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via TheConsciousResistance.com: Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance hosts journalists/researchers Whitney Webb, James Corbett, Jason Bermas, and Ryan Cristián to discuss why the public should be extremely skeptical of Elon Musk.
Derrick: https://theconsciousresistance.com/
Ryan: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/
James: https://www.corbettreport.com
Jason: https://twitter.com/jasonbermas/
Whitney: https://unlimitedhangout.com/
When I saw the crew taking part in this convo I knew it would be good, and it was. Great way to spend a Friday night, and some thought-provoking ideas to chew on.
Johnny Youtube did a great job. He hit on a lot of excuses I have heard.
I wish Corbett would do a story on Desantis. What is his background. I do know that one of his first acts as governor was to work with Bill Gates and allow the GMO mosquitoe release that they have been unsuccessfully pushing on the people for close to two decades.
The Empire Files did a good little expose on parts of desantis’ past:
– Empire Files –
Ron DeSantis’s Military Secrets: Torture & War Crimes
Mike Prysner sheds light on the shadowy military career of Ron DeSantis.
Mike Prysner interviews former Guantanamo detainee Mansoor Adayfi about DeSantis’s participation in illegal torture at the prison camp, and why he was likely sent to Iraq to do war crime cover-ups next.
Mansoor describing Guantanamo…
”…Yes. And Ron DeSantis was there and watching us. We were crying, screaming! We were tied to the feeding chair. And that guy (DeSantis), he was watching that. He was laughing basically.
When they used to feed us, because we can’t – our stomach cannot hold this amount of Ensure.
They used to pour Ensure, one can after another, one can after another.
So when he approached me, I said, “This is the way we are treated!”
He said, ”You should start to eat.”
I throw up in his face.
Literally on his face.”
Mike Prysner: ”Mansoor vomiting on DeSantis’ face….”
“He was laughing basically.”
I wonder what that means. He was laughing fundamentally? He was fundamentally laughing?
I’m left not knowing if he was laughing or smiling or grimacing or what.
DeSantis will not run. Assassination and murder preclude this along with blackmail.
People need to read Whitney’s book, especially the first edition on Roy Cohn and his family connections.
Or see the documentary Where’s My Roy Cohn, a question Trump asked early in his presidency.
DeSantis, if Trump decides to run, might be found, like one of DeSantis’s former aides: dead.
He is like Florida itself: Sunny but shady.
DeSantis too is a fascist that wraps his rhetoric in populism like Huey Long did.
But Weimar Joe is almost over now. Doubtful he can last.
Much to come and it will be orchestrated by Bannon and Gorka and Miller and Greenwald and Tucker etc. etc.
These are ethno national fascists, not the global techno fascists like WEF
If you call everyone fascist then the word has no meaningful use anymore.
Why don’t you define the term for us?
I have been very clear in my statements, have supplied actual evidence for my claims, have distinguished between ethno-white settler, theocratic fascism, which you embrace and global Mussolini style corporate, techno- fascism.
What questions do you have for me to further your understanding of my point of view?
I do not use the term fascism very much. You a=e the one using it, apparently to refer even to such organizations as the family. That defines every normal human being as fascist and every healthy system as fascism.
You need to use the word more precisely or it just means “sane people”. Fascism as I understand it is the totalized state where “everything is within the state”,since the system was invented by a commie like Benito M it is very similar socialism but both are essentially the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (as described by Dr E M Jones) and are probably the endpoint of the Enlightenment and enligtement liberalism. But I am not an expert so that’s the best I can do.
I would say it is a difference without a difference. Everyone single one of them is a hardcore Zionist, DeSantis went to Israel to sign Florida legislation.
When one group provides the lion share of political donations, you don’t have a democracy. Jewish organizations, ADL and AIPAC being just the most obvious, provide the majority of campaign financing for both parties. Thus we have politicians who give lip service to Americans, but their job is to serve Israel, which they all do. ALL Congress “critters” have ADL “handlers, people they get their marching orders from.
Trump is a Zionist project to his core, as is globalism.
Honestly, this video below puts thing into perspective and answers the question WHY, the question rarely ever touched on by ANY on the net.
I would offer up this video for your consideration, it is from Knowmorenews, and it puts things into context. Understanding the powers in control behind the scenes, that our leaders truly serve. It makes what is going on pretty obvious, though, not without shattering many dogmas people cling to.
All the AI, UN, WEF, dumbing down, fires, wars, religious nonsense, have a core origin and an ultimate objective. Without this knowledge, it is a lot easier to fall for the “no organized conspiracy”, all just disparate entities, nonsense. Those who say there is no great conspiracy do a great disservice to humanity. To many, no matter the cost, they will deny reality.
The actors and agenda is indisputable, how they will actually play out is just educated speculation.
I have had a few johnny youtubers get all excited about defending musk with me before. Some of them got really aggressive when I explained (in detail) why musk’s stated aspirations (relating to colonizing other planets, brain chips, AI, self driving cars and lithium/cobalt dependent EVs) are a horrible idea.
I`ll see if I can dig some of the comments up to share here, there were a few hilarious ones that reeked of stockholm syndrome and seeing musk as some savior type figure in their lives. I sometimes find such interactions hilarious but also very sad sometimes (considering people are placing their faith and hope in such people).
