Results for "color revolution"

Agorism in Japan

In this week's subscriber newsletter, James is interviewed by Graham Smith of about agorism, revolution and Japan. Also included this week is a test of a new subscriber exclusive video format and plenty of recommended reading, viewing and listening....

How to Play 3D Chess

It's a ridiculous, no good, stupid, rotten meme. You know, the idea that every horrible move that Precedent Trump ever made (like appointing John Bolton or launching Operation Warp Speed) was actually some super-complicated three-dimensional chess move intended to...

The Year Ahead – Part 3: Geopolitics

I don't need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing. As Lenin rightly observed: "There are decades where...

2020: Our Annus Horribilis

Welcome to the year-end wrap up! You know, the annual end-of-year stock-taking editorial I write before we all go off to enjoy our Christmas and ring in the New Year? Now, if this were any other year, I'd make some light-hearted joke about all of this. You know, "Oh,...

Another 25 Books You Should Read

Since books are so central to the work that I do here at The Corbett Report, it should be no surprise that one of the most frequent requests I get is for a recommended reading list. In response to those requests, I compiled a New World Order Reading List back in 2015....

How to Save the World (in One Easy Step!)

Pop quiz: What's the most powerful weapon ever invented? The MOAB? you ask, quizzically. No, I respond authoritatively. The H-bomb? Of course not. The A-bomb, then. Wrong again. The neutron bomb? No. I'll give you a hint: it's not a bomb at all. Ahhh, the Rods from...

Disobey: Drawing Your Line in the Sand

Choices. We are living in world-historic times, and, like it or not, the choices that we make over the next few years will have profound implications for the future of the human species. Whether or not to wear the mask. Whether or not to take the vaccine. Whether or...

Too Little, Too Late? India Stands Up to the CDC

Flying completely under the radar of the various crises that have come to define 2020, an interesting story is playing out in India. This story shines a light on the increasingly globalized nature of medical research and on the dark practice of using poor people in...


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