Interview 1646 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jun 4, 2021 | Interviews | 34 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: Killer Drone ‘Hunted Down a Human Target’ Without Being Told To

Patrick Henningsen Exposes the Human Rights – Industrial Complex

The Assassination of Gaddafi

Use of NSA Metadata to Find Drone Targets Kills Civilians

Slaughterbots – Bots Against Humans

Story #2: These Florida Concert Tickets Are $18 If You’re Vaccinated, $1,000 If You’re Not

Plot Twist: It’s Not NOFX, RT Just Used Their Picture For the Article

TEENAGE BOTTLEROCKET, MakeWar, Rutterkin (closely read description about DISCOUNTED tickets)

‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ (1956 Scene)

Story #3: California Restaurant Owner Tacks On $5 Fee For Customers Who Refuse To Remove Masks

Mendocino Restaurant Adds $5 Fee for Customers Wearing Masks

JBS Shutters All US Meat Plants As Cyber Attack Jeopardizes Food Supply

Amazon US Customers Have One Week to Opt Out of Mass Wireless Sharing

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  1. Just want to say as a new subscriber, I am enjoying the content very much. A breath of fresh air. The New World Next Week with JEP show is particularly enjoyable. Thanks for all you do. Truly inspiring.

    Keep up the great work.

    • dsz,
      I’m just another regular standard Corbett Member, but I want to give you a welcome to the comment boards from all of us. We love seeing new folks!

  2. LOL! yeah Paul Williams the concert promoter thought of the idea for $1,000 tickets for the Un Vaxed. Do be a do bee. Don’t be a UV. (You’d have to be my age to get that joke.)
    I really like your reporting together. You are getting better with every episode. Thanks so much!
    PS: How much money was paid to Paul Wiliams by Pfizer? Tim

    • I am a small business owner in a Mid Atlantic state. I received several emails from the state division of small business promoting a vaccine incentive program, which would grant $5,000 to cover the cost of a promotion to customers who are vaccinated. The concert promotor probably participated in something similar. There are most likely a great number of these programs running.

  3. the “Drone Angels” angle is pretty funny. If I was a young man, I guess I’d have to put a chip in my dick to prove I kept it in my pants. Maybe a little “Dick Cam” to prove the shield was on at the time of intercourse. (Footage would be date time stamped of course.)

    I’m enjoying this episode of the news very much. TJM

  4. The Fiddleheads Go Fund Me page is up to $7500. It was just $4800 a few days ago. My wife and I used to drive to Mendocino from Healdsburg a few times a year. Mendocino is a beautiful old town on the Pacific coast. Old hippies run the place and they have kinda become Nazis imo. You can’t paint your house the “wrong” color there.
    But for you driving enthusiasts of Ferraris, Porsches, and Ducatis; (who I know frequent this site) the drive from Hburg to Mendocino is a delight. 30 minutes north on the four lane Hwy 101 through vineyards; then at Cloverdale you get on the two lane Hwy 128 which winds up into the oak covered hills with hair pin turns and steep ascents and descents.
    You then go into the Anderson Valley watershed of more vineyards and a winding two lane road. Eventually you reach the deep, dark, and tall redwood forest on the Navarro River which leads Hwy 128 to the ocean.
    Suddenly the blue sky reappears and you drive north on Hwy One along the ocean to Mendocino.
    It is the best 2.5 to 3 hour drive on the planet.

    • I like how you paint the picture Timmy. It helps add context and texture to “Fiddleheads”.

      I appreciate Corbett putting a focus on these type of actions.
      ha!…it’s nice to come up for air occasionally when the New World Order news bullshit gets too deep.

    • My Visit to Fiddleheads Cafe

      I visited the Fiddleheads Cafe in Mendocino, California, this past Sunday. The quaint little seaside town of Mendocino is situated on a butte surrounded by steep cliffs and rocks jutting out from the restless waters of the Pacific. On arrival in the town, I noticed virtually everyone on the streets was masked. It is a bustling touristy little place, with many restaurants, museums, galleries, and other attractions. And has stunning views; this has got to be one of the most beautiful locations on the northern California coastline. As you would expect from a location such as this, it is more than a little windy much of the time. In fact, it was hold-on-to-your-hats windy when I was there. This making outdoor mask wearing even more of a nonsense, as any exhaled (covid-infected?) droplets would be immediately taken up by the swirling winds. But, as we all know, mask wearers are oblivious to logic and common sense. So I just want to make clear that Mendocino is not some kind of rebel town; anything but! Which makes all the more courageous the stand taken by Fiddleheads Cafe.

