Interview 1911 – Glyphosate Levels Dropping in Oat-based Products (NWNW #571)

by | Nov 8, 2024 | Interviews, Videos | 119 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: Trump Wins White House In Massive Political Comeback

It is now abundantly clear that Joe Biden did not get 81 million votes in 2020. They cheated. Trump won that election, too. The “lack of Democrat turn out” was because those voters never existed.

Trump Declares Victory For “Greatest Political Comeback In American History’ After Astonishing Election Night Sweep

‘It Was Just Jubilation’: Trump Supporters Revel In His Victory

Harris To Concede To Trump After Election Loss

In Concession Speech, Harris Says “When We Lose An Election, We Accept The Results”

The Fakest Election of Our Lifetime Goes to the Polls

Post-Election Truths: The Things That Won’t Change (No Matter Who Wins)

NATO Will ‘Stay United’ Whoever Wins US Election: Rutte

US to Test Hypersonic Nuclear Missile TONIGHT Just Hours After Election Polls Close – Amid Growing WWIII Fears

Story #2: Glyphosate Levels Decline In Oats

Going, Going, Gone? EWG Finds Gyphosate Levels Drop In Oat-Based Products

Story #3: COP29 One Week To Go – New Collective Quantified Goal

Azerbaijan is Utterly Unfit to Host the UN’s Climate Change Conference

For Second Time In a Week, Climate Scientists Surprised With Increased CO2 Absorption Mechanism

Science Shock: U.K. Met Office Is “Inventing” Temperature Data from 100 Non-Existent Stations

Celebrate! The World Is Ignoring UN Emissions Edicts – “Global CO2 Emissions Are Increasing to Record Levels” – China Fakes Being “Green” As It “Still Burns More Coal Than Rest Of World”

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  1. I would say the important thing to take away from the election of the US is that all the prolapsed anuses on both teams are acting the same way they did 8 years ago.

    No one has changed.

    Nothing is different.

  2. Story #1
    The results of the 2020 election:
    Out of 168.31 million registered voters 66.7% voted 158,240,239

    If Mr. Trump got 74 Million, that left only 63.93 Million for Joe, not 81 MILLION.

    Wouldn’t you be angry too?

    I guess 4 years of lots of blogging and activity by millions of folks towards assuring a true vote count worked.

    Story #2
    I recently had a very bad reaction to trying Cheerios, Life, and Quaker Oats. You know, as we age we need to adjust our diets to assist the elimination process. But I had to deal with painful plumbing issues suddenly. Did some research and discovered the poison in them.

    Did some diet readjustment with organic stuff and all has worked out. With about 400,000 folks dying from wrong or mis diagnosis I couldn’t trust my primary. He had no idea what I was talking about regarding the poison.

    A little 5 min essay I put up yesterday:


    • “Out of 168.31 million registered voters 66.7% voted 158,240,239”

      66.7% of 168.31 million is 112.27577 million. Not 158240.239

      Minus 74 million is 38.27-ish million. So it’s worse than what you said. 🙂

      (assuming I mathed properly)

      Anyway, water under the bridge now, not the first time a U.S. election was rigged (remember Bush Jr…twice?) wont be the last.

      • Thanks for the correction. Math is not my skill 🙂 But it was pretty nasty for sure.

        Saw David Smith on Rogan today and Joe showed the past four elections and the 2020 was outrageously out of normal.

        Indeed, Bush. JFK, a Dem, did it to win as I recall.

        Water under the bridge has the potential to flood down stream.

    • I am not saying you believe these numbers one way or the other, just commenting on the idea of these numbers and the false reality they support.

      “It is enough the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes means everything.” That is attributed to Stalin, but there is some controversy surrounding that claim, but the veracity of the quote is unquestionable.

      The point is, they installed Trump, these voting statistics have as much credibility as “Covid deaths” and “global temperatures”, absolutely none.

      If the FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA are corrupted, which they most certainly are, the voting system with its inherent vulnerability to Israel’s unit 8200, it is corrupted beyond question.

      There is zero deterrence to stealing the election, every government entity has been corrupted to some level, and if by some chance there was a leak showing the corruption, who would report it, CNN, NYT’s, maybe Joe Rogan or Alex Jones, lol. Any “leaks” now are with an agenda.

      Covid should have put to rest any idea that we live in a free country, it should have, but ignorance dies hard.

      When the Supreme Court stepped into stop the counting in Florida, THAT should have been a red flag, a sign that real Democracy is not allowed in America, because if and when things don’t go in the Zionist’s way, their system checks that voter power. I remember when I lived in California and we voted against DL for illegal immigrations, the measure passed easily, then was quickly over turned by a Federal Court Judge.

      This election should have been about forced vaccines, a real immigration debate, support for genocidal Israel, College Campus crackdowns…but instead we got abortion (which their Supreme Court conveniently overturned Roe V Wade to make it an election issue) and hyperbolic comments about immigration, zero substance. All to fill the airwaves and insure nothing of substance was actually discussed. We have ZERO accountability in our so called “Democracy”, the media does not allow us to hold any politicians accountable for anything, unless they are on the Zionist hit list.

      Sadly in America, the only aspect of “voting” we are allowed to focused on is the act, nothing else. Our votes count only when they align with the wished of the powers that be. They get to say who and what we are allowed to vote on.

      They installed Biden to make Americans desire law and order (See: Weimar Germany, similar psychological priming) Hegelian Dialectic, Chump will give them “law and order”, but it will be used against us. I’m also thinking we are going to see a new type of law enforcement, something like the German SS. We are reliving the past because most have no idea what the true lessons of history are. Zionist funded Hitler was no friend to the German people, he like Trump are Trojan Horses.

      • You always seem to need to post thousands of OPINION words every episode here, perhaps for attention or something.
        If you read my short essay you would understand the time for that is over and it is time for solutions and activism. Most of us here understand who the bad guys are and what has been done. Now the odds are in our favor with the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme Court and crew of good people coming into positions of influence…no matter WHAT history is, this is NOW, all we got, and what we got seems pretty good to me.
        Get over yourself and figure out what you can offer locally to help the movement.
        Everyone can’t do everything but EVERYONE can do SOMETHING.

          • @cu.h.j

            Positive replies to my posts have become quite rare over the past dozen years or so as you can see above.

            The decades of propaganda and thought control through the movies, TV, media, etc. has had an effect at reducing people’s ability to trust themselves and their decisions at seeking a better life for all and they strike out at others out of fear.

            But the truth in my statement is everyone can be powerful agents of change, even if it is only with their family, strangers they meet, fellow workers, etc. Living one’s life as an example and not preaching or arguing is VERY effective.

        • What about the permanent state? For every “elected” politician there are hundreds or thousands of those who are have neither been elected nor selected and who are there to stay.

          Case in point: you get “elected” and are put “in charge” of some department, ministry or agency, whatever. Do you know what you would get to see your first day in the office? A bunch of faces of people who have been there for years, or even decades.

          Anyone making deals with said department/ministry/agency is dealing with the permanent residents, not you. If you want to play ball, great. Otherwise they will simply have to find an arrangement.

      • If he really steps on some toes in Big Ag, Big Pharma or some Banksters, some of those “obstacles” may come in the form of bullets or perhaps poisons.

        IMO, we live in a world where oligarchs and corporations see politicians as expendable tools, believing otherwise is an exercise in futility and a sure path to Stockholm/savior seeking syndrome.

          • @mkey

            Yes, unfortunately the plausible deniability factor in that avenue of silencing dissenters is high and thus that card has been played a few times before to remove significant players from the game.

            I hope that I am totally wrong (and it turns out that we are just jaded people with a lack of foresight or some inside knowledge, and so we have yet to see why this time it will be different) and Kennedy JR ends up being the first exception to the rule, he shuts down the industrial scale mass murder and big pharma life long customer making factory of the vaccine industry and uses his position to protect endangered forest habitat and the sacred waters of the Earth, I doubt that will happen given the trends of history, and I will not bank on it happening, but I do hope it does.

  3. Trump is a brilliant communicator with a human touch, way out of the range of careerist drones like Biden and Harris. The media told us it was neck and neck but that was even less credible than Biden winning in 2020. Was that to allow them to credibly rig the election ?

    Here is George Galloway celebrating the Trump victory and crushing the corrupt big business funded corporate liberal establishment under the wheels of his tank.

    • loggin,
      I listened to Galloway twice now and am sure the tank is a NATO tank or a UN tank which he is driving. I hope he is Scots-Irish so I can reconcile his mish mash of hopium for another successful Federal, [ global ] election. Seems the foreign onlookers all need Corbett to explain America to them. I may be too close to the
      USA trees to see the USA forest and whatnot. Interesting chap but wildly confused, or just in need of sleep.

      • Thanks, I agree. I decided not to write a long screed unravelling what I agreed with and what I didn’t. Hopium was the problem. He is a former far left mainstream politician. What I like about the video was his total seething contempt and hatred for American liberals.

        Galloway was briefly a minor hero for the American left.

        Senate hearing 2005

        • loggin,

          This fellow has a keen tongue and sharp intelligence. For King and Country. He may have been a big pain in the Neo-Con fascists rear end and certainly wasn’t shown to the American people. He makes too much sense.
          Empire building and Empire keeping never reconciles over time. He points that out clearly in this debate.
          Thanks for introducing him to the uninitiated.

  4. Thanks for the great episode guys!

    I recently had a post show up on my substack feed where a fellow author that I have previously promoted said:

    “here we are on the cusp of a terrifying election where many of our basic rights are on the line. It’s not just our rights that are at risk; the rights of nature and all our wild neighbors are also in danger.”

    Here is my response for those that are curious:

    I think that statement warrants deeper exploration as there is a lot to unpack there regarding what “rights” are, where they come from and lastly, but perhaps most importantly, the implied notion that democratic elections have the potential to either result in us (and/or our non-human kin) having rights ‘taken away’ or ‘given to us’.

