Results for "future of food"

Droughts, Cloud Seeding and The Coming Water Wars

Here's a puzzler for you: why is it that every time the MSM reports on cloud seeding, they treat it like some kind of crazy new invention that the world has never seen before? For the latest example of this phenomenon, check out China is seeding clouds to replenish...

Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail

It's almost impossible to browse the news anymore without giving up all hope for the future of humanity. We're all going to be fed into the maw of the technocratic slave system and have our fingers broken by our new chess-playing robot overlords and there's nothing we...

We’re All Sri Lankan Farmers Now

Last week I wrote about how "We're All Dutch Farmers Now." As you'll recall from that editorial, there is a battle taking place right now between farmers in the Netherlands and the technocrats in their government who are seeking to put them out of work and close up...

The OTHER Globalist Summit

There was no shortage of coverage in the independent media of the recent World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, the first in-person gathering of so-called "Davos man" since the beginning of the scamdemic. Similarly—as noted in a recent edition of New World Next...

The Controlled Demolition of the Economy

In case you haven't noticed, the wheels are falling off the global economy right now. We've all started to feel the pinch of supply chain disruptions and rising energy costs and economic uncertainty and inflation—not to mention stagflation and shrinkflation and...

CBDCs: A Country-By-Country Guide

Way back in 2017 I created a country-by-country guide to the biometric ID control grid that was coming into view even then. In that editorial I noted that "it doesn't take a Nostradamus to understand where this is all heading: From the cashless society and the...

Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare

We're in the middle of a world-changing war right now. Oh, I don't mean the war in Ukraine, the one that all the media are asking you to focus your attention on. Yes, that conflict continues to escalate. and every day there are new stories about provocations and...

How to Survive Regime Change

Is your country on the hit list of Soros and/or Omidyar and/or USAID and/or the NED and/or any of the other deep state Trojan horses hiding behind their convenient "NGO" cutouts? Are you worried that a regime change operation is in the offing? Well, fret not! Here's...


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