Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: An Open Source Investigation

by | Apr 9, 2018 | Videos | 223 comments

No sooner has the idea of a US withdrawal from Syria been floated than Assad launched a chemical weapons attack on the suburbs of Damascus…or so we are being asked to believe. But this is not the first time we have been lied to about chemical weapons claims. What is the evidence about this situation, and what are the latest developments with regard to the international response? Corbett Report members are asked to contribute to this open source investigation by posting information and links about this breaking news event.

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As Trump Seeks Way Out of Syria, New Attack Pulls Him Back In

State Dept Claims Syria Chemical Attack, Blames Russia

Trump seeks Syria pullout as advisers warn of hard work ahead

Trump reportedly wants an immediate pullout from Syria, but military officials are fighting back

U.S. priority on Syria no longer focused on ‘getting Assad out’: Haley

Tillerson: ‘No role’ for Assad in governing Syria

The Syria Strikes Aftermath: What We Know So Far

Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus Nerve Agent Attack of August 21, 2013

From the Houla Hoax to Chemical Weapons – Deceptions in Syria

Sunday Wire Episode #228 – ‘Another WMD Caper’ with Ambassador Peter Ford & Vanessa Beeley

As Skripal-Gate Collapses, Will May’s Government Be Next?

BREAKING: ‘AIRSTRIKE on Syria’ reports of fighter jets and missiles over Lebanon

McCain the warmonger immediately calls for more war


  1. ZeroHedge have an update to their post about the apparent attack on the T4 airfield being reported on Syrian TV:

    Their update notes how the T4 airfield was specifically cited by “IDFSpokesperson” on Twitter as an operating base for Iran and the Quds Forces “with the backing of Syrian Forces.” Link to the tweet:

  2. Extremely relevant memory-holed story from two weeks ago:

    Terrorist capabilities laid bare in an Eastern Ghouta chemical lab

    “This week, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) liberated some Eastern Ghouta farmlands between Shifouniyeh and Douma and discovered a well-equipped chemical laboratory run by Saudi-backed Islamist terrorists. Not a single Western reporter showed up to investigate the facility.”

    • They found something that can be described as chemical facility. But then article continues:
      “They had examined the blue and black canisters and discovered chlorine …”

      Chlorine is a gas with boiling point at -30 degC. It cannot be stored in plastic canisters. Maybe some chlorine compound.
      Lets say lousy reporting.

      • Containers could be filled with anything almost. Since there are no warning labels I’m inclined to exclude Sodium Hypochlorite.

        With a little more stretching one can say there is chlorine in your kitchen, Sodium Chloride.

        As you noticed weaponsation of chemicals is a big problem, indeed. I see little possibility to use projectiles, that are presented in the article, as effective CW.

    • Thinking back on the videos of the children in the “treatment center” I wonder if the children are in distress because of exposure to chemicals or from being brutalized by the “rescue workers”.

  3. The chief of Russia’s general staff predicted this very scenario less than one month ago:

    US planning missile and bombing raid against Damascus — top brass

    “Militants are preparing a provocation with the use of chemical agents in Syria to justify a massive US strike against Damascus’ government neighborhoods, Chief of Russia’s General Staff Valery Gerasimov said on Tuesday.”

    Goes on to predict that after the US makes false accusations about the false flag they will bomb Damascus’ government district, where there are Russian military officials:

    “in the event of a threat to our military servicemen’s lives, Russia’s Armed Forces will take retaliatory measures to target both the missiles and their delivery vehicles.”

    • And from April 6, just three days ago,

      Russian top brass warn al-Nusra, Free Syrian Army plotting chemical attacks in Syria

      “Jabhat al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army are planning chemical attacks with the use of chlorine in areas under their control, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.”

        • Mkey, I only read it on a dare and it was horrifyingly hilarious! All you have to do is believe wholeheartedly that Assad absolutely loves using chemical weapons on his own people and that the Ayatollah is just rubbing his evil hands in glee. But, note how saddened they are that trumpy is just going to do nothing once again. Honey badger just don’t care, they say! Statism really is a mental disorder. It’s the only thing that can explain crazy crap like this. JimBob: Just because I’m the last sane man left don’t make me right.

            • No. You should run far and fast instead. But it does show a sense of imagination. But nothing for an intelligent reader in this day and age. The internet has killed their construct. JimBob from fluorida who is still dealing with the trauma of that article!

    • When I read a bunch of loaded language, no sourcing, just vilification, I tend to stop reading. I just don’t bother with mind-control garbage that makes people think they are smart by the measure of holding disparate thoughts in the mind simultaneously. It’s deliberately convoluted and not to be understood for any number of reasons.
      Still, I may read on just to see the truth they may be hiding. Really, it’s in plain sight.
      “… in the calculus of Assad, Vladimir Putin, and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The successful trio wants first and foremost to subdue the remaining rebels in Syria, with an eye toward the several million people remaining in rebel-held Idlib province. A particularly heinous death for the holdouts in Ghouta, …”

      It reads like a doctor loveless episode from the wild west show. They validate the bona fides and show the opposing team, I mean.. what are they? We certainly have lots of high level dealings with this crowd. How much of our uranium is under russian control and isn’t that thanks to Hillary?

      “After the humiliating August 2013 “non-strike event,” when Obama changed his mind about his “red line” and decided not to react to Assad’s use of chemical weapons, the Syrians had America in a box.”

      Wait a minute, who’s side is this writer on? Who is this writer challenging out “weak” leaders?

      “Trump’s Middle East policy remains a mystery. ” Just a mystery, can’t attack him yet, because it seems he’s staying in Syria.. Conveniently.

      “This most recent attack, as tragic as it is, is no turning point. It’s more of the same from Assad and his allies, as they solidify the grisly, dangerous norms that they’ve been busy enshrining since 2013.”

      Maybe that’s all it is after all, they just want to stay in Syria for now. Until something worse happens.

      But sides are drawn… Who is this empowered writer?

  4. US State Department’s official response on the incident:

    “The Assad regime and its backers must be held accountable and any further attacks prevented immediately. Russia, with its unwavering support for the regime, ultimately bears responsibility for these brutal attacks, targeting of countless civilians, and the suffocation of Syria’s most vulnerable communities with chemical weapons. By shielding its ally Syria, Russia has breached its commitments to the United Nations as a framework guarantor. It has betrayed the Chemical Weapons Convention and UN Security Council Resolution 2118. Russia’s protection of the Assad regime and failure to stop the use of chemical weapons in Syria calls into question its commitment to resolving the overall crisis and to larger non-proliferation priorities.”

    Russian Foreign Ministry response:

    “The spread of bogus stories about the use of chlorine and other poisonous substances by (Syrian) government forces continues. Yet another such fabricated piece of information about an alleged chemical attack in Douma appeared yesterday,” the ministry said in a statement.

    “We have warned several times recently against such dangerous provocations. The aim of such deceitful speculation, lacking any kind of grounding, is to shield terrorists … and to attempt to justify possible external uses of force.”

  5. Russian Defense Ministry now officially blaming Israel for strike on T-4 airfield in Homs:

    “On April 9, in the period between 3.25 a.m. and 3.53 a.m. Moscow Time two F-15 aircraft of Israel’s Air Force delivered a strike with eight guided missiles on the T-4 airfield without entering Syria’s airspace from Lebanon’s territory,” the ministry said.

    The Syrian air defenses destroyed five guided missiles. Three missiles reached the western part of the airfield. No Russian advisers are among the casualties.

  6. This is my first time hearing of it as well. I’d say that it won’t work on the people, but honestly I think that most people have decided to quit caring anymore. But, I am definitely interested in finding out more. Sometimes I think these charades are just an IQ test of the people. JimBob who lives in the bible belt and so never likes those crazy end-timers to get a chance to talk about the bear and the chosen ones. Aaargh!

  7. I wake up this morning and find this video. Geez!
    My thanks to James for not only giving us the brief, but also for showing the context of past repeated incidents from the same “playbook”.

    • Let us also not forget the last time ended with revelations that Syria was fore-warned of the Tomahawk missiles, and they did no damage to the airfield. And of course, a de-escalation of the area which has resulted in Syria kicking a lot of butt all over Syria. Trump is a master of creating chaos, and then ultimately getting several somethings that tend to stupefy the public. However, by placing so much faith in the competence of the military; one has to worry over his faith in the automaton. JimBob who himself once tried to start a war cuz he was getting tired of waiting.

      • Our legions are brim-full, our cause is ripe.
        The enemy increaseth every day.
        We, at the height, are ready to decline.
        There is a tide in the affairs of men,
        Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
        Omitted, all the voyage of their life
        Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

        If the US petrodollar is possibly on the decline and Israel is facing all kinds of problems that will weaken it then they and their allies in the Government will prob feel like they really NEED to have their war now rather then later when their weaker.
        I wonder if the situation is like pre WW2 when the Japanese Navy and Army had very different plans on who they should hit (US or Russians) MAybe the Middle east hawks are being held back and thwarted by Far East hawks

  8. Generally, we find a lot of stuff gets through the pipeline in the US whenever trumpy has a tantrum. It’s almost as if he doesn’t really have these tantrums. JimBob who thinks he don’t like any of the players involved in the being his master wars. And that they’re wrong about THAT whole master thing anyway.

  9. The same tired False Flag event being played over and over and over? Why would anyone use a tactic that has failed every time in the past? While we are that stupid, it does invite the question of who benefits from an obviously fake false flag attack. Or why? This just gets more interesting. JimBob from fluorida thinks that the world is much ado about nothing some days.

  10. I thought that always was the light. Of course, it does explain why they might look so stressed every now and then. What with being outnumbered some 7 billion to a few hundred thousand. Or even their precious whatever millions people on the Georgia By God Guidestones. Still, they speak and their slaves do jump. JimBob who don’t think that makes any sense whatsoever and is too old to be doing all that jumping around anyway.

