New Year Open Thread

by | Dec 29, 2019 | Articles | 93 comments

As you may have noticed, it’s Christmas/New Year break at The Corbett Report, so no newsletter this weekend. Corbett Report members are invited to discuss anything that’s on their mind in the comments below.

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  1. Well it is Saturday night. Time to reflect a little since this is the last Saturday night of 2019. Fun to jam with friends and stir up some dancing. Tu vuex danser? Glad the editor likes music. For the struggle. Thanks for all your time everyone. Felize Ano Novo!
    Bonne Annee! Now lets dance! And Have a Happy New Year!

    You wont find a friend like me.

  2. David B. Collum – Betty R. Miller Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology – Cornell University

    David Collum writes a detailed “Year in Review” synopsis full of keen perspective and plenty of wit. He is a recent convert to climate scepticism and during the year ripped the Skripal narrative to shreds

    Part 1

    Part 2



    Great holiday reading

  3. Random Thought #1
    I’m fairly thoroughly convinced that there is some sort of very advanced deep state filtering system running on Imgur and Reddit.
    There are several things that make the filtering apparent but the primary giveaway is the degree of U.S. military/troop worship.
    Because the U.S. military invasions mean more to TPTB than virtually anything else (even ‘vaccination’, ‘climate change’ and taxcattle disarmament), they’re failing to exercise restraint like they do with other issues.
    The result is over-the-top cartoonish U.S. military/troop worship (especially on Imgur) that came into existence far too suddenly and is greatly out of sync with reality.
    If TPTB have this level of filtering capability, that means every high-voted post on conspiracy/truth-related subreddits was permitted to be high-voted for one reason or another.

    Random Thought #2
    I want James to try DMT/Ayahuasca (in private) to take him to the next level. He has some rare extraordinary abilities and I think he’s meant to expand significantly beyond the fairly recent history & current events that he’s usually focused on.
    You might be thinking we don’t need two Graham Hancock’s (we’re better off with one James Corbett and one Graham Hancock) but I don’t think that’s what will happen; I think what we’ll end up with is one Graham Hancock and one Mega James Corbett.

    • AnimalsArentFood:
      Definitely, deep state (or ‘our rulers’ as I call them) are everywhere. On Reddit, Google, …. NextDoor (‘NextDoor – presented to you by your neighbors in San Francisco’ states the website) – I had the bad fortune to try to ‘talk’ with some ‘neighbors on Nextdoor’ who then certainly turned out to be some of ‘our rulers” moles who help shape the opinion also on this local platform (on 5G, cell phone radiation safety, vaccines, …), and by the way they can pick up the sour grapes in localized neighborhoods with quite some precision (no user names allowed); how convenient and how nice from the Neighbors in San Francisco to provide such useful platform.

      Simpsons episode where Lisa’s toys came alive: When the finally arriving sex toy is asked, “where have you been,” it answers: “The better question is, where haven’t I been” – It’s the same with the deep state:

      The rulers’ ears, eyes, and tentacles reach into every crack. These fools were even audibly listening in to any call I made to my mother in W Europe after everybody was scared into giving up their freedoms following Sept 11 (what irony: ‘They hate us for our freedom’ and so we take it away from you, my good citizens (and from even well-vetted ‘aliens’ anyway).). I wonder what they made out of my mother and my conversations which we held in our quite strong local dialect.

      The sad thing is most have fallen prey to the rulers’ design:
      A division has been reached that can almost no longer be topped, a little is certainly still possible. 2020 will perhaps see the culmination before the hatred and distrust among the divided population becomes more than verbal. I myself can’t even talk about anything political at home any more. And I’m not even a US citizen or hang on to one of the 2 teams providing us with 24/7 screen entertainment. I keep waiting until I am deported to ‘where I come from’ (hopefully not thrown in jail here w/o processing). If all 7 pets (4 species) can come on the same plane, cabin please, I am ready to go!

      But seriously, if people in this country keep hating each other, it is very troubling. I don’t think the rulers actually want this to heal, they want the deep wound to get infected and spread.

