May Open Thread

by | May 2, 2021 | Articles | 207 comments

It’s a new month (not to mention a long weekend here in Japan), so it’s time for the May Open Thread at The Corbett Report. What’s next in the unfolding biosecurity nightmare? What are you excited about in the pushback against the encroaching tyranny? And will April showers bring May flowers after all?

As always, Corbett Report users are encouraged to log in and and use this comment section to discuss what’s on your mind, from news of the day to deep thoughts about life to music suggestions and whatever else is occupying you at the moment.

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  1. Regarding solutions, this would be a good start! Remove the feed-stock for these tyrannical bastards!
    1) get your kids out of main-stream schools. Should be no problem these days
    2) throw out the TV set. They are still selling 911 in all main-stream programming (just one example)
    These two steps should work hand in hand. By eliminating the constant propaganda stream, they have lost you!
    Now you will have the time to educate yourselves, and your kids to believe what is seen, not told.
    Call it a reality re-set because in the current world, NOTHING IS WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE
    Get out of the fog,

      • Good idea. If Bill Gates tried to order a veg box off me I would say no.
        I’d be surprised if BG could ever go out in public again because of the boo’s he’d get. So he will have to keep hatching his mad plans from his basement. Now that is something.
        The only worry is that if you start saying who can and can’t buy goods will that then be used against us?

        • Lizzie
          “..because of the boo’s he’d get…”

          Thats the point.
          Those people are given as figure heads to boo at like one of those puppet shows while the real actors stay out of sight… I bet Tim Gill or Soros’s son could walk right past me on the street and I’d not know them
          Punch and Judy show

          “..can’t buy goods will that then be used against us..”
          It already is.

          • I never liked Punch and Judy shows. They are strange and not funny.
            When you reduced to using the likes of Gates, Blair and Claus as your front men you can only imagine how ugly and devoid of personality the rest of the gang are.
            They should be put on a list, they should be named and shamed. How do we make the ‘they’ more known?

    • I spent most of my professional life as a public school teacher and up until March, 2020, I would have defended public education, with all its faults. Public education meant parent involvement, as far as I was concerned. After all, teachers spent more hours with children than their parents did. It was a partnership. If parents didn’t like the public schools, they should get more involved. One year later…GREAT BIG RESET. Public schools have become masking, testing, tracking, and vaccinating centers. Don’t send your children there unless you are in a small community with active, informed parental oversight. Children can teach themselves with the help of books, videos, and responsible adult supervision. Encourage them to ask questions and seek answers and they will become life-long learners. PROBLEM: Who supervises the kids while you are at work? Solve that problem, and your children will be free to learn on their own.

    • True! If we stay tuned in, we will soon all be stupid but happy slaves. Erudition will be a privilege of the few self-declared elitists that lead the world into its future slumber of indifference and trivial entertainment. I’ve always felt that the diffusion of the ‘Minions’ Meme is some sort of foreshadowing of this new world.

    • My household hasn’t been watching programs except the public broadcaster kids channel. However, I was noticing how indoctrinating the kids programming was. Luckily the tv programs were an opportunity for me to challenge the narrative provided and train my child think it through. We have just moved house and neglected to set the tv up. Very liberating move and no-one missed it.

  2. May 1st – Saturday – LifeSite News (via Lew Rockwell)
    By Celeste McGovern, (who has authored an array of excellent articles that Corbett Members have posted on the comment boards in the past.)

    19,916 ‘eye disorders’ including blindness following COVID vaccine reported in Europe
    More than 10,000 reports of eye disorders after COVID shots in the U.K. alone

    LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.

    May 1, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Hundreds of cases of blindness are among the 19,916 reports of “eye disorders” to the World Health Organization’s European drug monitoring agency following injection of experimental COVID-19 vaccines

    The nearly 20,000 eye disorders reported to VigiBase, a database for the WHO maintained by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre(UMC) in Uppsalla, Sweden, include:
    [Breakdown List]

    More than half of the eye disorders (10, 667) were also reported to the U.K.’s Yellow Card adverse event reporting system.
    These would have followed injection primarily of AstraZeneca’s and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines but included eight reports of eye disorders among the 228 reports concerning Moderna’s vaccine, of which only 100,000 first doses had been administered by April 21.

    Eye disorders were not reported in the clinical trials for vaccines which have been granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) only.
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s fact sheet for those administering Pfizer’s experimental vaccine does not mention eye side effects. It does state, however, that “Additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.”

    VAERS reports
    VigiBase and Yellow Card reports do not offer details of the patients’ experiences of adverse side-effects. However, those in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) system include some reporting on the patient, his or her age, and the general case presentation.

    One VAERS report describes a 33-year-old pilot from Mississippi who took Pfizer’s vaccine and developed….

  3. FREE BEER! if you get your auto-immune inducing jab!

    Sam Adams buying beer for COVID-19 vaccine recipients – April 6th

    A 30 second TV Beer advertisement via YouTube
    (Note that he is told: “Continue to wear a mask” after the jab.)

    EXCERPTS from the article
    …In the quick clip, the current face of Sam Adams makes a fuss over receiving the vaccine, later reuniting with friends in a bar and exclaiming:
    “Sam’s on me!”

    Starting April 12, the beer brand is inviting fans to do just that. Following the vital vaccinations, Sam Adams says it will send $7 through Cash App for a beer at a favorite watering hole to anyone who posts a photo of their vaccination sticker or bandage to Instagram or Twitter, using the hashtag #ShotForSam.

    The promotion is open to U.S. residents age 21 and up, official rules state, with the giveaway slated to close May 15, or until 10,000 eligible entries are received.

    “Sam Adams hopes drinkers will get back to supporting the bars and restaurants they love,” the beer brand said of the pitch. “So if you get vaccinated against Covid-19, we’ll buy your first beer back!”

    Though the intention was surely sweet, Krispy Kreme was recently forced to defend itself after being criticized for offering free doughnuts to people who had received the vaccine. [END of article]

  4. I’d love to hear people’s opinions on the reports that are coming in of what appears to be serious effects on women’s reproductive health – not by being vaccinated but by being in the same room as someone who’s been vaccinated.

    Is it psychosomatic illness, mass hysteria or something more sinister?

    • Vaccinated People Affecting Un-Vaccinated People, especially women

      Hi Sabex,
      Go to this SUB-THREAD which has a link to another SUB-THREAD…
      Miami private school Centner Academy won’t employ vaccinated teachers, staff
      The head of the school says:
      “…However, reports have surfaced recently of non-vaccinated people being negatively impacted by interacting with people who have been vaccinated.”
      and there is a linked Twitter video of her talking about it on this Sub-Thread.

      At the comment:
      Bizarre Phenomenon:
      Unvaccinated Getting Sick Being Around the COVID Vaxxed April 28th, 2021

      is a link to another Sub-Thread.

      Sabex, If you have any good sources or updates, please post them under one of the Sub-Threads by replying to a comment on the Sub-Thread.

      Next Thursday, Del Bigtree is supposed to address this scenario. He mentioned it at the tail end of April 29th’s “The Highwire” Show.

      • Covid Vaccinated People who Pose a Potential Threat to Society –
        They need a “Competence License & Permit”

        I encourage people to read the long list of anecdotes and injuries in Celeste McGovern‘s article posted north on this Thread.

        Of course, I don’t really advocate regulations, but it is becoming more and more clear that many people in the Covid vaccinated population are a huge liability.
        Trusting them to operate a car or machinery is dubious.
        Physically, a Covid jabbed person might have a severe adverse reaction at any time. What if they are driving a truck down the freeway?
        They really need a physical competency test periodically to certify that they can drive.
        We already know that they are certified mentally incompetent, because they couldn’t do effective research on a DNA changing medical device.

        Look at all the Covid Vaccine injuries coming to light (with a HUGE amount unreported), we un-vaccinated people could be adversely affected in any number of ways.


        Halt Covid Vaccine, Prominent Scientist Tells CDC

        In a public comment to the CDC, molecular biologist and toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., called to immediately halt Covid vaccine production and distribution. Citing fertility, blood-clotting concerns (coagulopathy), and immune escape, Dr. Lindsay explained to the committee the scientific evidence showing that the coronavirus vaccines are not safe.

        On April 23, 2021, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices held a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. The focus of this ACIP meeting was blood clotting disorders following Covid vaccines. Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay spoke to the CDC during the time set aside for public comment.

        The censorship on social media in particular and the internet in general is relentless. Here is a slightly edited, annotated censorship-proof transcript of Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay’s 3-minute comment.

        You can listen to her testimony on YouTube here (for now, anyway. If this link goes viral, YouTube will likely censor it).
        Molecular Biologist and Toxicologist Calls to Halt Covid Vaccine

        Hi, my name is Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay. I hold a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Texas, and have over 30 years of scientific experience, primarily in toxicology and mechanistic biology.

        In the mid-1990s, I aided the development of a temporary human contraceptive vaccine which ended up causing unintended autoimmune ovarian destruction and sterility in animal test models. Despite efforts against this and sequence analyses that did not predict this.

        I strongly feel that all the gene therapy vaccines must be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts.
        Janci Chunn Lindsay: Covid vaccines could induce cross-reactive antibodies to syncytin, and impair fertility as well as pregnancy outcomes

        First, there is a credible reason to believe that the Covid vaccines will cross-react with the syncytin and reproductive proteins in sperm, ova, and placenta, leading to impaired fertility and impaired reproductive and gestational outcomes.

        Respected virologist Dr. Bill Gallaher, Ph.D., made excellent arguments as to why you would expect cross reaction. Due to beta sheet conformation similarities between spike proteins and syncytin-1 and syncytin-2.

        I have yet to see a single immunological study which disproves this. Despite the fact that it would literally take the manufacturers a single day to do these syncytin studies to ascertain this [once they had serum from vaccinated individuals]. It’s been over a year since the assertions were first made that this [the body attacking its own syncytin proteins due to similarity in spike protein structure] could occur.
        Pregnancy losses reported to VAERS lead to demand to halt Covid vaccine

        We have seen 100 pregnancy losses reported in VAERS as of April 9th. And there have [also] been reports of impaired spermatogenesis and placental findings from both the natural infection, vaccinated, and syncytin knockout animal models that have similar placental pathology, implicating a syncytin-mediated role in these outcomes.

        Additionally, we have heard of multiple reports of menses irregularities in those vaccinated. These must be investigated.

