Interview 1837 – Half Way to The 2030 Agenda – #NewWorldNextWeek

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Interviews, Videos | 33 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: United Nations Marks Halfway Point to Agenda 2030 With SDG Summit

In Victory Lap Celebration, UN Outlines Goals to Further Accelerate Agenda 2030

William Zeckendorf and the Deal That Brought the UN to New York (Jun. 28, 1998)

In U.N. Speech, Biden Presses Allies for Ukraine Aid to Beat Back Russian Invasion

So How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent Ukraine? The C.F.R. Says $76.8 Billion

Elon Musk Woos World Leaders, Courting Controversy

NWNW Flashback: UN Launches “2030 Agenda” Blueprint For A United World (Oct. 4, 2015)

UN General Assembly adopts declaration to accelerate SDGs

PDF: Political declaration of the high-level political forum on sustainable development convened under the auspices of the General Assembly

PDF: FINAL TEXT FOR SILENCE PROCEDURE – Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

The UN’s New Political Declaration on Pandemics

UN President Approves Pandemic Declaration — Privacy Experts Warn of ‘Digital Gulag’

Story #2: Australia Unveils Plans for Universal Digital ID, AI Taskforce

International Identity Day

Biometrics Replacing IDs in Airports, Backing Them for Government Services

Singapore, Dubai, Aruba Airports Embrace Biometrics for Passport-free Traveler Clearance

G20 Announces Plan For Worldwide Digital ID And CBDC

Russia must close the cattle-tag gap!

Cattle tags help you learn better

Genetic Russia: Get ready for “next-generation genetic technologies” and “genetic passports”

Story #3: Foxconn Founder Picks Netflix Actress As Presidential Running Mate

Taiwan Sees #MeToo Outpouring After Netflix Show (June. 14, 2023)

Lujan Grisham Leading State Trade Delegation In Taiwan

Video: Apple reaching levels of corporate cringe previously considered to be impossible

The New World Next Week Store

Media Monarchy Music Compilations (Digital Download)

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  1. I don’t know how long I will be able to survive being non compliant but I suppose I’m going to find out.
    I’ve resigned myself to never flying again. My non “real ID” DL is good for a couple more years yet. I hardly drive anywhere that I couldn’t walk or bike to lately anyway.
    My little home is paid for and my little yard always has something growing that I can eat. So I can probably stay alive for awhile without access to the new government grocery stores that I hear are being talked about.
    I still use a flip phone but don’t bother to carry it around anymore. My old iPad works fine for whatever I need to do online. Which is less and less as time goes by.
    I am fortunate that I’m getting older and time has accelerated to such a degree that the hours and days fly by. I’m never bored. Even without social media.
    I don’t need much these days and I don’t particularly want much more than what I’ve already got.
    I plan to refuse to participate in upcoming global biometric identification and tracking nightmare.
    Come what may.

      • This Oliver Anthony song comes close to expressing how I’m feeling lately.
        Except that I’m still kind of enjoying the show.

        “I Want To Go Home”

        “Well, if it weren’t for my old dogs and the good Lord
        They’d have me strung up in the psych ward
        ‘Cause every day livin’ in this new world
        Is one too many days to me

        Son, we’re on the brink of the next world war
        And I don’t think nobody’s prayin’ no more
        And I ain’t sayin I know it for sure
        I’m just down on my knees

        Beggin’, Lord, take me home
        I wanna go home
        I don’t know which road to go
        It’s been so long
        I just know I didn’t used to wake up feelin’ this way
        Cussin’ myself every damn day
        There’s always some kind of bill to pay
        People just doin’ what the rich men say
        I wanna go home

        Now four generations farmin’ the ground
        Grandson sells it to a man out of town
        And two weeks later the trees go down
        Only got concrete growin’ around

        And I wanna go home
        I wanna go home
        I don’t know which road to go
        It’s been so long
        I just know I didn’t used to wake up feelin’ this way
        Cussin’ myself every damn day
        People have really gone and lost their way
        They all just do what the TV say
        I wanna go home

        If it weren’t for my old dogs and the good Lord
        They’d have me strung up in the psych ward“

