September Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

by | Sep 1, 2024 | Articles | 327 comments

Hey guys! Guess what? I’m back!

That’s right, after a very productive August working on some projects behind the scenes, I’m back and ready to start releasing videos, podcasts and articles as usual. Expect to see the continuation of #SolutionsWatch, New World Next Week, the subscriber editorial, The Corbett Report podcast and all the regular series you’ve come to know and love from The Corbett Report in the coming days and weeks.

In the meantime, it’s the first day of September, so let’s start the September Open Thread. You know how it works by now: Corbett Report members are invited to log in to the site and leave your thoughts / dreams / questions / aspirations / tips / ideas / recipes / whatever in the comments below. And remember: this discussion is what you make it!

Members can also log in to to watch this month’s Subscriber Video. Since that “voting” thing seems to be so popular, this month I’m holding one of my own! Corbett Report members can vote on which one of my draft reports you want to see fleshed out into a full-length Corbett Report episode!

As usual, please do NOT subscribe to The Corbett Report for the Subscriber Exclusive Video, which contains no original research or vital, must-know information.

Please DO subscribe to The Corbett Report if you want to keep this independent media going and/or if you’d like to join in the open thread discussion.

If you’re not a member, you can sign up today and join the conversation.

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  1. Hi James,

    I pick this “The Brain is the Next Battlespace”, though I’m a little unsure as to your proposed context. Are you talking about the physical brain and what some of the loons want to plug into it or are you referring to the mind and how our individual and collective consciousness is almost completely enslaved and directed by the ideas of others?
    I find the latter very interesting especially vis-a-vis the proposed collapsing wavefront theory over the last few years and how our conscious plays into it. To me it seems like the most plausible explanation for the state of the world right now. After all if we (collectively) wanted a better world then I suspect we would already have it. This of course has it’s analogues in various spiritual traditions over the eons, so maybe modern humanity is just starting to catch up.


    • > After all if we (collectively) wanted a better world then I suspect we would already have it.

      You can bet the family farm on this being the case.

    • The Brain is the next Battlespace is my vote top.

      • The brain is the next battlespace

    • The Brain is the next battle space.

    • 1st choice: The Strange Story of Peter Thiel
      2nd choice: Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic
      Thank you James!

      • Welcome back James,
        Brain Battlespace

        • Peter Thiel deep dive similar to the Bill Gates documentary would be great.

      • 1st choice for me is: crashes of convenience: the titanic
        2nd choice: the strange story of Peter Thiel

      • Know your history The FLQ crisis would be interesting as I know nothing about this.

    • The still voice within has been infiltrated
      You can no longer trust your intuition
      Insidious campaigns have reached fruition
      Your inner sanctum has been abrogated.

      You want to know the author of this treason.
      If you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust?
      Your logic after all remains robust,
      Assuming you have free will yet, and reason.

      You’re right – the world around you has gone mad
      Your judgment about friends is still reliable
      So seek the people who seem sane and true
      (They’ll be mutually grateful to know you.)
      Together, mourn the friends that you once had —
      A community of truth, you’ll find, is viable.

    • I vote for “Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat”

      • The Brain is the Next Battlespace

        And please collaborate with or at least incorporate the work of Dr David Nixon or another microscopist who has been analyzing live blood samples, along with his direct observations of the contents of various pharmaceutical products, as well as the residue of what falls from the skies every day in the form of dust or rain. We need more than overviews of research papers and historical documents. We need direct evidence of what’s in the products we use, the air we breathe, the rain which falls on even “organic” crops, and we also must see the evidence of these contaminants in the blood of living humans, *especially* in the blood of those of us who resisted the MAGAjab or whatever “vaccine” a particular region was pressured to take.

    • Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat”


    • All the topics seem really great, but if I had to choose one: The Brain is the Next Battlespace.

    • Great to have you back!

      Crashes of Convenience

      You were missed 😊

    • I find paul823’s latter very interesting too, i.e., “the mind and how our individual and collective consciousness is almost completely enslaved and directed by the ideas of others?”

      I think each person is getting to a point of saying, “No more of this B.S.” Technology in the wrong hands is dangerous to humanity. Farming in the wrong hands is also dangerous to human life. Seems to me that everything in the wrong hands is detrimental to life itself. How do we change that? Our younger generation being home-schooled? Our adults being un-brainwashed or being shown what they need to un-learn? Meaning, getting rid of the programmed triggers that set us off before thinking about a situation?

      Lots of great questions on this topic. I wonder if we are on a brink of becoming New Humans, i.e., evolving our awareness to see the world through different eyes.

    • Am I the only one voting for the FLQ crisis? It would be very timely for we Canucks but any of your chosen topics will be interesting and enlightening. Thanks, James!

    • The most timely and important for me would be The Strange Story of Peter Thiel. But whatever story you do, I’ll be tuning in to be sure! Thanks for all you do James.

    • The Brain is the Next Battlespace.

    • The Brain is the next battle space, hands down.

    • Hi James, it’s great to see you again.
      I’m voting for:
      1) Know your history. The FLQ crisis
      2) Crashes of convenience
      3) Israel’s „selections” interference

      Thank you so much for your amazing work 🙂

      • I would like to mirror Kate’s number 1 choice regarding the FLQ Crisis

    • The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

    • Anything on GANDHI is important. India has now surpassed China as the World’s most
      populated country at 1.4 1/2 Billion Humans. China will never catch up since one child policy.

    • I am for “Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic”
      And please restore FLNWO series, it was great.

      • We, as “the pelican” vote for the Titanic episode and have been curious about this crash for a long time. The Hollywood movie is a bit sketchy, and we would love more info about the REAL story! Thanks for all of your information on your programs. We do hope more and more citizens are waking up to what is really going on in the world, and how we citizens are being brainwashed and controlled daily by the media and a lot of the internet sites.

      • 2-D votes for “Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic”

        “Or was it?”, indeed, Mr. Corbett. Back to the Star Line and sister ships, please.

        The best part of this vote is that every candidate is worthy.

    • Crashes of convenience. Titanic is my vote

  2. The strange story of Peter Thiel.

  3. Great to see you again. I vote for Know Your History: The FLQ Crisis

  4. I like what paul823 has to say. I also would be quite interested in a dive into crashes of convenience.

    • Also… I have a friend who has TRIED to grow fruits/veggies in his backyard. But, after waging war to keep it from being eaten … finally gave up. He says he tried netting and all kinds of stuff… and it was just impossible. Maybe you could have Gavin on to talk about how to handle that.

      He lives near the beach so the soil may be somewhat sandy. He does have sun in his backyard… and shade around the perimeter.

  5. Welcome back you were missed. The Brain since the governments are so interested in our brains and how they function.

    • Yes, my vote for FLNWO on Gandhi as well please.

  6. “The Strange Story of Peter Thiel” would be timely in light of the upcoming clown selection show in the US. Whitney Webb did an excellent dive on Peter Thiel and his swamp creature protege, J.D. Vance: Why not interview Whitney on the episode? Thanks for all your excellent insights, James. Blessings, Tom Compton

    • Tom,

      Taking this one step further, I am looking at avenues that are suggesting “using” the Trump/Vane/Thiel juggernaut to hopefully bring about change within American politics.

      Personally, I think that the two party system is broken beyond repair, as well, but I also understand that the Thiel connection could very well be the “Solution” in the Hegelian Dialectic being foisted upon us.

      Therefore, James interviewing someone like Pete Quinones (he is one wanting to “play” the system) would be very enlightening. I see this as a dead end, but could there be an veracity within such a strategy?

      I see Thiel as the guy (among a huge number of tech bros) who will bring in digital surveillance and digital money (Paypal Mafia).

      Webb’s information is extremely valuable.

      • rbuse

        i would like to see the two of them argue over that.

        I think that its more a case of holding onto the train thats heading towards where you want to go then ‘using’ those guys…. you cant steer something that out powers you a thousand fold.

      • I vote for an episode about Peter Thiel, although these are all very interesting and timely suggestions.

    • I agree with tomcom, a deep dive on Peter Thiel would be timely before the latest selection cycle. And another thought I have, (not on the list), what will be the September event, followed up with the October surprise that always seems to be rolled out in selection cycles.

  7. So, James didn’t get washed away by the storm. Good.

    I vote (while feeling dirty as hell) for Gandhi.

  8. Here’s my vote (including 2nd and 3rd choices for proportional representation….)

    1. The Brain is the Next Battlespace
    2. Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic
    3. Ghandi

    • I’ll vote Ghandi. Anything for more FLNWO

  9. All of these topics sounds very interesting, but for me at the moment “The Strange Story of Peter Thiel” and “The Brain is the Next Battle space”. can’t decide between this two topics

  10. Welcome back James. I vote for the the strange story of Peter Thiel or indeed crashes of convenience.

  11. As Paul823 mentioned. I am not sure of what part in vast subject of the idea of Brain is the next battlefield you wish to address. For me personally the control of thought, ideas, accepted values etc is the fundamental war. How has the power of today convinced, forced, manipulated the population to in a myriads of ways to harm, kill and destroy life to live. To cause normal lives to be lead in perpetual stress and unease generated by money, health and fear/war/conflict/division issues raises by media in general.
    I watch planes fly over head leaving trails of dispersing substances that cause the day to be lived in a white gloom. The view from the mountain top is short as the air is becoming saturated by particles. I stood on Carin nan Gabhar in 1980 and looked as far as could be seen. Two days ago I stood on Sgurr Alasdair and watch the planes spray out effluent and by afternoon the Hebrides had disappeared in gloom and sun was white and set in dull haze. So obviously not a sea har/mist it is baffling that the culprits and actions of this mass air/water/land pollution/poisoning goes on continually in total media silence. Not a supposed environmentalist or minister in positions of authority has ought to say apparently.
    The battle is never over and I live less stressed by the insanity of mans actions now. But it causes me sadness to witness the growing silence of the land as insects so now birds cease to buzz and sing on my walks.

  12. The Strange Story of Peter Theil, gets my vote as we are so close to the US presidential election it is important to know as much about those who are likely to play a role in any potential Trump government… cheers James you do an awesome job thanks to Brock to..

  13. What is still/currently the biggest crime in need of sorting?
    While guys seems to look for the entertainment, why not to stick to the reality and the current times of terror?

    … hmm, what would he select?

  14. Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat

  15. I’ve already been down the Titanic rabbit hole. It’s fascinating but not conclusive.
    What interests me are demographics. One of my good friends and I agree that the human race will end when people quit reproducing.
    James Corbett lives in Japan. I’m sure he knows about the demographic crisis there.
    A Libertarian was saying the other day, “Well, at least the government can’t force us to have sex.” Don’t bet on it.
    What does any of this talk matter if humans lose faith in the future?
    What if the whole human race goes Hikikimori?

    • I’m no expert (on anything) but based on a documentary on Hikikimori that I watched some time ago, there was one very strong correlation between all the cases the documentary covered:

      all afflicted by Hikikimori had food delivered to their door by idiotic parents.

      Cut the food line and you can be sure the vast majority of the afflicted will cut that shit out before next day evening. The good old “let me shove my foot up your ass” approach. Pardon my French.

        • I have explicitly stated that my point of view is based on the documentary that clearly showed parents (or people who looked like parents) delivering ready made meals to the door of their downtrodden offspring, who was otherwise engaged in mind bending gaming sessions or porn galore extravaganza.

          Only to further drive the point down, Amazon/Whole foods require payment. And there is likely going to be some food preparation involved. These recluses are likely incapable of toasting some bread. There’s that.

          No, I do not have children, but I do have close experience with familial situations where people are spoiled like there is no tomorrow and situations where people get a boot up the ass. The latter, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, get the better deal after getting their shit together.

          Someone who’s been a recluse in a family home/apartment for 20 years, devoid of any resemblance of responsibility, has started this 20 year long binge by shutting in for that one first day. A responsible parent or care taker would check in on them to verify whether they are ill. If not, they can cut them some slack, two days max, after which they would be perfectly justified in kicking their ass and forcing them into the world, with or without pants, their choice.