        We simply cannot put these [vaccines] in our children who are at .002% risk for Covid mortality, if infected, or any more of the child-bearing age population without thoroughly investigating this matter.

        [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

    • Sabex

      I would think that while you can get (with some shots) virus shedding its way too soon to see reproductive harm even in the person getting the jab… my opinion (for what its worth) is that if they create big scare stories they can the dial it back a bit to show how “silly” fears are… kinda like 5G is probably bad for people but everyone got focused on if it ’causes corona’ and mostly forgot about the real worries

    • You have to think of the mechanism of action of the “vaccine “ which is really not a vaccine but rather an mRNA injection. It tricks our ribosomes into making the spike protein found on the surface of the virus (this is what they claim anyway). Why would cause any harm to a person nearby? I just don’t see how this could happen in the physical world.

      I have been around a lot of people who took this injection and I have been healthy. I think this is a rumor circulating to make people who questions the injection appear crazy and paranoid and discredit people who have legitimate concerns. I think the injection is dangerous and can certainly harm people who take it but highly doubt it can harm non injected people.

      • Mechanism – Covid Vaccinated People Expelling Trash

        Here is one thing I know from personal and observational experience…

        Most anytime the body gets a foreign or toxic substance, or gets a ‘bad microbial agent’, the body then tries to expel it or sequester it and/or rid itself of the trash associated with it.

        — sequester — ~50% of ingested fluoride is expelled, while the other half is sequestered with calcium related body parts.
        — food poisoning — Vomit and diarrhea and mucous discharge
        — some pathogens — fever and sweating, nasal discharges
        — splinters — the body tries to ‘move them out of the skin
        — boils and cysts — often the body is trying to expel unwanted stuff

        When I eat a lot of garlic, the room knows. We won’t talk about when I eat a lot of bean burritos. 😉

        9/11 First Responders –
        Some of the first responders did an intensive sauna detox. Their towels turned black, purple and brown.

        Myself and other family members did a sauna detox. Some weird stuff eventually comes out of the body, but in the beginning past drugs or toxins will recirculate as it comes out of the lipid areas (fatty tissue). I watched a past cocaine addict bounce all around. My ex-step-son-in-law watched a guy who once worked with insecticides…while they were taking a break, the former pesticide worker drip-dropped some of his sweat on bug that was on the floor. The bug croaked right then and there.

        When I was poisoned by solvents at work and almost died, I remember lying in bed with my head on the pillow. Every exhaled breath smelled of the solvents.

        We know that the body’s system will try to destroy and breakdown unwanted stuff, including old worn-out cells. The body then works to transport this trash outside itself.

        So, for me personally, it only makes sense that a Covid vaccinated person would ‘offgas’… that their body would do what bodies are designed to do…try to get rid of trash.

        • So maybe people who received the injection are sweating something out that other people are getting sick from by touching it or breathing in. That could happen theoretically. When I was working in the ER a man came in after ingestion of rat poison in a suicide attempt. The patient vomited and the fumes that came out were toxic to breathe. We had to take him outside of the ER and intubate him there and we had to clear out half of the department because of the toxic fumes.

          So if the mRNA injection causes toxins to come from sweat people nearby would be breathing them or touching the person and becoming contaminated. I think this should be studied. Collect biological material from recipients and try to isolate the possible material.

          • On second thought, if people are making the spike protein after being injected with the mRNA and people were “expelling” it via sweat or in some other way, this might be an environmental hazard.

            Do people “shed”/expel the spike protein? If they do, that is very troubling.

        • “..toxins will recirculate as it comes out of the lipid areas (fatty tissue)…”

          I recall that big Greenhouse people lived in for a year (biosphere 2? It was a try out for mars or something…) back in the 90’s had people getting dangerous pesticide levels in the blood as they used up body fat… if there is a big famine I’d bet that some people will start dropping dead from that kind of thing

      • I would be disapointed to learn the shots are duds, it would be very anticlimactic. There should be some poison in there to “trigger the immune sistem”.

        But I did consider the rather probable possibility that these shots that need to be kept cold would lose the capacity to do whatever the label said they should be doing by mere virtue of mishandling.

        Either way, this is some top shelf trolling.

        • I disagree with this. I have seen and treated patients in the ER with pneumonia and propensity toward blood clotting and hypoxia that was labeled Covid. This wasn’t around in 2018, though the flu season was worse.

          I think the “vaccine” is real also, because some people were coming into the ER with weird symptoms after taking it.

          I think CV 19 exists and can make susceptible people sick, similar to the flu. And the mRNA shot “vaccine” can also make people sick in the same way if someones immune system overreacts to the cell generated spike protein.

          There’s too many hands in this for everything to be fake. You have the people at the top directing the media to blow this out of proportion and the government officials who like to dictate to the public, what results is the hell we’ve lived through for the last year.

          • I agree with you. I think CV19 is real but there’s no “pandemic”. It’s similar to corona viruses we’ve all dealt with our whole lives: contagious, widespread, and deadly in some cases. But no cause for lockdowns, mask mandates, untested vaccines.

            As for media coverage, they’ve always loved fear porn – this whole thing is a gift to them.

          • Agree that there are too many hands for everything to be fake. My wife proposed that the vaccine is effective for covid and potentially also effective for an additional (more deadly) strain, something more along the lines of the current India strain.

            I think she might be right. That’s the way I would play it. It works from a depopulation angle and also from a control angle. Those who don’t get the vaccine are at risk from this secondary strain, the authoritarian narrative is supported, and the part of the population that they kill off are types like us who don’t trust the system.

            Now with that said I would still prefer to stock up on antivirals over taking the shot. Who knows what is in that thing.

        • What’s your take on virology?

          I think maybe the debate about virus origin (bat vs lab) is a great red herring to the more dramatic discussion that covid-19, despite being real and sad, either we don’t really know its cause or it’s caused by eating corn syrup close to 5g towers or whatever.

          The lab might be a great scapegoat for both the “outbreak” and for the “wrong mRNA” that can be blamed for the side effects of the mystery shot. All while reinforcing the idea that virology and this mRNA thing are all true. It could be lower tech, could be higher!

          I think independent researchers might be able to detect mRNA in the shot. Has it been done? Or anyone tried to isolate the spike protein from people’s blood? (Probably impossible to do according to virologists.)

      • So for you, the motive of the plandemic, the shutdowns, and the vaccine is simply to take another step toward transhumanism and centralized control? I think you’re missing the idea that this deception is priestcraft and that evil is orchestrated and conducted from a single hand. You are underestimating the evil of people who are motivated and dedicated to Satanic ethics, and who have ritualized their lack of empathy for humanity by doing heinous and evil acts. Here’s a study that is looking at the vaccine, and finding prions, so your idea that mRNA plays no role is unsupportable:

    • I think I got sick after being around vaccinated persons.
      It was a very strange illness, I had sore eyes and numb hands, like I couldn’t feel where they were.
      Now this months period lasted longer than usual and it was clotted.
      Who would have thought I’d be discussing my menses on this forum but it’s important to share this.

    • I am not going to get paranoid about being around people who have taken the vaccine. I’d prefer to take the usual steps to stay healthy (nutrition sleep etc) On the other hand I avoid spending any great time with them as people who think like that are not good for your mental well being. Better off spending time with real non GMO animals.

  5. The magic of “vaccines” revealed

    The number of cycles must be <=28 for people who are vaccinated.
    Each cycle doubles the amount of RNA bits that are associated with the virus.
    So the difference of 18 (44 -28) cycles corresponds to 260,000 times more RNA bits.

    Link to the tweet:

    Link to the CDC page:
    Highlighted part:

    The hoax of PCR-cycles shown in a simple image. Imgur
    Related study:

    Major Study Finds “Abundance of Patients Admitted to Hospital With Covid Within Seven Days of Vaccination” – Lockdown Sceptics

    Extracellular RNA constitutes a natural procoagulant cofactor in blood coagulation (2007)
    (There are far more problems, but this is was already well known)

    The Vaccine Safety System is failing – The Highwire

    6000% increase in vaccine deaths

    What vaccines do the elite get?
    When they take the cap off

    What is happening in India
    The curves show a relation as predicted by the skeptics

    I wonder what Pfizer is doing?

  6. With all due respect—seriously, every single crumb of admiration and respect for your ongoing, vast body of work—you have made a fatal strategical error, Mr. Corbett. You needed to, and still need to with your secondary YT channel, adjust to ‘rona times with what your saying, putting scientific or medical tyranny topics only onto your site and other video services. Why? I can’t believe I would even have to say this, but here it goes: You want to be on YT. Full stop. You want all of your past videos, covering past events to be out there being recommended to ‘normal’ people. It is by examining the past that we can see the present – you know, the inverse of the Orwell quote?

    “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

    Understanding past events, even the recent past, is the way to the present and the future. That is the way to open people’s eyes to the ongoing operations being conducting at present. The more you study the their shenanigans in the past, the more familiar you become with their modus operandi, and see through their veils of illusion.

    What’s more, YT recommends a vast number of past Corbett Report videos, things you would never even know to search on this site, further initiating one into seeing the present. I cannot adequately explain how invaluable this is.

    Mr. Corbett, with all due respect, keep your Corbett Extras channel, by all means. Please. Stay away from information that will lose you the platform, simply mention when you’ve uploaded a thought-crime video to your site. And upload any videos there(secondary YT channel) that were on the main channel.

    Warfare 101: you *always* want to use the enemy’s systems against them.

    Please, consider this. Don’t throw away your greatest of assets.

      • @michaelwc What makes James unique in my point of view, is the open source information dissemination model, the extensive archives and range of topics, his personality and communication-style, and the production-value of his videos.

        Using discretion in omitting medical topics on YT, and thereby continuing use of their software, which benefits from millions of dollars and years of development, to reach millions of people, hardly seems like self-censorship to me. I’ve already explained the benefit of reaching an ever-increasing audience by his analysis of past events and how that makes them able to see behind present narratives. I’ve also already mentioned how it continues to inform the public, by having YT recommend other videos from The Corbett Report—events and topics they otherwise would never even know to search for, and how that would assist them in their ongoing education and in freeing their minds from years of propaganda and mind-control.

        “Holding back any truth” or “to stay away from the truth completely” — I don’t agree that omitting medical topics and where they intersect with geopolitics, that doing so would be the same as your quotes here. 99% of his work and research on YT surely is better than none.