Here is a comment that someone posted in response to my comment(s) on a youtube re-post of “Meet Elon Musk: Technocratic Huckster” ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4rxHF5U7lI&t )
This one was posted by a johnny youtuber that goes by the screen name “Bogsomi” (in reply to my comment that pointed out how archaic, dilapidated and messy musk’s space-x rocket tech is)
“Why theres no other companies getting contracts from NASA? It is a free market, you can get investors (especially politically motivated nowadays) to build the thing get colab a with NASA and show how the almighty Elon doesnt know what hes doing. Advance us faster and further as a species, thats what we need. But no, aint no body else sweety (as of now). This dude has been changing the game for 2-3 decades. Why now the drama, is the question, thou??? Why not 2 years ago, 5 years ago, why not 15 years ago… Leftists can’t take no neutral stance. Its pathetic, and thats how they lose great people, with you ,,either you with us or against us philosophy you push (force) people in the other campus.
What have you done for the people, Gavin? Have you at least employed a person in your life? Are you at least in the medical field a nurse or something where you help people? What credibility do you have for people to even consider your hate speech? Exactly, you are nobody, just a bitter troll eating chips on her desk and following the next trend to hate. Goodluck with that.”
Blaming for hate speech while using hate speech. It’s only logical.
Yes indeed. 🙂
It’s like what Jason Bermas explained in the interview above about big pharma’s solution for instances of heart issues (that have skyrocketed since the roll out of the mRNA injections).
What’s their solution? Well, more genetic injections of course!
“Putting an End to Heart Attacks by Editing Human DNA..” : https://archive.ph/s8Pzs#selection-3195.0-3199.106
oh man, that whole ‘he’s awesome, and red pilled and going to the stars, and you guys just don’t wanna be on the winning team!’ rant that johnny youtuber did before he stormed off was gold! 🙂 and check out the parallels to the real life johnny youtuber comment I shared above. You nailed it James! 🙂
It is only hate speech when you use it, lol.
I was living in DC, right before the Covid scam, there was all these signs popping in people’s yards, proclaiming, “no hate zones”. I thought to myself, it is perfectly acceptable to hate, I hate globalism, animal brutality, war, usury…And doesn’t the state hate all the time.
And that is the point, when the state “hates” it’s not hate, it is justice, when you do it, it is a sign of “mental instability”.
A great conversation. Too bad Whitney didn’t do Jane soccer mom, that would have been epic. And she’d probably be able to reeducate others.
In similar vein, I recommenced (at least) watching the minute 33 of this conversation between Dr. Peterson and his daughter. I found it hilarious.
Whitney Webb makes a great point about how our dependency on technology is creating various expressions of ‘mental atrophy’ (she mentioned how kids are using ChatGPT to do their homework for them).
I remember, long long ago, before cell phones, I was able to remember at least 20 of my friend’s phone numbers… but now with smart phones doing all the remembering for me, I am lucky if I can remember any at all if I need to.
She also makes a great point about how interacting with these advanced chat bots is altering the way people think.
I wonder if one could detect the structural differences in the brain (in synaptic pathways and/or levels of neurogenesis) of someone that regularly uses smart devices (and engages with rudimentary AI programs by using programs like Grammarly for example) and someone that does not. Could be a worth while study for someone to conduct if they have not already.
We are being subjected to menticide and mass psychosis.
Technology is moving faster than human cognitive abilities and relations.
I do not doubt that there is truth in that.
I have seen those but thank you for sharing, After Skool has such great videos (I highly to recommend anyone reading this that has not seen their material to check it out).
This compels me to ask the question what is the opposite of menticide ? And more importantly, how do we plant the seeds for that process to be initiated in the minds of our fellow humans?
Neurogenesis is the formation of new brain cells and synaptogenesis is the formation of new connections in the brain. We can encourage that through conscious changes in lifestyle, perspective, environment and diet but what we are really talking about goes deeper than physiology. When seeking to initiate the opposite process of “menticide” we begin to enter the realm the realm of the regeneration of more abstract aspects of our being, like intuition, courage, integrity and the soul. The path to regenerate, cultivate and nurture those aspects of our being begins in the heart.
I feel like there are nuggets of wisdom pertaining to that goal in some of After Skool’s videos, certainly many helpful sign posts in James Corbett’s Solutions Watch episodes on here and I also think we can also find some wisdom in guidance if we look to learn from our elder species in nature.
Perhaps we can learn from the Imaginal Cells in the chrysalis of a monarch butterfly (that act as a catalyzing agent, embodying a template for a completely new way of being, which informs other cells around them to become part of a transformational process). We can emulate them through living by example.
The mycorrhizal fungi also offer us wisdom in how they connect countless beings, serving as a living network of symbiotic connections, serving the community they are a part of by sharing information and resources enabling all that are part of that community to be more resilient against pathogens and destructive forces because of their presence and the gifts they provide.
Or perhaps we can look to the very heart of the living Earth herself for wisdom on our path to initiate the opposite of “menticide” in ourselves and our fellow humans.
The Earth uses her heart to communicate in the language of energy in a way that is life affirming and in a way that nurture’s coherence. She does this with her eternal heart beat (which some call the Schumann Resonance) that harmonizes and connects all living beings on the Earth. Perhaps this can offers us inspiration on how we might emulate her way of speaking with her heart to consciously communicate (energetically) to bring peace and healing to this world.
You ask the right questions.
