Episode 333 – 5 Privacies You Didn’t Know You Lost

by | Mar 23, 2018 | Podcasts | 21 comments

We all know that privacy is a thing of the past, right? Pfff. The government spying on everyone? That’s yesterday’s news. But if you think you’ve heard it all when it comes to the obtrusive police state panopticon, you’ve got another thing coming. Here are five privacies you didn’t even realize you lost.

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We all know that privacy is a thing of the past, right?

Followers of The Corbett Report will see past the “it’s only metadata” lie and the PRISM limited hangout to the underlying reality of the all-pervasive Big Brother surveillance grid. CALEA and the Stellar Wind. The CIA spying on you through your dishwasher. And who can forget the dolls that spy on your children?

Heck, even the normies no longer scoff at the “conspiracy theorists” who warn that every one of your electronic gadgets is listening to everything you say and beaming that information off to third parties. Now they just think that’s a good thing. I mean, how do you order a dollhouse for the doll that spies on you? By surfing and clicking? Pfff.

ANCHOR 1: OK, everyone, who has an Alexa? Turn down your tv set just a little bit. Alexa, the internet connected home assistant device: she’s listening.

ANCHOR 2: Yes, she is the Amazon echo system which does everything from getting your weather
report to ordering more laundry detergent can also do some things that you don’t want it to.


ANCHOR 3: I love the little girl’s take on it. “Alexa, ordered me a doll house.”

REPORTER: As soon as Jim said that, viewers all over San Diego started complaining their Echo devices had tried to order doll houses.

SOURCE: News anchor sets off Amazon Alexa device in San Diego

But Alexa and their technocratic police state brethren are only the most obvious examples of how our privacy has been obliterated in recent years (even in our own homes). Here are five privacies you didn’t even realize you lost.

This is The Corbett Report.

1) Privacy of garbage

You know what they say: One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Especially if that other man treasures information about your personal life.

The idea that your garbage says a lot about you is by no means new. Archaeologists have always known that the refuse of civilizations past provides invaluable insight into their day to day lives, and modern day researchers apply that to their studies of contemporary urban life. Others have observed that if you want to know what someone is really like you should just ask their garbageman. So why wouldn’t a police state hell-bent on eviscerating all privacy just deputize the garbagemen to become deep state spies? 007s of the dump, as it were?

The surprising answer is that they don’t have to be deputized. In fact, in case you didn’t know, prosecutors have been arguing for decades that you have no right to expectation of privacy in your trash, and no special license, permit, warrant or secret agent badge is required to rummage through your rubbish.

This was established in memorable fashion in Portland in 2002 when the Willamette Week reported on the curious case of Gina Hoesly. She was the Portland Police Bureau officer who was a victim of a garbage raid in the 1990s…at the hands of her fellow officers. The story is as crazy as it sounds (and worth the read), but the long story short is that the local D.A., police chief and mayor all became vocal defenders of the practice of raiding the garbage of anyone under investigation for anything—a practice that had been going on for a very long time. So you’d think they would have been happy when the dedicated Willamette Week reporters dug through their trash to prove a point…but you’d be wrong.

And that was in 2002, before “the day that changed everything” had finished changing everything. As you can well imagine, things have only gotten worse since then for those hoping their garbagemen wouldn’t be recruited as an army of spies in the never-ending Homeland Insecurity war of terror. Much, much worse.

JAMES EVAN PILATO: “The city of Ogden, Utah, recently joined an increasingly popular program developed by trash collection behemoth Waste Management Corporation, the Waste Watch Driver Training Program.” This article originally coming from The New American, but here’s how Waste Management Corporation’s website describes the program: “Our trucks are on your streets every day. Our drivers are familiar with their routes, so they’re often the first to notice when something is amiss. As your community partner, we assist local police and fire departments by acting as extra eyes and ears on local streets. Through our Waste Watch program, we provide training to our drivers in what to look for and how to report suspicious or criminal activity to local authorities.” According to the local report coming from KSL out of Ogden, Utah, several other cities in Utah started the program the same week as Ogden (they just kind of seem to be the frontman for it), joining a claimed 270 other communities nationwide that are participating in the Waste Watch Driver Training Program. “So what is in this fantastic training program?” you ask. Well, KSL says the workers watch a 15 minute video explaining the do’s and don’ts of helping keep watch in neighborhoods they serve, and how to report an emergency.”

