Interview 1652 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jul 23, 2021 | Interviews | 124 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds (still uploading) / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4

Story #1: George Soros and Bill Gates Just Teamed Up to Buy a COVID Company

Warren Buffett Gives Away Another $4.1 Billion, Resigns As Trustee At Gates Foundation

Global North and Global South

Story #2: WHO Leader Says Virus Risk Inevitable At Tokyo Olympics

Memphis, TN COVID-19 Overflow Hospital Closes Without Ever Seeing A Patient

Tokyo’s Drinkers Drown Frustrations Over Virus Restrictions, Olympics’s-drinkers-drown-frustrations-over-virus-limits-games

Bear Alert Hits Softball At Olympic Games Opener

Fears Tokyo 2020 Olympics Athletes Will Be Swimming In Poo, Catch E.coli Amid Suspected Sewage Leak

Tokyo 2020 Chief Refuses to Rule Out Last-Minute Olympic Games Cancellation

Story #3: Foo Pfizers ‘Vaxxed Only’ Concert Canceled After Vaxxed Band Member Gets COVID

Foo Fighters’ Vaccinated-Only Concert Protested By Antivaxxers

New Declassified FBI File on Cobain Compounds Evidence Implicating Wife’s Role In Murder

Kurt Cobain File Released by FBI 27 Years After His Death

FBI Records: The Vault – Kurt Cobain Part 01 of 01

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  1. i know the pcr test deal is old news, but I found some stuff recently:

    In Jan 2021, the American Clinical Laboratories Association (membership based) and the Association of Public Health Laboratories (non-profit) issued a joint letter recommending that state laboratories and similar organizations should NOT report cycle threshold values as part of their data reporting.

    The APHL issued an updated version in May 2021 in which they maintained the same recommendation.

    What’s interesting: the APHL’s top tier funders include the following companies

    and guess who happen to be among the biggest manufacturers of RC-PCR testing equipment?

    huh! funny that the people who make the testing equipment would be supporting an organization that’s recommending against sharing data that suggest the tests are being misused. what a curious coincidence!

    all of the above links have been saved to and

    • p.s. in Dec 2020 the FDA updated its guidelines to say that labs CAN report ct values.

      “Q: Can laboratories report Ct values for authorized molecular diagnostic COVID-19 tests? (New 12/10/20)”

      “A: Yes. Laboratories performing molecular diagnostic COVID-19 tests for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 report test results as being positive or negative. Under the molecular diagnostic emergency use authorizations (EUAs), laboratories can also report cycle threshold (Ct) values for authorized molecular diagnostic COVID-19 tests they perform”…….continues.

      nonetheless, the ACLA and APHL still recommend not reporting ct values.

      A bright spot of news, though: as of Dec 3, 2020, Florida requires all labs to report CT values as part of Covid testing data reporting:

      Mandatory Reporting of COVID-19 Laboratory Test Results: Reporting of Cycle Threshold Values
      December 3, 2020

      Laboratories are subject to mandatory reporting to the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) under section 381.0031, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 64D-3.

      • All positive, negative and indeterminate COVID-19 laboratory results must be reported to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately. This includes all COVID-19 test types—polymerase chain reaction (PCR), other RNA, antigen and antibody results. For a list of county health departments and their reporting contact information, please visit

      • Cycle threshold (CT) values and their reference ranges, as applicable, must be reported by laboratories to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately.

      this was reported by TLAV in Dec.

    • littlebird,
      Thanks for the indepth logging of the PCR Information.
      This is a nice addition to the library.

      The recent News Cycle is hyping the Delta Variant, and hyping that unvaccinated people are causing it, spreading it and the victims of it.

      We should all note this:
      CDC RECENT May 2021 CHANGE
      Vaccinated People will no longer be recorded as a “Covid Case” (unless they die or are hospitalized)
      For PCR testing of Vaccinated People, the cycle threshold has been lowered from 40 to under 28

      In other words…
      ~~ the CDC now counts Covid Cases in those who have been vaccinated, only if they have died or if they were hospitalized.
      ~~ The PCR testing for vaccinated people also has been recently changed in order to make it less likely for a vaccinated person (who died or is hospitalized ) to test positive.

      Thus, the deck is stacked. The game is rigged.
      One would expect to see almost only unvaccinated people getting the Delta variant in the news.
      But is that the case?

          • July 23 – Reuters
            RPT-UPDATE 1-Vaccinated people make up 75% of recent COVID-19 cases in Singapore, but few fall ill

            Vaccinated individuals accounted for three-quarters of Singapore’s COVID-19 infections in the last four weeks, but they were not falling seriously ill, government data showed, as a rapid ramp-up in inoculations leaves fewer people unvaccinated…

            …Of Singapore’s 1,096 locally transmitted infections in the last 28 days, 484, or about 44%, were in fully vaccinated people, while 30% were partially vaccinated and just over 25% were unvaccinated, Thursday’s data showed.

            While seven cases of serious illness required oxygen, and another was in critical condition in intensive care, none of the eight had been fully vaccinated, the health ministry said…

            …Singapore has already inoculated nearly 75% of its 5.7 million people, the world’s second highest after the United Arab Emirates, a Reuters tracker shows, and half its population is fully vaccinated….

      • @HomeRemedySupply,

        Yes, this change in CDC reporting of breakthrough infections is highly, highly suspicious. Given the incessant reporting of case #s over the past 1.5 years, why now all of a sudden is it only important to monitor cases among people who have not been vaccinated?

        or rather, why is it important to “ignore” cases among the vaccinated?


        I have a question for you. You wrote:

        “~~ The PCR testing for vaccinated people also has been recently changed in order to make it less likely for a vaccinated person (who died or is hospitalized ) to test positive.”

        can you say more about this? I’m not familiar with the details on this.

      • July 30th – MarketWatch
        CDC data shows that 74% of people who tested positive for the virus in Massachusetts outbreak were fully vaccinated

        A federal investigation into a COVID-19 outbreak earlier this month in a part of Massachusetts that is home to Cape Cod and Provincetown found that 74% of the 469 infections were among vaccinated people, a finding that raises questions about the prevalence of breakthrough infections.

        The research, published Friday afternoon by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the latest indicator that people who are fully vaccinated may need to return to mask wearing, social distancing, and other mitigation measures as the more infectious delta variant tears through the U.S…

        ~~ 274, or 79%, of the fully vaccinated people who tested positive for the virus were symptomatic.
        ~~ Out of the 133 specimens that were sequenced in this outbreak, 119, or 89%, were from the delta variant, and one sample had the delta AY.3 sublineage.
        ~~ Four of the 5 people who were hospitalized in this outbreak were vaccinated. No one died.
        ~~ 301, or 87%, of the people who had been vaccinated and tested positive were men; their median age was 42 years old…

        …Back in May, the CDC said that there had been fewer than 10,000 breakthrough cases among the 95 million or so Americans who were fully vaccinated at that time. However, data out of Los Angeles County has found that in June one-fifth of all new cases are breakthrough infections among the vaccinated.

      • July 30, 2021 – Business Insider
        CDC: COVID-19 outbreak among 346 fully vaccinated people shows those ‘infected with Delta can transmit the virus’

        FULL article
        ~~ A CDC study of a COVID outbreak suggests vaccinated people may spread the Delta variant as easily as the unvaccinated.
        ~~ Almost all the symptomatic vaccinated people in the study had mild symptoms like headaches and sore throats.
        ~~ The study was a major factor in the CDC’s new mask guidance for vaccinated people.

        The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study on Friday which suggests that fully vaccinated people can transmit the Delta variant of the coronavirus just as easily as the unvaccinated – a find that may change the calculus of what’s safe for vaccinated people to do, now that the Delta variant is responsible for more than 80% of US cases.

        “Unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement released alongside the new report.
        The study is a big part of the reason why the CDC changed its guidance for vaccinated people on Tuesday, saying that where COVID-19 transmission is substantial or high, vaccinated people should mask up again indoors in public.
        Delta was responsible for at least 90% of the cases in this outbreak, according to viral sequencing. It didn’t matter much which shots vaccinated people with Delta infections got, but the most common symptoms – including cough, headache, and sore throat – were mild.

        Massachusetts is a state with a relatively high vaccination rate
        The study, released by the CDC on Friday, followed an outbreak that started in Barnstable County, an area of coastal Massachusetts that’s popular for summer vacations and parties, and attracts people from across the US.

        According to the report, during the first half of July, multiple large events were held in an unnamed town there (local media coverage makes clear that it’s Provincetown). The festivities included “densely packed indoor and outdoor events at venues that included bars, restaurants, guest houses, and rental homes.”
        The outbreak is noteworthy, as Massachusetts is a state with a relatively high vaccination rate.

        Among Massachusetts residents tied to the cluster and tracked by the state health department, 74% of the cases (346 infections) were in fully vaccinated people. The vast majority of the vaccinated infections were among men, with a median age of 42.

        • (…continuing…)

          But the outbreak extends far beyond Massachusetts, with the total number of cases tied to the outbreak now estimated at more than 830 people, Provincetown Town Manager Alex Morse said on Facebook.
          Though the study demonstrates that vaccinated people are at greater risk of infection with Delta, the overwhelming majority of the breakthrough cases in the cluster have been mild, with symptoms including coughs, headaches, sore throats, muscle aches, and fevers.

          At least four vaccinated people were hospitalized, ranging from ages 20 to 70, but no deaths were reported. Two of the hospitalized patients had underlying conditions.
          In other words, the vaccines are still achieving what they were designed to do: prevent severe infections and deaths.