For me, how we produce and reproduce our lives, i.e. how we work, who owns the means of production or the factories, technologies where we work? How are the profits from work distributed?
These are my questions. Why do some work and some not? Why are people unemployed while corporate facilities lie at 40% capacity.
A profit driven system devoted to profit before people is why we see what we see.
If the work is not a coop, then it is the same master slave theme.
We live in the Age of Dominance
Lord- serf, peasant
Corporations and cartels.
This means we never have had democracy. Not the kind talked about in Hollywood.
Growing up within any stage of dominance is going to authoritarian, be it the family with distinct hierarchical dominant roles, work, education, etc.
And when a fish swims in dirty water, or a bird born in a cage thinks flying is crazy then we ask why?
And the answer is the extraordinary power of monopoly capitalism, financial capitalism with its despotic corporate media, fake parties etc.
The answer is to learn to think critically and then organize with others to both resist and build parallel structures.
Antonio Gramsci’s work is exceptional for he talks of cultural hegemony, which powerful capitalists have, that we are born in, like the fish or the bird.
We must counter with both critique and the construction of caring communities, radically different modes of living or producing and reproducing our lives.
Your thoughts on the brain are important. But the mind is not the brain, at least it has not been shown to be.
So we train our minds, build parallel structures, organize and dig in for the big fight.
The point of organization is that the organizERS organize the followers to do things.
Thus a new system dominance and submission is created.
Hierarchy, leader and follower,is the natural order, it is inescapable, best explained in “The Populist Delusion” by neema parvini which was read aloud with commentary on the “Pete quinoes show” a while back as a series. It’s a great book.
“Hierarchy, leader and follower,is the natural order…”
My God, I think that man has just defined fascism!
If THAT is your definition of fascism then humanity is naturally fascist and trying to be anything else is as insane as becoming a vegan. 😉
Luckily most people do not define having hierarchy as fascism so there is still hope. The only humans that could live without any Heirechy would not be human, lol. Seriously “the populist delusion” is one of those small books that manages to cut away all the fuzzy thinking.
Fascism is a variant of socialism that “pretends” to protect the right to property. It is dishonest, authoritarianism. Marxism, socialism doesn’t empower the masses, it deludes them into thinking if they elect their ruler/master they have ultimate control, freedom.
This irrationality is implanted by indoctrination, like a superstition, in childhood by the guardian who uses an emotional connection. It’s “The Most Dangerous Superstition” by Larken Rose.
a study pertaining to the Schumann Resonance (aka Mother Earth’s Heartbeat)
An article that touches on the science surrounding how coherent energy fields which are created via group meditation can alter the brainwaves of others at a distance:
Have you noticed the same with current movies? The enemy’s understanding of the human mind and how to manipulate it, goes far beyond what we can imagine.
I remember watching an interview with David Lynch, the director, he was talking about human intuition. Great interview, he was discussing how he likes to not give too away much of his stories, he likes to keep the audience guessing, mystery. He explained how he had learned human intuition is cultivated by mystery, figuring mysteries out for ourselves.
Fast forward to today where movies are chock full of exposition, every aspect of the story is carefully laid out before us, nothing is left to the imagination or is mysterious. That is no mistake, it is not that people are more stupid and need it spelled out for them, rather, they feed us everything to make us more stupid, and less intuitive.
“Treat people like children and they will act like children”, that is exactly what they are doing.
I would say, much of my understanding of the world is derived from intuition. They first time I heard Zion Don open his fat mouth, I thought, this guy is a lying POS. Up to that point, I was curious about Chump, thinking maybe this guy could get by the censors, if you will, be real, NOPE, biggest fraud of them all, even beating out Obama, which is really saying something.
“The first rule of not falling into a trap is knowing of its existence”, once you understand they are manipulating us, you see it everywhere…But I assume that is not news to you.
To be sure, this is nothing new, many think this mental manipulation/conditioning is a current phenomenon, such as porn leading the way, that is nonsense.
Mental manipulation from those who rule us goes way way back. Sadly, porn and such are just progressions, the latest iterations, just another step in the devolution of humanity, of individuality.
The introduction of Christianity would likely be considered the first form of manipulation, starting the process of removing the me/I (individuality-globalism) from OUR personal understanding of our universe. Suddenly, many of life’s greatest mysteries were laid out before us. No longer did the mysteries of universe come from our own unique expectance, but from a book. People bristle at the thought of this, but it is true nevertheless, profoundly true.
This destruction of our unique expectance with the world did not stop with religion, it has spread to every aspect of our humanity. The-powers-that-be identify/name groups, then move you into those groups to manipulate you (we witnessed this most recently with Zion-Don and the “alt-right” movement). Democrat, liberal, Conservative, Alt-Right, Nazi, White, Black, Men, Women, Muslim, Gay…EVERYTHING reduced down to the most simplistic characterizes, all to then being used to divide and destroy national cohesion.
You go out and protest banks, they will simply brand you “extreme right wing, or Nazi”, suddenly the masses turn off any allegiance they may have felt for you.
We have been taken to a place where all our understandings come from outside, very little originates from within, authentically me. So called AI is just the extension of this.