    • I shotsanta
      IF there was a plan to ‘just’ kill off a ton of people AND it was run by a secret power that could control so many forces then the viruses would already be loose without any need to pretend.

      • Baxley already tried that in Finland. Screwed it up. The ones running the freak show are unbelievably street stupid. Their only real strength is control of the media; and they are losing that one. JimBob who’s seen better cons in his neighborhood than Trump can even imagine.

        • IshotSanta
          Baxley in Finland? Did they have an issue with the polio vaccine?
          I disagree that “their” only strength is the media… people who can ‘just’ control the media cant kill others with drone strikes or carpet bombing.
          I dont think there is a “they” … because if there were only ONE POWER PLAYER then there wouldnt be a need to PLAY at wanting to drop Syria… they could just tell the story and slide right into it and no one would even see another story or direction. If there was just one shot caller then all the infighting and shuffeling of advisors and changes of policy make no sense since a force that could really control that much wouldnt NEED to pretend. It could just press the button anytime it liked…the guys in the missile subs and silos are trained to follow orders. The guys in the bio-war labs follow orders. The drone pilots follow orders. The government hit teams follow orders.
          Any one force with total control over the mechanisms of power of all the major governments wouldnt need to do false flags or media sideshows. I think the “stupidity” and apparently self defeating actions you see is just various levels of power and influence pushing and fighting with each other like a bunch of paper pushers in an office power strugle

          • No Finland was where they put the swine/bird flu shots together and then told them they didn’t even need to test them because they totally had them covered. But one Finnish guy said No Way! and it killed all 9 ferrets. They had a nice funeral though. Supposed to be for the entire country. Turns out it was just all a big mistake and then we never heard about it again.
            I agree there are a lot of players. My theory is that they are all a bunch of idiots. These little meeses have been trying to rule the world ever since they figured out there is a world to rule. Funny how they can’t even rule themselves. JimBob from fluorida who can’t rule hisself too good either, but he don’t go and try to rule anyone else.

  11. manbearpig
    A bunch of Aristocrats dont need to conspire to keep their inferiors in their place or to have more in common with each other then everyone else. If there was an actual single master plan things would look way smoother and honestly things would have already progressed to an endpoint we wouldnt like by now.
    As for Syria its a zero sum game in that the players want results that will give THEM more power and the other side LESS power. I cant really imagine any secret power that could guide so many players against their own interests would NEED to pretend anything. The tec exists right now to kill off a ton of people via sickness or war without any need to pretend.
    The cold war made a ton of money for some western makers of war material AND made jobs for a ton of people in those industries… the army/airforce/navy folks who gained from the conflict didnt need to “conspire” with Industry OR with their opposite numbers in the USSR who were enjoying the same kind of benefits. Everyone just doing what suits them best can be plenty evil without any one guiding hand.

  12. I think it best not to loose perspective as this ‘really big shew’ unfolds. While there are some valid reasons for this false flag event we should keep our eye on the much bigger game. Cui bono? Israel. Who conducted the ‘retaliatory’ attacks on Syria? Israel. What are the replacement costs on the cruise and S 200 missiles and other military goods that are used up? Will this kerfuffle help the Israeli agenda? Not really but it does kick the can down the road. What other stories does this attack replace in the 24 hour news cycle? Two perhaps, the Skripal false flag with attendant British political embarrassment and the absolutely atrocious criminal conduct of the Israeli armed forces in countering Palestinian protest against the occupation of their nation. What do the international elites think of this Syrian event or the Gaza event? Not a great deal as the delay of bringing Mid East gas via pipeline to Europe is not a shining priority to them as supply to the EU is adequate keeping prices and profits robust. Let us not forget that these elites are all inter invested in each others business endeavours and will at least receive dividends if they are not part of this exact consortium reaping the profits in this instance. We should also remember that Syria, along with Iran (and formerly Libya) are not members of the Rothschild Bank of International Settlements central banking One World Order banking system and are thus marked for being included whether they come kicking and screaming or see the light on the arguments for this system. Now if we want to we can get all caught up in the minutiae of White Helmets and other esoterica of this event but we should not forget what is really taking place outside of this particular theater and staging.

    “The state(s) exist to enforce the dominance of elites. Everything else is propaganda, misdirection, obfuscation or terrorism up to an including total war.”

    • “The state(s) exist to enforce the dominance of elites. Everything else is propaganda, misdirection, obfuscation or terrorism up to an including total war.”

      Well, duh…. I mean, for what other purpose COULD they exist?

    • This is a solid overview.
      Another thing that should really be held in mind is all the repetition going on. This is just another milestone we’ve seen several timea before.

    • I think it best not to loose perspective as this ‘really big shew’ unfolds.

      Also best not to _lose perspective of the fact that Trump has two of the twitchiest Twitter thumbs all told.

      If he doesn’t act on his promise to make “major decisions on Syria in the next two days” it won’t have been the first time he’s fibbed and likely won’t be the last either.

  13. One of the more hilarious aspects of these so-called elites is that they really have no idea how the guts of a bureaucracy actually works. They generally think, I speak, they do. A lot of incompetence and criminality (my area of expertise in such organizations) exist that tend to throw all their Superior Brain ideas in the tank. Meanwhile, Pinky still wonders how we are going to get the peanut butter out of our underwear. JimBob from fluorida who knows nothing planned from the top ever works out in the top’s favor.

  14. I found this article interesting. After all, I’m pretty sure the talking heads are tired of his Twitter feed. I do like how they keep emphasizing this “rift” in his administration. It seems to me they get an awful lot done for having such a splintered administration. JimBob from fluorida who also thinks trumpy might be directing his rage and retaliation against people who are not Assad. Just saying.

    • Also funny how even “patriots” use the phrase “false flag” so easily today. I also always like it when the petitioners act as if the prez is completely unaware of any of this. But I’m sure he’ll be right on top of this article. JimBob

  15. Just got through watching it. Incredible interview. I like how the same government that has halted their offenses against terrorists because they were afraid of the civilian casualties apparently only do so because they prefer to kill them with chemical agents. This is the story we are supposed to believe. If she were on Patreon, I’d fund her with the money I no longer donate to Ry Dawson, but she’s not apparently. JimBob from fluorida who tries occasionally to do the right thing but isn’t really that good at it.

  16. “Remember: they wouldn’t be working so hard to manufacture your consent for these strategic power grabs if they didn’t need your consent.”

    This is a great point. Although it doesn’t prove who did it, it is very telling and 99.9% of the time holds true.

  17. James, Moon of Alabama has had a series of articles on this Tragicomedy over a period of weeks, the best of which came on 4/6 titled: “The Best Explanation For The Skripal Drama Is Still … Food Poisoning”. The , a ‘sarin-like” toxin, Saxitoxin, which has been synthesized by the empire into a nerve agent. Since no other patrons of the restaurant became ill, it was likely (by my reasoning), to have put in their food. It takes minutes to hours to take effect and the fact that it had to pass thru the liver first, put them out 40 minutes later. Now, ironically during the 2 week span of Western thru Eastern Easter, have been “Resurrected”! MoA’s article is at
    A Science website describing Saxitoxin is here:
    Deliberate Food Poisoning is what happened and the culprits are MI5 and or 6 with the CIA. Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou of have the best analyses of this crime by British Intelligence with these two articles:
    The next crime will be the kidnapping of both of them into ‘the Witness Protection program’ somewhere in one of the ‘5 Eyes’ countries. Last but not least is the starvation murder of Skirpal’s cat and 2 guinea pigs. His Vet called right away and offered to care for them and called several more times but were never called back. May and Johnson were manipulated several times as the story kept changing scenarios.

  18. PS: Five of the israeli missiles were shot out of the sky by upgraded S-300 missile defense systems, one fell next to a runway but left the runway intact. One of the other two killed some Iranians and I’m not sure what happened with the 8th one.The S-400 works even better and the S-500 system will be available to Russia in the near future and there is an S-600 in the works. These systems actually work but the ‘partiots’ don’t work and are essentially worthless according to Therdore Postol of MIT.

    • Patriot missiles don’t work? I’ve been under two scuds that they did work on. But, those WERE scuds from a long time ago. Apparently, the Syrians are getting ticked at the Israelis for shooting at them from their territory. And Israel would really love to draw us into this conflict even further. Something I don’t think trumpy really wants to do as much as he says he does. Israel seems to be a bit desperate ever since he got in office. JimBob who really doesn’t miss seeing such things as missiles working or not working.

  19. I just did a search on BitChute and YouTube with just the keyword “Syria”. What an amazing difference! On Bitchute, you have a near 100% BS call on the whole thing. True, it is almost entirely very small “repeater” vlogs who merely spout off every rumor they hear on the net, but still it’s consistent. YouBoob has all the official sites which don’t delve into the actual situation very much, just the response to it. Amazing the difference when the market is allowed to have a say in it all. JimBob who knows that ain’t nobody buying this one, so why are they even bothering? I suspect stupid has a say in it.

  20. Unfortunately, I just watched Bombard’s body language on trumpy as he was going over this syria thing. Whatever the behind the scenes stupidities are, he’s getting his butt kicked according to her. I should probably look into his lawyer being raided, and something about Jeff Sessions, as they may have something to do with that (ya think?!). Grumble, grumble at some little bit of work which I gave to myself anyway. JimBob is, as you can plainly tell, not fit for fitting into any mold.

    • I know this seems off-topic, but the timing of the Trump lawyer raid is a bit off-putting for me. Anyway, I found this interesting clip from CBS that had the prez speaking on it. Dropping some killery bombs as well. I also watch Bolton. He’s nervous in this one, and in the one in which Bombard’s body language said trumpy looked like he was defeated and that we would probly go to war (can’t include this link as it’s on patreon now.). I suspect there is a lot of scheming going on behind the domestic scenes in the old us of a. I don’t really agree with her analysis. She thinks it’s a done deal, but if it were Bolton wouldn’t have looked so worried. JimBob who thinks politicians is always scheming so he don’t worry none.

