MSM Syria Lies Need to Be Exposed

by | Oct 9, 2016 | Videos | 35 comments

The world once again finds itself hurtling to the brink of war, and once again the establishment mouthpiece puppet propaganda media is leading the charge. This time around their lies defy description. In the sick world of the would-be warmongers, child beheading terrorist scum are now the heroes. The blood of the innocents that spill from here on in covers the hands of the mainstream media propagandists.

CIA Rebels Behead Kid And Other U.S. Successes in Syria

Syria conflict: Boy beheaded by rebels ‘was fighter’

Daily Press Briefing – August 3, 2016 (video)

Daily Press Briefing – August 3, 2016 (transcript)

Original (now deleted) Channel 4 report

Channel 4’s Deleted Video Normalising Child Beheaders, al-Zenki

England’s Channel 4 News featuring “moderate” war criminals

We Have to Talk About the Boy in the Ambulance…

Christoph Germann – Aleppo in a nutshell

WW3? How the Ceasefire in #Syria broke down

CrossTalk: White Helmets, Really?

George Soros blasts Putin for Russian actions in Syria

Russia Warns US Airstrikes On Syrian Army Would Lead To War, Air Defenses Are Active

Russia Threatens To Shoot Down US Jets

Wicker Outlines Administration’s Failures in Syria

Only SEVEN people BTL support Guardian’s fact-free White Helmets editorial


  1. As I understand the situation in Syria, the so called “freedom fighters” have basically been defeated, they hold the eastern part of Aleppo and that’s pretty much it for Syria.

    As far as Daesh is concerned, they still control Mosul, Deir al-Zour and Raqqa however they’ve lost almost all their territory it had captured since 2014.

    It seems to me that once the Syrian army retakes control of eastern Aleppo, then the “Free Syrian Army” is done for, the only ones still holding territory in Syria will be Daesh.

    So what is the end game? Who broke the cease fire and why?

  2. Rousing expose’ James.

    Righteous indignation !!!

    Canadian journalist and human rights activist Eva Bartlett told me she’d like to be on your show again. She recently returned from over two months in Syria and was also in Aleppo. She is now in Lebanon.
    She also desires to get on Canadian stations if you have contacts.

    Anyone can contact her at one of these addresses.

    For fellow Corbett Report subscribers, besides Eva Bartlett, I’d also recommend the following addresses for further info on the Syrian crisis.

    Vanessa Beeley

    Patrick Henningsen

    All the best.

  3. Hi Guys,
    While waiting for my comment with links to get moderated,

    For more info on the Syrian crisis look up Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley and Patrick Henningsen on the web. They have facebook+ twitter pages and 21st century wire site.

    All the best

      • You are definitely right about remaining skeptical of news sources, but the fact that 90% of news is controlled by 6 corporations is undeniable.
        I give importance to the Assad interview because it was led by an antagonistic interviewer from a NATO member state, and Assad’s answers were spot on.
        What would you recommend Assad do when a gang of armed people take over cities and villages in Syria and attack the army? Shall he cede one city after another to these criminals?
        The fact that the US labels these people as “rebels” and “armed opposition” and not terrorists is proof of whose side they are on. If the people of Texas were to take up arms and claim Houston as a separate entity no longer under control of the USA. I have no doubt as to how the federal government would react. e.g.

        • @RobinHood77
          you said: “… “rebels” and “armed opposition” and not terrorists….”
          I think it would be better to refrain from using the word terrorists for labeling jihadists in Syria, because that empowers terrorism phobia.
          They are in fact proxy army, because majority of them are mercenaries and they get arms, supplies and other support from USA and allies.

        • grahamaskey: “To take Assad’s word on the version of events is no more rational than taking the CIAs.”