    We have been indoctrinated into dogmatic system of belief since we were very young that involuntary governance structures (which use violent coercion and propaganda to enforce a multi-generational racketeering operation) are “good” (or at the very least “necessary”) and that democracy is a moral and righteous system of governance. All of that is a lie.

    We were born with all the same “rights” as any other being on the planet, no system of violent coercion, voting for who will rule over us, and/or thinly veiled corporate plutocracy can put our rights at risk. Each and everyone of us is the only being that can put our rights at risk through internalizing lies, propaganda, anthropocentric dogma and ego flattering nonsense about how “civilized” we all for participating in “democracy”. We must all consciously know what is right and what is wrong through truly looking inward to know our Self, have a direct relationship with the Creator/Divine being and thus be capable of discerning what is moral and what is not, and then guiding our actions accordingly. No institution, no man in a suit, no writing on paper and no man with a badge or a gun can do that for us and none of those people can prevent us from doing that either. It is just a choice, each and every day, we have that choice.

    Each one of us are co-authors in the story of our human family and how we interact and connect with our fellow non-human beings on Earth. Each action is a prayer that says to the universe “This is what a human being Is”. Inaction or pretending that some institution is either preventing us from doing the right thing, or commanding us to do the wrong thing, is also a choice, and a prayer and it sends out ripples into the fabric of Creation.

    Democratic elections are nothing more than an elaborate circus and the systems of governance they claim to legitimize are built on (and necessitate) industrial scale mass murder and ecological devastation.

    I propose that involuntary governance structures (such as democratic governments) are inherently immoral, the breed corruption, attract psychopaths and they are systems that not only inevitably result in ecological devastation, they necessitate it.

    • Also, thanks for that update on the glyphosate levels in oats.

      I have been tryna warn people about that stuff in legumes for years (chick peas, lentils etc) as many vegans and others eat that stuff (from non-organic farmers) thinking they are helping their bodies or the Earth (man are they wrong!).

      For those that want to detox that poison from their body or the soil, I created the following post…

      The History Of “Round Up” and pathways for Glyphosate Detox (from the soil and human body):

  5. I don’t vote, I have moved way past the mental tricks our Zio-Masters concoct to keep us thinking we live free and in a Democracy.

    That does not mean elections do not have consequences, who they install means everything. If they kept Harris is, likely it would be four more years of show steady decline, but installing Trump is far more concerning (as well as giving him the House and Senate). Trump is a Zionist through and through, his campaign was messianic, supposedly bringing on the “End Times”, and anyone who knows anything about the Abrahamic death cult teachings, knows that is big trouble. There are clips of Trump discussing the “End Times”, and how they will be sparked out of the Middle East. This POS is surrounded by criminal Zionists and Chabad Lubavitch Rabbis…if you don’t know what that all means, you may want to get caught up.

    To my friends who were so worried about Harris, and got their Trump, it is well beyond a pyrrhic victory, this is putting the man tasked with destroying America at the helm, surrounded by those who relish our destruction.

  6. Corbett, while you’re at it, along with the transgender issue, you might as well mock the problem with illegal foreigners flowing into this country, the high prices that are making it hard for people to get by, the censorship, the neo-Marxification of our culture, the locking up of political prisoners, etc., that drove people to vote for Trump as a solution. While that may not be the solution, it’s not appropriate for you to mock millions of Americans who are suffering due to these issues.

    I understand you are frustrated with the outcome of the election, as half the country may have blinders on for a while, but to mock people who are struggling and who are searching for a solution is a bad look for you, buddy.

    • scpat,
      That could be an astute observation. No video of JPs and James’ interactions.? From the winching of my ears I can only imagine how peculiar the apoplectic gyrations of James’ body was as he gave that deserved reprimand to the American beasts. I don’t know if my eyes could have survived . I would however have liked to see JPE’s facial expression as he was momentarily speechless.
      ” Cut to tee shirt” screamed the Continental director.
      Forgive and forget as we all know the Editor-en-Chief does care .
      I will offer to step in for a week buddy, if you need a break. Maybe go see your friend and that new addition to the broadcast family in S.E.Asia. It would be my pleasure.

      • For more ; this just in from, Johnny YouTuber.
        The coup is over; it was over before Americans finished their second cup a coffee. That would be around 1962.
        What? Maybe as early as 1948.
        Having had a corporation once I knew what it meant to have a second set of books. ( So I never signed off on that idea) There were accounting firms that offered a creative way forward. Many flocked to that idea and got fines or a little correctional time out. However the push back manifested in canceling law abiding District Attorneys and Judges for more liberal creative Professionals . ( Wink, Wink) I saw it and had no idea how to correct it.
        We Americans are operating off two sets of books now. The one for the peoples business and yeah, the other one for the PTSB. Fact. Remember Dr.Skinner, Katherine Austin-Fitts and the missing $ trillions; just in the Pentagon? There’s two other power greedy branches of that tree doing the same thing.
        So , what? … Jeeves says after the coup comes the revolution. ” Sir, the hedges need a going over”
        We face a full spectrum dominance waiting on our next complaint. We are sequential and our enemy is asymmetrical in action.
        So? What?… What are you gonna do about it? These realities are ahead, just around the Temple Grandon designed portal that will allow you to be picked up in another league.
        I’m near apoplectic myself and have some some compulsive need to share a truth with someone. Hmmm , I’m sure there will be a vaccine for that soon – one that is safe and effective.! ?

    • I think mocking is relief went for disappointment that comes on the heels of putting out decades of work (intended to help turn that switch in people’s heads) that was so inefficient that still billions of people continue voting harder. They act as if they are programmed.

      The times are such as they are because the people on average simply don’t deserve better. Many of our problems are 100% contrived, they have absolutely no basis in reality. That is god’s honest truth.

      The bitter pill is that the struggling people are dragging down everyone else with them. They can not be helped, they can not be told, they will deride, they will get aggressive, they will throw insults with both fists… Maybe mocking can dislodge some of them out of their stupor. worth giving it a shot.

      I personally could not care one iota that they are struggling. That struggle is likely their last ticket to get into a state in which they would be able to figure out some shit and getting those nooses of their struggling necks.

      • mkey,

        These people are your neighbors, the people who would give you the shirt off their back, or would help you out if you were broke down on the side of the road. Railing against them is the wrong approach. You need to meet them where they are. We are all trying to get through this life the best we can.

    • I haven’t watched this episode yet but do notice that sometimes, in general, unless people are actually experiencing something are incapable of understanding completely.

      Mr. Corbett is a brilliant researcher/journalist who is a Canadian living in Japan. So he’s not objective and has never claimed to be.

      He does not know what it is like to live in a place that is being overrun by foreigners and hateful deviant Marxist nutcases who want to destroy him. That’s not happening in Japan (yet). But I have no doubt that any “high” culture isn’t next on the chopping block.

      White replacement and genocide is a thing. I didn’t believe this a few years ago because I was too brainwashed with self hatred and guilt to see it. I used to believe in the “blank slate” idea about people, that culture and race didn’t matter, etc. You know all that post modern bullshit that people are brainwashed with.

      I never thought that immigrants from vastly different cultures, races, IQs etc. does damage to the culture I come from. And I was wrong.

      Many white people don’t even think of themselves as a unique race of people with a culture worthy of saving and being proud of. It’s sad.

      At any rate, I have probably digressed and gone off topic. I just was sharing some thoughts and I kind of agree with you that Mr. Corbett may not quite understand where some American’s are coming from.

      • cu.h.j,

        You are spot on. White/European culture is being devastated by third-world foreigners who don’t give a damn about our way life. This is a big problem.

        • Yes it is. And I strongly believe if White/European peoples and the magnificent culture they have built are destroyed the monsters who seek to enslave and destroy everyone will be unopposed and every last living thing on the face of the earth will die with it.

          People should really think long and hard about that. The most formidable opposition to this monstrous agenda is coming from White/European people!

        • No doubt. But…
          The politicians and media born here are more central to the issue. Their delusions and traitorous BS bothers me much more than the desperate poor sods who make it over here. They are pawns, like us. What can we pawns do against the bishops and kings? Maybe if we captured a black queen…

          • Yep, poor sods and pawns like we are. And regardless of this fact, the influx of these people is a problem for us.

            What do we do about it that doesn’t involve digital IDs and technocracy?

            • I don’t dispute that. I just feel like more attention needs to be put on the root of the problem than the many visible twigs and thorns. Of course this is the opposite of what is happening, as the media and government demagogues, as well as some cynical operatives, accent the division of the pawns. Carrying on with the chess analogy. If the pawns greatly outnumber the king they can theoretically win the game, but only after after everyone else has been destroyed. This scenario is very rare and unlikely, and requires blundering opposing king and a very sharp general. A more promising scenario has at least one of the pawns cross all the way over, and become a powerful piece, like a queen or a rook. In our world, I am struggling to see how we can stop being mere pawns, at least without becoming powerful in our opposing system. Anyway, I know that we all wish to stop being mere pawns in this game.

              • I agree. Like what is going on in Haiti to cause an influx of refugees to the US? Is our government involved in causing these issues?

                I’d bet that they are because that’s something a psychopath would do and that’s who’s really in charge.

                But the refugees coming here aren’t going to understand that and have more pressing issues. They are also from a totally different context and culture with a different set of values and abilities.

                It’s worse in some European countries. Have you heard of the weird grooming gangs and that there was a guy in France who was beheaded because he supposedly insulted Mohammad and the French police did nothing after this happened?

                I didn’t believe what was happening in some European countries because it seemed insane, but these kinds of things are actually happening.

                There are just some cultures and people who don’t mix. They can probably only exist side by side separately and only if both sides are armed and can protect themselves.

                And people have been taught to hate white Europeans so there’s that too. We will be outnumbered in our own countries by people who hate us and want to destroy us.