I would be very surprised if it didn’t change the way the brain operates. IMO porn and social media have rewired so many people’s brains that if you compare them to people from the 50s their like a different Sub species. I know that watching TV changes the brain chemistry of small kids so I assume that most of those babies I saw with phones will grow up odd
Makes sense, and the deleterious impact of businesses/corporations and money making incentives for sexual objectification also alters entire communities and society as a whole. The psychological and physiological detriments are well documented (albeit downplayed/tucked under the rug as it is a big business) but the corrosive societal scale ripple effects are not discussed at all.
Social media most certainly is having similar detrimental impacts on physiological health, psychological health and certainly the health of our society as a whole.
Even so called “search engines” or “online encyclopedias” like Google and Wikipedia (which now are really social engineering and propaganda tools more than anything else) are doing severe damage to both individuals and society as a whole.
In fact, I just wrote an article that exposes some of the many ways the most dominant online platforms attempt to manipulate, brainwash, addict and socially engineer the masses. It was in many ways inspired by Mr. Corbett’s very educational Delete Your Social Media – #SolutionsWatch episode, Episode 332 as well as “Is Wikipedia Reliable? – QFC #056”.
Here it is: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/self-education-vs-behavior-modification
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the link.
Another article on brains and screentime…..basically it is medically recommended NOT TO EXPOSE At ALL any baby under 18 months to TV. I guess it’s just evolution in action, or Devolution Maybe? LOL
The book by Mark Baurerlein “the dumbest generation” predicted how ignorant the millennial generation would grow up and “dumbest generation grows up” is a good follow up. He does not hold any hope that they can be salvaged, and since most are barely useful even as slaves their outlook is not good
That is very unfortunate but not surprising.
Having not watched TV for over a decade now I find it very blatantly obvious how toxic the material is when I happen to walk by someone watching a tv. Not just the violence desensitizing, sexually objectifying, materialism/ego-inflating, big brother promoting psyop riddled stories/images but also just the quality of the light and energy being emitted from the screen itself.
Have you ever heard Catherine Austin Fitts talk about “Entrainment” technology?
In his book does Mark Baurerlein elaborate on why he feels these dumb Millenials cannot be salvaged?
I wonder if a radical change in environment and stimulus could begin to regenerate their brains. There is some promising research in initiating increased rates of synaptogenesis and neurogenesis via combining certain mushrooms and vitamins (one combination is called “the Stamets Stack”). Perhaps if they did that and combined with meditation and time in nature they could be salvaged.
Thanks for the comment and link.
He predicted in the earlier book that millennials would grow up rather ignorant because they (unlike every generation before) were plugged into entertainment way more and thus would never be forced thru boredom or Lack of choice to try unfamiliar entertainments OR forced to do things like reading or develop skills that take dedication and time.
He also predicted that because of social media (such as it was THEN) they would never be forced to enter into (or even aspire to) adult topics because they would be stuck in the teen social world.
In the later book he lays out that they have developed astonishingly little depth of knowledge and specifically they do not read NOVELS that would expose them to the truths about life and develop coping mechanisms….he lays it ultimately at the fact that they have internalized the LIES that
Everybody deserves to be happy
It does not matter who you love
These lies cause them to suffer horrible cognitive dissonance when they find that reality does not conform to these lies and they will never g et the easy high status jobs and life style they took as automatic. They find that slutty girls and shallow boys cannot form families or stable relationships.
Since they do not read good fiction (which could lay out a map of reality) or desire truth they have become a rather childishly angry generation. They are thus easy to control and
(IMO ratherthen his will mostly die off in miserable poverty via suicide…. EXPECT the big rise is death as of despair for women in their 40s anytime within the next 5 to 10 year
Boomers will be mostly gone soon and I think most libertarian types are Boomers so the future is gonn be like the past
On the positive side any zoomer that’s not a trans gayfurry freak or terminally depressed, screen addicted and obese will find their ubermench compared to the low bar the rest will be setting ?
Fascinating. I have observed some of what you describe in a certain portion of the younger people here.
Hopefully it is not as bad as that guy predicts but I do get the sense that a great many totally government/corporate dependent humans will perish in the challenging times ahead of us. I do everything I can to offer knowledge that can allow people to break from dependence on such systems, but many are helplessly addicted and comfortable where they are (making excuses why they can’t change) so they seem like they will be those that chose to be slaves of the NWO and/or starve when various components of the centralized infrastructure implode and/or are crippled intentionally.
Thanks for the reply.
ps – Just to be clear, when I said “I have observed some of what you describe in a certain portion of the younger people here”, I meant in my immediate local area (as in southern Ontario) and not ‘here’ as in The Corbett Report subscriber community.
Johnny YouTuber had a great anecdote about his Grandma…and the 6 inch water dive YouTube challenge…and now Grandma cannot text…and needs a brainchip.
He sure can create a narrative.
Hear Johnny Youtube wind it up and throw the ball for a strike at the 28 mark.
Hats off to you, James, for the hilarious devil’s advocacy. Well played.
Some more points to add.
Musk got his first big kick in the wealth pants by his father, a South African emerald miner during apartheid.
But what is really incredible, and the Last Vagabond mentioned it is:
1. The military contractors married to the government is fascism. Musk is an out and out fascist.
2. In 1996 there were 51 military contractors and now there are five.
The twitter files is a scam, a psyop and it is being coordinated by Glenn Greenwald, himself a fascist (See his pro bono representation as a lawyer of fascist Matthew Hale and how he had his license suspended to practice law).