  2. I also reverted back to a flip-phone after my smart-phone got too smart for it’s own good. The GPS tracking thing was bad enough, however when it would turn itself on and run the battery down, while no doubt spying on me, I had enough. I use an old fashion Desk Top Computer for most of my communication. It has no Camera or Microphone unless I plug one into it.
    I am 68 years young and plan to see these Oligarchs get what they deserve before my days are done, so, I may be around for a while yet.
    There is no giving up here.
    Ron Paul is 88. As I watched the recorded version of his latest Peace and Prosperity Conference at Dulles Airport near D.C., he isn’t giving up either.
    You gotta fight for what’s Right to be free.
    If you need some inspiration you should watch Del Bigtree at He always ends his show with an inspirational message.
    It is a tribute to The Corbett Report that I did not know who Del Bigtree was until James Interviewed him here on The Corbett Report. Now, Del says he is pulling in upwards of 7 million views per show. That would be more than twice what Tucker was getting on Fox when he was the most popular show Corporate Media had to offer.
    The Oligarchs may be half way to accomplishing their 2030 Agenda, but they are falling behind, and it will all fall apart as soon as enough concerned people see through the lies that they have been selling.
    I have not got on a Plane since my Day Died in 2003, and I do not plan on getting the Real ID .

    • TS: I do not plan on getting the Real ID
      V: no need, its likely already got you.

      In April’23 I crossed the imaginary border at LAX. The gate keeper was busy starring at his screen as I approached. He began to speak as I was about 6ft from him. “So,,,,,” (he sated my name where I had been since the last time and a few other snippets). He read on without speaking until he realized that I was offering him a look at my passport. I asked, “How long have you guys been using facial recognition?”, He replied with an I know something you dont know smirk and then resigned head shake of obligatory disbelief “its been on for years, its worldwide now”

  3. As usual, New World Next Week does not disappoint.
    The “compressed value of information per minute” is extraordinary.
    I often have to rewind because my digestion is slower than the intake.

    I watched that clip mentioned at the end part of the show…
    Video: Apple reaching levels of corporate cringe previously considered to be impossible
    It’s hard to believe society has gone this far south.

    • Just imagine if these apple people worked on shoestring budget.

      I guess when you buy one of these watches you also buy a poor child somewhere that is starving for your carbon neutral watch.

  4. OUR PROPAGANDA – “Monkeywrenching” “Spoofing” #SolutionsWatch
    30 seconds
    Jake Tapper of warmongering CNN gets schooled with a big “FU Jake”

    This video was spread by Mark Crispin Miller…
    Only 55,000 viewers…caught this bracing moment; so let’s all share it…

    Mark posts this the next day…
    That guy did NOT say “**** you, Jake” on CNN, whose teensy audience therefore didn’t see it; but that SPOOF has, by now, been viewed by MILLIONS, who DO want Jake Tapper to **** off (along with CNN)

    damonimani – Creator
    Damon Imani is an Iranian producer and artist who creates video content related to various topics, including societal issues, news, and current events. Known for his satirical approach, Imani draws attention to societal and political issues through his work.
    Go around censorship and link with me on other platforms to stay connected.
    X, Rumble, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, Truth Social, Locals
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
    The Day Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma by Robert F Kennedy, Jr.
    There’s a reason CNN’s Jake Tapper is intent on branding me a “menace” and “a liar,” and why he refuses to debate me on the merits of facts and scientific evidence. Here’s the back story…

    …In July 2005, Jake Tapper was ABC’s senior producer when the network ordered him to pull a lengthy exposé on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) secret 2000 Simpsonwood conference.

    Here is the background:
    In 1999, in response to exploding epidemics of autism and other neurological disorders, CDC decided to study its vast Vaccine Safety Datalink… …initial data run suggested that mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines — administered during the first month of life — were associated with a wide range of neurological injuries, including a dramatic 1,135% rise in autism risks among vaccinated children…

    ….findings propelled CDC into DEFCON 1. The agency’s top vaccine officials summoned 52 pharmaceutical industry leaders, the foremost vaccinologists from academia and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and public health regulators from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CDC, World Health Organization (WHO) and European Medicines Agency to a secret two-day meeting at the remote Simpsonwood retreat center in Norcross, Georgia, to strategize about how to hide these awful revelations from the public.