    • Data thinks like a power point presentation. He organizes like one too. “His team” will insulate him from any direct knowledge of wrongdoing. He also stands strong on the side of TIA. I don’t think this is an OT issue. Tangled webs are always plentiful in the land of deception. JimBob who knows when a weasel is being weasely.

      • I think I just heard the really important part of all this meeting. Data will be working with congress on how to regulate the internet. (80s music for this song) It’s the final countdown! du-du-du Yep, while Syria angle falls apart, we have all these important developments being swept off of the headlines. I do so love the theater. JimBob who thinks that it is possible that war isn’t really on the table with this deal, but that a lot of bad stuff is not going to get talked about instead.

        • I logged off the net long before this was done yesterday, but this was a chilling interview. I don’t think it’s that OT as these are the things that happen whenever trumpy is in something loud like the latest Syrian obvious false flag. It is obvious that the government wants to use FB and other companies to target groups. ICE using the internet to deport people is just the first domino to fall. Because all illegals are all over the net. They hold the stick and then offer the carrot; this is every senator speaking. JimBob whose learned how to speak governese a long time ago.

  21. Days before Chump stated he wanted to “reduce US presence in Syria”, my nephew who is in the marines had new orders to be sent to Syria…

    Chump is a zionist puppet, and because the news is owned by the same zionists, the fact that America was actually moving forces into Syria while traitor Chump was stating the opposite, Americans can rarely get the info to put two and two together.

    • Another false response? Missile response that will ultimately hit nothing and only cost us another 1/2 billion that could have been used for infrastructure that actually could make us great. Quick fizzle while the Zuck speaks out in the Senate. He is certainly not happy with the Trump Administration having a say in who gets targeted in an obvious move to use the internet as a law enforcement tool. The raid on Cohen’s office as well. I’m sure there are a lot of other things flying under the radar now that we have an obvious false flag event with an obvious false response on the radar and the obvious false threat of imminent war is once again on the false horizon. Not that one of those countless pegs in the bureaucracy we call the military won’t screw up and push the wrong button in their technocratic false response. JimBob who is highly amused at the way the world just keeps spinning round and round.

      • I’m confused. Do they WANT us to know this is a false flag op in Syria? While Tucker may very well be a well-meaning and naive journalist, I’m sure that trait doesn’t fly all the way up the chain. Are they just de-escalating now that they’ve hidden so much of their dirty laundry? I’m pretty sure every country but Syria has been able to sweep a lot of stuff under the rug while all of this has been going on. I’m not saying they staged this, but since it was openly predicted; I’m thinking no one let this crisis go to waste. JimBob who also thinks this might lead to us getting out of Syria.

      • From a journalist who once was held captive by al-Nusra for two years says:

        …We (the Western block) don’t know who we are giving our money to…
        …But before we go starting any wars, we should investigate properly, and we cannot do that now, because we cannot access the scene of the crime.

        • Good point. You are right.

          If I were to make an error in my evaluations, I prefer to choose the community (Syrian people) which just wants to be left alone to sort out its issues.

          Anything the U.S. government touches turns to shit.

  22. Seems a strike on Syria is now ordered:
    Europe air traffic control issues alert over ‘possible air strikes on Syria within 72 hours’
    Also Macron seems o be ready

    Looks like the launch of the Libya campaign.

    Not good …
    This time Russia is warning

    So will it be a fake attack like the one last year where no missile hit anything of worth somehow agreed with Russia to pacify the American falcons?

    We will see

  23. I know it looks serious, and it may very well be serious, but the entire affair just seems so contrived that it’s difficult for me to take it seriously. I’m sure the alliances are being built, at least for regional controls, but my guess is they want to stop short of war. But they are not talking about a lot of other stuff with this syrian thing going on. Something that had been predicted to happen some time ago. I just think it makes for a really flashy curtain behind which you can hide a lot of other junk. But that doesn’t mean that everything can’t just go to hell in a hand basket at a moment’s notice! JimBob who likes to present a balanced view of his madness when he rambles.

    • Well, they did have a lot of stuff to sweep under the rug. There is legislation coming through to start openly weaponizing the net. ICE to use it to get illegals. Actual roundups. Not enough cops to round up all of the people dissatisfied with government. On the bright side, thanks to all of my snide comments whenever some government official bungles something up, my neighbors are starting to doubt the wisdom of government. Though many can’t conceive of why the tv would lie to them. Cut me some slack, this is fluorida. JimBob who ain’t really trying that hard anyway.

        • In fluorida there is a case in which a crack head may actually be a determining factor as to how cops can abuse their search powers. In The entire legal system of fluorida v. a random crack head; the state just might lose. There’s no way you can suppress the average person enough for the cops to NOT look stupid. JimBob who grew up in a place where the cops didn’t stick their noses where it didn’t belong.

  24. Another absurdity I just noticed: England of the Russian nerve agent hoax peoples needs more evidence in this one. Well isn’t that a high and mighty moral soapbox to jump on! And so many things that don’t get talked about there as well; such as the thought police in the land that inspired 1984. JimBob who thinks that trumpy would rather leave the genocide in the middle east to the sauds while he gets to work on asia.

  25. For those keeping track at home, the US-backed UNSC resolution calling for “a new inquiry to ascertain blame for chemical weapons attacks in Syria” was vetoed by Russia and Russia’s resolution calling for “investigators to report to the Security Council, which could then attribute responsibility” was voted down.

  26. So Russia has vowed to not only shoot down any American missiles fired on Syria but “even the sources from which the missiles were fired” and Trump has responded by promising the missiles “will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!'”

    Oh, and in case anyone still cares it seems likely that the UK government killed the Skripal’s pets as part of their Skripalgate cover up:

    • The comment sections below the trump warns russia article pretty much show what the average person is probably thinking, if they are thinking about syria. They all seemed disgusted that we are in a country where the president will just go to war over the slimmest of pretenses of cause. It seems almost no one on the internet sites believe the us of a is on the side of right. While it is quite possible our big brain masters are stupid enough to go on through with this; I really doubt it now. My guess is that Syria was something that was going to happen, and everyone just did some laundry while that show is going on. JimBob who really hopes he’s only half right. That there is no war, but also they won’t get away without paying for that load of laundry!

    • Corbett says:

      So Russia has vowed to not only shoot down any American missiles fired on Syria but “even the sources from which the missiles were fired” and Trump has responded by promising the missiles “will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’”

  27. I see, in my mind’s eye, a shadow Cambridge Analytic running a public response data scan. There is a 97% chance the public will be so stupefied by all that is going on, that all sorts of even worse things can be implemented under their cover. JimBob who finds that burning a bowl before you read the morning news provides one with the best perspectives.

  28. Interesting fact.
    ALL governments occasionally use chemical weapons against the people.

    “A chemical weapon (CW) is a specialized munition that uses chemicals formulated to inflict death or harm on humans. According to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), “the term chemical weapon may also be applied to any toxic chemical or its precursor that can cause death, injury, temporary incapacitation or sensory irritation through its chemical action. Munitions or other delivery devices designed to deliver chemical weapons, whether filled or unfilled, are also considered weapons themselves.””

    “Nerve gas, tear gas and pepper spray are three modern examples of chemical weapons.”

  29. Robert.t, couldn’t help but be curious on your use of “big media spectrum”. Nice turn of phrase and I was wondering if you where familiar with Elana Freelands trilogy of latest works?
    ‘Under an Ionized Sky-From Chemtrail to Space Fence Lockdown’ and ‘Chemtrails,HARRP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth . In turn, leads me to ask an Aussie on the ground, which I am assuming you are, a couple questions to verify some thoughts and dots, if I may?

    1. How large is the American military presence precieved by the average person, there in Australia.
    2. Are the skies there full of tankers dumping chemtrail nano-particulates daily and has it been mentioned in any of the papers?
    3. If so was it ascribed to NATO-UN Kyoto,RioDejanero, Agenda 2030, climate change Paris Solar Radiation Management any you may remember?Was it ever linked to the drought and awful fires we heard about in the MSM awhile back here in Ok, USA?
    The connection to Syrian conflict may not be that far of a stretch. Recently the talks here on TCR touched on the Zion Oil prospectus of drilling in Israel and it inturn connects to HARRP in several ways. The location is the most revealing aspect. The fault lines run directly through Israel north to Syria and like all great deceptions of mass destruction the dots aligning Syria, Iran , Lebanon and Israel are painting a Surratt like picture. Im sure the money being raised in Dallas has more than one intended use. We’ll see if Syria goes the way of Fukushima, Christchurch or Sichuan if the other efforts fail to get the job done.
    Thank you if you can spare a moment to respond and for any observations from the ground. Cheers GB.

    • Robert t.Thanks mate.from one of the queens Poet and Musician I. Anderson, goes something like, ‘your screams are of silence ,your deafness a shout’.probably from ” Thick as a Brick, 1973.I could be wrong. American culture formed from so many British influences . I can’t say I like David Icke but I do respect his intellectual probing. He pointed out the two most infuencal books inquiring minds should read to understand the ruling elite. Those are 1984 by G.Orwell and Brave New World by A. Huxley. Icke may be completely full of rubbish however he made valid points about the two mens books and their relationships to one another. That being one is a reptilian terrifying psychopath and the other a brave empathetic Cassandra type warning humanity of what’s in store if the other gets their way.
      Our sky is daily being assaulted by jet tankers and complicit commercial jet airlines with horizon to horizon chemical /contrails. They are quite easily visible dispertions ,leaving the sky a milky white. I haven’t seen a blue sky in weeks. Our sun sets are white-ish and appear like the sky is full of smoke, not so much as cloud. Even though we should be having spring it snowed April 7th and today, April 14 its +0c. The 12th was so hot and humid we ran our A/C all day . It felt like we were in a microwave . No discernible front came or went ,just planes and ice nucleated spraying and the microwave. Oh I almost forgot the 4.3 or so earthquake. Never a dull moment round ‘ear.
      That’s how to do it. Fear is what they feed on so its open source news or open source inquisition . You were kind to respond , sounds like paradise down under. Cheers mate!