          A responsible parent fostering a recluse for 20 years should ask themselves one question: what the hell is this moronic progeny of mine going to do when I am dead? But they don’t, because they are liars and cowards. If they weren’t, they would not have fostered a recluse for 20 years because they likely care more about what moronic neighbors are going to say than they care about their children.

          • Well said, Mr. Mike! If not allowed to hit rock bottom they will not amend.

            If he will not work, neither should he eat. #ProdicalSon

          • mkey, The documentary refers only to children and teenagers. Hikikomori is a social condition of people of all ages.
            Hikikomori isn’t about child-rearing. It is a mental choice to avoid people and society.
            One documentary about teenagers playing video games in their room is not Hikikomori.
            What you describe is game addiction.
            My comment was about young men and women avoiding social contact and, hence, not reproducing.
            I don’t give a damn what teenagers do.

            • I explicitely limited my scope to the documentary I am referencing that was showing adult age males. One can not shutin for 20 years and not reach adult age. It is not possible.

              Are you saying that if a shutin is also a gamer, that is not relevant somehow?

              As I stated, some of them were playing games, others were just watching TV. I distinctly remember one adult age fella lying down amidst a pile of trash. He was just resting.

              ALL of them had idiot parents bringing ready to consume meals to their door. The parent very likely worked a job, picked up a paycheck, purchased the food, prepared a meal, and brought the meal to the door. And hoped it will be to their highness liking.

              > I don’t give a damn what teenagers do.

              That comes of as very strange from someone who only moments before brought into question parental status of others. Because only a parent can understand, lol. Not your A game this time around, Timmy.

              • mkey, Your comment had nothing to do with human procreation which is what my first comment was about.
                As for your off topic comments;
                If you aren’t a parent, I suggest that you don’t comment on parenting.

              • I suggest that you keep your suggestions to yourself.

                Your comment mentioned several topics, I commented on one of them. If you have a problem with that, I have the worlds smallest violin right here, perfectly tuned and ready.

        • 1.The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

          2.The Brain is the Next Battle space

  16. Initially wanted to vote on who was interfering with my vote, but it got interfered.. Something got into my mind and made me vote for the brain topic 😛

    • I vote for Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic!

      • Maybe he could combine the Titanic story and the brain/consciousness story in one?

        Check out the book Futility: or, the Wreck of the Titan, written by Morgan Robertson and first published in 1898—14 years before the sinking of the Titanic, and 11 years before construction began. 🙂

        The universe/mind is way more interesting than they want us to discover.

        • Interesting. Thanks. Reminds me of doc i saw a few years ago. British dude walking us thru the wreckage for an insurance scheme. About an hour long.

          Same banksters. Same politicrats. Same WW1 trying to gin up. Thot the premise of an insurance fraud would fit nicely into Mr. Corbett’s study of WW1 and the Fed Reserve. Hat-n-glove.

  17. Just as a note, I recently watched ‘A Night to Remember’ which was an older movie on the Titanic. It was an interesting watch because that filmed focused on all the things that were have deemed to have gone wrong rather than some love story. What I found interesting is that the ship didn’t crack in half in that movie. If I recall correctly, it wasn’t discovered that the Titanic cracked in half until we had the technology for deep sea filming. I began contemplating why they didn’t know this considering hundreds of eye witnesses. But then again, it was the middle of the night, and I believe the lights of the ship had gone out. People would’ve probably only heard a loud sound, which is probably why, in the movie, a smokestack topples. A lot of what’s in the movie does seem highly plausible, so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    As far as this voting thing, my order of preference is 351426

    • That was a great film. Thanks for the remind. Another good one was Little Debbie Reynolds in The Unsinkable Molly Brown. She sure was cute.

      Thot Barb Stanwyck did one too. Seems like her style. Will have a rummage.

  18. I’m voting for the brain battlespace though I imagine any of the choices will result in a fascinating episode!

  19. The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

    Having said that, I do look forward to Gandhi and The Titanic sometime. Thank you.

  20. G’day James, I hope you had time to dip your feet into the North Pacific Ocean.

    “The Brain is the Next Battlefield.” Our minds have always been the battlefield of good & evil. The WORD (bible) is the apple on the tree of good & evil. As an avid reader, I find it fascinating that things happening today get mentioned in an old book, e.g., the Mark of the Beast, the nature of humans, and how we get led into conflicts by great men and sometimes women.

    After forty years, I found the name Jesus is wrong as YHWH (God) told the Ibri (Hebrew) parents to call His/their Son YAHAWASHI, meaning “Salvation” (TheTribeOfJudaTeach There was no English letter j until the 1300s; the Greek line of thinking (racism) led us astray. The most recent Ibri translation is called “Halleluyah Scriptures.” It’s accessible to the not-so-rich for free.

    I have no religious affiliation (Latin Medieval). I keep watch and am ready to head for the hills.

    Nothing happens by accident.

    Cheers, Rhett

    • Rhett

      You sound like the kind of guy who would appreciate “The Hidden Life is Best” podcast about the Baconian theory and stuff francis bacon got up to.

  21. The Brain is the Next Battlespace

    Episodes on Peter Thiel and Gandhi would also ne interesting

  22. FLQ Crisis…something I had not heard of until today. Now I’m off to my political den to see how many new memberships I need to create to inject votes and comments to throw the election my way.

  23. I vote for investigating Peter Thiel

  24. Welcome back James! In your absence we’ve been experiencing a drought of honest and hard hitting reports. I vote for Crashes of convenience, although I am looking forward to the others also.

    • Gandhi please.
      Then Kier Starmer: just a WEF stooge or psychopath?
      Hope you enjoyed your break and had some fun with your family.
      Thank you for all your hard work.
      Julie Brady

      • “…Kier Starmer: just a WEF stooge or psychopath?…”

        Why not both ?
        Lol 🙂

      • We’d like the Titanic please – (For Brock, whose work is an amazing complement to James’ research)

        Failing that, another vote for

        “Kier Sturmführer: WEF stooge and fascist psychopath or pedo puppet?”

  25. I guess the brain, just how far are they along? Hacking the genome and brain link? Still cant find that geek who mentioned it on a Ted Talk. He was gleeful not wary, very scary!

    • Anth

      IQ is about 50 to 70 % heritable so hacking the link is as simple as picking a smart wife….I think I heard Bill Gates only wanted to date girls with perfect SAT scores.

      Like AI only has to compete with increasingly stupid people the elites just need to keep their own IQ high and make everyone elses drop down

      The IQ in the western world is steadily going down from what I have read- the Flynn effect masked the drop for a while by training people to do better on tests but the genetic markers for high IQ appear to be in decline. Add in the importation of a new under class of low education folks from low IQ parts of the world and the elites just need to maintain ‘normal’ to stay on top.

  26. My vote is for the October crisis in Canada. As an American, I know little about it and I’m sure none of the facts. Whatever has changed Canadians and Americans to the mindless followers that we are now is what I’m searching for

  27. Hello James –
    I missed you and your reports – so glad you are back!

    My vote is for Gandhi (with Crashes of Convenience and Peter Thiel as close 2nd & 3rd).
    Be well! Many thanks!

  28. Hello James! It’s nice to see you again.
    This is my voting on your proposed list:

    -/ The Strange Story of Peter Thiel – 2
    -/ The Brain is the Next Battlespace – 4
    -/ FLNWO on Gandhi – 3
    -/ Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic – 6
    -/ Know Your History: The FLQ Crisis – 5
    -/ Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat” – 1
    Thank you very much for all the work you are doing.

  29. All the topics are interesting, but this one might best be done first: The Brain is the Next Battlespace

  30. I’ll vote for “The Strange Story of Peter Thiel”.

  31. Israel is the Greatest (S)election Interference Threat would be my preference. Thank you James and welcome back!

  32. The Brain is the Next Battlespace is my vote.

    From fluoride in the water supply, mercury & aluminum in vaccines, glyphosate in the food supply, to brain chips replacing cell phones all dumbing us down in Star Trek Borg Drone-like Orwellian fashion… this topic is something extraordinary IMO to shine a bright spotlight upon.

  33. Very Blue skies!…and lush green foliage!

    My vote:
    The Brain is the Next Battlespace

    Other party candidates in preference order…
    2 — The Strange Story of Peter Thiel
    3 — Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic
    …but all six topics intrigue me. I am curious about them all.

    I miss FLNWO.
    I feel that films create a cultural meme and social narrative. Films utilize many elements in order to ‘tell a story’ with impact.
    1995 film Johnny Mnemonic starring Keanu Reeves as a courier with data implanted in his brain.
    I was amazed at the predictive aspect of technology and applications which we now see.

    “Crashes of Convenience” always wet my interest. The Titanic is a big one.
    I think that there are more “Crashes of Convenience” out there than we generally know, because they are difficult to prove.
    I am personally convinced that Aubrey McClendon was conveniently crashed.
    “Could other multi-millionaires easily pull it off?” …Oh yea.

    Aubrey McClendon was an internationally famous, influential and very rich oil man in Oklahoma City.
    I remember the day…Watched the news reports an hour after it happened…
    Circa 2016- He was indicted by a Grand Jury for manipulating prices and land purchases, but less than 24 hours later he had “a fiery accident” in his modern computerized vehicle which burnt that wreck to a crisp.
    It was a route that he often drove in the morning.
    No real braking, but at high speed shifting to the left of his right lane to smash full speed into a concrete bridge support on the left bank.
    His friends and family said on facebook posts that he would never commit suicide.
    One of his business partners, Tom Ward, was smiling during an interview after the crash…well, yea…dead men cannot testify who their co-conspirators were.

    • HRS

      IIRC the guy who wrote Johnny Mnemonic was the one who started the whole ‘cyber punk’ book genre and I saw him (he looks like nosferatu or something these days) on a talk saying that one year he was on the train in the UK and realized that everyone was looking at their phone and cyberspace was everywhere now.

      I liked that movie…. i thought it was real funny when someone I know got the ‘Cyberpunk’ video game and it had K Reeves in there as “johnny silver hand”….. he did not like when I said I liked his ‘retro game’ , lol.

    • “The Brain is the Next Battlespace”
      RELATING to
      1995 film Johnny Mnemonic starring Keanu Reeves as a courier with data implanted in his brain.

      April 17, 2021 article – RF Safe’s founder, John Coates
      Analyzing the Technological Predictions of the 1995 Film Johnny Mnemonic in the Context of 2021

      …in relation to the state of technology in 2021. We analyze the film’s portrayal of bioweapons, brain implants, and the control of information by corporations, assessing the extent to which these advancements materialized in reality.

      “Johnny Mnemonic” made several other predictions about the year 2021, some of which are as follows:

      Neuralink is indeed a significant development in the realm of brain-computer interfaces, and it’s worth mentioning in the context of “Johnny Mnemonic.” The film’s portrayal of neural implants closely aligns with the goals and technology behind Neuralink…

      1) Global Pandemics: In the film, a pandemic called “Nerve Attenuation Syndrome” (NAS), or “the Black Shakes,” affects a significant portion of the population, causing neurological disorders and severe physical symptoms…
      2) Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): The film showcased advanced VR and AR technologies that allowed users to interact with digital environments and objects…
      3) The Internet as a Necessity: The movie’s setting is a future where the internet is ubiquitous and an essential part of people’s lives…
      4) Cybersecurity and Hacking: “Johnny Mnemonic” portrayed a world where hacking and cyber warfare were significant threats to personal and corporate security…
      5) Advanced Prosthetics: The film featured characters with advanced prosthetic limbs, hinting at the progress made in the field of prosthetics…
      6) The Gig Economy: The protagonist, Johnny, works as a data courier, taking on jobs as they become available…

      Bioweapons The film envisions a future where bioweapons have become a significant threat…
      Brain Implants In “Johnny Mnemonic,” the protagonist has a neural implant that allows him to carry vast amounts of encrypted information in his brain…
      Corporations Controlling Information The film portrays a world where powerful corporations control information and manipulate public opinion…

      Conclusion In conclusion, the 1995 film “Johnny Mnemonic” made several technological predictions that, while appearing far-fetched at the time, have shown a striking resemblance to the state of technology in 2021….