His latest rant is not only in support of Musk, but he soft-shoes the attempted coup in Brazil, saying it was not a coup.
He has called Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon socialists.
Greenwald helped privatize the Snowden files and became a millionaire from Omydyar’s grace.
But then you will find also, the Intercept, another psyop founded with Greenwald by Omydyar.
Then there is Jimmy Dore. Popular as he is he too is part of the cabal Greenwald is putting together.
So seems to be Aaron Mate and perhaps the Grayzone.
And of course Tucker Carlson where these people appear regularly.
Taibbi is another issue.
We live in an age of no transparency and celebrity journalists who become millionaires off the controlled opposition stance they take.
Taibbi is one of those celebrity journalists.
Musk bought twitter to put together what is called the Third Position.
And it will include Palentier, who will comb through files, and many other fascists such as Prosoiac and other techno-fascists.
“The Third Position is a set of neo-fascist political ideologies that were first described in Western Europe following the Second World War. Developed in the context of the Cold War, it developed its name through the claim that it represented a third position between the capitalism of the Western Bloc and the communism of the Eastern Bloc.
Between the 1920s and 1940s, various dissident groups presented themselves as part of a movement distinct from both capitalism and Marxist socialism.
This idea was revived by various political groups following the Second World War.
The rhetoric of the “Third Position” developed among Terza Posizione in Italy and Troisième Voie in France; in the 1980s, it was taken up by the National Front in the United Kingdom.
These groups emphasize opposition to both communism and capitalism.
Advocates of Third Position politics typically present themselves as “beyond left and right” while syncretizing ideas from each end of the political spectrum, usually reactionary right-wing cultural views and radical left-wing economic views.”
https://archive.is/mAuFI ARPANET WUB
Antonio Gramsci’s observation back in 1930, while writing The Prison Notebooks having been jailed by Mussolini aptly characterizes the current state:
“The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”
We will see countless morbidities this year for sure, now that Weimar Joe is on his way out.
All frightening for as Whitney knows, the Reichpubs are connected to organized crime as are the corporate democrats.
Storm clouds gathering.
Everyone get Whitney’s books. I have researched these topics since I was 14, I am 70 now, and have never seen such a work before.
Whitney, look up Hank Messick for you might not know his work. You did not cite him. You will be astounded.
What in hell is this world coming to? Glenn Greenwald doing pro bono work for an avowed fascist supremacist (please forgive the oxymoron)?
Oh, wait a minute…. Somewheres they say Hale is one of Greenwald’s paramours.
Hmm, I see. Okay, now it computes…. Good grief. Nonetheless, it amazes since Greenwald was all over the surveillance state, big brother, etc., etc. And, yet, it’s true what they say about money. Absolutely!
I agree with you about Tiabbi. Another journalist, front and center, when it comes to alternative views. Yeah, right. One you can trust about as far as you can throw’m. I recall years ago getting totally turned off when he poo-pooed the 9/11 truth movement.
Fuck him.
But, I missed the reference – Whitney who? Whitney has a must read book? And the book’s name is?? And Whitney’s full name? Are you referring to Whitney Webb?
Please fill me in.
And, Happy New Year to a wise septuagenarian! I admit I’m lagging a few years behind, and yet I am hardly as knowledgeable nor so wise. 🙂
….sorry, redundancy, not oxymoron.
Yes, the story is far wider than what I alluded to and anyone can go online ad check it out.
Greenwald not only represented Hale, but he also represented The National Alliance another fascist group. It was a Church of some kind, it escapes me.
People interested can go to Spitfirelist.com and search for him by name.
Incredible hour investigation of his seedy past as a lawyer, including his suspension to practice for taping interrogatories illegally and sending them to Hale.
He is one big psyop like Snowden, Appelbaum, Tor (God knows how many fell in that trap) probably Assange (though I think he is a publication, not a hacker and should have never been arrested).
And the Intercept? Oh God, three whistleblowers fell into that Honey trap.
They are in prison now as Jeremy Scahill makes $35,000 for an episode.
It is sad.
Americans falling for billionaire superheroes as if they could fly like Superman!
Wait, they think they can!!!
Yes, the name is Whitney Webb.
Sorry if I was not clear.
She really nailed it.
Her book will live in infamy, it is two parts.
As an author, I can tell you the citing is impeccable
Read it everyone!
Yeah, I guess you can say Webb nails it….
I mean, yes, she deep dives into what she readily describes as information that’s available to the public, i.e., information that’s available online.
I listened to her interview with Glenn Beck, plugging her new two volume tome, wherein he essentially goes pretty much gaga over it (lol, no offense).
To be honest, I’ve never been particularly crazy about Beck. It seems these days that he’s suited himself – or otherwise settled-into – the business of propagating standard alt-right views for the older and more mellow crowd – himself having aged a bit, and no doubt maintains himself carefully under the auspices of medical doctors, given his health issues – which, of course, is neither here nor there, and not at all apropos to our mini-subthread discussion, herein. Nonetheless, he had me perplexed for a moment, because his level of enthusiasm for the sonic, CO3 air fresheners for room, refrigerator and auto that he hawks on his website was on par with his enthusiasm for Webb’s latest book, which was pretty heavy – “Glenn Beck” style….!