      Happy New Year everybody. May the new decade prove me wrong and show that man is indeed deserving of the term ‘mankind.’

        • According to this, humans are also food then 😉 Don’t tell my cat, I still try to convince her that I’m not it!

          But seriously, animals are great converters of plant to meat stuff.
          And plants, well they, they just need some gas, water and light! Although some scientists now (again) think that we humans can make energy in similar ways…

          Life is a miracle.

          And even the bestest scientists don’t know everything about even the cell membrane. And still ‘we’re’ messing around with genes as if there was no tomorrow (oops, maybe there isn’t)

          Happy New Year!

        • ormus-

          Copy. That quote has been thrown around a lot. Animals have been eating animals for as long as there have been animals. They are in fact food. The moniker is not literally logical. But I think I understand the sentiment of our friend above. He or she is clearly intelligent, and cares about the way humans treat animals, which is abhorrent and repulsive. If I am mistaken about anything, please chime in.

          • Yeah, you got it.
            It’s just a string of words that is aurally and visually appealing to me, provokes a particular thought and fits in the small space allotted for a username.
            The thought it’s meant to provoke (and frequently does) is:
            Are the bodies of other animals actually intended, suitable or necessary food for humans?
            Hopefully it will lead them down the path of learning about factory farming and the actual nutritional needs of humans. Whatever they conclude, I’m happy if they simply look into it with an open mind and a thirst for truth (as opposed to a thirst for confirming an already held belief).

            • Thank you for the respectful responses.

              “Are the bodies of other animals actually intended, suitable or necessary food for humans?”

              “Hopefully it will lead them down the path of learning about factory farming and the actual nutritional needs of humans.”

              Yes, I believe that they are intended/suitable/necessary, especially in the case of people whose ancestors lived in northern latitudes and were adapted to a diet high in animal products. The higher the latitude, the higher the amount of animal products in the diet. Substances like DHA, and vitamin A are very hard for such people to obtain without consuming animal products.

              I was once a vegan. It ruined my health and made me completely depressed, ineffective, and unable to think clearly, something I’ve been slowly but surely recovering from since acknowledging my real needs. Sometimes, reality > idealism. Sadly, children that have to suffer under vegan parents’ belief systems don’t get to make that choice.

              Factory farming is an abomination. I think that anyone with an ounce of compassion for other beings can recognise that. I happen to have studied organic farming, with a particular interest in soil biology, and subsequently I know that industrial monocropping is hugely ecologically damaging, turning habitat for wild animals into something that cannot sustain them.

              Hence, promoting the idea that one can cause less suffering to animals simply by not eating them betrays an immense ecological ignorance, something which is sadly the norm today. Animals form a vital component of healthy ecosystems, and hence continued animal-human transactions are necessary if we wish to maintain ecological balance. The nature of the predicament we’re currently in is far more complex than that. In order to go into the subject, we’d need to consider what occurred in the transition from hunter gatherer to settled agriculturalist lifeways. With regards to the domestication of animals, this author presents a little heard perspective on the nature of the relationship.


              • @ormus

                “Sadly, children that have to suffer under vegan parents’ belief systems don’t get to make that choice.”

                Sadly, children that have to suffer under meat-eating parents’ belief systems don’t get to make that choice. 😉

                We’re on the same page when it comes to factory farming.
                I’ll counter your monocropping view by pointing out that monocropping is not the alternative to animal product consumption. Monocropping is simply a product of heartless, profit-focused agriculture development; it is not a necessity of an herbivorous diet, and a compassionate empathetic society opposed to animal product consumption is a society that would fairly quickly do away with it.
                Additionally, at present, animal product consumption demands far more monocropping than plant consumption. There’s a reason meat & dairy have been regarded as luxury agriculture foods in so many regions and at so many points in history. It’s because you have to put a great deal of resources and nutrition into the animal to get a comparatively small amount of nutrition out of the animal. At present, animal product consumption demands more than double the monocropping that plant consumption demands to provide the same nutrients.
                This is why phrases like ‘we’re burning down the Amazon for Big Macs & Whoppers’ have been so oft repeated, and part of the reason that tax payer subsidies are necessary to make animal products affordable (a gallon of milk would cost at least $7 without subsidies).