      • The Wikipedia “Johnny Mnemonic” film link is provided at the end of the article by John Coates.
        It contains further insight.
        For example:
        “…the monologue, a sermon about transhumanism…was cut due to fears of offending religious groups.”

        The film was released in the Spring of 1995 [Japan (longer version) and then U.S.]
        It was shot in Canada.
        Keanu Reeves was born in Beirut and raised in Toronto, he made his acting debut in the Canadian television series Hangin’ In (1984).

        In context, we must remember that the screenplay script started in 1989.

        Timeline of Computer History (various years)

  34. Self-replicating vaccines due to be rolled out next month in Japan could result in a worldwide disaster

    The difference between a covid mRNA vaccine and a covid saRNA vaccine is that with the former, a cell’s machinery produces the spike protein for as long as these instructions persist while the saRNA goes a step further. It integrates the genes needed for the replication and synthesis of the spike protein-encoding RNA, effectively establishing a biological printing press for fabricating the vaccine inside cells.

    Article has links to other sources: Before getting to Dr. Nagase’s article, it’s worth mentioning a Note posted by Ni52ko on 19 June. It is a letter from Motoyoshi Tokuna to the embassies of various countries in Japan. We don’t know who Tokuna is but the letter echoes Dr. Nagase’s warning. It is well worth reading, which you can do HERE, as well as the supporting information from the Volunteer Medical Association HERE.

    • Thanks Jo-ann!!! I will add tidbits including some “horse head swelling” info.

      At (2.) – “mRNA vaccines can be categorized into two types: (1) non-replicating and (2) self-amplifying (also known as self-replicating and replicon) mRNA vaccines.”
      — self-amplifying = sa ~~Ex: “Self-amplifying RNA (saRNA)-based vaccines”
      — replicating ~~Ex: “we developed an Alphavirus-derived replicon RNA vaccine candidate, repRNA-CoV2S, encoding the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein.”

      The ARCT-154 vaccine (also known as VBC-COV19-154 in Vietnam) received authorization in Japan on 27 November 2023.
      A lot of people got it during the trials.

      “Well, the first vaccine of this type has been approved in Japan, and the companies involved (CSL and Arcturus) are seeking European regulatory approval next. Their vaccine (ARCT-154) uses mRNA that codes for replicase proteins lifted from the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.”

      Study title which is referenced in article:
      An Alphavirus-derived replicon RNA vaccine induces SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody and T cell responses in mice and nonhuman primates
      “…we developed an Alphavirus-derived replicon RNA vaccine candidate, repRNA-CoV2S, encoding the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein…
      … Vaccine design and formulation
      Building on experience with the attenuated Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus TC-83 strain (22, 30–34), we generated repRNAs incorporating sequences from the SARS-CoV-2 S protein, including full-length S (repRNA-CoV2S)”

      “What is an Alphavirus?
      It`s a family of viruses that can infect humans and animals. Some species are transmitted by mosquitoes, and some alphavirus species can be very sturdy in that they can survive outside in the environment for extended periods of time, still remaining infective (i.e. able to multiply and spread again).”

      MAINSTREAM NEWS – NPR Aug 29, 2024 –
      Parts of New England are on high New Hampshire…the first death from the rare mosquito-borne virus known as eastern equine encephalitis.
      It brings the total number of confirmed human infections in the U.S. this year to six, including cases in Wisconsin, New Jersey and the neighboring states of Vermont and Massachusetts. Meantime, hundreds of cases of another illness transmitted by mosquitoes — that’s West Nile virus — have been confirmed across 33 states.
      It paralyzed a teenager in Missouri and hospitalized Dr. Anthony Fauci.

    • Published 17 March 2024
      Self-Amplifying RNA: A Second Revolution of mRNA Vaccines against COVID-19

      EXCERPTS from “5. Conclusions and Future Directions”
      Despite these promising results in preclinical studies, most of the data obtained from the few clinical trials performed to date have not shown a clear advantage of saRNA over mRNA, although it is true that good seroconversion rates have been observed in some of these trials with very low doses of saRNA [55]. One problem faced by clinical trials evaluating saRNA vaccines is the fact that participants had been previously vaccinated with authorized vaccines, which means that only a boosting effect can be measured. Despite these difficulties, some of the formulations showed saRNA to be superior for boosting compared to mRNA, leading to the recent approval of saRNA vaccines in India and Japan. While more approvals of saRNA-based vaccines will likely take place in the near future, it is possible that some improvements will be needed to enhance their competitiveness against conventional mRNA vaccines.
      Some studies suggest that one problem that saRNA vaccines face when used for priming is that overactivation of innate immune responses induced by the self-replicating RNA can hamper the effect of a boost. In this sense, it has been proposed that modifications in the RNA that allow longer antigen expression, for example by introducing mutations in the replicase gene or co-expression of antiapoptotic factors from the same vector, could improve the performance of these vaccines.
      [Mad scientists playing god.]

    • Coincidentally, just yesterday, Global Research, August 31, 2024.
      By Lee Harding and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
      It’s a “Killer” Vaccine Worldwide: Japanese researchers say side effects of COVID vaccines linked to 201 types of diseases
      [GRAPHS – GRAPHS – GRAPHS – Look at the graphs! – Excess Mortality]

      Professor Emeritus Masanori Fukushima of Kyoto University, long a fierce critic of the vaccines, said the breadth of the harms is “unprecedented” for medical treatments.
      “A systematic review of the literature has unveiled some shocking information. Thousands of papers have reported side effects after vaccination, affecting every possible aspect of human pathology, from ophthalmology to psychiatry,” he said.
      “For example, the age-adjusted mortality rate for leukemia has increased. And there are significant findings for breast cancer, ovarian cancer and so on.”
      Fukushima said there were so many brain-related adverse events, its researchers probably hadn’t found all of them yet. “Mental disorders, psychiatric symptoms, depression, mania, anxiety, came up in abundance, but it’s endless,” he said.
      Fukushima, who has 208 scholarly papers to his name on ResearchGate, said doctors who want to sound the alarm find their message is suppressed. Last February, he launched a lawsuit against the government for allegedly hiding vaccine harms…

      … Professor Yasufumi Murakami from Tokyo University of Science said the responsible course of action would be to halt the administration of such vaccines…
      … The researchers found 201 types of diseases had been found among 3,071 papers on side effects. Professor Masayasu Inoue, Emeritus Professor at Osaka City University School of Medicine, said some harms are hitting entire families and are well-documented….

  35. I rarely vote on anything(never in an selection) but since I am pretty sure it will count in this case, I will go with battle-space brain first, and Peter Thiel second.

    When I was younger, I didn’t vote because I didn’t want to waist the enormous amount of time I thought would be necessary for me to wade through all the lies of all the politicians involved, nor was I confident in my ability to come to an accurate conclusion as to the best choice in the end. As it turns out, although my premises were very flawed, the conclusions I came to about the situation were still correct. I think the only mistake of consequence I made was feeling somewhat guilty about not doing my part for “democracy”.

    It’s amazing how, even in a state of ignorance good intentions, logic, and contemplation can still lead to reasonably positive results.

  36. Hello James,

    So happy to see you back.
    These all sounds great but if I had to choose a top3:

    1) The Strange Story of Peter Thiel
    2) Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic
    3) FLNWO on Gandhi

    Are you not worried by giving us the most important superpower of voting 😉

    • The last line had me chuckling.

  37. You could talk about pea soup and make it interesting.

    • 😉 you’re right.

  38. finally something worth voting for !

    I’ll go for:

    Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic

  39. Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic sounds like it would be interesting. Have you covered this topic in the past?

  40. If “The Brain” comes out top James might want to have a look at “The Indoctrinated Brain” by Michael Nehls.

  41. I wish I could delete my previous comment. After considering the subjects, I made an impulsive initial choice. I would like to change my choice to Gandhi. Matthew Crawford’s Rounding The Earth subs tact has some very interesting information on Gandhi and India in general. I’d love to see if there are any corresponding theories. I would follow with The Brain then The Titanic

  42. Welcome back, James! You were missed. I vote for:
    1. The Brain
    2. Israel
    3. The Titanic

    As far as voting in our selections, I have to disagree with you about its importance. I have no illusion that either candidate here in the US has our best interests at heart, neither will “save” us, and neither will make a huge difference in the trajectory of our country. BUT I vote in the national elections and vote pretty “hard” in the local elections because at this point in time I believe Trump will at least slow things down giving normies more time to wake up, voting gives the TPTB evidence that we’re not completely apathetic (which of course they badly desire), and I have faith in local candidates especially if you live in a small rural town like me. I don’t spend more than 10% of my time or energy on politics and give them no money. Most importantly I spend the other 90% on “exiting and building”. I’m a Freedom Cell member and also have to disagree with the founders, Derek Broze and John Bush, that like you feel voting is useless. But I do agree with everything else we’re about and am working furiously on becoming self sufficient making my food forest and raising chickens and rabbits. And trying to get everyone else in my little town to do the same. The 10%/90% balance is something I focus on a lot.

    • Carol D JAckson

      “… BUT I vote in the national elections and vote pretty “hard” in the local elections because at this point in time I believe Trump will at least slow things down …”


      If elections had ZERO importance then everywhere would look like New York or California.

      IMO its kinda a psyop to suggest people throw away ANY weapon that can slow down bad stuff just because it wont fix things the way we want

    • Consider writing “I do not consent” across your ballot. I do not consent to funding war, genocide, unlawful detention or surveillance, corrupt government officials, polluting our air, water, soil, and food. Think about it.

      • I love that idea! I’ll still vote Republican though to let TPTB and the rest of the country know that conservative values are important to me.

        • Trump openly supports Israel (mass killing, rape, detention of innocent children and civilians), vaccines and surveillance. Do you consider those conservative values? Important to you?

          • As I said I don’t think either candidate is our savior. However, I do think Trump is the lesser of two evils and I’m hoping RFK, Jr. will be a good influence. And I do think that voting Republican is sending a message to TPTB that conservative values are important to us, no matter who the current selection is. I try not to get too worked up about whether my candidate will win. In national elections it’s just my little message that I”m still engaged and they haven’t completely beat me down.

  43. The Brain is the Next Battlespace. Lot of great choices.

  44. First, Israel Election Interference—-am curious about that. I thought the CIA was the greatest threat bar none. Second, the Titanic Crash.

    • Username,
      I have been a fan of Cynthia McKinney for some time. I know she was teaching political science at Dakar University. The file just keeps following her around. Hope she maneuvers away from trouble with this Lew Rockwell report.

  45. I vote “FLNWO on Gandhi“ please!

  46. I’d be interested to hear more about Thiel and Israel. They seem to be most current and implicated in the next (s)election.

  47. Hi James,
    Absence makes the heart grow fond, so a hearty welcome back to you.

    I vote for “The Brain is the Next Battlespace”. I also support what ‘Nick and his banjo’ suggested if this topic is the top choice. Personally “The Indoctrinated Brain” by Michael Nehls has helped to alleviate the mystery of the way people have behaved since 2020 in particular, a very enlightening book indeed. Your exceptional research skills would be put to great effect regarding this subject and I am sure would provide us all with some valuable take away info.

    Thanks again for all you do.!

  48. Is this voting system ‘First Past the Post’, or Preferential? (see a recent video by Veritasium). I see some others have placed preferences, and why not, that list is a smorgasbord from which we would like to sample all the treats.
    1. Israel
    2. Peter Thiel
    3. The FLQ crisis

  49. Hi James, glad to see you. I vote for the Canadian thing that happened that I didn’t know about and that would like to know about if it wins 🙂
    Thank you!

  50. As a French-Canadian , Québecois from the Montreal aera i would be very interested in seeing you dissect the FLQ crisis in an episode of your Know Your History serie ! Keep up the excellent work Mr Corbett !


  51. I would be interested to hear what you have to say on Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic. Really I would be happy with any selection you research.

    Thanks for the work you do.

  52. You are the information Chief of your site and have produced so many gourmet dishes of facts and theory’s in the past I question my ability to sample the broth of the next mind meal that you are cooking up !
    As a Chief Cook and Bottle washer of my own conglomeration I often seek to prioritize by the current state of affairs with a KISS mentality !