From the interview, there’s definitely an indication that Webb’s 1000 pages in two volumes covers details that we may never have heard before, but the essential dots that form the overall picture have already been drawn and disseminated. She’s a mom living in Chile. She’s not out there getting first hand, “deep-throat” info passed to her in the proverbial underground garage somewhere….
But, anyway, I like her. I think she’s honest and believes in what she says. Which is a good thing. She’s an honest, kid. Period.
However, all jokes not aside, I couldn’t help that she reminded me of the caricature of “Ernestine the keyboard operator” from yore:
PS: I forgot how funny this was! In fact, it’s fucked, because it’s even way more funny now! Enjoy!
Be good, weilunion!
Thanks for the video. I forgot about Dan Rowan.
Did you know that Dan Rowan was dating Phyliss McGuire o the McGuire sisters while at the same time she was the moll of Sam Giancana?
He almost got himself murdered.
Giancana was Chicago’s replacement for Capone.
Stay well.
No, I did not.
Dangerous, indeed! And a pretty ballsy thing to do.
Though, if he had gotten himself murdered, that hardly would have been a laugh-in matter, would it?
It really was good.
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
Maurice Strong, Opening Speech to UN Rio Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, 1992,
accessed in http://www.infowars.com/maurice-strong-in-1972-isnt-it-our-responsibility-to-collapse-industrial-societies/
Childrenshealthdefense – WHO Sneak Attack With James Corbett
I don’t know about you guys, but I think Johnny YouTuber won this debate hands down.
Amazing Polly has put out a couple of good videos on Musk recently.
The first below speaks for itself. It shows how useless Musk’s cars are
in the Cold White North:
The Cult of Tesla – Let’s Have Some Laughs at their Expense!
The second one, is more serious and connects a lot of dots:
Ye Reveals the Method: NWO Synthesis Between New Age and Technocracy
Haha loved the role play, great dynamic to this convo.
this ultimately highlights the elephant in the room of humanity, and that is man has in general given their sovereignty away. They give their decision making to an authority figure, their health to the same, their kids…it goes on, in return always for an EXTERNAL saviour to come along and make everything better for them, so they don’t have to do anything that requires any sovereign effort at all…including educating themselves on the reality of the situation we find ourselves in. This is why they want us all dumbed down, even those who can clearly see this world is corrupt and needs change, the effort they need to put in to finding out what is actually real and what the lies really are is sometimes too much like hard work…hey, much easier to sit back and ‘switch off’ with Netflix right? as far as actually looking for and working toward SOLUTIONS…that’s far too much hassle when you can just support someone else…like Musk 😉 to do it for you…
Time we all took our sovereignty seriously, we are our own saviours. Thanks for this, excellent convo.
Well said.
Thanks for the candid and insightful comment.
Agree totally, excellent conversation with Tom Cowan, he really is a great source of knowledge and insight. The World Fairs convo was brilliant. It’s great to see how many out the box thinkers there are out there who are willing to help educate others freely, so rather than being stuck in and basing our assumptions on the Rockefeller health paradigm, a crock of lies…we are presented with an education of Truth to base any future assumptions on. We’re really blessed to have the likes of Tom and James freely sharing this material, both educators with much the same spirit of genuine Care. https://drtomcowan.com/blogs/podcasts/59-howdie-mickoski
Musk was groomed like a Walt Disney Mouseketeer.
The topic of germ theory came up. I gotta ask, who on this panel believes in germ theory? Who believes in terrain theory? Who believes in neither?
That’s what I wanna know.
Bravo! Brilliant panelists, but James and Whitney really stood out.
You gotta give the Madison Avenue image groomers have done a superior job creating Musk. I’ve got a friend or two who refuse to admit they’ve been conned.
I guess if Rockefeller and Gates can be rehabilitated, Musk can be cut from whole cloth.
Johnny YouTuber excelled in his arguments!!!!?
Excellent group of journalists…enjoy the full presentation.
James, thanks for playing the Johnny YouTuber. It certainly helped raise the bar on this topic.
Musk is a tyrant. For many years I have told people who champion electric cars and solar panels that considering they also rely on finite resources, we should be careful that we do not end up going from trading blood for oil, to trading blood for lithium.
It appears that, sadly, that is exactly what we are doing now in South America, Australia and soon in northern Ontario/Quebec (and in the Cobalt Mines in the Congo, that are also required to make the batteries).
Over 50 percent of the world’s known lithium deposits are in the “Lithium Triangle”—the lithium concentrated brine sources in Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile. Bolivia’s high mountain deserts—the Salar de Uyuni—have by far the largest known reserves of lithium.
Evo Morales — Bolivia’s first indigenous president, had a commitment to the environment and to Pachamama (Mother Earth) and he was against inviting in transnational corporations (like Telsa and it’s lithium mining partners) to pillage the land for lithium. When he refused to allow multi-national corporations to pillage the Earth for the large lithium deposits in his country it was not long before a US-backed military coup took place.
President Evo Morales Ayma, was removed illegally from his office in November 2019. The Bolivian military, at the behest of Bolivian oligarchs with ties to Lithium Mining Corporations and the United States government, threatened Morales; Morales went into exile in Mexico and then in Argentina.
The CEO of the U.S.-based Telsa car manufacturer has admitted to involvement in what President Morales has referred to as a “Lithium Coup.”
“We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.” was Elon Musk’s response to an accusation on twitter that the U.S. government organized a coup against President Evo Morales, so that Musk could obtain Bolivia’s lithium.
