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Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
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Story #1: World ID Humanness Verification Launches In Poland To Help Increase Trust Online
World ID Introduced In Guatemala, Malaysia, Poland, Launch Comes At Key Moment For AI
Worldcoin Pivots Away From Europe Amid Tangle Of GDPR Problems
NWNW Flashback – Gaze Into The Orb For Free Money! (Nov. 18, 2021)
Story #2: WHO Wants To Regulate Smartphones
WHO Framework Convention On Tobacco Control
Interview 1194 – Larry Rosen Gives Practical Advice on Controlling Your Smartphone
Story #3: FEMA Director On Misinformation: ‘Truly Dangerous Narrative’
North Carolina Senator Calls Conspiracy Theories Around Helene Federal Response A ‘Distraction’
Tampa’s Phoenix Simulation Anticipated Category 5 Hurricane
Did Biden-Harris Divert FEMA Funds For Luxury Migrant Apartments With Flat-Screen TVs?
Careful, Talk Of “Weather Modification” Could Be Trap
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I usually listen to this in my ears but this time I watched the video. Nice to see you two. Great episode. God bless all the skeptics!
The video of Col. Mcgregor interviewing Dane Wigington is very good. Wigington shows with satellite imagery how radio wave bursts were used to guide Hurricane Helene.
Hi TimmyTales- could please share a link? I never looked into the whole government-controlled storm matter, but I want to learn more. Thanks!
AnCap94: Here is a link to one of the latest videos from Dane Wigington at Geoengineering Watch:
I would recommend Jim Lee of ClimateViewer.org. I think this fella wipes the floor with Mr. Wigington without breaking a sweat.
Addition to: Careful, Talk Of “Weather Modification” Could Be Trap
The sun intensifies tropical storms.
Solar storms cause earth storms.
The news always has 2 narrated sides at minimum.
So people who think that they oppose the main news narrative,
will be caught in the fishnet of the second narrative.
Good point 67,
and thanks for posting again the fact that the sun plays THE role in our climate.
EXCERPT from Kit Knightly
“No, my caution is simple – the claim of “weather modification” can easily be used as a backdoor into accepting the reality of “climate change”.
After all its premise is the same – that the weather we experience is unusual, strange, unnatural – and we need to do something about it.”
Good show. My wife and I have lived through the devastating Tubbs and Kincade Fires here in Sonoma County, CA. Once you’ve lived through a disaster you never forget it. We were prepared, but it was still an ordeal. Our town was under mandatory evacuation for 5 days. We stayed in our house and hid from the police patrols. No power or gas. We did have water. The town became a ghost town, and black crows took over the streets. The interior house temperature came down to 46F at the end of the five days when the gas was finally turned back on.
Watch the skies!
Wonder who put all those “bots” online? Same same as has “the solution”?
Non-humans will be spared. Secure your safety now.
It’s not the fondle toys, it’s the climate. Whatever it’s doing, it’s doing it.
Meanwhile, ever seen a heroin addict walking around with their needle held out before them, checking it every two minutes to see if there’s a new fix in there?
Just saying….oh, and all the shots, by the way….
Controlling your “SMART” weapon is not possible.
You can’t even shut it off.
Cake and eat it too, anyone?
Who made who buy one? Who makes it impossible to not own or use a cell phone?
Just saying…
I find it interesting that this Milton event featured both a hurricane plus tornadoes.
Never heard of that before in my life.
They just don’t boogie together.
Like the covid shots, they’re throwing everything from the shelf in there. See what it does.
Oh, by the way, anyone at those conferences talk about the Military and NSA? Keeping the curtains over the wizardry?
Actually, it is not unusual to see tornadoes associated with hurricanes / tropical storms.
Since when?
In the first fifty five to sixty years of my life, hurricanes happened near large bodies of water, in very warm places; the Great Lakes were not associated with hurricanes. It takes a very warm ocean; tornadoes occurred inland in dry, hot, and mostly flat areas.
Tornado chasers aren’t out there on the ocean. They’re not in boats. They’re in the middle of the 4000 miles across land.
I have no doubt and no argument with what can be done with another, and more yet ,machines. Machines Rule, and men bow to them as gods. They make everything you do faster, harder, louder,more…more money, that is.
You all sit there getting fatter and weaker, identifying yourselves with these dead machines as if their force is your power. All primed and ready for the microwave agenda to suck us dry of all energies. Males are sporting fifty-five year old crap-diet ego bellies at thirty years old now. Lovely. Takes a lot to feel like SOMEONE these days. Kids need to cut off their genitals to get any of that special precious attention that only comes through the ever shining machines.
Snow bows; “northern lights” wherever; it’s their comic book disneyland planet, anything they can imagine goes.
Doesn’t usually go “well” in the end, though. But that’s also part of the agenda, because Mr. Fix It is always ready for action.
I’m sure the “inter-net” will hold all within the “new” “facts”, quite well. Artificial Information passes for intelligence.
Dust devils during rain storms? Never.
Tornadoes are bigger dust devils.
So, where’s the electrical engineer who can explain the co-occurrence of a twister and a hurricane?