          Experts have been saying for weeks now that the Delta variant spreads both faster and more easily than other versions of the coronavirus, but this study provides some of the first clear evidence for why that’s the case.

          Not only is the viral load of a person infected with Delta estimated to be about 1,000 times higher than with other versions of the virus, this study shows that a vaccinated person’s load is roughly equal to an unvaccinated person’s, meaning that vaccinated and unvaccinated people likely spread Delta equally well.

          Andy Slavitt, a former senior adviser to President Joe Biden’s coronavirus response team, has called Delta “COVID on steroids,” while a leaked CDC slide presentation obtained by the Washington Post late Thursday said “the war has changed,” now that Delta is here.

          The CDC slides also say Delta is more contagious than the common cold – on par with chickenpox in its ability to spread.
          “What the Delta variant will do is that it will find any gap in our defenses,” Hilary Babcock, medical director of infection prevention at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and St. Louis Children’s Hospital in Missouri previously told Insider.
          “You have to be really more careful about it all the time.”

    • lest I forget, here’s the info on how their stocks/sales have skyrocketed in the past 2yrs:

      March 2020: stock opened at $354
      July 2021: stock opened at $673

      Quiagen has stayed pretty status quo

      “…the Diagnostics division sales rose 51% in the first half of 2021 due to a surge in COVID-19 diagnostics tests, which peaked in the second quarter. In 2021, Roche continues to expect sales to grow in the low- to mid-single digit range in 2021 at constant exchange rates.”

      March 2020: opened at $291
      July 2021: opened at $519

  2. For those still fending off the encroaching slime mold (liberty eating death culters), heres a document/court filing, for a pending case (in US district court, North Alabama) between

    “Americas front-line DR’s”
    Secretary of US Dept of Health and human services, Xavier Becerra et al.

    it is a succinct description (67 pages) of the various elements of the medical con, fuel for those keen on referencing claims that necessarily arise when blue pill meets red:

    The Aus dominators have contracted a fresh new case of Lockdown fever. new border closings, mask enforcement, and big push for jabs are happening, like a tropical cyclone hitting shore,, (fast and alot).
    At the coffee stop this morning,the barista was remarking, amazed, that “quite a few people have been paying for their coffee by swiping their wrists past the card scanner,,”

    • These Legal Cases to withdraw the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) of the Experimental Injections are good in the sense that they bring forth logical arguments, however the Corporate Court System is run by the BAR (British Accredited Registrar).
      Members of the BAR and sworn to represent the BAR and the Government (not the people)
      These Cases need to brought before People’s Common Law Grand Juries where evidence will not be withheld to protect “the Government”.
      The DC incorporated Government needs to be dismantled, not for a new World Government but so that State and Local Governments can call their own shots.
      With Brainless Biden “Acting” as President,
      Hateful Harris second in line,
      and Pelosi third in line (need I say more about her),
      it should be clear to anyone that the UNITED STATES Inc. is a Joke (and a bad one at that).
      Yes, the UNITED STATES Inc. is about to crash, but what will come to replace it, is still up for grabs.
      I think that the first thing we need is a real Justice System that is Just.
      This can be done Locally in Each County by resurrecting Common Law Grand Juries, but it will be very difficult prior to the failure of the Federal Reserve Note. As long as we use Paper issued by the Evil Bastards for all our transaction we will be enslaved by them.
      Note that Iraq was invaded because Saddam refused to take Federal Reserve Notes for Iraq’s Oil (everything else was propaganda).
      The answer to creating a free World is no more Fiat Money. People must be free to exchange whatever they see has value, and no Government should be allowed to collude with Private Bankers, or Drug Companies, to create monopolies.

      • I’ve been thinking long and hard about this one. Even though our Natural Rights, being protected by The Law of the Land, The Constitution, have been violated, not only by government but also by corporations, we have no redress. These are felony violations against our sovereignty, yet we cannot bring criminal charges against these entities. Not only are they violating The Constitution, they are violating their own laws. This case, like one last year, in regards to the EUA, will most likely be ruled to have no standing, and with all the evidence in, we will truly know there is no law any longer. We as “citizens” have no judicial system but theirs, and we have no enforcement system to back it up. Like in Europe, the courts rule Unconstitutionality, yet the Executive or enforcement behind the rulings, keep violating the law and the rulings. This case needs as many eyes on this as possible so if they rule against it, more people will then be aware, there is no law anymore. Not like there was to begin with, but that illusion can be fully torn down.

        • Ken,
          Prior to the signing of The Constitution “for” The United States(free and independent States) of America, there was much written debate about what a People’s Government should look like. Much of these in depth discussions have been complied and preserved into what is now known as “The Federalist Papers”. My Grandmother was a one room Schoolhouse Teacher who would have taught such things to grade school kids in the early 1900’s. Even when I was in School in the 1970’s we had to pass Government and American History in order get a High School Diploma. This meant that most High School Graduates at least knew that “The Federal Papers” existed and that they could finds copies in any public library should they find the desire to.
          That said, The Constitution “for” the United States of America has been co-opted by a Constitution “of” the UNITED STATES Inc., and the People who were once Citizens of the free and independent States have been co-opted into becoming “Citizens/Employees” of a national Banker controlled corporation. The Social Security Number that the new Corporation dished out after the 1933 Bankruptcy was a way of identifying the Corporation’s Subjects/Citizens, and the time to do it was ripe because of the 1929 economic crash which caused people to do most anything for a living.
          The bottom line is that only the People that know they have Rights and are willing to fight for them actually have them. The Original Constitution was written to restrict the Federal Government from infringing on the People’s Rights. The Corporate Constitution, that replaced, it was written to deceive the People into voluntarily becoming subjects of a national corporation. These Subjects have no Rights by way of the BAR controlled legal system and most have no idea why that is. What was once many small Educational Schools has become a Federally Funded Indoctrination System.
          I recall when federally funded Forced Busing across school districts began under Jimmy Carter and how Public Education went to hell in a hand basket. How did we ever get by without a National Department of Education? The Original Constitution would never have allowed for such a thing, but we have been deceived more than we know, and it is time for a Big Change, eh!

          • Cheers, my grandmother too was a one room schoolhouse teacher over by Tacoma, WA. She taught me how to read and write, an extraordinary woman. Yeah, as a child I understood vaguely the concept of sovereignty, but I clearly understood that though technology changes, the ways of the world don’t. Sovereignty is either won or lost at the point of a sword. So I was never under the illusion that the law was there to protect me, the best I could do was to simply avoid it and avoid putting myself in a position of needing it. And yes, finally, many of these things are coming to a head, where enough people can see that those in government are the true criminals. Change is on the horizon and this fight can be won.

    • Here is the 7/20/21 article from “The Defender” with many links…

      Federal Lawsuit Seeks Immediate Halt of COVID Vaccines,
      Cites Whistleblower Testimony Claiming CDC Is Under-Counting Vaccine Deaths
      America’s Frontline Doctors filed a motion to stop the use of Emergency Use Authorization COVID vaccines for anyone under 18, anyone with natural immunity or anyone who hasn’t received informed consent.

      America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) filed a motion July 19, seeking immediate injunctive relief in Alabama Federal District Court to stop the use of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID vaccines — Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) — for three groups of Americans.

      According to a press release, AFLDS is asking to immediately stop administration of experimental COVID vaccines in anyone 18 and younger, all those who have recovered from COVID and acquired natural immunity, and every other American who has not received informed consent as defined by federal law.

      The 67-page motion requests the judge issue a preliminary injunction pursuant to § 360bbb–3(b)(1)(C) for the following reasons:

      ~~~~ There is no emergency, which is a prerequisite to issuing EUA and EUA renewals for COVID vaccines.
      ~~~~ There is “no serious or life-threatening disease or condition.”
      ~~~~ Vaccines do not diagnose, treat or prevent SARS-CoV-2 or COVID.
      ~~~~ Known and potential risks of the vaccine outweigh their known and potential benefits.
      ~~~~ There are adequate, approved and available alternatives to vaccines.
      ~~~~ Healthcare professionals and vaccine candidates are not adequately informed.

      The authors of the motion attached a declaration by a whistleblower who came forward alleging deaths occurring within 72 hours of receiving a COVID vaccine are significantly under-reported in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) maintained by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…

      …The whistleblower — a computer programmer …alleging the actual number of COVID vaccine-related deaths is closer to 45,000. (rather than 10,991)….

  3. My answer to JEP question about the Vaxed being exposed to getting COVID, is that the truth is finally starting to break through. It’s like the general population isn’t quite as stupid as they thought we were, and they have to release some of the pressure in order to tame the coming revolution.
    I also would like to say that I like JEP’s new name for Fauci.

  4. Great episode. It’s really creepy how so many popular musicians are supporting the agenda by getting the jab and having concerts for “fully vaccinated” (I hate that term). Were they always in on it or just caving under pressure because they want to keep their material comforts? It’s sickening.

    I watched the documentary Kurt and Courtney years ago and after thought she probably had a hand in his death. Kurt was a heroin addict and most of them die by an overdose, not by shooting themself. It’s a much less painful way to die and he would know exactly how much to take, so it’s a little unusual why he would shoot himself if he wanted to die. I think art is a threat to the establishment if the artist refuses to steer the public in the direction they want. Music has a way of breaking through the brain washing and they know this. Music and art can move the masses to either awaken or put people to sleep. It’s part of what makes us human, to enjoy music and art to engage our higher consciousness.

