So You’ve Decided To Boycott Google…

by | Oct 13, 2017 | Videos | 63 comments

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You’ve decided to boycott Google? Congratulations! That’s a great idea! But now, where do you go for alternatives? Are there any other search engines? Join The Corbett Report’s open source investigation into search alternatives as we explore the good, the bad, and the ugly of online filter bubbles.

YouTube reportedly alters search algorithm after Las Vegas shooting

The Revolution Will Not Be YouTubed

The Library of Babel – FLNWO #27

CounterMarkets Newsletter

Interview 706 – Dr. Katherine Albrecht on the Startpage private search engine

Declare Your Independence – October 6, 2017


  1. Thank you for your article. Right now Google is the first one that finds my latest blog article Tap Away Feeling Depressed with Pro EFT…all the search engines above find me but not the article except DuckDuckgo which is finding me recently. They all find Dr Weil’s attack piece from years ago where he quotes a non published study where non trained participant groups were each given the intro manual…two groups of untrained participants were given the intro manual with errors in the procedures put in on purposely…and in all 3 cases EFT worked. So Dr Weil’s advice is don’t use it, it doesn’t work…some first generation guy doesn’t know what he is talking about as to why it works. That one keeps coming up high…the medical wikipedia mouthpiece article. So Google is winning for me professionally. I will keep trying different search engines though. I am aware I don’t get to see other’s search results as Google tailors my search results to me.

    • I am aware I don’t get to see other’s search results as Google tailors my search results to me.

      Sorry if this is a naive question but, do you need to be logged into Google to get “tailored” results?

      In other words, can/does Google still track/trace you if you don’t log in?
      What are the differences in search results between being logged in and not?

      • From personal anecdotal observations, I’m sure Google does, because they seem to try to feed my interests and it often overlaps into YouTube. And Amazon…those bastards. You can’t even look without them “suggesting” something similar.

        I feel like a crowd is following me and watching my every movement around the library bookshelves, and then the same crowd shows up at the grocery store, and then the gas station, and then the retail store.
        Then the crowd sends me tailored “coupons” and solicitations.
        If this wasn’t virtual but a physical world, I would be carrying a baseball bat and lure the crowd into a ghetto area one dark night.

      • An ID will be used to follow you around. If you don’t suply the id when contacting their servers or if using some other device to access the server, they still may be able to determine it’s actually you on the other side based on your usage pattern, but that’s debatable.

  2. Good Question but I think James kinda answered that in his previous NWNW interview 1305. Also I thinks it’s a smart move holding off. Everyone with a mic and a pulse has pounded this subject into the ether already. Misinformation and all! It almost feels like the powers that be changed the game on this one, a clever gambit to patch up those pesky Internet truth leaks that keep getting posted. With that pool drying the thirsty masses will take thier cups back to the msm.

    “Qwant allows the whole Web to be visible without any discrimination and with no bias. Our sorting algorithms are applied equally everywhere and for every user, without trying to put websites forward or to hide others based on commercial, political or moral interests.”
    “Only free software with open source code is under control of any user. In all other cases the users have to believe what the maintainers tell about what is going on inside. If maintainers claim that they have strictly implemented privacy and data protecion, users have to believe them. MetaGer is free software under GNU-AGPLv3 Licence. It is available to anyone at

    The two links below contain compilations of privacy related and decentralized solutions to many internet activities (web search, email, file sharing, social media, etc.). The web search providers I suggested above were found through these links. StartPage personally recommended the below links as well.

  4. I think if this is such a concern for you then maybe you should organize your own open source investigation. Not saying this condescendingly, but as an actual encouragement. If you want to hear more I know Media Monarchy has done some more coverage as well.

  5. On a related topic I have been wondering about open source browsers. If we stop using bing or google but are still using chrome and IE then what does our search engine matter? I have no doubt the browsers themselves have their own problems with privacy as well. If anyone has any information on this idea I would be interested to know.

    • I don’t know of any “good” browsers. Most are based on either chromium or gecko. I still use firefox, mostly due to various extensions. I wouldn’t trust Google chrome as far as I could delete it, but maybe there is something in Chromium browser, but it’s still probably heavily bound to Google.

      Maybe maxthon browser is worth a mention, but it has shifted focus to all sorts of cloud bullshit. I use that sometimes, it has some extension support and a built in flash player.

      Browsers are not easily maintained and so consolidation makes sense.

      • “Yes! You have strong protection against Web tracking, though your software isn’t checking for Do Not Track policies.”

        “Do not track” “policy” lol
        Simply put, I can’t trust any browser I haven’t built myself and building a browser from scratch is a very daunting task, to say the least.

