Testing and Filtering Your Water – #SolutionsWatch

by | May 2, 2023 | Solutions Watch, Videos | 42 comments

If you’re a regular Corbett Reporteer, then by now you’re aware of the danger to human health caused by water fluoridation. But are you aware of the chlorine and other potentially toxic and carcinogenic substances in your tap water? And are you aware of your options for filtering your water and how to test to make sure you’re getting all of the particulates out? Join James today as he talks to a water expert and answers some basic questions about testing and filtering your water.

Watch on Archive / BitChute Odysee / Rokfin Rumble / Substack  / Download the mp4

*Those in Oklahoma or Southern Kansas can contact Andrew regarding water testing and filtering at (405) 531-2784 or email him at andrewhoffman1776 [at] proton.me

Fluoride coverage on The Corbett Report

Fluoride coverage on The Last American Vagabond

Newly Released Review Of Fluoride’s Toxicity Highlights NTP Scientist’s Battle To Follow The Science

Second Phase Of Fluoride Lawsuit Set To Begin In January 2024

Fluoride Action Network

Episode 121 – Know Your Toxins: BPA

Stupid Conspiracy Theorists! Chemicals Aren’t Turning The Frogs GAY!!

Are you SURE those AquaCera “fluoride filters” are working?

Revelations Radio News

The Lord of the Rings – FLNWO #07

Leaf Home Water Solutions

EWG’s Tap Water Database

Using Chlorine In Water Raises Risk of Cancer


  1. I ran across someone on youtube who tested for flouride using a Zero Water filter and he said it took it out. I also contacted Zero Water online and tho they wouldn’t say that their product took out flouride they did say that their product filters to 1 micron and flouride is 2 microns if I remember correctly.

    • Fluoride ions are very small, singly negatively charged anions with I think a rather small solvation shell of water molecules around it. Much smaller than a micron. If the fluoride is in the form of hexafluorosilicic acid then there’s a silicon atom surrounded by six fluorines but this is still not a big ion.

  2. Thank you for the thought provoking segment on water. It’s made me think about getting a table top size reverse osmosis water filter. They don’t appear to be more than $300 or so. Does anyone have any recommendations on what brand or model to buy?

  3. Interesting, but nothing was mentioned about pharmaceutical residues in city tap water and/or rivers where it mostly comes from.
    Can all this be filtered out. I think these residues are worse than flouride.

  4. We have been using both a whole house salt water softener plus an undersink reverse osmosis (RO) system for drinking water for >10years now.

    I estimate the whole house softener has saved us a couple of dishwashers so far plus protected our clothes washer and plumbing generally. It reduces hardness but not TDS. The RO reduces TDS on the water coming from the softener from around 290 down to around 35 (as measured with a Hanna TDS1 meter).

    A 4 stage RO system can be had for around $300. We are using one from here (no affiliation) https://www.premierh2o.com/collections/reverse-osmosis

    The first two shown there are particularly good for filter changing as the filters just plug in. Previous models were a PITA changing filters involving all kinds of flushing etc. These ones it’s a breeze.

    I recommend considering carefully we here you locate the filters as you’ll be changing them every 6 months (hopefully) so easy access will make your life easier. Best would be if you had the filters themselves above counter for easy access but that’s not pretty. We have made the wall removable behind the sink where the filters are mounted to ease access.

    These RO systems will filter around 3 gallons every 6 hours and the 3 gallon tank lets you have that much in reserve. Our tank went flat after about 9 years which meant it would only supply < 1 gallon but the fix was easy: completely drained the tank then repressurize to manufacturer spec. which IIRC was 7 psi, using a bike pump and digital pressure gauge.

    One of my neighbors goes even further and drinks only distilled water!

    • That sounds similar to my set up in my new house. I have a water softener and a RO filter. Well water can ruin pipes which is why I put the water softener system in.

      I think this is enough for me because there’s no way to filter out all the pollutants in the environment. There is probably a way to filter out a lot of them and mitigate the harm, but not filter out every single contaminant that poses a hazard.