        Of course this is just what I think and feel, and Mr. Corbett will continue as he deems appropriate. I do however think the wisdom of what I’ve said in my initial comment to be self-evident.

        But again, this is just one man’s opinion.

  7. Just a very different topic.
    What is going on with all this UFO disclosure going on?
    Is it a distraction from covid?
    Is it for more military spending?

    Personally I think there are weird things and weird visitors,
    of which we do not understand much.
    But everything “leaked” from the military seems tainted in some way.

    There was a Disclosure Project already in 2001 with all kinds of
    high level military whistleblowers. And it was just before 9/11.
    What will happen this time?

    • “..What is going on with all this UFO disclosure going on?..”

      Probably nothing good.
      They keep pushing this weirdness, so either they want to distract you, scare you into obedience, create a new religion, or open transdimensional portals to hell (Jack parsons….just sayin’…)

      We probably dont want to know which.. lol
      My money is on it being on a back burner sub plot until people get bored with covid.

      • Duck.
        Even when you don’t believe it, there is
        many weird things out there that break
        with our models of our little world.
        Personally I have encountered more of the spirit side
        of the paranormal.

        On UFOs, Jacques Vallee is probably the most accurate, because he
        sticks to the observations instead of theories.
        Richard Dolan is great in listing weird historical accounts.

        If normal people already had experiences with UFOs,
        people within the military and the government probably also had
        weird experiences. And they also encountered the huge secrecy.

        But there are also people with in the military that are pushing
        certain stories or “leaking” certain photos/movies.
        This is “limited hangout” stuff and designed to steer a narrative.

        The current narrative is that the UFOs are attacking our
        nuclear capabilities, and therefore dangerous.
        While in my opinion attacking nuclear capabilities is
        actually life-saving.
        The statement does actually make sense, as we see many UFO-waves
        around nuclear bases. At times when these nukes are present.
        Maybe they make sure that every nuke is disabled.

        Note: In LENR we already know what technology can be used to
        downgrade nuclear radioactive material.

        But with all the limited hangout narratives, whereto
        are they trying to lead us?
        1. Do they want a new gigantic secret space force?
        2. Is it to claim that the lost trillions did not go to the
        billionaires and terrorists, but to their secret force?
        3. Is it to distract research groups from a gigantic false-flag
        attack that will be blamed on Russia/ China/ Iran?
        4. Start a global military force?

        • zyxzevn
          I dont know. 🙁
          I really think its a religious thing.. they have been pushing weird religious stuff for a long time- a hundred plus years- and now want to externalize it to the masses.

          “..1. secret space force?…” They already have money to the point that its not even real numbers

          “.. claim that the lost trillions did not go to the
          billionaires and terrorists, but to their secret force..” Maybe… but why? No one is going to ask for it back anytime soon… or maybe ever if they get their jab….

          “…gigantic false-flag attack that will be blamed on Russia/ China/ Iran?…” If they can kill Epstein in broad daylight and no one cares about 9/11 or WMD in Iraq why would they need to?

          “… Start a global military force?..” That makes most sense I guess.

    • I think it was jay Dyer on a UFO kick a while back who pointed out that UFO’s have lots of uses… the UFO community is full of gov types to steer it. He listed things like
      Testing experimental aircraft and drones
      Running drugs (the lights at the air feild are UFO’s!!)
      Running cults (thats an old one… on a related note I was suprised at how Jim Jones was tied into the political machine because he could stamp up a group of people to do things when needed )

      • Within the older UFO community, investigators were already
        following many new technologies.
        And can distinguish many phenomena and planes.
        The ball-lightning, “sprites” and “elves”, that were observed
        and ignored were already seen as unknown natural phenomena.
        We still have to understand the Hessdalen lights.

        The community was ahead and followed the stealth fighters, drones, etc.
        10 years ago we had the Aurora pulse-jet airplane powered with a nuclear reactor.

        They also knew about drugs-runnings, because they were
        connected with people watching air-bases and air-fields.
        Because they wanted to watch the latest military technology.
        Some believe that the Phoenix lights were a large zepplin like airplane.
        But some photographs look like mirrors of the street-lights, which
        indicates more something like a mirage/reflection.

        The cults is a different thing entirely and not directly related to military.
        For me it seems more that the cults infiltrated the military and government, most famously the sex-cults. Even with the Nazis there are tales about sex-cults.
        Note that sex (and drugs) is a much larger factor in cults than any miracle.

        • “…The cults is a different thing entirely and not directly related to military.
          For me it seems more that the cults infiltrated the military and government…”

          I disagree…while that can happen I’d say its the other way around… the establishment uses cults and creates/fosters them because having people who can keep a secret and having some whack jobs or general hands around is useful.

          Dr Richard Spence writes and talks about that kind of thing esp. in “secret agent 666” about Crowley

  8. I am filled with despair. I know we are not to despair, not despair, but there it is. After 404 days of lockdowns, semi-lockdowns, masks, masks, masks, and all the propaganda promoting these experimental injections… meanwhile the wars go on and on and the President of the USA, the “bastion of freedom” is a senile idiot.
    So, yes,
    I am filled with despair. If you lived here in Sonoma County, CA and were a free thinker like me; you would be filled with despair as well.
    I drink beer on our lovely back patio in the sunshine. The garden my wife has made lovely surrounds us. Buddy, the orange tabby male cat purrs away.
    “It’s May, it’s May! The Glorious month of May,…” Julie Andrews in “Camelot”. It’s a pretty risque song.
    Well, the risque has turned into risk avoidance. Fuck ’em.

    • thanks Duck, watching that now… I would have missed it if it wasn’t for your posting so thanks. I know the part of Prof. Sam Vaknin is very important. the part about the objectification of intimacy is very true. This I started noticing some time ago (2-3 years or something). And now with Onlyfans etc: The extremes of the objectification of men and women and intimacy, has reached a new level, disturbingly so. No surprise given the pornification of society for years now… Feminism has lost I believen. His comments around 3 min. mark are true.

    • Duck. I have pondered your comment for a few days now and I think you are on to something. Then that begs the question, why are we here?
      (1.5 min clip for fun)
      This is it isn’t it. We are troubled so much by the future plans, that even if they didn’t do another thing they have won. By just assuming they can and will do these things.
      I’m not sure what colour pill this is but it’s definitely an interesting one.
      I haven’t looked at your links yet because I’m scared to go there, scared that my viewpoint is wrong about the cabal trying to take over the world. Am I way off the mark with that? Is that the point you were trying to make?

      • lizie
        For the last 70 or 100 years the people shaping the society we live in have been giving us the drip drop of cultural rat poison. The people making your movies, computer games, TV and social media hate you and want you to die. They think its funny.

        Anyone who keeps on consuming and enjoying the culture of death is going to die EVEN WITHOUT killer vax or GMO or virus…. people who really dont know “why they are here’ have eaten the final pill of nihilism and will die.
        They have made a mouse utopia and anyne who wants to live must get their mind out of it.

  9. An Update on the Ukraine Situation

    I posted to the previous month’s Open Thread on the rather fraught situation in Ukraine. I can happily say that cooler heads have prevailed, but not without some effort. Here is the state of play:

    Russia moved two full armies and 3 paratrooper battalions to the Russian side of the western border of Ukraine in response to the build up of heavy equipment (tanks, artillery, etc.) by Ukraine. Various analysts claimed that if a war broke out between Ukraine and Russia, Russia would win that somewhere between a few days and two weeks. I have little reason to doubt this. Russia has been “modernising” its military for over a decade. Putin claimed in his recent speech to the Russian parliament that this process was well advanced (70 odd %) and will complete in the next year or two.

    The USA had instructed two of its naval vessels (missile frigates, I think) to patrol the Black Sea, but they were diverted to Cyprus for “repairs”.

    So, the situation is tense because of the build up of all of the forces, but fighting seems not to have intensified. That, however, could happen very quickly. Sporadic engagements between the Ukrainian army and the “separatists” continue.

    Recall the recently exposed and defeated attempt to run a coup in Belarussia. All of this “meddling” on Russia’s west is felt very keenly by Russia. Indeed, President Putin also mentioned this briefly in his recent speech (the english translation of which, published by the Kremlin, I read). I recommend following Pepe Escobar who is regularly published at Unz Review ( Here is his review of that speech, which contains the link to the translation right at the beginning of the article:

    • On a related note, Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal interviewed a man from Texas who went to Donbass and fought for them, and now puts out media to support them (i.e Propaganda/PR). He is a very interesting man, with a crazy past, but has conviction and believes in what he is doing. I enoyed the interview:

      I followed that up by looking at his youtube channel of “propaganda”. There are pieces about “Novorussia’s” national resistance, interviews with commanders, and the leaders of school based martial arts training etc.. One of the best was a piece about the final “endurance” training of a collection of Law students from a local University before they were admitted to the Reserves. Each video finishes with the army call sign of the videographer/editor in the credits. So, his claims stack up. He mentions in the interview that his best friend on the front (whilst a fighter, before becoming a “propagandist”) was a spaniard. In his channel you see an interview in spanish (with english subtitles). I somewhat equate the Donbass resistance with the international brigades in Spain against Franco before WWII. (More on that below).

      Whether one agrees with the choices he has made or not, he believes in what he is doing and it is interesting to listen to his perspective. Russel Bentley’s “propaganda” channel is:

      It is important to note that for many of these people in Donbass WWII and the Nazi occupation is not some distant piece of history. Their parents or grandparents were abused or killed by the Nazi’s or more likely the Ukrainian collaborators. So, the current rise of the Azov battalion and other neo-Nazi groups in the Ukraine is a visceral threat for them.

      Having ingested this “propaganda” the whole resistance in Donbass took on a different colouring for me. One of the early actions after the USA backed coup in Ukraine was to ban the speaking and teaching of Russian. These people see themselves as Russian/Ukrainian and wish to preserve that cultural heritage. This makes them the perfect pawn for western powers to provoke Russia to come to their defense. This, of course, is a rather difficult tight rope for Russia to walk. Putin’s frustration with all of this is evident in the speech I referenced earlier.

      • The Ukraine suffered horribly under the soviet genocide which is why many of them are still anti-Semitic and why so many collaborated with the nazi’s… in my limited understanding this made room for the influx of Russians

        Nothing good is going to come out of messing in that region IMO… no way is Russia going to allow a threat on their western side , especially whenthey have china wanting to grab stuff off them in the other side.