      • Dang! Those fracking-induced Oklahoma earthquakes. That state is going to crack apart with so many earthquakes.

        It is cold (40 – 60 F) and VERY windy down here.
        But I got the garden going with much more to do.
        Peaches are growing on the trees. Peppers and tomatoes are starting to form. Seeds coming up.

    • Israel would be the main beneficiary of a war with Syria. No missile strikes yet? Every hour we don’t have one makes it less likely we will have one. JimBob

    • i think they call it Chutspah.
      but maybe he meant to say Hollowcaust.

      Napoleon once called Talleyrand a quantum of shit poured into a silk stocking. Fashions change though not the content of the suit.

  30. And mow this. Hey, doesn’t this remind you of that time that we all thought we were going to have a nuclear war with North Korea? And all that happened was the patriot act and the NDAA (I think) got through the funnel again? Or that last time in band camp when they had a chemical attack? Does it seem like a trend to anyone else? Oh, here’s the latest on the wind down:

  31. That guy Trump – he needs to go back to TV. All he does is stir the water until the mud comes up. Always sensationalism, always controversy, always aiming for the spotlight. He is directionless, and has dispersed attention, and he is a wuss with a loud voice.

    • Oh he has a direction. I’m not saying you’ll like it. But he does have one! All this controversy provides a lot of good cover. JimBob who’s learned that if you just let that fully automatic weapon rip, you won’t see a cop in your neighborhood for days!

    • By the way, just on youboob. They had put all these mainstream video channels up for some reason. Guardian, Washington Post, etc. While all of them had videos for Data’s time in the senate, I didn’t see a single video about Syria. Coincidence? Yeah. Sure. JimBob who thinks trumpy ain’t got but one trick pony in his schtick.

      • IshotSanta
        I was just listening to (Peter) Hitchins lambasting a guy on a UK radio show who called him “morally shakey” for demanding that evidence be shown of who did what in Syria BEFORE any military action is considered. The UK leader is talking about taking action without Parlimentry approval 🙁

        • I remember when I was a kid and thought that it must be me that was the crazy one. It’s really not an improvement when you figure out it is the world that is crazy. We are the only species I know of that has made crazy part of our evolutionary path. JimBob who thinks the world makes a lot more sense after drinking his moonshine infused with those special mushrooms.

  32. Just for the record, Mattis is now urging caution on Syria strike:

    Mr. Mattis publicly raised the warning on Thursday morning, telling the House Armed Services Committee that retaliation must be balanced against the threat of a wider war.

    “We are trying to stop the murder of innocent people,” Mr. Mattis said. “But on a strategic level, it’s how do we keep this from escalating out of control — if you get my drift on that.”

  33. From the Threaten-WWIII-First-Ask-Questions-Later Department

    Inspectors Head to Douma to Investigate Alleged Syria Gas Attack

    Inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are headed to Douma, Syria, to investigate an alleged gas attack there. The attack was claimed to have happened Saturday, though no real evidence has yet been made public, and Syria is denying it.

    Russian military police have been at the site in recent days securing it, and say the city is under full government control. This should make it easy for the OPCW to access the site, as both Russia and Syria have loudly backed the probe, believing it will vindicate them in claiming that the strike never happened.

  34. Yep, on my youboob start page, we have the WP going over data’s testimony and Comey. PBS going over somebody’s graphic sexual relation details, NBC all about the Mueller investigation, but then a separate one by NBC News is all about Syria. You would think that WWIII would get a little more attention than this. Sure Data’s testimony was riveting, but potential nukes make for a good lead as well. Or did I miss something in that journalism class that I briefly considered taking some 25 years ago? JimBob who is absolutely convinced that he lost not one minute’s sleep over Syria event. And why should I? My entire life has been spent under the shadow of the bomb; why start worrying now?

  35. Never mind, Syria Smyria ; it’ll be ANZAC day soon and the Murdoch media will trumpet Aussie prowess in all the wars we’ve fought o.s. for foreigners and banksters.

    Here’s a tale from my cab driving days maybe fifteen years ago. Carrying an ex army medico to have a drink with WWII comrades at the local RSL he tells me he cant stand most of them and doesnt know why he goes. Huh? says I. Several grisly stories to explain himself, maybe the worst about Aussie tooth collectors in his unit in New Guinea. When they heard the moans of Japanese wounded during the night they’d scurry out into no-man’s land, kick in the faces of those unable to defend themselves, then extract the teeth into little bags to sort through later for gold fillings.
    Ah the glory of it all, though i’ve never seen or heard anything similar in the news media in April so i guess this old guy was some sort of dirty Russian stooge. Although he looked English and about the age to have been a WWII vet

    • But I thought it was the other side that was evil! Ah, civilization knows no shame with its’ hypocrisy. JimBob who knows no shame either, but he don’t go around putting on no airs.

  36. Silk Road or Pipeline? Ah, the glories of statism in offering choices that only serve to further enslave us. JimBob who always chooses C when given an A or B choice to answer that dangfool question what any fool can see is a setup anyway.

  37. Syria chemical attack ‘staged’ with help of foreign secret service: Russia

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday said Moscow had “irrefutable” evidence that an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria was staged with the help of a foreign secret service.

    “We have irrefutable evidence that this was another staged event, and that the secret services of a certain state that is now at the forefront of a Russophobic campaign was involved in this staged event,” he said during a press conference.

    • But since they are blaming England (or UK if you’re picky!) it makes me wonder if it’s illegal for you to think this is a valid thought while you are in England. Can they arrest you for thinking this there? How many seconds of freedom would I enjoy in England? Ans: All of them. JimBob who just loves it when the very source of all the problems (intel agencies) get caught up in their own webs. Only the institutions the public distrusts the most push the Syria story.

        • My, oh my! Wouldn’t that affect your carrot rating (I think that was something close to that apps score thingamabob) if you are Canadian? How will James ever receive those rewards if he posts links pointing to un-good articles? JimBob who never has authorized thoughts and so will never be allowed to ride on the bus system what don’t even exist in the dinky little town he lives in.

            • At first I read Madonna, which conjured up an entirely different visual! JimBob who would believe we jumped into another dimension if nerds started getting treated like rock stars!

    • It’s almost as if the story falling apart is a victory over the intel ops of the MSM. Even it’s falling apart seems so contrived. No one is left trusting the MSM (looking at their numbers, no one really did anyway), we get out of Syria (am I getting ahead of myself? Who cares?), and all that legislation passed in the mean-while gets enacted and the people say “What?” JimBob who wonders how anyone could be so stupid as to think this scenario would work. Methinks the planners didn’t this would work. Unless they’re really stupid, which is quite possible.

    • Tradition! From the fiddlers on the roofs kind of secret services! Ouy! Now go have fun! You are finished with these smeckels!
      Have a wonderful vacation!

  38. Don’t forget to check wikipedia and such on Sarin.
    (Before it is edited away)

    Is deadly on touch and can transport via water.
    It activates all neurons and this causes muscle-twitches and suffocation. Substance is stable and can still be detected after 6 weeks.

    It is not dirt that the White Helmets can wash of kids with bare hands and some water. My guess is that any real Sarin attack would have killed half the population there, and disabled many of them. There would be no-one capable to enter the area and record the video.

    • It also makes for a nice yellow starburst plume when it gets intercepted by a patriot missile right over your head. While it is certainly deadly, and those are absolute musts you describe, there is also a lot of hype on chemical weapons. Our chem detectors went off multiple times a day for over six months and I’m still standing. Not trying to undermine anything here, just that whenever the powers that inflame the masses talk about chemical weapons they always make it sound like one drop can kill a country. They don’t work that way. In fact, they don’t work well enough to use in war. Which is why they’re banned, no one wants to fight in full MOPP gear. JimBob who still remembers that pretty plume that night.

      • It is nice to see someone with experience. I do suspect that some stuff is overhyped to make it seem worse. According to wikipedia it is listed as extremely poisonous and with long term effects.

        I guess you mean the rockets that Saddam send towards the camps during the Gulf-war? Was that the same substance? Does the system also give alarms off when sulfur or phosphorus is detected? I have not heard of Saddam actually using them, just the media scaring us with it.

        Anyway, I don’t think that the White Helmets have a fully working detection system. Nor the CIA/MI5 working with them.

        I studied seen some of the chemical warfare in the first world war, which was not so nice. And learned a bit of the Iraq-Iran war, where chemical weapons were used (some made in the USA). Starting with mustard gas.

        The victims often show clear traces as wikipedia explains. The Sarin is easy to investigate. And the muscle twisting is probably good evidence too. Washing dust off a bunch of kids with bare hands is clear evidence that it is not Sarin.

        • My memory of those detectors is they would detect the whole range of chemical agents, but not identify the type. One can determine the type by the reaction, but it’s more important to suit up first. These detectors would also detect amounts that are far smaller than what would be required for a lethal dose. After all, what good would it do to have an alarm right by you that only went off to let you know you were already dead? But we had one of the sarin gases used against us. Don’t worry though, the little pill the Army gave us (in its’ infinite wisdom) to protect against this type of sarin only provided protection against the other kind that wasn’t being used. It actually made the sarin gas being used more effective. Oh Army, I am amazed by your brilliance! JimBob wonders why people wonder why he wonders at why people wonder at why we have government to start with.

  39. Sky News abruptly ends segment when former head of British Armed Forces questions Syria gas attack

    General Jonathan Shaw found out what happens when you don’t stick to the pro-war script.

    The former commander of British Forces in Iraq was abruptly cut off and had his segment ended on Sky News when he questioned why Syrian leader Assad would launch a gas attack on his own people.