Maybe I can ask at Thunderbolts Forum. They are beginning to drop hints about knowing that NASA certainly knows….but there’s always something needing to be hid, something that may not live up to it’s propaganda. Something the guys need to retain a “huddle” over.
Something that may not be all as hard and big and mighty as wished,; something that actually isn’t made of steel, but of tender sensitive flesh. Something that, in all truth, the owner… who wishes to control all and sundry appearing without and around “the self”… cannot even control within the self.
Oh, god forbid. Not that.
Okay, then. Tornadoes with hurricanes. Explain to me in electrical terms, please. No mathemagics needed, ok?
Meanwhile, I’ll see what the physicists and electrical engineers have to say about that.
If I can accept that, maybe I can accept chicks with dicks.
I mean, if THEY say so….well, then. Since when have males ever been wrong?
Perhaps the homonculus contained in the mighty sperm will also be “proved” soon. Days of miracles and wonders, for those who’ve never experienced a real miracle.
Meanwhile, folks of all ages are dropping like flies from fentanyl in everything. Let’s not waste time figuring out who’s making a ‘KILLING” FROM this. Let’s propagandize geoengineered “reality”, post 1984 style.
I know someone who lives near Houston. After a hurricane last year, she told me–very matter-of-factly–that she was watching the storm from her balcony and saw a tornado form as often happens and knock down 3 power line poles on her property. So she certainly knows tornadoes can occur with hurricanes.
btw, someone posted the link to a webpage that has weather info, ventusky.com. That person said that Milton NEVER got to a cat 5 hurricane at all. So all the weather shows lied about this in coordinated fashion. Surprise, surprise. Milton certainly never had wind speeds exceeding cat 5, which doesn’t exist, even though some peops on line were saying so. The webpage keeps the data so I checked and it’s true. The wind speeds never got above cat 3 and, from a quick scan, were mostly a cat 2 or lower. What are these jokers trying to pull?
The only question is: how far are people willing to go parroting nonsense?
First I heard someone saying “Milton” is maxing out the storm potential (lol) and then I started hearing the same thing from other (non MSM) venues. Verbatim parroting.
Sounds relatively cool and all, stormus maximums, but what does it really mean? “Theoretical maximum the Earth can muster!” … OK. Is this the same theory that does not include the Sun in predicting weather 100 years in the future?
Also some people have mentioned that when trying to search for “Helene” related stuff they were only getting the new storm related news. Like the previous one was buried in a landslide, or something.
True, true. I’ve many times had people who are high school or college dropouts, or who admit that they know absolutely nothing about science tell me I’m wrong about some science concept or fact. Yeah, right.
Most egregious examples: 1. a guy tried to convince me that “we are creating a thick layer of carbon in the atmostphere” and that hurricane Sandy was cat 4 hurricane and caused by global warming, while repeatedly admitting he knows nothing about science (and apparently can’t look up factual info), 2. another who is a high school drop out, can barely read and does nothing but watch gootube all day–really–told me we’re all going to die from da coveed, and who am I to question the experts?
Most days I’m convinced we’re doomed.
People won’t let facts or scientific inquiry get in the way of their overinflated (Michelin mascot-esque) ego.
ccuthbert2001 says,
“Most days I’m convinced we’re doomed.”
I really, really, REALLY understand that.
And after talking to some people, I often mutter the phrase to myself,
“On geez! We’re doomed.”
I have a relative who uses the phrase “We’re doomed” quite often.
Yes, make this statement louder.
They were burying the results of “Helene”.
I did notice that. Said “wild winds” of Paradise conflagration were also shown to be only 5 mi. per hour on that morning/day. “Cover stories”?
So , yes, you’ve pierced quickly through to the core.
Jokers. Maskers. Illusionists.
They’re playing the Rahu/North Ecliptic Node Card…the dis-embodied head, the obsessive unconscious desires…magnified…in Pisces….boundary-less, land of illusions, disillusions, phantoms and spirits from beyond, and watery addictions. The deepness of Davy Jones’ Locker. The force of oceanic currents. The illusions of depth created by water. Humans are big sacks of water.
If you’ve ever been suddenly pulled out by an oceanic current, you’ll grog why these illusions are so compelling and deadly.
Everything they do is planned and executed in alignment with the sidereal movements and positions of the attending astral players.
They know.
And that’s how they know …when the fish are jumping, and when the fools are buying.
By the way, RFK senior, RFK junior, as well as D Trump, all have prominent eclipse charts. No coincidinkeys.
The role players are chosen by their natal charts.
That’s the “psychological profiling” that agencies such as NSA and CIA use to choose their shills.
Look at Trump’s sidereal chart, look at the event-time charts of his public appearances, and you’ll see how the times are chosen to align with his placements.
Well, here comes a north node eclipse, this one fully over the US.
Mark what is revealed in that shadow-twist. Some truths only reveal in the darkness. Too much light is blinding.