    • cu.h.j
      “..Were they always in on it or just caving under pressure,,,,”

      I’d say all pop culture over the last 70 years is social / cultural engineering done by skin puppets at the behest of planners. If you can take the politics Blackpilled, posting over on Bitchute, has a ton of videos deconstructing movies.,… music, movies, TV and even computer games are mostly propaganda The late Dave McGowans work which expended into the book linked below
      He WAS all over youtube and was worth listening to while you did something… interesting guy. Most of that is not coming up on a first page YT search for me anymore. I know he was on the opperman report.

      Blue Oyster cult at The Farm Podcast

      I cant promise that this is really the whole book intact but it looks about right from a quick scan thru

    • Yes, he was a born charismatic leader and they fear this phenomenon. I also think that there was an essence of “awakening” transmitted in his music, at least this is what I notice when I listen to some of his music.

      Interesting you mention leadership. I wonder if the idea of anarchism goes against this basic natural phenomenon. I don’t know enough about it to speak on the matter. I think perhaps anarchism is more against state centralization rather than leadership.

      Humans will always want mentorship and leadership.

    • Fact Checker
      “…From the Machine’s perspective, music is merely frivolous noise that can be used to delight and manipulate the monkeys..”

      Music is one of the best forms of mind control… it shapes your emotions and from that shapes your personality. The reason they do not fear popular musicians is because they created them as levers on the public mind.

      What need they fear from a man who protests by staying in bed, only getting up so the maid can fluff his pillows? 🙂

      • He was human after all, no some saint that had no faults. If I paid for a hotel room, I might want the maid to fluff my pillows, since they are paid to fluff them.

        A lot of his music was really cool. I am aware of the MK ultra and CIA influence on the 1960s war protests, but I think that some of the ideas that came from the movement were good ones, like peace.

        My grandfather told me “war is hell” because he fought in WW2 and Korea and the wars took something from him. He thought he was doing his patriotic duty, to fight for liberty and justice and all that stuff. He was a good man, and war destroyed him.

        John Lennon spoke out against the war in Vietnam, regardless of how the counter culture movement may have been influenced by the CIA, the concept is still good. We don’t need to fight and kill each other, we can work out our differences peacefully (most of the time if we try). I’m not saying violence and fighting is always wrong, self defense is a natural right but by and large all the wars seem to have been steered by these nasty bankers for their agenda.

        John Lennons music opposed this. What if people decided not to show up to the wars? That would stop the globalists in their tracks. John Lennon’s music was about non compliance with war and materialism.

        Sure, he was a bit of a hypocrite with the anti materialism and a bit misguided, but the message was still a good one.

        “How does it profit a man to gain the world if he loses his soul?” is a very good message, i.e. honor is the more important than stuff. This is what I get when I listen to some of his songs, this is how I hear his music. I think a lot of people also heard this, and this is why the CIA got rid of him.

        • I think that the marxist overtones in some of his music are what many people criticize and I understand why that should be looked at.

          People have a right to be religious and worship, or not. I think the CIA did want to destroy the nationalism and work towards world government and used the 1960 revolution to do this and to some extent it did help the agenda. But there were problems before this, like the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank in the US.

          Some of the staunch values of the 1950s were stifling, or seemed that way, based on what my mom said. A lot of people were using drugs before the 1960s, like all of the downers and anti depressants and drinking heavily.

          People need the freedom to think for themselves and come to conclusions on their own. The 1950s stifled people, what did they expect from the youth? My father was so messed up from the upbringing he had as an “army” brat (airforce brat, rather). Our society has been messed up for a long long time.

            • Steve Smith

              You are probably right.

              The libertarian, total individualist, game worked pretty well at stopping people organizing against those with power and the 60’s generation went along with the globalization drive of their masters and they had no issue with an anarchist flavor of inactivity or self defeating action they pioneered in the 60’s counter culture

          • “… A lot of people were using drugs before the 1960s, like all of the downers and anti depressants and drinking heavily. …”

            True, but being a drug fiend held little appeal for the young- until a bunch of good looking popular musicians glamorized the lifestyle.

            The 60’s broke people out of the simple idea that leading an immoral life centered on yourself leads to poverty and unhappiness. If that was fixed right now we’d still be cleaning the mess up in a hundred years

            • But were people happy before? Materialism was present before the 1960s even during the Leave it to Beaver days. People weren’t happy and that’s why they were drinking and doing all the downers and diet pills and stuff.

              Throughout time, people have tended to go for the quick fix. Sure the rock and roll culture and media popularized it and they wanted LSD to be the ultimate mind control drug, but it failed and that’s why they banned it.

              This is kind of an aside and I know we have discussed this before and we don’t see eye to eye, but I don’t think psychedelics are as toxic as other drugs like alcohol, opiates and amphetamines. They aren’t as toxic to the body as the latter, its verifiable. The 1950s culture was almost just as bad, like the stepford wives.

              Too much conformity and structure is not good either “this is evil” “this is bad” “you will go to hell if you read this”. People resist this kind of thing. They do the opposite. People have to learn why some things are wrong or right, sometimes by experience. 1950s culture was very “do as I say not as I do”. This leads to repudiation.

              I think people have an innate desire, a need to be free, natural law, bodily autonomy, free speech, the freedom to think differently than other people, to be creative and make music, to grow long hair or shave it off. Isn’t the measure of a person what good they do in the world and how they treat others? If a person is honest and does not cheat, lie or steal or kill, who cares if they do some LSD or sleep around when they are young?

              Telling people they are evil because they succumb to common tendencies is not kind and it perpetuates the situation we find ourselves in.

          • “ Too much conformity and structure is not good either “this is evil” “this is bad” “you will go to hell if you read this”. People resist this kind of thing. They do the opposite. People have to learn why some things are wrong or right, sometimes by experience. 1950s culture was very “do as I say not as I do”. This leads to repudiation.

            I think people have an innate desire, a need to be free, natural law, bodily autonomy, free speech, the freedom to think differently than other people, to be creative and make music, to grow long hair or shave it off. Isn’t the measure of a person what good they do in the world and how they treat others? If a person is honest and does not cheat, lie or steal or kill, who cares if they do some LSD or sleep around when they are young?”

            Wise words cu.h.j

        • “ So, no, music doesn’t manipulate me… It’s an ally.”

          For me as well. Music has been a constant companion for as long as I can remember. And truly has helped me out in certain situations more than once.

          I love opportunities to share one of my favorite quotes.

          “In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language.“
          Henry David Thoreau

          • Yes, I agree with this and find it an “ally” as well. I still love the music of the Greatful Dead, even if it was influenced by MK Ultra, the music itself was awakening.

            The music itself fed the soul and inspires people to be more than slaves, it inspires the desire to be free.

            This is how I hear the music of the Beatles and other artists. Even Bob Dylan, though he probably sold out, his early music inspires the good in people. It touches the heart and the soul. This is how I feel about it.

            And though I may not be a religious person, I know what is good. People may tell me I will go to hell, or am being blasphemous when I say this but God is in the music. God is love and freedom and art.

        • cu.h.j
          “…ohn Lennon spoke out against the war in Vietnam, regardless of how the counter culture movement may have been influenced by the CIA, the concept is still good.,,,”

          Does not Vietnam look like you the globalist elite earning big bucks on selling munitions….while ALSO allowing them to dismantle society at home and have a generation reject every value that allowed social cohesion and solidarity?

          “…John Lennon’s music was about non compliance with war and materialism….”

          And Bill Gates, who wanted to date a girl who could match his SAT score, funds foundations that say doing Maths Well is a white imperialist thing… I suspect the motives of both Lennon and Gates are more about keeping other piggies out of THEIR trough.

          • Sure, it looks like they wanted to steer a revolution to destroy societal cohesion and nationalism towards the world government idea and make a lot of money in the mean time.

            I think the LSD and 60s revolution got out of hand though and they had to put a stop to it. Too much chaos and people questioning war and violence (the military industrial complex) was not what they wanted.

            They wanted to shrink people’s consciousness, not expand it. I think it went sideways for them.

            I didn’t know John Lennon personally so I don’t know what his motives were, but based on much of his music that I enjoy, I don’t think he was a bad person like gates. Probably misguided, over indulged but his music and influence was a threat which is why they killed him.

            • cu.h.j

              “..If a person is honest and does not cheat, lie or steal or kill, who cares if they do some LSD or sleep around when they are young?,,,”

              Not me… its their life to roll the dice on

              “…Telling people they are evil because they succumb to common tendencies is not kind and it perpetuates the situation we find ourselves in….”

              Telling a fat person they can eat doughnuts and sit on the sofa wihout consequences IS pretty evil and unkind IMHO.

              Personally I don’t care if people ruin their lives but sleeping around and doing drugs or living for dopamine hits and sugar puts a subject in a higher risk pool for bad life outcomes- it does not make them evil, just misguided

              “…But were people happy before? ..”

              “Studies Show Normal Children Today Report More Anxiety than Child Psychiatric Patients in the 1950’s” THAT report was from 2000, I think its way worse now

            • “….Yes, I agree with this and find it an “ally” as well. I still love the music of the Greatful Dead, even if it was influenced by MK Ultra, the music itself was awakening. ..”

              I am sure that it DOES awaken people.

              The question is “What” will MKULTRA music “awaken” you to…? And will it benefit you?

            • Duck:

              I was a kid in the 80s, my mom is a baby boomer. She was a single parent and I was highly anxious. I had a very rough childhood, awful for the most part. But she was a good mom, the child of immigrants and also had a rough childhood because of that. So I do think that some children in the 80s were more anxious than the past generations. But that’s not a measure of happiness.