                Some of these poor slogs would have no issues robbing and killing me.

            • Again, I know that we all wish to stop being mere pawns in this game. But I don’t know how to do it. Here we are gathering info, and hopefully, discernment. But its going to take something more than our mere cognizance of corruption. Seriously, what can be done? I am just getting philosophical in my old age. Is that a euphemism for impotence?

              PS The criminal migrants are being played up. The exaggeration is also part of the psyop. None of us are immune. We need to constantly detach and re-assess and disarm the obvious fearmongering. The left is now the right. The alternative media is becoming a mainstream. It is also full of commercials.

              • I think an attempt to explain the situation and work with some of these people as a first step is required.

                Maybe citizens can arrange a protest at the homes of our “elites” and the migrants can come along.

                I think finding out who particularly is funding this bullshit and where they live and protesting outside of their home would be a good start.

                These nasty psychopathic elitist scum bags need to feel uncomfortable and know that people know who is doing what.

              • Yes. of course. Spread truth and courage. But I have been on that first step for 20 years. Our opponents progressively progress aggressively.

                I am an inveterate skeptic, but I don’t want to be cynical. So, now I am an old philosopher. If I just broaden my timeframe by a few generations, I see all of this righting itself. But much pain and death will be experienced in the intervening years (or centuries).

              • I am enjoying you all trying to hash this idea of cultural replacement out. I M H O
                What? Yes cultural replacement.
                After WW ll ” guv’ment” saw a threat of the mixed masses of people who for the previous 4 years were coming together in response to a foreign enemy, Fascism. This scared the be-jezzus out of the PTSB. Industrial production, food production and of course military ranks coming together for a single purpose, fighting fascist ideology. Solving and overcoming all sorts of problems that were in common to that unified effort, regardless of ethnicity, religion.
                So the peace comes and guv’ment invites all the staunchest ideologues that created the WWII and Fascist threat into positions of power. Packaged them up and placed them in high levels of industry, military and policies . All these points of the compass, immigrants and natives set aside their ethnicity to unite in their adopted new culture under one cause made everyone feel they belonged to this idea of Country. Imagine if they would tackle other problems without guv’ment control? Say Central Banks and money manipulators. Monopolies, pollution, healthcare, poverty, starvation, Education?
                Seems to be a repeating tactic. The South Vietnamese that ran the death camps, Imperial fascists and industrialists were invited into this country.
                Seems The ones that are corruptible are the ones the globalists through guv’ment partner with when taking over a resource rich , military weak country. The trash of that country. Then when the trash gets thrown out it’s brought back home to the detriment of those who sacrificed greatly to come here. To be a piece of a country that destroys the fascist like their forefathers did.
                If that place is full of what they were trying to escape from , then it’s over. Time to move on to a NWO. Immigration ends.
                Is that what you all are talking about about?

    • So what are practical things white Americans can do about this assault on their culture? Have babies and build a strong family proud of their heritage and cultural roots. I wish I would have known this 15 years ago because it probably would have changed my priorities. I probably would have had a bunch of kids. It’s hard for me to admit that I have been fooled and I was wrong about that basic human need to procreate and how beautiful it is and that my genetic line is special and worth saving. It breaks my heart.

      I can only urge the beautiful people here to not make the mistake I have made and to have children now and build big families who are our future.

      • This is where I am too. The window feels like its closing for me. My priorities were also out of whack. I hope to have a bunch of kids someday. That’s the dream.

      • I, and just about every other parent I know, are also victims. We have had beautiful children, but we didn’t realize the danger the modern world presented to their minds and souls. At least I have some grandchildren. That is more than I can say for many of the other parents that I know.
        We have been easily fooled by the media and governments, going back many decades. We naively assumed the schools and universities were wonderful institutions that would uplift and refine the next generation. Even though, by a stroke of great good fortune, I got them out of public school very early, it wasn’t enough to totally shield them from the culture at large. At least my progeny are relatively normal, compared to many, but I still feel betrayed, like you, by our society. If I only knew then what I know now…

    • scpat,
      I’m glad that you and others like apkt communicated your thoughts.
      I’ll bet Corbett’s InBox is full. 😉

      Communication, even if it is bouncing ideas off the wall, is the route to sorting out things.
      It doesn’t mean that everyone will end up on the same page and agree on every concept.
      But communication helps in the evolution of an individual’s ideas.

      Anyway, maybe Corbett will talk more on the topics which are mentioned by you and others.

      Here is my personal Anarchist/Voluntaryist perspective (short-version) rendition…

      No person(s) has the right to dictate any aspect of my life.
      I do not have the innate right to impose upon or dictate another’s life.
      I can voluntarily associate or disassociate with others, and certainly can make agreements with them.
      My Anarchist/Voluntaryist perspective is a mindset.

      For me, a certain attitude comes with my perspective, my mindset. An insouciance, a lighthearted lack of concern. The insouciance melds with inconsequentialness, noninterference, nonintervention, and other related conceptual ideas.

      I did not vote, ‘cuz I didn’t want to participate in that system.

      But as an Anarchist/Voluntaryist, if I ever want to vote, I damn sure will.
      And if other Anarchists poopoo my action of voting… Well, I’m insouciant to their poop.
      I may even laugh with them, ‘cuz there is irony there.
      No one has the right to impose their moral code or ethical standards on me.
      I’m insouciant to that silliness.
      And if someone hounds me while wilting my ears, I can always throw a middle finger salute and move on with my life and interests.
      [Imposing a moral code is much like imposing a law, a regulation, a rule.]

      An Anarchist/Voluntaryist mindset and life’s living will certainly have its many ironies.
      We are engulfed by THE System.
      However, as we create a better system, those many ironies will fade.

      • I repect everyone’s right (and need) to choose but do note that there is no such thing as ‘”your” and “mine moral code”. There’s just the one, and we are either aligned to it, or not. Morality is likely the simplest and yet most misunderstood concept under the sky.

        • I agree with you mkey on “morality.”
          Morality is the categorization of intentions, decisions and actions into those that are proper, or right, or honest, and those that are improper, or wrong.

          In fact, the tenants of anarchism are moral.
          It could be said that anarchism is founded upon morality.

      • You astutely note:

        “…communication helps in the evolution of an individual’s ideas.”

        Free and open speech and communication are necessary for evolution of ideas and innovation.

        I think that when people are stuck in echo chambers and only feel comfortable inside a bubble of discourse “consciousness” stagnates. People should not be forced to exist outside of their bubbles, but the reality of human existence often makes this necessary.

        I tend to like to learn things that challenge my world view and that is tempered by my intuition and empathetic nature.

        My point is that, I appreciate your points of view. I am also glad that James Corbett shares his unique point of view with us and includes his humor and satire. He does not need to coddle his audience in order to demonstrate his good intentions.

        Just some thoughts that your comment allowed to pop into my head. Thanks.

        • cu.h.j says:
          “He (James Corbett) does not need to coddle his audience in order to demonstrate his good intentions.”

          I think that statement could be embossed with gold.

      • I know you were asking @scpat for their definition, but I thought I’d say what my understanding is of the gist of their meaning.

        I think some people are noticing that when a lot of people from different cultures come en mass and change the demographics of a town, the character of the area changes and often not for the better.

        When you have people who are from third world/stone age cultures coming to a more technologically advanced culture, the quality of the host culture can decline as it has in the US.

        But, the opposite can also happen where a more technologically advanced culture can contaminate a stone age indigenous culture, like what happened to American “Indians”. We can debate who was here first and if that matters but I tend to look at things as who has actually designed and built the infrastructure of the place and makes it function in it’s modern form.

        In America, white Europeans built the country for the most part and gave it is character which many foreigners don’t even appreciate or consider. But not only that, but there are some that actively hate white people and the culture.

        In general people from stone age/third world cultures aren’t going to be able to maintain things the way we would. They just can’t. It’s not compatible and people are starting to figure that out and want to put an end to it.

        In many countries, I think Japan might be one of them, they are selective about who can stay because they recognize that they have a unique culture that they want to maintain and letting certain people in would damage it.

        In a future time when people are more evolved like James Corbett and can implement agorism on a large scale there would probably be different ways to do things but we aren’t there yet.

        • @cu.h.j

          Thank you for the in depth response.

          I asked because (as you eluded towards with your comments about “American Indians”) the people who are typically most vocal in complaining about “illegal foreigners” and/or “immigrants” in Canada and the US now a days are usually people with a cultural and genetic heritage that is in fact foreign to this land, immigrated here and (in many if not most cases) their ancestors would have did so against the clearly stated wishes and laws of the original inhabitants of this land.

          So in essence, whether or not you want to put modern technology on a pedestal and imply that what you derisively describe as “stone age people” are somehow undeserving of the same rights and recognition of their claims to a land base and the legitimacy of their place based cultures that have millennia old histories on that land, the fact remains, if we are talking about modern western statist regimes (and the flag waving “patriotic” people that champion them as “civilized” and “advanced”) it is factually obvious and irrefutable that those modern industrial statist regimes and the people that culturally identify with said regimes, that are foreign, immigrants to this land and arrived here illegally (against the established laws and treaties of the original inhabitants).

          You make generalized statements like “the character of the area changes and often not for the better.” (in relation to your perception of “stone aged” culture people arriving, which you apparently put all slumped together in the same boat, as less advanced than “white Europeans” that “built the country”) but who gets to define what is a change for the better or for the worse with regards to the character of an area?

          RE: “In America, white Europeans built the country for the most part and gave it is character”

          Actually, considering that many of the food and fiber crops that define “american” culture and were used to build up the material wealth to fund it’s infrastructure are in fact crops that were stolen from indigenous cultures (both from here on Turtle Island and elsewhere (such as where Gossypium herbaceum Linnaeus came from) one could argue that brown and dark skinned humans may have played a more prominent role in facilitating making american culture and the country of the united states possible and what it is today than lighter skinned people from Europe did.