The coup was about Bolivian lithium; and not only did it involve violent coercion to remove Bolivia’s first indigenous president from office, it also resulted in two massacres local people defending their land against the lithium mines (and now is resulting in the destruction of the land and ecosystems there, as I exposed in my previous post).
This is what “sustainable development”, Greenwashing, “Green Colonialism” and trading blood for lithium looks like.
The corporate oligarchs that are ravenous to make billions from pillaging the Earth for lithium and cobalt now have their crosshairs set on Ontario and Quebec, God help anyone that dares to stand in their way to defend the Boreal Forest (which they intend to scalp, grind into rubble and poison so we can have ipads and EVs).
Great information, I remember all too well, when I used to listen to “LIBERAL” National Public Radio, how they demonized Evo Morales. You might also include that many of these TRUE representative governments of South America were PRO-Palestinian. And while I am sure there are many reasons why the CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 take out leaders, being pro-Palestinian tops the list.
That was under Obama I believe. It was under the Obama scam (whom I supported until he back tracked on every promise-Unlike those who still support Chump, who don’t care what he does, only that he says what they want to hear) , that my eyes to the uselessness of our “two party” system were opened.
Brilliant! And fun 😉 Thank you. I’m finally having what was mostly sensations till now reg. certain people confirmed, and a deeper understanding of the diff. narratives behind that really resonates.
A huge shout-out to Whitney Webb! For her amazing knowledge AND the beautiful poster/painting/wall-paper behind her 😉
It all makes me more confident in relying on myself in certain other disclosure communities where somethings just don’t make sense to me.
“In Musk We Trust!”
iirc, even to be seen on T-shirts, these dark days
Talk about geological time lines fat and small, long and short and the “D” word!
A book, the importance of a book, came to mind yesterday in my little corner of the world. The annual ministries of our little bergs’ and all the book stores and surplus book in the whole damn county went up for sell downtown in the humanities building, donated by a concerned maiden of the arts to the enrichment of readers. The place was packed and for $10 you could fill a large paper bag of all you want. I did. The treasure trove was a conspiracy tards heaven . The evidence was there in those stacks of books how blatantly propagandized we have been for the last 20 years, maybe going back 40 with books like Barbera Bush, Mann , Schlesinger, Jackie O, Eleanor and Franklin not to mention Hoover from the 40s. The lies ,the spines full of the history of the hoax. And to no surprise , No Corbett!
At least 3000 people missed a road map to their propaganda. A beacon on troubled seas ! I could go on but you get what I’m saying. D word.
I”ll put this collaborating report here on the “theater machine of The Elon Character”
John Titus and Catherine A Fitz at the Solari Report.
@GBW Thanks man
i`ll go sign into Solari and watch the full money and markets now
https://youtu.be/mvSZiSLEJ4g?si=J1WQthKChS_d4HHmHey Gavin,
You are welcome, hope you are being well at the north pole. Brutal cold here, probably just a spring day of 10°f for you regular northers. Moving on…
The idea of constructing a character from nothing to something can be examined here in this Hollywood studio or Madison Ave PR firm clip. Keanue Reeves is the character and the script and background all work together to hypnotic perfection. Not to mention that new product available from Poppy Crum and Dolby Labs. This is how it’s done. So long as you listen and view you open the door to strangers with every the very worst of intentions.
It goes on and on World Wide. Well really just in the choke point money countries that can rake in profit while ideologically stroking ones ego.
These are $ 29,000…what I hear… plus tariff.
I want one daddy.
I’ll drop this 2025 news here…
Saturday, Jan 18, 2025
Trump Unveils “Official” MemeCoin Late Friday; 12 Hours Later It Is Up 16,000% To $30 Billion
Context Corbett Report FLASHBACK
Jan 18, 2025
Elon Unmusked Roundtable Discussion (2023)
Is there somewhere aside from rumble and X that official Mr. Bermas content can be found?
Curtis yarvin was just interviewed regarding his thoughts and how important people are talking about his ideas , posted on New York Times podcast the daily, “the interview Curtis yarvin”
He’s an interesting Jew
Very enlightened comments regarding Tesla Factory DARPA and MRNA connections! You are so right about Elon’s status as a super idol saviour figure. Russell Brand loves him, but doesn’t resist comments – however, many on that programme love Elon as above without any awareness that he is really a billionaire defence contractor; ready to do the deed of making a human more of a machine. Of course the problem lies in not just global terror but in the anti-christ paradigm.
“Anti-Christ”, yeah, good luck with that nonsense.
The masses have been bitching about the end of the world and the “anti-Christ” for a thousand years, you will never see that Christinaity is just another globalist scam.
No savior is coming, if you want to be saved, you need to save yourself. Countless MILLIONS of Christians have died waiting to be saved, when they should have risen up and saved themselves.
If not for Christinaity, Zionism would be NOTHING and the world would be a far far better place to live, not to mention we would not be looking down the barrel of the end of humanity with the Zionist’s finger on the trigger.
Hard to believe, just look past what the media shows about Zion Don, and look at how he is surrounded by “End of Days” fanatics. That f’d up religion is the basis of our destruction.
Don’t you love “Space X”, where America pays some POS like Musk billions for what NASA should be doing for itself. This is just more theft of US tax payer’s money, over to the oligarchs.