        • Less secure maybe, but at least there wouldn’t be any intentional spying going on.

          Of course, doing something like that, for a single person, would be considered a life work.

    • danmanultra,

      Firefox. Privacy extensions. See my site links once my previous comment is moderated and appears in this comment section. I put in two links that go into great detail on how to secure your privacy including good browsers to use and even computer code settings for anti tracking and such.

    • If you have privacy concerns, redirecting your traffic through a third party proxy is probably not the greatest of ideas. Same privacy considerations are valid for lastpass as well.

      Regarding ghostery, I used it for a while, but it had the tendency to stop working in a short while and start letting random stuff through. Now I reverted back to noscript, which does similar things, but they tend to break some sites, no matter the configuration.

  6. I don’t “like” startpage results. I do “like” Google results, which makes me think Google very much likes likes to track me and tailor results to something I may find pleasing. It’s not their sinister attempts that worry me, but their success.

  7. I personally prefer much of these “shootings” ignored as far as more detailed investigations go. I wouldn’t have a problem if this site did an open source investigation into it, that would be easy enough to ignore, but considering the time and resource investment and the fact both are fairly limited, I prefer there to be none.

    For a while I was working in this “ooh, lets see what they are doing now” mode, following various psyops and looking for all sorts of clues in these setups and now, from this perspective after some time has passed, I can see that investment of time and resource as what it really is – a complete waste. It hasn’t increased my awareness, it hasn’t added to my understanding of events nor have I realized anything substantial which would allow me to interpret any of “their” actions better. I have enough stuff going on, siphoning my attention away.

    Maybe the Vegas shooting is a smoking gun type of deal, but we have so many smoking guns I can’t see anything because of the thick smoke engulfing us. I don’t need Vegas to make the fact 9/11 was in inside job even more transparent; in fact I think this understanding has permeated modern society to a rather extreme extent, but people fail to follow up on their logical conclusion.

    • herrqlys says:
      …and many blogs and comment sections overflow with cynicism. There is very, very little defense of the establishment in these forums.

      • so so true. we’ll never reach critical mass now . our early blogs and forums were really just preaching to the choir after a while. then it became an outlet for us. then the trolls came. then when more and more people started “waking up” and exploring the alternative media sites, blogger/etc. was becoming difficult and then the Facebook and it’s uncanny ease of posting, and you know the rest. NOW anyone with an ounce of inquiry about them doesn’t have a chance of “finding the truth” because — you know — it’s now conveniently ALL fake news.

      • I used to have so much fun typing in google searches to see top hits to finish my search sentence. TOO FUNNY

        What happens when you reach the pinnacle of cynicism? I think the first answer was “you either become an asshole or a stand-up comedian” or something like that!

    • I’m certain that once this breaks, and it will break sooner or later, all the bile being bottled up now will get spilt and flow down the streets. The longer this phase takes, more radical the backlash will be.

      A non violent solution is possible, but I don’t expect there will be one. What’s very probable to happen is that through turmoil new “leaders” will arise to the throne, capitalizing on powergrabs.

      Tribalism all the way.

  8. Steebs says: (Referring to the Corbett Report) Why have you not done an open source investigation on Las Vegas?

    Corbetteer “whaugen” also asked the same question here…

    Just following the Vegas incident, in this “New World Next Week”Episode 1305 , Las Vegas was discussed along with how the news media directs everyone’s attention to target stories.
    The episode is well worth watching to gain more insight.

    “The directing of the public’s attention by the media” is a propaganda emotional reaction manipulation ploy which was also discussed just previous to and around that time by Corbett with “Bacon and Eggs” and Edward Bernays.
    “Why Do You Eat Bacon And Eggs?” (9 minutes)
    “Meet Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda” (37 minutes)

    I’m not saying a “Vegas open source investigation” was poo-pooed by Corbett.
    He did not disparage the idea. Rather, Corbett was choosing to stay focused on other matters and not react to media stories.

    There are other places like Steemit where an open source of Vegas is going on.

    Corbetteer mkey has a pretty good take on Vegas and other incidents.
    For a while I was working in this “ooh, lets see what they are doing now” mode, following various psyops and looking for all sorts of clues in these setups and now, from this perspective after some time has passed, I can see that investment of time and resource as what it really is – a complete waste. It hasn’t increased my awareness, it hasn’t added to my understanding of events nor have I realized anything substantial which would allow me to interpret any of “their” actions better. I have enough stuff going on, siphoning my attention away.

    “Mkey” also points out that a lot of folks are aware of 9/11 and the “engulfing” smoking gun events, but many haven’t followed through to the logical conclusions in their evolution of thought.

