Results for "color revolution"

The Crisis of Science (is worse than you think)

You may have heard of "the crisis of science" recently. The idea that there is something massively wrong with the way science is being conducted these days is not a fringe anti-science idea anymore. It's being discussed in lamestream milquetoast publications like The...

This Does Not End Well…

This wasn't supposed to be a column about unemployment and political violence. I was supposed to be writing about the crisis of irreproducible results in science and the dangers of scientism and technocracy. But then I checked my Twitter timeline. Cue the Emotional...

The Theranos Scandal: Science, Charlatans and Globalists

If you've been following the Theranos scandal, you've probably heard the basic story by now: The miracle tech start up was founded by a 19-year-old Stanford dropout to revolutionize lab testing, reducing blood work to a finger prick device and a patented machine that...

The (Second) Most Important Bank You’ve Never Heard Of

What is the most important bank the public has never heard of? My fine audience excepted, not one in a hundred people could name the Bank for International Settlements as the culprit, and fewer still could describe the BIS' role as "the apex of the system" of world...

3 Stories That Prove We’re Not in Kansas Anymore

Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Heck, we're not even on the map. In case you haven't noticed, things are starting to get crazy out there. Not just economically (with another global contraction already well under way) or financially (with teetering...


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