      I walked in and immediately sensed the warm friendly vibes. And the smiling intelligent faces of customers and staff. Wow this place is an oasis. Or, to use a metaphor from the landscape, it is a rock of sanity, amidst an ocean of blind conformity, with occasional lashings of angry waves. Apparently, I had just missed an irate local taking the time to drop by and call Chris “stupid”. I enjoyed a delicious vegetarian meal, and meaningful conversation with customers, some sharing sad stories of covid conflict with family and friends.

      I chatted with Chris a while. He explained that the reopening of his business followed pressure he exerted by protesting. After the county removed the plywood boards he had fastened to the exterior, he placed messages and information on the inside of the windows that was equally disliked by county officials. And he also protested with sign etc on the street. He may not be able to stay open anyway because the owner of the commercial property he rents is trying to evict him. But one thing he said really struck me. He believes that courage is contagious, and he hopes his actions will inspire other business owners to behave similarly. Imposing mask wearing on staff is wrong. Just because some medical “authority” tells you to do it will never make it right. We discussed this weakness in human psychology, how most businesses owners automatically do exactly as they are told, in relation to the well known Milgram experiment.

      Anyway, to wrap up, Fiddleheads has a great vibe and great food. And is well worth a visit to Mendocino. Catch it while you can.

      • That place sounds like someplace one could take a vaccation to. Chris seems to be a level headed guy, packing quite a bit of wisdom.

        In regards to people who like to hand down commands received from above: it’s the classics order following mindset resting squarely on brain damage preventing rational thought and enabling behavior where motivation is never questioned; be it when issuing commands or obeying them. This is a class of extremely deleterious people.

  5. Interesting. Thanks for the anecdote from China, beaudarc. I did not know that you were over there. From the U.S., sometimes, it is hard to get a grasp as to what is going on in China, and I am sure that different regions have different characteristics.
    In Texas, we have the Bois D’arc tree, and even Bois D’arc festivals.

    As far as the selective censorship goes, I don’t know why.

    Here is a China tidbit which I heard/saw on a video with Gareth Soloway about a month ago. Sidenote: Soloway correctly called the recent sudden Bitcoin crash to the dollar level, to 30k, well before the crash, and he thinks it could move sideways for a bit, then lower to 20k or so. I saw his charts and hypothesis…then about a week later it happened.

    Anyway, Gareth Soloway has a theory about the Chines stock market.
    QUOTES: The Shanghai Composite is likely set to rocket from its current 3,418 recent close to as high as 20,000. This is a 3-year target. The metrics are easy to grasp. The first thing is to note the Bitcoin (BTC) chart below. Notice the wedge pattern prior to the breakout. [GRAPH is shown]
    Why am I comparing the Shanghai Composite to Bitcoin? First, the chart pattern setup is identical. The Bitcoin bullish wedge was a thing of beauty and so is the one on the Shanghai Composite. Note the chart below. [GRAPH]
    Next, understand what Bitcoin did over the past year. It broke out above the wedge pattern around $10,000 and ran to $65,000. So this identical chart pattern saw a move of 550%, once the bullish wedge pattern broke to the upside. If the bullish wedge pattern behaves the same, The Shanghai Composite can be expected to surge to same amount, nailing that 20,000 level.

    Many investors will ask, why does a chart pattern dictate the same move? The answer is, it doesn’t by itself. However, the similarities between the Shanghai Composite and Bitcoin are far too many to ignore. First, the Shanghai Composite is a newer market much like Bitcoin that has limited global investors. China continues to keep investments redistricted, keeping capital out of their equities markets. In addition, the transparency of Chinese companies is something that investors all over the world are concerned with. Recently, the SEC stated that Chinese companies traded on US exchanges would have 3 years to report earnings based on generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP) or risk being delisted. The concern over transparency has been….–equities/shanghai-composite-nearing-major-breakout-target-20000?post=310893

  6. For those who aren’t familiar, it is worth a cursory look at Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi’s quest in establishing a single gold-backed currency for Africa called the Gold Dinar.

    3 hour 1981 Film via Muammar Gaddafi starring Anthony Quinn
    Lion of the Desert

    In January 2021, over the course of three evenings, I watched this movie. I was surprised, because I had never heard of the film before, much less heard about it in 1981 as a young man.
    Understandably so, because it was heavily censored.
    Aspects of the film are impressive. I was astounded at the ‘special effects’ and vintage armaments. 1981. In context of that era of movies, this film stands out. Personally, I think the film still stands out today, maybe more so with the Globalist Fascist State of 2020-2021.