                We have pretty much polar opposite views on the nutrition aspect, but I’m not going to get deep into this subject on this site. The most I care to do on this site (a site for open-minded truth seekers who are willing & able to do their own research) is spark interest (point in the direction of the rabbit hole).


              • @AnimalsArentFood

                For some reason I can’t respond directly to your comment.

                “monocropping is not the alternative to animal product consumption. ”

                What in your view then is the alternative to animal product consumption? What would it use for fertiliser? How would foods be grown, using what fuel?

                “There’s a reason meat & dairy have been regarded as luxury agriculture foods in so many regions and at so many points in history.”

                Sure, because the ruling classes believed that it wasn’t wise for the plebs to eat animal products, since it made them too hard to control:

                In the 2nd book of the “Republic” Socrates develops his idea of the diet best adapted to the general community.

                “The work-people will live, I suppose, on barley and wheat, baking cakes of the meal and kneading loaves of the flour.”

                It’s a nutritionally deficient slaves’ diet, and that’s why I consider it cruelty for parents to force it upon their children.

                Again, agriculture has much more to answer for than the consumption of animal products. Hunter gatherers didn’t overgrow their populations and start causing ecological catastrophes through the subsequent overexploitation of their surrounding lands. It seems to me that you have the cart before the horse.

                Yes, people eat far too many industrially produced hogs and chickens. The answer to most problems in agriculture is regenerative ruminant grazing.


              • This study shows vegans have an increased conversion of fatty acids to DHA albeit still resulting in overall lower levels.

                This study shows no increase in neurological disease in people who have no dietary DHA intake.


                Retinol can also be converted from provitamin A.

                DHA and Retinol conversion are highly dependent on enzymes. Plants are full of enzymes, especially sprouts.

                Turmeric is known to increase DHA levels through enzymatic activity and by decreasing inflammation in the brain. Of course, get some piperine to decrease other enzymes to allow the curcuminoids to reach the brain!

                There are so many seeds that one could mention containing neccessary fatty acids and amino acids that are usually brought up as hard to obtain in a vegan diet. Simple sunflower seeds have like 20% BCAA’s; muscle building anyone?

                Eating greens and fruits and seeds supplies a person with an enormous amount of micronutrients.

                Answer to monocropping: Permaculture.

                Answer to compost: earthworms, soldier fly larvae. Have you seen the latter convert food scraps to compost, nothing beats them!

                Like the geisha alludes, we might as well eat humans! Of course, I think there is some emotional boundary that prevents the majority from doing so. Also, I believe most vegans/vegetarians are feeling a similar way when they experience factory farming in some way.

                That being said, my personal opinion is that we could live in a state of harmony with animals and even kill, eat them but definitely respect their lives and sentience. As well with everything despite supposed levels of said sentience, like plants when we kill them. No need to get all ‘woo woo’ it’s just we haven’t been SPENDING enough time with nature and PAYING attention and our respects and now we’re INDEBTED. That includes our bodies. Anyone who embarks on a diet devoid of animal and animal byproducts should be paying way more attention to their body and nutritional science. They should definitely embrace a variety of vegetables, fruits, seeds, legumes, and drink herbal teas.

                Not consuming animal products can be an awesome practice of asceticism and discipline!

                Above all, their are so many ways to live we should just be concerned with living our own way to the upmost of our ability! Forget others choices, be the change, inspire others! If your life is a living art no one can say anything. I’m saying this with the full understanding that I’m commenting on this particular website where we learn information about how organizations seek to control our lives and subjugate us under their rule. But what power do they have or does anyone have that is not given to them? I accept my responsibility as one who is embedded in the system under my own will. If I can’t free my mind and my body then that’s on me, no matter the obstacle! If I can’t protect my loved ones, that’s on me, no matter the obstacle! This whole slave business has been going on so long I’m not waiting for anyone to ‘wake up’.