Indeed as HomeRemedy points out there typically are some shallow, fast spin up tornadoes in the bands around a tropical system, but they are shallow, small, weak, and short-lived. This storm produced monsters as one sees in totally different conditions elsewhere. These were engineered in every aspect every bit as much as the hurricane itself.
precisely, thank you
Twisters/Tornadoes don’t come with rain. Snow doesn’t make snow bows.
And machines don’t make sense. Not “living sense”. They’re dead, like money. Dead.
Air “conditioners” don’t make anything cooler, they just make everything hotter.
And two lies do not a truth make.
We live in a mad world at this time.
Watch it unravel
I have lived in Texas virtually my entire life which is more than 7 decades, and I love studying Texas history.
There have been many hurricanes on the Gulf coast which are all reported in the news.
Often, I would hear reports about the tornados.
Plus, we get a lot of tornados anyway.
National Weather Service
Hurricanes and tropical storms can produce tornadoes. These tornadoes most often occur in thunderstorms embedded in rain bands well away from the center of the hurricane; however, they can also occur near the eyewall. The majority of tornadoes associated with tropical systems occur in the right front quadrant of the storm. This area typically has the best wind shear and instability.
Okay. I didn’t realize this.
But, where rain is falling heavily, can there still be a tornado?
The eye of a hurricane is a kind of “tornado”, right? One that gathers moisture rather than dust?
Do some involve both?
I can see that in Texas, lots of flat land and big ocean front. Having both.
Maybe I need to bone up on hurricanes. Maybe they’re not primarily about water.
When hurricanes approach the Texas coast it is not uncommon to see tornadoes out in the ocean.
Maybe 5 years ago, a tornado came very close to my place (within a mile or two). It was raining heavy at the time. It tore up stuff down the road from me.
This Spring we had a Thunderstorm approaching.
The winds were wild, whipping directions and sustained, and flipped a shed of mine and its contents across the back yard.
I had two different neighbors who were outside prior to the rain tell me that a funnel cloud appeared above us about 500 yards away, it briefly touched ground and then was no longer.
Back in the early 1980’s, I was at an outdoor flea market around St Louis, Missouri selling jeans on tables. It was a windless day, hot and sticky humid.
Out of nowhere, I watched in awe as a very large Devil Duster approached and wove its way around the flea market. Tables and vender wares were flying high up in the air. And then it went on its way.
Go figure…I think that weather phenomena is hard to predict.
Wednesday December 29th, 2021
— FISH Rain From Sky in Texarkana, Texas —
I remember watching the videos…it was amazing to see these fish land on a roof or lawn.
I mention my chemtrail aluminum tests on that SubThread.
Wow. Too cool. Thanks for all these links.
Still learning.
Now I’m so curious to know just what’s going on when storms form.
After “Grunt”, my current laughs and wild-info feast from M. Roach.
Wondering where you live, as I live on the east coast of the US and have seen tornados spawn from tropical storm systems, and even thunderstorms, my entire life.
I’ve lived all over the world. Grew up on the east coast, NH, born 1950.
Evidently, I’ve missed so much.
Including chicks with dicks.
I don’t belong here. Wrong planet for a native american.
Recently I read a few short articles on alt media claiming a number of fires near other lithium deposits in the USA, or claiming 15-minute cities / Smart cities planned for Ashville, NC and Tampa, FL. Links to referenced documents were provided. I made a mental note of them and, because I cannot do anything about them, chose not to be distracted any further.
P.S. I looked on the NOAA (sp?) gov website to see shat type of radio transmitters were near me a few days ago. Today I read that they have removed that list and the lists of weather modification actions from the past.
Also, in 2020 or 2021, Florida State University had one of the three largest university computer systems in the country installed in it’s location of choice.
Before the Corps of Civil Engineers “fixed” it, Florida was THE Swamp State. It’s mainly one big “a-men-did” swamp.
Looks like there are real Weather Gods and real Gods of Pestilence in the world, is it not? 😛
I just sat through the eye of hurricane Milton last night in Sarasota.
As a native Florida Man, I can say that this storm was different.
The lightning in the sky was unlike any that I’ve seen before. It was akin to heat lightning, which makes no sound and usually happens on warm nights.
But this lightning was different colors, magenta, blue, green and yellow.
There weren’t any bolts, but more like balls of lightning, similar to a flashbulb.
Of the many people I spoke to, who all noticed the same difference, one person I spoke with mentioned “ionized lightning” as an answer.
I’ve not had a chance to look into it, having been in recovery mode all day, but it’s a new data point for me.
Here for any questions.
Interesting anecdote. Thanks Erin.
Erin W. Hood (SPI)
Pure speculation here, but…
I took a long look at HAARP the last 10years. It’s way above my full understanding and pay scale. However if mathematical formulas can be brought into the material world HAARP is the apparatus to do it.
Plasma is the forth state of matter. The maniacal creators and users of this weapon will use it and study it and never miss an opportunity to test their control of it.
You may have witnessed a test. How much energy do you think you witnessed? An incredible amount for certain.
Unlike those that Sheppard over these WMD I hope you and your family are well and wish you and your neighbors a speedy recovery.