    The backstory of the film is what strikes me.
    Wikipedia EXCERPTS
    Lion of the Desert is a 1981 Libyan historical epic war film about the Second Italo-Senussi War, starring Anthony Quinn as Libyan tribal leader Omar Mukhtar, a Bedouin leader fighting the Regio Esercito (Italian Royal Army) and Oliver Reed as Italian General Rodolfo Graziani, who attempted to defeat Mukhtar.
    It was…funded by the government under Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

    Released in May 1981, the film has received positive reviews from critics, but performed poorly at the box office, gaining revenues of US$1.5 million worldwide despite having a $35 million budget.
    The film was banned in Italy in 1982 and was only shown on pay TV in 2009…

    …This introductory scene is part of historic records that show us the rise of fascism in Italy, and how it impacted Libya tragically.
    The scene concludes by telling us that the characters and the events in this film are real and based on historical facts…

    …Despite their bravery, the Libyan Arabs and Berbers suffered heavy losses, their relatively primitive weaponry was no match for mechanised warfare; despite all this, they continued to fight, and managed to keep the Italians from achieving complete victory for 20 years. Graziani was only able to achieve victory through deceit, deception, violation of the laws of war and human rights, and by the use of tanks and aircraft….

    I am sure that there could be endless discussions about the film and its message, war, fascism, oppression, Gaddafi, etc. Regardless, this film was new to me in January 2021.

  7. Fauci’s Dishonesty and Co-Conspirators Revealed!
    Peak Prosperity
    In this episode, I break down a very short window of time from Jan 31, 2020 to Feb 2 – 2020 when Fauci met with key representatives of the Wellcome Trust, WHO, NIH and senior private virologists. They presumably discussed prior and ongoing gain of function experiments on SARS CoV viruses as well as the lab leak origin theory that was worriedly gaining steam out in the public eye.

    Mere days after this meeting a wall of scientific opinion coupled to air-tight media backing concluded that SARS-CoV-2 could not have come from a lab but must​ have been of natural origin.

    We now know this was not based on science but was a predetermined conclusion in search of supporters and which made declarative statements that could not possibly have been grounded in actual science.

    Explained in simple languge:
    Someone puts your house on fire.
    He tells the police not to tell you.
    Then he comes back with hot air, claiming that it
    will reduce the fire.
    Water is not allowed.
    He tells you have to wait, until his expensive fire-reducer is ready,
    but it turns out to be gasoline.

    His friend tells you you can get a small room, if you
    are willing to become his slave.

  8. barle, AAF,
    Corbett’s works are CC-licensed. So you could upload them to youtube yourselves, as long as you credit James. Of course you’d need to create a google account, and it seems you wouldn’t be permitted to monetize them.

  9. The members of the Resistance in Mendocino County are very proud of our local restaurateur. If he was closer, I’d eat there every week (the town of Mendocino is about 90 minutes from me over less-than-ideal roads).

  10. Reuters – June 4, 2021
    Shanghai to hold lottery for ‘red packets’ of digital yuan

    China’s financial hub Shanghai will hold a lottery over the weekend giving residents the chance to win electronic “red packets” worth nearly 20 million yuan ($3 million) combined, as the country accelerates its testing of the digital yuan.

    Shanghai’s announcement that it will distribute 350,000 red packets each containing 55 yuan worth of digital currency, or e-cny, comes days after Beijing unveiled plans for a similar campaign. read more
    [“read more” LINK summary: China’s capital Beijing will launch a lottery in June giving out free online wallets containing 200 digital yuan ($31.34) to winners, in another trial for the central bank’s eCNY, according to a notice on the city’s government website….]

    Giving gifts of cash in small red envelopes known as “red packets” is common in China.

    China is a front-runner in the global race to launch central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and has launched trials in a number of cities such as Shenzhen and Chengdu.

    The digital yuan, issued by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), would help Beijing enhance surveillance of the economy, strengthen data control, and potentially improve the yuan’s global status, analysts say.

    The draw for the e-cny red packets will start on Saturday and end on Sunday, and anyone in Shanghai can apply to participate, the Shanghai government said in an announcement via its official Wechat account.

    Winners of the gifts can use the windfall cash from June 11 to June 20 in Shanghai and other cities running digital yuan trials such as neighbouring Suzhou, the city’s government said.

