Teaching Children About Liberty – #SolutionsWatch

by | Jul 13, 2021 | Solutions Watch | 51 comments

I’m often asked if there are good resources out there for introducing children to the ideas of liberty, economics, self-ownership and other important topics. One book series that I’ve begun reading with my own children and that I can recommend is The Tuttle Twins. This series of books recounts the adventures of an intellectually precocious pair of twins learning about important philosophical and economic concepts. Today we talk to the series’ author, Connor Boyack, about the books, how they can help you to open up important conversations with your children, and what’s in store for the Tuttle Twins in the future.

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Communicating This Info to Others – #SolutionsWatch

Libertas Institute

Connor Boyack’s blog

Economics in One Image


  1. Yes! Tuttle Twins for younger kids (5-11). My 4yo granddaughter loves them and asks me to read them to her every time I visit. (Actually, not 4, not 4-1/2, but 4-3/4! as she will insist is her current age, lol)

    For pre-teens and older: Richard Maybury’s Uncle Eric books, http://www.richardmaybury.com/books.html

    And for mid-to-late teens and older, Larken Rose’s The Most Dangerous Superstition. https://themostdangeroussuperstition.com/

    Every kid reads all that, and they’re pretty well set down the right path.

  2. Thank you both!
    We are so looking forward to reading these stories with our children and learning along with them.
    I whole-heartedly feel that the Best Investments we can can make, are investing in our children; their skills, interests, education, and continued growth. Our time, money, attention and resources are never wasted when we invest in our kids’ emotional and physical well-being. We are their guides in this turbulent world, but lately I’ve felt a little lost myself… so I am grateful for the effort and creativity that has gone into this series. I think many of us need some fresh advice and resources to raise the next generation of liberated, sovereign, enlightened, resilient, empowered people.

    Here’s to a brighter future!

    p.s. coupon code 50DEAL worked today to get 50% off my bundle.

  3. Ron Paul provides a lot of resources for Home Schooling as well. There may be a reason why these books have slipped out under the radar.
    Children that learn from books are not being monitored by the all seeing computer, eh!

  4. James,

    Might be a bit of a blast from the past, but I picked up a few copies of ROLLERDOG years ago when you had Simon Krimms on (Interview 1020: https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1020-simon-krimms-authors-an-anti-nwo-childrens-book/ ), and this episode reminded me to ask:

    Have you seen the prices for ROLLERDOG on Amazon nowadays?

    Take a wild guess…. now go higher… a lot higher…

    $902.81 for a *paperback!*: https://www.amazon.com/ROLLERDOG-Simon-Z-Krimms-2015-01-01/dp/B01A1N1RTI/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=rollerdog&qid=1626217741&s=books&sr=1-2

    Anyway, hope all is well; keep up the great work.

  5. Perfect timing gentlemen. I was having a conversation with my daughter on how to talk to her children , I’m buying 3 for her today and I don’t know about anyone else but I swear James u are a mind reader. You are right on target consistently. Kind of blows my mind.


  6. I apologize for my negativity, but no grandchildren for me. “My line is ended!” My two kids are in their forties. No kids, no house, no car, no good jobs. I failed them somehow.
    LBJ, Nixon, inflation, stagflation, depressions, high interest rates….. death of the middle class without the sound money and with constant war.

    You want to educate the children? Go kill one of the bad guys. Put the war criminals and banksters on trial. Convict them, hang them for all to see.

    Until that happens…. evil will continue to reign over the Earth.

    • That’s rough. Just saying, with no idea of you or your situation…BUT. Hugh Heffner I;m pretty sure knocked up a bimbo in his 80s. Men have no expiration date, if the mind is willing and the flesh able… it aint too late.

  7. Is artificial intelligence a natural phenomenon if humans, presumably spontaneous emanations of nature, created it?

    Is central planning a natural consequence of previously existing spontaneous order?

    How much of what from the 8th floor appears to be spontaneous order, is in fact, the deft and intuitive orchestration of a camouflaged pyramidal hierarchy of central planners or social engineers who either dictate “the hidden hand” or who manage to operate outside of it? Or would this pyramidal, or rings-within-rings organization also be an expression of spontaneous order?