Erin, I saw the lightning footage you speak about. That was definitely NOT any form of natural lightning. In order to achieve the levels of ionization breakdown in the clouds with this storm they had to infuse it with ungodly amounts of HF frequency energy, seeded it prolifically with the right chemical & metal ingredients, and then fire in lazers or something to achieve such monstrous electrical spectacles. Don’t know if EM energies were fired from space, ground, or aircraft, and it’s not like they will ever inform us how they do it.
HAARP: High Altitude Auroral Resonance/Research Program; aka “Ionosphere Heaters”
“Ionosphere”: A layer of “atmosphere” above the stratosphere which is ionized, naturally. Ionized: Electrically charged
“Electric Universe” / Thunderbolts Project: Birkeland and the Birkeland currents. This is but one of many discussions there re: Birkeland Currents, discovered through northern lights research.
Chem trails: Ionizing the lower atmosphere for electromagnetic manipulation and control.
EVIDENCE & conjecture
The observations by Erin W. HOOD (Supreme Pleadean Implant) and mspann are SOLID observations which we should make note of.
e.g. lightning was different colors, magenta, blue, green and yellow…more like balls of lightning
If anyone comes across other related data, especially verifiable evidence or ‘coincidental data’ (not conjecture), it would behoove us all to place it under Erin’s comment to keep a running log.
I want to mention something so that we don’t embarrass ourselves…
— Stating observations and data is solid.
— Stating a “conjecture” is just a speculation, a theory.
~~ a guess about something based on how it seems and not on proof
~~ reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence.
The 2016 Melbourne thunder asthma storms were an international incident.
However, on various threads and platforms, some people were making all kinds of geoengineering | chemtrail claims without solid evidence. It became a mob of loud voices concluding something with nothing of substance to support the conclusion. I remember. Because the asthma scenario was a somewhat unusual event, the void of the mystery was filled by conjecture…which was mind-folded as factual, when in fact, it was not factual.
I contend that the 2016 Melbourne thunder asthma storms resulted from the ergot of the Rye fields. I have solid evidence from a number of sources.
Toxic mold is the deadly culprit that killed 8 people and sickened hundreds more in Australia’s asthma thunderstorm
Part of a SUBTHREAD (but other threads exist)
Just like James Corbett’s shownotes, we should take care to cite sources and data.
I am not saying “Don’t speculate.” But we should label a conjecture as such.
Speaking at the Rio conference, Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick, who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department said:
“A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”
Mark Levin guest the late Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute in 15 mins of brilliant assessment of reality… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA5sGtj7QKQ
Basically…In one hundred years of study, world temp has warmed up 9/10ths of ONE DEGREE.
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
Opening remarks offered by Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, revealed the real goal:
“We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse. Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?”
“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it.”
― H.L. Mencken
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“The amount of tyranny you get, is the exact amount you put up with”
― Thomas Jefferson
“The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.
Especially if it is repeated over and over.”
― Adolph Hitler
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
Hi ejddoyle,
Your Maurice Strong quotation sent me down a rabbit hole. I even found myself reading at mauricestrong.net. The quotation you have above about a responsibility to collapse industrial civilisation, do you have the source? It was not in his opening remarks in Rio 1992. I found another site referring to an interview by Daniel Wood in West magazine in 1990. I can’t find West magazine online, and of course archive.org is “temporarily offline.”
I’ve been a social/political activist since the early 60’s Free Speech Movement in Berkeley where an acquaintance, Mario Savio gave his “Bodies Upon the Gears” speech on the UC Berkeley Sproul Hall steps, or just out of the Army, my gal and I heard Eldridge Cleaver say on those same steps:
“If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem” and then we went to the Oakland draft center to close it down and the cops, etc. beat the snot out of everyone they could.
So since that pre-web/computer time I have been harvesting lots of significant quotes and information about the who, what, where, etc. of the controller’s minions and efforts. In transferring my notes and info to my computer years ago, I just lost track of a lot of the sources. If this quote is not correct, do let me know and I will remove it from my folder.
>>I can’t find West magazine online, and of course archive.org is “temporarily offline.”>>
Indeed, Bill Casey’s pre-web quote is more ominous today then ever:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
William Casey CIA Director (from 1st staff meeting 1981)
That was when it was just the print media that was manipulating reality.
Not that it matters, but I really wonder if that’s an authentic quotation from Jefferson. Can you cite, please? ty
Your are on the most powerful source of harvesting knowledge in history, just use your browser.
If you read my post above then that’s that about that.
I was being polite. It doesn’t ring true as an 18th century statement. I wasted my time doing your work for you and I can’t find that quotation attributed to Jefferson by anyone but a few bloggers without citation. I’m not going to waste any more of my time on such sloppiness and smugness (if that’s even a word). I call baloney and would be happy to rescind that if someone can find a citation.
Instead of trying to be a tough guy you might just offer that you don’t believe the quote is correct and perhaps I should be careful using it.
You know, being civilized rather then being a jerk over some misquote that doesn’t matter much in the bigger picture of life.
But that is what has happened here on James’ excellent site, in the past 15 years or so, it is reflecting whinny, Internet anonymity that breeds no civil accountability with a desire to BE right rather then MAKE things right.