        • I am sad to hear that the horrible treatment of the Ukrainians by the Russians allowed the Russians to “influx” and supposedly make the local people “like” the Russians.

          Thank you for your analysis.

  10. I was up late last night down the Pat Sweeney rabbit hole.
    Last week he filmed the Gardai shutting down a Mass here in Athlone in Ireland. He was reasonable with the Cops, he said something to the affect of ‘You might wanna go and make confession yourself there Garda’.
    A week later Pat filmed the Garda after being awoken by them at 3.30 am.
    They took his children to an unknown location into care and arrested him under section 12 of the mental health act.
    He is currently trying to locate his children.
    Now this could be a massive psyop to scare us into submission, the Irish National party are involved, I’m not sure about their motives. If it’s real it’s terrible.

    Here is another video, you may want to adjust your ears for a proper Dub accent.

  11. May 1, 2021 – BGR – by Andy Meek
    Biden’s ‘American Families Plan’ lets the IRS snoop on your bank accounts
    Press Release from IRS (via linked script in article):
    Investing in the IRS and Improving Tax Compliance

    In President Biden’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday night, he laid out his ambitious, expansive agenda for getting the country past the economic wreckage associated with the coronavirus pandemic, mostly under the rubric of what his administration is calling the “American Families Plan”…

    …Biden’s plan wants to give an extraordinary amount of new power to the IRS.
    Take a look at this fact sheet from the Treasury Department, explaining a new provision that would require banks and financial institutions to start telling the tax agency what people have in their bank account, when money is moved around, and the like.
    This proposal, according to the fact sheet,
    “leverages the information that financial institutions already know about account holders, simply requiring that they add to their regular, annual reports information about aggregate account outflows and inflows. Providing the IRS this information will help improve audit selection so it can better target its enforcement activity on the most suspect evaders, avoiding unnecessary (and costly) audits of ordinary taxpayers.”

    Giving the IRS more power to track money that moves into and out of your accounts…
    …being akin to giving federal tax “cops” even more of an excuse to claim a metaphorical probable cause to financially “stop and frisk” someone…

    …The Biden administration wants to spend $80 billion to expand the IRS’ compliance abilities in order to generate $700 billion over the next decade to help pay for the American Families Plan, and the benefits it includes like new quasi-stimulus checks. Where does that $700 billion come from? From the increased tax enforcement that the $80 billion IRS expansion made possible.

  12. Hello All,

    I’m a long, long time CR fan and follower but a new subscriber. I figured it was now time to support truth tellers as it is more important than ever now. I wanted to introduce a concept that I came across in a book I am reading. The book is called The Rape Of The Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide and Brain Washing by Dr Joost A.M. Meer. The term Menticide caught my eye and brain. It’s a fascinating word that I think adequately explains the long March of propaganda we have experienced our whole love.

    Meers defines it as: the systematic effort to undermine and destroy a person’s values and beliefs, as by the use of prolonged interrogation, drugs, torture, etc., and to induce radically different ideas.

    He wrote this is 1956 and thought the technique was already highly evolved so imagine how sophisticated it is on 2021. I’m curious to get the community’s thought on this and hope to open up a dialogue, specifically on some examples of techniques of Menticide in our time. I hope that by identifying these techniques we can further fortify ourselves against them. I highly recommend reading the book, it’s only $1 on kindle. I hope this find everyone well and I look forward to your thoughts.


    • “..destroy a person’s values and beliefs,..”

      Smart Phones
      Social Media
      Babies in Daycare

      Need I say anything else? Lol
      Sorry for the info wars link but the video says it so well.

      Any abuser can do what your talking about to one person but the industrial factory production of souless zombies needs us to do it to ourselves… all THEY do is show us a picture of the world thru the little electronic window and WE ADJUST OURSELVES to believe what “all” the other people (or at least the ones on the screen) believe. That is why the laugh track and the “reaction shot” are so important …giving the viewer information on what “all” the other people think. 90ish% of people will adjust themselves to fit the groups opinions

      Gamification is also a pretty important tool…

      social media weaponized

      Blackpilled used to do pretty interesting Movie reviews (scroll down down down on his page to find them) and spoke at length a while back about the importance of “reaction shots” Mr Smith gets blackpilled , The simpsons have been going on soooo long that you can SEE the difference between THEN and NOW

      However we feel about the changes (I think most of them have been bad) is less important then the fact that a tiny minority of rich people DID THEM TO society pretty much in secret

      If you want the book version
      Irreversible damage by A Shrier
      The dumbest generation

    • In fiction a good source of how humans are being destroyed by ‘screens’ that they have a closer bond with then humans is the work of the late great Ray Bradbury… the Veldt being one of the best

      Inferior TV portrayal….

      Never underestimate the importance of emotions in belief ,,, if children like their media influencer they can be induced to believe any number of harmful, even fatal, things

  13. What I will be starting in May.

    Less outward, more inward: We know what we’re dealing with, 9/11, WMD’s WW1, the whole enchilada. Like the Lion in the Aesop Fable. Or the frog and the scorpion crossing the river.
    We must be aware by now?! Know this. Never trust anything they tell you, especially the government. Just watch that robot in the streets of Manhattan and the ME.
    And they put human faces on robots, that should tell you something.

    And now with Covid, it will get worse, and it will get worse, and the course correction for this will take a lifetime maybe?

    So what to do? I will start being more selective about what I read, listen to, watch. And eat and drink: Mindfulness and more sport and walking outside. Less phone, less noise, more silence and talks with the people around me. Take time, slow down, start living like we did in the 80’s or something.

    Years ago I stopped radio, TV, porn, fast food, lying, being dumb, rude, impatient. And I started being mindful, kind, patient, caring, listening, helping, observing, reading, making (more) music, going to very loud rock concerts (tool), etc.

    So May is the start, because we have read the letter to the future. We have seen the documentaries. We walk the streets and we know and feel what is happening. Get that self defense class because there are a lot of mental instable people with suits on.

    Glad I am among friends though, any Dutch peoples here so we can start a group to support when the lights go out?

  14. Better link it here:

    My take: nobody even knows if this is real. If so, he hosted two parties and died days later. From covid. Yeah sure, incubation periods and experience with the virus makes this a impossibility.

    When you jump of a 10 story building having covid, you die from covid.
    So there’s that.

    Covid is real, that’s not the question. Where it comes from, how it was made, by whom and what for is. As well as the catastrotunity that they are using for total surveillance is. The whole menu is being played out exactly as planned and they’re using their covid as a means for their end goals. It’s just another ‘Pearl Harbor’ event. Same song different key.
    anyway that’s my two cents.

  15. Here’s a bit of objective truth in the EU parliament. One won’t find this in the media.

    Kolakusic: Covid vaccines have been authorized without independent studies

    During the last 60 years citizen health has been taking the first place.
    All pharmaceutical products and vaccines had to go through independent testing before authorization.
    Now, for the first time in the history, a pharmaceutical product has been authorized as a vaccine based
    solely on data provided by the manufacturer, without any independent studies regarding efficacy.
    Not to even mention long term effects that may arise after several years.
    Worthy of note is the situation that occurred surrounding the medicine called Thalidomide in 1960, made
    by a German pharmaceutical company, that was given to pregnant women to prevent nausea.
    The product was tested on adults and there weren’t any side effects. However, there were 20000 children
    born without a face or various body parts. Maybe even hundreds of thousands of abortions were carried
    out due to fears of birthing a child with defects. This kind of urgency in authorizing medical treatments
    without any independent studies and long term effects is very dangerous for the people.

  16. Preob
    “.. more informatuon about self spreading vaccines..”

    video of gene drive tech with crispr… though I thought Crispr turned out to be pretty rubbish?

    Kinda related is this idiots idea to phase out predators

    “..Then came CRISPR. Even sober-minded scientists describe the CRISPR revolution as “jaw-dropping”. Gene drives can spread genetic changes to the rest of the population…”

    hahaha…. peoples insanity knows no bounds…

  17. I was down on the raft removing the bobstay and replacing the bolts holding the fittings to the bowsprit on the Island Packet we are rerigging when I heard applause from the too early to be open restaurant across Salt Creek. I heard it a few more times and figured it must be some sort of political stuff.
    Sure enough, my wife later told me that the Gov was reported to be in the vicinity.
    I searched when I got home and found this;

    I find it a little ironic that the place they chose for the signing still makes their customers wear face diapers when right across the creek is a nice little business where a sign has been posted on the door for nearly a year requesting that people remove their masks before entering. But far be it from me to be petty. 😉

    Glad that it got written and signed though. Now if we could only wake up the local tyrants and the masses of zombies.

    • May 3rd –
      DeSantis suspends remaining COVID restrictions, preemptively bans vaccine passports

      “We are no longer in a state of emergency,” declared Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

      On Monday, DeSantis signed an executive order banning vaccine passports and ending social distancing and masking restrictions put in place in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several of the restrictions were already repealed in recent weeks.

      The measure to ban the implementation of vaccine passports makes Florida the first state in the union to take proactive action against a proposal some conservative commentators have dubbed “tyrannical.”

      “The fact is, we’re no longer in a state of emergency,” said DeSantis at a news conference. “I think it’s the evidence-based thing to do.”

      The governor noted that while he is repealing the state’s restrictions, he acknowledged that Florida is not yet done with its fight against the virus and urged residents to continue getting vaccinated. He stated that mandating the use of masks following widespread vaccination would undermine the public’s confidence in the effectiveness of the vaccines.

      DeSantis noted that although states and cities will no longer have public health restrictions, private businesses are still free to require the use of masks, social distancing, and other protective measures — as is their right…

      …The bill also “ensures that neither the state nor local governments can close business or keep kids out of in-person instruction, unless they satisfy demanding and continuous justifications,” in addition to limiting the power local authorities have to enforce local emergency orders. It also provides the governor the power to repeal and local emergency orders in the state….

  18. Too scary for me!

    “Ingestible Bacteria for Vaccination:
    Bacteria can be genetically engineered to produce antigens in a human host, acting as a vaccine, which triggers immunity to pathogens of concern. These bacteria can be placed inside capsules that are temperature stable, and they can be self-administered in the event
    of a pandemic.
    Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines:
    SAM vaccines use the genome of a modified virus with positive sense RNA, which is recognizable to our human translational machinery. Once delivered inside a human cell, the SAM is translated and creates 2 proteins: an antigen of interest to stimulate an immune response, and a viral replicase for intracellular amplification of the vaccine. The ability of SAM to self-replicate results in a stronger, broader, and more effective humoral and
    cellular immune response than some other vaccines.”