          Are you serious???
          You cannot talk about revolution in Syria, maybe it could be (it isn’t) armed uprising. Syrians in proxy army are minority, but you will probably deny this widely accepted fact. They cannot be called rebels. Fleets of Toyotas, tanks, rocket launchers, tow missiles, excellent reconnaissance data, all kinds of sophisticated war gizmos, all of these cannot be made in Syrian garage nor is growing in the desert.
          I’ve seen you are quite concerned with Assad bombing civilians and turning cities to ruble. Well, maybe you didn’t noticed that they are not playing chess nor go game. There is a fucking War!! People are dying. Don’t forget that soldiers are also human beings.
          There is no sense that Assad is bombing civilians on purpose. Why risk plane and pilot for low value target and get public and international condemnation? Yes, sometimes pilots also miss their target, sometimes people are on wrong place at wrong time. Do you think they would/should admit failure? Truth is the first victim in war.
          Urban warfare turns city into ruble. No one has enough cannon fodder these days, therefore any house where enemy is spotted is turned to ruble.
          There are no good guys in any war. People always get screwed.

  4. Thank you so much James for your excellent overview of the seemingly endless propaganda which permeates MSM these days. We have noticed here in the UK that the BBC, Channel 4 and ITV along with other media outlets including BBC, Channel 4 and The Guardian have referenced some highly questionable sources for their ‘reporting’ on Syria. These include and are not limited to the following:

    – Filmmaker Waad Al-Kateab
    – Aleppo Media Centre – AMC
    – Syrian Observatory for Human Rights – SOHR
    – Nobel Peace Prize nominee The White Helmets.
    – Along with many other so-called Human Rights NGO’s and orgs including AVAAZ

    • Channel 4 gives thanks to “the brave work of filmmaker Waad Al-Kateab” in it’s multi-segment propaganda piece “Inside Aleppo” here:

      The video ALQUDS from Waad Al-Kateab’s YouTube channel looks like a rehearsal to me especially with board baby held by man at start:

      Although that ALQUDS video was posted on August 11, 2016 it may have been filmed months before. Médecins Sans Frontières “said the al-Quds hospital was targeted in an airstrike on Wednesday [April 27, 2016] that killed 14 patients and staff members including at least two doctors, with the toll expected to rise. The latest attack is part of a broader pattern of systematic targeting of hospitals by the government of Bashar al-Assad.” Embedded in that Guardian article are videos from AMC with White Helmets in action.

      • In that now private Channel 4 video the voiceover says: “In the midst of battle there is always a camera…and a director.” Waad Al-Kateab is apparently one of those directors.

        I’m inclined to think that this may be the final cut of ALQUDS video above.
April 30, 2016: Aleppo hospital attack: CCTV footage shows Al Quds air strike in Syria

        May 1, 2016: “Channel 4 News has obtained CCTV footage from the hospital in Aleppo that was hit by an air strike on Wednesday 27 April 2016.”

        Jun 8, 2016: “Inside Aleppo: three brothers at Al-Quds hospital – New pictures from inside the city filmed by Waad Al-Kateab.” This looks like bad acting to me or have I become too cynical?

        There are a number of other videos by Waad Al-Kateab but will leave it there.

    • Waiting for my other posts with links to substantiating information to be approved. I apologise in advance if any of my posts exceed the 3,000 character limit but have no way of knowing if and when I do so. Also, is there any way to give us a wee bit more time to edit a comment? I tried to edit in order to shorten one post but was unable to beat the clock.

  5. James,

    We are seeing similar atrocities carried out by the U.S. media who is ratcheting up their attacks on Donald Trump, the only candidate for president who has openly proposed that we sit down with Russia and negotiate a peaceful and profitable future. In my seventy plus years of living in this country, I’ve never seen such a blatant disregard for the Democratic election process to support a political party that was hijacked by George Soros and his Neoliberal counterparts back in the late eighties and since then they have aggressively pursued a right wing agenda that has brought us to the brink of war with a nuclear armed Russia. It’s obvious that their objective is the same that they have pursued since the end of WWII, a world wide Imperialist Empire. The current compliment of over 200 military bases in Eastern Europe and the continuation of NATO 25 years after the collapse of Communist Russia and the end of a forty year long Cold War leaves no doubt as to their ultimate objective !

    All the best to you and your family !

    • Trump??? He’s a billionaire playboy from NYC, who’s now 70 years old, who doesn’t have a clue about foreign policy other than what his handlers (I mean advisors) like Rudy Guiliani are telling him, like implementing nationwide “stop-and-frisk” and banning all Muslims entering the United States and forcing them to carry a card that identifies them as Muslim….that’s who you want to be in charge of America? You can’t be serious.