As I said to “m”:
>>If this quote is not correct, do let me know and I will remove it from my folder.>>
“Instead of trying to be a tough guy you might just offer that you don’t believe the quote is correct and perhaps I should be careful using it.”
I did “just offer that I don’t believe the quote is correct,” and asked for a citation. I was polite. You’re the one who escalated. Could it be you were smarting from being challenged twice? (I didn’t see M’s post, btw, or I wouldn’t have bothered. I just read the fake Jefferson, thought, “That can’t be right, but who knows?” and then asked for the source. Oh, the horror!)
I’m done with this thread, or ever communicating with you again, so you can have the last word, since you seem to need it.
I rather think the school ban on phones has more to do with all the videos of teachers ‘sperging out or telling weird creepy stuff to their class.
Personally I hate when people yank out phones-the first person I knew with a smartphone was a Boomer who was always an early adopter of tech. Now I say he was an early adopter of rudeness, lol.
I doubt that the Gov can actually steer storms where they like, but they will no doubt be taking advantage of damage- my money is on Haitians incoming. They certainly used Katrina to shuffle the demographics up a bit and they dont like areas with too much homogeneity that might push back
…or possible videos of “school shootings”? and such affairs? like crisis actors’ parties?
Had a friend who was teaching advanced Math at the University of Oregon some years ago, who was told at a meeting required for professors to attend that from then on in, students and anyone else could bring guns to campus, but not teachers.
My friend, being intelligent, immediately quit. She can get a job anywhere. Even Canada.
I walked through all the major in-city squares in Barcelona just two and half weeks before that “affair”.
Tens of thousands of cell phones being used in each one of them. International tourist destination, summer time.
No scores of videos?
The planet will remain forever fertile with this amount of bull shit going down.
climatica rubber hits the road. the novelty is off the Richter: western NC largest rain accumulation was 30 inches (if it was cooler it would have created 25 feet of snow), just for comparison the cyclonic thing that parked just off the oz gold coast, late feb 2022, dumped twice that in two days, 50ft of snow , mate. as an Iowan might say, “thats different”., or here in oz “thats a bit how ya goin”. Then theres tornados reported in front of and behind Milton (what??), all graced by aurora borealis right down to the sub tropics. beware the ides of October. kinda reminds me of uncle Joe’s hypothesis of the 3 layers of 9/11: the kamakasi mercenaries, then the trickiest of agents, yet a third level of knowing and control that out played the first two,, and so yes climate engineers yet further powers that may be part of the bigger steering those pesky humans picture. here’s hopin’ ya’ll manage a way to keep it light
Florida resident here reporting my gut feelings.
Before Helene even hit land, I observed the NOAA forecast and kept incredulously telling my husband how the storm was going to move up to TN and just park it there for 2-3 days. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tropical-storm-helene-hurricane-path-maps-track-forecast/ Most post-tropical depressions gets pushed back out to the Atlantic with prevailing weather patterns. Afterward, with FEMA and authorities mishandling volunteers and state national guard troops overseas, I knew something was gravely amiss.
Then with Milton, I watched live coverage on YT with huge convection cells in front of the hurricane. The meterologist dismissed it as just thunderstorms. And Milton was a record-breaking tornado-producing machine – one right after another. I’ve never seen so many large tornadoes in Florida before. Smaller tornadoes accompanying hurricanes are par for the course, but these were unusual.
I had always wondered how they were going to punish Floridians for defying COVID. The welcome signs to the state were recently changed to say, “Welcome to the free state of Florida.”
NEXRAD indeed is suspect, but it’s true that there’s nothing we can do to argue our way out of this trend. How do you legislate against weather manipulation in international waters?
FEMA – Texas Region Paper Pushers
About two decades ago, I toured the FEMA Headquarters for Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, and 68 federally recognized tribal nations).
Actually, it was in a massive underground bunker built during the Cold War around 1960-61 in North Texas.
Lime Army Green ugly dismal tiles lined the walls with fluorescent lights adding to the despondent nature of such a workplace. There were small non-window offices with old file cabinets and stacks of papers lying around on spare spaces.
The visual environment was depressing, like the basement of a 1950’s mental facility hospital.
One large room had a mountain of freeze dried food.
Actually, I wasn’t impressed. It looked like amateurs put things together while trying to appear important, much like kids pretending to be some TV character but all clumsy in their competence. TV Show props and camera angles do a much better job at looking professional.
My final take-away was that I would hate working there.
Drab. Ineffective. Paper pushing all day. Just a paycheck or career ladder endeavor.
The “War Room” or rather “Emergency Center Room” had a stage-like platform with some large TV screens behind it. Rows of ‘desks’ with landline phones faced the stage.
That same room has been rearranged with ‘round tables’…
—Would you trust masked people dictating your survival?
Premiered Aug 29, 2021
FEMA Region 6 RRCC Hurricane Ida Support Operations – Denton, Texas
40 seconds
News Reporter tours the facility…
Bunker turned FEMA disaster headquarters
2 ½ minutes
Government Worker Syndrome
At the very least, the most terrifying aspect to these disaster crisis events and general life is…
…Government Workers.