I really like Etienne de la boetie2’s characterization of musk.. seems pretty accurate
Some of the projects, like brain interfaces are so suspicious they may be revealing ‘futuristic proposals’ as propaganda. One insidious aspect of these arrangements is what they imply. There may however be a level worth noting that isn’t mentioned… with such proposals people then may imagine things into being. They’re normalizing ridiculous proposals as if they’re required… I am reminded of the story of lemmings and the abuse there.
From the perspective of NLP / hypnosis such implications may be functional, not in the sense they propose, but through common terms. Such as with lemmings, where the popular story is far from the truth. It serves two functions, preventing other notions from being discussed, and through inception pretending as if such things can and should be done. A result of this, is people may imagine they are being done – like visualizing they are ( or are not ) under some form of control.
Sometimes they are used in Hegel’s dialectic to push agendas. Fear of fantasy, the promotion influences popular discourse.
I’ve been wondering if some of the suspicions about injections may be related… as technologies for the control of people have been some concern. Under hypnosis peoples’ imagination effects how they act – if they imagine there’s something controlling them, they my act like it.
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts” – Shakespeare ( As You Like It – Act II scene VII )
So it is I note that and make it obvious where I am able – as it is helpful to provide an antidote to such suggestions – recognize that they may as well be fictional, not matters of fact – and that the fact there are not how they’ve presented, and that’s their folly. A stronger notion ( and as such more effective ) is skepticism. Sometimes such feedback can be good for mental health in society… as the insistence on affliction that’s repeated is lacking merit.
Whitney just floored the other panelist, as Ryan Cristian stated. From 35:00 minutes on, she goes into the making of the sausage. It answers the question I’ve been mulling over , how a system of control crosses from one human science system to another. Sociology psychology eugenics, interactive sciences and machine applications on other disciplines in open field tests and applications.
Two words, a whole book could be written on how these two words underpin the illusion of research and the illusion of live application on humanity.
Topics related to this have been highlighted time and time and time again. Three times and agains! right here on and by the Editor and chiefs platform for NEWS, Knowledge and Information , James Corbett. Has he ever said these two powerful words that lead to the illusion sausage of the matrix? Think about this, it should be a chapter in the book by the editor en chief. Don’t ask me why there’s no book, but there is no book as of today .
Ok you say, what are those two words?
It’s used over and over and over again (3 overs)
I’ll use one example.
Geo- Engineering, atmospheric weather ☁️ manipulation. Leading to:
Weather as a force multiplier. Weapon.
Weather in Commodity Market manipulations.
Mining, mineral , land acquisition $$$ redistribution.
Weather as tool for transhumanist agenda. Population and terra forming control . Eugenics, Genocide, health control bio- weapons delivery.
Can TPTSB falsely Depict what is being Created.? Of course, It bugged James so much he created this, what you are experiencing now.
Generally look at PNAC s work. 911, Greater Israel . Iraq, Afghanistan. Ukraine. Even the greater theater projects of Claus Schwab or Elon Musk, Trump for that matter. What’s that got to do with Geo- Engineering? The frame work Creation of reverse Depiction. I found it in a book, yes one of those things the E en C has, but won’t go forward with, why you may ask, I’ll tell you later, for now just listen.
The book I was relating to above was instrumental for me to understand the two words.
Creation , Depiction. Look ’em up if you want to better understand Propaganda and the art of deception. The book is;
The Downburst; Microburst and Macroburst
By T.Theodore Fujita to Professor of Meteorology, The University of Chicago.
Report of Projects NIMROD and JAWS.©1985
Northern Illinois Meteorological Research on Downburst. NIMROD. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation ( NSF), approved the instrumentation and the field operation of NIMROD, the author’s dream of detecting microbursts by Doppler radar came true. The experiment in 1978 was very successful..A quantum jump in the study of microburst wind shear aimed towards aeronautical applications was made by the Joint Airport Weather Studies,
( JAWS) Project.
Creation= Weaponization of Doppler Radar for Offensive use .
Depiction= Using Doppler to discover wind shear around airports for commercial airplanes safety.
Why you say? Let’s take a look at Ken Lay and his PHD work at the US Navy.
This a brief history as it is an obituary, he died awaiting appeal of his conviction of fraud. The fraud was mostly against California Electrical Power. Rothchield owned . This was in 2001.
Enron was created around the same time this book on Doppler use came out . The experiments on weather coincides with the Doppler and HAARP , culminating in the patient on HAARP by Bernard Eastlund around 1987 and Lays opening of Enron and deregulation of energy in following years and the creation of Enrons’ most profitable sector, weather derivatives.
So… coinkydinks and depictions. James could Create a book on Creation and Depiction , a good title, for posterity but it may be just too emotional. I said I would address that.
From the halls of the BRANDERS and CULTURE CREATORS- David Pomales, creative expert: Branding specialist. He suggested….
We are looking at a one time need. That will last the lifetime of the business if done right .
More thought, more time. If it takes more thought it demands more time. Then somewhere in there EMOTION begins to enter the picture because:
1. It’s our reputation on the line, truthfully, an
2. We are kick starting their brand .
3. We want our authorship to shine, which in fact.
is a close tie with#2.
4. You certainly don’t want someone down the
road to redesign what you’ve created… only do
it right.
5. Just because I want them to feel gratified, happy about their transaction when the book is complete. Service.