SOURCE: US Sanctions Iran for Complying With Nuclear Deal – #NewWorldNextWeek

2) Privacy of location

Well, you are probably vaguely aware that your personal tracking device—err…I mean, your “smart phone”—is tracking, tracing and databasing your movements at all times. (Even if you turn the GPS tracking off.) And you’re probably similarly vaguely aware that that information is not just being sent back to corporate headquarters (and siphoned off by the alphabet soup agencies, of course) but also being shared with third parties in all sorts of weird ways. But you’re probably not aware of just how pervasive the location spying and tracking grid is becoming.

Imagine a system where a network of facial recognition cameras across the country are connected, beaming information about your personal whereabouts to a central point where it is viewed in real time, stored for future reference, and even analyzed for possible “pre-crime” activity. Imagine those central authorities also having access to microphones embedded in the streetlamps that could listen in on your conversation. Imagine how such a system would be the dream come true of any would-be dictator with a penchant for suppressing dissent, and how impossible it would be to truly move undetected through any urban area.

Now stop imagining. These technologies already exist. The network of connected surveillance cameras is called TrapWire. Facial recognition cameras exist and could easily be linked in a TrapWire network. Microphones in the streetlamps is a thing. This is all real. Today.

No, these technologies have not all been connected in a single surveillance grid for the entire country (or the planet)…yet. That we know of, anyway. But we are already well on the way.

Consider communist China, always the test case for any NWO social experiment or police state test. Now the Chinese are on the verge implementing a facial recognition camera network that, they brag, will be able to match any one of the country’s 1.3 billion citizens to their ID photo within seconds.

Think it’s all just empty boasting? The Big Brother Corporation (better known as the BBC) played a little game with China’s CCTV network: How long could their reporter stay hidden on the streets of Guiyang before being caught by the city’s facial recognition cameras and apprehended by the police?

The answer? 7 minutes.

3) Privacy of thought

This one sounds like straight-up science fiction, but sadly—like so many other once-outlandish ideasit’s fast becoming mundane reality: Mind-reading computers will one day ensure that even your privatest of private thoughts will no longer be so private (if the helpful technocratic servants of the police state have their way, at any rate).

As you’ll recall, I chose the story of the “AI body language-reading courtroom lie detector” as my technocratic story of 2017 not because I believe the tech actually works, but precisely because I think this is a PR rollout to condition the public to accept that whatever these “mind-reading” police state gadgets tell us is The Holy Truth, just like the old-fashioned lie detectors and hair analysis and fingerprint comparisons were The Holy Truth for investigators of yore (until they were exposed as a pack of lies, that is).

But, having said that, there are real, concrete, objectively measurable steps toward “mind-reading” technology that should have you concerned. As I reported earlier, researchers at New York University and the University of California have “created a mind-reading machine that allows them to reconstruct images in a person’s mind using brain scans.” The technology is as creepy as it sounds, and the results are undeniable. And that was in 2014.

The image reconstructions were followed in short order by person-to-person “mind messaging” via digital brain connection. And then by machines that could decode and process what someone was looking at in real time. And then by computers that could translate thoughts into words. And now, as one particularly chipper Big Tech PR site tells us, we are right on the cusp of commercially-available mind-reading technology.

But for those worrying over the potential for the Big Brother police state to read your thoughts and arrest you for thoughtcrime in real time…relax. It’s all going to be used to help cripples type, just like the brain chip!…Right?


4) Privacy of transaction

It may not seem all that different from any of the other privacy invasions, but privacy of transaction is in reality the Holy Grail of all privacies. In a way, almost all of our other forms of privacy are predicated on the privacy of our transactions. If all of our transactions are recorded and databased, then the alphabet soupers already know our location. They already know who we interact with. They already know what our interests are. They already know where we’re planning to go as soon as we book a trip. They know almost everything there is to know.

This point was made with characteristic clarity by Andreas Antonopoulos in his recent speech entitled “Worse than Useless: Financial Surveillance.”

We discuss the revelations from Snowden, the revelations about broad-based surveillance of all of our societies based on the Internet, and yet the elephant in the room, the thing we don’t discuss, is that the form of most pervasive and most intrusive surveillance that exists is the international network of totalitarian financial surveillance. Every time you use a debit card, every time you use a credit card, every time you use a bank account, every transaction gets funneled to every intelligence service and every government that has access to this network.

When people criticize Bitcoin they say it will enable the “darknet.” What is the darknet? Well, presumably the darknet is a network that is invisible to most of us, that operates on top of or in parallel with the Internet, and on which massive amounts of illegal activity happen. If this is the case, the darknet’s name is Echelon, PRISM, [X]Keyscore.  Those are the names of the dark web. The darknet is operated by intelligence agencies because they are on a daily basis committing massive crimes against human rights, they are orchestrating a totalitarian financial surveillance network that monitors everybody’s transactions and as a result everybody’s location, everybody’s purchasing preferences, everybody’s political preferences and what kind of porn you watch, because all of that is tied to your financial life. Because everything is tied to your financial life. This system of totalitarian financial surveillance is the darknet. They don’t fear the darknet, they just don’t want us to have one.

