Interview 1903 – James Corbett on God, Government and The Law

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Fighting Vaccine Mandates – #SolutionsWatch

Fighting Vaccine Mandates – #SolutionsWatch

While the UK is supposedly dropping their vaccine passport idea (for now), things are looking bleak in country after country as people all around the world are facing the threat of vaccine mandates. Today on #SolutionsWatch James explores the array of solutions that are on the table to thwart this threat.

9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned? (video)

Today, there’s an entire generation who have grown up in the shadow of the towers. Who have never known a world that was not haunted by the hobgoblin of terrorism. Who have never thought twice about giving up the freedoms they barely knew they had in the name of fighting the “invisible enemy.” How can we blame them for not understanding the gravity of this moment, today, giving up those few freedoms that remain in the name of fighting the new phantom menace?

Episode 408 – 9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned?

Episode 408 – 9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned?

Today, there’s an entire generation who have grown up in the shadow of the towers. Who have never known a world that was not haunted by the hobgoblin of terrorism. Who have never thought twice about giving up the freedoms they barely knew they had in the name of fighting the “invisible enemy.” How can we blame them for not understanding the gravity of this moment, today, giving up those few freedoms that remain in the name of fighting the new phantom menace?


Bracing for “Cyber 9/11”

As Al-CIA-da become the "good guys" (again), and I-CIA-SIS starts to crumble, and the latest boogeymen fail to strike a chord of panic in a boogeyman-weary public (remember the fearsome Khorasan Group, anyone?), it is safe to say that the old Global War on Terror...

The Ugly Truth About the Minimum Wage

The economic ignorace of the "Let's Raise the Minimum Wage" gang is matched only by their smugness. In their confused, economically-illiterate universe, you either advocate for an increase in the minimum wage or you hate poor people. As anyone with an understanding of...

2016: Community or Civil War?

Whether economically or geopolitically or socially, 2016 is shaping up to be a year driven by disaster, panic, fear and rage. How we act throughout these crises will either make us stronger in our resistance to the forces of tyranny or see us fall prey to the tyrants'...