    In 2005, I obtained the explosive transcripts of this meeting and was about to publish excerpts in Rolling Stone (Deadly Immunity, July 18, 2005)….

  5. Dire warnings? Thanks James and James. Abstract and creative thoughts can’t be replicated by AI. The fascists that are here in America have been coming up with bigger and better ways to survive their campaign to rule the world. However controlling the movements against their Order must combat human creativity and AI just can’t compete.
    William Pepper told a story of how a pillow, stopped the movement to finally abolish class slavery. Not to forget the murder of Malcom X Which we know now was a replacement plan of controlling the opposition. This is where the creativity comes in.
    The iconic pillow, could be a symbol as powerful as the Nazi broken cross, the double cross of ideology, narrative, profit and control.
    At the 26:20 minute mark, James P. holds up a USB. Is that the best creative opportunity you can do? It should be a little plastic replica of a gun instead of a pez candy holder. It might as well be a pillow reminding you of going back to sleep.
    The world life boat, a version of post WW2 voluntarism, formerly known as U.S.A. (from my bottom up perspective), is sinking. It seems to have been transformed into a slave ship. It may be time to jettison the world to keep what’s left of our life raft afloat. Our American creativity is our greatest weapon. Sorry world, we can’t help you now untill our ship is sea worthy again. Try harder people cause as James C* sez, ugh what did he say? Time to plug in your gun and burn all the pillows.

    *the C is not for Cassandra!

  6. yes, quite a frenetic NWNW but ironically good humoured (apostrophe).
    Keep your spirits up lassies and lads – the tyrants have joined together, each to their need. That never happened before in known history.
    It’ll be quite a ride methinks.

  7. For many years doctors could not figure out a long standing health condition which I had.
    Fortunately, my friend in Oklahoma, GBW, finally diagnosed my chronic health condition. He said that I suffer from incurable Texacanitis. Texacanitis has a wide range of systems, such as “drool when ya drawl”. When I say “Ya’ll”, stand back or get sprayed. Oklahomans are experts in these things, because their colleges require that they take courses on: “How to tell Texans what is wrong with them”. That way, they be Sooners.

    I probably got Texacanitis from a “Texas Toe Biter” which was carrying a non-virus virus made in a secret biolab.
    Beware! This Huge Bug is Called The Texas Toe Biter – Kicker 102.5 Radio – Sept 20

    People with Texacanitis always talk about Texas. Thus, my disability.
    …and thus…
    RE: Story #1: United Nations Marks Halfway Point to Agenda 2030 With SDG Summit

    TxOHC 2030 AGENDA – Federal level “Healthy People 2030”
    Recently, I talked about Brushy Creek, Texas and the fact that most water districts just north of Austin, Texas do not fluoridate their water.

    There has been a non-profit group in Texas called “Texas Oral Health Coalition” – (TxOHC) which has actively pushed for water fluoridation over the years. They were rabid.

    When researching the story surrounding Brushy Creek, I ran across this…
    TxOHC_9.11.2020 – ISSUE BRIEF
    Community Water Fluoridation

    The Healthy People 2030 (HP 2030) initiative is federal health officials’ way of identifying the nation’s most important health priorities. One of the newly released HP 2030 objectives calls for increasing the overall percentage of Americans who have access to fluoridated tap water. For Texas and other states to assess their progress in this area, it is essential that local water systems submit appropriate data to state health officials.
    For this reason, the Texas Oral Health Coalition requests a mandatory requirement for both Public Water Systems (PWSs) that contain a naturally high fluoride level and Community Water Systems (CWSs) that add fluoride to submit monthly data to the Texas Fluoridation Department (TFP)….
    FEDERAL Healthy People 2030 [Increase water fluoridation] –

    (…continued with boring stuff…)

  8. Digital ID? So what happens to us dumb old analog farts? Are we put in analog re-education camps or just starved to death?
    For two such happy smiling “Sunny Jims” (the name of a famous Seattle peanut butter) you sure put out depressing stories.

    • Good question Timmy.

      There’s an overarching assumption that every man, woman and child on this planet carries around a smartphone with them 24/7. And if you don’t, well poo-poo on you!