We already know all of this, of course. We all know on some level that all of our credit card purchases and debit card purchases are being stored and sold to creepy third parties that are building psychographic profiles of us, and snarfed up by the intelligence agencies to boot. But for some reason this doesn’t seem to concern people. Perhaps they didn’t see Enemy of the State.

If people need any elaboration as to why complete financial surveillance in the hands of a would-be dictator should be concerning, they need look no further than the Total Information Awareness program launched by DARPA’s “Information Awareness Office” in 2003. Created under the smokescreen of the war of terror and run by convicted Iran-Contra criminal John Poindexter, the program was described as “the biggest surveillance program in the history of the United States” (at that time, anyway). It was intended to compile, in the words of William Safire, “[e]very purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book and every event you attend” in a “virtual, centralized grand database.” In other words, the holy grail of privacy invasions.

Of course, most of the information was to be collected via financial transactions. Thankfully, even the heavily traumatized post-9/11 American public wasn’t deep enough under the spell of the Homeland Security police state to fall for such an overtly totalitarian program at that point, so the program was officially scrapped. Or should that be “officially scrapped.” Meaning, of course, that the various facets of the program were broken up and transferred over to the NSA. And I think we all know how that story goes.

JAMES CORBETT: Last week NSA whistle-blower Russell Tice conducted interviews on Boiling Frogs Post and The Corbett Report where he revealed shocking new details of the NSA spying scandal. In addition to detailing how the NSA is collecting and storing the contents of all electronic communications passing through the United States, he also revealed for the first some of the specific targets of past NSA wiretapping operations, including senior Congressional leaders, the former White House press-secretary, high-ranking military generals, the entire Supreme Court and even then Senator from Illinois and future President, Barack Obama.

RUSSELL TICE: Yeah it was journalists, it was members of Congress both houses, Senate and the House, especially on the Intelligence Committees, in the Armed Services Committees and on Judiciary Committees and as well as the senior leadership in both the House and the Senate. It was judges, federal judges and every member of the Supreme Court, all 9, of which I held the initial targeting of Judge Alito in my hand when Judge Alito was being put up for his position on the Supreme Court. So I saw the Alito paperwork in my hand, physically. It was a few members of Bush’s own staff in the White House. They went after lots of lawyers and law firms I noticed.

CORBETT: In your interview on Boiling Frogs Post you mentioned specifically General Petraeus?

TICE: Yes. They went after senior military leaders. With my satellite stuff I saw how they went after the State Department and they went after Colin Powell, Secretary of State. They went after General Shinseki and then on the terrestrial side I saw that paperwork as they were going after General Petraeus.

CORBETT: Was Barack Obama targeted by this?

TICE: Yes he was as a matter of fact. That was in 2004, probably late-summer time frame and he was a candidate for Senator. He’s already won his primary in Illinois and that’s when I saw Barack Obama’s name.

SOURCE: Whistleblower: NSA wiretapped Obama, Petraeus, Alito, others

But don’t worry. At least the totally scrapped and super-seriously-no-longer-operative Information Awareness Office didn’t have some creepy official logo, right? I mean, can you imagine if an actual, unbelievably creepy Orwell-on-steroids DARPA program like the IAO had some over-the-top logo, like an Eye of Horus irradiating the entire earth or something. I mean, that would be outrageous, right?

Oh, wait…

5) Privacy of DNA

Remember GATTACA? The 1997 Hollywood yarn about a world where genetic discrimination relegates the genetic “in-valids” to a life of menial labour while the genetically superior form a ruling class? Where everyone is genetically analyzed (or engineered) from birth and undergo daily DNA screenings? Where any bit of DNA you leave behind, from skin cells to fingernails, can and will be used as part of the screening process?

Well, it’s increasingly looking like GATTACA is less science-fiction and more just science.

I’m not just talking about the DNA shaming billboards launched by Ogilvy & Mather in a 2015 ad campaign that posted pictures of local litterers constructed from the DNA on their litter.

And I’m not talking about Madonna hiring a team of workers to sterilize her dressing room after each performance to make sure none of her genetic material is left behind.

And I’m not talking about the Project for a New American Century advocating for the use of race-specific bioweapons in their “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” white paper or the fact that the US Air Force is collecting Russian biological samples for “research purposes.”

And I’m not talking about the fact that the police are now openly requesting DNA data from Ancestry.com and 23andMe.