    What role would an inherent conscience and ethics and morality or the precepts of natural law play in this analysis? or conversely, the natural emergence and perpetuation of what today is known as “psychopathy”? Is pathology part of spontanous order like the plague, an asteroid or a volcanic eruption might be?

    These questions were spawned by my chronic difficulty in fully espousing the wonderous phenomenon of spontanous order as described in Read’s cult text I, Pencil.

    I suppose this so-called difficulty maybe ego-driven for the sake of argument or the mere result of boredom.

    And my questioning here is certainly not a (conscious) plea for central planning…

    But I find this reverent belief in the sanctity of spontaneous order especially paradoxical in people who believe that so much of human history has been the result of more or less hidden and meticulously organized conspiracies that often lead to the discouraging conclusion that many here have arrived at, namely that most humans would prefer to be told what to do and what to think, and would thus be naturally more inclined to gravitate towards centrally planned societies. Some would argue that this tendency is born of the tragedy that central planning has been the paradigm of choice over most of human history. And others would retort, if that is so, then why?

    I do believe that most people strive to cooperate, but having lived in a hippie commune as a pre-teen and teen, whose ideals ostentiously espoused equality and a collective disdain for hierarchies, I nevertheless watched as the dictators spontaneously emerged causing some to fare decidedly better than others in that otherwise cooperative and idealistic system.

    The notion of what exactly constitutes “coercion”, or its opposite, “voluntary participation”, also seem somewhat overlooked in this idyllic vision of spontaneous order…

    Or maybe I should just get the hell off this computer and go do something useful.

    • oops; The mutant word “ostentiously” was supposed to be “ostensibly” but apparently there was a disconnect between my mind’s ear and my fingers… hand-eye-inner ear coordination issues…or something…anyhow…

      • You are impressing me, Fact Checker…

        Goddammit! 🙂

        Seriously, very good stuff.

        I was going to tell er, nosoa… ah, no soap, ah, oh right, that’s right, no soap video… hmmmm. Nope…. Anyway, I was going to tell the former manbearpig that she probably could have used both terms and made perfect sense. The former the more conscious reflection, the latter more in the subconscious range:

        “…whose ideals [ostensibly and] ostentiously espoused equality and a collective disdain for hierarchies…”

        On another note, it’s a pity to hear that even hippie communities of yore ultimately evolved into mini dictatorships, albeit, not terribly surprising. Which can only mean that futurist utopian dreams of lovely voluntarist communities will eventually come down to what’s that thar in yer pipe yer smokin’, dude?

        Ah, if one had to guess.

    • “….get the hell off this computer and go do something useful.”

      I’m not sitting on your left shoulder to know the answer, but how I see this was well spent time.
      I was a bit annoyed with Connor, like I’m annoyed with many libertarians who think they have the Holy Grail, the Truth, simply because their analysis of nowadays mess makes so much sense (in a way). And unsubstantiated belief that solving things on micro-level(individual) will spontaneously solve things on macro-level(society), otherwise the focal point of the ‘left’. Well, I think the right way is to think with the concept individual/society (like ying/yang).

      Central planning or free market(btw. I don’t know which term is more loaded) is failed question. Both is necessary. Japan, Korea, Taiwan economic miracles have been centrally planned to huge extent. How to build electronic-chip factory like TSMC, enormously complex and expensive, without excessive planning? Btw., TSMC’s world market share is above 50% for high-end chips.

      Free market, as preached by libertarians, is unjustified abstraction, real economic activity of real people is bundled and crumpled into one pot, with nice sounding name and accompanied by a theory. In reality this is huge obfuscation, foremost, people don’t have the same power, hence negotiating power and result cannot be truly free market. It’s just so convenient to have a nice abstraction, where all pesky nuances are gone.

      Spontaneous order is the same or very similar to order in the nature. If pushing the idea of spontaneous order to hard then the problem with free will might arise.

      Bastiat demands a small state, that in fact figures as representative of society, that protects individual’s life, liberty and property. All this is just so natural…except when pesky leftards starts that property is a social construct. Most probably that was also a topic Bastiat debated with Proudhon. Society is just fine when it is abstracted in free market and state, where can be used and/or abused for personal gain, naturally, like stakeholder’s property. Who will see if stakeholder takes a bit more, at the end, it’s not a zero sum game. But society should not have any say when social constructs are constructed. This is a recipe for horror we are facing now. I’m not proponent of collectivism, but also not proponent of toothless society.

