The (Necessarily Incomplete, Inarguably Ridiculous) List of Things “Caused by Climate Change”

by | Sep 8, 2024 | Newsletter | 25 comments

In the modern era, when someone says, “The devil made me do it!” we recognize they’re trying to deflect blame for their own rotten behaviour, and we rightly scoff at them.

But how about if they use the 21st century equivalent of that rotten excuse: “Climate change made me do it!”?

Sound ridiculous?

Well, what if I were to tell you that climate change is causing Pakistani men to beat their wives?

Or that the climate crisis can derail trains?

Or that climate weirding is responsible for an uptick in child marriages in Pakistan?

Or that increasing temperatures are turning lobsters into cannibals?

Or that global warming can cause THE ENTIRE EARTH TO EXPLODE!

Well, it can, and it does, and it is!

Don’t believe me? Look upon this list of things that The Science™ has officially pinned on the devil—errr, I mean “climate change”—and prepare to weep, deniers!

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  1. I’d wager those eco chaplans are very proficient at doing one thing: collecting.

  2. I think you forgot to add that climate change causes every place on earth to heat up at least 2x faster than every other place on earth.

  3. I nominate the cause of my first frightening moment as the most likely to terminate my species, namely, superstition (myth). I couldn’t understand why my parents were hell bent of convincing me, at 5, of the Santa Myth. It scared me to watch them go on & on, ignoring my questions and protests. I have always rejected superstitions in all their forms.
    But the worst is what Larken Rose wrote about: “The Most Dangerous Superstition”, authoritarianism. It will be the end of us if we don’t find a way to address it, abolish it.

    • You should read some Terry Pratchett 🙂

      I think they have the whole thing on YT….but the book is better. What happens when they try to kill the Santa of the DiskWorld.

      Here is the little speech at the end, its from an atheistic POV about why humans need myths. Not an atheist myself but the diskworld stories ARE funny.

  4. Excellent Report! Ever since reading Bob Tisdale’s exhaustive (and free) PDF
    ‘On global Warming and the Illusion of Control” I have been converted from a head bobbing acceptor of scientism to a red pilled nutter with fewer friends/more friends. When I try to convert my old friends to my new friends it reminds me of pissing into the wind on some frozen tundra where all I get for my trouble is a wet face.

    All I can say is to quote Captian Kirk, where he did not say (but should have when he got sucked into the past and visited earth) “Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life here”.

  5. eco-chaplains?

    Yeah, not a global religion at all.

  6. Brignell’s “A complete list of things caused by global warming.” is great for grins.
    The topics and jokes are endless.
    This is a Comedian’s gold mine for material.

    One example:
    Short-nosed dogs feel the heat
    “You thought penguins were in gravest danger of extinction from global warming.
    Now bulldogs, boxers, Pekinese, pugs and French mastiffs are among the breeds of dogs that may not see out many more Australian summers, experts say.
    Rising temperatures could also cast aside Persian cats in favour of fuller-faced felines…”

    …Oh shit! Someone just fired off 4 or 5 rounds from a gun out on my street nearby as I was typing. I’m done commenting for now.

    • …the gunfire… Sunday late afternoon.

      When I was almost done with the above comment, before I clicked “submit”, 5 loud bangs, five shots rang out in quick succession.
      1,2, 3 – 4, 5 in about 2 seconds.
      This was about 70 feet from my front door.

      I hit the floor below window level. These were pistol “bangs”, not firecracker pops.
      Then I cautiously went to the front door, opened it and tried to peer under the Apple tree which was blocking my view of across the street. I saw a big angry black woman yelling at someone who I couldn’t see (probably the shooter) with family members behind her. Then they went back to their duplex across the street and down the block.
      About three days ago, I was talking to a young lady from that household as she was walking her French bulldog by my sidewalk. I went over to pet it, while its tongue slathered my fingers in lovin. I told her how, three weeks earlier, her bulldog and I played in my yard one morning before sunrise when I was watering the baked clay.

      So, after I looked out the front door, I went to the internet to get the regular dispatch phone number of the police. The police and my neighborhood are no strangers. I told dispatch what happened and asked the lady that the police do NOT come to my door. Within a few minutes, an unmarked black SUV pulled up near the duplex down the street. I could see the two officers take cover behind the garage portions, out of view, as they edged their way to approach the front door. Another officer pulled up.
      So, they did their thing and talked to whomever.

