Results for "isis"

Interview 1114 – PFT Live on the Syria Crisis

Interview 1114 – PFT Live on the Syria Crisis

via Press For Truth: Today on Press For Truth Live Dan Dicks is joined on the line by James Corbett of to talk about the downing of a Russian Jet by Turkish forces and what the implications are during the build up toward a Third World War and we'll...

Follow the Money: From Paris to ISIS to Paris

James Corbett November 17, 2015 Let us for one moment accept the whole Paris attacks narrative hook, line and sinker. That the French government could not possibly have foreseen an attack. That a multi-site emergency exercise planned for...

Paris Attacks Truth: ISIS is a False Flag

As The Corbett Report community continues to track the latest updates on the Paris attack investigation, let us not forget the essential underlying truth: ISIS is a creation of the US, Turkey, Israel and the Gulf States, and they are fostered, funded, equipped, armed,...


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