    After a month off I would suggest that you start with the simplest and easiest project to complete and serve it up rather than offering a buffet , current content should be a gourmet meal !

    As for the mind, that is has been and will always be available and an overwhelming meal of information whenever you seek to cook it up !

  53. I´d like to hear a more about the sinking of the Titanic.

  54. Do them all! I can’t choose.

  55. The FLQ crises has my interest sparked.. the Israel one seems like the most relevant but for me I really am fascinated with the Titanic story. Its very hard to pick one but since Brock is also interested in it… I’m going with

    Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic!

  56. A comment rather than a vote…
    The Brain — is it “A Thing” in ‘the real world’? Or only in the mind of the technocratic scientists of synthetic ‘life’? In the words of Dr Majid Ali in NY “fermentation of the guts = fermentation of the brain…” & the guts are connected to the environment… as commented by Nikita Thierry & backyard above. And as the title that just came in my box april-2024/

  57. Put me down for Ghandi. He was an OG anti-vaxxer.

  58. I choose “The brain is the next battle space”

  59. All sound good. No preference.

  60. These are all well worth exploring, but “The Brain is the Next Battlespace” is the one I feel the greatest need to learn about.

  61. I vote for know your history
    Clearly we have been duped so far with what we have learnt about history – let’s hear what James has to reach us

  62. Hard to choose. I also miss FLNWO and cannot recall why it was discontinued. I vaguely remember James becoming disillusioned with it due to audience feedback. So I am tempted to vote for Gandhi just to temporarily resurrect FLNWO, but FLQ sounds fascinating.

    1. Know Your History: The FLQ Crisis
    2. FLNWO on Gandhi
    3. The Brain is the Next Battlespace
    4. Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic
    5. Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat
    6. The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

  63. I want them all – in this order:

    1)Israel. 2)Brain. 3)FLQ 4)Gandhi. 5)Thiel. 6)Titanic.

    7) Anything forthcoming by Corbett

  64. Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic

  65. Well Jimmy let’s go hard.
    deal with what’s current and at hand. The Brain and more as battle ground. Including the role Palantir/ Peter Thiel technology and Israel play in the battle field. Our mind our body.
    You can even throw some ‘Ghadi’ esk approaches towards dealing with the situation separating the real from the fake, of course, incorporating solutions we could and still can implement.

    Keep it real for the masses of working classes without the financial capacity to ‘just’ get some land outside the city grow a garden trade beans and potatoes for milk, ammunition and plow shares, hoping they don’t come and colonize your garden.

    Address how we can literally ditch the technology being used against us in our hands and in our communities, dismantle it with working class tools. No one asked us if we wanted Towers and antennas in our vicinity, creepy predator street lights or surveillance into our personal spaces from every direction day and night.
    Used by usurped criminal government, NGO’s, corporate entities and neighbor’s who delusionally think cameras prevent criminality. Like if you watch the video backwards it un-rapes or robs you and makes your broken family whole again.

    I grasp this will be a daunting task and revelation for many but I have faith we can prevail.

    In the unlikely event material is lacking
    Nonvaxer420 on rumble might be your huckleberry

    Looking forward
    Debra LaMarre

  66. Hope that you had a good time off the net Mr Corbett! You look quite energized.

    Personal choice…. my vote goes to “Titanic” because that sounds most interesting

    But more useful to most people would be the Brain because I’ve been getting a really creepy feeling off the internet these last few years, like it knows what I’m thinking before I think it which makes it more probable that its feeding me stuff.

    The Israel / Israel thing would probably be cool…. but TBH they will be having an outsized effect on elections for a good while yet- even this election is mostly a civil war between jewish groups

    On Gahndi…meh. He sucked and the movie sucked.

  67. James, this is really hard, because each one has been on my radar, now and again recently, to re-examine and find out more. With the (s)election so close, i imagine the Peter story and the Israel story both are imperative to help us be more informed to share with others better, on why we stand where we do. Yet, for them to be successful, they must continue to program our brains…

    BUT, the FLNWO and Ghandi play a part on us not repeating history, as well as knowing our history….. Then, there is the knowing of the veil lifting to know as much as possible the real truths re: the Titanic and her “sister” the past fake crisis/false flag leading to war…and what is and has been behind all the crashes…whew!

    Hoping that you will be able to work on all of them. But you asked us to pick one. Can there be a 3 way tie? FLNWO on Gandhi; Israel is the Greatest Threat”“(s)Election Interference & Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic…

    No? okay….i will say: Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic
    Surely, this could include attempted ear injuries.

    You have given such great info on all important issues, such as on their control of our brain; data and Thiel before, and know you have more to share. Look forward to all 6, as they are ready…and the other 294!

  68. The Strange Story of Peter Thiel – he’s a major mover on the world stage – dangerous indeed

  69. The Brain is the Next Battlespace would be my first choice.

    The series “know your history” sounds bloody amazing.

    Thanks James 🙂

  70. Hi James, I vote for Gandhi.

  71. Thanks James. I think Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat” … but in this last American grandstand goodbye, what’s the threat? Seems more like a consensus with all varieties of blackmail going back many years. I vote for that report.

    • Great to have you back James, Crashes of Convenience: Titanic, get’s my vote. Look forward to which ever gets the top vote. Thanks for all your work.

  72. Hello James, I will place my vote for the Titanic episode. Thanks

  73. I know you will cover them all eventually 🙂

    But for now my first and second choices are:

    1. Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat”
    2. Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic

  74. Born in Montreal, lived through the 70s… so, FLQ.

  75. Gandhi!

    They all sound interesting, but Gandhi seems most “forgotten”, so I vote for that 🙂

    Good to see you back James! <3

  76. Prezence | PSYOP | Official Music & Lyric Video:

    “Social media deliver propaganda
    Chanting down all of the psyop maan!
    Another false flag now ay
    A propaganda delivery device ya know, boom!

    A possibility that people stop buying into the puppetry
    Embrace a life fulfilled by what’s in harmony
    False election, use discretion, find perfection of our honesty (honest with ourselves right now)
    If we honest with ourselves we see theatre for the masses at play (masses at play)
    Call the curtain, I’ll determine what to do and what is right for me (self responsibility)
    Disengage from the world as a stage, we got to channel our rage into productivity
    We got to know absolute ‘stead of relativity, gotta lose attachment to emotional negativity
    We got to disengage from the publicity of all the actors, actresses who put us in harm’s way
    We got to stop the worship of human sacrifice pedophile, blaze the fire on Babylon and their conspiracy

    They comin with another psyop
    Stage another false flag plan (false flag plan, ay!)
    The first casualty of war is the truth and we ignoring the scam! (ignoring all the scams right now)

    Keep on shouting from the roof top
    Disengage from Instagram (Instagram ay!)
    Cuz social media deliver propoganda to the palm of your hand (palm of your hand)

    Social media deliver propaganda
    To the palm of your hand!

    The media already admitted to all the vaxx damage a little fact sandwich
    Between a couple piece of lies on toast, covid misdiagnosed
    A big nothin burger reduce a population with injected murder
    Public somehow forgotten that MAGA really meant jab of catastrophe, clear people outta the street
    Soon replaced by a new definition American idiot shittin’ in diapers can’t formulate a sentence without a script writer
    One false flag to the next, look to ya right now look to ya left
    No free speech on Twitter or X and the car gonna wreck if ya drive while you text
    When your mind always jump from a thing to the next
    Men ejaculate to pornhub sex, everybody compete for the baddest flex
    Getta new iphone cuz it got better specs
    So perplexed people haven’t learned yet, government only give lies and threats
    Run a hamster wheel from ya birth to ya death gotta work till you sweat gotta pay that debt
    Stop meditate and calm your breath, stop meditate and calm your breath
    Stop meditate and calm your breath because

    They comin with another psyop
    Stage another false flag plan (false flag plan, ay!)
    The first casualty of war is the truth and we ignoring the scam! (ignoring all the scams right now)

    Keep on shouting from the roof top
    Disengage from Instagram (Instagram ay!)
    Cuz social media deliver propoganda to the palm of your hand (palm of your hand)

    Social media deliver propaganda
    To the palm of your hand!

    Social media deliver propaganda ay
    False flag plan (false flag plan)
    Social media deliver propaganda
    False flag plan (false flag plan)”

    • I really like that song/video!!

      Grant Prezence Ellman is a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist and producer from Sedona, Arizona. His 2021 truth-bomb dismantling the SCAM of “covid-19” and “government” was censored from Spotify within a week of release.

      Prezence is fiercely devoted to his mission of spreading TRUTH, FREEDOM and LOVE through radio ready records, vivid videos and lucid live performances.

      His studio work is completely self-produced, mixed, mastered, filmed and edited.

      Prezence brings his productions to the stage, laying down gargantuan grooves on the drum kit while simultaneously spitting soulful vocals.
      He’s also known to captivate audiences with his self-designed mutli-instrumental live looping setup built around Ableton Live.

      Prezence is known for the empowering energy he brings to premier freedom & consciousness events such as Anarchapulco, The Greater Reset & Conscious Life Expo, Unison Fest and Rise & Vibes Fest.


      • @HRS

        Glad you watched it and enjoyed it my friend. He clearly puts a lot of time into those videos, lots of nuggets of truth and breadcrumbs which will be familiar to Corbetteers to pick up on in the visuals/clips included.

        Thanks for the great info highlights and link to his website.

        I think he would make a great focus for a guest interview for the Corbett Report for a Solutions Watch episode or something.

        Yes I officially nominate Grant Prezence Ellman for a future episode of some sort! 🙂

        He could be one of the people interviewed for a “Decentralized/Independently Produced Truth Music – Solutions Watch” or something.

        What do you think man?

      • @HRS

        I just came across this track of his and really like it as well.


        Prezence | CHANGE OURSELVES | Official Music & Lyric Video

        “To change the world
        We got to change ourselves
        To change the world
        We got to change ourselves now
        To change the world yea I
        We got to change ourselves
        To change the world yea I
        We got to change ourselves

        We got to got to stop playing the victim
        And take some responsibility for our lives
        We got to got to stop causing harm
        And let this most fundamental truth shine bright
        We got to got to know that we are inextricably connected
        Our actions affect the freedom of the collective
        Respect that when behavior is aligned with the correct intention
        Society will experience redemption

        To change the world
        We got to change ourselves
        To change the world
        We got to change ourselves now
        To change the world yea I
        We got to change ourselves
        To change the world yea I
        We got to change ourselves

        Because a right is an action which does not cause harm
        To another sentient being on this plane
        Respect that every human interaction must be voluntary
        Otherwise it is coercion pain
        We got to got to know morality is not subjective
        Distinguishing right from wrong is objective
        Respect that our creator gives us natural law directive
        And won’t accept no acts of aggression

        To change the world
        We got to change ourselves
        To change the world
        We got to change ourselves now
        To change the world yea I
        We got to change ourselves
        To change the world yea I
        We got to change ourselves

        Well are you going to compromise your integrity
        For the fear of making other people angry no
        Are you going to compromise your integrity
        For the fear of making other people angry no

        To change the world
        We got to change ourselves now
        To change the world
        We got to change ourselves
        To change the world
        We got to change ourselves now
        To change the world yea I
        We got to change our
        We got to change ourselves

  77. Current state of studies on vaccine related deaths.
    With Ryan Cole and Jessica Rose

    42x increase in Excess Deaths among Children in Europe recorded since COVID Jab was “approved” for Children compared to Pre-Jab levels

    Steve Kirsch has a lot of data on vaccine deaths / injuries

  78. Hey Corbett fam! Check out the latest political satire from The Farce Feed on Substack.

    Reddit Moderator to Replace Brutal Third World Dictator

    Third Party Candidate “Sued Into Oblivion,” Scientists Claim

    English Grandmother Arrested for “Light and Sweet” Tea Preference, Accused of Bigotry

  79. All vx are frauds. They don’t use true placebos. See this chart:
    They are full of toxins such as aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, animal cells, aborted human cells, polysorbate 80, etc.