  40. Trump Orders Syrian Military Strikes, 3 Waves Of Airstrikes Launched At Various Targets

    Defense Secretary Mattis and Joseph Dunford, the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff provided the Pentagon’s update, repeating that U.S., British and and French forces struck Syrias chemical weapons infrastructure tonight. Mattis said that “Clearly, the Assad regime did not get the message last year. This time, our allies and we have struck harder.”

  41. Statement by the Ambassador of Russia to the USA Anatoly Antonov on the strikes on Syria

    The worst apprehensions have come true. Our warnings have been left unheard.

    A pre-designed scenario is being implemented. Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences.

    All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris.

    Insulting the President of Russia is unacceptable and inadmissible.

    The U.S. – the possessor of the biggest arsenal of chemical weapons – has no moral right to blame other countries.

  42. “The first casualty of War is Truth”

    The evening before the UN’s Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons inspectors were to begin their investigation into an alleged chemical weapons attack the United States and United Kingdom decided to bomb Syria.

    Let that sink in for a moment. This attack began BEFORE the investigation could take place.

    The Guardian: Syria chemical attack: UN weapons inspectors to investigate site

    Because history often repeats itself, the lie that began the Iraq war (possession of “Weapons of Mass Destruction”) was also facilitated through destroying the truth which took the form of murdering Dr. David Kelly, UK Biological Weapons expert and proofreader of the WMD dossier who raised concerns over how governments were “selling war to the public”.

    Corbett Report: Requiem for the Suicided: Dr. David Kelly

    Meanwhile, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh documented that the United States was previously involved in Libyan weapons trafficking which supplied Sarin Gas to Syrian rebels.

    Strategic Culture: Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

    And Russia has been warning for weeks that a false-flag chemical weapons attack would be used as a pretense for attacking Syria.

    CNBC: Russian military threatens action against the US in Syria

    Additional Research

    A three-year investigation in Iraq and Syria.
    Conflict Armament Research (CAR)
    [December 2017]

    “This report is the result of more than three years of field investigation into Islamic State supply chains. It presents an analysis of more than 40,000 items recovered from the group between 2014 and 2017. These items encompass weapons, ammunition, and the traceable components and chemical precursors used by the group to manufacture improvised explosive devices.

    Confirmed suppliers of diverted materiel: United States, Saudi Arabia”, et al.

    Report: Conflict Armament Research (CAR)

    Report: PDF Direct

    Report: Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN)
    The Pentagon’s $2.2 Billion Soviet Arms Pipeline Flooding Syria
    [September 2017]

    Truthleaks: The Dilyana Files

  43. I find it very disturbing that the West again resorts to what seems like another false flag to stay in the Middle Eastern game.

    Luckily it appears to be a limited strike with no Russians or Iranians hit.

    Remember the strike one year ago? Looks like a replay.
    Militarily it is useless unless somebody in the US wanted to test the capabilities of the S400 systems.

    But that failed

    “To repel the attack, Damascus deployed Soviet-made surface-to-air missile systems, including S-125 (NATO reporting name: SA-3 Goa), S-200 (SA-5 Gammon), 2K12 Kub (SA-6 Gainful) and Buk.”
    So no S400 were employed.

    As no Russians were hit, a counterstrike is unlikely.

    For me it looks like that scenario was discussed between US and Russia.

    Politically it will hit Trump, because he ran on an antiwar agenda.

    As a German I am not satisfied with my government as they directly jumped on the war propaganda-train before an investigation. More restraint is always helpful especially for Germans.

    What the sense of the theater is will be an interesting discussion.

    • I don’t think this will negatively affect trumpy at all. His base is as blind as killery’s. This will also be used to turn public ferver against Syrian involvement and lead to our complete exodus from that place. If nothing else, it can be a token to China (rebuilding contracts) as we look tough in those trade deals. This was actually fairly productive. MSM will lose even more hypnosis patients. Everybody got to bump chests and not lose any face. My guess is we saw less of a conflict between the US and Syria than we did of one between the factions in the US/allies. I think Trumpy edged out ahead. He does sound like a madman, but is our involvement overseas declining under his watch? Not that I really like how they want to change their focus onto watching ourselves. JimBob who has only read the corbett comments on the strikes effectiveness but it sounds like he called the strike right, but doubts those who wanted war will be held accountable.

      • Also, just watched Bombard’s Body Language on Trumpy saying why he bombed them on Patreon. Read from a prepared, but unrehearsed speech, which allowed him to just read and not react so much. She thinks he is a victim and is defeated; but I disagree completely. There was a lot of political hay made in this affair and he’s got the biggest pile so far. But he is walking a fine line and hay does burn. JimBob who has baled a bale or two of hay in his time. Not too much though as he don’t think much of honest work.

  44. So, the oil interests, and the grand chessboard players of the west, have lost. China will get the contract to rebuild Syria. Russia will have their oil markets secured. If we pull out of Syria, would Afghanistan be next? Trumpy talks a lot of pro-zion talk, but it doesn’t really seem to be anything of substance. After all, trumpy’s stance with Syria should be less vigorous than his stance with Iran. Syria splintering might get us a pipe-line (in a region filled with bandits, so that’ll work out just fine), but taking on Iran gets us nothing. I think he has as much interest in taking on Iran as he does North Korea. Public freak outs, backdoor diplomacy. If Korea unites, the whole world will benefit. Now if we could just leave Africa…..JimBob who thinks old trumpy got a bunch done so far, even though he don’t like a lot of it.

    • How believable is the “oil interest” aspect? Indirectly, oil is still immensely important, but it’s also a very expensive resource, if we consider the military expenditure which is supposedly there to support oil flow. Major investments are always made into military, not oil infrastructure. To me, the oil looks like the red herring for people who managed to look past the basic cover story.

      • To be honest, I have no idea. I suspect the oil networks in the Middle East are far more complicated than the way over my head that I think they are right now. I also don’t see Syrians just saying okay, we’ll accept your rule over us. They’ve been fighting the whole world for the last 8 years or so. So, anyone trying to construct one, and the Syrians would know the pipeline would be the reason they had lost everything, might have a problem. JimBob who thinks there might be some rednecks in Syria that those big shots ain’t figuring on.

  45. Updated

    “The first casualty of War is Truth”

    The evening before the UN’s Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons inspectors were to begin their investigation into an alleged chemical weapons attack the United States, United Kingdom and France decided to bomb Syria.

    Let that sink in for a moment. This attack began BEFORE the investigation could take place.

    The Guardian: Syria chemical attack: UN weapons inspectors to investigate site

    Because history often repeats itself, the lie that began the Iraq war (possession of “Weapons of Mass Destruction”) was also facilitated through destroying the truth which took the form of murdering Dr. David Kelly, UK Biological Weapons expert and proofreader of the WMD dossier who raised concerns over how governments were “selling war to the public”.

    Corbett Report: Requiem for the Suicided: Dr. David Kelly

    Meanwhile, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh documented that the United States was previously involved in Libyan weapons trafficking which supplied Sarin Gas to Syrian rebels.

    Strategic Culture: Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

    And Russia has been warning for weeks that a false-flag chemical weapons attack would be used as a pretense for attacking Syria.

    CNBC: Russian military threatens action against the US in Syria

    ***For those who do study history, there is a preceding UN OPCW investigation that determined that chemical weapons have been used in Syria by terrorist organizations.

    Exclusive: Chemical weapons used by rebels in Syria – sources

    Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons: Reports

    ***And yesterday evening NATO tried and failed to destroy the “crime-scene” of the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria. This attack occurred hours before the United Nations Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) inspectors were to begin their investigation. Thankfully, the missiles targeting this location were neutralized by Syrian Air Defense and an investigation may still be possible.

    Five Facts You Need to Know About the US-Led ‘One-Time’ Strikes on Syria
    Additional Research

    A three-year investigation in Iraq and Syria.
    Conflict Armament Research (CAR)
    [December 2017]

    “This report is the result of more than three years of field investigation into Islamic State supply chains. It presents an analysis of more than 40,000 items recovered from the group between 2014 and 2017. These items encompass weapons, ammunition, and the traceable components and chemical precursors used by the group to manufacture improvised explosive devices.

    Confirmed suppliers of diverted materiel: United States, Saudi Arabia”, et al.

    Report: Conflict Armament Research (CAR)

    Report: PDF Direct

    Report: Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN)
    The Pentagon’s $2.2 Billion Soviet Arms Pipeline Flooding Syria
    [September 2017]

    Truthleaks: The Dilyana Files

  46. SYRIA: The Egregious Western Media ‘Chemical Weapon’ Fraud in Eastern Ghouta
    By Vanessa Beeley (8 April 2018)

    OPCW Fact-Finding Mission Continues Deployment to Syria (14 April 2018)

    The Guardian: US ‘locked and loaded’ if chemical weapons used again
    (14 April 2018)

    “The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has announced that its mission had arrived in Damascus to investigate the allegations of chemical weapons use in Douma, Eastern Ghouta.”

    OPCW Mission Arrives in Damascus to Probe Alleged Douma Chemical Attack

  47. That’s actually EXCELLENT news! No war! The US gets to act like a bully (for some reason we switched from standing up to them to being one. In the cultural ideal anyway), while Russia gets portrayed as a symbol of justice and morality. So, just like North Korea there will be no war, but just lots of legislation deployed against us. JimBob who don’t care about their scribblings anydamnway.

  48. Hope you’re sitting down for this one, folks. I know it’s a shocker, but apparently Nikki Neocon Haley is promising that US troops are not leaving Syria until they obtain their objective. “Removing ISIS?” you ask, innocently. “No, silly!” she responds. “Making sure Iran doesn’t take over the country?”

    So, in other words, the US is not leaving Syria.

