Results for "Bill Gates"

Yes to What? – The Scottish Conundrum

by James Corbett September 17, 2014 This article originally appeared in The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter on September 13, 2014. To subscribe to the newsletter and become a member of The Corbett Report website, please sign up for a monthly or...

The Answer to Common Core: Alternative Models of Education

by James Corbett June 3, 2014 One does not have to scratch very deeply into the surface of pop culture to see that “schools” are nearly universally portrayed in our culture as boring, stultifying, prison-like environments where students have to...

Why Common Core Must Be Opposed

by James Corbett May 27, 2014 “Felix made 8 birthday invitations with hearts. He made some more with stars. He made 17 invitations in all. How many invitations had hearts?” [link] “Irini has a favorite day of the week. She chose this day because...

The South China Sea: Flashpoint of the Asia-Pacific

[CLICK HERE to continue watching on] by James Corbett August 21, 2012 If the Asia-Pacific region is becoming, in the words of Hillary "We came, we saw, he died" Clinton, "the strategic and economic center of gravity" of the...

Technocracy and Education – James Tracy on GRTV

For decades, parents have lamented the state of the public education system and the dumbing down of generations of children. In response, organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are investing millions of dollars in programs they say are designed to...

The Future of the Web (and what you can do about it)

by James Corbett June 26, 2012 In mid-2012, in the wake of the ratification of ACTA and the proposal in the US of bills like SOPA and PIPA, in an age where the war on terror is gradually morphing into a cyberwar and database hacks, password leaks...


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