          RE: “In general people from stone age/third world cultures aren’t going to be able to maintain things the way we would”

          And how is the way you would maintain things? (I assume you are part of the “we” you referred to in that statement)

          Would it involve this: ?

          As that is required for all aspects of modern industrial statist culture to continue operating.

          Would you still run things that way if that was going to have to be done in your backyard?

          (continued in another comment..)

          • Thank you for the thoughtful and well stated reply. I will read it carefully after I have woken up.

            To be clear, I don’t think it was right what happened to American Indians here in the US and I do believe there is a path towards peace and reconciliation and to hopefully help their peoples survive and thrive on their own path.

            I do not think advanced technology and unique gifts of European peoples make them more worthy of survival or “better” than. I believe every person has the same natural rights given by “God” and I know that long ago people of European decent violated natural rights of some American Indians.

            But, the narratives told in the books are likely inaccurate and don’t tell the story completely. Some American Indians were cruel and brutal to other tribes and also some Europeans.

            And the solution to right the wrongs have been harmful to them. These are welfare payments and exposure to “our” foods and alcohol have been extremely toxic for them. I work with American Indians in health care and they are the sickest population I have ever seen.

            But despite that, many have tried to retain their culture and old ways and they even have flags they wave and they call themselves tribes and even nations. It is a basic fundamental sense of community among their people and many are proud of their ancestry and they should be.

            Similarly, white Europeans have a lot to be proud of. Not exploitation but the innovations and tenacity and philosophy and magnificent intellect demonstrated right here in your response to me.

            I will write more, but I wanted to draw your attention to the undeniable fact that you are a white European with a sharp intellect and passion that is unique to “our” people. So is James Corbett. This has demonstrated to me that there are some really amazing people in Canada! Your unique gifts like no other should be cherished not derided and destroyed and called racist.

            That is the attitude of many “people of color”: hatred and the desire to destroy, eliminate. The question I have had to ask is who is promoting this narrative? James Corbett has answered this question but not entirely.

            Who are the technocrats? They are not Europeans who want to maintain their culture and genetic lines. That is not who we are. That is the narrative being told though and it assists with the willing participation in suicide.

            I’ll write more when my coffee has kicked in and I have more time.

            • @cu.h.j


              “the narratives told in the books are likely inaccurate and don’t tell the story completely.”

              One of the benefits of learning to be able to read the soil and use pattern recognition/tree identification to read a landscape is that I do not have to rely on historical accounts written by humans when I am learning about how humans in the ancient past lived and interacted with their environment in the centuries prior. How they interacted with other humans is of only secondary importance to me, as I feel that the way that a culture either lived in balance with the ecosystems (or perhaps even enhanced them) or not says more about them and their level of advancement socially than any human to human conflicts or written material.

              RE: “white Europeans have a lot to be proud of.”

              I personally think that this recent increase in people obsessing over skin color and choosing to divide and segregate themselves into camps, based on the melanin content of one’s skin is irrational, unhealthy and plays right into the plans of the oligarchs to keep us fighting among ourselves while they consolidate their control and culling machinations.

              The recent proclivity of many white people to get all hyperfocused on “preserving their identity” defined by their skin color and what ever superficial statist cultural dressings they apply to it, is just as detrimental as the the mentality embraced by those that fell for the Black Lives Matter divide and conquers psyop.

              I do not expose myself to political circus performers and propaganda from statist institutions and those that promote them, but I assume that a lot of this “pro-white culture” fervor is recent political narrative inspired.

              While I appreciate your kind words about my intellect and passion, I do not ascribe that which is unique to me and my unique gifts as being related to the quantity of melanin in my skin. That is a superficial and arbitrary distinction which means nothing to me as a human being attempting to use my gifts to help our human family nurture a better relationship with the living Earth that sustains us all.

              I may have genetic ancestry from what is now called Europe, but it is important to keep in mind that regardless of skin color and regardless of the current statist regimes that dwell in a region one has genetic roots in, each and everyone of us, has indigenous ancestors. That is, each of us, if you go far enough back, have ancestors that did not identify as part of a nationstate, but rather were place based wisdom keepers, that lived in close connection to a specific region, and their customs and culture were defined by that relationship.

              Rather than take pride in skin color or statist affiliation, I suggest digging deeper to come to know your ancient indigenous ancestry and learn from how they connected with their native land reciprocally.

              For more on that, read:

              • There is more to race and culture than skin color, I’m sorry to admit.

                It has been a bit of a rude awakening for me to have to concede that basic fact but it’s true.

                Genetics, culture, evolution and experience form different types of people. It’s a mix of unique things and biology is part of it, not the entire aspect of it for sure.

                It’s an uncomfortable truth that I have to concede. In the US there are other races who have assimilated to our culture, and rejected the “woke”. If they can do that and not impose supremacy on me, I have no issues. And that is a huge if.

                If you told a Chinese person that their ethnicity was related to skin color, they would probably think that is absurd. Because it is. They do function with a sense of cultural continuity and there is something in that. I’ve had close friends of other races, highly intelligent people and they haven’t lost that sense of their ethnic identity.

                They weird sick psychopathic “elites” have attempted to do that to whites and it’s wrong. If you don’t see that yet, I would urge you to get to know your own ancestral traditions.

              • People don’t function with intellect alone. Cultural continuity is necessary. There is more to being a Greek than a skin color and a person can assimilate to their culture but they won’t be the same as a native racial and cultural Greek.

                That is just a fact. It’s sort of like how a woman is a woman and a man is a man and no amount of cosmetic surgery will change that. It’s in ones DNA.

                That weird trans stuff is what they want to do with races of people too and the narrative of skin color is part of it.

              • It is obvious that race and cultural expression is more than skin color. It’s like how people could see with their own eyes that Covid was a lie.

                It is how people can often tell a biological man from a biological woman. No matter how much a person identifies as something they are not, the fact remains that they are who they are.

                How they process and express that basic information is up to them.

              • Correction from above, if you told a Chinese person that their race is about skin color, they would likely think that is absurd.

                That is because that very idea is a lie.

                Look at studies into human genetics. Certainly there is no magic formula as to what makes a person, but genetics are nonetheless part of it. Skin color is a very tiny aspect of a race of people.

                Anyone can research this. Just because something is uncomfortable to ones identity, does not make it false.

                I’ve done some research on the genetics of race and I can’t debunk it. Because it’s biological fact. What it means is another matter.

                Does it mean whites have the right to colonize people? No, I don’t think so. That’s immoral. But the fact that whites are a different race of people and it is much much more than a skin color is just a simple fact.

              • Think about an analogy of “quantity of melanin” compared to a biological man having a penis and that is the essence of what being a man is, right?

                That is a “woke” lie. There is so much more to being a man than having a penis. Consider what hormones do and even after hormone replacement there is a fundamental difference in genetics no amount of propaganda erases.

                The exact same analogy exists with race. It is fundamental biology, in ones face basic stuff that anyone with a modicum of critical thought cannot deny.

                Michael Jackson could not dye himself white and be white. Melanin will not make me Chinese. Neither will eye surgery.

            • @cu.h.j

              RE: “I would urge you to get to know your own ancestral traditions.”

              If you read my book or my essay subtitled

              “embarking on a journey towards an ethnoecologically rooted regeneratively guided Ethnogenesis”

              You will discover that I am both aware of my own ancestral traditions and also involved in severing ties to modern day “traditions” that are degenerative and actively planting the seeds for new cultural roots to take hold and begin their own journey of continuity into the future.

              I have no interest in obsessing over race or genetics, I see the value in learning from my indigenous ancestors (and the successes as well as failings of my more recent ancestors) but I choose to define my self via my actions and my relationship to the land where I live, first and foremost.

              Nation states and race are of secondary importance to how we choose to leave mark on this world as unique human beings. Obsessing over trying to maintain specific genetics or hold onto degenerative superiority complexes based on genes, race or national identities is a sure path to being easily manipulated by the oligarchs as a pawn and running in circles.

              I choose to embrace my own uniqueness as a spiritual being inhabiting a human body as what defines who I am, and what type of culture I will interact with and work towards sowing the seeds to take hold.

              I wish you all the best on your path.

              • I would just like to point out that learning about genetics, race, culture and listening to viewpoints outside of ones comfort zone does not necessarily constitute obsessing.

                I also don’t think that some people who are seeking to invoke freedom of association are somehow immoral, even if this is race based association. Forcing people together was a mistake. People must come together voluntarily.

                When the 2020 riots happened in the US, it forced a lot of people to examine how much hate exists towards whites.

                People were going around hitting white people with bricks in the head. There was a mentally disabled white guy who was taken hostage by two black youths and tortured for 48 hours and they posted it on facebook.

                That was one of the most cruel things I’ve ever seen. The media has hidden black on white violence for decades.

                I can totally understand why people may want to separate. That is a normal response to hatred and violence.

                In South Africa whites have been slaughtered after the rise of Nelson Mandela. And the country fell into poverty.

                Whites are judged by race and it makes little difference to many people who they are as individuals.

                As a survival strategy in the coming years, many people are finding communities where they feel safer and have common ground. I do not judge their decisions.

                I also wish you the best on your path and I am grateful for your work and vision. I think you have done some amazing things and are an inspiration to others.

          • How far back do you want to go to point the finger at cultures that conquered others? We could go back to the beginning of time, and then pay reparations to all. That’s one way of thinking. I don’t subscribe to it.

            I enjoy the relatively civilized society we have in the U.S., and the cultural traditions of whites, and others who share my belief system and my traditions.

            Illegal foreigners, meaning those from other countries that entered the U.S. illegally (meaning not through the channels established by our laws), and have not gone through the process of assimilating to our culture and general way of life, are causing, and will continue to cause, chaos in our communities. They don’t understand our traditions and how we operate, which causes friction.