  49. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (aka that guy on his laptop in Coventry) is confirming that 2/3 of the US missiles were intercepted. Of course, the SOHR is 100% biased and forwards nothing but anti-Assad propaganda and should not be taken seriously, but if they (sorry, he) is confirming this, there’s really no denying it. And that’s without Syria even using any of its Russian-supplied, advanced S-400 air defense systems.

  50. Jeish Al-Islam’s Chemical Weapons Production Workshops Discovered in Eastern Ghouta

    Who Is the Real Culprit Behind the Chemical Attacks in Syria? A Brief History

    Caught in a lie, US & allies bomb Syria the night before international inspectors arrive

  51. We already knew this, but just to complete the circle a “senior Israeli military official” has admitted that Israel was behind the attack on the T4 airbase in Syria last week:

    And no sooner was this confirmed then Israel reportedly launched a new missile attack on Shayrat airbase near Homs:

    According to Thomas Friedman, who broke the T4 confirmation story, this is part of a confrontation between Israel and Iran over Syria that is about to come to a head:

    • I don’t know about Friedman’s assessment that Israel wants nothing to do with Syria. Weren’t they working with ISIS there as well? Haven’t they been targeting Syrian forces fairly regularly? I remember one that backfired and got one of their F-16s blown out of the sky, but I believe there have been many such attacks against the Syrians, not Iranians. JimBob who thinks trumpy should run from Syria anyway.

    • Just once I’d like to see these so called brave leaders go through some of the hell they love to bring to others. It doesn’t take courage to have others do your killing for you. JimBob follows redneck rules and does his own fighting and nobody else’s.

    • Eva rocks! I’m actually glad that Sibel attacked her. Her patreon base has really expanded as a result. Over 200 new patrons backing her now. I’m proud to be one of them. By the way James, It’s kind of funny, but even Sibel has recovered from her rage enough to speak out against this in a surprisingly well-done video.:

      While I no longer believe her on anything anymore, it doesn’t mean that I don’t keep tabs on her. She even opened up the comment section on YouBoob for her latest video. There are two, but I only watched the one. JimBob who is glad that SE is resilient enough to recover from her melt-down, but he still listens to her with a ton of salt as he is not a forgiving type of person to those who lie badly.

  52. Patrick Cockburn has a good perspective on the meaning of the recent bombings by the US, UK, and France.

    “What we saw was not a demonstration of strength by the US, UK and France but a demonstration of weakness.”

    “The evidence for this, reflecting the real balance of power in Syria, is the list of targets that were not attacked rather than the three that were. Tremendous efforts were made not to kill or injure any Russians, as the dominant political and military force in Syria. The Iranians and Hezbollah of Lebanon were evidently out of bounds. So too was the Syrian army, including its elite divisions, heavy equipment and ammunition dumps. Unlike Baghdad in 1991, 1998 and 2003, there were no cruise missiles striking empty but iconic sites like the presidential palace or defence ministry buildings in Damascus.”

    “The restrained nature of the air strikes was sensible and realistic, reflecting the real balance of power in Syria. Assad is backed by Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Shia forces from Iraq and has largely won the civil war. This is not going to change without an open-ended campaign of mass bombing in support of rebel ground troops like that which Nato conducted in Libya in 2011.”

    • Smart move. Get to bump chests and nobody “important” dies. The US has been at war for the last 17 years and is burnt out. We weren’t really that good to start with, most of our advantages being technology. But if you have a weak infantry, all the technology in the world won’t help you win. And we do have a weak infantry. Which is why we don’t ever go head to head with anyone. We’re too soft. JimBob who ain’t that soft and cuddly but he does like his enemies to be that way. Of course, today his main enemies are all women, so warfare is a lot more fun than when he was in the army. They take the fun out of everything!

  53. Robert Fisk, a verry very experienced journalist and multi-award winning Middle East correpsondent of The Independent, arrives in Douma to report. He says he is the 1st jounalist to visit the clinic where the ‘alleged’ chemical attack took place. He went alone ie. not accompanied by military to see for himself. Everything is operating as per normal in a hospital. He confirms the following:
    1. The footage is authentic – he could recognise the location.
    2. He spoke to doctors there who said that children were admitted coughing and spluttering.
    3. The were admitted AS A RESULT OF NEARBY SHELLING and DUST FUMES!
    4. Someone [a White Helmet] created panic by shouting ‘gas, gas, gas’ and they began following procedure as they would in a gas attack by hosing them down.

    Short version:

    Longer version:

  54. Global Research: Syrian ‘Rebels’ Used Sarin Nerve Gas Sold by Britain

    The Independent: The search for truth in the rubble of Douma – and one doctor’s doubts over the chemical attack

    Free Thought Project: Saudi Arabia Exposed as Secret Hand Behind Ongoing Syrian Regime Change Operation

    • That Global Research article was brutal! Loved how they just put out the chemicals that are the building blocks for sarin. Two phosphates can’t be good. While I was reading that paragraph on sarin, all I could see in my head was the picture of that scud exploding over my head and that pretty yellow starburst plume. Two of those and I’m still here. Plus, that stuff pretty much saturated the air in Desert Storm. Chem alarms went off every day. Don’t worry, the VA said we were all okay. Just can’t ever give blood again. JimBob who can’t believe that anyone who has ever been in the military can trust anything the government says.

      • Yes, it is still incredible to me how powerful the truth is in unraveling commonly held lies. And some of us have decided that it is high time to be bold and unapologetic in the speaking of truth to power.

        Thanks for sharing.
        Considering all the insane toxicity in this world, I am also grateful to be alive.

  55. VoiceOfArabi, on another Syria related thread, posted a video.

    I well like this video, because it summarizes things in Syria so well.
    And it is from a MainstreamMedia News clip.

    “…not put this in partisan terms. This is a U.S. mistake that started 7 years ago… …and we know they sent in the CIA to overthrow Assad, the CIA and Saudi Arabia together….”

    “The Permanent State” (i.e. elections don’t matter.)

    Link below: for YouTube VIDEO Bombshell: Professor Stuns MSNBC Panel On Syria

      • About Jeffrey Sachs from wikipedia:

        “As of 2017, he serves as special adviser to the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ……. He held the same position under the previous UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and prior to 2016 a similar advisory position related to the earlier Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)”

  56. lols

    The UK government is attempting to silence dissent from those questioning the massive holes in the Skripal poisoning case by claiming all their opposition is “Russian bots.”

    One of those “bots” identified by Whitehall is none other than “Syrian Girl,” real name Maram Susli.

    Susli responded to the accusations with mockery:

    I’m that “#RussianBot” the @guardian and the British government warned you about.
    — Partisangirl ?? (@Partisangirl) April 20, 2018

    Here’s how the state stenographers at The Guardian reported the news (which they’ve refused to correct for two days):

    Russia used trolls and bots to unleash disinformation on to social media in the wake of the Salisbury poisoning, according to fresh Whitehall analysis. Government sources said experts had uncovered an increase of up to 4,000% in the spread of propaganda from Russia-based accounts since the attack,– many of which were identifiable as automated bots.

    Theresa May highlighted the cyber-threat from Russia in her Mansion House speech earlier this year, telling the Kremlin: “I have a very simple message for Russia. We know what you are doing. And you will not succeed.”

    …May said afterwards: “Russia is using cyber as part of a wider effort to undermine the international system. This disinformation campaign is not just aimed at social media and the UK – it is intended to undermine the actual institutions and processes of the rules-based system, such as the Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons. We must do all we can at every turn to challenge this.”

    The state not being allowed to lie people into war with total impunity is undermining our “international system.”

    The other “bot,” Ian56789, also went on Sky News to refute the government’s claims (his account was evidently later unsuspended).

    • Fisk does have a point. After all, why would anyone expect a Middle Eastern correspondent to have an intimate knowledge of 9/11. And he offers some fair questions. However, I think it is a mistake to conclude that it was an administration which orchestrated it. I won’t go so far as to say more on that, as that is probably what it was on his part. That little 2030 vid though; that was creepy. By the way, just how do you become “Safe” in a “Progressive” society? Those are the ones in which victims flock to gun free zones and wonder why bad guys don’t read the signs. Doesn’t sound like the basis of a free society to me. But what do I know? I’m just a stupid redneck and am not fit to be questioning my betters. JimBob who don’t care how fit he is to question his betters. He knows they’re a bunch of retards.

      • It could be as you say. However, he is the middle east correspondent, and though he admitted he didn’t buy the official story, he seemed like he was just fed up with people assuming he had the answers. And let’s face it, the waters around 9/11 have been so muddied that it is frustrating to really look at it. Especially when those “ravers” he mentions are an annoying fact of life. I agree though the administration wasn’t responsible, but the people behind the throne are the ones doing it. I don’t mean to exonerate the administration; it’s just that what one of those puppets do you think are capable of pulling it off? I concur with what the German Prime Minister (I think, relying on a pothead’s memory here) said: It requires an intelligence agency. Who else could have coordinated everything so well? Or have known just who to get to do that type of job? I don’t doubt that Bush knew; especially Cheney; but they weren’t in charge. Or, he could just know better than to stick his nose in it. I can’t say other than to speculate. JimBob

        • After reading your link to “Robert Fisk: Even I question the ‘truth’ about 9/11”, it’s apparent Fisk is good at the use of the non sequitur:

          “Usually, I have tried to tell the “truth”;…”

          followed by

          “…I have quite enough real plots on my hands…to worry about imaginary ones in Manhattan.”


          “…I am increasingly troubled at the inconsistencies in the official narrative of 9/11.”

          And so on and so forth.

          After siting about a dozen damning anomalies, he returns to this:

          “I am not a conspiracy theorist… Spare me the plots.”

          His “clincher” of a final argument against government conspiracy, for anyone who has half a brain, is a real non-starter – the Bush administration’s ineptitude, given its failure in the Middle East, would not have been able to coordinate 9/11 successfully.

          So, the “truth” for Fisk simply boils down to the level of jackass that is Dubya?