              I enjoy the Grateful dead to be honest. I think they play well and their musical timing is awesome and the songs last a long time. My husband has an “ear” for music because he studied music in college a little and the music is “tight”. People play their instruments well, there’s lots of improvisation. Led Zepplin is excellent too and Jimi Hendrix. My husband loves Jazz, classical and Avant-garde as well. There’s a spirt in the music, perhaps from the roots of the music. It’s inspiring, makes you feel good, uplifting and gives you energy and inspiration.

              I think people who can be brainwashed by listening to songs are people who were poorly raised or have a weak character. Music is there to feel good. If you don’t like the song, you can turn it off. But art, inspiration, and love and all of those good feelings, those feelings that give a person bliss, are sacred. This is how I understand God.

            • cu.h.j

              First off let me point out that I’m not bothered by what YOU listen to. EVen if I was I’m just some rando off the net, 🙂 …who ALSO listens to music… So, NOT personal

              “….I think people who can be brainwashed by listening to songs are people who were poorly raised or have a weak character…”

              Music gets passes right past the THINKING part of the mind and hacks at the deeper levels.
              THAT is the point of music, and why it ‘feels good’ to listen to… why else do governments USE MUSIC?

              “…Music is there to feel good….”

              Is the reason (AFAIK) EVERY gov wrote patriotic music and plays it to kids is so the kids feel good? Or is it so the kids associate those feelings with the Gov?

              “….all of those good feelings, those feelings that give a person bliss, are sacred. This is how I understand God…”

              A lot to unpack
              1) You think music made for MKULTRA is gonna teach you about GOD???? Which one???
              2) The idea that anything is ‘sacred’ because it gives YOU PERSONAL BLISS kinda weird if you consider it….. Is heroin sacred? Is pornography sacred?

              “…So I do think that some children in the 80s were more anxious than the past generations. But that’s not a measure of happiness. …”

              People who have RISING rates of suicide and self harm are probably LESS happy

              I’m not saying all music is evil or you should even give it up, but the fact is that MOST music people listen to, like most TV is made BY PEOPLE WHO HATE us and want us DEAD… maybe we should look at that blanket they give us to see its got smallpox scabs before we wrap up

            • Duck,

              I don’t think porn or heroin is the same as listening to the Grateful dead is the same. Porn and some drugs like heroin, cocaine and meth are toxic and don’t teach people about God. These are completely different things.

              Some music may be bad, or I would even say doesn’t meet the definition of music, like some rap music. Some of that is toxic (not all, but a lot of the pop stuff).

              Porn is vile and some drugs are disgusting.

              I checked out the link you sent, and it was interesting that some of the musicians had links to the military by their parents, but that per se doesn’t prove that the CIA in particular actually directing what was being produced.

              A lot of rock and roll had roots to the early music in the US prior to the existence of the CIA. The spirt in that music is good, it’s the spirt of resistance to oppression. The access to toxic drugs coupled with people having no direction in their youth, bad decision making and genetic and parental influences can lead to people turning to drugs and alcohol and other escapes to attempt to ease the pain they feel.

              If there are any other compelling documents that prove that the CIA had more influence in the actual production of the music of the 60s, could you share?

              I think that the marxist influence in American culture may have influenced the youth of the 60s, because they thought it was a means of liberation without looking at the historical context and influence of wealthy interests. However, the music that was actually produced, I believe did not further the agenda of the controllers. Neither did LSD, in my opinion, which is why it was abandoned as a means of controlling and other drugs were introduced like heroin, cocaine, and meth. Psychedelics are not addictive or harmful in the same way and some people have actually been able to shift their mind out of being controlled by some of the brainwashing by experience with these drugs. They can assist in “red pilling” people through a shift in perception. However, not all people respond this way. Some people just don’t see and will never see or admit what is going on.

              I enjoy a lot of different types of music that includes classical, jazz, rock and roll, and music from different cultures across the world, and I even enjoy some rap and hip hop. I have never felt that there was evil in the music I was listening to (because I turn off “music” I find offensive). And I have done a lot of good in my community and lived an honest life and am a good person. This is probably mainly due to my mothers influence, rather than music or any other influence.

        • Dogstar
          “..So, no, music doesn’t manipulate me… It’s an ally….”

          You know, in combat people have thought the same thing about amphetamines…. unless you are a VERY strange person the music you listen too WILL affect your mood- I think you allude to that when you say

          “….and I listen to many genres, depending upon my mood…”

          Music is basic mind control, maybe your using it for SELF mind control, but most people are having it done TO them.

          YOu know, kinda an esoteric point but someone once told me that Lucifer actually IS a musical instrument which kinda weirded me out

    • I’m going to look over this later. I worked a long day.

      I have no doubt the CIA was trying to experiment with LSD to create Soma or a mind controlled robot. That’s why LSD was so abundant back then. But then something different happened. People started questioning the wars and other things. Then the LSD stopped being so available and is a schedule 1 drug like marijuana (federally).

      The things that are highly regulated and banned are usually things that challenge the status quo.

      • Bleak,

        I’ll look into the information you shared. I like reading dense material and interesting material when I have the time.

        I enjoy some of the music by the Grateful dead, but was never a deadhead. I’ve never seen them play. It brings me back to my 20s, I hung out with friends, got stoned and listened to the music for hours with them and had interesting philosophical conversations. It’s more nostalgia for me. My husband is more of a real musician and his tastes are refined, so his taste in music is probably better than mine. I like the blues and music that has roots to early music here in the US, particularly “black” music that actually was influenced by Christianity. Lots of black people were christians. So you had the African mix combined with the music that existed here and those are the roots of rock and roll in the states. I just like it, not all of it, but a lot of it. Just my opinions.

        All music has its roots across the world, prior to any of these evil influences, that I believe are pure. The roots before the corruption are there and there’s something special about “pure” music. I think it might be coincidental that some of these people had military families. There needs to be more than circumstantial evidence for me to think it was all MK Ultra, from conception to production. I will look into this though, maybe I’m wrong.

        My grandfather was a ranking officer in the air force, not a general or someone in the higher echelons’ but he was up there in rank. He was a good man (loyal to the US constitution) and my father rebelled against his way of life. So, my own family experience has shown me that kids of military families do rebel. Not every ranking officer in the military is involved with the CIA. I think they recruit from those ranks, but I think it’s a separate entity.

        Thanks for the share of information. I will look into it, fascinating stuff. I do think that the CIA and these “elites” have found it impossible to corrupt our species via all the hard mind control and soft mind control, which is why they want the technocracy, to change the species entirely. It’s very creepy, it’s a spiritual corruption, evil beyond anything I could ever imagine.

      • Bleak,

        It sounds like you have very eclectic musical tastes. My husband plays saxophone actually, not guitar. But I did have an old boyfriend who played guitar! He does know all of the artists you mentioned. I will have to check them out in more detail.

        I also like Robert Johnson a lot. I love that old acoustic stuff too. I think it’s interesting he spoke of selling his soul to the devil. In my early 20s, I had some bad experiences with drugs and I believed I had experienced what that would have been like, to live without a soul. It was terrifying actually. Perhaps it was just a hallucination, but I had never been religious or even spiritual at that time. This is why the experience stands out to me, because I had never thought of the devil and if a devil does exists, he showed himself to me and what it would be like without a soul if I kept up what I was doing. Perhaps that was God, giving me a glimpse, I don’t know, to show a person what things would be like, to teach someone not to do something. It sure seemed like the devil to me though and it scared me.

        I don’t think you should give up on playing the blues again. I don’t think things will ever be the same for a long time, but I think in certain places it will be pretty normal. I have spoken to people who live outside of CA who say that things are better.

        I will definitely look into the resources you shared. I was reading a bit about project Monarch, and it’s pretty dark stuff, vile, horrific and hard to endure, but stuff that needs to come to light. I have no doubt that these nasty intelligence agencies and the like are devoid of any moral values. They have no soul, or they are pure evil demons. I once had a theory that when people don’t have a soul occupying their body, other entities can walk in and take over. When someone sells their soul, their body is occupied by evil. That is what those “elites” are, pure evil. But they have been thwarted thus far, which is why I think they want to alter us.

  5. Regarding Story #2

    We all have been watching this slow moving trainwreck of the Japan Olympics. Here is recent news…
    Friday July 23 in the U.S. – YahooSports
    Protesters stage demonstration against Tokyo Olympics outside Opening Ceremony

    TOKYO — Hundreds of people gathered outside Japan’s National Stadium on Friday night, some to protest the holding of the Olympics in the nation’s capital.

    The protest grew as the Opening Ceremony was set to commence a couple hundred yards away. On a street corner, surrounded by police, a core group of protesters chanted and yelled.

    The gist of the main chant, according to a Japanese man who translated the message into English: “We don’t want to have the Olympic Games in this country!”
    Another chant was simpler: “No Olympics!”

    It’s unclear how many of the hundreds gathered opposed the Olympics, and how many had come to the stadium to soak in the scene from outside. No spectators were allowed into the Ceremony. Another Japanese man on the south side of the stadium, who wished not to give his name, told Yahoo Sports that he had come “to feel it.”

    But public opinion polls have shown that a majority of Japanese citizens oppose the holding of the Games, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The most vocal of them gathered at a corner to the southwest of the stadium, along the 418, on Friday. One led chants through a megaphone. At least one played a percussion instrument along with the chants. A few held banners…

    …Security guards did not let reporters who were credentialed for the ceremony leave the stadium grounds to cover the protest. Olympic organizers have barred foreign media from interviewing citizens outside of Olympic venues.