            That’s one of the goals of the invasion of this country by illegal foreigners. It is to destroy our country and way of life, that was organized and built primarily by whites. Once white countries fall, the world will be filled with unorganized barbarians and will be easily controlled by the globalists.

            • Thank you for your concise explanation. I think that people still won’t understand where white American’s are coming from until their town demographics change and they experience what we are talking about first hand.

              I would invite anyone to look at East Saint Louis or some other areas that are now majority non-white and see what “diversity” looks like in real life.

              I know my words may come off as “racist” for some people, but I have experienced “diversity” and it’s not this utopian ideal that many Canadians may believe. After all, I think that their country is still majority white.

              Not that their government is anything I would want to endure, but they still have some remnants of cultural continuity left and I think this hinders their understanding of the issues being raised.

            • I’m not saying I hate other races of people and in fact I have had very close friendships with other races who are good people. We share similar values and I think that like you say if people are able to assimilate to our way of life, different types of people can coexist.

              I am no longer tolerant of anti-white propaganda though. If other races of people can exist with pride and respect, so can whites. Other weird borderline or open pedophilia pushed by liberals also is no longer tolerable. No drag queen story hour. That weird shit needs to go.

              • “I am no longer tolerant of anti-white propaganda though. If other races of people can exist with pride and respect, so can whites. Other weird borderline or open pedophilia pushed by liberals also is no longer tolerable. No drag queen story hour. That weird shit needs to go.”

                Yep, I agree on both points. I’ve been over the anti-white propaganda for a while. Also over the LGBTQ stuff. They actively work against traditional families and family values, which is the bedrock of a healthy society. And they target children. They are very sick people.

            • @scpat

              RE “How far back do you want to go to point the finger at cultures that conquered others?”

              Great point and a valid question, though I did not mention anything about “reparations” the focus of this discussion was clarifying a working definition of the terms “illegal foreigners” and “immigrants”.

              So if according to your logic and usage of the term “Illegal foreigners” it is okay for the descendants of the conquerors of a land to disregard the laws, traditions, culture and claims of the people that still live there (who’s ancestors had lived there for millennia) and claim that the land is now “white culture” land, does that mean you would say it would be fair game if the same thing happened to “the U.S., and the cultural traditions of whites” ?

              In other words, if the Chinese hypothetically invaded and used insidious and dishonorable warfare tactics to kill a majority of white people that identify as patriotic “US citizens” (as the British and then US government did with the indigenous people of Turtle Island) and then they occupied the US for a century, kicked you and your grandchildren off your land, told your children to speak mandarin and never talk about your traditions (or they would get beaten, or worse) and forced you to live on small allotments of inarable land, would that then mean that because the white culture and US was conquered, that the Chinese colonists would then have the right to tell anyone wanting to come to live on the land that they are “Illegal foreigners”? And that (in that hypothetical) all the white survivors that still remembered the customs of the US should just shut up and accept their role as the “new Indians”?

              Personally, I see violence and organized mass murder (warfare) as inherently immoral, cowardly and as something that only illuminates the ignorance and lack of mental development of a people, thus, the act of using violence to subjugate another people and take their land does not in my mind designate them as the new rightful dictators of laws and customs for that land. It only makes them glorified, long term bullies.

              Thus, I do not recognize the authority of any laws claimed by statist regimes such as the nation state of Canada and the United States, any individuals and institutions claiming to wield legislative power within said entities are illegitimate as they exist due to violent coercion.

              I do however recognize the legitimacy of the laws and traditions of cultures (where ever they may be, here or elsewhere) that have an ancient relationship to place, a reciprocal relationship with the land and reverence as well as respect for their fellow beings (human and non-human alike).

              I think this recent upsurge in an obsession with choosing “camps” based on skin color is unhealthy, irrational and feeds right into the divide and conquer psyop plans of the oligarchs.

              Thanks for explaining your perspective.

              • “So if according to your logic and usage of the term “Illegal foreigners” it is okay for the descendants of the conquerors of a land to disregard the laws, traditions, culture and claims of the people that still live there (who’s ancestors had lived there for millennia) and claim that the land is now “white culture” land, does that mean you would say it would be fair game if the same thing happened to “the U.S., and the cultural traditions of whites” ?”

                Yeah, it’s fair game. But I don’t want that to happen since I’m living here now. Who would?

              • @scpat

                RE: “Yeah, it’s fair game.”

                Thanks for clarifying.

                I personally do not subscribe to the thinking that sees bullying as a valid pathway to claim that one deserves to call a place home.

                It is a strange line of thinking to me, to think of a violent aggressor that attacks and oppresses another as worthy of recognition as being designated as the rightful inhabitants and stewards of a land. It is all backwards.

                I mean think about if you applied that logic in the school yard or in your home, it would mean that when a cowardly 15 year old uses violence to inflict suffering and oppression on a 12 year old, taking over their locker, that the 15 year old is worthy of now being recognized as the rightful owner of that locker. Very strange thinking indeed.

                I nevertheless appreciate your candidness and wish you all the best with your perspective that apparently covets violent coercion, and sees the degree of which one can exert it as a measure of determining the worthyness of individuals and institutions.

        • @cu.h.j

          This is what built the infrastructure (of the modern statist regimes now present on Turtle Island) and what it takes to “make it function in it’s modern form” looks like:

          I have had people who are quite familiar with the water table poisoning, air contaminating, soil destroying, rain pattern destabilizing and forced relocation of indigenous peoples activities that are required for perpetuating modern industrial statist regimes (in all their “technologically advanced” ways) tell me things like “You can’t stand in the way of Progress!”

          But progress towards what exactly? An existence where we have poisoned the air and water for our grandchildren, and they never get to know what an old growth forest looks and feels like? Where they are forced to live in smart city human feeding lots because the rest of the land has been extracted and deforested and turned into an industrial wasteland of mines and factories? Is that the type of “progress” you think of as “advanced” ?

          I personally do intend on standing in the way of that kind of “progress” and I think it is in fact a savage and primitive way to live on this earth, for it involves selfishness, arrogance, cowardice and vanity instead of digging deeper to choose a path with integrity, humility and foresight.

          You describe cultures as “stone aged” and imply that they were not or are not capable of technologically advanced infrastructure to maintain communities, but that is an obfuscation as many (but not all) of the people that are indigenous to Turtle Island (modern day “canada” and “US”) used highly advanced horticultural and earthworks technologies in order to create regenerative food production and water management systems that allowed them to thrive for millennia. Just because their technologies did not involve strip mining and nuclear fission does not make them less “advanced”, on the contrary, I propose that because the technologies they used were not degenerative (as the main technologies that allow for the perpetuation of modern industrial statist regimes are) the ancient technologies of the indigenous peoples of some areas were in fact far more advanced. They used methods and technologies that aligned with biodiversity and let nature do the work for them in growing their food and protecting their water access, that is very advanced tech, science and wisdom indeed, and it far surpasses the degenerative nature of modern day industrial tech by leaps and bounds.

          You put technologically advanced modern (statist) cultures on a pedestal and claim that we would have to implement agorism on a large scale for it to be viable but that is a fallacy based on your assuming that communities are not capable of feeding themselves and maintaining the infrastructure locally that supports them, the historical evidence does not support your stance on that.

          The modern industrial statist civilization you describe as “advanced” is a failed experiment.

          • I will read your article. I will give your writing thoughtful consideration.

            My instincts, the first instinct I must note though is that you conflate “statism” with culture. Those things are not the same.

            Agorism and the philosophy written about comes from European philosophers. They put the concepts into words. That is part of the culture I am referring to.

            Have you ever looked at the structures of governance of certain “stone age” and/or indigenous peoples? Or asked tribal elders how they do things in their nations or what they did at the time Europeans arrived?

            They had a form of “government” or an order to their people that was carried out to make their society function.

            I do not hold monarchy or democracy or technocracy out as examples of European excellence. It is not, but the emergence of innovation most certainly is and that is something that I have pride in. The beautiful architecture of old cathedrals and the modern invention of sanitation and plumbing and creative architectural design. The desire for exploration and knowledge. Those things are something to be proud of. Philosophy, science (actual science, not sciencism”, empathy towards others (like you and Mr. Corbett demonstrate with your work), etc. Those things are culture, not “statism” etc.

            Without those innovations in thought, the technocrats will win. We are necessary for the future.

            Have indigenous peoples championed “our” causes? Who and when? Where is the olive branch? If we destroy European culture, is that the answer?

            Do we go back to the stone age as the answer? Get rid of all technology and live as people did thousands of years ago? Even if the answer is yes, that cannot happen and some people don’t want that. James Corbett doesn’t want that. There must be another way, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater…

          • The philosophy of vitalism is something James Corbett has discussed and passionately defended.

            The core message I feebly attempt to convey is that European peoples, the very idea of that is “vital”. This is a very simple and wise concept that indigenous people have maintained. Not a wish to destroy others but to continue as human beings in their unique way on their unique path.

            European peoples also have that basic fundamental spirit that should continue.

            Imagine if Japanese people and their unique culture vanished. That would be tragic, heart breaking, a great loss. It is like the loss of a beautiful species of tree or great animal. Europeans have a place in the future and are just was worthy to survive as “people of color” and they are dying out.

            I would urge anyone, no matter who the descend from to procreate and “be the change you want to see in the world”. That must not stop, procreation of distinct peoples. This does not mean people must stay apart, but some may wish to and their rights must also be acknowledged and honored.

            I could not go and join an American Indian tribe because I do not come from their people. In their wisdom, they recognize that “that” is a thing. That “thing” is being conditioned out of people of European descent because the controllers and their vision of Eugenics is being implemented. Mr. Corbett has identified this as an attack on vitalism and the extinction of the human race as the inevitable conclusion.