      I’m sure most libertarians wouldn’t give up on all amenities of modern life, but they are only possible because we live in highly structured and organized society where high level planning also has a role to play, particularly in big projects.

      I think majority of people are followers, not in a derogatory sense, just a fact. On this point some libertarian teachings are excellent to get max out of people. Just don’t know how libertarians could get individual/society is just a must.

      • This children’s book project is exciting and laudable but it could very well be a sort of indoctrination depending on the conversations that ensue but even so, it would be indoctrination within the context of a predominantly “big government” society with a black-out on inconvenient information, so akin to the “minority” dot in the yin/yang ‘interpenetration of opposites’ image that both you and Fact Checker evoked.

        In fact, what actually sent me furiously typing without prior thought, in addition to the exasperation with my lack of awe for I, Pencil, was the image evoked of this child in the potato chip aisle who saw such a wide diversity of choices and all the spontaneous order involved

        when all I could think of was pseudo-variety and the illusion of choice:

        “The illusion of diversity: visualizing ownership in the soft drink industry
        Background: Three firms control 89% of US soft drink sales [1]. This dominance is obscured from us by the appearance of numerous choices on retailer shelves. Steve Hannaford refers to this as “pseudovariety,” or the illusion of diversity, concealing a lack of real choice [2]. To visualize the extent of pseudovariety in this industry we developed a cluster diagram to represent the number of soft drink brands and varieties found in the refrigerator cases of 94 Michigan retailers, along with their ownership and/or licensing connections…
        Conclusion: The illusion of diversity in the soft drink industry extends beyond obscuring ownership, as its products are primarily water and sweeteners. More research is needed on the links between pseudovariety and the consumption of energy-dense, nutrient-poor substances.”


        But this article dates back to 2010. I’m sure things have drastically improved since then…(NOT!)

        • Just hours ago I came across a link to this article called “The Tyranny of Choice”. I’ve only just begun, but here’s a portion which seems to jive with what you’re talking about:

          Rules are mandated, though they emerge first as options in the rich tapestry of consumer choice. For nearly 40 years we’ve been told, since the Reagan era and in the UK during the Thatcher premiership, about freedom of choice. Now we know why.

          It grew out of free-market dogma, supposedly putting the customer in control — choosing schools, for instance — as a way to promote better services through competition. In practice it was an utter failure. It was a charade, providing cover for deregulation in which ever-greater power went to corporations and public private partnerships that shredded constitutional notions of accountability and even legal recourse.

          There is a reason why it’s called the tyranny of choice. It let bureaucrats use the advertising techniques of focus groups and market testing to shape policy. Being easily manipulated these techniques became a backdoor for imposing agendas while claiming the people wanted them.


          • Hey Pearl!

            Wow, yea! Fascinating thesis that indeed, seems to go in the direction I was headed.

            I would’ve loved to see the break-down demonstration full of concrete examples, but its purpose was to present a practical manual on how to mitigate the invasiveness of the Covid Card rather than a demonstration of exactly how the “Tyranny of Choice” turns into a full blown Techno-tyranny. I’ve never been much of a practical person, my personality being built upon an underlying streak of caprice and impracticality, which will probably be my undoing… or already has been…time will tell.

            But the following phrase really stuck out:

            In the post-legislative world, changes to fundamental rights are made by stealth, fiat and, yes, through your apparent consent.

            I think this is the most crucial and insidious part of this whole scam.

            The idea that “they” need you to agree to enslavement and that consequently, through the manipulation of emotions and appetites, brainwashing, memes, slogans and marketing, “they” actually manage to get you to demand your own enslavement.

            For example, when on the verge of instituting the perhaps seemingly innocuous Covid Card/Pass, there is no debate or referendum on the ethical nature or desirability of this “emergency measure”. Instead, the illusory choice of either free vaccination or expensive “Covid testing” to prove “immunity” within this “pass” is imposed, in order to live, shop, attend cultural sites, travel and the rest of it. Instead of debating whether you should shoot yourself, “we” are essentially offered the false choice of how we would like to die. With a quick shot or slow, painful starvation?”

            and when, in this tyranny of choice, we “choose” one of these weapons, we are effectively accepting, signing on the dotted line for both the type of weapon used in our execution and our execution itself, that is the above-mentioned Health Pass, or Covid Card, or Immunity Passport, take your pick, with all its attendant information, as described in your link. Furthermore, for the so-called “anti-vaxxers”, as the slow starvation option seems to offer a way out of the shot, in choosing it, it camouflages the fact that we’re defacto accepting the health pass

            We’re ushered on our way to a single user identity, or SSO: a “single sign-on” scheme, like the ALICEM application Macron was trying to push through just before the engineered Covid crisis hit.

