Results for "salting data"

2021 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch

2021 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch

Today James reflects on the first year of #SolutionsWatch. What worked? What didn't? Where do things stand now? Let's take a look... Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4 SHOW NOTES #1 - Introducing #SolutionsWatch Comment from Corbett...

How to Meet Like-Minded People – #SolutionsWatch

How to Meet Like-Minded People – #SolutionsWatch

Forming community with like-minded people has never been more important . . . and it has never been more difficult. As the gatekeepers of our increasingly disconnected world try to close the door on our various options for finding community, today James explores some...

How to De-Google – #SolutionsWatch

How to De-Google – #SolutionsWatch

Remember when Google was just a search engine? In the age of Gmail and Google Drive and Google Maps and GooTube and Google phones, it's truly unsettling to think how much of the average person's online activity is now directly feeding the Google data behemoth. Today...


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