I swear…government workers as a category are some of the most incompetent, pass-the-buck, “ride the paycheck to retirement”, non-caring, group of ‘paper-pushing-producers’ there is.
These government workers tend to only perform mundane tasks but without true curiosity nor interest in deeper understanding. It is an authoritarian dogma regimen with cush monetary perks. They just want to punch the clock, pass the buck, and ride a cruise ship to retirement.
Think about government…the quantity of useless reports which have been written that no one ever reads that could fill every container ship in the world. No valuable product is produced, not even quality toilet paper.
Japanese animation is the best! Japan does everything better!
James Corbett, you posited at the end of the video that some of your members might have something to say regarding weather / geoengineering. Well I certainly do.
I’ve followed weather modification & geoengineering events closely since discovering the subject in 2001 when both WeatherWars and RadarMatrix sites were active. I was in regular communications with the site owners for several years back then. I can say emphatically that for the vast majority of the time since then, virtually ALL weather is engineered and/or modified, from both scrap and whole cloth, writ large. Those who remain willfully blind and ignorant to it do so at the expense of us all. The masses are programmed to disbelieve what they see, and believe instead the lie spun by the Matrix. All one need do is believe what he himself observes to conclude this. It calls to mind Groucho Marx film quote :
” Who ya gonna believe, me or your lying eyes? “
You know what’s really pissing me off this morning?
Twenty something year old kids working two full time jobs just to get by.
Couples working like dogs for years hoping to be able to begin a “family”.
The slaughter through drugs in this “modern” bullshit agenda. All of them, all the damned poisons. Beloved militarized cell phone weapons included. Pay for them to kill everything. Do your “part”, don’t get left behind the herd.
This friggin’ inhuman deal going down on this planet.
The real humans are what I’m concerned about…not all the fake shit that never stops coming.
Who loves naming names and assigning blame? Tell me who’s profiting in Oregon, Star US Killer State through Oxytocin and Fentanyl.
Come up with those names for me.
To paraphrase Utah Phillips, …Kids aren’t dying, they are being murdered, and the murderers have names and addresses.
Sometimes the same address as the kids themselves. Kids born of “normally” alcoholic, because alcoholism is considered “normal” in this stupid euro colony, and drug /money addicted parents. Yeah, money’s the biggest drug of all.
Cocaine’s got nothing on it. On coke you only feel like god. With Money, You Are God.
Dead, though.
The second part of the TSM effort to document the hurricane/flash flooding that hit TN.
The most mind boggling aspect for me, as was mentioned around the 1 hour mark, is that all home insurance against floods and landslides has to go through FEMA. And, of course, the majority does not have it and CAN NOT have it because FEMA uses some “old” maps to declare what are the flooding areas.
Oh, this is absolutely diabolical. These people are consummate professionals. Trashing is their business, and the business is good.
Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media
–***** 5 STARS SERIES *****–
Published Friday October 11, 2024
What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 2)
1:17:54 runtime
Aaron Dykes hit on some aspects (#1 & #2) which really clicked with me, which help to underscore the insanity and also agendas.
At the 46 minute mark, Aaron goes over…
2022–2026 FEMA Strategic Plan
Building the FEMA our nation needs and deserves. (<–?? “deserves”)
The plan outlines three bold, ambitious goals to meet this challenge…
… Goal 1 – Instill Equity as a Foundation of Emergency Management
(i.e. “Proactively prioritizing actions that advance equity”)
… Goal 2 – Lead Whole of Community in Climate Resilience
(i.e. “equity and environmental justice considerations must be cornerstones of how the nation builds resilience.”)
… Goal 3: Promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared nation
[Goal 2] FEMA will take a people first approach to increase climate literacy, develop tools, and allocate resources informed by future risk estimates to target investments to create a more equitable and resilient nation. The agency will demonstrate its commitment to climate change mitigation strategies within its facilities.
“FEMA is no longer looking at itself as just a response agency but a true resilience agency.”
– Gina McCarthy, White House National Climate Advisor
#2 – Aaron talks about the massive immigration crisis into the United States.
Then he segues briefly into how this might be used as a pretext to usher in the Digital ID.
I concur with Aaron on #2. It is almost as if all the outrageous insanity of recent years was “game planned” in order to generate the government’s old playbook of “problem” “reaction” “solution.”
I speculate that Trump will do a Digital ID at “warp speed” (if he wins.)
RE: #1
I find this phenomena, this aspect of society’s behavior to be an interesting aspect that is easy to identify.
It is “Tribe Think”.
In order to belong to the tribe (or group), one adopts the viewpoints of the tribe.
Entities which echo the “group think” become ‘virtuous’ players of the tribe.
“Matters of Substance” (logic and reason) are immaterial and inapplicable as one cannot risk losing their tribal membership.
Having ‘no curiosity’ helps. Therefore it follows that because rocks have no interest in things, they will belong to whatever tribe you place them in.
You and Aaron are describing FEMA as the new Ministry of Truth. We are in deep shitte if they should somehow become an armed agency.