                [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. -JC]

    • protocol for giving entheogens is to never offer until asked, and/but when asked there is an obligation to at least have discussion towards possible dosing/communion. those who do not follow that precept are highly suspect, and will head themselves and possibly lead others to a likely limited, if not dangerous experience. they are not for any and every psyche, and the ways in which people have become addicted to repeating them is proof that they are missing the point, possibly because of a disrespectful approach.

  4. Wondering how many here are familiar with the Institute for the Study of Globalisation and Covert Politics site?

    Although I often find myself questioning how the author frames various political questions, and find his stridency a little off putting at times, his grasp of ‘conspiracy’ subjects and controlled opposition is second to none. The site hosts a huge amount of data regarding various hidden networks, and also presents a complex understanding of how they relate to each other. Highly recommended. Good place to start:

  5. General Ramblings
    Greetings all. The Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice is one of the most ancient celebrations of human existence. It has taken on many different variations from Neolithic Yule at places like Newgrange to modern day Christmas. What causes humans to celebrate and reflect at the “completion” of a 360 degree circumnavigation of Earth’s stellar voyage?

  6. I’m wondering if James Corbett will finally finish his book this coming year. Maybe something for a new years resolution? 2020 will be the year, I can feel it! It has been god knows how long. I’m not trying to give you (=James) a hard time, but I’m just dying to buy it, read it myself and then spread it among friends who will be much more inclined to read a good book than to listen to some podcast on internet.

    Remember James, your book doesn’t have to be perfect. I’m pretty confident your book is already quite awesome as it is. Perfect is the enemy of good. You’ll never finish the book otherwise. You can always publish a second edition, or third etc. with revisions after you have published the first edition.

    I know how hard you work (extremely hard) but as awesome as I find your podcasts or articles, I can’t think of anything that should have more priority than just finishing your book but maybe that’s just me. Just reduce the time you spend on your regular content and spend it on your book until the book is finished. The book will not get finished unless you give it priority. You can do it! You know that, and you don’t need me to say it, but I’m saying it anyway.

    In any case, I would like to sincerely thank you for your awesome work all of this time! Have a great 2020!

    One hopeful thing as we enter the next year is the latest installment of what apparently is a regular feature: a conversation with the editor of the American Medical Association’s “JAMA Pediatrics Journal,” in this case talking with the editor of the “JAMA Open Network Journal.” They were talking about the former’s decision

    to publish a Canadian study

    that found significant negative impacts on children’s IQ of pre-natal fluoride exposure in the mother. The editors’ discussion is at:

    It came out 4 months ago, but I was unaware of it until it turned up on Del Bigtree’s “The Highwire.”

    The fascinating part of it was that in practically every respect in which they acknowledged they (accomplished scientists/editors) had been unaware that fluoride was a problem at all, that science is iterative (i.e., NOT settled), and that publishing on such a subject is risky, they offhandedly referenced the exact same issues in vaccines.

    The fact that they exhibited extreme cognitive dissonance by tossing off the vaccine similarities negatively and failing to connect the supremely obvious dots was disappointing, but the door was definitely opened to raise the issue in the future, to throw it back squarely in their faces. Interesting times coming up…

  8. Hello Nick Weech,

    I’m in Hawick, in the Borders (48 miles from Edinburgh). I just wondered if you’re aware of a company called The People’s Energy Company (Registered office: 3 Wester Shawfair, Shawfair Park, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH22 1FD
    Company registration number: SC522897.) I moved over to them when Our Power went burst and a dodgy looking bunch took over from them. (Nightmare! They get access to card details etc.)

    I realise, with the name ‘Peoples Power’, they might prove to have as much enthusiasm for people-power as the Peoples Republic of China, but I thought they’re worth a try and, so far, they’ve left me alone in my tinfoilhatishness regarding smart meters. What the future holds for us is another matter. Maybe we’ll just have to cover ourselves all over in Bacofoil and end up looking like turkeys on the run from the roaster.

  9. Understanding Money with Darryl Robert Schoon

    Robert explains how china invented the paper money,
    and later forbade it when it brought down local economies.
    It was brought to Europe by Marco Polo, but the church
    declared it work of the devil.
    Paper money became based on debt, and became the power
    behind England, enabling them to conquer the world.
    They attacked countries that did not accept their money.
    That also started the Opium war.
    The US joined, because also women should be for sale.

