It’s A Girl!

by | May 3, 2016 | Videos | 61 comments

See you next week…


  1. Hi James, congratulations to you and your wife! My wife and I are thrilled for you and hope that mum and the little girl are both doing really well. Enjoy the time with your family, and we trust that you will be able to take time to make the most of every aspect and facet of this new stage in this adventure of parenthood. Thanks for all your excellent work, and looking forward to your coming efforts, but only in due time!

  2. Congratulations James! What a lovely thing…… more women in your life! Best wishes to you and
    your family – maybe we will see a family picture one day? Cheers and happiness to you.

  3. Congrats James and to you better half and son.
    Enjoy the time out, we will be understanding.
    I wish that the fruits of your wife’s labour are following in the footsteps you have made your marks with.
    May they be blessed to shine lights on the dark forces or better yet enjoy a cleansed world you helped to direct attention to.
    All the best and good healths from Nova Scotia

  4. Nice smile on Dadio’s face…congrats and we are happy to hear everyone, Mom and new daughter, are doing fine. Enjoy your time off James.

    Brad in Nelson B.C.

  5. Congratulations to you and your growing family, James! Take that break and enjoy it. You deserve it, man.

    Thanks again for all that you do. What a great legacy you are leaving for your children. One day they will be able to look back at your body of work and understand the monumental role you have played in delivering all this information to people around the world. It is so important, and we are all grateful for it.

    Love and peace to your family,

  6. Congratulations! I am always happy when people like you have MORE children! Keep up the good work on the website and making some more little questioners of authority.

  7. Oh tanjou omedetou gozaimasu James – Bienvenu little one. Welcome to the 3rd planet from the sun. You’ve made an excellent choice for a daddy, shouni. He will always tell you the truth. And provide the links.
    I can’t assume to speak for the entire Corbett community, James, but I believe I can safely say that we are all enthusiastic about having yet another of your perspicacious progeny present among us. She has chosen some interesting times to insert herself into the matrix. Bonne chance ma mignonne. On compte sur toi.

  8. It’s comforting to know that people like you are bringing more hope into this world in more ways than one! Congratulations sincerely from Marie and Chris, 2 of your biggest fans. All the best to you and your family.

  9. Congratulations, James and to your family. Yes, the time with your young family is more important than anything else. These times go by so quickly… hopefully you will have the opportunity to record and document these early years with the zeal that you record and document the complex issues in our world.

  10. Congratulations! This is when you’ll discover 1 + 1 does not equal 2! I’m a father of 3 and the transition from 1 to 2 was definitely non-linear.

    Best wishes to you and your family. (and thanks for making the effort to make the world a better place for all our children)

    With love,

  11. Very best wishes to you and all of your family. Make sure you fully experience this period with your family before you think about re-entering the fray. I can wait.

  12. Hi James,

    I’m delighted for you and your family … congrats to you and your wife. What a wonderful Spring Gift! Very Lucky kid! Thank you for all you do for us. You have made me ‘an informed questioner.’ This is ‘Your Time.’ Enjoy every precious moment.

    Warm Regards,


  13. Happy Happy Joy Joy…best wishes to you James. Hopefully another rebel in this world. I have 4 children and they are all growing up to be contrarians too. Cheers. Michael

  14. Thank you to all for your kind words and support. My wife and I greatly appreciate it.

    I’m still settling into the new routine around the house here, but am getting back online bit by bit. We just recorded a new episode of New World Next Week that should be posted in the next 24 hours and there will be a subscriber newsletter this weekend.

    Thanks again for your patience and encouragement.

  15. Best wishes and good health to the mother and baby! Congratulations on the blessed event. <3 We miss you, but relax and take your time, adjust and settle in.

  16. Congratulations James from one Canadian to another. Wishing you and especially mommy good health. One of the most important parts to a new baby is not just the babies health but mom’s health. We are expecting our first in mid June this year. I’m constantly checking on her health. Pretty exciting!

    Raymond and Family

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