    No. Not a chance. There is nothing that can convince me that things like the above ideas are good ideas. These guys are out of their minds.

    I’m sure the jokes will follow…

    May 3rd, Monday – Zero Hedge
    Bill And Melinda Gates Getting Divorce

    On Bill Gates’ Twitter…

    “After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage.
    Over the last 27 years, we have raised three incredible children and built a foundation that works all over the world to enable all people to lead healthy, productive lives.
    We continue to share a belief in that mission and will continue our work together at the foundation, but we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives.
    We ask for space and privacy for our family as we begin to navigate this new life. ”
    — Melinda Gates and Bill Gates

    • I am constantly amazed by how readily “facts” are accepted as true by those discussing the events.
      For instance, the only reason that there could be a discussion about Epstein’s death is that people accept that he is dead.
      It seems like in order to even talk about a news event, one must accept the truth of the premise based on the word of an untrustworthy source.
      Or am I just crazy? I know I’m buzzed but why in the world would anyone lend the slightest credibility to a story about Bill and Melinda Gates’ alleged divorce, or even marriage for that matter, as if they were real, normal people?
      If there is anything truthful about this story, its that they want us to speculate about it.

    • Why a guy as rich as Gates chose a wife that looked like an ugly dude I have no idea… their poor kids must be lucky not to look like Gollum.

      Now I think about it Elon Musk picked a skanky looking girl, but at least not as ugly… wonder what traits these guys are looking for in mates?

      • jtall

        That shows why humans are not suited for that kind of power over life…. how good looking you are is a reflection of your genetic health that we pick up on naturally…
        I’ve often thought that these people will breed themselves into the human equivalent of Pug dogs or something…. now I think of it wasnt Darwin from a bunch of unhealthy inbreds who died early?

    • Gosh! That’s big news.
      Maybe Melinda realised that when Bill is waving his arms around, he’s talking crap and when he is doing his bubble gurgle noise in his throat he is telling fibs. Which is all the time.

      Honestly, I think she was always looking for his approval, you can see it in the videos of them together. Every time she speaks she looks at him for praise, but he doesn’t look at her. He uses her. She is just a human version of his pastel sweaters.

    • I don’t know if any of you saw the most recent Daily Grind, but there’s an article about the divorce which includes an exclusive interview with Melinda. Here are a few excepts:

      “Honestly, I didn’t know what kind of man I married until I saw the four part series by James Corbett: “Meet Bill Gates”. After that, I decided I’d had enough of pretending to be someone I’m not,” revealed Winston Brothers, former Melinda Gates. “I agreed to dress in drag to please Bill but now I want to be free to be me. So do our adopted children. They want to assume new identities and pursue their own lives out of public scrutiny.”

      “For those who believe that unconscionable, swindling finagler took the so called “vaccine”, then I have a bridge to sell you in the Mohave. And that bungling no talent chiseler is as much a philanthropist as Bernie Madof.”

      When Winston was asked about his future plans, he stated: “To do some good. I’ve hired an expert hacker to funnel millions from that larcenist’s numerous off shore accounts and anonymously compensate as many as possible the foundation has harmed. If there’s any justice left in this world, that son-of-a-bitch will get some kind of mutant clap and die a horrible death.”

      The article goes on to say that Winston hopes the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins default and disappear. There was a photo, which might have been deleted by now, of Melinda/Winston giving Bill the finger. With both hands. Wish I’d thought to save it.

  20. Get ready…grab a few shots of whisky or do some hard drugs… because this can’t be real.

    CIA Recruitment Ad
    (2 minutes 20 seconds)

    “I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder.”

    “I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box checking exercise.”

    “I used to struggle with imposter syndrome, but at 36, I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be.”

    “…a proud first generation Latina and officer of the CIA.”

  21. Anyone here looked into this Dr. Reiner Fuellmich? Consumer advocate lawyer pushing class action lawsuits against ‘rona restrictions… apparently involved in VWs dieselgate court case as well as against Deutsche Bank and Kuehne Nagel. I can’t seem to find any documentation of his involvement in these big consumer advocacy cases, searches are just flooded with his more recent corona related stuff.

  22. Bill C-10 in Canada. Allowing the government to sensor all user data in Canada. Yay! 1984 is now not only non-fiction, it appears to be the text for a new and improved version of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms!

    “ “Granting a government agency authority over legal user generated content – particularly when backed up by the government’s musings about taking down websites – doesn’t just infringe on free expression, it constitutes a full-blown assault upon it and, through it, the foundations of democracy.”

    • @Steve; No you are not crazy, a lot of people think exactly the same thing. So rest easy brother.

      If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, it is probably a fox wearing a duck skin. Especially these days.

      It’s a distraction while Canada censors the internet.

      On the one hand these people are far from normal (Bezos & Schwarzenegger & Wiener), but, they do mess up.
      Which bodes wel for the future to be honest. Exploit stupidity. Like the QR codes in the Covid pass; easy to forge.
      Or underpaying the gatekeepers (

      The Uniters (us) are always far more disciplined than the Dividers (them).

  23. Scott Ritter, former weapon’s inspector who saw and warned of the insanity of the WMD Iraq rubbish, has published an Op-Ed at RT. It is republished by Global Research to which I link:

    The political establishment in the USA has really lost its mind. They are creating under the Office of Director of National Intelligence a new center the “Foreign Malign Influence Center” which will analyse data from social media companies to identify said “foreign influence”. This is just a continuation of the merger of social media and “intelligence”.

    Scott summarises the likely outcome quite nicely:

    “The irony is that by creating an intelligence organization whose task it is to help prevent the political Balkanization of America by analyzing the social media accounts of Americans who hold differing political beliefs than “the establishment” the newly minted Foreign Malign Influence Center ostensibly serves, the resulting process will only cause the further political division of the United States.”

  24. jtall
    “…Have you guys had struggles with convincing people? It doesn’t seem to matter how much data and strong arguments you can make. People are going to do it….”

    Humans naturally tend to want to follow what the group thinks…. as long as you are not seen as powerful or seen as presenting what the group thinks no one is going to care what our arguments are. That worked just fine when the rulers of the tribe were your relatives, unlike the modern ruling class who dont appear to even think your the same species

    If your mom is a boomer its even worse since much of that generation have not realized that the ruling class has gone over to strip mining, rather then the old people farming model…. anyone who watches much TV must be just about unreachable. I wonder if thats cumulative damage or the new digital TV is just better at head fking people?

  25. Good point, and true. 2,2 points in return of that:

    – The ‘Genius of the Crowd’ poem by Charles Bukowski
    (YT link
    better yet, get the book. Get all the books)

    – Free will goes both ways.

    – Forget all the noise, just leave it. There is no point. The brain is good for solving problems, and when there are none it will create them (like snowflakes in universities cancelling the prof.).
    The further you are way from that the better off you will be.

  26. ‘… now she has another violent boyfriend…’

    Then the conclusion is that she wanted a man who was violent.

    That does NOT mean that she wanted to be BEATEN, but its pretty clear that most women do not really want men who are mentally or physically weak and easy to dominate…its in their nature to want someone able to protect them (even if that does not always work out, lol)

    Now… as men become more feminine in their behavior you see them also falling into acquiescence mode with anyone who projects an aura of power. People like that will ALWAYS follow the group think they see thru TV and media.

  27. Voluntarist literature and media for kids 🙂

    Hi,I have three kids being and having been indoctrinated by the school and mass media including myself. And I feel that it takes time to deprogram onselve and to slowly go through all the learned conditioning and assumptions.

    Luckily, my older ones have awoken to the degree that they care and can. The battle for the minds are fought in children`s books, movies, games and Audiobooks. Does anyone have suggestions for child compatible media that go into a voluntarist direction?

    I really feel strangly illiterate, as if I know nothing.

    James, I am aware of the Aesop’s Fables 🙂
    Perhaps we need a kids section.

    Cheers Christian

    • If your kid is a bit older, check out the voluntaryist comic series
      they just launched another episode (V)
      you’ll find them somewhere online

      for younger ones there are the Tuttle twins books

      Robert Heinlein (the moon is a harsh mistress) was talked about in the interview about the SEKIII archive.

      and regarding literature. there is just tons out there that is simply good literature. it doesn’t need to be voluntaryist.

      and for “deprogramming” you might find many material around the term “deschooling”, a subject that unschoolers and sudbury type “school” visitors have talked about

    • All the Studio Gibly animations. They show people being kind and laughing a lot. The bad guys have good sides and the good guys have bad sides.
      It’s not voluntarism but they do have a positive message about nature and bring free.

  28. I wanted to share some of the things going on in Sweden.

    A few hundred people protested on May 1 against Covid restrictions.

    A lot of people are saying No to the vaccines, especially to Astra.

    We have an organisation called WakeUpFriends who has created their own social media website, as an alternative to Facebook.

    Alot of people are now seriously considering building Freedom Cells out on the country side.

    Just very short, hope to share more in the future.

    • The same is happening here in the Netherlands/Benelux. Mind you the MSM is reporting ‘hundreds’ of protesters where it are actually thousands of peaceful demontrators. So there’s that.

  29. I think the existence of viruses is very clear.
    You can color them with special isotopes and see how they spread
    through the cells of a living organism.
    That is how you can see them.

    There are also diseases with deadly effects,
    and it seems that in these cases people have isolated the virus.
    “Conveniently” not in this case.
    Now the diagnoses are mixed with Flu and such.

    And I think there was a virus in Wuhan, and it may have
    caused the high-altitude symptomes of the disease.
    As reported by whistleblowers.
    That disease seems real, and it spreads extremely rapidly.

    The virus is also very sensitive to the sun, so it
    disappears as soon the sun starts shining again.
    The virus may not not even exist anymore, due to the sun.
    This is probably because it was from a lab, and never
    hardened to survive nature.

      • There are certain conditions in which exosomes are extruded from the cell.
        They are small pockets with RNA.
        I think that it can occur at cell death, but I also think that
        it can spread as cancer.