“This is not incompetence,” says Melissa Dykes of the Truthstream Media team.
What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina?
Truthstream Media
Hey everyone,
Aaron & Melissa here. If you respect our work, please consider contributing a bit here and there to help us sustain and grow our efforts. We’re completely independent and rely upon you! Thank you for having our back. It is only what we all make of it.
After we cover room and board, we’re putting everything we get back into making documentary films. Have research materials or equipment you think could help us? Don’t hesitate to send it.
Much Love,
I want to mention that Aaron and Melissa’s archived work takes the audience on a journey towards arriving at the conclusion:
“The System is incorrigibly broken.” …and thus, aspects of Anarchism and Voluntaryism are the way forward.
I highly recommend:
ShadowRing (2015) Runtime: 2:17:27
Details the virtually unknown story of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and how this think tank is responsible for defining the US globalist agenda. (The short segment on World War ii delivers.)
Written by James Perloff
Narrated by Hercules …er… Kevin Sorbo
Katherine Albrecht, Chuck Baldwin, Catherine Bleish, Jack Blood, Gerald Celente, Aaron Dykes, G.E. Griffin, Rosa Koire, Adam Kokesh, Jim Marrs, Mark Passio, James Perloff, Joyce Riley, Pat Shannan, Ben Swann, Patrick Wood.
Celente quote: “What sick person would vote for the lessor of two evils?” (43:08)
G. Edward Griffin:
”So if you understand who these people are, and you understand what their mission is, and how they think and what their ideology is, then most of the mysteries of the modern world of: “How come we are getting into this mess?” or “Why are doing this and so on?” – They become easy to answer.
If you don’t understand that little twist of that word: REALLY RUN AMERICA – it’s not the voters, then all of these things remain a mystery to you.”
Adam Kokesh:
”…When you have a government, what you have done is put an army of enforcers at their disposal.” (their = the elite)
”…lead people to realize that non-coercive, voluntary, peaceful relationships are superior to violent coercive ones….”
Thank you so much for posting TSM’s coverage. I was actually just getting ready to post it here as well. I live in NC and I can tell you this storm was unlike anything that has ever happened, there are so many people that are suffering in unbelievable ways and the MSM has nearly completely blocked it out. The folks are generally pretty self reliant so they aren’t having FEMA’s crap and when they call it out or push back they are villainized. Please don’t forget about these people even though it has dropped off the news loop. Our family has been raising donations and we’re trying to figure out if we can get up there to help physically as well. It is pure devastation for most and now overnight winter temperatures have arrived. I agree with Melissa’s statement at the end – except that I’m hoping by calling it out now that perhaps we can do something NOW to help, not just next time. At the end of part one Melissa lists excellent ways to help and it’s been truly the people not the government that has been assisting these folks. It really looks like they are going to displace most of the folks whose families have lived there for generations after they killed more than the 200 that has been reported. This is very similar to what happened in Maui just water instead of fire.
These orbs makes me come to mind of the following:
Manhunter (Sierra DOS game series from 1988/1989)
U2’s Sphere stage
Tolkien’s Lord of the rings
Sphere (movie from 1998)
Event horizon (movie from 1997)
Interesting fun fact: Nicotine increases testosterone. Any reason why one would want to reduce it??
ha!… I didn’t know that.
Maybe that’s why my ex wanted me to stop smoking…to bring down my T levels. 😉
…actually, I think that the studies are mixed on that notion.
Several studies have looked at the effects of nicotine on testosterone in men, and the findings have been inconsistent.
Covid-19 & TOBACCO
…Back in the early ALARMIST days of the Pandemic, France “banned” tobacco products because tobacco might help ward off Covid-19.
SUB-THREAD – https://www.corbettreport.com/are-you-prepared-for-the-infodemic/#comment-79860
since covid is a total fake, i wonder if a boost in testosterone from smoking improved men’s health in general making them less likely to get sick. hmm
Experts say that high testosterone levels leads to increase of salacious, rowdy behavior and stress relieving fist fights.
James D! On old TV shows: that’s why I like Rifleman with Chuck Connors. Lucas knows better than to rely on Mica. lol.
I’m a western fan of that era.
I get it.
Let’s not forget Reiner Fuellmich.
Now that Julian Assagne is free we have another that has taken his place. Is he being held to reaffirm the states total control and power?
Maybe James and James could share what is known about his crime, kidnapping and imprisonment ? The whole idea of Special Rendition is abhorrent to my judicial make-up.
Dr.Mihalcea reprints the Secret Covenant paper from years ago. Very telling today.
In recent weeks there have been articles detailing the financial transaction mishap that is used to justify the lawfare, but I suspect his “crime” is actually his publication of interviews about the scamdemic. See the following recent articles:
Follow-up to my earlier post (https://corbettreport.com/nwnw567/#comment-169646) regarding data being removed from the NOAA site:
Paradise Lost & Other News With Ryan Cristián of TLAV
“And why is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) removing information from its website if weather modification isn’t happening? They’ve removed at least 103 pages of weather modification reports that were previously listed on their site. In addition, they removed access to the NEXRAD radar inventory, which listed the locations and information for all of the NEXRAD stations throughout the US.”