    The chanting continued for well over an hour, before and during the Ceremony. The fireworks that marked its commencement could be seen and heard from outside. The protesters continued chanting, passionately, unperturbed.

    At one point, entire blocks on the west side of the stadium were crammed with people. Police seemed to engage in some minor, non-violent confrontations with citizens, mostly to keep the intersection clear, but the protest was peaceful.

    It lasted for more than two hours, then died down, leaving the street mostly quiet. Some locals stuck around to watch what they could of the ceremony from outside.[END]

    • The Massive Costs Behind The Olympic Games
      (See GRAPHIC in article)

      The 2020 Olympics are finally underway in Tokyo. Japan has been averaging 3,000 cases a day this week while only 22 percent of the public has been fully vaccinated.

      The event is now set to take place behind closed doors which is a bitter blow for both the public and organizers after a massive amount of work and investment.

      Cost overruns have become the norm for host cities and it is estimated that postponing the games by a year cost Japan $2.8 billion, two-thirds of which was paid with public funding. That has come on top of a project that is already severely overbudget. When the Japanese capital was awarded the Olympics in 2013, the bid committee projected a final bill of $7.3 billion and this was revised upwards to $12.6 billion in December 2019 before the postponement. Japan’s National Audit Board later reported that the final cost would be far higher at $22 billion.
      Financial newspapers Nikkei and Asahi claim that the end cost of hosting the Olympics will actually amount to a whopping $28 billion.

      Some have taken past mistakes onboard and Hamburg is a notable example which rejected its 2015 bid on cost grounds in a public referendum. Other cities have learned that the financial consequences can be dire only after hosting the games. Research conducted by The University of Oxford in 2016 and website Play The Game shows how costs ballooned in most cities down through the years. Notable examples include Montreal in 1976 where the games were 720 percent overbudget and Barcelona in 1992 which experienced a cost overrun to the tune of 266 percent.

      In recent years, the 2016 Olymics in Rio cost just under $14 billion which represented a 352 percent cost overrun while the 2012 London Olympics saw its final bill of just under $15 billion come in 76 percent overbudget. Snowballing costs are also a feature of the Winter Oympics where there have been several financial catastrophes such as Sochi. The 2014 Winter Olympics in the Russian City cost $21.89 billion, a 289 percent cost overrun largely as a result of overbudget venues.

      Sadly, the enduring legacy of hosting the Olympics is now nothing more than a slew of abandoned and overgrown venues in multiple former host cities….

  6. Sorry all, this is pure “pumping my own thing”.

    Its about the history of information control from the 80’s to now, and a “calling of arms” to the gen-Y and later to take control of their information inflow.

    Sorry for the spamming here, but if you like the article, then feel free to push it to your associates. I get nothing from substack and actively advise against subscription. This is not a money thing, its and information thing.

    Love and peace.


    • I am not a fan of rap music and I don’t like posting links to gootube videos but for this guy I am making an exception.
      I didn’t watch the whole video myself. Just a segment that Brian from HighImpactFlix featured on Bitchute but I am tempted to in case the kid earns money that way.

      A very talented young fellow named Samson is rapping a brilliant response to some other famous rapper’s recent remake of a earlier piece entitled “Vax That Thang up”

      Really amazing lyricist. Worth a listen in my opinion. And almost definitely not a disinformation agent.

      • Steve Smith,

        I liked that. That’s cool he’s speaking up that way. There’s a lot of pressure on the youth to take this shot and many of them are hesitant. Their intuition is telling them no, and they should probably listen to it. I always tell people to listen to their gut.

      • “Samson’s response to “Vax That Thang Up”” video filmed at Allatoona Lake, just north of Atlanta, Georgia.
        J.D.’s on the Lake (aka Blue Cat Lodge) – 6979 Bells Ferry Rd, Canton, GA 30114

        Netflix’s hit show, Georgia-filmed “Ozark” tells of a Chicago financial advisor involved with money laundering. After a business deal with a drug cartel goes south, he and his family escape to the Missouri Ozarks so that he can pay back his former boss.
        There is a clip of the Blue Cat Lodge in the show.

  7. “Global Access Health(GAH)…GAAAAAAAH!” That had me dying! ? feel like these acronyms are getting dumber as the years go by

    Another great episode fellas!

    The Soros/Gates partnership is interesting. Soros knows that he and his “Closed Society Foundations” are hated so much already, I don’t really think he cares about the public perception of a partnership with Gates. It’s all about the end goal for the two of them.

    Just a comment on Japan. As a culture, aren’t they one of the least vaccinated countries in the 1st world? Think I read that somewhere, could be off. Feel like that might play a role here

    Cobain’s death has always been sketchy to me. There is a doc that came out awhile back called Soaked In Bleach that implicates Love’s involvement in his death. There are a lot of interesting facts presented, makes you realize the official story is bunk. But what it doesn’t do is take that idea and go a step further. Sure it comes to the conclusion that Courtney conspired to have him killed, but it was over money. It never gets into the nefarious connections involving Love and her family. The doc only goes so far with you, it doesn’t feel fully fleshed out. And quite honestly they make some of the conspiracy theorists interviewed connected to the case seem like crazies. It’s a good doc, for a superficial dive into the Cobain case, but at same time feels like a misdirect. I’d love to see an honest effort at a Cobain “conspiracy” doc, there is still a hell of a story to tell there!

    Have an awesome day!!!

  8. “Gain of Function” and Fauci

    DESCRIPTIVE of the 6 minute VIDEO
    Anthony Fauci clashed with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday July 20th, accusing the senator of lying about the role the National Institutes of Health (NIH) played in funding controversial research in Wuhan, China.

    During a Senate Health Committee hearing about the federal COVID-19 response, Paul said the NIH funded illegal gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which created a highly dangerous and transmissible virus able to infect humans.

    It’s an accusation Paul has made before, and one Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has denied. But on Tuesday, Paul implied Fauci had previously lied to Congress, and that he was fully aware of what the Wuhan lab was doing with grant money that came from NIH.
    (6 minutes)

    • Monday August 2nd – via Zero Hedge (Epoch Times)
      Fauci, HHS “Hiding Something” With Redacted Emails: Sen. Johnson

      Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Sunday suggested that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci are “hiding something” from Americans by redacting key information in correspondence that the public “deserves to have.”…

      “So we sent a letter with five members of my committee, that if five members do request this, the agency shall turn them over to us. We got the exact same FOIA requests, except for one paragraph was not redacted, and when it was redacted, it was for apparently being related to an open law enforcement investigation,” he explained.

      “But we saw the paragraph,”
      Johnson continued.
      “It has nothing to do with the law enforcement investigation. So that brings into question all the redactions, and by the way, Congress is not subject to those same four redactions, so they are hiding something. Again, that just reduces my trust and faith in these agencies.”
      “They need to come clean. They need to be transparent. This is information the American public deserves to have.”

      “This example calls into question HHS’s redaction process, not only for FOIA requests from the public but also for documents produced to Congress.”

  9. Remember this headline?…

    ‘It’s too late’: Alabama doctor shares final moments of Covid patients, urges vaccination

    EXCERPTS (see “smiling photo” in article)
    A doctor in Alabama pleaded on Facebook this week for Covid-19 skeptics to get vaccinated — unlike some of her patients who paid the ultimate price.

    Dr. Brytney Cobia’s impassioned and sobering Facebook post from Sunday has been widely circulated on social media. The Birmingham physician said people are listening to her first-hand accounts of treating critical patients who regret never getting inoculated.

    “I’m admitting young healthy people to the hospital with very serious COVID infections.
    One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine.
    I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late,”

    she wrote.

    “A few days later when I call time of death, I hug their family members and I tell them the best way to honor their loved one is to go get vaccinated and encourage everyone they know to do the same.”

    “They cry. And they tell me they didn’t know. They thought it was a hoax. They thought it was political. They thought because they had a certain blood type or a certain skin color they wouldn’t get as sick. They thought it was ‘just the flu,’”
    Cobia wrote.
    “But they were wrong. And they wish they could go back. But they can’t. So they thank me and they go get the vaccine. And I go back to my office, write their death note, and say a small prayer that this loss will save more lives.”

    Cobia declined a request for an interview on Wednesday, telling NBC News via text that she’s been receiving “threatening messages.”…
    …Cobia told that treating patients with coronavirus, even those who chose to not get a vaccine, tugs at her heart strings.

    “You kind of go into it thinking, ‘Okay, I’m not going to feel bad for this person, because they make their own choice,’”
    Cobia said.
    “But then you actually see them, you see them face to face, and it really changes your whole perspective, because they’re still just a person that thinks that they made the best decision that they could with the information that they have, and all the misinformation that’s out there,” she told the news outlet.

    • Miles and Brytney Cobia – Sniffing the Bullshit

      Today, Sunday July 25th, I called the Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, AL. I told the operator that I was visiting Birmingham, but was scared after seeing Brytney’s story. I asked her “How many people have died from Covid?” at her hospital since the beginning of 2021. I could hear her role her eyes as she told me in her Alabama accent to call back Monday to speak to someone who knew, because “I’m just the Operator.”

      There is NO “Dr. Brytney Cobia” listed on the Grandview Medical Center website, but her husband “Miles Cobia, M.D.” is listed.

      I even searched the Telemedicine Doctor pages.