      Sorry but you can’t buy food, go to any entertainment venues, travel by plane or train or car (they will likely be equipped with DID recognition that will prevent them from operating without confirming the ID of the driver). etc. etc.

      Bruce Cockburn hit the nail on the head with his 1973 song titled ‘The Blues Got the World by the Balls’.

  9. Sunny Jim peanut butter
    The brand of peanut butter known as Sunny Jim was manufactured in Seattle, Washington, by the Pacific Standard Foods company. The company was founded by Germanus Wilhelm Firnstahl in 1921 after he moved to Seattle from Wisconsin and bought a peanut roaster.[2] Firnstahl based the apple-cheeked character seen on the jars on his son, Lowell, after taking photos of all his children and selecting the best photograph as model (allegedly because Lowell was the only child with all his teeth at the time).[3] During the 1950s the brand accounted for nearly a third of all peanut butter sold in the Seattle area.[2] The company was sold in 1979 for $3 million to the Bristol Bay Native Corp. A large sign on the factory building made the “Sunny Jim building” on Airport Way South a familiar landmark to motorists passing on nearby Interstate 5 which Firnstahl had purchased during the Great Depression. In 1997, there was a fire at this plant (by then owned by the city of Seattle) which destroyed the sign and a portion of the building.[4] On September 20, 2010, a massive fire finished off the Sunny Jim plant as well as a vacant building on the factory site.[2] The main advertisement for Sunny Jim was “Sunny Jim has underground peanuts with a flavor that’s outta sight”.

    I miss seeing the old Sunny Jim Peanut Butter sign along I-5.

  10. RE: Story #1

    Aurora says NO to 15 minutes cities! – “Gather 2030” Channel
    (8 minutes)
    Joel Sussman, Speaks to 15 Minute Cities in Aurora, ON, September 20, 2023.
    110 Citizens in Attendance,
    1 Minute Standing Ovation,
    3 Council Members Willling to Enter Into Dialogue to Understand “What’s Happening at the Municipal Level of This Country’s Government!”


    • Berkey Water Filters Sues The EPA

      …The EPA’s decision to persecute the market leader may well cause actual damage to the American people who the EPA is supposed to be protecting. For example, on July 11, 2023, CBS recommended the Travel Berkey system, both in print and in their broadcast news, based upon the Environmental Working Group’s testing that found Travel Berkey systems removed toxic PFAS to below detectable limits 3. And on June 7, 2023, popular consumer health advocate Mike Adams recommended Big Berkey systems reporting that they removed an impressive 99.99% of radioactive cesium-137.4
      However, EPA Region 8 (Denver) is actively working to make these systems unavailable to the American people…

      The EPA has never sought to force registration of mechanical-type water filters as pesticides until last year when the EPA decided to start regulating Berkey’s water filters without warning after more than two decades of indisputably safe manufacture and sale.

      Though there was no notice or opportunity to discuss that issue, Berkey and its manufacturing arms agreed to a request from the EPA for Berkey filtration products to be identified as “treated devices” (which is a different classification than a pesticide or a pesticide device), because they incorporate silver (a registered pesticide) in their filter media (a common additive in water filters which does not leach into the water) that protects the filter from biological grow through, a common problem with water filters.

      Berkey has not hidden from the EPA, and has tried to comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding the manufacture and distribution of Berkey products. First, Berkey products were designated by the EPA as treated devices; the EPA then reinterpreted their rules and arbitrarily reclassified Berkey filters as a pesticide, issuing orders (without due process) preventing Berkey filters from being sold in some parts of the country by select Berkey dealers and vendors that received Stop-Sale Orders. This change in the rules is without notice or a shred of legal support. Berkey’s filters are not “substances or mixtures of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest”, as FIFRA defines pesticides. Rather, they mechanically remove contaminants through a tortuous maze of micropores, absorption and ionic adsorption….

      • On the July Open Thread, I had a link to the EWG water filters for PFAS.

        Getting ‘forever chemicals’ out of drinking water: EWG’s guide to PFAS water filters
        Four water filters reduced the PFAS in the water used in our testing by 100 percent or came close, offering a great boost to your efforts to protect your family’s health. They include: Travel Berkey, Zero Water, Clearly Filtered, Epic Water Filtered.