  5. Not sure why water distillation was not mentioned as a viable alternative to RO. Distilled water will have any potentially useful minerals removed from it, but it’s still questionable whether the body is able to make use of such minerals. One thing distilled water is very good for is carrying nutrients from food into the body and taking the crap out. Along with the crap it’s going to take out some beneficial stuff, but that’s how the cookie crumbles.

    I would disagree that water softening does not increase salt content in the water, that’s they very point. Ions that are making the water hard are being bound in the filter and replaced with salt. The harder the water, the more pronounced effect this is going to have.

  6. Using rain barrels to collect water, bypassing the “Authorities” contamination of Tap water to start. Then filtering I think is a good solution. I have been doing this and still kicking. 🙂


    • Glad you mentioned that! I don’t add anything back into my RO water. I don’t have any health issues. I’m sure the minerals are sufficient from my food intake.

    • No but it tastes good with a few good minerals put back in. My RO filter sticks some calcium and magnesium back in. I could live without the calcium but I add a few crystals of Epsom salts in my drinking water because magnesium is a really nice mineral. On a tangential subject I wonder why Epsom salts, i.e. magnesium sulphate, is not one of the commonly recommended forms of magnesium supplement. I suspect it’s because it’s too cheap to make any money from.

    • If you grow your own food, or even some of it, why not add volcanic rock to the growing medium to restore the filtered out minerals. You can also add zeolite to pull out some of the heavy metals so kindly bestowed to us via geo-engineering.

  7. Thanks for the video, it’s a subject which is constantly on my mind. Here in Brunei Darussalam (“Abode of Peace”, in other words: don’t you dare complain!) the tap water is fluoridated. We have a reverse osmosis water filter for our drinking and cooking water. However I would very much like to know of any statistics on the harm of bathing in fluoridated water. How much fluoride is absorbed through the skin? I don’t enjoy my showers as much as I would like to. If I were stronger willed I would just run off 10 litres of RO water into a bucket and wash in that.

    One toxin not mentioned in the video is aluminium. This is used as a flocculant to remove solids during municipal water treatment. It is a known contributor to Alzheimers. The local water board here has a laboratory attached available to the public. I am planning to spike a sample of drinking water with shaving alum and then see whether the laboratory comes back with an honest result.

    • Greetings, I am also wary of aluminum, but I read that silica (in small quantities) can be used to remove aluminum. For this purpose, tea of horsetail, an herb with abundant silica, could be used. Myself, I make tea of horsetail now and then. For more details on aluminum, I refer to the work of Professor Chris Exley.

      • I wonder how silica would chemically bond aluminium. Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately fresh horsetail (which I remember from one videographer was also good for restoring teeth enamel) is not found in Borneo as far as I know.

  8. I use a Berkey but cant say ive had the water tested. a filter for your entire house would be best, but if you are in an apartment maybe get filters for the shower heads.

    If you buy water (distilled or not) and its coming in a plastic container then its already been tainted and is not clean.

  9. I have a counter-top water distiller (Megahome) which I run overnight and which produces 4 litres of water which is enough for myself and my housemate. As far as I know it is getting pretty much all the crap out – there is certainly a fair bit of unpleasant smelling gunk at the bottom of the tank every morning.

    James/Andrew have any views on distillation?

    • That’s the one I planning to get. Did you put the unit on a timer to prevent it from boiling away the sludge water? Some the waterlovers destiller which features some sort of a system that always leave a certain amount of water in the tank.

  10. The cost of housing in Oklahoma is very low. The state is pretty dynamic and offers a lot.

    Water Tank Bacteria – Some filtration systems have a ‘storage tank’ which never actually fully flushes. Over time, bacteria can build up, and then gut health can be affected.