      • EXCERPT
        Dr Cobia is a doctor down in Birmingham, Alabama. She works for Grandview Medical Center.
        She wrote a piece for both and on her own Facebook page about what it’s like treating patients in a state where so many people aren’t getting the vaccine and believe it to be a “hoax,” and she’s now going viral for her plea….

        “The U.S. Sun” – Jul 21 2021
        URGENT PLEA Who is Alabama Doctor Brytney Cobia and why is she trending?

        • Of note is this news article with a Family photo during Christmas-time 2020 which shows two young children, one a young infant.
          Dawson County Journal – Serving Nebraska / Covering The World – July 21, 2021
          ‘I’m sorry, but it’s too late’: Alabama doctor on treating unvaccinated, dying COVID patients –

          Larger images of this photo showing Drs. Miles and Brytney Cobia with children Carter and Claire can be found online with an image search. July 2020, Brytney was 27 weeks pregnant with Carter.
          This aspect strikes me. In July 2021, Carter is less than one year old.
          Would Brytney Cobia be actively working full-time during the first half of 2021 as a Doctor with two young children at home?

          • Is Brytney Cobia a Doctor?
            Personally, I think that she likely is an MD.

            EXCERPT (with both she and her husband pictured circa 2014)
            …For another third-year medical student, Brytney Cobia, cooking dinners for Ronald McDonald House is a familiar task. “My dad took me to do this on the weekends when I was growing up,” she said. “It is such an easy way to give back that makes such a difference for these families with so much on their plate.”

            Cobia said many parents are from cities more than an hour away, and having a child in the hospital for a prolonged period of time can make for a difficult, time-consuming, and expensive commute…
            USA medical students pose for a group photo before preparing a meal for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House at USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital. Picture above, from left to right: Heather Griffin, Chris Mills, Stefan Osborn, Brytney Cobia, Miles Cobia, Megan Hudson, Audrey Paulzak, Vivian Yeilding, Jon Newsom and Abby Weems.

            • On July 26, 2021, Scott Boyd had the following article at Freedom First Network…
              Alabama Doctor Who Told Gut-Wrenching (FAKE) Vaccine Story is the New Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ
              (“Incubator babies” Video)

              An Alabama doctor told a gut-wrenching story that, as can be read below, turned out to be totally false. It was pro-vaccine propaganda…Thankfully, this one was exposed before too many people were conned.
              Here are the details by Lance D. Johnson from Natural News [LINK]:
              Alabama Doctor’s Heart-Wrenching Story About Young, Dying Covid Patients “Begging to Be Vaccinated” Turns out to Be a Complete Fabrication

              … A closer inspection of the Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham tells a much different story. Brytney Cobia completely fabricated her story, and her name doesn’t even appear in the hospital’s directory. In fact, the hospital has not admitted a single pediatric patient for covid-19 since their data was made available, a year ago. And the average number of adult covid-19 patients from week-to-week ranges between 4 and 8 in a hospital with 449 hospital beds and 91 ICU beds. These beds are usually 70 – 90 percent full – not with covid patients, but with patients struggling from other, more serious health issues (many of which are related to the vaccines).

              According to Grandview’s most recent data [LINK] submitted for the week ending on July 9, 2021, the hospital bed capacity is 358.9 of 427.0 beds used (or 84.1% full). The ICU capacity is 83.9 of 91 beds used (or 92.2% full). The current capacity data for adult inpatient beds and ICU beds is about average for this hospital. More importantly, there have only been six hospital admissions for covid-19 during this 7-day period, and all of these admissions are for adult patients who can recover with the right treatment protocol.

              Moreover, neither Dr. Cobia nor the hospital has admitted a single healthy pediatric patient…Dr. Cobia appears to be lying…
              …Even more telling, there were 856 people who went to the hospital suspecting they have covid-19 during the last seven-day reporting cycle. A total of 285 of this cohort tested positive for covid-19, but according to the hospital’s data, only 6 of the people were actually admitted as patients. Some of these patients have even been fully vaccinated…

              …For the entire month of June, the number of covid-19 patient admissions was zero for both adults and pediatrics. The number of covid-19 patients in the entire hospital system ranged from 4 to 8, and there are treatments to help these patients recover, despite Dr. Cobia’s admitted inclination to mock these patients and intubate them….

              • While I appreciate the research and data points, and also certainly agree that the Dr. Brytney Cobia story is pro-vaccine propaganda…

                …so far in many alternative articles/posts, I don’t see any concrete evidence that hard-nails the deception.
                While the whole Brytney Cobia story stinks of bullshit, I am seeing lots of assumptions (or speculations) by those who adamantly state that the story is totally false.

                I want evidence which is more firm, some FACTS that are hard to deny.
                I would like to see this Cobia STORY exposed.
                I think that it is important.
                Exposing this Propaganda in an undeniable way, can cause an embarrassment to the Repeater-Media and even reaching to The President of the United States.

              • Homie, TV watchers don’t care about proof. If any “minds” have been captured by this garbage, there is no amount of evidence that will make them believe otherwise.

                Just look at the most blatant propaganda that has been spread for decades by various talking head “presidents”. All of that doesn’t mean anything, they are following the script and lying big.

              • mkey,
                Normally, in most scenarios currently, I would completely and emphatically agree with that point: “No amount of proof/facts/logic can alter the brains of the mindless zombies.”

                However, if it could be undeniably shown that Dr. Brytney Cobia was not working in a hospital during 2021, (but rather at home with her kids)…then the Cobia Propaganda Story becomes a blazing bonfire.
                If she wasn’t working at the hospital, then Brytney’s story falls apart as a complete fabricated lie.
                It is like naked photos of a celebrity.
                We should note that the media loves celebrity characters in their stories…because they bite with the mindless. Gossip bites. “Personalized tales” bite as a story.
                The mindless masses migrate to mindless STORIES.
                They want sensationalized personal drama full of controversy. The longer the list of sins by the featured characters, the better.

                It’s “THE STORY” which Corbett talks about.

                One needs only to go to “The Daily Mail” to see what stories that the masses migrate to.
                I think that the Cobia Story has potential…if she is caught naked.

      • Dr. Brytney Cobia probably has a penchant for being in the spotlight with her virtue signaling.
        Almost exactly one year ago, on July 21, 2020, was the following LONG article printed in MedPage Today

        COVID-Positive Doc: ‘I Didn’t Wear a Mask and I Regret It’
        — Outdoor gathering leads to COVID spread among family members

        Miles and Brytney Cobia, both physicians in Birmingham, Alabama, had been taking every precaution while working at their hospital, especially since Brytney is pregnant with the couple’s second child.

        Outside of work, they’d been seeing only family, and a very few close friends, who’d been similarly compulsive about being cautious in a state that’s now seeing some 2,000 new cases of COVID-19 each day.
        The Cobias cancelled a planned vacation to Florida in July given the state’s soaring case counts, opting for a long weekend at a secluded Alabama lake instead.

        The weekend of July 11-12, they invited only their closest family members, including their parents who are in their 60s, to join them primarily for an outdoor gathering lakeside. All of these family members had been taking the utmost precautions as well.

        They spent the majority of the time outside (more than 90%), and not everyone was together at once, so they were mostly able to keep a safe distance.
        But they didn’t wear masks.

        Now, eight of the 11 people who went to the lakehouse — including the Cobias — have tested positive for COVID-19. They said they also suspect their 2-year-old daughter has the virus based on symptoms.
        “We did not mask while visiting with family because we let our guard down and thought we were safe,” Miles said in a tweet that quickly went viral. He said he wanted to share his story to encourage others to take every precaution possible.

        “We had a false sense of security,” Miles told MedPage Today. “We haven’t been going to bars, weddings, mass beach gatherings. We felt we were doing something isolated, that we’d be okay.”
        “We hope our story can teach people to take the maximum precautions if they do gather,” he said.


        • (…continuing…)
          Patient Zero?
          On that fateful weekend, family members started arriving around noon on Saturday, and different family members came up at different times. They were outside largely the entire time, until going to bed around 10 p.m. Only seven people stayed in the house overnight, and each family unit had separate bedrooms on separate floors. Guests left by Sunday afternoon.

          Brytney was the first to show symptoms, which began in earnest on Monday. She had a low-grade fever at 99.5°F, congestion, sneezing, a sore throat, and fatigue.

          A hospitalist (she didn’t want to name the hospital), she said she suspects she was the group’s patient zero, though she’s not sure how she got the disease. The hospital wouldn’t allow her on the COVID wards since she’s pregnant, and she had sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE), wearing mostly N95 masks, but sometimes opting for a surgical mask.

          All patients in the hospital are routinely tested for COVID, and the hospital has a dedicated medical floor and a dedicated ICU for COVID patients, she said.

          “In the 14 days before symptom onset, we hadn’t been anywhere besides home and work, so my best guess is that I was exposed by another employee, or perhaps by a patient who had a false-negative test,” she said.

          She noted that many patients who are not on the COVID wards don’t wear their masks. When she walks into their rooms, it’s “on the side of their bed, or on the tray table.”

          She said she’ll often ask them to put their masks on, but there are scenarios where that’s nearly impossible, like end-of-life visits. These patients can have multiple visitors and when walking into such a situation, it’s difficult to ask everyone to mask up.

          ‘Use Us as an Example’
          Still, Miles and Brytney thought through other possible sources of infection. They’re sure it wasn’t other family members because they weren’t going out either. Their daughter was in daycare, but there were no other known cases in her class. It likely wasn’t Miles, who finished a neurology fellowship at the end of June and hadn’t been in the hospital since. They’d disinfected all the surfaces at their lakehouse rental…

          [Blah blah blah article continues]

          …”The reality is, nobody is safe,” Brytney said. “We have to balance our mental health with staying safe.”….

