Results for "canada"

Canada is a Tinpot Dictatorship

O Canada! The land of Mounties and beavers and hockey and...hate speech tribunals? Yes, it's no secret that Canada is no friend of free speech, and as citizens get fined for criticizing police and lawyers get prosecuted for criticizing a government agency, things are...

Justin Trudeau: Canada’s “Hope and Change” Deception

Dan Dicks of joins us today to discuss the current leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and potential future Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Riding on the coattails of his father and the support of a Canadian public sick of the long-running Harper...

Canada’s Foreign Policy – Yves Engler on GRTV

Canada’s Foreign Policy – Yves Engler on GRTV

While Canada enjoys a reputation as a peacekeeper on the world stage, its history proves it to be anything but. In his new book "The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper's Foreign Policy," author and activist Yves Engler explores how the Harper government is trying to...

Agenda 21 in Canada with Richard Heathen (Video)

Tonight we speak with Canadian researcher and documentary filmmaker Richard Heathen about Agenda 21, the NGOs, foundations, and government entities behind it, how it is destroying property rights and threatening society, and what we can do about it. CLICK HERE to...


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