            Don’t let your anger about past wrongs and evil deeds done by your people to hate yourself and despise your culture is the crux of what I’m saying. People have a basic right to associate with who they want. Some Americans are now invoking that right. Perhaps the solution is misguided, but the problem remains and the answer is not to destroy European culture, tear town old monuments, rename towns, voluntarily extinct ones genetic line, etc. That is not the way forward.

            • @cu.h.j

              RE: “I would urge you to get to know your own ancestral traditions.”

              If you read my book or my essay subtitled

              “embarking on a journey towards an ethnoecologically rooted regeneratively guided Ethnogenesis”

              You will discover that do not hate myself, in fact I embrace Self love (seeing my soul which was gifted to me by God as worth nourishing, beautiful, unique and worthy of love) and I also embrace the uniqueness of who I am and embrace the wisdom of my ancestors, the difference between what you are talking about with European ancestry and what I am talking about is that you covet technology and the industrial revolution and I am embracing my ancient ancestry when those that came before me lived in intimate connection with the land and reverence for the land.

              I embrace regenerative living with modern technology as part of that path and I strive to bring my choices to align with respecting the Earth and her children (human and non-human) while I walk that path. It is a gradual process of learning, letting go of unnecessary digital addictions, forging new ways of being, interacting and choosing a more humble and simple way to live. It is not a path like the omish, more a path that sees reveres life over technology and weighs the impact of one on the other before each step taken.

              I see human beings and non-human beings as my family and as equals and I will not waste time trying to measure myself against them based on race or segregate myself from them based on my fear that some cultural thread I value may disappear. Our choices breath life into the value of cultural threads through example and those threads will either be seen as beautiful and of worth and woven into future tapestries, or they will fray and fade away as they no longer serve us and those who will come after us.

              Let go of your fear of cultural threads fraying, and instead embrace love and give attention to the threads you feel are worth weaving a life with. Trying to control others to assuage your fears about other people’s traditions and cultural threads getting more attention and being woven into more people’s lives than the ones you value is a waste of time and energy, an exercise in futility.

              Instead of fearing the seeds for weeds on the wind that may land in your garden, tend to your garden so that it thrives so beautifully and readily self-sows so readily that weeds seeds will have no place to grow and others that see your garden will seek to save seeds from it and plant those cultural seeds in their own gardens.

              I wish you all the best on your path.

  7. Not going to be a popular opinion on this forum, but as much as I love James’ work, I can help thinking that his position on elections as stated in this piece is unfalsifiable woo-woo pseudo-opinion (see what I did there…). If Kamala gets in, he says, see I told you, the deep state rigs elections. If trump gets in he says, see I told you, the deep state lets your libertarian candidate win to keep you voting next time. Righto… Seriously though, to believe that its all deep state controlled, is to say that when you listen to literally hours of candidates and their high profile supporters passionately discuss their belief in free speech and liberty yada yada in one-on-one interviews, not stump speeches, that these guys are just play actors stringing the public along, trying to spring the trap, as it were. You dont come away with that impression, the opposite in fact. Elon said on Joe Rogan that in his opinion, if Trump lost, Democracy in the US would be over, because that would enable them to fill the swing states with even more immigrants than they already did, meaning they would inevitably win all future elections and it becomes a one-party state. The point being, Deep state operatives should be trying to kill democracy, not strengthen it. If you are going to turn around and say something like “they need to strengthen it to keep you engaged” we are back to our unfalsifiable woo-woo pseudo-opinions.

    • apkt, do you know how the votes are counted? Do you know what happens after the votes in the potus selection are counted? It’s all a big joke and anyone and everyone playing a serious role in this circus needs to get a detailed neurological checkup and rewiring. Their brains just ain’t no good.

      • Mkey. Well, I think I do. Do you? why dont you enlighten us? I’m not sure what your point is, whether you are describing the system as it is supposed to operate, or the system as it is subverted by fraud. I worked as polling booth staff in State and Federal elections in Australia for decades, and its evident that all participants are dedicated to just outcomes. I think that characterising anyone that doesnt believe the same as you to be insane is going in a direction that is never helpful, and shows a fundamental lack of understanding of human behaviour. I would ask you a question in return: do you understand the concept ‘unfalsifiable’, and its implications?

        • Do I understand the concept of “unfalsifiable” and its implications when used in the context of a off the cuff expression of opinions as part of a brief rant? Yes, I do. There are no implications, the term simply does not apply to off the cuff remarks made in an attempt at a humorous rant by someone who did his earnest over almost two decades to spread the good word and needs to let off some steam.

          If Kamala gets in, he says, see I told you, the deep state rigs elections. If trump gets in he says, see I told you, the deep state lets your libertarian candidate win to keep you voting next time.

          I have to say that I did not hear this. What I heard is as follows:

          I could even get into the deeper point about all of this, which is, hey, I don’t know, if I was a member of of the deep state that wanted people to keep going to the polls and keep trusting the system, I would make sure, yep, see, Donald Trump won. See, guys? It’s fine, it’s not rigged, you voted harder and it worked! So vote harder in 2028, guys. That’s the lesson. And millions, upon millions, upon millions of people will truly believe that, in their heart of hearts. So, mission accomplished for the deep state.

          To me, this is pretty clear.

          I worked as polling booth staff in State and Federal elections in Australia for decades, and its evident that all participants are dedicated to just outcomes.

          If you worked that job for decades, I’m sure it is evident to you that participants are dedicated to just outcomes.

          My experience at the booths is limited to one presidential selection at which I was an independent observer in my small municipality. There I could see dedicated participants doing their earnest to do things the way they have always been done.

          I.e. their top priority is to occlude registered voters list, which is at the core of voter fraud in my country. There are more people on the list than there are people TOTAL living in the country. The well meaning aging lady, sitting at the booth for likely many decades, knew very well at which side the bread is buttered and what needs to be done to keep the system rolling. She was VERY dedicated to a just outcome.

          Another thing I have noticed, is the poll workers (all women, for some reason unbeknownst to me; likely all professional, hard core bureaucrats and court denizens, deeply inured to the system) do not know the actual law. There was a matter of one ballot where the voter circled their candidate and crossed out the hated candidate. Pollsters decided to eliminate the ballot, to which I protested while quoting the law. Their eyes just completely glazed over.

        • One thing I have learned from this experience: independent observers being absent, the poll workers can do whatever the hell they want right on the polling station. They are hiding the voters list, they have hundreds of extra ballots, they can do whatever they want. The only thing that could hold them back is a moral imperative, which they do not have.

          Do you? why dont you enlighten us?

          I will gladly enlighten you that the US presidential selection system is an obvious, abject fraud at multiple junctures. Voting machines require suspension of disbelief, and so does the vote tallying process. The entire candidate selection process is a ridiculous joke. Oh, yes, lets not forget about the super duper delegates and importance of the popular vote spread across imaginary lines of voting districts. 100% not iffy, I’m sure.

          The whole point of providing the people with a selection of candidates is the crux of the matter. It’s like saying to a child: would you like the carrots or some peas, huh? They could easily grab hold of one choke point and control the entire process through that, but no, they want it all. They want to make the system obvious to the point of it becoming a ridiculous parody. And the gullible will keep flowing in, in droves.

          I think that characterising anyone that doesnt believe the same as you to be insane is going in a direction that is never helpful

          You seem to have a certain aptitude toward putting words in people’s mouths, which in the form of written communication is unwarranted. On the other hand, maybe I should express myself more clearly. When I stated that “their brains ain’t no good” I did not mean that they are insane (a word I avoid using because of illdefined meaning) but that their brains are physically damaged.

          If we are working on the premise that the brain is composed of neuronal pathways and that those connections are then responsible for people’s reactions to outside stimuli, then yes, people who are massively taking part in the selection process are brain damaged. By clear definition that is what it is. I can not call them insane because I do not know what that word means. Its a term of art at best, one that usually brings people to highly emotionally charged states.

          and shows a fundamental lack of understanding of human behaviour

          I do believe I have a very good working understanding of the topic, yes. But I have to go back to the opening of the quoted statement, where you charge me with name calling (with words I have not even used) because people do not believe the same as I do. Pray tell, what do I believe? Which beliefs have a divulged in this comment thread?

          I certainly hope that you can discern between “believing” and “knowing” and that the above was only a case of a writing faux pas. It seems to me, that far too many people can not see the difference between the two. Hence this entire discussion. Hence Story#1 in this week’s installment of NWNW.

    • Mr. Corbett and Whitney Web and others have made a strong logical case that both candidates are puppets and that the financiers backing them are where their loyalties lie. In fact, if that was not the case, they could never “win”.

      Democracy is a tool to hide who really pulls the strings. However, this does not mean that the puppet has zero effect on the psyche of the masses and has no influence on their behavior.

      The idea of monolithic control is false. There are factions within “the elite” who vie for control and within each “elite” entity or organization there are probably people who have different visions and can steer things in a certain direction. The masses of people are who give the elite their power.

  8. We live in a Matrix, this is demonstrated time and time again, everything keeps going in one direction, yet you don’t see how they wanted Trump in. Their ability to manipulate the public is so profound, yet only the most OBVIOUS manipulative tactics are even discussed. If the idea Biden stole the election becomes part of the discussion, that discussion IS part of the manipulation they are going for. They wanted January 6th, it was a set. This epitomizes the old adage, they are playing 3D chess, while we are playing checkers. I’m pretty sure James Corbett is aware of the level of manipulation we are being subjected to though very few seem to comprehend what that level of manipulation means in practice.

    Covid is the touchstone, it showed beyond a shadow of a doubt the absolute control they can exert on the public’s mind, they know us far better than we know ourselves and use that knowledge to manipulate/control us.

    This site is not easy to watch, but it is true nonetheless:

    People only see a scam when it does not match their personal interests. WE saw Biden’s election as a scam because they wanted US to think that was the case, IT WAS OVERTT, ON PURPOSE, that was part of the manipulation. How does their control over the Covid hype differ from their ability to control all aspects of this message as well. If Fox News says the Biden election was stolen, if Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson concur, just like with the danger of the Covid jab, that means this is part of the psyop. The point is not the validity of these statements, it is the reaction to these statements.