    • Personally, I would like to see people calling Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, AL and pester them with queries.

      It is my speculation that Dr. Brytney Cobia probably has not been working full time at the hospital during the first half of 2021. She has two young children, with Carter less than a year old.

      • Interesting anecdote. My hospital has started asking people if they have been vaccinated particularly if they come in with respiratory illness. I think the fascist governor has gotten to them. In fact I suspect that I may have to get an attorney to continue working there. The money is really good but I don’t enjoy a hostile work environment so might have to move earlier than expected.

        All of the morons in health care are all worked about the big scary delta variant. I am so sick of this propaganda. It’s maddening.

    • Coincidence?
      Something stinks.
      Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham
      is mentioned in the following Washington Post article published…
      Sun, July 25, 2021, 2:44 PM·4 min read
      It should be noted that this article revolves around a 28 year old autistic boy who “had a passion for all things Pokémon, trains, video games and frogs.”

      An Alabama mother who lost her son to covid says not getting the vaccine is her biggest regret

      The version has over 800 comments. There is an army of “Narrative Pushers” out there, or “whatever they are”.

      These days, Christy Carpenter finds strength in her family and faith. But on some days, one question keeps ringing in her head: “Why?”
      After weeks of battling through oxygen treatments, her 28-year-old son died in the hospital two months after being diagnosed with covid-19…

      …”It took watching my son die and me suffering the effects of covid for us to realize we need the vaccine,” the mother said. “We did not get vaccinated when we had the opportunity and regret that so much now.”

      Although for her it will always be impossible to understand the reason for Curt’s passing, Carpenter said she is determined to not let her son’s death be futile.
      “If Curt were here today, he would make it his mission to encourage everyone to get vaccinated,” Carpenter said. “Cayla, his sister, and I are carrying out that mission in his memory.”…

      …The pandemic dealt a big blow to the tightknit Carpenter family on March 5, when Curt, his younger sister and his mother were diagnosed with the virus, which has claimed about 610,000 lives across the nation.

      At first, the three experienced mild symptoms that slowly began to alleviate. Then, a week later, everything took a turn for the worse.
      When their oxygen saturation levels dropped dangerously, the mother and son were rushed to Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham. A day later, they both developed pneumonia, and Curt Carpenter was put on a ventilator.
      The constantly changing oxygen levels paired with a pneumothorax – a collapsed lung – were too much for Curt Carpenter’s body. His organs began shutting down. He was declared dead May 2.

      His last uttered phrase is still etched in Christy Carpenter’s mind: “This is not a hoax, this is real,” Curt said, according to his mother.
      His mother said Curt Carpenter at first believed that the coronavirus was a hoax. The whole family was hesitant to get vaccinated when the shots became available….

    • Late afternoon on Thursday July 29th, 2021,
      President Biden Delivered a 37 minute Speech to the American People Emphatically Pushing Vaccines.
      Transcript of the “Remarks by President Biden”:

      In his “remarks”, Biden referred to The Dr. Brytney Cobia STORY.
      ”… Read the news and you’ll see stories about unvaccinated patients in hospitals. As they’re lying in bed, dying from COVID-19, they’re asking, “Doc, can I get the vaccine?” And the doctors have to say, “Sorry, it’s too late.”

      Right now, too many people are dying or watching someone they love dying and saying, “If I just got vaccinated, if I just…” It’s heartbreaking. And it’s complicated even more because it’s preventable….”

      QUEUED White House Video

      — (Alabama) —
      The Dr. Brytney Cobia STORY was first publicized at Many other mainstream outlets and social media picked it up.
      Following Biden’s “remarks”, this was a headline at
      Biden cites Alabama’s Dr. Brytney Cobia, Kay Ivey in COVID vaccine speech: ‘This is an American tragedy’

      • Here is what I did Friday July 30th.
        I again called Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham. Repeatedly.

        My patter went something like this:
        “Hi. My name is _____ . I’m with CR (or sometimes I would say “Corbett Report”). I’m calling to confirm that Dr. Brytney Cobia is not currently working at Grandview Medical Center. As I understand it, she has been at home taking care of her two young children.”

        The Operator had transferred me to “Marketing and Public Relations”. I left several messages throughout the day with that department, but no return phone call. Finally, as the afternoon wore on, I called and asked the Operator to transfer me to Human Resources.
        After asking “Who are you with again?” being confused by CR, I clarified “Corbett Report”. This is what HR said: ”I don’t show her as an employee. If she’s a physician, she may not be one of our employees.”

        (I may end up in the Penalty Box for my phrasing, but I needed some altitude. CR or Corbett Report is top-class altitude.)

        By the way, I am just guessing that she is at home, because she has two small children.

  10. HRS, may I ask you for your recommendation of what type of Glutathione product to use for detoxification? And what is Liposomal based Glutathion?
    I know you have covered this already but can’t remember where.

    • Glutathione and NAC

      Hi Steve,
      We discussed Glutathione when talking about Graphene Oxide.

      Glutathione is made up of three amino acids. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a major component of glutathione. The other two amino acids are Glycine and Glutamine.
      They sell Glutathione supplements, and it is advised to take them on an empty stomach in the hopes that they will be absorbed intact. However, the stomach can often break down the supplement into its component amino acids. A liposomal glutathione might bypass the stomach breakdown.

      An IV drip is probably the most effective way to get Glutathione directly into the system. A lot of Intergrative Medicine Doctors offer this. If they offer Vitamin C IV drips, then likely they have Glutathione. Costs might range around $100 to $150 for a drip.

      Oral supplemntation with Liposomal based Glutathione seems really cool, just like Liposomal Vitamin C. Liposomal Vitamin C trumps water-soluable by a big margin.
      Lipids are fats. Lecithin (or the yellow egg yolks) help water based substances mix with oils, which is why food prep uses them. Many vitamins and amino acids are water based. Water based Vitamins can quickly be peed out, or may not absorb through cellular membranes well.
      A professionally produced liposomal Vitamin C or Glutathione would have an “oil” type property. This gives it some life in the body’s system, and helps it to absorb into areas where a water based substance many not.
      I often throw a little lecithin in my smoothie in the hopes that some nutrients will become more lipid-based. Besides, lecithin contains some excellent brain, nerve and body chemicals. I’ve seen people touting making lipid Vitamin C using Lecithin and an ultrasonic machine. I’ve yet to try it, but I have a cheap new-in-the-box machine.
      They use a lipid envelope to help the Covid vaccines enter the cells.

      Another glutathione option is to take quantities of the amino acids N-acetylcysteine (NAC), Glycine and Glutamine. This is what I massively did years ago when poisoned, (and still do on occasion). Molybdenum and selenium and magnesium would probably be important minerals to help with the body’s manufacturing process. Even a cold shower can prompt the body’s production of glutathione.

      Mercola has lots of health information, especially on NAC. Recently, he wrote regarding Covid: “Evidence shows NAC may be used to prevent blood clots and break up any that might already have formed.”

      • An aside:
        In recent weeks, I have been doing a routine.
        It does change the body’s gut system which astounded me…just like they said in the interview. But the endeavor has more to do with unwanted, long-standing microbial harbors in the body and mouth. Harbored nasal/mouth microbes can lead to all kinds of stuff, including heart problems.
        The nebulization also will quickly knock out a respiratory infection; Covid, flu or otherwise.

        I wanted to mention this Mercola / Dr. Levy protocol.
        Nebulizing and Oral Hydrogen Peroxide Protocols

        • Damn! That’s great to hear Zzzap! So Cool!

          That news prompts me to jabber…

          Dr. David Kennedy, DDS. (the Anti-Fluoride Activist & Dentist) has a video somewhere on YouTube about rinsing (water pic) with Iodine (Betadine). Evidently, it gets rid of the bacteria which causes cavities. In Puerto Rico, there was great success with a group of children who had no cavities.
          Kennedy discusses(7 minutes)“Bad Bugs”

          I have some drops of Lugol’s Iodine in my mix for nebulization.

          Way back at the beginning of this Covid scare around March 2020, Dr. David Brownstein was doing the nebulization with his patients. He also added some Lugol’s Iodine to the mix, but his mix of H2O2 is much less than Dr. Levy.
          Dr. David Brownstein had many interviews of his Covid patients on YouTube (which are now deleted). The testimonies were profound. A big winner for most patients, especially the ones who thought that they were going to die, was the nebulization of H2O2 mix.

          Iodine ANECDOTE
          I’ve noticed that sometimes following supplementation of a higher dose of Lugol’s Iodine, the next day I feel an odd despondency for no real reason. Time and again, it is almost dose dependent.

          I attribute it to FLUORIDE. The fluoride is coming off…recirculating. After all, Fluoride builds in the bones and other body parts. The bones continuously break-down and rebuild. Iodine often works to replace the fluoride because of the chemical similarity.
          Melissa Galico, along with others, talk about this phenomena of fluoride causing a “despondent feeling”.
          Galico has a book that Cystic Acne can be caused by Fluoride. The remedy is no fluoride and supplemental iodine.
          When I first started taking Lugol’s Iodine, these large sized zits (cysts) on my back which had been there for decades, finally exploded when I lightly pinched them. It shocked me.
          Weston A. Price Foundation article on Iodine

          In November, the Weston A Price Foundation 21st Annual Conference will be in the Dallas Ft Worth area. Speakers include: Del Bigtree, Dr. David Brownstein, Robert Kennedy, Jr.