      I could tell that Anne, the gossip lady, who lives across the street was out front. She was talking to one of the officers.
      Anne knows everything that goes on in the neighborhood. That’s her self-appointed job. And she likes to talk non-stop.
      Just Saturday before I mowed, she was telling me how she and city officials rescued a Yorkie dog from the street drain in the middle of the night. It seems the dog had been down there for about two weeks.

      We have finally gotten some cooler weather for North Texas. It has been relatively pleasant outside.

        • “adventure” is a nice, encompassing descriptive.
          I have affinity for that color of paint.

  7. I have noticed that many normie, and even semi Alt, podcasts are starting to talk about Climate Change doing this and Climate change doing that. If they keep doing that long enough people start to take it as a fact.

    I wonder if the folks have just been steeped in it so long they believe or if there is an actual hand directing it….having lived to NOT see all the ice caps melt and the extinction of penguins and polar bears 20 years ago it just grates in the ear like a bit of grit.

  8. Mark Levin guest the late Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute in 15 mins of brilliant assessment of reality…

    Basically…In one hundred years of study, world temp has warmed up 9/10ths of ONE DEGREE.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Opening remarks offered by Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, revealed the real goal:

    “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse. Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Speaking at the Rio conference, Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick, who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department said:

    “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S Undersecretary of State for global issues, addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience:

    “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

    (Wirth now heads the UN Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.

    It Is The Hidden Hand

  9. The only way to bury the climate issue is to fully expose and defeat the people behind it. This also applies to their forever wars and the social, cultural and economic breakdowns they are perpetuating throughout the Western World.

    The STRATEGY for effecting this may be found here:

  10. “…I also wonder why when we (!) are literally drowning,  up to our collective necks in garbage, we are obsessing over ‘climate’ — what was gained and what was lost by having shifted the discourse away from pollution, emissions, toxic spills, the War Machine, big Pharma/Agro, the polluters, the plunderers and extractors… to ‘climate’?!
    Who profits?”
    From a 2016 letter to renown academics, still no answer.

    • It is that nagging old fascism hey? That marriage of government and corporations agendas of power and control. One min of brilliance from the late founder of AIM, John Trudell from a 1980 documentary I did for KPFA Radio in Berkeley…

      JOHN TRUDEL MAY 1980 (speech)

      • Did you ever have a copy of “A Basic Call To Consciousness”?

        The position papers of the Akwesasne Nations to the UN .

        One of their first and basic positions was “we do not change the courses of the waters and we do not control the lives of the animals.” Especially reproductively.

        [ (I’m spelling this correctly , google, what’s your glitch? ) Paranoid nerds. Don’t want us using the word “reproductively”. We might be saying something about something…..too profitable “for the light of day”. ]

        • >>Did you ever have a copy of “A Basic Call To Consciousness”?>>
          No, many other books and mostly personal interaction with Medicine Men and Women and NA elders and political activists…the late Dennis Banks, Wallace and Grace Black Elk, Winnona LaDuke of WARN (Women of All Red Nations,) Thomas Banyacya, and others.

          A documentary I did is still available:
          The Long walk for survival / produced by Ed Doyle.
          Pacifica Radio Archive, 1980. Archive number: AZ0449

          Documentary on American Indian walk for world peace.
          BROADCAST: KPFA, July, 1980.

  11. “The list, an aggreation of links to mainstream media articles…”

    I believe there might be a typo above?
    Perhaps aggregation?

  12. Funny.

    “Caused By Climate Change”. Second only to “Caused By Feminism”/ “Eve”

    What next, geniuses?

    Oh, right, I remember. “Satan”.
    And Russia. And ….something, someone, out there.

    “Over there, over there, to beware over there.”

    I have seen the enemy, and I will say no mo’.

  13. Don’t worry folks. Why don’t we invite some clever scientists to spray coal fly ash into our/their air and the birds and bees (those that are left) will thrive and our food will burgeon and we’ll all live forever – if we want to.

    • When in doubt, trust the science.
      Popular Science that is. 🙁

      Dem chemtrails condensation trails in the skies cause climate change!
      That’s what Popular Science says, so it must be the gospel truth.

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