            So, thanks for your link and the opportunity to try to clarify my own undigested perceptions of current dilemmas. You were right on the money, as usual. Gotta go get some breakfast now before making that hamsterwheel spin.

            • So, I just now saw this twitter example in my email box of what I tried to explain above:

              In response to this:

              The unvaccinated will bear the brunt of the restrictions rather than everyone…from the beginning of august, the vax pass will be needed for coffee shops, restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals, trains, buses etc…

              NO WORDS

              Jul 13
              Replying to
              I cannot even begin to explain how I feel right now. To have the president of my country calmly declare a full-on police state..in a way even WORSE than the Nazi occupation of France..furious, shocked, disbelieving…I just cannot deal w/ this.


              was this:

              Jul 13
              Replying to
              OR a negative test.. you don’t need to get vaccinated, just get a test, the choice is yours. Also a comparison with the nazi occupation is so inaccurate. Criticism is always good but only in a proper manner.

              you see?

              The choice is yours.

              The tyranny of choice and of “the proper manner”…

            • in the following list:

              “…through the manipulation of emotions and appetites, brainwashing, memes, slogans and marketing, “they” actually manage to get you to demand your own enslavement….”

              I forgot the most insidious means:

              Peer pressure. Through social networks such as Twitter, for example.

            • So “Nat” was outraged about the Vax-pass and the reply deftly shifted the question away from the execution (the vax-pass) to the type of weapon to be used (vaccination or negative test).

              Wittingly and unwittingly this is what people are doing: annihilating the debate about the vax-pass itself and using the choice of vaccination or negative testing as a red-herring.

              If you see what I mean.

              It’s very insidious. Like shifting the debate towards a “lab-leak” to keep discussion away from a deliberate effort to create a “problem” in the “problem, reaction, solution” Modus Operandi, resulting in these invasion of privacy and freedom measures that no one would have accepted before covid, with ALICEM as proof.

              Having said that, there were gazillions of people in the streets of French cities yesterday, Bastille day, in protest of this so-called “pass”. As usual they are being portrayed in the media as vandals and police-attackers so they may be used to fallaciously “demonstrate” to screen-watchers why their cause is immoral.

            • “I would’ve loved to see the break-down demonstration full of concrete examples,”

              Oh, I know! I realized when I went back to finish his article that I had jumped the gun and craved that his premise be fleshed out. I find his grasp and reflection of history so very exhaustive and capable. But wow! Your gleanings are just as thorough and insightful.

              Ever since the first shot of WWIII was fired against the global plebes, I’ve often reflected on a silly mental game my son often “tortured” us with when he was a boy: “Would You Rather…?” One of the more memorable choices was something along the lines of: would you rather be stranded on an ice floe with killer whales circling or trapped on the second floor of a burning house? “No, Ma! You haf to choose!!”

              It’s all so very chilling.

        • Agree, there is some net positive considering present situation even in Bastiat’s teachings.

          Illusion of diversity, yeah. This reminds me, I think this is from The Century of Self, of story when some Soviets came to US during detente in sixties. They went around observing and later came out with question: how do you achieve that all news are basically drawing the same line? Lack of diversity in free world, how come? It’s not just about cia.

          Going back to Bastiat….he said:
          “We cannot doubt that self-interest is the mainspring of human nature. It must be clearly understood that this word is used here to designate a universal, incontestable fact, resulting from the nature of man, and not an adverse judgment, as would be the word selfishness.”
          Sure, it’s not shit but it’s crap, but that’s not of utmost importance.
          So altruism, solidarity, empathy are just brainchild of limitless human creativity belonging to the platonic world of ideas. Ones I’ve spoken to a social worker (very very educated, indeed) and she claimed altruism is just disguised self-interest, one wants to feel good helping. Holy shit, bastiat on steroids. She was indoctrinated, no doubt. Unfortunately, I’ve noticed similar ideas in many people.
          I hope this shit is not in kids book.