          For those interested, this is a profound old Fluoride Video…
          Can Fluoride Cause Severe Depression?
          (5 minute video)

          Eight year old little girl is interviewed. Her IQ skyrocketed after getting off Fluoride.

  11. To be fair about Courtney Love’s seeming lack of integrity, those music (and actor) contracts are next to impossible to get out of. Britney Spears is battling this in Court and, even if it isn’t just a contract involving her career that she is fighting, it still represents what stars go through in order to be set free. After all, she broke down because of the constant paparazzi harassment, and she was put under a conservatorship by her father. It’s a similar case with many stars, even if they aren’t forced to give up entire control of their lives like she had to do in order to remain in the music scene.

    That being said, an empathic person wouldn’t murder in order to have the right to remain in the spotlight, so… I’m glad the info came out.

  12. I look forward to listening to the weekly show on my iPhone during my dog walks. For some reason it didn’t automatically load today. Was it not uploaded there, or is Apple engaging in some fuckery?

  13. Thursday July 22, 2021 – National Football League (NFL) (32 teams)

    NFL informs clubs that COVID-19 outbreaks among unvaccinated players could lead to forfeited games
    The memo in full resides below the article.

    As the NFL approaches the 2021 season, the league informed clubs that it would not extend the season to accommodate a COVID-19 outbreak among unvaccinated players that causes a game cancellation.

    NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero reported Thursday that the NFL sent a memo to its clubs stating that if a game cannot be rescheduled during the 18-week schedule due to a COVID-19 outbreak among unvaccinated players, the team with the outbreak will forfeit and be credited with a loss, per sources informed of the situation.

    In addition, players on both teams will not be paid for the lost contest, and the team responsible for the cancelled game due to unvaccinated players will cover financial losses and be subject to potential discipline from the Commissioner’s office.

    Last year, the NFL bent over backwards to rework the schedule on the fly as outbreaks occurred. Zero games were missed over 17 weeks.
    In 2021, the NFL plans to play its 272-game slate over 18 weeks.

    “We do not anticipate adding a ’19th week’ to accommodate games that cannot be rescheduled within the current 18 weeks of the regular season,” the memo stated in a highlighted portion.

    It’s the clearest line the NFL has drawn to date and the most substantial incentive yet for owners, teams and coaches to pressure players to get vaccinated. The league has insisted it will not mandate vaccinations, but the restrictions in place for non-vaccinated players and potential penalties to teams make the NFL’s stance crystal clear…

    …”If a game is cancelled/postponed because a club cannot play due to a Covid spike among or resulting from its non-vaccinated players/staff, then the burden of the cancellation or delay will fall on the club experiencing the Covid infection,”
    the memo states.
    “We will seek to minimize the burden on the opposing club or clubs. If a club cannot play due to a Covid spike in vaccinated individuals, we will attempt to minimize the competitive and economic burden on both participating teams.”…

      • There is some heroic stuff going on with Cole Beasley, because he is getting pounded by his peers and the public…

        Cole Beasley TWITTER
        For example:
        Cole ReTweets Robert W Malone, MD
        10) the noble lie is-
        a. we have to reach herd immunity for economic recovery and to minimize death and disability
        b. these genetic vaccines are the only path available to herd immunity
        c. these genetic vaccines are perfectly safe
        Each of these statements are demonstrably false.

        9) There is a concerted effort to suppress information and dissent in support of the nobel lie

        4) for pediatric and young adult populations, the data do not currently support adequate risk/benefit for USA vaccines. So stop.
        5) mandating vaccines is wrong
        6) censorship is wrong
        7) attacking others credibility as a way to win arguments is the refuge of the stupid

        Cole Beasley signed a 4 year, $29,000,000 contract with the Buffalo Bills, including a $6,000,000 signing bonus, $14,400,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $7,250,000.

    • On Thursday July 22nd, CBS Evening News interviewed Dr. Fauci.
      One topic was the NFL and its new policies.

      QUEUED VIDEO (one minute)

      Dr. Fauci:
      “The NFL is sending a very strong signal that it’s very important to get vaccinated. If you want to play football and you want to do it in a way that you feel unrestricted and not worry about any penalties, you just get vaccinated, because they’re saying that if unvaccinated people get infected, there are going to be consequences.”

      Fauci says other organizations, not just sports leagues, could follow the NFL’s example.
      “I think that gives them the impetus to do the same sort of thing. And I think you’re going to be seeing that there will be local mandates, be they from colleges and universities or places of business that there will be pressures for people to get vaccinated.”

  14. rma,
    I have noted the use or misuse of the word “Decentralization” a number of times on main stream media. Indeed, it is being used as a means to grab the attention of the vulnerable and take them in the wrong direction.
    I think by having many trusted sources (some that I have followed for decades) I am able to see through the fog more easily than most.
    Many good sources of News have gone bad (after being bought out) over the years, thus it is important to have many sources so that one can weed out the ones gone bad.

  15. July 23, 2021 – The Telegraph
    Covid could be spread through flatulence, say ministers

    The official advice is to open a window to increase ventilation and slow the spread of Covid, but now there could be an added incentive – the virus may also be spread by flatulence.

    Ministers have privately pointed to evidence that Covid could be spread by people breaking wind in confined spaces such as lavatories. One said they had read “credible-looking stuff on it” from other countries, although government scientists are yet to produce a paper on the matter.

    The source said there had been evidence of a “genomical-linked tracing connection between two individuals from a [lavatory] cubicle in Australia.”
    There were also “well-documented cases of diseases spreading through waste pipes during lockdowns in Hong Kong when the U-bend had dried out”.

    The science is not definitive, however, and another minister told The Telegraph that as Covid is “a respiratory disease, transmission and shedding is mostly taking place through the mouth and actually mainly the nose”.
    A spokesman for Boris Johnson said he was not aware of claims that the virus can be spread by flatulence. The spokesman added: “We keep the latest scientific evidence under review.”

    Healthy people tend to break wind between five to 25 times a day, and testing has found that SARS-CoV-2 can be present in faecal material.
    The risk of spreading Covid this way is thought to be less, however, because wearing underpants and clothes below the waist would act to filter out harmful particles in the same way a face mask can.

    Suggestions of spreading the virus through flatulence first emerged in Australia last year when Norman Swan, an Australian medic, advised on an ABC podcast: “No bare-bottom farting.”

    Scientists discovered earlier in the pandemic that genetic fragments of the virus could be detected in sewage. In the UK, officials ramped up a programme to analyse wastewater for early signs of coronavirus in May, and the programme now covers two-thirds of England’s population.

    It has helped with the detection of local outbreaks or the presence of variants of concern, which can be linked to specific communities via the sewage treatment network, and Dr Jenny Harries, the chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency, described it as “an additional detection system” for Covid….

    • Via Broc West Twitter…

      ZUBY says:
      This is why I suggest we ban the unvaccinated from farting.
      Especially in groups of more than six. Instant death.

      Any unvaccinated people caught farting in public should be sentenced to 1 year of hard labour.

      2 years if not wearing a diaper.

      Vaccinated people may fart, but only in groups of other vaccinated people. And after showing evidence of a negative PCR test taken within 72 hrs.

      Children under the age of 5 may continue to fart.
      Children over 5 may fart after receiving two doses of an approved vaccine, or within 72 hours of a negative PCR test.
      Please carry your fart passport with you at all times to protect others.
      This is the only way out. Thanks.

      There is literally no downside to not farting. If it saves even one life, it’s worth it.

      If you must fart, wear a diaper. It’s just a piece of cloth. Don’t be selfish.

      Trust the experts and follow the science. Don’t be a conspiracy theorist.

      • HRS, I thought this was a joke, but I looked at the Twatter post and was stunned!!!

        The anal swabs are coming! These people are the lowest of the low, degenerates that have been given a little bit of authority by the controllers and they like it. They get off on this insanity.

        If this doesn’t indicate that this is bullshit to the masses, I don’t know what will.

    • What a load of excrement. When they introduce anal klaus-schwabbing I bet it’s going to have to be carried out while the subject is bent over on his knees with a probe in form of half a meter/2 foot long cavity ingression device affixed to an android being controlled by Sophia.

      That’s certainly a picture, isn’t it?

  16. For anyone who is interested I have a musical meditation – medication uploaded at my bitchute channel.

    You can follow it from here:

    The first song in this reasoning called Son of a Gun from President Brown

    and if you go to the channel page here you can go down and follow the songs from there:

    –>Kush Bashan – It’s On and so on…

    “Stand Firm inna the Giddeon!

    With Righteousness we are Armed!

    The Strength of the Most High keep Us Calm!”

  17. “Speaking of Love, she is Jewish, the granddaughter in the maternal line
    of author Paula Fox—who is also a Hervey. Love is also Jewish in the paternal Harrison line, being a Lohr, a Gibson, a Weiss, a Meyer, and a Motz. In the Harrison line, she may be related to George Harrison, since her great-grandfather was George Harrison from Wales. This may explain why George Harrison died in a house that had recently been owned by. . . Courtney Love. “

  18. In response to the difficulty in breaking the mental barrier of friends and family who bought into this scamdemic lie, there’s an excellent book titled: How Real is Real? Within, the author, among other things explores the psychological tendency for people to resist any information that is contrary to something they’ve already accepted as truth. This tendency holds true when their assumptions are blatantly exposed as false, they just cannot accept the change in paradigm.

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