          No, what Fisk boils down to is that Fisk, in “truth”, is the jackass.

          And what Dubya is, is a sideglancing cunning little bastard of a motherfucker, as are the rest of his co-conspirators.

        • To tell you the truth, I’ve heard so many crazy theories on 9/11 that I’ve lost count of them. I’m sure he has as well. 9/11 brought out the crazy in all of us, so I’m sure he has good reason to claim people are ravers. Also, he has been quite busy in the Middle East. That is his area of expertise, not 9/11. But, if he’s a gate-keeper, what does that say about his recent work in Syria where he says there was no chem attack? Does that make him an agent who is promoting Trump’s desire to get out of Syria? I don’t think so. I think he has no interest in investigating it. He lives in the Middle East and why would anyone want to leave that to go live in New York? JimBob

      • You cannot have put together the foregoing concept of gatekeeper more succinctly, more accurately, and more knowingly.

        And, you’re quite correct – when I referred to Fisk as a jackass, you certainly hit that nail on the head, as well – the invective was gratifying, just as it was gratifying, ten fold, calling out Dubya in a similar fashion, albeit, in harsher terms, and for different reasons.

        Whereas Dubya had a penchant for playing somewhat of the inarticulate fool, he was cunning enough to play that role very well when required, and behind the scenes, no doubt, through the tutelage of papi, he performed as he was instructed and coached to perform. Indeed, the “clincher”, Fisk’s convenient use of such a foil stands as a case in point for the value of Dubya’s bumbling shtick…. Though, tellingly, one of Dubya’s daughters once insisted during an interview, that contrary to popular conception, her dad was actually a very astute and clever man, or something along those lines. Save for some familial daughterly bias, I felt absolutely no reason not to believe her.

        As for Fisk, as you aptly imply, the Gatekeeper, is no fool, rather, quite to the contrary, the Gatekeeper is as subtle and as clever as needs be. Your description and the consequence of such machinations as befits the gatekeeper are royally spot on.

        However, on another level, as smooth and as intellectually clever and intelligent as he, Fisk, comes off, and as smug as he surely feels himself to be, deep down, he’s still, if not quite a jackass, he’s an individual who is missing a crucial piece of himself, or perhaps he never had it in the first place. And for that which he is lacking, for all his smarts, the joke is on him, and for all those like him, regardless their ignorance. I’m referring to blind ignorance in absolute terms, inherent to these people’s natures, wherein they actually lack discernment, for all the world, of what is good, and what is bad. And, to be sure, I say this without moralizing.

        What I am describing, simply, for all intents and purposes, is the definition of psychopathy.

        And that is, unfortunately, precisely who these people are.

        • That’s an excellent point.

          Which leads me to believe it serves little purpose making blanket statements. Similar to the fallacy of calling all cops pigs. There are some, like anyone else, in or out of a uniform, who are brutal, and possibly psychopathic. And, there are also plenty who are of good nature, and honestly well meaning.

          Each of those on the gatekeeper list, then, have their own psychological profile, which should be taken into account. It would also stand to reason, that each has their own particular relationship to the deep state, which would logically range from a direct relationship to one further out. Perhaps there are gatekeepers, and there are gatekeepers. The Fisks and the Chomskys of the world seem pretty deeply embedded, and will consciously tactically humiliate those who question. As for someone like Amy Goodman, in avoiding the “thornier” issues, may have another agenda, more personal in nature, of simply retaining her program by maintaining a particular moderate left of center stance. I can’t say for sure, because I haven’t listened to her enough to formulate a pattern. As for the Jon Stewarts, who you would think would know enough to say more, again, I’m not an expert on Jon Stewart, but, I know one thing, for all his years of satire, he hasn’t ever led any kid to conclude 9/11 was an inside job. Did that make him a gatekeeper (by default, perhaps), or is it he simply knew where his bread was buttered? By definition, do we include as gatekeeper those who don’t necessarily actively mislead, but arguably do so only through omission?

          And now, because I really need to get some sleep…

          Now, for the FBI Princess darling:

          Sibel? A gatekeeper extraordinaire? Psychopathic?

          On both counts, what are the infinitesimal odds that this gal isn’t?

          Also, I have some lotto tickets for anyone interested.

      • Wow. I didn’t really expect all this. I will try to keep it concise, but it will probably require a multiple posting. First of all, to say that he is a gatekeeper is a bit over-blown. At least, this is my opinion. He wrote that article in 2007. At that time, the type of people he was referring to really were “ravers”. This was when people like Luke Rudowski (sp?) of We Are Change was going to these events and demanding people offer explanations for 9/11. While Luke did an admirable job of it, not everyone else did. Keep in mind that in 2007, the vast majority of people held his opinion as well. Plus, he spent the majority of the article describing things about the official story that should have led you to a different conclusion than the one you came to. This seems out of character for you. He had questions, but this was not his area of expertise. He is a wartime correspondent, not a researcher; which is what you need to be to piece together the 9/11 story. In the article, he clearly states that there is more to the story than what the government was telling us. But 2007 was not 2018.
        While I don’t follow journalists, and only have the two articles (the 2007 and the recent one in Syria) to make my judgement on him; he appears to be a very methodical, let’s say plodding, type of person. In the Syrian piece, he went to Syria and interviewed people and the landscape. He doesn’t really extrapolate from that scene to any further conclusions. This is really just good journalism.
        Please re-read the article again with a cooler head, and through the lens of 2007. I think you’ll have a clearer picture. This is the challenge which historians face, attempting to understand a subject through the lens of the times you are studying, rather than the lens of the present. I am not arguing, or anything like that; I just feel the need to state my position on the subject. I am always hesitant to label anybody anything without looking into it. This rule doesn’t apply to stupid people, but I don’t bother with them anyway.
        Also, my understanding of a gate-keeper (and this is my own guideline which may not jibe with reality, but it keeps it quasi-straight in my mind, is they are usually academics. Chomsky is merely the most famous one. Touted as brilliant, and offering brilliant insights, with a few key twists. Most of those people offered as gate-keepers (Jon Stewart, and really just any of the performers) are either propagandists or they actually just hold a different belief system. Personally, I always felt Jon was pretty honest. He had a liberal view-point but he didn’t hesitate to have different viewpoints on his show. And, he treated them with respect. I always felt he was very intelligent, and had a wide-range of knowledge. However, his knowledge appeared to be rather shallow and he lacked a strong critical thinking element. This is hardly surprising as this is the kind of intelligence you would expect from a talk-show host/comedian. But I never felt he intentionally betrayed the trust of his audience. Remember, a lot of people still don’t believe 9/11 was a false flag event. Many of them are in media. This doesn’t make them shills or propagandists. There are 7 billion people on this planet and every single one of them has a different opinion on everything. I hope this doesn’t sound condescending, as it’s not meant to, I am attempting to explain how I perceive the world. Psychedelic flavors are difficult to write about. Stewart’s cohorts always seemed a bit stupid to me. Colbert, and especially John Oliver are both a bit dense in my opinion. Most of their shilling is probably due to the election hysteria the logically impaired went through during the last selection. Add to that a desperate attempt to remain relevant and you’ve got the Colbert and Oliver skits. The news are definitely shills who think only of their scoops and not of the truth. At least that’s been my experience with reporters. Fame, fame, fame, fame (David Bowie lyrics). I’m not trying to argue, merely explain my reasoning behind my opinion. I try and detach my emotions from all the craziness in the world, sometimes successfully, and attempt to see the other person’s perspective. Not all liars lie intentionally. Well, Amy Goodman does. And Anderson, and all the anchors. But their just interested in their own fame. At least for the most part. I’m just going to stop it here. Hopefully, this won’t result in another plethora (I loved the Three Amigos) of comments about my opinion. JimBob who takes off just one day and the world just falls down. Yeah, great job of taking my slack, Atlas!

        • Okay, this will be my last comment on this subject. I am not so quick to call people anything. I will first post the entire part of his “conspiracy theorist” gate-keeper part of his article. This part will be followed by another to keep my section under the limit.

          Each time I lecture abroad on the Middle East, there is always someone in the audience – just one – whom I call the “raver”. Apologies here to all the men and women who come to my talks with bright and pertinent questions – often quite humbling ones for me as a journalist – and which show that they understand the Middle East tragedy a lot better than the journalists who report it. But the “raver” is real.

          He has turned up in corporeal form in Stockholm and in Oxford, in Sao Paulo and in Yerevan, in Cairo, in Los Angeles and, in female form, in Barcelona. No matter the country, there will always be a “raver”.

          His – or her – question goes like this. Why, if you believe you’re a free journalist, don’t you report what you really know about 9/11? Why don’t you tell the truth – that the Bush administration (or the CIA or Mossad, you name it) blew up the twin towers? Why don’t you reveal the secrets behind 9/11? The assumption in each case is that Fisk knows – that Fisk has an absolute concrete, copper-bottomed fact-filled desk containing final proof of what “all the world knows” (that usually is the phrase) – who destroyed the twin towers. Sometimes the “raver” is clearly distressed. One man in Cork screamed his question at me, and then – the moment I suggested that his version of the plot was a bit odd – left the hall, shouting abuse and kicking over chairs.

        • I am not an expert on gate-keepers, or am I? However, it seems that they tend to tell people they are authorities on whatever subject they are lying about. He quite clearly states he is not. Also, when I read it I try and inflect my “I not only don’t know a dang thing about it, but I ain’t gonna spend a whole lot of time on it either as I got other things I’m doing, and I don’t appreciate your getting all up in my face about it” tone. But maybe that’s just me.