          With such a world view, you can only have “a society” of atomized individuals, that can easily be manipulated by definition, because glue is missing. They can stratify us limitlessly how they please. That’s what we experience now.

          • Well before I get to your remark below which will require my full attention and cognitive capacity to comprehend,

            I believe I finally just understood your message above!

            And I believe that I wholeheartedly agree!

            I realized not so long ago, partially thanks to posts linking to C.S. Lewis’s philosophical writings (yours as I recall?)

            that if there is no inherent existence of morality then it’s impossible to be immoral and pedophiles are perfectly correct to give full sway to their profoundly destructive desires.

            If there is no fundamental reality of right and wrong belonging to the DNA, the very fabric of the universe, that has existed as long as the universe itself has existed,

            then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with enslaving and ultimately destroying humanity and everything else all together.

            It would make absolutely no difference at all.

            And so I’ve decided to interpret my innate sense of beauty as an indication that my sense of right and wrong, of the horrifying and the ugly, of acceptable and unacceptable all came along before any human attempt to teach it to me was ever made.

            Yes, if there is no sense of universal, inherent right and wrong, humanity can be reasoned into atomization, splattering all over the prison walls of empty and amoral absurdity.

            bleak asked me what I believe in. I’d say I believe in the incredible, colossal fact of the consciousness of my own amazing existence in an awe-inspiring universe.

            And the experience of awe itself seems to imply the existence of the sacred, of beauty, of wonderful and horrifying, of right and wrong as it brings with it a sense of gratitude and even pain: because in the awe-inspired question “how can all this possibly exist” is the haunting implication of its opposite, its absence: the absence of consciousness, of existence and of the universe, instilling a sense of inherent preference, desire and thus responsability to make it endure and thus of right and wrong.

            So thanks for your insights and I’ll try to get to your yin/yang distinction below between classes!

            • C.S. Lewis was not from me, too analytical for my taste.
              I think I use ying/yang in it’s original eastern meaning. Western philosophy is too much oriented towards Self, individual(E.Levinas).

              You brought morality to the mix, coooool, I prefer to use the word ethics.

              Yes concur, basics of ethics are innate to us. In support of the thesis I say: “Goodness. Do you understand?” Only the worst specimen of nihilists/skeptics don’t get it, others have problem with definition, but they intuitively understand.
              So much praised Enlightenment is the beginning of decay. Ok, there was Kant, but I have a feeling that all alive from his ideas is subjectivism, which embraced by post-modernity degenerated into perversion and absurdity. Nietzsche must not be missed from rant, self-centered provocateur who dismissed ethics altogether.

              Going back to Bastiat and his idea of primacy of self-interest: How to put to this framework categorical imperative (Kant), duty to act ethically. Yes, duty literally. Is in this framework a place for other human being, real human being that is not just a means to an end, without whom ethics as relational thing is meaningless.
              Also, how to establish something universal and ethics has to be universal to be meaningful, when today every ass is entitled to its gaseous opinion.

              “If there is no fundamental reality of right and wrong belonging to the DNA, the very fabric of the universe, that has existed as long as the universe itself has existed, then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with enslaving and ultimately destroying humanity and everything else all together.”

              mmmmmmmmmmmm, this reminds me on Dostoevsky:

              “If God is dead, then anything is possible”

              Well, can we go on without God?
              I think we can, but not without Belief, Conviction.

              Belief is also under attack, you know: Facts, Science….

        • nosoapradio,

          just realized
          about ying/yang, mine and fact checker’s
          There is a big difference, he is talking about opposites, I’m talking about wholeness, unity constituted of two opposites.

  8. Need to tap the CR community for help finding a website, a bit off subject. Does anyone remember a website, I can’t remember the name of it, that was posted here awhile back; it was an informational site talking about the risks of vaccinating your children. It had a video on the front page talking about the risks associated with vaccines, the guy who created the site talks about his own experiences. I can’t remember if Corbett posted it as a link on one of his videos or a member did in the comments section? I’d like to find it again for my sister to watch.
    Thank you guys! Any help would be appreciated!!