    The debt based money causes the cycles of growth and depressions.
    He goes on to explain the recent bank crises that are happening
    behind our backs.

  10. For grins…

    A few days ago, in the comment section of Corbett’s article “The 2010s: The Decade in Review”, I couldn’t resist posting an article which “The Sun” (UK) carried entitled:
    Man whose deadly farts ‘can kill mosquitoes hired to create Mosquito Repellent made from his intestinal gas’”

    CNN, with their fake news, would get much better ratings with fake stories like this mosquito one. That is probably why “The Sun” ran it, but they snagged it from another website.

    I finally tracked down the original website from which ‘The Sun’ snagged it, because I figured that it would have more great fake stories.
    Yes, indeed!
    They sure do!

    Here is the link to the ‘Orginating Website’ of the article about the farts and mosquitoes…

    However, for grins, you got to see some of the “Top Posts” off to the right of the page, such as…
    “Bee sting to the ____ can permanently enlarge it”
    “Hotel maid who stole sperm from a used condom won child support battle from millionaire”
    and more.

    I just hope that no one tries any of these things at home.

  11. Happy new year, friends!

    I made a little website…

    And, earlier today, I did a show with my friend Jeff C talking about The Future is Now: Science for Achieving Sustainable Development.

    “This report, The Future is Now: Science for Achieving Sustainable Development, is the first quadrennial Global Sustainable Development Report prepared by an independent group of scientists.”

  12. NEWS – December 31, 2019
    (Good news)

    Michael Connett attorney –
    Fluoride Case Has Been Cleared for Trial!

    (3 1/2 minutes)

    The judge in the fluoride TSCA lawsuit has dismissed the EPA’s’ motion for summary judgement (MSJ).
    This means that our case will go forward and will be heard in April of next year (it is scheduled to start April 20 and run for two weeks).

    This is the first time in its 43-year history that citizens have been able to successfully bring an EPA lawsuit suit to court under provisions in TSCA.
    This is a huge moment for us and the environmental movement as a whole!

    TIMELINE of EPA lawsuit

  13. While in my formative years I was exposed to one of the genius’s of satire and I wish I had fully known it instead of being saturated with it and absorbing it through osmosis.
    The halls of the public school named after him where crammed with his sayings, movie schemes, writings and commentaries on life. I find today in the propaganda rag of the Berkshire-Hatheway Media News a telling reminder how things haven’t changed for some 88 years now, probably more, as stated by Carroll Quigley. From the dispatches of a commentator paid by press that no longer exists I would like to share some wisdom from a keen observer. The irony is the rag proclaims to follow the teaching of the bible. From Jeremiah 50:2 “Publish and set up a standard; publish and conceal not.” This quote from a dispatch Oct.2,1932 appears today along sidea an editorial proclaiming,”Navy honors state.Oklahoma to share name with new attack submarine”. It goes on to say ‘ The USS Oklahoma will be built for war, but has a mission of peace; projecting American strength on the seas with such overwhelming capacity that no foe will be willing to challenge our nation or its allies.’
    I wonder if I can vote my way out of that Orwellean nightmare?

    “One side is in and wants to stay in, the other side is out and wants in, and there is no difference between ’em. They are both good if things are going good, and both are terrible if things are bad, so just throw up a coin and go to the polls.” OCT.2,1932

    From the Will Rogers Memorial Museum excerpted from published works.
    I now realize why the created created a creator. God protect us from these maniacs.Happy 2020

  14. Helicopter Money Is Here: How The Fed Monetized Billions In Debt Sold Just Days Earlier

    The Fed’s charter prohibits its from directly purchasing bonds or bills issued by the US Treasury: that process is also known as monetization and various Fed chairs have repeatedly testified under oath to Congress that the Fed does not do it. Of course, the alternative is what is known as “Helicopter Money”, when the central bank directly purchases bonds issued by the Treasury and forms the backbone of the MMT monetary cult.