    Real purpose is for depopulation and get you sick so you need more big pharma drugs to “get better.”

  80. James, good to have you back! I could narrow it down to three:
    1. Israel
    2. Theil
    3. Titanic

    • Titanic didnt sink. It was its sister ship (the Olympia) that sank. So the names were switched.

  81. I vote 4

    “The brain is the next battle space”

    I dare say ,it’s actually not the NEXT battle space but especially since the scam- demic , has BECOME the battle space with the help of “the great poisoning” ( Catherine Austin Fitts )
    that one could say ,went
    “Warp speed “beginning in march 2020 with our minds .
    Our minds have been poisoned with propaganda , mis -use of images and symbol ( Covid posters and images a 2020 version of baby’s on bayonets )
    our brains 🧠 altered and assaulted with poisons , nano -bots , graphene, glyphosate ….the list of poisons too vast to name but “The brain is the next battle space” could perhaps jump off at march 2020 James ?
    Great question from a subscriber … is it the brain or is the mind the battle field ?

  82. Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat”

  83. 1) Peter Thiel
    2) Crashes/Titanic

  84. My kids vote for Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic. Plus, giving Brock something he’ll enjoy editing is always a boon for him.
    I vote Israel is the Greatest Selection Interference Threat.

    During August with your encouragement, I made it a goal to finish “The Creature of Jekyll Island” and am glad and satisfied to have done so. We have invested a lot of Federal Reserve Notes recently into infrastructure on our homestead and fruit-bearing perennials – God’s hedge against inflation.

    Looking forward to NWNWs continuing as well. As for other crashes of convenience, The Truth about Cancer mentioned the crash in Brazil recently that included doctors who allegedly were ready to link turbo cancers to the Covid shots.

    Welcome back! You were really missed!

  85. #1 Peter Thiel
    #2 Crashes

    • Ranked choice voting.. The Dude approves

  86. I am going to suggest another topic: who is bringing these refugees to America and giving them jobs at Walmart/Doordash, etc, and giving them subsidies for housing, cars, gas, etc?

    I live in Idaho and I heard that the LDS/Mormons are involved in it here, but haven’t been able to confirm this.

    Anyone has any info on this?

    That said, I am curious about the Titanic crashes since it appears that a topic that is raging online these days is if Teslas DEW technology was available back then and supposedly they used these airbuses back then and the steeples/gables ontop of buildings was their docking/recharging stations.

    But all the other topics need to addressed, too, like the brain frontier.

    The whole Middle East history befuddles my brain. I have no idea what that has been all about all along so I need a deep dive dissecting on that so that I can wrap my brain around it.

    • Hey there, fruitdoctor: It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the Mormons are involved in the ‘undocumented mass-relocation’ of seemingly mostly southern hemisphere foreigners. The mormons are all about membership numbers – collecting and amassing billions by way of their mandatory 10% tithes … um, and beer brewery investments.

      Too, from my understanding Nikola Tesla, while hoping to win favor with the U.S. military in the 1930s, only illustrated /explained the possible workings of a “death ray” machine; he never assembled an actual prototype. So seeing that the Titanic went down some 20-years earlier, I’d say that’s a ‘no’ to DEW having anything to do with how it was sunk.

      • Mitt Romney took a selfie with the BLM movement when they were rioting. The Mormons are Masons and so are part of the NWO and they all stockpile years worth of food under/in their homes so they are definitely part of bringing down America.

        As for Tesla, I wasn’t linking his technology with the Titanic, but rather the destruction of the Old World buildings that were more ubiquitous back then. We still have some left, but others clearly have melted rocks on them. In addition, it appears that they had a different free form of energy back then, but Rockefeller’s Big Oil destroyed it in order to create his monopoly.

        And Carnegie wanted the Old World Buildings destroyed so that the could rebuilld them with his steel. There’s a history there that we haven’t been told…

  87. I vote for the “Titanic” topic.

    As to the “Brain as battlefield” topic, I VERY MUCH recommend the book “the indoctrinated brain” by Michael Nehls, “”.

    Thanks for your work!

  88. Casting my vote for the BRAIN, which interestingly intersects with mass media and social media.

    Today there was a posting from Jessica Rose’s Substack on how she realized she was being brainwashed by Facebook, resulting in her disengaging from the platform she truly valued. James, do you suppose we could possibly undo the brainwashing in order to help unite forces to defeat the NWO? Or at least diminish the madness?
    I realized in that moment that I had been programmed by the ‘advertising power’ of Facebook. I had had no idea. I had been kind of brainwashed – for lack of a better word – to “hate Trump”: a man I had never met, never spoken to, never made eye-contact with, and pretty much knew nothing about. Regardless of my created ‘feelings’ toward this man I had never met, it was the effect on me that really bothered me. I found myself asking questions like: Was I so ‘influenceable’? How was it possible that I was so ‘simply’ ‘made’ to have such a negative and visceral response to an image on a screen? I decided to do something about this because – now aware that I had been under some kind of social media/propaganda spell – I could un-bind myself from it.

  89. Brain, Battle space please

    Did I throw my vote away? 🙂

  90. I vote for “The Brain is the Next Battlespace”.

    We must fight to maintain our independence of thinking and not succumb to mental slavery.

  91. For those who are interested in the Titanic, some research has been published that links it’s sinking to insurance fraud and establishing the Federal Reserve Bank in the USA. I cannot locate where I learned of this many years ago, possibly via podcast, but here below is a link to whet the appetite. It is also revealing to note the powerful people (e.g. J.P. Morgan) who were supposed to be aboard the fateful voyage, but conveniently missed the trip, similar to those who were out of the office on 9/11.

    Because this information seems to have been hidden from search results, it would be a great service if James were to apply his special skills to resurrect the truth about the Titanic.

    • It would make a great title as the Titanic didn’t sink. It was the Olympia that sank. The title should be “Did you know the Titanic didn’t sink?”

  92. Great to see you back James.
    I am knee jerked to say the crashes of convenience – Titanic as I believe there are so many ‘coincidences’ involved. The timing and people involved make it alarmingly convenient. I am convinced a lot of footage of the Titanic on the sea bed is nothing more than model making and given the recent Titan sub calamity, I do wonder if there’s evidence down there that we’re not meant to see.
    That being said, I am intrigued with the Brain Battlefield.
    As always, I look forward to whatever work you produce James.

  93. The Brain. and Crashes are the two i’m interested presently.

    Welcome Back!!!

  94. My vote goes to “Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic”.

  95. The brain as the battlefield please.

  96. I am late to the party.
    My vote: Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic

  97. I am thrilled to see so very, very many Corbett Report Members comment on this thread!

    162 comments by 9/2.

  98. Thank you, James, for giving weight to our “election”, rather than just “selecting” the topics yourself 😉

    It is very good to see your humorous, yet dead serious, posts. Since I am staunchly for the First Woman Jewish President with a learned soft-spoken Islamic VP running mate, my top of the list is: Israel is the greatest s(election) threat. My second interest is The Brain. Third, Peter Thiel. But all other various historical curiosity items are almost just as appetizing for ちょっと面白い珍奇なはなし.

  99. The Brain Is The Next Battlespace
    — the “super-“topic that encompasses the remaining “sub-“topics

  100. So nice to see you back, James Corbett! No doubt it went by quickly, but am hoping your month’s-long hiatus was both productive and restful.

    Initially was going to vote for what you have on Gandhi, but given more thought and seeing that I am currently about two-thirds of the way through The Creature of Jekyll Island, I decided instead to go with Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic.

    Many thanks for all you do to keep us informed!


  101. VERY hard to choose!!!!

    and whichever one you do I will watch and learn from! Thank you!!

    • Oh, good idea. We should have ranked choice voting. The Dude approves

  102. My vote is Israel influence on elections

  103. One vote for Know Your History: The FLQ Crisis please 🙂

  104. The_Dude approves of:

    The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

  105. James

    Since the brain has been the battleground from day one;

    “And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shal not dye the death.
    For God doth know that in what day soever you shal eate thereof, your eyes shal be opened;
    and you shal be as Gods, knowing good and evil.” Gensis 3:4&5 Douay

    That’s my choice.

  106. Gandhi

    In my state we can vote multiple times.

    • You should have sent your extra votes in via snail mail, like this it’s a bit too obvious. Goyim could find out.

  107. Who was James Jesus Angleton?

    Ken McCarthy at argues in his most resent book “JFK and RFK’s Battle with Extreme Zionism” that he was the most powerful man in the world, and likely responsible for orchestrating the assassinations of both Kennedy’s. As we should know by now, Sirhan Sirhan was a Manchurian Candidate (likely the product of MK-Ultra), however he was brainwashed and programed only to provide a distraction (and to become the fall guy) for the real killer who fired three shots into RFK from the back at point black range. The LA County Coroner testified that the fatal shot was fired from the back so close as to leave powder burns. Sirhan Sirhan was clearly not the killer, so who could have covered up the truth for so long?
    Well, who ever it was must have been a very powerful and evil son of a bitch.

    I believe that Thomas Crooks was also a Manchurian Candidate which is why the FBI has been cleaning up all the evidence and failing to report about simple facts until they get their story strait. Perhaps the CIA did end MK-Ultra 40 years ago, but I can bet that they have far more effective ways to perform mind control today.
    Who would be in a position to create all these security failures, brainwash this 20 year old and then cover it all up so that it looks like the traditional “one man gunman” (no conspiracy here)?

    I hope that it doesn’t take 56 years to figure this one out!

    • The interview in the video linked below with Dr. Daniel P. Brown exposes the results of 15 years of work with Sirhan Sirhan. Sirhan Sirhan was the perfect Manchurian Candidate. Dr. Daniel Brown details his work with Sirhan Sirhan. He gives names and places. He explains how and where Sirhan Sirhan was programed to go into “range mode” on comand.
      Dr. Dan Brown placed 5 pictures before Sirhan Sirhan and he recognized the picture of the man who was the head of MK-Ultra. This would indicate that the CIA was involved.

  108. It’s not on your list of draft podcast ideas, but I’d like to take the liberty to suggest two topics of great interest:

    – The real cause of so-called polio, tracing its origins to DDT pesticide. The Polio ‘vaccine’ being neither safe nor effective

    – The Spanish flu which was neither Spanish nor a flu, but instead a sickness caused by a bioweapon from a US military installation in Kansas, spread by injection into soldiers in WW I..

    • A book called Virus Mania exposes these lies abt past skamdemics

    • Alex

      Hey…. if this is the ‘sugestions’ thread I’ll chime in 🙂
      I read Dr Marys Monkey by Edward T. Haslam ….. I’d love to see Mr Corbett on one on that too.

  109. As James is a voluntaryist I doubt he really cares what anyone votes. I do remember someone talking about conversations going late into the night upon discussions on the morality of voting. Two wolves deciding whats for dinner and what not. Quite interesting.

    Funnily enough, it is mysterious as I had just seen how the railings of the titanic had just fallen off the deck to the ocean floor ! Aghast ! And I thought now that would be an interesting story Corbett could do to give a better perspective.

    But then I thought, being a pessimist as of late, whats the point? As my Sister told me when I tried to discuss the bio-medical security state, and I referenced her to James’ WWI doc, the response was “You want me to go back that far!”

    Anyways, no one really cares at the end of day, it makes it hard for me to understand how James does it. I guess I will make that a QFC, how do you do it? day after day? and not lose motivation? Or do you truly feel “we” are gaining ground? Historically speaking “we” will lose no?

  110. 🎶 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 ☮️

    Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic

    . . . apparently it’s not the Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic.

    have a nice day

    • A bird told me once that the name was RMS Olympic, but what do I know? I am “no expert”. Nice day to you.

  111. As stuff has to be timely, i totally vote for the israel topic.
    Would also like to know more on the global web of young global leaders – as it’s often needed to explain their interconnections and common features, as opposed to the west-east false dichotomy.

    P.s.odd picture for a september thread, ther’s not a single yellow leaf in any horizon of the wood =)

  112. Titanic although James probably already selected one for us plebs 🙂

  113. Hi James, welcome back in real time. Nice to see you back and put away rewatching the archives and see and learn something new.