Details about the quartz and lithium mines (DoD and Blackrock investments), and land grabs in North Carolina, USA related to Hurricane Helene. Includes article written by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin.
Hurricane Helene: A case of state-sponsored murder
Nice overview article with illustrations about the NWO. The articles is based on a recent speech (29:37) given by Brian Gerrish, cofounder of the UK Column newspaper, at The Heritage Party Conference 2024 titled ‘Fighting the New World Order‘.
The New World Order is real: The battle is for our minds
Link to 96-page booklet from the UK on mind control that Gerrish mentioned in his speech:
Influencing behaviour through public policy
The speech ends with three ways to beat the NWO, using behaviors that frighten “them”:
1. Spread the word, being careful with your words
2. Be happy – they are trying to make us miserable
3. Engage in prayer
This is not the usual CR material, but I found it very interesting. This fella is showing how some completely undrinkable (but at least occurring in nature) water can be filtered by conducting it through some fresh wine cuttings or a freshly cut piece of a pine branch.
James, the download link takes you to last week’s episode.
(Was going to post this under this week’s episode but I wasn’t fast enough)
But,….that gives me the opportunity to report that I survived both storms that recently hit the Tampa Bay Area.
Helene was north of Saint Petersburg and was more of a storm surge event for the area. Lots of flooding in the susceptible areas but I’m on high ground so it wasn’t a problem.
Milton was very slightly south of us so storm surge wasn’t an issue but we were scraped by the northern eye wall and the wind was bad. It was also from an unfortunate direction for us, the northeast. It hasn’t blown that hard from that direction in the thirty years that I’ve lived here. Lots of huge trees still blocking roads.
I had some minor damage from a neighbor’s tree, and there was a tremendous amount of cleanup to do. Power was out for 77 hours, but the solar and generator systems I installed after hurricane Irma finally got a chance to be put to the test and happily, they kept us from having to waste any food and kept us moderately comfortable. We were also glad for our rainwater system because the city put out a boil water notice.
The Cricket flip phones that my wife and I have worked intermittently but internet service was only restored a couple of days ago.
I dug out a little am-fm battery operated radio that I’ve had for decades to listen to local news but I honestly didn’t really miss not knowing the latest global and national news crisis.
Things are now getting back to normal for me mostly. But there are thousands of people within a few miles of me that have lost so much. Their lives won’t be normal for a long time.
I give thanks that in His Grace my little family and homestead were protected from excessive damage while I pray that those suffering and in need will find the help and comfort they need.
Steve, Thanks for keeping us in the loop!
It’s good to hear that at least some of you made out relatively unscathed. Are there any reports of victims in your area?
Here are some photos from the local newspaper.
Oh man! That’s rough!
I feel for folks who have a mortgage. Not only do they have property taxes, but also they must have home owners insurance as a mandate for the mortgage.
Insurance rates are out the roof.
And many insurance companies have left Florida.
It has got to be a system scheme where political rulemaking and industry segments conspire to bleed-dry the common person.
The insurance companies are making RECORD PROFITS…and their stock prices reflect it.
LOOK…at the 5 year stock chart…$72 share Jan 1 2020 and now $250 share.
Progressive Corp. is an insurance holding company, which engages in the provision of personal and commercial auto insurance, residential property insurance.
Across America, about 1 in 5 homes is an investment home. Most of these homes are your Mom and Pop owners, and some could be a vacation home. A small percentage of investment homes are owned by the big players, (investment firms.)
I often follow real estate YouTube channels who report on market conditions, and also the weird, corrupt appraisal mafia networks, and inflated home prices and rental prices.
Some amazing revelations…
~~ The company (News Corp) who owns the Wall Street Journal also owns Realtor.com.
~~ Software companies used by Property Management Companies, (such as REALPAGE), rig the rental market prices to an inflated amount by auto-suggesting rental rates.
~~ ICE – Intercontinental Exchange – The EVIL Octopus of markets by stealth.
“The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) is an American company that owns and operates financial and commodity marketplaces and exchanges.”
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NYSE ARCA, NYSE National, NYSE AMEX Options, NYSE ARCA Options, and NYSE Chicago.
…But…it also has its tentacles in Real Estate as…
“a leading global provider of data, technology, and market infrastructure” “that serves the housing finance continuum, including real estate data, mortgage lending and servicing, as well as the secondary markets.”
Ellie Mae is owned by ICE.
Ellie Mae Inc., originally named Electronic Mortgage Affiliates, is a software company that processes 35% of U.S. mortgage applications.
I watched the Netflix Octopus Murders documentary a month or so ago, and it was interesting. I don’t have a problem with the re-enactments using actors; I can’t imagine anyone would be so dumb as to be fooled into thinking that Danny Cassolaro had cameras in his house, LOL.
But since you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend reading this as soon as you have finished watching.
It’s a continued coverup.
The first of a three part series by Truthstream Media about the devastation in the aftermath of hurricane Helene.