  9. I started using Opera as a browser a few weeks ago, as I like many of you, grew tiered of the main browsers… was recommended by a friend, and it runs on open source software. Also it called my attention because of it’s own vpn and add blocker. So far, so good. it’s not that different but you can choose what search engine you want to use (from a few choices). For now Im using duckduckgo and glad to see search results that are far away from the limits google had me sicken with.
    Youtube on the other hand… need to start looking else where. I feel Im on sky or direct tv…

    • I have been using Opera (Along with Firefox) for several years now and I must say that it is a good browser.

      Unfortunately in 2016 the company was bought out by the Chinese government (Well a consortium of Chinese companies which is most likely the government) So I don’t trust new versions of it.

      Even though Opera has been released for open source operating systems like Linux, Opera itself is not open source, so there is no easy way of verifying what it is up to.

      I have been trialling Pale Moon (A branch of Firefox) for a few months now and it seems mostly OK. Unfortunately it does not appear to work with Bitchute so I might give Brave a go next. I don’t trust, but I think abandoning the Firefox open source code because of Mozilla is like throwing the baby out with the bath water, so I keep looking…

  10. Great to hear!

    It may not be a threat to Google anytime soon as far as it becoming a search engine used by everyday Joe Bloggs using the Internet due to the fact that users have to go to the trouble of actually installing it, dedicating resources such as physical hard drive space and network bandwidth and pay for the electricity to keep it running even when they are not using it themselves.

    However, I do not see any reason why even in the short term it could not become the search engine of choice for researchers and people that are already Awake to find information from others out there who have similar interests.

    Anyone who has their own website or blog on another site can run their own YaCy node and make sure that at least their own site is indexed even they do not use the search functions themselves.

    Really just needs promotion and if everyone who was interested in false flag attacks etc ran their own node and added important links then there would be no way to censor that information.

  11. Hi All
    Thank you for the useful information.
    I read all the comments up to this point.
    Here is my offerings ….

    – Did not know Opera was bought by Chinese.
    – I had a feeling Firefox was infiltrated. Soros? Really?

    – I recall hearing that Google tracks 30-40 data points to triangulate the user… from hardware & software configurations, cookies, Flash & Super cookies, on and on…

    -WEBRTC exposes your IP address… a new protocol / feature in some browsers …. and pushed by guess who… GOOGLE!

    -ublock origin adblocker … read that it was rated fastest.

    – Privacy Badger extension from

    – “Lightbeam” extension for Firefox – (used to be called Collusion). Shows all the web trackers.

    -Search for “self-destructing cookies” for Firefox or “Tab cookies for Chrome”. Gets rid of those annoying ads that follow you around. (Does not show up in Chrome store. Link in article

    – Intuition / speculation says that open-source projects have been “influenced” or infiltrated by special interests.

    -One senior privacy person said the only way to have anonymity on the internet was to never get on.

    -Use multiple browsers … one for email, another for google products (youtube, search, etc) and another for general browsing.

    – Presearch,io – the name makes me squirm. Reminds me of the concepts of “pre-crime”.

    – has Iron browser – neutered version of Chrome. (Pros / Cons, search internet for various discussions)

    -Slimjet is another browser … do your due diligence.

    – The Deep State & globalist like Soros with deep pockets can buy out or infiltrate any struggling organization.

    -Google influences Chromium projects, so who knows what kind of code is hidden deep in the belly.

    -Avast (free version) SNORTS all user’s data to cloud.

    -Windows 7 thru 10 have updates that track EVERYTHING!! Use Spybot Anti-beacon and many other anti-spying tools out there.

    – Apple & Micro$oft from the early days of Silicone Valley, were set up to be the two false choices – The Hegelian Dialectic) of the surveillance state. Remember DARPA was right in the middle of it. Follow the money.

    – I still think that the military was behind the development of currently used encryption methods. Do you really think they do not have a back door?
    Blockchains anyone?
    (Soft-disclosure in movies… Check IMDB for : Sneakers, Furious 7, others)

      • Yes, according to that article. That is why I said search it out. However they do not offer any method to “Defang” Chrome. At least Iron has some Google spy features turned off by default. Change the search engine and he is not profiting off of you. (But without inspecting the code, you would never know.)

        Slimjet – if you find that it tracks user, let me know. Again, without reading actual code, or analyzing traffic/connections, you would never know.

        • If you’re going to suggest something, then cover all the critical aspects. Srware Iron in my opinion does not deserve a mention on the list of alternative private browsers without explicitely stating facts about developer’s shady practices. In fact, I don’t think it should be mentioned at all, unless being listed under browsers which are best avoided.