        Corbett Report
        Testing and Filtering Your Water – #SolutionsWatch

      • “The EPA’s decision to persecute the market leader may well cause actual damage to the American people who the EPA is supposed to be protecting.”

        Those stinking rat-faced barstools!

        If I could make a suggestion to Berkey users in light of this information. Avoid using government provided water in your units if at all possible.

        I have only ever used well settled rain water in mine and if I had to I would use well water which has a little sulfur smell sometimes.
        But I NEVER use the intentionally adulterated stuff that the government provides.

        I’m sure that there are pollutants in rain and well water ( I know. Heavy metals), but I don’t think that it is nearly as bad as city water. And letting the water settle removes a lot of bad stuff.

        My theory is that I won’t try to filter anything to which poison has been purposefully added. (If a chemical isn’t present, you don’t have to wonder if your filter is removing it.),(Yes, I know, chemtrails. Sigh.)
        But If I had to, I would drink the rain water or well water unfiltered after letting it settle and maybe boiling. However, I would NOT drink the government water unless I was literally dying of thirst.

        We used our first set of two black Berkey filters for nearly a decade before replacing them. I saved them because they are still usable. Meaning that they aren’t worn away from scrubbing and they still filter out anything I can see, smell or taste.
        (Sometimes leaves from the roof discolor the water and make it smell a little.)

        Make your Berkey filters last. Use rainwater.

        Speaking of rainwater, for a different opinion, here’s a link to a company that specializes in collecting rainwater and who is totally trashing Berkey in a product review.

  11. Only the UN knows the hopes, dreams and aspirations of every citizen on earth.
    Only they know what each of our personal priorities in life are.

    I don’t know or care about the UN’s 2030 agenda. I’ve got my own agenda.

    Fighting identity crime?
    They don’t actually give a shit about it.
    A phone scammer called me last week saying my credit card had been compromised and they tried to get some of my identity information.

    I contacted both my bank and the police to report the scam.
    I had the person’s name and phone number and was anxious to provide it to them, but neither one was interested in investigating it!

    It almost makes you wonder if these are false flag scams that are deliberately created to convince the public that DID’s are the only secure way to go to prevent them from happening.

    ‘Reassuring’ us that we will have the ability to opt out of DID’s is not very reassuring. In a couple of years they will say 10% have adopted them. Then in a couple more years they will say 20% have adopted them. Then 30, 40 and 50%.

    At which point they will say: “We have decided it is now in the best interest for all that DID’s become mandatory since the majority of people are using them. It would be impractical and financially prohibitive to continue with two competing systems. Just deal with it, get on with your life and stop complaining!”

    How are they going to be able to create false flag terrorism in the future if every human is being tracked and traced 24/7?
    I guess they will always have the old “Well there was a temporary technical glitch/power out etc. with our system that allowed the terrorists to slip through the cracks. But don’t worry, overall it works perfectly.”

  12. The resignation of Victorian Covid tyrant Dan Andrews – to join the ranks of Ardern, Bloomfield, Johnson, (insert local tyrant of choice) – prompted the recollectiopn of this article.

    “In a 1952 article called “On Cooling the Mark Out: Some Aspects of Adaptation to Failure”, Goffman took a close look at confidence (con) men and how they would manipulate their ‘marks’. They allowed the ‘marks’ to win at first before conning them into transferring over their life savings. Once the money was transferred, some ‘accident’ would occur and the con men would disappear with all the ‘mark’s’ money. ”

    Well worth a read IMHO with the Covid ‘con’ in mind.

    • Good read indeed. This con trick explained does make things readily more understandable. Even though the m.o. has been the same for ages: public facing talking heads are expendable. That is their main purpose. But nobody seems to notice that nothing really changes when they go away in this fashion.

      Will the messaging be similar to that in the SPARS scenario where the vaccinated are the brave citizens who defeated the virus but some unfortunately sacrificed themselves in the name of science?

      They are sacrificing themseleves (and their own children, which is a lot more telling) to the greater good. Or god, for those eho see similarities between the two. We kind of have a long, long history in regards to blood rituals and blind belief.

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