    Consumers can already use e-cny at shops, malls, supermarkets, restaurants and hotels in several major shopping districts in Shanghai.
    ($1 = 6.4057 Chinese yuan renminbi)

  11. EVENT 2021
    June 5, 2021 Saturday – 10am Central Time (Dallas)

    1321 Rowan Avenue, Dallas, TX 75223

    The Highwire website will live stream it.

    – Backstory –
    In late May, 2021, Del Bigtree interviewed Richard M Fleming PhD, MD, JD
    Episode 215 THE DEFINITION OF A BIO-WEAPON of The Highwire.
    The first half of this episode covered the interview.
    During the interview, a Virus Spike Model was discussed (briefly touching on Koch’s postulates) and then how this was a designed Manmade BioWeapon. Prions are discussed.
    The Fleming-Method website has many documents supporting the gain of function concept of Sars-Cov-2. The U.S. Department of Defense played a role.

    • A little Texas history about the new venue of “1321 Rowan Avenue, Dallas, TX” , due to a power outage at the original venue on Douglas Ave (NW Bible Church – near NW Hwy and the Dallas North Tollway – near George Bush’s home.)

      1321 Rowan Ave is home of Fair Park Bible Fellowship Church headed by a strong activist, Pastor Stephen Broden.
      On Saturday April 13, 2013 his location was the venue for “The Resist Tyranny Expo”, which included a host of speakers and many outdoor booths of like-minded organizations and people. A lot of folks turned out for the event from miles away, and of course “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” set up a table giving out free DVDs/info.
      IMAGE –

      Regina Imburgia was the primary ramrod for organizing this successful event. At the time, she had an “Activists For Truth” group and sponsored many types of actions. Previously, during the Ron Paul for President Campaign, she brought a lot of spicy activism to the endeavor.
      In more recent years, Regina also ramrodded the VAXXED movie showings at a local theater. There were other types of theater showings which she sponsored.
      Regina Imburgia is a Dallas icon for her fight against water fluoridation in North Texas.
      Dallas For Safer Water .COM has logged well over 100 Dallas City Council presentations, along with many other actions which were ramrodded by Regina.

      That’s it for today’s Texas History lesson.

      • UPDATE June 27, 2021 –
        Extended VIDEO with Q&A and Intro by Pastor Broden

        Jon G. is a long time member of the “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” Meetup Group (aka “North Texans For Truth”)
        He is a film maker. Over the decades he has recorded hundreds, if not thousands, of interviews and presentations on video. He has a catalogue of names (some very famous, some esoteric) which would be the envy of serious researchers.
        Jon offers DVDs of these presentations “on the cheap”.

        YouTube has censored a few parts of the video.
        Jon says: “This is being offered gratis without logo or watermark. If you are a media company or producer, feel free to include your own signage to custom tailor it to your site. Just don’t copyright and restrict it for others to do the same.”

        “Event 2021” with Dr. Richard Fleming in Dallas, TX on Saturday June 5th, 2021
        (4 hours 16 minutes)

  12. With financial capitalism struggling to find new homes for fictitious capital, the new model of the future of capitalism, at least in the militarized West, will be to create the ‘repressive’ accumulation of capital.

    Repressive accumulation is the new, even more vicious stage of capitalism whereby profits are made through social repression. This means that the new means of production, the 5G revolution for one, new modes of technology, are increasingly being produced to actually repress populations. Maybe a’magic robotized cloak’?

    Be it facial recognition, state of the art tracing hand held computers, containment, walls, drones, spyware, securitization, militarized helmets, prisons, state of the art electrocution, etc., ‘capital’ accumulates new profits while suppressing the population: the surplus population that: is a planetary population of billions that will never work. And it is growing by leaps and bounds all over the world as capitalism collapses.

    The hedge funds like Blackwell know this.

    This delightful new model of capitalism bent on accumulation through repression does two important things for the international ruling class: 1). It creates profits in an environment where debt no longer works to create profit and where people are literally living in poverty, 2). the products and goods and services created under this form of primitive repressive accumulation puts down any unruly unrest, develops planetary tracing and 27/7 defense of private capital.

    Yes, it is great for the economy of militarism, banking and gangsters.

    For the working class and those not able to find work, it is a death sentence.
    Or so the huge transnationals think.

    But take a look at Colombia, for one place. The youth have nothing to lose. They will not accept this new paradigm of capitalistic hell. Nor will billions on earth.

    The biggest fear of ALL ruling classes throughout history is an organized working class. Americans should learn history.

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