          All of the chrome based browsers have the same stigma, blind trust won’t fix that. Even if one was disposed to check the code for spying, how often would one be disposed to do it? If anything, I’m trusting that someone would raise alarm if something was discovered, however I’m not certain I’d hear it.

          The inherent issue remains the same: if you can’t trust the source, you’re out of luck. If the system is going to spy on you, no kind of protection will prevent that. The only thing that would work would be to have a whitelist for sites which you want to allow your machineto access, but then you need a machine about which you can be certain it will honor you whitelist.

          To put things simply: if MS windows users want to feel safe, they should install their OS in an emulator under Linux and have the OS communicate through a gateway which will honor the whitelist. However, even then the problems will just keep piling on as various applications and sites won’t work correctly.

      • From article I read, it is a “protocol” that can be used to do peer to peer connections… directly, without a middleman server.
        Anyone sniffing packets would be able to see the IP address.

        That’s my understanding ….

        Do a search “webrtc privacy issue” or similar.

        • Correction …. ignore line about sniffing packet.

          It was …. even if you were using a proxy / VPN / Tor …. WebRTC exposes your true IP!

          And … any websites can get that IP by making an inquiry to see if you have WebRTC available.

          • That’s quite a blunder. I’m not using VPN, but this certainly raises concerns. Sigh.

            For Chrome and Opera: Install the ScriptSafe extension from the Chrome Web Store, which will definitely disable WebRTC. It works for Opera as well, but it may be a cumbersome process to install it.
            For Firefox: There are two options: 1) Disable WebRTC directly by opening a tab and going to “about:config” in the address bar. Find and set the “media.peerconnection.enabled” setting to “false.” 2) Install the “Disable WebRTC” add-on from Mozilla Add-ons (go to @YourAnonNews for the link).
            Just so you know, disabling WebRTC may disrupt some Web apps and services, such as chat or other services involving your computer’s microphone or camera. If that happens, you can always enable WebRTC temporarily to fix that.

  12. That’s good advice. My internet presence is so intertwined with google it’s sickening. Good thing I have nothing to hide (and encrypt stuff that I want hidden.)

  13. Question for Corbett members?

    Has anyone compiled a full list of search alternatives along with their personal take about some of them?

    We have Corbett’s list and also “NoMeatNoDairyNoProblem” right below.
    “scpat” adds some more
    “andrewtnicholson” adds another

    There are probably other “search alternative” suggestions which I missed.
    I would be very interested to see a “A Preferred Top 5 or 6” by Corbett members.

  14. herrqlys,

    I often “wuss out” too. I am with what you say.

    By the way, “wuss” is such a classic term which I rarely hear now-a-days. Back in the 60’s, it was used often. My brothers and I often challenged each other on daring feats by calling the other “wuss”.

    An interesting tidbit about “Leave It To Beaver” (’57-’63) and the age of innocence. There is one episode where Wally or Lumpy or Eddie and maybe Beaver are having an argument outside. It gets heated and name calling begins. They start calling the other person “Pussy. You pussy!”. The term was repeated about three or four times. One guy takes off running away.
    My brother and I are rolling on the floor with laughter and shock. I have never seen that episode since.

  15. I’m currently checking out midori.

    This browser is open source, based on GTK, the windows version is a bit laggy for me, my machine is quite dated, but still midori process shouldn’t demand so much of my CPU. I’ll have to poke around to see what’s what. Memory usage is on par-ish with Firefox.

    The default search provider is Duck Duck Go.

    This browser comes with a number of inbuilt extensions. There’s ad blocking, JS blocking, several cookie managers, some sort of a flash player, a number of utilities and, my personal favorites, user script and user style support – to some extent, I have to check that out. There is some pussy footing required to get it to work.

    There doesn’t appear to be any keepass support for the time being, that’s the only thing I’m missing.

  16. Could the matter be any more blatant? Putting that vile bullshit into the legislation, as long with music, movies, news, etc, is a way of normalizing it. Being pro Israel becomes a reflex reaction.

  17. I received an e-mail informing me that Google has decided to delete one of my helper e-mail accounts which I kept for some of my side projects. That account was barely in use and there was nothing out of the ordinary going on there. If google sent some warning e-mails to it I didn’t read them, but nothing was sent to my main account.

    I have several similar accounts and all of them are not very much used, therefore I don’t think this one was deleted due to being scarcely used. Attempts to find out what exactly happened lead to nowhere, since I can’t login to it. This is making me thing – do I have maybe too much stuff bound to my gmail account? Well, yes, yes I freaking do.

    This has apparently being going on for a while now.