I’m talking about the fact that if you were born in a hospital in the Western world any time in the last half century, the government already has your genetic material…and claims the right to use it for their own research. That’s right, every newborn in the US, Canada, Australia and numerous other countries has blood collected from a heel-prick at the time of birth, and that sample is stored in government archives. Although genetic screening for newborns has been going on for over a decade, researchers are now using the blood spots on archived cards–some decades old–for retrospective genetic screening on the adult population.

This is the genetic database that no one ever talks about and is already decades old.

So who “owns” these blood samples? According to a 2004 article in The Age discussing an Australian version of this program which contracts a private company, Genetic Health Services Victoria, to collect and store the samples:

While the ownership of Victoria’s cards has not been tested, an internal company document obtained by The Age says: “This (newborn screening) card is the property of Genetic Health Services Victoria . . . (access) is in accordance with privacy legislation. (The company) owns the card.”

So private companies own the genetic material collected from you at birth and the government is using it in their own research. And you thought GATTACA was just fiction.

But don’t worry, Madonna. Since you were born in 1958 you pre-date the program…but maybe you should keep sterilizing those dressing rooms.

Conclusion: So what?

As I said at the start, the normies have already started to embrace the destruction of their privacy of communication and even to buy the very tech that helps to undermine it. In the latest sign of this apocalypse, Facebook has just announced a new gadget that will come with its very own facial-recognition camera and microphones (because, evidently, relying on third-party smartphones, laptops, tablets and desktops to capture all that data was just too cumbersome).

But surely there’s a line in the sand here somewhere, right? Privacy of garbage? Privacy of location? Privacy of thought? At some point, people have to start realize that what they are giving up is not just their privacy but their humanity. I mean, even former Google CEO Eric Schmidt admitted there was a “creepy line” that Google wouldn’t dare to cross.

And once people realize that with the loss of all of these privacies, from the mundane privacy of garbage to the once-inviolable privacy of thought, they are gradually losing their ability to fight back against whatever turnkey dictatorship emerges in the future, people will wake up to the reality of this coming surveillance grid and reject these technologies outright, right?



    • I agree Andy.

      This video is a great tool for dissemination!
      Even the title has that “public acceptance aura” about it.
      It communicates extremely well to a vast range of audiences.
      It prompts normies to think: “there’s a line in the sand here somewhere, right?”.

      I am all about trying to better conditions.
      Knowing this type of information with its relative importance, but keeping it to myself… …well, that is just plain shallow normie Fluoridated lethargy.

      This is a timely tool.
      We all can use this to spread around.
      Corbett’s Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtJw35Vmpxk

  1. I didn’t know about that DNA collection program, that was certainly interesting. But when you stop and consider, who among us has never been exposed to some blood letting for a blood count? What happens to these samples? They are supposed to be destroyed during examination, but how much is needed for what? Technology is certainly a great enabler.

  2. So this got me thinking.

    With all this spying on us and data collecting, surely the
    masters must be able to see the criminals plotting their next heist?

    Wouldn’t their primary focus/interest be on stopping these criminals before they commit their crime, or at the very least during the act?

    Have we seen this yet? If not, why not?

  3. Are you infering that she was supposed to be gassed sooner rather than later due to her apparent lacking health condition?

    With the supposed number of people that were sent daily to the chambers (a few thousand at least) I don’t think they had the time to cherry pick people out of the line.

    With these shots the assumption that’s left with the conditioned viewer is that the good guys broke into the camps just as these poor people were prepared to be gassed. Just look at those emaciated people, they probably turned like that over a skipped breakfast while getting the chamber to clear up.

    As if those vile nazis were concerned more with gassing random people than waging the war effort which was going severly south.

    Nothing like thinking about holocaust in the morning.

  4. In our local 9/11 Truth Group, I have heard guys spend endless hours discussing, typing long diatribes, arguing, getting emotionally upset, etc. etc. on topics like the Holocaust.
    A bunch of Ivory Tower pundits going back-n-forth for endless hours.
    I walk away.

    In the end, it does little to improve current conditions.

    In my opinion, this quantity of effort/time would much better be spent towards helping to inform others about basic awareness information.

    • In my eyes, Holocaust is at the root of all of these lies of which we’re so much aware today. It’s the root cause of a multi generational guilt complex (one of many.) It’s the center piece which could unravel this whole affair.

      • What did he actually see there? Several thousand people being incinerated daily or emaciated both living and dead?

        Nobody of a clear state of mind refutes the obvious, millions suffered in and out of camps, but that doesn’t mean 6 million Jews were gassed. The very fact I could end in jail in many countries in the world for saying this speaks volumes.