    Chlorine toxins – Problem in North Texas
    In the Spring of 2018, residents and pets who were using water from North Texas Municipal Water District NTMWD started having weird and wild symptoms.
    Rashes, itching, upset stomachs, nausea, cancer, losing a baby, etc.
    Soon residents got together, and organized the grassroots SaferWaterNTX.ORG group that grew to 13 Thousand in less than a month!
    The Water Utility pulled some dirty tricks, such as hijacking the use of the group’s name to create a website in order to counter the narrative.
    Dave Lieber, The Watchdog columnist for “The Dallas Morning News” wrote a superb report about it all entitled: “North Texas Municipal Water District fights critics with a dirty Web trick”.

    Residents brought in Erin Brockovich for a town hall-type meeting on April 5, 2018.
    Bob Bowcock, who works with Erin Brockovich, accompanied her. Bob is one of the world’s top alternative experts on water quality issues and how to remedy them. Bob Bowcock offers great insight.

    See much more information on this topic including chemicals used at Home Page 2 of DallasForSaferWater
    [Webpages are heavy, so give it time to load. Computers work best.]
    ALUMINUM – Go to the “News and Activism” webpage, and scroll to the bottom third to find out about aluminum.

    Aluminum is toxic to the body.
    Fluoride and aluminum have a strong relationship… chemically, ‘mechanical affinity’ and otherwise.
    In fact, because fluoride was part of the aluminum industry back in the days when water fluoridation was first being promoted, it was the CEO of Alcoa who helped to finance the “water fluoridation narrative”.

    Brown murky lake water
    It is an amazing sight to visit a city’s drinking water treatment plant and watch waterfalls of the brown, murky source lake water get hit with a flocculants (like alum) and turn up crystal clear.
    Aluminum is often used as a flocculant in order to get silt and clays to settle.
    “Water glass” aka sodium silicate is sometimes used as a flocculant in certain water applications

    Silica, in itself, is very interesting with many wildly varied properties.
    Our bodies need the bio-available silicas for health. It also relates to fluoride, lead and aluminum.

  11. I’m one of the few lucky ones whose tap water isn’t fluoridated, so I have an Invigorated Water filter (I have never tested it, but it tastes good, so keeping it for now). I prefer getting the minerals in because I don’t drink while I eat and I don’t know if that makes much of a difference. Distilled might be better but I live in a place where I can’t install anything, don’t have room for anything fancy, so I would have to purchase it bottled which is a hassle, expensive, on top of having damn plastic in it.

  12. Thanks for your insightful show about water and water filtration.
    Activated carbon, which is found in tabletop filters but also available separately, is one possible solution, it seems to me, though the truth is that I need to replace my filter.
    Another possible solution, which I urge you to research yourself is chlorine dioxide (NOT bleach), which is even used by some municipalities for many years to disinfect water. Yes, it has chlorine (one atom for every two atoms of oxygen), but it is known to disinfect water. Chlorine is also found in healthy people in minute quantities.
    It has other, medicinal uses, according to some reports. ClO2 is cheap too.
    References are Andreas Kalcker, Stefanie Seneff, Jim Humble, and Kerri Rivera. Seneff claims that ClO2 can be used to remove glyphosate from the body. It is not without controversy, but hey, check it for yourself, and make up your own mind – https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/the-chlorine-dioxide-controversy

  13. For my house, I am currently using a salt-free method to soften the water.
    It is called Aquasain (https://entkalkungsanlageaquasain.de), although there are several such systems worldwide (a similar one is this I think – probably similar technology: https://www.aqon-pure.com).

    It basically is a metal tube with a pure Zinc inner core. Small solved zinc particles seem to make different chemical complexes out of the Calcium/limestone (Aragonit), which do not clog the tubes/installations in your home and appliances, but are being flushed out or sediment in your boiler (this sediment needs to be removed/emptied at some point). The good thing is that the tube can be installed pretty easily by oneself (I did it on my own with standard parts from the hardware store) and you don’t have to refill/exchange anything (at least for 10 years) and from the way it functions, it is reasonable to me, that there is no health downside (the little additional zinc in your water is actually beneficial for your immune system – and you also retain the calcium, which might also be helpful for your body in normal tap water ranges).

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