Results for "cashless society"

Episode 035 – The Panopticon

Running Time: 1:06:12 Description:In the late 18th century, Jeremy Bentham came up with the plan for the perfect prison. The prison was never built, but it is being used as a blueprint for a surveillance society in which our every move is being tracked and recorded....

Episode 022 – The Schools Are Becoming Prisons

Running Time: 46:57 Description:Cameras, fingerprinting, RFID chips, terror drills and vaccines. Who owns your children? Documentation Documentation - Surveillance and Personal PiracyTime Reference:03:00Description:A video report filed by students of Sunnyside High...

The Looting Conspiracy

If you've been following the news, you'll know that shoplifting and looting have been on the rise across the US in recent months, with retailers from San Francisco to Portland to Washington, D.C., forced to close up shop in the face of mounting losses from the spate...

Tales From the (Jet-lagged) Underground

Hey, everybody! Remember me? Yes, it's been a while, hasn't it? For those who don't know, I've been in the UK the past couple of weeks and I just returned a few days ago. I'm over the jet lag now (thanks for asking!) and thought I'd ease back in to the weekly...

Party Like It’s 1907

I know you're all patiently waiting for the conclusion of my Dissent Into Madness series . . . . . . but you're going to have to keep waiting another week. While I'm finishing up that editorial, I have an email interview to present to you. It was conducted by Graham...

Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail

It's almost impossible to browse the news anymore without giving up all hope for the future of humanity. We're all going to be fed into the maw of the technocratic slave system and have our fingers broken by our new chess-playing robot overlords and there's nothing we...

The Year Ahead – Part 3: Geopolitics

I don't need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing. As Lenin rightly observed: "There are decades where...


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