  9. As someone who was once in the book business (only new books via wholesale/retail stores/online), I am very impressed with the quantity of “Tuttle Twins” books sold! (Over 2 1/2 million books sold.)
    That is a stellar accomplishment for a small, independent publisher.
    I know.
    I’ve seen the attrition of many small publishers. I used to purchase their new books (overstock, returns, hurts, etc.) for 5 or 10 cents on the retail dollar.
    In big book warehouses, I’ve seen crews of workers opening fresh boxes and then tearing the cover off of brand new paperback books of the grocery store mass market best sellers (e.g. Stephen King) and filling truckload-sized containers with the spent book for trash/recycle. The warehouse would send the cover back to the publisher for credit.

    I think Teaching Children About Liberty – #SolutionsWatch underscores some very important aspects in bettering conditions for the future.
    It is ideas and concepts which shape future conditions.
    Books, especially books for children, are an excellent tool.

    Heck, these books can be great gifts for any family, or wonderful donations to the hometown library. These books are an excellent stealth dissemination tool.
    I bought two sets of “Tuttle Twins” today (the 2nd set is very deeply discounted).

    On Wednesday July 14, 2021, LewRockwell.com featured:
    Teaching Children About Liberty – “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett

    For me personally, I love reading children’s books with pictures, especially when it has educational content. It is relaxing, without the intimidation of big words and heavy phrases.

  10. this is awesome thank you for sharing this! I had no idea such books were out there. I bought three books as well to start with for my son. Looking forward to reading them to him

    • Excellent Zatoichi. I purchased the combo to read with my 6 year old daughter. I have recently been saying to her “you know, life hasn’t always been like this…”

  11. What Connor Boyack and his team are doing is extremely powerful. Ideas are powerful. Obviously that’s why the system has spent so much money, time, and effort to teach children the wrong ideas. And now here we are.

    During the interview I was marveling at how ideas planted now, grow and mature over time and produce fruit that may be seen decades or centuries later. Bastiat wrote The Law in the mid 19th century. Now, near two centuries later a children’s book is written from it’s ideas, which is planting seeds that will develop years from now. The rebels of the future that humanity will rely on to fight for freedom are being born now, and will be born in 10, 20, 50, 100 years from now.

  12. These books are the kind of inspiring project I would love to translate into French.

    But, despite all the demonstrations in French cities against the so-called “Health pass” yesterday, Bastille day, I’m not sure the French are ready for these sorts of informative libertarian children’s books.

    But that’s just judging from my own somewhat limited entourage.

    • Hi there, Great idea! I was thinking the same thing if they have translations for EU countries: I would like to translate it into Dutch with the help of my brother in law who is a childrens book author.

      Where can I pitch this idea and/or support this initiative? Althought with book sales like that he must be very happy: well deserved fortunes!

  13. westerncivic , would you explain what you mean here.

    “Also, Anarcho-Capitalism is the very basis of the dystopian status quo.”

    Serious question because I guess I am not able to focus well enough at this point in the evening. But I thought Anarcho-Capitalism was a good thing.

    Does Anarcho-Capitalism not mean what I thought it meant?

    • “Yes, democracy. Your only hope for ever getting rid of the state in any civilized manner.“

      By which you mean pure democracy of some sort? Maybe everyone having access to the internet or something?
      What sort of system could ensure democracy?

      I would really like to understand what you mean by this.

  14. I wasn’t sure whether to share this here or on the open summer thread, but as this pertains to children, I thought this was the place.

    Today- July 19, 2021
    American Academy of Pediatrics recommends masks for all children 2 and older.


    I don’t even have the words for how disappointing and sickening this is!!! The phrase “Child Abuse” isn’t inclusive enough for this torture method.

    The immediate psychological ramifications of constant child-masking are only beginning to be known. And the long term consequences will be substantial (to say the least). This is a psyop aimed at de-humanizing and de-moralizing our most impressionable and vulnerable. It will touch every aspect of their social perception.
    What will happen to ideas of trust, empathy, verbal and non-verbal communication, safety, autonomy, and friendship?

    I could go on a rant, but I know most of you can see how damaging and damning this is!
    Feeling heartbroken

  15. Maybe we should leave the children alone? Playing with dirt, climbing trees, discovering the world by themselves without adults making them think one way or another?

    If what they learn at school bothers you (it does bother me too), don’t send them to one. Let them play in the garden instead.

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