    The FLQ

    are my choices, please

    • One vote for “The Brain is the Next Battlespace.”

      Thank you James

  114. I log in for the very first time and I’m already asked for my opinion, chic!

    The Titanic, please.

  115. Please do Titanic!! I love arguing with people online about whether it really happened! Not really, but yeah, the Titanic is something that is almost as fascinating as 9/11. Really draws you into a million different wormholes…

  116. Phil Donahue (1935-2024) – Greatest Champion of Free Speech for the Peoples’ Interest of the 20th Century
    By Ralph Nader

    “I’ve called Phil Donahue the greatest DEFENDER and ENABLER of the First Amendment’s protection of free speech, petition and assembly in the 20TH CENTURY. Hands down. There has been no one remotely close then or since, given the frequency of his shows and his audience size. He helped citizens put forces in motion for a more just America and world that continue to this day.

    His guests often became civic celebrities because he had them on when nobody else would, and enabled them to reach large audiences and get the attention of decision-makers. His groundbreaking revelations sometimes led to Congressional hearings. He encouraged the sales of publications and books that helped sustain many nonprofit advocacy groups.”

    • BUMP


      QUOTES from Phil Donahue
      “Corporate ownership is, I think, the biggest challenge to a robust media featuring all kinds of views. It lives and I ought to know. I lost my job because I opposed the invasion of Iraq.”

      “Dissent is very difficult in this country. We have a media which is rewarded by telling people what they want to hear. And that’s not our job. We’re not supposed to be popular. We’re not supposed to be extolled as wonderful people who make us happy. We have to show the pain. And we are obliged to say what we feel about the decisions of powerful people.”

      “We’re supposed to be the dog that keeps nipping at the heels of the powerful. We are supposed to be the people who engage in inelegant behavior, like sticking our nose under the tent to see what the Grand Pubahs are planning for us…”

      Ralph Nadar says:
      “Activities that carry on his resolute promotion of free speech, public justice for all, and fostering a media which stands tall for reality, truth, facts, the voices of the excluded and those who champion justice – called the “great work of humans on Earth” by Senator Daniel Webster – would bring home to future generations the remarkable Phil Donahue.”

      This Phil Donahue VIDEO is a 5 STAR *****
      Phil Donahue: Misdiagnosed Allergies with Dr D Rapp MD 1988
      (44 minutes) but even the first minutes are eye-opening
      Dr. Doris Rapp MD was a strong activist for a cleaner environment and food.

  117. I’m glad James is in Japan, this is what happens to journalists in England who report on the Israel/Gaza conflict.

    “Sarah Wilkinson is a journalist who collects information about what is happening in Palestine and shares it online. On Thursday 29th August, 16 or 17 anti-terrorism police arrested her and ransacked her home. She is now effectively under house arrest.” Need to watch the first ten minutes to see the level of state terrorism that was inflicted, up to an including throwing her mother’s ashes around the room.

  118. Let’s talk about the fake attack on Trump. Have you seen his ear since? No damage.
    How can someone supposedly shot by an AR…., have no damage?

    It’s all theatre of him playing the outsider to make it look like he is on our side and boost his poll ratings among conservatives. All these court cases are all circuses. He will beat them all in the end. It also keeps you distracted from real issues such as inflation, our failing economy, etc

    • Yea, that 2cm hole seems to have been less that 2µm. Some news article described the surgery that would be needed to restore his ear. What a joke!

      I had saved a link to a vimeo video that showed the first three shots were from the sniper behind trump (both the sniper and trump were captured in the same camera view). The first sniper shot was immediately followed by trump grabbing his ear, so I figured at the time he got hit by the shell. Also noted, the sniper was set up to shoot towards the buildings that Crooks later would use. That link no longer works… doesn’t fit the narrative, I suppose.

  119. peter thiel – sounds timely if connections with Trump-Vance, technology, surveillance systems, etc.

    israel (s)electionn intereference – also very timely in a (s)election year in the US

    • The “THEY” must have some major dirt on him, or perhaps the death of his boyfriend was convincing enough to keep him under control. About a year ago: 2-BIT podcast on this subject: Peter Thiel: Friend Or FED?

    • Catchy folk tune. I could imagine the addition of percussion and perhaps a fiddle to fill out the sound. Thanks for sharing.

      • Thanks. Yep, having crew would be great. But that is “old days” reality with my own band in CA. Now it is me and some barn cats off grid 🙂

  120. Hi James, glad to hear that the month was productive and good to have you back looking hale and hearty.

    My choice would be CoC; Titanic.

    Looking forward to seeing what analysis and information you present to us over the next few months : )

  121. I vote for “Israel is the Greatest Election Interference Threat.” They seem to be the root of some of the worst things happening just now.

  122. Please do a full-length Corbett Report episode on The Brain is the Next Battlespace.

  123. The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

    • Second choice: Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat”

  124. 1st choice: Crashes of convenience: The Titanic
    2nd choice: The Strange story of Peter Thiel

  125. All of those are excellent topics!

    But what seems timely now are the Israel and Thiel topics.

    Thanks James, appreciate your work and look forward to your upcoming videos!

  126. More reason to vote for the BRAIN topic:

    Excerpt (emphasis added):
    Dr. Duncan believes there are currently about one million targeted individuals worldwide. These people are being used as guinea pigs to work out what needs to be done to hook everybody up to the internet. “[They] are testing on [targeted individuals’] brains this new technology, which they do from far away,” Orlewicz said.

    They’re not denying that this technology exists, Orlewicz said. “But what they’re not telling anyone is that right now they are testing out this technology on individuals around the world, and in America, and not letting them know that they’re targeted individuals. And so, what’s happening in their brains and their minds, and these weird instructions that they’re hearing and voices, are actually coming from the CIA.”

  127. Damn to hell these Authoritarians!…

    September 1, 2024 – The Dallas Express – By Sydney Asher
    8-Year-Old Trafficked Dallas Boy Sent Back To Captors

    A North Texas foster couple is potentially facing kidnapping charges after taking care of a trafficked boy.

    In 2020, the boy was discovered by police in Garland in the backseat of a parked car along with 28-year-old Royme Enrique Gonzalez.
    Gonzalez was “slurring his speech and was unable to stay awake long enough to speak with officers” and was found with a fraudulent immigration card, according to an arrest warrant obtained by CBS.
    Gonzalez had vomited on the boy, who was completely malnourished, had soiled his clothing, and was showing signs of physical and sexual abuse. Gonzalez brought the boy into the United States, falsely claiming to be the child’s father, which was ultimately proven false by DNA testing.
    Gonzalez was charged with endangering a child and later deported back to Guatemala.

    Child Protective Services (CPS) contacted Dallas foster couple Michelle and Ben Doerr to take in the boy, whom they named Nelson.
    “He’s blossomed into an eight-year-old boy who likes to do eight-year-old things,” Michelle Doerr told CBS. “He can speak really well. He’s so smart.”

    Documents obtained by CBS show that Nelson was a human trafficking victim from Guatemala. Nelson’s mother was a prostitute who gave Nelson to the trafficker as a newborn to “put him to work.”

    After being put in the care of the Doerrs, Nelson was professionally diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and generalized anxiety disorder due to the abuse he endured, according to a Facebook page titled ‘SavingNelson.’
    Nelson acted out being beaten by Gonzalez to therapists and reportedly had years of night terrors.

    In April 2022, two years after the Doerrs took in Nelson, Judge Andrea Martin in the 304th District Court of Dallas County signed an order to give custody of Nelson back to his trafficker in Guatemala.

    In August 2024, Nelson and the Doerrs were surrounded by undercover officers in a parking garage in Plano. Nelson was taken from them and put on a plane to Guatemala to return to Gonzalez.
    “Two unmarked cars pulled up on us, and officers got out of the car,” said Michelle. “It was truly our worst nightmare.”
    The Doerrs told CBS that throughout the last two years, state authorities made multiple attempts to take Nelson out of their care and back into the state’s custody.

    Despite Nelson being granted a T-Visa by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services after the department determined he was a victim of a “severe form of trafficking,” Nelson was still removed from their care.
    Nelson had an asylum application pending at the time he was sent back.

    • My heart aches for his boy and the millions of other exploited children. I suspect that child trafficking’s one of the illicit money-making schemes of the deep state. Everyone who seriously tries to expose it winds up dead.

    • HRS

      “…Damn to hell these Authoritarians!…….”

      Which ones?

      The cops who took a kid by force from a guy?

      The ones who tax us to pay for those cops?

      Or the ones who sent him back where he came from?

      • I’m guilty of ‘stereotyping’ Authoritarians, so I guess there is a special place in hell for them all.

  128. Hi. I vote all of the above mentioned in your video. Sorry, I am of no help, but I want to see a video on each and every subject. So get crackin’ at it 🙂 We cannot get enough of your work.

  129. Here are my choices in order:
    – FLNWO on Gandhi
    – Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic
    – Know Your History: The FLQ Crisis

  130. Since we have to choose one, I’m going with, “The Brain is the Next Battlespace.”
    I would also like to see pieces done on
    1. The Strange Story of Peter Thiel
    2. Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic

    Well, all six, really, but these are the top 3.

  131. So many juicy themes to choose from for me it’s
    1. Peter Thiel
    2. Crashes of Convenience

    Thanks James

  132. Great to have you back James! Here’s my vote:

    1st choice: The Brain is the Next Battlespace

    2nd choice: Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat”

    3rd choice: FLNWO on Gandhi

  133. How about The Strange Story of Peter Thiel.

  134. The Brain is the Next Battlespace. Thanks!

  135. Gandhi for me James. Thanks for everything you do!

  136. TDS – “Trump Derangement Syndrome”
    Regardless of the ‘puppet selection’ cycle, the following 2 minute “ad” is very clever marketing…

    Tuesday Sept 3 (a day stocks nosedived) – Dallas Express – By 8th-generation Texan Kellen McGovern Jones
    VIDEO: Nicole Shanahan Releases ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Ad

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s former running mate, Nicole Shanahan, recently lampooned the left with a satirical video advertisement about “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

    “My team never sleeps,” Shanahan wrote when she posted the video to X. The spoof ad is styled like a typical pharmaceutical commercial and opens with a shot of families watching videos of former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

    “Are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDS, otherwise known as Trump Derangement Syndrome,”
    the narrator asks.
    When Trump flashes on the screen, a woman’s facial expression turns into a snarl. When Harris flashes on the screen moments later, another woman is all smiles and mouths the word, “Yes!”

    “Do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country, such as historic inflation, illegal immigration, corporate corruption, WWIII escalations, and the chronic disease epidemic,”
    the narrator asks.
    “Are you willing to elect someone who was the least popular vice president in modern history and who offers no policy or vision for America, simply because your brain keeps telling you ‘anyone but Trump?’”
    “If so, you might be struggling from TDS,” the narrator concludes.

    Then, a satirical drug called “Independence” is introduced, which promises to help consumers “finally think independently once again.”

    Some of the benefits of Independence purportedly include “constructive critical thinking” instead of “believing everything you hear from the mainstream media.”

    What follows is a series of user testimonials showing how Independence helped them realize the mainstream media is “run by the Democrat elite” and how social media is censored.
    On this latter point, the video pauses for a moment on an image of Mark Zuckerberg, Meta CEO, who recently admitted to cooperating with federal government efforts to censor speech critical of COVID lockdowns….

  137. 3 Sept – Zero Hedge
    Media Giant CMG Bragged About Eavesdropping On Phone, Laptop Or ‘Smart Home’ Microphones
    [Cox Media Group (CMG)]

    For years people have suspected that their smartphones, laptops, and home assistants were secretly eavesdropping on their private conversations. Now, a leaked pitch deck seems to confirm that our devices are, in fact, listening—and the implications are far-reaching.
    [See IMAGES of presentation slides]

    A leaked pitch deck presentation from Cox Media Group (CMG) – major player in the digital advertising space, appears to detail how its “Active-Listening” software uses artificial intelligence to capture and analyze “real-time intent data” from users’ conversations. The presentation, obtained by 404 Media, lays out how CMG’s software could listen to everything spoken near a microphone-equipped device—whether it’s a phone, laptop, or home assistant like Amazon’s Alexa, the Daily Mail reports.
    Active-Listening: A Six-Step Process to Harvest Voice Data [Slide IMAGE]

    The pitch deck outlines a six-step process for CMG’s Active-Listening software, which turns seemingly benign conversations into targeted advertising gold.
    The first slide describes how the software listens to your conversations and extracts real-time intent data, which advertisers can then pair with behavioral data to target “in-market consumers.”
    In simple terms, it means that if you mention a product or service in a conversation, advertisers can target you with ads for that very item.