    But what if there is at a several day interval between Treasury issuance and subsequent purchase? Well, that’s perfectly legal,..


    • Thanks zyxzevn.

      Just prior to coming to Corbett Report, I read that Zero Hedge article.

      The market is going crazy, euphoric, “buy buy buy” as stocks keep going up and up, but the stock fundamentals are sick.
      I guess those market folks feel secure that The Fed will continue to throw money out of the chopper.

      Pension Funds and 401k’s will take it on the chin when the bubble pops.

  15. Thank you for the recommendation, I had never come across her vids. They have exactly the value you stated. They also have the value of reassuring you that you’re not wrong, which is comforting when living in a society that is essentially a never-ending, ever-present 110db paid advertisement telling you how wrong you are.

  16. John Lothe; I opened the Berkshire-hatheway Media propaganda paper today to see an almost identical article reporting the latest disturbing developments.
    There was however some 7 or 8 paragraphs down a most surprising bit of information not presented here in what you posted. Im curious to see if the BBC report includes what I read today in print..

    Quote;”Its unclear what legal authority the U.S. relied on to carry out the attack. American Presidents claim broad authority to act without congressional approval when U.S. personal or interests are facing an imminent threat. The Pentagon did not provide evidence to back up its assertion that Soleimani was planning new attacks against Americans.”
    Well my hats off to Qassim Abdul-Zahra and Zeina Karam of the AP for including that fact in their report.
    We apparently have no law left here in the U.S.

  17. Keywords:
    Vaccines, MMR, Somoa, Tylenol, Vitamin C and Vitamin A, Glutathione, Police State

    (Via Wikipedia)EXCERPTS
    2019 Samoa measles outbreak
    The 2019 Samoa measles outbreak began in October 2019.
    A state of emergency was declared on 17 November, ordering the closure of all schools, keeping children under 17 away from public events, and making vaccination mandatory.

    On 2 December 2019, the government imposed a curfew and cancelled all Christmas celebrations and public gatherings.
    All unvaccinated families have been ordered to display a red flag or cloth in front of their homes to warn others and to aid mass vaccination efforts.

    As of 26 December, 2019 there were 5,612 confirmed cases of measles and 81 deaths, out of a Samoan population of 200,874.

    “WARNING! The Vaccines Are A Trojan Horse”

    (GLUTATHIONE – NAC (supplement: NAcetylCysteine) is valued primarily for its role in antioxidant production. Along with two other amino acids — glutamine and glycine — NAC is needed to make and replenish glutathione. Glutathione is one of the body’s most important antioxidants, which helps neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and tissues in your body.)

    (Hat tip to Hank for passing along this video.)

  18. fer67 says:
    “Hi James. Considering that Mike Pence just tweeted 9/11 yet again as an excuse for the drone strikes and possible war with Iran, don’t you think it’s a good time to address this again…your 9/11 documentaries

    …maybe your other subscribers would consider sharing them on twitter now.
    ~~~ ~~~
    That was a good idea, fer67.

    UPDATE January 4, 2020 (U.S. Time)
    James has “9/11 Whistleblowers” featured on the HomePage, but at this time, the link goes to “4 Times the US Threatened to Stage an Attack and Blame it on Iran”

    LINK – “9/11 Whistleblowers”

  19. Dallas Justice and Peace Center

    Stop U.S. Bombing in Iraq!

    On Saturday, January 4 the Dallas Peace Center will join Council of American Islamic Relations-DFW, ANSWER Coalition, CODEPINK, Veterans for Peace, United Anti War Coalition (UNAC), World Beyond War, Popular Resistance and Voices for Creative Nonviolence to demand: NO MORE U.S. TROOPS TO IRAQ OR THE MIDDLE EAST! U.S. OUT OF IRAQ NOW! and NO WAR & NO SANCTIONS ON IRAN!
    In response to the massive protests in Iraq following the latest U.S. aerial….

    The “North Texans For 9/11 Truth” Group ( www ) has participated in many of their anti-war protests over the years.

