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The Magic Words – #SolutionsWatch

The Magic Words – #SolutionsWatch

The magic words can open doors that you didn’t even know were there. They can help you skirt the censors and the fact checkers. They can unlock minds and take your research to a whole new level. So do you know the magic words? Find out in this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch!

Are You Subscribed?

If you’re a paying member of The Corbett Report (either by Substack or any other method), you can skip this video! But if you’re not, here are two questions for you: Are you subscribed to The Corbett Report? And should you be?


The Worst “Miscalculation” in Human History?

Just when you thought the coronascam couldn't get any stupider, along comes a new curveball. Take that, conspiracy theorists! Now Trump has the 'rona! So when your 74-year-old, obese, out-of-shape God Emperor dies of the COVID, even you crazy anti-maskers will swallow...

When False Flags Go Viral

If you're reading this column, it's highly likely you're familiar with "false flag" terrorism. You've at least heard the term before, right? As I've had cause to note in my work in the past, the 2013 Atlantic Wire article, republished by Yahoo! News under the headline...

The Truth About Iran’s Nuclear Program

"Be afraid!" say the repeaters of mockingbird media. Afraid of who? Afraid of Iran, of course. Oh, haven't you heard? The Iranian government's stockpile of enriched uranium is about to surpass 300 kilograms! And Iran's store of heavy water is about to surpass 130...

Clash of Civilizations 2.0

Readers will recall that last week's edition of this column ended on something of an intellectual puzzler. To wit: If the Tiananmen Square Massacre narrative that is routinely used to demonize the Chinese government on the world stage is demonstrably wrong (even by...

The Truth About Tiananmen

This past week marked the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in Beijing. Naturally, Trump's warmongering Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, jumped at the opportunity to wag his finger at the Chinese government. In "On the 30th Anniversary of Tiananmen...

How To Escape The Globalist System

The US-China trade war continues to simmer, with Uncle Sam once again talking tough and China, for its part, producing propaganda video after propaganda video promising that hellfire will descend on Washington unless America backs off. Oh, and there's Beijing's whole...