        There are many different viruses.
        A virus can enter a different cell.
        And starts the change in the cell in which it replicates itself.
        A virus does not leave the cell until the cell bursts apart
        and is destroyed.
        So you can see a buildup of the viruses inside the cell,
        unlike an exosome that is building itself at the outside of the cell.

        DNA viruses seem to be able to nest inside a cell by injecting
        themselves in the DNA of the host.
        Some may only activate at certain events.
        This requires more steps.
        Do these represent a different kind of exosomes?
        Not really, because they use a pretty advanced mechanism
        to enter other cells and multiply themselves in cells before the
        cell breaks apart.

        There are also many lies around viruses, because they
        are hard to track. And a lot of medicine companies
        have injected their big money to pushing certain
        ideas and fears.

        Did you notice how micro-tubules are guiding the viruses?
        It appears that our consciousness is related to micro-tubules.
        And this explains why happy people with a strong spirit
        are far less likely to get sick.

  30. Supply Chain disruption.
    Anyone personally affected here (business)?
    regarding wood many may have heard about but I mean in the broader sense of plastic, basic small materials and shipping in chaos (prices high or simply ships/material not available)

    maybe it is still only a European phenomenon or just the beginning (thus not much noted yet) or overblown fear hype

    personal infos welcome

  31. My parents were extremely afraid of
    “the disease that you have to be tested for
    to know if you had it.”
    They have been watching far too much TV-propaganda.
    They think that the measures have any effect.
    But due to that propaganda they also accused me of spreading.
    They are almost fully brainwashed.

    They completely ignore my extensive knowledge of the subject.
    They rather listen to Bill Gates and other frauds.

    The accusations made me care a lot less.
    I can not be responsible for other people’s stupidity.
    If people want to jump of a bridge, because they think
    it cures them, they will only be mad if I stop them.
    Probably they survive without understanding the risk.

    I am more concerned about the media pushing the
    blame on healthy people. This feels like a war against
    people with natural immunity.
    And most people do not even understand how crazy that is.

    The passports seem like a way to push free people
    out of the society.

    • “…They completely ignore my extensive knowledge of the subject.
      They rather listen to Bill Gates and other frauds…”

      NPC brains are set up from a time not agreeing with the group got you driven out into the jungle to die… the group they are most attached to and spend most time with are ON THE TV or internet.

      THAT group likes Bill Gates and dont like you…If things get scary dont be surprised if many people start shunning you. They may lack the ability to overcome the hacking of their minds

  32. I’ve had absolutely zero success. My entire family think “fact-checkers” and “authoritative sources” are all that matters. I sincerely doubt they have ever even opened a link I’ve shared, dismissing it all as “conspiracy theory”. Both parents and one older sibling have already been shot up with at least the first dose of the Pfizer or Moderna gene therapy. So far I haven’t heard any complaints, so I guess they’re lucky enough to have escaped that so far.

    • We all live in different countries, so at least I’m not at risk of gene-therapy by osmosis (yet). My wife and kids aren’t getting any of these snake oil shots.

      The reports of side effects from contact with “vaxxed” individuals is pretty worrying though. I wonder, if it does happen, how long would they still be a potential threat? I know I won’t be travelling anywhere for a while due to all the pandemic-theatre, I’ve never taken a PCR test (and never will) and I can’t keep a mask on for more than the few seconds it takes to pass by the mask-nazi gatekeepers so I’m basically stuck in the Philippines. My parents will probably get their covid-passports, so them coming to visit their me and their grandkids does give some cause for concern.

      • “…how long would they still be a potential

        IF they are (which I rather doubt TBH) the answer is until their re-written cells stop making whatever substance is dangerous which I would suspect = forever

        If thats the case you would pretty much need to quarantine yourself for ever too…which I doubt the elite want to do, so it would either be fatal within a year(??) or harmless or a binary weapon- say eating a food additive they avoid triggers something?

      • To be honest, so far, based on things I observe, I haven’t noticed anything weird in myself being around “vaccinated” people. This isn’t really a vaccine though, it is genetic material because it can talk to the part of our cells that makes protein and this is not how vaccines work.

        I understand your concern because you wonder if people are making weird proteins and expelling them via sweat and other body fluids and what that might do to you. The skin is a very good barrier though. Based on my limited understanding, I think it’s not as risky as actually being injected with this.

        If it was that dangerous, I would probably be screwed anyway so I’m not going to worry about it.

    • “so far” yes. But who knows what will happen next Fall when real viruses are circulating. We don’t know what side effects will pop up in the future, short and long term.

      Let these morons take these experimental drugs and see what happens. There’s no way I’m injecting this crap.

        • Sorry. I didn’t mean to insult them. I have a bunch in my family too. What I meant to say instead of moron is susceptible to pressure, fearful and acting without thinking.

          Is it a thoughtful thing to do to take a research chemical like this? I know people do this all the time. I used to get flu shots early in my nursing career because of the pressure. I stopped when I had a reaction.

          • It’s fine. I didn’t really take offense, I was just kidding. They are morons.

            Indeed it is far from a thoughtful act, but one I can understand given the lifetime of vaccine propaganda we’ve all been subject to and the ridiculous coercion of the past year.

  33. What do you guys think of this use of 5G and wi-fi for tracking humans without a need for a tag such a phone?

    A non-invasive radar system for automated behavioural tracking: application to sheep

    Automated quantification of the behaviour of freely moving animals is increasingly needed in ethology, ecology, genetics and evolution. State-of-the-art approaches often require tags to identify animals, high computational power for data collection and processing, and are sensitive to environmental conditions, which limits their large-scale utilisation. Here we introduce a new automated tracking system based on millimetre-wave radars for real time robust and high precision monitoring of untagged animals. To validate our system, we tracked 64 sheep in a standard indoor behavioural test used for genetic selection. First, we show that the proposed radar application is faster and more accurate than conventional video and infrared tracking systems. Next, we illustrate how new behavioural estimators can be derived from the radar data to assess personality traits in sheep for behavioural phenotyping. Finally, we demonstrate that radars can be used for movement tracking at larger spatial scales, in the field, by adjusting operating frequency and radiated electromagnetic power. Millimetre-wave radars thus hold 31 considerable promises for high-throughput recording of the behaviour of animals with 32 various sizes and locomotor modes, in different types of environments.

    1IEEE 802.11bf: Toward Ubiquitous Wi-Fi Sensing

    Abstract—Wi-Fi is among the most successful wireless technologies ever invented. As Wi-Fi becomes more and more present in public and private spaces, it becomes natural to leverage its ubiquitousness to implement ground-breaking wireless sensing applications such as human presence detection, activity recognition, and object tracking,just to name a few. This paper reports ongoing efforts by the IEEE 802.11bf Task Group (TGbf), which is defining the appropriate modifications to existing Wi-Fi standards to enhance sensing capabilities through 802.11-compliant waveforms. We summarize objectives and timeline of TGbf, and discuss some of the most interesting proposed technical features discussed so far. We also introduce a roadmap of research challenges pertaining to Wi-Fi sensing and its integration with future Wi-Fi technologies and emerging spectrum bands, hoping to elicit further activities by both the research community and TGbf.

  34. Carrie Madej. This lady’s sincerity seems more genuine each time I hear her speak. But perhaps its just an old man’s naivety and susceptibility to the charms of an intelligent, well spoken, attractive young woman. Don’t think so though.
    I think that this might have been the best talk I’ve heard her present.
    At about the 29 minute mark she plays a pretty powerful clip of scientists speaking about the capabilities of the nanotechnology they’ve created “for our benefit”.
    Apologies if it has already been shared.

  35. The Criminalization of Dissent
    C.J. Hopkins, Off-Guardian (May 5, 2021)

    C.J. touches on some very important points and ideas in this article. Here are some excerpts that resonated with me:

    One of the hallmarks of totalitarian systems is the criminalization of dissent. Not just the stigmatization of dissent or the demonization of dissent, but the formal criminalization of dissent, and any other type of opposition to the official ideology of the totalitarian system.”

    […]According to Al Jazeera, the German Interior Ministry explained that these querdenking “extremists encourage supporters to ignore official orders and challenge the state monopoly on the use of force.”

    […]Go back and read those quotes from the German Interior Ministry and the DHS again slowly. The message they are sending is unmistakeably clear. It might not seem all that new, but it is. Yes, they have been telling us “we are being attacked” and denouncing critics, protesters, and dissidents for twenty years (i.e., since the War on Terror was launched in 2001, and for the last four years in their War on Populism), but this is a whole new level of it…a fusion of official narratives and their respective official enemies into a singular, aggregate official narrative in which dissent will no longer be permitted.

    […]Here’s California State Senator Richard Pan, author of an op-ed in the Washington Post: “Anti-vax extremism is akin to domestic terrorism,” quoted in the Los Angeles Times:

    “These extremists have not yet been held accountable, so they continue to escalate violence against the body public…We must now summon the political will to demand that domestic terrorists face consequences for their words and actions. Our democracy and our lives depend on it…They’ve been building alliances with white supremacists, conspiracy theorists and [others] on the far right…”

    And here’s Peter Hotez in Nature magazine:

    “The United Nations and the highest levels of governments must take direct, even confrontational, approaches with Russia, and move to dismantle anti-vaccine groups in the United States. Efforts must expand into the realm of cybersecurity, law enforcement, public education and international relations. A high-level inter-agency task force reporting to the UN secretary-general could assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression, and propose tough, balanced measures. The task force should include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril. It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counter-offensive.”

    • Really scary.
      Now I place Hotez between Josef Stalin and Josef Mengele.

      Censorship has nothing to do with science.
      What he calls “anti-science’ is anti-propaganda.

      We have seen censorship of doctors and patients, which makes it harder
      for severe health-problems to be spotted.
      So it is anti-health to censor.

      Then we have the censorship of scientific experts, doctors, and
      witnesses/whistleblowers. This means that the science community
      has become corrupted. And this corruption is causing the growth
      of fake science.

  36. This is a really concise explanation. thank you. I also looked up the article by Ronald Brown from Waterloo University (Ontario, Canada) that JC had referenced on Research Gate. Brown calculates the absolute risk For pfizer as 0.7% (which can be converted into the NTT number needed to treat) so you would need to give 142 pfizer vaccinations to prevent one positive covid test (or infection-who can tell). Moderna’s absolute efficacy is 1.1% which means you would need to give 88 vaccinations to prevent one positive covid test. Unfortunately the important calculation of how many vaccinations are required to prevent one hospitalization or one death, or by age range which would be important wasn’t performed. Brown further goes on to say that both the relative and the absolute rates are required by the FDA for approval. Pfizer did not submit the absolute.