    I remember when I first started to hear about the dangers of the vaccines from all the “influencers” on the right. Because many on the right are suspect of something like this “vax” anyway, they quickly accepted this concern, which was the GOAL (The mRNA “vax” is highly contentious even within the medical community, it is not as clear cut as people would believe, one way or the other). I was suspicious, when something is talked about in the media, I look for possible effects of that meme. Then Biden brought in the vaccine mandates, and I got one possible answer: Driving right-wing people out of the governemnt and the military. The consequence of telling “right-wingers” about the dangers of the jab, then forcing them to get vaccine on condition of employment, had the result of an exodus of conservatives from the governemnt of. This is by no means an absolute certainty, but it is a likely answer to my question, as to why.

    The question is not if they wanted Trump in, he is there, that is what they wanted, question is why. To head off James with his possible, ‘why does all that matter response’, it matters because those who are actually able to do something about what is taking place, are often ignorant of the situation, seeing the Matrix is the first step into getting out of it.

    • Thanks for sharing Adam Green’s video. He’s got some interesting material on how some of our psychopathic overlords are using biblical prophesy to sell their narrative.

      Divorcing western civilization from Christianity will be very challenging for many people.

      I found “From Yahweh to Zion, Jealous God, Chosen People” by Laurent Guyénot to be enlightening and IMO should be read by any one who claims to be a Christian. People should read things that challenge their world view, especially if they claim to have an open mind or be a person seeking truth.

      Anyway, I’ll have to watch this. The most infuriating thing about many Christians, particularly Evangelicals is their moronic support of Zionism and brutal genocide against Palestinians (some of whom are Christians). That is not something civilized people do.

      • You are right on the money, but what I have seen to my endless disappointment is people’s ability to see only what they want to see, no amount of truth seems to break them from their delusions.

        We saw it most profoundly with Covid: TV versus reality, TV wins with the masses. TV shows China with people dead in the streets, yet I lived in DC, we did not see anything like this whatsoever. I went to the empty hospitals to see the scam for myself. Time and time again I tried to point this out, I had one woman tell me she would rather have cancer than Covid. I just shook my head.

        Now we see it with the Chump selection. So, four years ago they gave the election to Biden, stole it if you will, I agree with the Trumpanzees there. But nothing has changed, no one went to jail, no election reforms to clean up the system, yet this time, it is a “valid election”, no hanky-panky this time. So, a corrupt system installs Biden and the EXACT SAME corrupt system elects Trump, in a landslide no less…”we voted harder”, did we, I saw very few signs for either candidate this year, many people in my family, myself included did not even vote. Just more wishful thinking by the willfully ignorant masses. A thinking person would perceive that in 2020 the powers that be wanted Biden, and in 2024 the powers that be, not only wanted Trump, but they wanted to give him a mandate, for reasons that will become clear soon enough. The installing Harris as the Dem candidate, the fake assassination attempts, the fake Trump legal troubles, one psyop after another, yet no amount of theatrics will break the spell. MAGA, but as we always see these psychopaths invert everything, freedom of speech bill will do anything but, that is why MAGA is so scary.

        We have a ways to go to get people to actually break out of their conditioning, every system, from “Education”, Democracy and Christianity, you name it, is designed to train humans to look to authority for direction, there is little focus on independent thinking: Diversity of race, not of thinking.

        People will buy into any lie if it supports their delusion. Not as many people want out of the Matrix as we assume.

    • Trump opposes nothing, he is just reading from a script.

      These little PLAYS that are put on are simply to give the illusion of going against the NWO/Wokism, they have absolutely no bearing on anything the Zios are actually going for.

      Climate politics is, as we all know just a scam, so they use it like a pawn on a chess board to fool chump supporters.

      Yeah, MAGA Chump, does not block trade with China, instead he puts tariffs on everything, so it is like an additional tax on Americans, AND it taxes fair trading partners like Europe.

      Just saying, he is fake, everything he does, everything he says, all scripted. They do the exact same thing with Hollywood celebrities, everything is controlled, so they certainly are doing it with Chump, the man they plan on bring America down with.

  9. I would wager that if a poll was held with the American general public asking the following question:

    What would you prefer to buy:

    1. Food with glyphosate that looks great?
    2. Food without glyphosate that shows all kinds of defects?

    most Americans would vote for number 1.

    • Hah! That is funny, because there is truth in it. I don’t know if most Americans would still go that route, but still too many. Maybe if you gave them a chemistry and biology lesson, you could enlighten some.

    • @Fawlty Towers

      While you may be correct about your hypothetical results of the hypothetical poll it is worth noting that great quality produce can be grown without synthetic chemicals and also in most cases “defects” is a subjective term when it comes to produce.

      My parents had an apple orchard (in the okanagan of bc) and they were brainwashed by the corporate chemical company PR (that had operatives pushing lies in the conferences and workshops they attended as young and new farmers interested in learning from “industry experts”) so they sprayed the glyphosate for weed control. The soil on their farm was exceptional quality (both in tilth and OM content) and in the areas that they did not spray I saw amazing results with my gardening. Even in the sprayed acres, they had huge apples they would grow that had a superficial defect called “russeting” on the skin around the stem (a genetic predisposition of the variety). It did not effect the flavor one bit, but the apple grading facilities rejected tens of thousands of pounds as culls, so my parents ripped out the entire block of apple trees and grew romas and watermelons instead. On the last couple years I was living there I managed to encourage them to refrain from using chemical herbicides, pesticides or fungicides and just feed the soil life, and provide organic nutrients (in the form of liquid kelp in that case) and the results were fantastic. They produced over 20 thousand pounds of grade A Roma tomatoes and tons of watermelons on that section of the farm and people loved them at the farmer’s market. The neighbors that used chemical fertilizer and pesticides etc came over at one point and were flabbergasted by how we grew so much market quality produce during seasons where they were seeing 60-80% blossom end rot (a calcium deficiency blemish that renders the tomatoes unmarketable) and blight on their crops. The answer was that for once my parents were not fighting nature but rather were aligning with the soil life to let the plants achieve their true potential.

      The idea that we need to spray chemicals in order to get good quality produce is a myth perpetuated by the same people that stand to profit from chemicals and mono-culture farming systems/equipment.

  10. It is so pathetic how people only see the problems of the system when the corruption does not work in their favor.

    They over played Biden numbers to put it in your face, to create January 6th, to drive that meme/psyop. Just like they installed Trump in 2016 and installing republican Senate and House now. If Biden did steal it, where is the accountability, the consequences, just one psyop after another. Idiot America does not care as long as they think they are winning…Trump was installed to bring America down, that is most likely the case.

    We live under ZOG, regardless of who they install into office. The fact that they are giving him the House and Senate too, says they have big plans coming.

    This will play out much like it did in Germany post Weimar, you can bet we will see some kind of SS security force, maybe that will be created from DHS, but you can bet that is coming soon.

  11. Thanks James Corbett, you are right on the mark.

    so many others think, “the game works better”, when you think the win serves your interests.

    We see today a story about how the “FBI foiled a Iranian plan to assassinate Trump”, a comment full of BS, but you can see they are starting to make it personal, giving Zio-Don the justification to attack Iran.

    You can bet we may see some choice false flags blamed on Iran, and all those “awakening” truth seekers will buy right into it. Harris would have given us 4 more years of slow steady decline, but they installed Trump, which means the end is near.

    It took me a couple days to see the play here, the psychological manipulation at play, but it is truly amazing how history does repeat itself and how human perception of events is predominately influenced by how they perceive that event as beneficial to their interests. That is to say, they don’t care about the crime, no matter the severity, if they perceive that criminal behavior benefits them. I don’t exactly know how, but I do know that type of thinking always leads to ruin, that criminal behavior always comes around to you one day…and that is what ZOG knows all too well.

  12. They control so much of the world, and install Presidents based simply on the narrative they want supported.
    Each imaginary side, Dems and Republicans has a created strength and weakness:

    They installed Reagan to have an arms race with CCCP, and “win”…The Perestroika Deception, lipstick on a pig.

    They installed Clinton for NAFTA and “Free Trade” with China, because “Democrats protect unions”.

    Installed George Bush Jr for the 9/11 scam and the war on Iraq/Afghanistan.

    Installed Obama “Mr. Constitutional Law Professor”, to enshrine the rights stolen by the “Patriot Act, enact Obama Care, and Bail out the banks, while holding no bankers accountable.

    Installed Trump to divide and distract America, lock down the country, do WARP SPEED, create record debt, do nothing while cities burned, tax cuts for billionaires, all simultaneously down playing the severity of Covid (I think Covid was just the flu)-talk about doublespeak. His actions were all about over reacting to the scam, but his words played it down. Gave billions to multinationals and BlackRock, while letting Ameren small businesses fail.

    Installed Biden to make America look weak and feeble, opened the borders even more, even flying them in, then forcing vax after saying he wouldn’t. While media ignored open borders during Trump, they highlighted it under Biden. They use their media to push their BS narrative. Americans always fall for the real scams.

    Now they install Trump, and they have big plans for that POS this time. All his idiot supporters will have to go on full denial mode as their lord and savior backtracks on every campaign promise, like in 2016, and again we will here “make America great again”, when his focus was and is always on Israel.

    But here is the point, these powers that be never stop working behind the scenes, moving the world towards a NWO centered in Israel. They pick Presidents around what goals they have. You can already see how Biden’s Presidency was used to cover the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians, now that Trump won, they will wind down that unspeakably evil genocide and say it was Trump who brought peace to the Middle East.