    For instance, if you’re talking about Toyota cars with a friend, you might soon find yourself inundated with ads for Toyota’s latest models. This alleged use of private conversations for ad targeting represents a significant breach of what most people consider to be their personal privacy.

    The slideshow goes further, showcasing tech giants like Facebook, Google, and Amazon as clients of CMG, suggesting they may use this controversial technology. These companies have long denied listening to user conversations through device microphones, but this leaked document raises new questions.

    Tech Giants in Hot Water: Denials, Uncertainties, and Potential Backpedaling

    Following the leak, Google swiftly removed Cox Media Group from its “Partners Program” website, a move that suggests a distancing from the controversial practice. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, responded by stating it is reviewing CMG for any potential violations of its terms of service…

    …Although the notion of listening to conversations may seem like an egregious violation of privacy, CMG claims it is entirely legal….

    • IMAGES of slides via Dailymail
      Shocking leak suggests your phone really is listening in on your conversations

      • READ MORE: Little-known setting lets people secretly track your iPhone

      Millions of people have long suspected it, but now a leak suggests that out phones really are listening to us.
      An apparent pitch deck from one of Facebook’s marketing partners appears to detail how the firm eavesdrops on users’ conversations to create targeted ads.

      In a slideshow, Cox Media Group (CMG) claims that its ‘Active-Listening’ software uses AI to collect and analyze ‘real-time intent data’ by listening to what you say through your phone, laptop or home assistant microphone.
      ‘Advertisers can pair this voice-data with behavioral data to target in-market consumers,’ the deck states.

      The pitch deck goes on to tout Facebook, Google and Amazon as clients of CMG, suggesting they could be using its Active-Listening service to target users.
      Since the story broke, Google removed the media group from their ‘Partners Program’ website.

      Meta – Facebook’s parent company – admitted it is reviewing CMG for any terms of service violations.
      Amazon responded to 404 Media by stating that its ads arm ‘has never worked with CMG on this program and has no plans to do so.’
      But the spokesperson added that that if one of its marketing partners violates its rules, the company will take action, leaving the status of Amazon’s relationship with CMG somewhat unclear.

      The slideshow details the six-step process that CMG’s Active-Listening software uses to collect consumer’s voice data through seemingly any microphone-equipped device, including your smartphone, laptop or home assistant.

      It’s unclear from the slideshow whether the Active-Listening software is eavesdropping constantly, or only at specific times when the phone mic is activated, such as during a call.

      Advertisers then use these insights to target ‘in-market consumers,’ which are people actively considering buying a particular product or service.
      If your voice or behavioral data suggests you are considering buying something, they will serve you advertisements for that item.
      For example, talking about or searching for Toyota cars could prompt you to start seeing ads for their newest models.
      ‘Once launched, the technology automatically analyzes your site traffic and customers to fuel audience targeting on an ongoing basis,’ the deck states.
      So, if you feel like you see more ads for a particular product after talking about it with a friend, or searching for it online, this may be the reason why….

      • Homie,
        Thank you for that update . What can we expect next. Something like ” next they will be telling us those contrails of water vapor are really chemical laden bug spray.” What’s this world coming to?.

        • GeneralBottleWasher,
          I sure appreciate ya’ll sharing some of that northern Oklahoma cooler weather, even if it carries some of those trademark aluminum atoms.
          August in north Texas ranged mostly near 100F. I only got a lite shower on Aug 3rd and 31st. But this first week in September, I have seen days of some light rain and lower temperatures ranging between 72 – 90’s.

          Over the three day Labor Holiday, I ordered some cover crop seeds and some vitamins. Also I had to update my tolltag info online.
          Following that activity, my phone blew up. It has been ringing like a rabid moth trying to touch the light bulb.

          There is a Texas Tale that fine cigars protect one from the Data Harvesters.
          GBW, I guess your data is safe from those vampires.

  138. “The Brain is the Next Battlespace.”

  139. 1. Crashes of Convenience Titanic
    2. Israel Greatest selection threat
    3. FLNWO on Gandhi

  140. 1. The Brain is the Next Battlespace
    2. The Strange Story of Peter Thiel (presume a lot of focus on above topic and transhumanism?)

    Thanks James, and please keep the excellent content coming!

  141. “The Brain is the Next Battlespace”
    They all sound compelling; but is one particularly interesting

  142. Vote: Israel is the greatest….

    It’s timely and we all know James ‘s and Brocks’ muse works better under a deadline. November elections will pass and I hope this topic shows how the tail wags the dog.

  143. Israel Greatest selection threat

    • Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic

      I hope Israel won’t interfere with this one!

  144. If Trump is sentenced to prison in a couple of weeks, perhaps there will be no US Presidential selection to tamper with… Just something to consider for a minute, and not longer, while wars, famine, pandemics, energy shortages, and other methods of population reduction are played out by the world’s puppeteers, regardless of the pretend leader that sits in office.

  145. Hi James,
    1- The Brain is the Next Battlespace
    2- Know Your History: The FLQ Crisis
    3- The Strange Story of Peter Thiel
    4 – Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic
    5 – FLNWO on Gandhi
    6 – Israel the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat”

    You are a light in this world, best wishes for you and family.

  146. Hello James This may be old news, but I have just found out that B.C. Transit is offering a new payment app, “to make paying bus fares easier”. The app is called Umo and is owned by Cubic Transportation Systems International. Cubic provides networked command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR),amongst other services, to The U.S. military and their allies. As of May 2021 Cubic has become a privately held company owned by Elliot Management and Veritas Capital. Veritas owns Raytheon. Right now, in B.C., I am still able to pay cash for a bus ride, but I can’t help wondering how long that option will remain open once everyone has the app. Global dominance mission creep? From your list I will pick the FLQ crisis, as I was present in Fermont, Quebec when agents of the FLQ burnt down most of the accommodations of 2,500 workers at a construction site of U.S Steel. The company was building a smelter to process iron from two mountains with enough ore, available to be mined, to run the smelter for the next hundred years. The FLQ were very upset that our canadian government had sold them the land to do this.There were several more cases of industrial sabotage after the residences were rebuilt. I am curious to learn more of the FLQ’s story.

  147. 1. Know Your History: The FLQ Crisis

    2. The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

    3. Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic

    4. The Brain is the Next Battlespace

    “Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.” Ecclesiastes 10:1 KJV

  148. James often reminds us of how to search the site for episodes and other in-house content.

    What about comments?

    How are we supposed to search the site for a comment by a particular member?
    The current search bar isn’t designed for this.

    • Ctrl + F
      opens a search box on a webpage.

      • Thanks HRS.
        I’m well aware of that one. 🙂

        I’m talking about searching for a post(s) from a member that is NOT in the current webpage.

        ie. maybe from last week, month, year etc.

        • I use a regular search engine.
          If you can recall words in the comment, that helps.

          • Yeah that can be very tricky if you don’t recall the exact words.

            mkey had written some decent code for this but it stopped working when the site was overhauled.

    • To search this site with google, all you need is to add “” to the query.

      I did plan to make something for this, a third party site that would allow for advanced searching of comments. I was also hoping to recover some of the comment we had lost when the new site was implemented. But there are only so many hours in in the day and dealing with IT professionally makes additional IT on top of that just too much for me.

      Especially considering how terrible professional IT is. For someone who takes pride on their work it’s a punishment. Demotivation wherever you look, could it be that’s intentional? In the and I just prefer spending time in the real world.

      The script was easy to fix to get it going, but it lacks polish so I didn’t release. Maybe something for the weekend?

      • “In the and I just prefer spending time in the real world.

        The script was easy to fix to get it going, but it lacks polish so I didn’t release. Maybe something for the weekend?”

        I don’t blame you at all for preferring the real world to the virtual one.
        Anything you come up with will be appreciated. 🙂

  149. Remember Grenfell tower?
    72 people perished.
    Yes, that’s right ,the steel frame highrise that burned to a crisp in London,and refused to fall down. NIST is still saying it will fall, just give it a minute.
    Guess who was to blame?
    No, no Saudis were involved.
    The comments are priceless.

    • Oh I remember it very well indeed!
      I take special note of any burning high rises, volcanos etc.
      The MSM wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole (analogies to the WTC towers that is).

  150. I pick – Israel is the Greatest “(s)Election Interference Threat”

  151. Damn, are there 122 ‘subscriber exclusive’ videos I’ve missed?!

  152. #1 Peter Thiel
    #2 Brain Battlespace
    #3 flq crisis
    #4 titanic
    #5 ghandi
    #6 Israel election

    • I believe he said that he will be speaking there.

      From the show notes of James” most recent video.

      Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back Day 1 / Day 2

    • If Voting had ZERO effect then California and Texas would be exactly the same….sure neither is as free as living in 1800 but I will ‘choose the lesser evil’ of Texas or Florida over New York or California.

      I mean…if voting had NO effect how come so many states loosened their gun laws???
      Did the Elite decide they liked easier gun laws??? Or did threatening to Primary people make it happen????

      AFD is doing well enough in Germany now that the establishment is having to make itself look ridiculous doing an end run around them, similar story in France…. Should THOSE folks leave the field open so the only “Wishes counted” are the Greens and the Commies who love Globalism?

      The video starts with a lot of words as magic play about the roots words of vote- interesting but basically magical thinking the way he links it together…now while I do believe in the existence of some forms of magic(k) its kinda funny to think that the Gov actually depends on anything but the fact that they control the means of force…..that use of Force is not going away, it never has and it never will.

      Sure… he is right that money controls most of the power, but thats not a new thing. I don’t really see the long expected Boomer Rebellion will over throw the Gov any time soon. I don’t see the masses of dependents (useless welfare types AND the ones in the Army careing if you don’t vote. You CAN apply leverage (note the gun laws changing over the last decade) but just because it takes MORE then voting does not negate voting.

      Better TO vote, hey…even vote hard (lol) because


      2) It (sometimes) slows down the progress of the worst evil (and yeah….the Lesser evil is a LOT better then the worse evil)

      3) If you organize or get behind an organization YOU TOO CAN HAVE POWER

      4) It costs nothing…. If you don’t vote enough dependents WILL vote and even if they didn’t the Gov still has the means of force and you don’t.

      5) People who dont vote mostly dont do politics AT ALL…. watching the establishment end run their votes has radicalized A LOT of people who would still be shrugging otherwise

    • Voting
      I thought that this was a nice ‘balanced’ and non-preachy presentation.
      Definitely it is ‘food for thought.’ And really makes the case of the futility of voting in national elections.

      Aaron & Melissa Dykes often put out some great content which aids in the brain’s circulation system.
      I liked their sunglasses and “They Live” clips.

  153. Great to have you back! My vote is for “Crashes of Convenience: The Titanic”.

  154. Howdy, the mind always was the main battlefield, I think. At least since some people had the idea of tricking others in order to have servants or slaves. The web of our own illusion is so finely waved and sticky that it’s the most difficult to free ourselves from it. However that is what the Buddha tries to teach. There is a non-religious book about the process by Sharon Begley: Train your mind, change your brain.
    So the brain topic would be very interesting.
    Also I would love to hear your take on a topic out of the scoop of your offer the phantom ages, about which Heribert Illig German historian has a very compelling theory in his book: Das Erfundene Mittelalter (something like”The made up Middle Ages”). In the book he shows thousands of archeological indicators that there was about a 300-year period written into History that never happened but influenced greatly the story of Europe.