    • You’re like my husband. There was an article about NNT regarding statins and that is what caused him to stop taking them years ago. Much to the displeasure of our young family MD. Yes the hypertensive folks were hit bad. The mechanism for action is vasodilation for that drug and that may be what your pharmacist was referring to. There seems to be a problem with that drug class and when a person has covid. The drug combination with the infection causes a disfunction in the cell linings. This is maybe the leakage that you are referring to and according to the article cited below causes the little clots that you mention, and why some folks lose their sense of smell. From my own experience… I am a nurse who works in a hospital (ICU) for many years…not in the unit anymore, but in a sinecure to the data department)… have found that out of all the professions, pharmacists seem to be the most intelligent.
      I’ll address your other comment below…way above my pay grade.
      I think the virus was engineered and came from the lab in China but was an accident. There was a very good video that I watched (that my husband had to translate because in was in French). I can’t put the link because it has been scrubbed. It was an interview with the scientist, Luc Antoine Montagnier, Nobel prize in 2008 for HIV. It was his opinion that COVID was engineered with segments of SARS, malaria and HIV. That is why hydroxy works so well. I think ‘they’ want to keep the narrative going as you said below. All I see in the msm is crying nurses about patients dying (yes patients die) and how our system is overwhelmed. I have never seen our hospital occupancy so low ~ 80%, normally it runs just over 100%. A tremendous number of surgeries were cancelled in preparation for the big influx that never came.

  37. JABerwocky | ˈjabərˌwäkē |
    noun (plural jaberwockies)
    the discussion multiple people have on Zoom in which they heroically compare side effects from having taken the vaccine.

    China (?)

  38. IMPORTANT – if you are fortunate to live in a area where with no government restrictions, such as, but not limited to Texas and Florida – it is important to only conduct business in organizations that support personal choice. Make your voice heard in every business that doesn’t support personal choice. Leave negative reviews, ask to speak to the manager, etc.

  39. Hi, I just receive the news that this Saturday my Job will require everybody to get tested for COVID. This was mandated by the health authority. I refused to do it and contacted my health authority to know what are my alternatives (probably 14 day self isolation). What bad could happen if I get tested? I am not interested because I don’t know what they will put on my nose or what data (DNA) they can extract. Are those valid concern?

    Tyranny knows no bound!


    • I don’t know what country you are in, so I don’t know what legal protections you have. However, the Nuremberg Code is supposed to be international. You have the right to refuse to participate in medical procedures without informed consent. You have the right to know:
      1. What kind of test is it? What is its specific name?
      2. What company makes it?
      3. What company interprets the test and gives the results?
      5. If it is a PCR test, what is the Cycle Threshold?

      I have walked into several outdoor testing sites in my city and asked these questions. The people carrying out the test don’t know the answers. If the people doing the test at your job know the answers (unlikely), ask for a written declaration that your DNA will not be harvested from the test. If you ask lots of questions and insist on written, notarized answers, you can put off the test indefinitely, just based on lack of informed consent. I don’t know why people are just allowing themselves to be poked in the nose and jabbed in the arm without asking questions. I am sure you can think of more questions than the ones I have suggested. After researching the PCR test, I have come to the conclusion that PCR is unreliable, inaccurate, and invalid for diagnostic purposes. You have a strong legal case against taking the PCR test in an international court. As far as local authorities are concerned, just continued to refuse until your questions are answered, and keep coming up with new questions.

    • I don’t think so, but I would be wrong. I work in health care and we run standard nasal swabs via PCR test because it’s a stupid policy with the Covid scam. I have even had one test because I needed a medical procedure done. As far as I know they aren’t storing any DNA collected from the swabs. But I’m a nurse so don’t know what they do with them after they use them in the lab.

      • Hi, thanks for your answer “Control Savy” and “cu.h.j”. My job told me to stay home and self isolate for 14 days since I did not get tested. They dared saying it was from the health authority. I requested proof and they never forward me anything. I staid for 2 weeks without working and without pay and received a warning letter stating I was insubordinate when I came back. I recorded every conversations and kept every emails and now I am pushing to get those two weeks paid. I made a complaint to the BC employment standard. I also find another job and gave my notice today. Good ridance!

  40. Ethereum and Gambling

    Occasionally on these comment boards, I have mentioned that I like to gamble. Yes, I know that the stock market is rigged and that Casinos have an edge.

    However, I want to mention something for those who do put money into stocks. (By the way, silver was up today, May 6, 2021, and silver stocks did very well.)

    There is some potential utility to Ethereum crypto. It’s worth researching, along with fairly recent news updates. I own a little Ethereum.
    I recently noted Ethereum on the Corbett Report threads in April with two comments…

    ETCG stock is tied to Ethereum. It has been a real winner, especially this week.
    ETCG was up 40% on Monday May 3rd. Each following day it has been up 20% or 30%.
    About 35 days ago, it was at $13 per share. Thursday, May 6th, ETCG stock closed at $89.
    It should be noted that this is an extremely volatile stock.

    I shy away from mentioning my gambling exploits, especially the big losers. 😉
    However, I wanted to share this info in case a few people might want to know.
    I would want someone to share it with me.
    All that said, I do not encourage gambling.

  41. I am wondering if anyone has info on the papal prophecies of St. Malachy (not to be confused with the Book of Malachi in the Bible). I only just recently found an old, French book on the subject (from 1979) and find it intriguing. There are possible links with Templar Knights involved in this story. Hoax or worth investigating?

  42. “… I would appreciate any input…”

    You have 3 good options I can think of

    1) Use a ‘live’ distro like Puppy linux or Tails so dont have any virus or trackers left when you reboot

    2)Get many installs of linux you put on USB thumb drives (cheapest way!) EXTERNAL plug in USB hard
    drives, (USB SSD is the BEST)and then change them out… each one can have a different VPN set up and you use each one for different things (One for Corbett and stuff you sign in to … one for general survfing… one for podcasts..ect..)

    3)Put Virtual box on your computer and use Virtual computers for different things… you can run different VPNS or TOR on the various “virtual” computers. THAT will isolate most of the tracking from your other activities How to use whonix… its pretty easy but use other operating systems to making USB thumb drives (pretty like USB SSD)
    This guy has lots of show and tell videos BTW

  43. America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS)presents…
    “The Uncensored Truth Tour”

    May 10th – Phoenix, AZ
    May 11th – Albuquerque, NM
    May 12th – Lubbock, TX
    May 13th – Dallas, TX
    May 14th – Austin, TX
    May 15th – San Antonio, TX
    May 16th – Houston, TX
    May 17th – New Orleans, LA
    May 18th – Tallahassee, FL

    NEWS in April …
    “America’s Frontline Doctors Forms Legal Task Force to Challenge Sweeping Pandemic Powers”

    (H/t to Joe.s)

    • So moving. I get teary-eyed every time I see these flashmobs. Wonderful to see it spread to Italy and Spain too. It gives me hope to witness so many people’s free spirits and joy for life.

      In the description of their official video of the song is their website where I found that they freely offer same in a mp3 file. Done!

  44. John Oliver is not funny and I don’t know how he has a job as a comedian. He deserves to have an adverse reaction to the injection. That would serve him right to have a bad medical outcome and have someone laugh at that.

  45. @robster; hang on mate, I was referring to ‘fact that nobody died’ was during the police protests. Not from adverse reactions to the mRNA gene therapy. A lot of people have died from the inocculations is known and also etensively covered by the Last American Vagabond’s pod. Also the shedding etc.etc. I am not just stating facts unverified etc. I really want to add to this community so don’t shoot me down mate 🙂 I will link to sources when able, and I know as much as everybody else so hive mind is better than questioning validity. Trust but verify,

  46. I know that Rand is a total statist and seemingly ignorant of some basic realities. (I charitably ascribe that to pragmatism rather than willfulness). But he really strikes me as someone who would have difficulty with ignoring facts that he is made to become aware of. I am usually impressed with his logic when hearing him talk.

    Here he is clearly pointing out to the media, while being interviewed by the media how poorly the media performs interviews.

    How cool would it be to introduce James Corbett to Rand Paul. What an amazing interview that would be.

  47. I just listened to a recent episode of the Higher Side Chat podcast where Greg interviewed an inventor named George Wiseman. He sells something that sounds too good to be true. Along the lines of Stan Myers Water-Powered car I thought.
    So I decided to Duck-Duck the fellow and read all the articles debunking his machine. Which is called the Aquacure. To my surprise, I searched and found nothing that disparaged the guy or his invention. I found lots and lots of stuff about the wonders of the idea and obviously many links to where to buy it but not a single result in the first few pages calling it a fraud. This is a machine that as I understand it, breaks down water into it’s constituent gases which when consumed by breathing or drinking and apparently even when topically applied, cures a multitude of ailments. And it ain’t cheap. 2600 Dollars for the top of the line unit.
    Cheaper than surgery but still.

    Interestingly, there is no Wikipedia page for George Wisema.

    Does anyone here know about this and have an opinion to share about it?

    I am asking not only because I am growing old and have health issues that are concerning which I am left to my own devices to figure out since I have zero confidence in the medical industrial complex.
    But also because if the claims made by the adherents to this theory of consuming Hydrogen are true, then using the machine and sharing it’s benefits with others seems like an obvious “solution”.

    • Thanks for replying. I dug into this thing pretty deeply today and I have to say that it seems pretty credible. I actually did read a lot of reviews and searched diligently for reports claiming it to be a scam. The only negative things I found were a couple of people claiming that the fuel efficiency increasing capabilities of the hydrogen carburetor modifications were not what they claimed to be.
      I don’t know when the unit will arrive as they have evidently gotten a big bump from the Higherside Chat interview but if anyone is interested in my experiences with this, just let me know.
      The only negative reviews I found on the sites that sell the units were about customer service issues. Not the technology or the product.

      Like I said in my original post. I don’t use regular doctors. I have been fastidious about my nutrition and diet in recent years but still am developing symptoms that are concerning. If this hydrogen therapy produces the results that I am reading that it does, then I am pretty sure that it would be a good investment. Especially since if it works as advertised it can be used to help others, like my wife as well.
      Anyway, I bit the bullet. I figure that since there is a no-questions-asked return policy that I am not taking too much of a chance.
      I wish I could have gotten that 20% discount code though. That would have helped.