          The only part of the conspiracy that I think he would have considered as investigated by him would be his statement that the hijackers weren’t on the plane. I think he went and saw them as they weren’t that far away from him. But he did not present him as even willing to be a 9/11 investigator. I also think that was a good move for him. Especially seeing as how he has been working as a wartime correspondent for the past thirty years and that is as different as night and day on the type of person you need to be to be reading them lying ass documents those bureaucrats just misled you with. Maybe he doesn’t question Bldg. 7. These things don’t make him a gatekeeper. Just because somebody else doesn’t think your opinion about what they should be doing isn’t that important to them, doesn’t make them whatever it is that you want them to be. And he’s right about the ravers. I’m sure he’s been confronted by people who did rave about the illuminati lizard jews. Those people exist. And he was addressing them directly.

          As I said before, we are unable to see eye to eye on this one. JimBob who occasionally takes pains to be nice.

        • Where is this investigatory piece? All I’ve seen is the one in which he said he wasn’t doing one. JimBob who has clearly stated all he’s seen of Fisk’s stuff.

        • He’s a wartime correspondent. Not a scholarly type. Not everybody thinks they ought to go and give up their entire career to suit your whims? He’s lived in Beirut since 1989 for a reason. He likes it there. He goes and talks to people, not read papers. But since you think he ought to give up everything for this research; why haven’t you done the same? JimBob who really don’t think everybody is a gate-keeper. Nor is every conspiracy ever simple enough for most conspiracy theorists to figure out. Though not nearly as complicated as some of them.

  57. Okay, this is priceless! David Stockman on Maria Bartilomow’s morning show. On a totally off-topic rant, I truly despise Maria and enjoyed watching her nearly freak out during this clip. I remember hearing her tout IPOs in the late ’90s, knowing every word she said was an obvious lie. IPOs in every case, but one that I know of (RedHat), always have their high of the day before the market opens. Yet, none of her shilling reflected this fact. I also really like the smile Stockman gave when he talked about MSM news. On the sad side, I think there were a multiple of paradigms being challenged by the hosts. One, was corporate sponsorship of course. I think the most revealing aspect of it was the absolute stupidity of all of the panelists, with the exception of the man sitting beside Stockman. He seemed fairly ignorant for someone who was supposed to be reporting on financials, but at least he was open and understood what was being said to an admirable extent. JimBob who knows the only company he’ll invest in is his own.

    • I’m glad you provided the clip! I’m not familiar with David Stockman, and haven’t listened to Maria Bartilomo in literally years. I wouldn’t have dreamed to hear a guest on Fox, or any other news platform – and that goes for public television, PBS – so fully right off the cuff cut through the main stream bullshit like a hot knife through butter, and even better, like icing on a cake, unapologetically, and as a simple matter of fact, legitimately sourcing his information as coming from outside the main stream.

      I noticed the comment section below the clip was 100% in favor of Stockman. 100%!

      Maybe times are changing? This definitely gives one hope!

      • Maybe times are changing? This definitely gives one hope!

        Is that groupthink idea of a great awakening happening? It would be nice, though I’ve never really understood why I should concern myself with it. JimBob who has noticed how the world is such an amusing mess of stupid and is highly entertained by all the problems people insist on having for themselves. Yet; things like this seem to be happening more and more; which is just as fascinating.

        • What’s fascinating this time around is that whatever you just said is ah, totally confusing.

          To wit: “Is that groupthink idea of a great awakening happening?”

          If you would, please identify who, in this instance, are the members of that “groupthink”.

          Your answer may potentially help in deciphering what you are talking about.

          Thanks, much!

          • No problem. It’s just my amusement at the mass calling for everyone else to wake up. It’s like a cult, where nobody agrees on what the “red pill” leads to, as they all have different definitions, but they all claim they are awake and aware and that they only need to have everyone else in the world awake and aware and on the same wavelength as them. JimBob who always wonders why an awake and aware person would really need everyone else to be on his side to start with.

        • Further, if we construe any sort of “awakening” in the context of The Corbett Report as being tied to awakening to the truth of things, am I wrong in wondering why in hell you’d not understand it is something to be concerned with?

          Further, still, you’re somehow tying this unexplained, unknown argument/concept – who the hell knows – to having to do with “…an amusing mess of stupid…”.

          Yup, fascinating, indeed, JimBob! You completely lost me.

          • I’m not talking about people who are searching for truth; I’m talking about the mass of stupid which claims they are the possessors of truth. The ones who warn us of the lizard takeover, or the planet whatever. But humanity is one amusing mess of stupid. Most of us whine about the problems we create for ourselves as if someone else put us in the boat we built. JimBob an esoteric sage of redneck (non)wisdom.

          • Just don’t go pondering while your wandering or else you’ll start wondering where your floundering! I know, that was horrible. Just trying to make things worse. JimBob who tries to never be too helpful.

            • Good advice being I was just out in the back with pail and shovel cleaning up the dog do. The bottoms of my shoes would definitely be floundering. lol

              Actually, you are touching on the esoteric. Or at least a prerequisite for esotericism. A common language/understanding/wavelength among adherents; which does sound suggestive of an occultism of sorts. The thing is, “groupthink” ironically connotes more a collective mindlessness than anything else.

              In the specific case of the Morning with Maria clip, the groupthink was exhibited by just about everyone but David Stockman, who represented the enlightened (awakened) individual. Whether he’s been given a talking to subsequent to that clip is anybody’s guess. But, I thought it was good he unabashedly got in his two cents, whether the hive liked it or not, plus, he argued his points quite well, in front of a main stream audience.

              No matter the shortcomings we as people have, however utterly gullible and nondiscerning, this little mini-happening on Fox is at least a little refreshening step in the right direction. I can’t and won’t sneeze at it, even if for argument sake, your points are well taken, and not necessarily for the worse. 🙂

              • Note how the guy sitting next to Stockman wasn’t a part of the hive. He actually asked questions without seeking a chink to attack. Maria, whom I DESPISE, always portrayed an intelligent person despite her absolute LACK of it. But, she did look good on the screen and so we used her as a wedge to open up a sale. Good job on avoiding the dog poo! I grew up around cattle, so it’s second nature for me to avoid those piles. JimBob who lives in a swamp just like Yoda, but he ain’t that short.

  58. You did ask him to go and investigate it. which is dismantling his expertise in the Middle East. He would have to spend his time reading government papers that he could get via FOIA requests. I’m not even sure he can get those that way as he is a british citizen. He did not mislead. We will not agree on this. I’m just done with it. Believe what you want, I’ll do the same. He doesn’t meet my criteria for gatekeeper. He meets yours. Have fun with it. JimBob who don’t see why this whole thread is so important anyway. If you dont like somebody, don’t listen to them. That’ll solve any gates what need keeping if you ask me.

    • With every post damning him for not doing it. Despite the fact that he is in a horrible position to do so; what with being half-way around the world from where he’d need to be and not the proper citizen sort to get what he would require. Or of even being the right sort of person to do so.

        • But we are never going to get anywhere with this exchange. We are both entrenched in our opinions. The only thing this thread has truly proven is how the internet tends to over-ride our impulse control mechanisms and let the strangest obsessions take flight. JimBob who don’t need no external dopamine fix as his way of thinking gets him all he wants.

        • Okay, that song was cool. But, when you watch that video today, after all the most insane of the feminist demonstrations, can you see her reciting disgusting poetry? JimBob who sometimes wishes weed really did impair the whole shebang.

        • MBP,

          I must be living under a BIG rock. I didn’t know Annie Lennox was still singing, at least not for the last 20 odd years. Thanks for the link.

          Butting into your disagreement you have, or have had, with santa regarding Fisk, I tend to agree with your assessment. Santa’s argument of weighing statements in terms of its time frame has its merits, though not in Fisk’s case, referring to his 2007 talk in Ireland.

          Similarly, whatever philosophical and politically left of center views Chomsky may have held, or holds, is completely usurped by his still shocking retort of “what does it matter!” when discussing getting to the truth of 9/11 during a conference. Given his intellectual stature, one needn’t have a date attached to understand what such a statement means.

          The argument he espoused, that we’ll never find out the truth anyway, simply flies in the face of honest discourse and intellectual pursuit of knowledge which ought to be, and I would have assumed to be , his default position. The first time I saw the clip of Chomsky saying this, my feeling was one of disbelief and bitter disappointment. His justification was not weak. It was simply bogus. The only siver lining here is at least we don’t have to deal with any ambiguity.

          There’s another Gatekeeper of somewhat noted fame, residing in the cult of personality genre, who for me is a real stomach turner, Ted Nugent.

          At 1:36 mins in the link below he says:

          “I’ve saluted too many flag draped coffins to dismiss the perfection of our constitutional republic…”

          Statements such as this are emblematic, representational, reflective, you name it, of the travesty of ignorance; unless, of course, he is a cognizant, cheer-leading spokesperson for war profiteers of all stripes; in other words, their willing bitch, in the guise of patriotism.

          I was actually naive enough to believe after the war in Vietnam ended, that it was going to be a new dawn, that consciousness had been raised to the point that such bogus military adventurism would become a thing of the past; that the Ted Nugents of the world would see past the illusion of benign imperialism. But, unfortunately, I can smell a distinct, familiar and pungent odor in Nugent’s attitude. Why doesn’t he just whip out the old line – My country right or wrong – ?

          Whether conscious or not, Nugent is another form of Gatekeeper.

          For him, not a single goddamned lesson of the last 60 years has made a dent in this man’s brain.

          I’d like to tell Teddy boy, it’s not – my country right or wrong – it’s my country right, and if it’s not right, we have to fix it.

          But, he prefers to help those who keep the war machine well lubricated, a lubrication that apparently has never allowed, since even the turn of the century before, to show any signs of rust.

          And so it goes, and has been going.

        • “I must be living under a BIG rock. I didn’t know Annie Lennox was still singing, at least not for the last 20 odd years. Thanks for the link.”

          (whew…so it’s not just me!) I’m in the process of compiling a list of 80s songs for a retro CD burn project (verrrry glad to be reminded of Annie). Now I have to catch up on her brilliant career ever since.

          Many thanks!

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