of that season.
    It is interesting that these topics are melded together in 2020-2021.

    You can watch the short video clips of that X-Files Season at this LINK.
    They are extremely interesting (and entertaining), especially in contrast to what has been going on.
    Also, I want to point out that the comment Thread also contains links to VERY recent stories about Aliens and their “threat”.

  18. If someone reads the Scriptures, Christ was tempted in the desert with 3 things: power, prestige and wealth. I think the first people seek is wealth, then power, then prestige, basically declaring oneself God. This is where Bill Gates is. His ego is beyond his own imagination. His arrogance is at such a level he is dangerous. I have believed the most dangerous people in the world are not those who think green Martians are hiding under their house, it’s those with an ego that think they are a god.

    *** Hi James, have you ever considered trying to contact Bill Gates and challenge him to a debate? *** You never know he may greet such an opportunity.

  19. One thing about the technocrats that’s not talked about much, though Russell Brand mentioned it, is that they think they are going to live forever. Time magazine had an issue on it.

  20. at 18 min the question of how log conspiracy has been around is asked… Cato, the Censor had to fight the Deep State of public slaves who ran most of the government offices while politicians came and went…. as to who is on ‘our’ side it does not really matter since even good, honest people will almost always grab the tools that make their jobs easier, hence the cops, big tech and intel people who are building a prison for themselves and their children one brick at a time.

  21. was thinking about TV and must agree with Mr Corbett that seeing people, esp. kids, getting that blank souless look while staring at a TV screen is creepy as hell…. as to Netflix and 95% of entertainment people let into their home its rather like the Australian aborigine or American Indian going to hang out with the white man who would give or sell him the drugs that destroy his family, culture and society.

    Really Netflix and its ilk are just an improved continuation of the Sugar/Tobacco/Opium/alcohol/drug/porn rackets that made the the Elites rich

  22. Melinda Gates will be promoted as a warm and loving woman who endured the marriage as long as she could and, seeing that she invested so much of her energy and heart into the foundation, will take up the mantle and save us all.
    Much like the breakup of BellSouth and the antitrust lawsuit against Rockefeller, these creatures are only going to become more powerful.
    All imho, of course.

  23. The situation is only terminal if we give up and let the psychopaths get away with their plans.

    I think they think they can do this to us and have it not affect them and their families, but this is false I think. Unless they are suicidal as well, which I don’t know. Dimming the sun will affect them too, the toxins will inevitably affect them too.

    What if the weird trans-humanism tech doesn’t work and they cause mass infertility in the population and they die off as well. Natural selection is brilliant and they think that they can outsmart it, but I don’t think they are capable of it.

    What I think could happen is the extinction of humanity but that life will continue on the planet until our sun burns out. This would be very tragic if we allow this to happen.

  24. I just wanted to point out that psychopaths don’t mock their cattle for falling for the various propaganda they put out. Quite the contrary, actually, they sincerely believe they deserve to be worshipped and obeyed. Someone who doesn’t do as told is the one who requires mocking in the hope that they will rejoin the flock of sheep and, if that doesn’t work, they send the dogs after the wandering, curious and disobedient one. They are so convinced of how well their propaganda works that, as James repeats often, they publish their evil agendas for everyone to read! I know this is a far cry from political and social journalism, but I suggest to those interested in the matter to read basic psychology that isn’t related to propaganda. It is eye opening to understand how these people’s minds work, even if conquering the world is the furthest thing from their minds.


    Corbett QUOTE: ”…this is NOT about facts and figures. You’re not going to rationally argue with someone who has not been rationally argued into this position….”

    6/3/2021 Interview 1645 – James Corbett on The Delingpod
    8 minute YouTube about THE STORY –
    At the 10:30 minute mark, Television and THE STORY are discussed. “…more than just being engaged in a story, they seem to be engaged by the screen itself…”
    11:11 mark
    “…Certainly, for all of recorded human history, STORY has been the way to most effectively shape the consciousness of the people. And, of course, we understand this going all the way back to Greek drama.
    The sorts of stories that are being told that are shared and understood together tend to form our understanding of the world, and then to influence the way we act in the world.
    So, that it is sort of a feed-back loop culturally speaking.
    I think that it would be naïve of us to think that the people who are literally paying the bills for these types of programs are not aware of the incredible power that these stories have in shaping our consciousness, and are not actively working to bring about the types of stories that will lead to the most pliant and pliable people for them….”

    Then, the conversation goes into Predictive Programming.

    March 2021 Interview 1629 – Red Pill Moments with James Corbett and Keith Knight
    QUEUED VIDEO 25:20 mark
    James Corbett excerpt (28:20) regarding a (“kind of”) Red Pill moment from 2020
    “…and it’s not even necessarily a new revelation, but just the power of that revelation has really been hammered home that this is NOT about facts and figures. You’re not going to rationally argue with someone who has not been rationally argued into this position.
    And that suggests that the only way out of this is for us to present our own Witch Doctor Ooga Booga ticket to freedom that will somehow in the minds of the general hoi palloi (the masses; the common people) be that: “Oh! Okay, now we have the thing that will save us.” and it’s not going to be rational and it’s not going to make sense, but we need that whatever that is….”

    James Corbett article from 11/23/2020 How to Save the World (in One Easy Step!)
    Spoiler EXCERPT
    “… What is the most powerful weapon ever invented?
    Have you figured it out yet?
    Story is the most powerful weapon. Narrative. Ideas presented in such a way as to provoke certain thoughts or actions….”

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