      • Email is fine. Doesn’t seem to be much interest here anyway. If you click on my name it will take you to my company website. Just drop me an email there and my wife will forward it to me and then I’ll have your address. Won’t have to bother JC that way.

        I have a number of issues that I am hoping to get some results for from this therapy. Some of which I won’t mention here but can share with you in an email. But I do have a funny spot on my right knee that I suppose is some sort of eczema. It itches, is dry and flaky but never gets better or worse and it has been there for around thirty years as I recall. That is going to be the test. I will take pictures before, during and after a few weeks of treatment.
        If there is no improvement in a month, then I will send the machine back and will kick myself in the ass for once again being a sucker.
        If the spot goes away then I will be happy. Surprised but happy.

    • I recently heard George Wiseman interviewed by Freeman Fly as well as Tom Cowan.
      I was a bit surprised that there was no discussion about germ theory during the Cowan interview since George is a virus believer.
      Nevertheless, doctor Cowan and Freeman have been convinced of the efficacy of the device and purchased their own.

      I am continuing to use my machine but after a recent exchange with Wiseman via email where he strongly encouraged me to increase my time breathing the Brown’s gas, I was convinced to use it during my sleep. So now I am averaging somewhat more than 12 hours a day.

      I won’t say much about my progress because anything I report is purely speculative because of my refusal to see an allopathic medical doctor for tests. But I will say that I believe that the brown’s gas in conjunction with all the other alternative things I am doing has at the very least stopped the symptoms that I was experiencing from getting worse. I really think that I am healing but can’t prove it.

      • I just wanted to express to George Wiseman and his company Eagle-Research my gratitude for the outstanding customer service he provided for me this week.

        After nearly two years of hard use, the AquaCure AC50 machine that I purchased developed a tiny leak. It was still functioning well but I decided to notify George about it anyway and ask for his advice.
        Within hours of receiving my email a brand new machine was on the way! No questions asked!
        They paid the entire shipping cost as well as the cost of sending my machine back. From Ontario to Florida!

        The new machine arrived in three days so I only had to go without it for four days in total.

        I would have expected to have to send the unit back for repair or at best to have it exchanged for a reconditioned one.

        What a pleasure to do business with such an outstanding company and such an ethical businessman as George Wiseman.
        I cannot sing his praises loudly enough.
        Great guy, great company and a great product!

  48. May is only half-way over and yet it feels like I am posting on an ancient comment stream that is hidden by newer articles and videos. However, May Open Thread still seems to be the best place to post this comment. I have been researching PCR tests ever since I found out about the “Corman-Drosten Review Report” that claimed that the PCR test used to test for COVID-19 was flawed.

    It has been quite a journey and has led me to Kary Mullis, Peter Deusberg and others. A couple of days ago I discovered the work of David Crowe. He wrote a great article, published on June 6,2020, entitled “Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory” After struggling with other articles, I found this one to be very accessible and immediately shared it with loved ones. Then I wondered what else he had written and went to his website, The Infectious Myth, and discovered that he had died on July 12, 2020–a little over one month after publishing the article I had enthusiastically shared. I read some of his other articles and listened to some of his podcasts. He left an impressive body of work not only on Covid, but also HIV/Aids. Here are links to his articles and podcasts. Of course, James or someone in the Corbett Community has probably already mentioned David Crowe, but I missed it when you did–so here it is again.

  49. There is no denying that you can find interesting information on The Highwire. However, good information does not need propaganda techniques. There is too much emotion and, sadly, false assumptions. Let’s forget for a moment how the virus came into existence. Can you answer these questions: How do you know that a certain virus exists? How do doctors diagnose a person with SARs-CoV-2 as opposed to some other disease? How does the medical community test for SARS-COV-2? How reliable and accurate is the test or tests? How does the test(s) work? What are some problems that have been encountered with the tests? In this episode, they are talking as though the coronavirus pandemic was real and moving on to establish blame for the origin of the virus without proving that the virus actually causes large numbers of people to get sick and die. I have just discovered this paper by David Crowe that answers the above questions. I find it much easier to understand than other sources. “Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory”
    For those who like to listen instead of reading, here is a great interview with David on The Higherside Chats. “The risks, the testing, and the treatments” March 21, 2020.

    • How do you know that a certain virus exists?

      By proving that it exists as a particle, that has a material presence and is infectious.

      How do doctors diagnose a person with SARs-CoV-2 as opposed to some other disease?

      It’s a combination on false assumptions (propped up by a “positive” PCR “test”) and cowardly behavior that is rooted in social pressure and willingness to adhere to policy as an enabler of a lifestyle one is accustomed to.

      How does the medical community test for SARS-COV-2?

      PCR “test” is employed as the “gold standard”. The “quick antibody test” is used as well and taken for granted that is less reliable than PCR. It’s not reliable to the extent that a negative “quick test” needs to be “confirmed” by PCR. If the quickie says you are “positive”, you can be positive that you are positive. Otherwise needs to be double or, why the hell not, triple checked.

      How reliable and accurate is the test or tests?

      This has never been confirmed in a clinical setting. Considering that about 90% of “cases” don’t have any symptoms and that the manufacturer themselves says the “test” has no applicability on people without symptoms, I would posit the false positive rate is on the upper end of 90%.

      Considering the fashion in which the primer has been obtained, the false positive rate is 100%.

      How does the test(s) work?

      Here’s a very human readable description of how PCR is supposed to be used

      What are some problems that have been encountered with the tests?

      Probably the most notable problem is that it is 100% inaccurate.

      I’m not a doctor either, but what type of a doctor would one need to be to be able to use common sense and synthesize data? These faculties are certainly not limited to those undergoing the modern medical indoctrination.

      • mkey: Somehow I doubt that you read the article I shared, probably based on the idea that you already know the answers to the questions. I agree with everything you said in your reply, and I visited the first time you shared the link. You have provided many great links and I usually click on them. HOWEVER, your answers, short and to the point, are not expressed as logical statements that might keep people from getting vaccinated and joining the Borg and being lost forever. It is not enough for me to be informed and convinced myself. I have to be able to talk to others in a convincing way. I think that David Crowe does that very well in this article. Example: Does the virus exist? “IF the virus exists, THEN it should be possible to purify viral particles.” There are very few scientific ideas that can be stated as absolute fact. Scientific theories should be expressed as If…then statements. Never as absolute truths. I admired this article because it reminded me of how we should be talking about COVID, and more importantly, how so-called mainstream scientists should be talking about COVID.

    • 8G58 – “I’m no doctor, so I can’t answer your questions”. Welcome to the heavily populated cohort of people who don’t bother to click on the link and read the article I shared. If you had read it, you would be able to answer all those questions without having to go to medical school.

  50. So I have been seeing these weird stories about magnets sticking to vaccinated arms. Did not know what to think about that. Then I stumbled acros this weird article that is 5 years old. The scientists referenced are fusing optogenetics and magnetism in a virus delivery system to the brain…

    …sorry to bring up the optoboogie-man again

    • Very interesting. I am certain that I should be experiencing the emotions of shock and surprise. But I just feel rather bemused. Of course they published an article years ago that talks about using magnetic materials to trigger responses in our brains.

      I hope the “learned helplessness” isn’t kicking in with the oldtymers disease. Nothing about this craziness seems to shock me anymore.

  51. Excerpt from a real study?

    “Calls for data or scientific literacy therefore risk recapitulating narra- tives that anti-mask views are the product of individual ignorance rather than coordinated information campaigns that rely heavily on networked participation. Recognizing the systemic dynamics that contribute to this epistemological rift is the first step towards grappling with this phenomenon, and the findings presented in this paper corroborate similar studies about the impact of fake news on American evangelical voters [98] and about the limitations of fact-checking climate change denialism [42].”

    Boy I wish I could read and understand whatever language this scientific study is written in.

    This is the study that Amazing Polly is talking about in her recent video.

  52. currently listening to the Corona Ausschuss
    happy to hear Fuellmich say he watched
    How Big Oil Conquered the World
    and describing some of the content

    ah and they have by the way
    translated several recent articles and put in onto their website in the past months
    (basically everything related to Convid, transhumanism, they are haggling over your price etc)

  53. Dr Phil as MKULTRA [type] asset, Part One.

    Well it is actually his wife’s app.

    The server security issues seem a minor issue to me considering the reports of the app freezing up ect on Google Play reviews.

    But even weirder, Google play’s rating system is way off… It says 3.5 or 3.4. Not even close

    my counting gets:

    five star 39

    Four Star 7

    three star 8

    two star 12

    one star 59

    So I first did this count in March, and left a comment with screens at the techcrunch article. Checked a couple of weeks later for reply’s, and while there was none, my comment was still there.

    Then I go to check again in the last couple of weeks, and my comment is gone! wtf. After this i counted all the reviews again to make sure I hadnt messed up, and I got the same thing.

    coming soon, part two, Starring Paris Hilton! [If it was just the app I wouldnt be so bold on the MKULTRA accusations.]

  54. BUMP
    VERY interesting!

    I’ve been to alternative Doctor’s offices which do an on screen blood analysis for their patients to help track their progress.
    I understand.
    This might be very significant.

    I’ll be curious if we start seeing more images like this.

  55. Evidently, much of the Mainstream Media is trying to ignore the Fauci emails. They spin it so as not to denigrate Fauci.

    Here are a few Zero Hedge articles…

    June 1st
    Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble After ZeroHedge Spotlights Man-Made COVID-19 Theory

    June 2nd
    Email Shows Researcher Who Funded Wuhan Lab, Admits Manipulating Coronaviruses, Thanked Fauci For Dismissing Lab-Leak Theory

    June 2nd
    “Not Really Effective”: Fauci Panned Masks For Preventing COVID-19 Infection In Email

    “That Was A Lie”: Tucker Carlson Levels Fauci After FOIA Emails Connect The Dots and Tucker mentions Zero Hedge.
    (VIDEO in article)

  56. I do not refute the info on this Sunday’s flashback. Just my personal experience is worth telling. A glacier in the Washington Cascades up Icicle Creek, that I frequented in the 70s is now completely melted. I was gobsmacked when I saw on Google Earth that it no longer exists. Now this is only ½ century, but it is much too short to be explained by natural causes.

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