  155. Does this mean James will read all the comments and tally up the votes?
    Since many people say so, where’s the book? At what station is the book berthed in o’ Great Conductor?
    Reading never equates to answering. GBW

  156. *** Massive Real Estate Appraisal Fraud and pending Bond Crisis ***
    This systemic fraud very well may be much bigger than the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis of the 2008 financial crash.

    I’ll lay it out in Texican shorthand.
    Municipalities, counties, school districts and other government entities crave higher appraised values on property.
    Typically, they tax property at their policy’s tax rate percentage amount.
    So, if the value of the property keeps increasing, then the amount of tax money keeps increasing.
    Because government likes to spend more than it makes, it will borrow money. It does this by issuing bonds. The integrity of the bonds is based upon the tax revenue. The bond market is massive, much larger than the stock market.

    We all have seen the large increases in property values over the past recent years.
    It appears that there is a hidden pandemic of fraud when it comes to property appraisals.
    If this is exposed, the whole house of cards blows up.

    Once a Windsor Canadian, now a North Texan businessman, Mitchell Vexler has become an expert in Uniform Standard of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
    WATCH the September 3, 2024 video interview with Mitch Vexler by “Rebel Capitalist”
    Bombshell Report Reveals Government Conspiracy To Defraud Homeowners

    In the following video, Mitchell Vexler walks a person through in detail, document by document, showing how corrupt the system is. He gives his email at the end.
    The fraud and lawlessness is so outrageous that it becomes ‘incredible’, beyond belief.
    Mar 9, 2023
    Mockingbird Properties DCAD Report

    Mitch’s website:
    “How Denton Central Appraisal District Steals Money & Violates Laws”

    • I had watched that interview – made my blood boil, especially since I just got a school tax increase of 20%. Thanks for posting the links to mockingbird properties. (Note to self: It would be a good idea to download the resources he is sharing while they are still available.)

      • I’m really convinced that this Fraud Exposure could cause a massive economic upheaval.
        I think that is why no one in authority will really touch it.
        It is nitroglycerin.
        I hope that the Alternative Media recognizes how big and how important these revelations are.

        Watching the March 9, 2023 video sold me.

    • UPDATE Friday September 6, 2024
      *** Massive Real Estate Appraisal Fraud and pending Bond Crisis ***

      On Friday September 6, 2024 this 11 minute YouTube Video interview was released with Mitchell Vexler giving a brief summary of the Appraisal and Bond Fraud in North Texas.
      Appraisal Fraud in North Texas?

  157. 1. Peter Thiel
    2. FLQ crisis

  158. I don’t have any favorite(s) among the six choices given really.

    But truth be told, I’d rather have a special episode on the Moon Landing
    than what is being offered. 🙂

    Over the years James has given bits and pieces of his opinion on this topic
    but I think it’s high time that a deep dive into the subject is covered.
    Taking head on the ‘shadows’, the ‘blowing basket’, the immaculate dust under the capsule, the astronauts blowing ‘bubbles’ etc. etc.

  159. Has anyone else noticed that online US media stories seem to have many more “typos” than usual? There are misspellings that spell-check would have caught, cut-and-paste errors that scramble sentences, and other careless errors that interrupt the flow of thought. Here’s one, from a story posted in Activist Post, that could have used a proof-reader:

    Parallel US Regime Change Operations Likely Occurred In Pakistan & Bangladesh
    Khan languages in prison ultimately due to his “aggressively neutral position” regarding Russia & Ukraine…

  160. For anyone interested in hearing me talk about Turtle Island’s (aka North America’s) largest native fruit on Media Monarchy here is a link to the broadcast that features my segment on PawPaws.

    (the Mounsey Minute segment on PawPaws starts around time index 21:50 )

    I share about how we grow our own Pawpaw trees here in Ontario and how important this fruit was historically for both indigenous peoples and settlers from Europe in pre-industrial times.

    There is lots of history of this fruit infused into linguistics in the States. The town of Natchitoches (Louisiana) translates to ‘the pawpaw eaters,’ and is derived from the place-name given by the Caddo people.

    Both the fruit and other parts of the pawpaw were used in a range of ways by Native peoples. The pawpaw was recorded as central to Algonquian, Siouan, and Osage diets. The Cherokee used the fibrous interior bark of the tree to make ropes and string, the Iroquois mashed the fruit into dried cakes, and the Shawnee had a “pawpaw month” in their calendar.

    The word for pawpaw in Shawnee is ha’siminikiisfwa, which means “pawpaw month” or the month of September. The full moon in September would be used as the main indicator to harvest the fruit.

    Here is to starting our own unique new traditions by planting our own paw paw trees all over and sharing the resulting harvests with friends, neighbors and strangers! 🙂

  161. Aviation Impossibilities
    Deconstructing the Official Story of the 9/11 Hijackings and Air Defense Failures

    Over the past six months, the International Center for 9/11 Justice (IC911) has embarked on the first stage of an in-depth study into what took place in the skies on September 11, 2001.

    Today, IC911 and UK Column are delighted to announce an online symposium to be held on September 8, 2024, 6:00–10:00 PM UK [1-5 PM ET], where we will commemorate the 23rd anniversary of that horrible day and share IC911’s research to date. The symposium will evaluate three key claims of the US government’s account:

    – That the alleged 9/11 hijackers could so smoothly and successfully commandeer all four airliners;
    – That the alleged hijacker pilots could successfully fly three of the aircraft into their intended targets;
    – That US air defenses failed to intercept the hijacked planes due to communication breakdowns and bad luck.

    IC911 Research Director Dr. Piers Robinson will introduce the four-hour livestream event. Captain Dan Hanley, a pilot of 35 years and founder of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers, will speak about the importance of getting the world to understand that Muslim terrorists did not fly the planes on 9/11. Following their remarks, there will be four presentations.

    The symposium will be livestreamed here and will be archived for people to watch afterward.

    Further information and schedule:

    • Thanks, jo-ann.

      Its good to see the 9/11 community organising for the 4000th anniversary.

      • Some folks are just figuring out the official narrative is a lie. Most of the early online information has been hidden, so I am grateful folks are keeping the inquiry going for as long as it is allowed. (Wish my peers were open to considering something other than the official story.)

      • With this comment you made my day. I needed this laugh. Thanks!

  162. For people interested in the US/NATO war vs. Russia in Ukraine, I’ve recently published an article with podcast. (The link below is to the podcast which links back to the article).

    The article is based on commentary by Col. Jacques Baud (Swiss military, studied Soviet military doctrine). In the 1.5 hours discussion on Dialogue Works (included in sources) he presents a damning case of the betrayal of Ukraine by US/NATO. Nothing terribly surprising, but I found it sufficiently interesting to write the article.

    All publications come with sources.

    [Article Title] Fighting the Wrong War in the Wrong Way with the Wrong Weapons for the Wrong Reasons

    [Podcast link]

    (click on the ‘…’ button in the podcast graphic to expose the ‘download’ button, should you wish.)

    • I hope they figured out it’s another “fake” war scheduled by the globalists, like Championship Wrestling but with real bombs and bullets. I will check it out – thanks.

  163. By the way, it is so lovely to have you back.

  164. FYI: 10-week online class on climate: 2024 Climate master class with David Siegel

    The self-paced course is made up of about 35 pre-recorded units plus group discussion (optional participation). Begins Sep. 11, with first session free. (Short sample session available at link above.) Price is $100 (or £80) for ten weeks, from September 18 to November 20.

  165. The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

  166. The Brain, me thinks good to see you back

  167. Is a mandatory Digital ID part of ‘Make America Great Again’?

    Trump talks about creating a task force and putting Elon Musk as the head.
    1:30 minute mark:
    ”As the first order of business, this Commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months.”

    Fox News – Thursday September 5
    Trump announces Elon Musk will head audit of ‘entire federal government’

    • I think the digital ID might be rolled out for the next pandemic to track who needs a jab -or- to gain permission to use the internet (to control “free speech”) or financial services (due to data hacks including all our SSNs).

      I don’t know if it is all part of the script or whether DJT is really trying to torment his enemies, but I have a hunch we will not see DJT in the WH, or Elon heading any government commission, even if DJT wins the election. (What will the Dems burn down if that should happen? Any bets Twitter/X might be banned in the USA?)

      This could make for a great contest: consider all the likely permutations that the powers that shouldn’t be will prevent Trump from serving a second term. Perhaps WWIII, another plandemic, power grid down, or jail sentence, or any combination thereof, could be invoked before the election or before Jan. 20th. I bet somebody would like to use that “contingent” government and martial law.

      There is an article that describes how the US military was involved in fixing the 2020 elections. The web pages looks funky on my computer (settings?) but the text is readable.

      • P.S. Not to mention all the problems jets and planes are having lately…

  168. Thursday 5 Sept – Derrick Broze
    The Summit of the Future is Only Weeks Away Yet the Public Remains Ignorant

    On September 22 and 23, the United Nations member states will gather in New York City at the UN headquarters for the historic Summit of the Future with the intention to sign the Pact for the Future.
    This document is expected to radically accelerate the push towards the completion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2030

    …under a section titled “Transforming Global Governance”, the UN document outlines “Action 41”:
    “We will transform global governance and reinvigorate the multilateral system to tackle the challenges, and seize the opportunities, of today and tomorrow.”

    Resetting the Financial System
    …section 82 states that the “growing frequency and intensity of global economic shocks” has slowed down progress on the completion of the UN SDGs.
    The solution, according to the Pact, is to “recognize the role of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in strengthening the global financial safety net in a world prone to systemic shocks”.

    SDRs are not considered a currency but instead are considered “foreign exchange reserve assets” which allow IMF member nations to exchange SDRs for a currency held by IMF members.
    Interestingly, independent researcher James Corbett warned about the potential for the SDRs to become a “world reserve currency” as far back as 2013.

    The Pact for the Future makes it clear that SDRs will indeed play a major role in the transformation of the international financial system.
    “We welcome the pledges to rechannel over $100 billion worth of SDRs to developing countries while stressing the urgency of delivering on these pledges to developing countries as rapidly as possible,” the draft states….

  169. It’s hard to choose, they are all good topics. Maybe The Strange Story of Peter Thiel. Or Know Your History: The FLQ Crisis.

  170. Early senescence (with visually intense anthocyanin biosynthesis) has initiated in a range of different tree varieties in southern Ontario.

    (Pictures included here: )

    I never cease to be amazed and impressed by the way the genius of nature’s graceful balance and geometry reveals itself in the autumn.

    Each leaf has a story to tell about the season that is ending and they whisper of what has yet to come.

    Each and every leaf offering wisdom (to those who observe closely and listen to the language of the trees). If Dendrochronology is the study of the life story, memory, experiences and community life of individual rooted beings, than the study of fall leaves (a type of Phytomorphology) is like reading a passionate essay written by a rooted being that speaks to their experiences from a single growing season.

    When you combine both studies with opening up your intuitive capacities what you are beginning to unlock is the ability to truly see, listen to and receive communication from our rooted elder beings.

    Beyond offering wisdom to enhance our intellectual understanding of the world, our place in it and how to function in a more harmonious way, our rooted elder beings also offer us nourishment for the soul.

    Each magnificent brush stroke of the Creator that dances on the autumn breeze is offering nourishment for the soul (to those willing to still their mind, be present in the moment and accept that gift with an open heart.)

    • I feel-think very similar when I listen to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. He lets the Creation be heard through his music.

      • @OZ

        I like that and from the little bit of Bach I have listened to in the past, I agree.

        I think I shall listen to some Bach while I appreciate the symphony of colors painted across the forest canopy and on the ground this fall.

        Can you offer recommendations for particular Bach works that you would describe as befitting such an experience of embracing the awe and splendor of Creation?

        Thanks for the comment.

  171. I am interested in all of these topics but my top two are Titanic & Gandhi.

    That said, when you do the story on Thiel you should bring on Whitney Webb

  172. Hi James, great idea.
    I would vote for all, but since that is not possible, I vote for the only one I no NOTHING about and which I find quite interesting as Canada is living such hellish times with the son of Castro in power. So, I vote for the FLQ crisis, which I just looked up and confirmed it was in times of the official dad !
    If I don’t win, I’d say it would be great for you to sneak it in somehow!

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