  20. Zero Hedge 1/4/2020
    “No More Threats” – Trump Warns Iran “52 Targets Will Be Hit Very Fast & Hard”

    QUOTES from Trump Tweets late January 4th
    “Iran is talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets as revenge for our ridding the world of their terrorist leader”

    “[Soleimani] had just killed an American, & badly wounded many others, not to mention all of the people he had killed over his lifetime, including recently hundreds of Iranian protesters.

    He was already attacking our Embassy, and preparing for additional hits in other locations. Iran has been nothing but problems for many years.”

    “Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!”

  21. For a little bit of background I found this one to be good:

    I remember hearing a claim (that I never researched for myself) somewhere – possibly in a previous report from Mr. Corbett or from one of the Peace Revolution podcasts – that a deal was already struck before Reagan was elected in regards to releasing the prisoners, but that the credit should go to Reagan…
    Does anyone know more about that?

    I’m also curious as to more recommendations on articles, podcasts, videos and books for more background, as well as how the big financial powers play into all of these events, in particular those mentioned in the video I linked above.

    Last I’d like to ask for recommendations regarding media to follow to keep track of what is going on as things continue to move forward.

    • Hi Eric

      You can find information about the Reagan hostage deal by researching “October Surprise”. It seems to be quite well-known now about the deal to delay the hostage release so that Jimmy Carter would lose the election. Barbara Honegger wrote a book about it called “The October Surprise”. Of course it all ties in to the Iran/Contra drugs/money/arms affair.

  22. Here is some well crafted propaganda. 1979 was a pivotal year as they claim, from Iran to fall of Iron curtain, and Thatcher….and of course, climate change.

    The Big Bang that created today’s world (1/2) | DW Documentary

    Think about all information you need to unveil this virtual reality constructed for normies. They should not have the slightest awareness of the end of sixties, let alone ascribe some importance to that period.

    • Iron Man makes a good narrator for this A.I. topic.
      I was fascinated by the A.I. music and also the one armed drummer.

      Artificial Intelligence in Gold Mining Exploration
      A few months ago, after listening to a big gold mining owner, I bought some shares of Goldspot Discoveries Corp. (TSX-V: SPOT …or in U.S.: GDDCF) for a long haul investment. Shares are priced just over a dime.

      GoldSpot Discoveries is revolutionizing the mineral exploration business by utilizing artificial intelligence to target on a regional and localized scale.

      A problem in the beginning for these small public companies is that traders will come in to manipulate prices down and take profits, because manipulation is easier with low share prices.

      However, something I am much more excited about is EnviroLeach Technologies, Inc. (EVLLF).
      They have developed a non-toxic method of extracting precious metals, whether it be old circuit boards or gold mining crushed rocks.
      In the past, arsenic and extreme PH chemicals have been used, which permanently will pollute the effluent water flow.

      From about 4 pallets of old, crushed electronics, the EnviroLeach process can safely remove perhaps $10,000 to $20,000 of gold/silver.

  23. January 5, 2020 – RT
    Iraq’s parliament has voted to have foreign troops removed from the country
    Iraq’s parliament has voted to have foreign troops removed from the country, heeding a call from its caretaker prime minister. The move comes after the US assassination of a top Iranian general and a commander of Iraqi militia.

    The resolution, which was passed anonymously, instructs the government to cancel a request for military assistance from the US-led coalition, which was issued in response to the rise of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS). With IS supposedly defeated, Iraq will not need foreign troops to fight the jihadists and can close its airspace to coalition aircraft….

  24. A Corbett Report podcast idea:
    A dissection of the structure of corporate media ownership. Who the CEO and leadership are, who they are connected to, etc. We can obviously see that the mainstream media is complicit in U.S. government crimes and operations, but showing the direct linkages between government and various media power players who pull the strings could be insightful.

  25. Alexandre, I can’t figure Bernstein out. He speaks so esoterically I can’t translate. So as it was Saturday night and I was looking for some music. Con premiso , here is the 9th. It dosent effect me like it effects Leonard. Lets see what others think? From the Detroit Symphony.

    • Well, I hope you get carried back.