    I know it is hard to imagine one focused group is behind the vast theater that is the world stage, but from Hollywood to the White House, Wall Street to Big Pharma, now and for millennia, there are obvious strings that bind world events and leaders, scenarios that keep playing out again and again, always making us weaker and them stronger. It is likely, with 2030 right around the corner, they have big plans for the current traitor in chief, especially with his “MAGA” moniker, they ALWASY INVERT REALITY.

  13. RE:
    Interview 1911 – Glyphosate Levels Dropping in Oat-based Products (NWNW #571)

    While Broc West was busy with the new arrival to his family, I thought that James Corbett did a great job of editing and visuals.

    The humor in this episode was a lot of fun! At times, I was slapping my knee and laughing.
    As James Evans Pilato was reading the script (0:54) ”…The victory validates his bare-knuckles approach to politics. He attacked his Democratic rival…”, Corbett threw in some classic Trump clips like the wrestling drama.

    “Peanut the squirrel” is mentioned around the 5 minute mark.
    Evidently, the Daddy of Peanut and his wife also have an OnlyFans account. His bio on the site, featuring a photo of Longo in tight red boxer briefs with his hand hovering close to his own clutch of nuts, bills him as “Peanut’s dad, VERY kinky player.” -VanityFair

    Corbett gives his “Voting Harder” rant, then hits the punch line: “But I won’t say any of that.”
    Then Corbett strips while dancing Musks enter the sparkling “Team Trump” fray…and “Remember to Subscribe” repeats…and repeats… …and later again repeats….
    ——-On that point…
    As I’ve said before, I take issue with some of the folks in the Alternative Media.
    …two of the commentators (believed to be Tim Pool and Benny Johnson) signed contracts which paid Pool $100,000 per podcast, while Johnson was paid $400,000 per month plus a $100,000 signing bonus for “four weekly videos.”

    There is no doubt in my mind that the PRIMARY MOTIVATION of some of the folks in the Alternative Media is not altruistic, but for $$$ and popularity.
    For example, this ONE VIDEO by Clayton & Natali Morris of Redacted probably made them well over $10,000, while many viewers got royally screwed.

    9:25 minute mark
    James Evan Pilato asks,
    “James, the other thing I was going to ask you before I initially threw it back to you was, did our election get more coverage than Shohei Ohtani winning the World Series recently?”
    The 120th Major League Baseball World Series concluded on Wednesday Oct. 30, 2024. The Los Angeles Dodgers beat the New York Yankees 7-6 in Game 5 to win the World Series four games to one. Rowdy crowds took to the streets in Los Angeles after the Dodgers won the World Series, setting a city bus on fire, breaking into stores and….
    The SuperStars…
    Shohei Ohtani and his beloved dog Decoy (known as Dekopin in Japanese)

  14. Thomas Massey – “Food Freedom Initiatives”
    Something that you will want to WATCH…

    9:04 minute mark of NWNW #571
    James Evan Pilato says:
    Thomas Massey, maybe as the Secretary of Agriculture. …I’m looking for the bright lining moments.”

    Massey asks,
    ”What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?”
    ANSWER: ”Six months”

    For a Congressional House Representative, Thomas Massey embodies many qualities of an Anarchist.
    There is a tremendous amount of humor in this Thomas Massey presentation.
    He brings up some very profound things of which I was completely unaware.
    For example: ”They’re funding transgenic edible plant vaccines…” – Over 10years ago – ”They had a vaccine they were growing in corn to stop diarrhea in Hogs…it escaped into another field of soybeans….”
    Massey offers some excellent SOLUTIONS type ideas in his presentation.

    Published Thursday Nov 7 – ‘Weston A. Price Foundation’ YouTube Channel
    Thomas Massie at Wise Traditions 2024
    Representative Thomas Massie presented the keynote on “Food Freedom Initiatives in Congress” on October 26 at our annual Wise Traditions conference held in Orlando, Florida. He also received the President’s Award from Sally Fallon Morell.

    • Sept 10, 2024
      Rep. Massie RIPS Gov’t Spending — BEST SPEECH of the Year in Congress
      Rep. Thomas Massie calls out both Democrats and Republicans in Congress for their unwillingness to take government spending and the out of control federal debt seriously.
      He highlights how EVERYTHING done by Congress is theatrical and for show while the massive federal spending machine continues down its path of destruction without any care for the ruin they are causing America. This speech took place at a House Rules Committee hearing on September 9, 2024.

    • @HRS

      Thanks for that 🙂

      I have not looked into Wise Traditions that much yet but I have had several people recommend it to me at local preserving, horticultural and seed saving events where I have done presentations.

      The impression I got from them is that there is a lot of information they were getting from Wise Traditions that indicates the health benefits of a predominantly meat based diet which looks upon seeds/grains as inherently problematic for human health. Based on what those people were telling me and the impression I got from that info, were they giving me a skewed perception of the organization and the perspectives/info it shares? In other words, based on what you know of Wise Traditions, are they into promoting a predominantly meat based diet and do they tell people that seed/grain based foods are inherently “bad” for your health?

      Thanks for the comments with helpful quotes and links.

      • To answer your query about “Wise Traditions”, go to the ‘Weston A. Price Foundation’ YouTube Channel (above link) and see previous events, but also go the ‘Weston A. Price Foundation’ website which is linked at the Channel.

        • @HRS

          Thanks for the suggestion, at this point I was more interested in your personal opinion on that then doing a deep dive into their material, but I will add that to my research list for the future.


    • Thomas Massie gives a tour around his place. It is impressive. And it is not hooked up to the system.
      The trees and rocks from his place were used to build a large house.

      MiniDocumentary – Sept 28, 2018
      Off the Grid with Thomas Massie
      Off the Grid with Thomas Massie is an intimate look at a congressman’s quest for a self-sustainable life on his farm in eastern Kentucky.
      “My philosophy is live and let live: You don’t worry about what somebody’s doing in their holler, as long as they don’t worry about what you’re doing in your holler.”

  15. So I look forward to 4 years from now hearing how nothing had changed, meet the new boss same as the old one etc etc.. And normally, when the deep state is hitting on all 8 cylinders I would bet money that you are right. But if that is so THIS time, why have the leaders of the one side, in this instance the left lost their collective minds? Weren’t we, in all due haste, heading for an era where all shows like this Corbet Report would be shut down by the Ministries of Truth? Has that totalitarian nightmare not been slowed down even one tiny bit by the Trump win? Did the WEF, WHO, UN, NATO Bilderberg, hereafter known as the “global elite” not care who won on any level? Was my voting for Trump just a complete waste of time? Waste of gasoline? Was it a fools errand? We all should have stayed home is the message I hear from you, because of what? That we were complete fools for blindly believing in the current system? That it is all a fraud? That it doesn’t matter one bit if Harris won or Trump won?
    OK, I admit I don’t have a lot of confidence that Trump will be able to make much change, and that is because the board game is so heavily rigged against that, but there is always this: at least one reason I did vote was because I couldn’t stand the thought of having to hear Harris’s cackle or her fake accents for possibly 8 long years! And of course you may be right on this, but I hope you are wrong in this instance. 4 years from now I would rather be a disgruntled voter than knowing I didn’t lift a finger. After all, Democracy is truly the worst system ever, except for all the rest. If there is a better one I want to learn all about it!

  16. Fluoride and the Election

    Following Judge Chen’s ruling, the media coverage on Fluoride was sparse and wishy-washy.

    I’m kind of laughing at the MainStream Media because they are clumsy with REAL science, and that they took the bait…

    On Saturday November 2nd, almost like a Hail Mary pass in football, Robert F Kennedy, Jr. tweets about Fluoride. Remember, the election is only a few days away on Nov 5th.
    The Tweet said
    On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease.
    President @realDonaldTrump
    and First Lady @MELANIATRUMP
    want to Make America Healthy Again. @michaelpconnett
    Today, the Tweet has 23.9 million views.

    The Tweet linked to the Highwire Video of October 31, 2024 where Attorney Michael Connett is interviewed by Jefferey Jaxen.

    The Media blew up on Saturday Nov 2nd!
    I remember shortly after the Tweet and then watching the Fluoride stories come out every few hours by different outlets.
    It is still ongoing. Countless stories. I check every day for new News Stories. I just now checked again…and then wrote this comment.

    As Corbett Report Members know, on Tuesday September 24, Judge Edward Chen came out with his ruling.
    Document (80 pages) – Verbatim Heading at Judge Chen’s Court…
    “Case No. 17-cv-02162-EMC – FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW – Signed by Judge Edward M. Chen on 9/24/2024”
    Go to page 79 “Conclusions of Law.”
    It is very clear. Seven years of experts on both sides of the issue in Federal Court, and at last the Judge ruled on Sept 24.
    The debate is over. To fluoridate drinking water is an unreasonable health risk. It is NOT SAFE.

    Evidently, the MainStreamMedia does not understand the meanings of “FINDINGS OF FACT” or “CONCLUSIONS OF LAW.”
    Evidently, they do not understand the definition of “PROVEN.”
    It has been proven in court that water fluoridation levels are not safe, but decades of propaganda have touted fluoridation as “safe and effective.”
    Per the Federal Judge’s own words, it is now…
    “PROVEN” “that water fluoridation at the level of 0.7 mg/L” “presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment”.

  17. Re: the US selection, it’s seemed to me since Bibi and his ilk started razing Gaza and expanding war fronts elsewhere in the Middle East that the powers that be have wanted a US president who’s most supportive of that agenda. Not that both major parties aren’t supportive of Israel, but Trump is more openly so, and optics matter in war. The evangelical crowd that (mysteriously) supports Trump will back funding Israel’s genocidal assaults on humanity with enthusiasm.

    Re: glyphosate, good news on declining levels of it in oats, but it’s just one of many existing and future highly toxic “-icides” in the food supply. Definitely best to eat organic. I follow a couple of anti-GMO pages, and the number of chemical residues they report on non-organic food is astounding.

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