    Your Google Account has been deleted due to Terms of Service violations

    You received this message because xxx is listed as the recovery email for yyy.

    This message confirms that your Google Account yyy was deleted due to a violation of our Terms of Service that was left unresolved.

    To attempt to restore access to the account, please visit our account recovery page immediately.

    Google Accounts can only be restored within a short period of time after deletion.
    The Google Accounts team

  18. I’ve been happily using Startpage as my main search engine for several years now (if it brings up Wikipedia, you don’t HAVE to go there – there are alternatives!). However, in the last few weeks I’ve noticed on several occasions that it just doesn’t give any results for my searches – and when I’ve then tested them on Gurgle it gives a lot of results. I wonder whether Startpage is having difficulties or has changed its methods of obtaining search results.
    At least this is shaking me out of my complacency, and I will give some of the other engines a try.
    I moved to Startpage in the first place because Gurgle had amassed so much bizarre info on me, based on my eclectic search patterns, that I was frequently getting only a handful of skewed search results or none at all.

  19. Right from the start it was similar for me. Startpage usually returns no results for my local searches while google has a bunch, even too many. From the technical standpoint, I have to assume startpage has indexes of their own and they may be limited in scope since they are not the global behemoth google is. So they index frequently requested queries and don’t index the rest.

  20. I am so laughing about Mozilla and their new browser Quantum these days.
    I keep checking it out, partly out of fun.
    It has a new feature on his homepage: 3 new news articles (recommended by pocket – whatever pocket is).
    Three German newspapers/blogs have been prominently featured: Süddeutsche (liberal major paper, like for SPD-guys), Spiegel and scilogs (associated with Zeit). (So only msm websites.)
    So now the fun. Scilogs featured articles prominently by guys like Stefan Rahmstorf (this one exactly: So “climate science” at it’s best. After all he is just a leading member at the PIK. THE German climate institute.
    Süddeutsche – of which I got the most recommendations the last days – has now an article titled: “Der neue Firefox könnte das freie Web retten”, meaning “the new firefox could rescue the free web”.
    More obvious collusion couldn’t become :D.


  21. Duckduckgo and Ixquick (startpage’s better sister) have been quite reliable since I abandoned google other than for computer / software stuff where for some reason will give me a lot more good results, but certainly not stuff google is pressured to be reactionary about.

    It’s funny, Google used to be at the front of…putting a front of refusal to alter anything for the government…I guess they need compromise for their fiber ISP plans and other much less favorable to the general public.

  22. The Hated One offers some wonderful options…

    How to protect your online privacy in 2018 | From noob to pro in 14 minutes or less | Tutorial

    Description by “The Hated One”:
    Published on Feb 22, 2018
    No matter how tech savvy you are, if you want to protect your online privacy you can easily follow this tutorial that walk you through online privacy protection step by step.
    If you like to protect yourself on the web and want to support my channel, sign up for NordVPN at or use my coupon code ‘thehatedone’ at the checkout to save 66%!

    I made this channel because I believe standing up against power and illegitimate authority is a moral duty. I believe all humans are fundamentally free. But this freedom won’t take care of itself. If you too believe this cause and want to help in this pursuit, you can donate to any of my cryptocurrency wallets. I am not a professional. I just try to spread the message I believe is important. I am non-partisan. I always will be.

    If at any point during the video you feel like this is too much for you, feel free to leave it there and keep your privacy protection at a level that suits you best. Also you could do me a favor if you commented your level of privacy protection you decided to go with.

    • Excellent video, HRS. Thanks for linking to it. “The Hated One”! What’s not to love?!

      His tutorial ended up by recommending the website PrivacyTools, which someone here recommended and linked to a couple years ago. It provides sources for every layer of protection from browsers, add-ons, mail carriers, vpn etc, and to this day I’ve still got it bookmarked. It’s very thorough yet simple enough for even me.

      The add-on called “NoScripts” I find too complicated, however, but it’s supposed to be one of the best; I’d love to see a tutorial for that one.

      I’ve been wanting to get away from Windows for a very long time. Their malware/update nightmare of last January solidified my resolve, but I lacked the confidence to install to Linux. Just recently, my son effortlessly switched us over to Mint, and so far we’re all very pleased with it. Should’ve done it years ago!

  23. this article is 3 years old, so I’m curious if there’s an update. im looking to ween myself off of Google and looking for a browser and alternative to Google Docs. im just starting the research and would appreciate any feedback. I hear startpage is great, but that’s not compatible with my android (which I’d love to ditch but is necessary for my job).
    I’ve made the switch away from hotmail and gmail. this is the next step.

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