      Lenny’s body language was creepy especially when he went into his emotions. He was acting, poorly. Still have no idea how to translate what he is saying. If I didn’t knew any better i would say he was high as a kite.!???
      What do i know? I really liked Candida.! ?

  26. Anyone else think the embassy attack was a false flag?

    1. The attackers themselves wrote Soleimani’s name on the embassy walls (…/hundreds-of-iraqis-attempt-to-storm-u…/)

    2. Soleimani had been invited to Iraq for talks with the Iraqi
    prime minister.

    I.e. the official US narrative wants us to believe that Soleimani told his people to write his name on the walls of the embassy, so everyone would know who was responsible, even though he knew that by the time the US would see this, he would be an easy target in Iraq. So was he planning to become a martyr, then? If that’s the case why did the US grant him this wish, knowing that they are playing into his hand? Seems unlikely.

    So who else knew that Soleimani would be in Iraq? Only Iraq and the US. So did Iraq invite him, then attack the US embassy so they could frame Soleimani for the attack, knowing that the US would gullible enough to take him out, so they could use that as a pretext to kick the US out? How could they know the US would react in such a way? The appropriate response to an embassy attack is to tell the host country (i.e. Iraq) to investigate, which would not result in a pretext to kick out the US.

    Looks like there is only one possible culprit left.

    • As far as ‘false flag’, I dunno.

      My thoughts about Tuesday/Wednesday protests at the U.S Embassy were just that: “Protests”. Not an “attack” on the U.S. Embassy.
      Sure…folks were pretty riled and throwing rocks.
      Like one of them was quoted:
      “Americans are unwanted in Iraq. They are a source of evil and we want them to leave.”
      He is right.

      One thing that I found odd with the media. They described the protestors as entirely of Iranian ilk. I doubt that.

      Anyone with two eyes can see that Iraq has been a train wreck ever since the U.S. set foot on their soil.
      I would want the U.S. to leave if I lived there. I bet a lot of U.S. military grunts want to leave also.

      • About a month ago, on DVD, I watched the year 2000 movie “Rules of Engagement”.
        Samuel Jackson, Tommy Lee Jones, Ben Kingsley
        In the film, Yemen was demonized and the U.S. Embassy was being mobbed by protestors.

        The protest at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, reminded me somewhat of the film.

        However, in the film, the protestors were firing weapons, but the government was lying to say that they were not.

      • Somebody wrote “Suleimani is my commander” on the wall of the embassy. And Suleimani happaned to be the name of a guy who happened to be in Iraq because he had been invited to talk the Iraqi prime minister, and would thus be an easy target for the US.

        The fact that it wasn’t really an “attack” but rather a “protest” doesn’t change that this would be a huge coincidence.

  27. I’m not sure why don’t people wrap the actual smart meter in tin foil, that will stop it from emanating EM waves. I’m not sure how much dirty electricity do these produce, but as far as the device communicating to whoever and whatever, that will be stopped. This of course depends on how accessible the device is, but as long as it can be encased properly, it should be left in a quit room, talking to itself until kingdom come. Or at least until utility people come knocking.

    Somewhat on that note.

    Welcome to The Gin Tub, the bar encased in copper to stop you looking at your phone

  28. All I am going to say is that it looks like the Neocons are still going to get their war with Iran whether we like it or not. The drumbeat is already happening…and despite resistance it still is commencing…what will really cause the MIC to pause in its tracks? Evidently not protests…we saw all sorts of protests against the Iraq war and they decided to go ahead with it anyway. What will really prevent a war from escalating?

  29. A discussion about how we’ve been deceived into consenting into boarding the dead corporate ships in dry dock and forced into the maritime law would be great. Just like Edward Mandell House predicted.
    A well researched blog describing how it might be accomplished is here. The Justinian Deception.
    Some great in depth descriptions and interviews on the same named Gootube channel and the GLOSSA channel.

    Reading the CR comments and as a InPower Movement member, I think we all have similar presumptions why they do it. Rights changed into privileges after Corpis-juris (Treaty of Rome aka UNIDROIT) was signed in each country. Cheers

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