Google “Hillary Clinton rape” Play in new window | Download | EmbedEvery sexual assault victim deserves to be heard and believed, sayeth Hillary Clinton. Except for those who accuse her husband of rape, of course. Or the 12 year old rape...

How To Become A Bajillionaire (The Clinton Way!)

Are you sick of actually having to work for your money? Dreaming of a life of fortune, but dreading the effort of actually creating something useful for society? Looking to get an ROI orders of magnitude greater than any stock, bond or T-bill? Then find out how to...

The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh (video) Play in new window | Download | EmbedWatch this video on BitChute / LBRY / / YouTube Timothy McVeigh. We’ve been told so much about him, the Oklahoma City bombing, and what it meant for America. But...