    • While I have a zombie phone now, it travels nowhere outside my apartment. I make an average of one call a month on it as I hate phones. Used to pitch stocks all day on one. 500 cold calls (plus new accounts and calling existing clients) every day will make you hate them. I can’t believe I used to believe in that farce!

    • Beyond criticisms of Newsbud, the questions I was considering were in regards to the evidence put forward to discredit Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, and Tim Anderson. I placed an inquiry with Newsbud asking if they spoke with the Corbett Report prior to filing their story. No answer yet. I am more interested in getting to the bottom of what is and is not the case than editorial policies.

    • Exactly, Harris.

      “I would probably get blocked and suspended from newsbud for such a comment.”

      Of course you would, but so what? Governing a strictly member-supported, anti-establishment news site like a police state pretty much makes it all a moot point anyway. Too many other options to invest your dime and speak your mind.

  5. Since it appears this Episode has been hopelessly hijacked, I’d like to weigh in here on this subject (the BB girls).

    I am a big supporter of both Newsbud and the Corbett Report.

    From my experience both sites try to promote responsible factual journalism.

    What is being questioned here is whether the BB girls have sold out; are being unethical in their brand of journalism.

    It seems that they may be wearing two hats. They won James’ heart when he ran his story about the White Helmets in Syria.
    They were painted as the ‘good guys’.

    Now these same journalists are being painted as the ‘bad guys’.

    Is it possible that they slant their stories to the highest bidder of the day?

    When you deal with an area so politically complex as Syria is today
    how do you ascertain the truth? Is it possible?

    Strangely, it is far easier to ferret out the truth about certain aspects of 9/11 than what is going on today in Syria!

    • Or at least what we think is the truth about 9/11! Of course, that is true of all times; past and present. I confess, I was confused by that segment; but I’m hopelessly behind in current events anyway. My guess is they may have to put bread on the table. But, I have no idea. I don’t want to accuse someone (except all authorized authority figures)without enough information to make it stick. I think I have a Ry Dawson video on it. I believe he said one was a fake and the other real, but I’ll have to go check. He’s a bit of an ass, but he does have a lot of good info on Syria. Of course, I would be far more of one if I were in his shoes. I’ll go check now and get back with you on that. JimBob

      • Okay, He says Eva is good and then he says a lot of bad words with Vanessa. But I only read the blurb and didn’t watch the video. He’s a bit of a bummer when you’re stoned.

        • Thanks Wingsuit. I’ve been trying to catch up on Eva so far and she has come across as a genuine ‘good guy’. Which leaves me a bit perplexed in light of the scathing Newsbud reports of not only foul language used in her correspondence but also personal threats of violence.

          RE: the truths of 9/11. No, I am not referring to many events of the day which can legitimately be argued to have occurred or not occurred this way or that way.

          I am referring to smoking gun events that give away the entire plot. Events that can only have occurred one way on this planet Earth. These truths are easy to identify, in contrast to the truths that happen in Syria every day.

          • No problem. I always make sure I do at least one good deed a year. Yeah, those smoking gun events have been around since government has existed. Or maybe even further back. Without a proper upbringing in a strong and ethical environment, we humans are nothing but beasts. Even then, it’s a chancy affair. I was raised right, but I can hardly claim to have lived a moral life. But I have lived my life.
            One thing I have learned though is that it does no good to worry about these events; they will happen. But the key is to use it to our advantage. This is done every time the government is exposed for what it is. And we are winning. Americans mistrust the government more than anything else. Plus, having been in both the military and the corporate world; I can tell you that incompetence is their forte. There is a reason total control has never existed before. Only governments want it; and all governments are incompetent. JimBob from fluorida; where the governor got away with the largest medicaid (or medicare) fraud in history. And then became governor!

            • Oh yeah, almost forgot. Just a day or so later, Ryan went off on a rant against Eva as well. Who knows what the problem is with them. I don’t understand the deal with Newsbud either. I did contribute to them as well, until my chip got hacked, but didn’t start it back up afterwards. Partly because I can contribute to 9 sites with what I gave them a month. In retrospect, I don’t think I will start up again because they are a little too centralized for me. It is just a tad too close to the old business model of news for my taste. I had not known of the strict moderation in their site, and this concerns me. Stupid cannot be vanquished unless it is allowed to speak up. This is the problem (or at least one of the major ones) with any type of censorship. Another reason is that I prefer sites with an individualistic flair and that don’t promote a lot of drama. I’m not saying it’s a flaw on their part, it’s just that my definition of drama may be more strict than most peoples. JimBob from fluorida who is apathetic about his apathy

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