      • You naïve liberals need to wake up and finally realize that the likes of George Soros and his Neoliberal minions have been running your party since the late eighties. Soros and his ilk would like nothing better than flooding this country with foreigners who have limited skills and will undercut the already low wages and diminishing benefits that a growing number of working class Americans are forced to live on. Soros also want’s to continue a seventy year battle against a Russia that is no longer a Socialist Economy and his current friends in the Democrat party are more than happy to keep this country on a war footing with a majority of the country’s wealth dedicated to the Military Industrial Complex and it’s ongoing wars of aggression to establish a dominant world empire controlled by an established oligarchy !

        • I believe it is people like you that need to wake up, so let me give you some facts.

          1- It was under Reagan/Bush administration that Al Qeada was created in order to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan.
          2- 9/11 happened on Bush/Cheney’s watch, while Guiliani was mayor of NYC.
          3- There were dancing Israeli’s on 9/11.
          4- Nethanhyu said 9/11 was good for Israel.
          5- Cheney supports Trump.
          6- Trumps supports Nethanyhu.
          7- Rudy Guiliani is a top Trump adviser.

          8- Obama had a chance to create a no fly zone over Syria a few years ago, and bomb Assad like they had done in Libya, but he didn’t. Think about that. Instead he negotiated with Russia to have Assad give up his WMD’s, opening the door to Russian involvement. Was this part of Soros plan as well?

          9- John Kerry negotiated the P5+1 agreement with Russia and Iran, lifting sanctions on Iran and allowing them to continue with their nuclear program.
          This to a Soros plan?

          10- John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov are both working hard to bring about peace in Syria, only to be sabotaged by a certain “click” on the ground.

          I believe you have been listening to Alex Jones, am I right?

  6. Highly recommend this interview of Vanessa Beeley from September 29, 2016:

    Why Everything You Hear About Aleppo Is Wrong

    “What’s really going on in Aleppo? Are Assad and Putin exterminating the population for sport? Is it a war against US-backed “moderates”? That is what the mainstream media would have us believe. We speak with Vanessa Beeley, a journalist who just returned from Aleppo for the real story.”

  7. Hi
    Yes, thanks a lot to SyrianGirlpartisan and to James and his subscribers. One of his subscribers posted the Link to SyrianGirl about a month ago. I was shaking, too – and full of compasion for the poor boy Abdullah Issa and for all the people who have to grow up and live under such terrible conditions.
    And now I am so glad to hear one month later that the BBC report about the freedom-fighters aka child-beheaders aka bomb-victim-child-paparazis were nearly 100% thumbs down.
    That is why good journalism matters, and I really hope Abdullah and all the others we don’t hear didn’t die in vain.
    Let’s go on an show everybody how stupid and how inhuman this war is.

  8. A refreshing interview with Virginia State Senator Richard Black, “to discuss the reality on the ground in Aleppo, Syria vs. the lies permeating the Western press. Having recently returned from a tour of Syria, including a meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Black is committed to educating his fellow Americans about how U.S./UK strategy of regime change is destroying this once prosperous, non-belligerent and progressive country.”

    During the discussion Senator Black confirms that the Al-Zinki terrorist child beheaders are equipped and paid salaries using US taxpayer money. He also says that what is going on in Syria is “an unlawful war of aggression.”

  9. C’mon James, the U.S. has to invade and bomb Syria because Putin and Assad are basically Adolf Hitler (sorry Trump, you’ll have to move over a bit) and Syria is basically the next holocaust, and we don’t want to wait too long like we did WWII, when we came to the table too late with our humanitarian bombing campaigns.

  10. This was prepared and apparently provided to MPs prior to the #AleppoDebate in Westminster today. As one person commented, “If you remove the lies, it will fit in a tweet.”

    The Syria Campaign briefing on the Emergency Parliamentary debate 11th October 2016:

    “The major achievement of The Syria Campaign [Purpose] has been the branding and promotion of the “White Helmets”.”

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